Planning the gender of the child. How to plan the sex of a child - a boy: advice from obstetricians, special diets and folk remedies

Many couples who are thinking about a child dream that they will definitely have a boy or vice versa a girl. Such thoughts have visited people since ancient times. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that there are so many signs and myths on this topic. Let's try to figure out what factors can really affect gender of the unborn child from a scientific point of view, and which are in the category of fantasy. So how do you know who the stork will bring?

The body of some women is "programmed" for the birth of girls, and others - for the birth of boys?

This is a very common myth that has no real basis. This includes the popular popular belief. It says: the couple will have a child of the gender of the spouse who loves his soul mate more.

Let's turn to physiology. As you know, the human body is made up of cells. Each cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes, 22 of which are almost identical and only one pair, which is responsible for sex, has significant differences.

In women, both sex chromosomes are the same, they are similar in shape to the Latin letter X, hence the name - X - chromosome. In men, one chromosome is similar to the female, and the other resembles the shape of the Latin letter Y. It's called the Y-chromosome.

For a couple to have a child, male and female sex cells must meet (sperm and egg, respectively). Each of these cells carries half the genetic code. And if all eggs are carriers of the X chromosome, then spermatozoa can be carriers of both the X and Y chromosomes. Thus, if the egg is fertilized by X - the sperm, then a girl will be born, and if Y, then a boy.

From this it follows that the main responsibility for the sex of the unborn baby is borne by a man, not a woman. Of course, there are families where only girls or only boys are born, in this case it is a matter of genetic predisposition, that is, in the characteristics of the seminal fluid (large X or Y spermatozoa).

Conception of a boy is possible only in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the rest of the time girls will turn out

We can say that this point is true. This method is suitable for planning gender of the unborn child. Every month under the influence of pituitary hormones in female body, namely in the ovary a small vesicle ripens, which is called follicle. Around the middle of the cycle, it bursts and releases the egg. This phenomenon is called ovulation. After leaving the ovary, the ovum enters the fallopian tube and moves towards the uterus. The ability to fertilize the egg has approximately 24 hours.

Studies have shown that X-spermatozoa are larger and slower, and Y-spermatozoa are faster and smaller. But spermatozoa with male chromosomes live less (1 day) than carriers of female hereditary information (5-7 days). On average, spermatozoa reach the egg in 2-3.5 hours. Thus, if sexual intercourse occurred in ovulation period the chance that a boy will be born increases.

To apply this way, you need to know the exact date of ovulation. One of the most simple methods determining the exact date of ovulation are test strips, which allow you to estimate the concentration of luteinizing hormone. Before ovulation, its level rises sharply. The test allows you to determine this jump, which indicates the onset of ovulation within 48 hours from the moment it was carried out.

There are also high-precision devices that determine the onset of ovulation by saliva. The essence of this method is that due to the increase estrogen levels before ovulation, the saliva of a woman crystallizes when dried, under a microscope, patterns similar to frost can be seen. This phenomenon has been named fern effect.

There is another way to determine ovulation. Measurement of basal temperature and construction of a temperature curve. The temperature in the rectum is measured every morning without getting out of bed. Before ovulation begins, the temperature can drop by 0.5 degrees Celsius from the norm. During the onset of ovulation, on the contrary, it rises and can reach 37.3 degrees. This temperature persists for several days. In the treatment of infertility, the period of ovulation is determined using ultrasound.

Protein diets for boys and carbohydrate diets for girls

The myth that X-chromosome carriers better tolerate an environment saturated with some substances, while Y-chromosome carriers need others, has not been confirmed by anything. Moreover, it is dangerous, primarily for the health of the unborn baby.

Every organism keeps homeostasis- maintains the constancy of the internal environment, and chemical composition Same. To shift this indicator, a person must consciously provoke a deficiency of some substances or an overabundance of others. Which in turn can lead to various disorders in the body, including sexual dysfunction, for example, impair fertility (the ability to conceive). And it certainly won't affect gender of the unborn child.

But the lack of some substances, as well as an excess of others, can cause various developmental disorders in the baby. So, with protein deficiency occurs folic acid, which provokes malformations of the central nervous system and spine. A carbohydrate diet leads to a deficiency in the body of B vitamins and iodine. And this may subsequently affect mental capacity child.

The time of year affects the conception of a child of a certain gender

There is a popular belief that during the autumn conception, boys are more often born, and during the spring, girls. This method of planning the sex of the child is based on the fact that more favorable conditions are needed for the survival of Y-spermatozoa. In autumn, as you know, there are more vitamins. Girls are more likely. No scientific studies can confirm this method, Not yet. The only plus of this method of planning the sex of the unborn child is safety.

Frequent visits to the bath increases the likelihood of having a girl

Another unsubstantiated myth. This option for planning the sex of a child can be classified, like diets, as dangerous to health. When overheated, the activity of spermatozoa decreases, some of them die, and anatomical changes may occur in another part. According to statistics, men who love to take a steam bath twice a week have a higher risk than those who visit the bath less often.

Any diseases associated with an increase in body temperature also lead to a deterioration in the quality of seminal fluid. This threat can last up to 3 months (the term for the maturation of sperm in the testicles).

Planning the sex of the child according to the "youth of the blood"

There is another myth about how you can plan gender of the unborn child. According to this method, in women and men, the blood is periodically renewed (for women, once every 3 years, and for men, once every 4 years, respectively). To calculate the age of the blood, you need to divide the age of the parent by 3 for women and 4 for men. Whoever has the resulting number is larger, that of the spouses has “younger” blood, which means it is stronger. Accordingly, the child will be of the same sex as the parent with younger blood.

It must be borne in mind that blood is renewed during various injuries, operations, childbirth, blood donation, etc. Although experts claim that the accuracy of this method is 60 - 80%, science has big doubts about this. As you know, blood is plasma and formed elements(blood cells). Plasma is completely updated in a few days. Blood cells have a short lifespan: red blood cells (erythrocytes) live an average of 120 days, leukocytes can live only a few hours, or maybe several months. Platelets live only 10-12 days. What part of the blood is renewed every 3-4 years and how this can affect the germ cells remains a mystery.

Chinese and Japanese tables for planning the sex of the child

There are so-called Chinese tables that help to calculate gender of the unborn child using mother's age and month of conception. About what is gender offspring is the responsibility of a man - the ancient Chinese sages apparently did not know.

Not much further advanced in this sense, and the inhabitants of Japan. Their tables take into account the date of birth of both the mother and father, and also, as in the previous method, the month of conception. It turns out that one couple in one particular month can only have a child of a certain gender.

There are many rebuttals to this. Many families have children of different sexes born in the same month.

Sexual activity of parents can affect the sex of the unborn child

This assumption has the right to exist, since frequent sexual intercourse (daily or at least every other day) increases the likelihood of fertilization of the egg by a Y-sperm (sexual intercourse may coincide with ovulation), in which case there will be a boy. If the number of spouses is low, then the probability of having a girl increases.

You can plan the gender of the unborn child!

Modern scientific technology now really allows you to choose gender of the unborn child. This can be done through the IVF procedure. In this case, conception occurs in vitro, in the laboratory, and not in the body of a woman.

Before transferring the embryo into the uterine cavity, a pre-implantation procedure is performed. genetic diagnosis, which is a test of the chromosome set of the embryo. Beyond gender this species research reveals up to 150 types of hereditary genetic diseases. This reduces the risk of developing various pathologies in the unborn child. Currently, in our country, a sex determination study is carried out only when one or both future parents are carriers of severe genetic diseases, such as hemophilia, muscular dystrophy, etc. Note that the effectiveness of such a diagnosis for choosing the sex of an heir is 100% .

Probably, each of us will agree that a child is an extraordinary gift. And does it matter if it's a boy or a girl? The main thing is that the baby is born healthy!

At all times, people have sought to look into the future, to predict future events and influence them. For centuries, the issue of procreation has not been ignored. Until now, future parents tend to plan the sex of the child at the stage of conception.

All the methods that mothers and fathers still use today to give birth to a child of the “desired” gender can be divided into two groups. The methods related to the first of these do not attempt to explain the effect scientific knowledge about the process of conception. In the second, the predictors use proven facts about this complex process as arguments.

So, a place of honor among the folk methods of planning the sex of the future baby is diet.

According to this theory, with an increase in the intake of calcium in a woman's body, the likelihood of conceiving a girl increases. At restriction - the boy.

A funny method is attributed to a certain Elena Shavrina, “doctor alternative medicine". In her opinion, the sex of a child is determined by a combination of two factors: mother's age and month of conception.

Conception of a girl in even years of a mother's life should be expected in February, April, June, August and October. In odd - in January, March, May, July, September, November. If parents want a boy, then they should act exactly the opposite.

But in order to use this method, you must first somehow agree with your ovulation - it should occur in the middle of the month. In general, there are quite a lot of options for calculating the sex of a child related to the age of the mother and the date of conception - on the Internet you can find entire tables resembling Bradis' logarithmic reference books.

In general, one can draw the following conclusion from them: there are more chances to give birth to a son from a young eighteen-year-old mother. At the beginning of the third decade, women give birth almost entirely to girls, then the probability of having a son or daughter gradually levels off. Mature mothers again increase the chance to give birth to a son.

There are both male and female months of conception: from November to January you are more likely to get pregnant with a boy, from May to July - with a girl.

Seems scientific enough at first glance. "Blood renewal theory". There is an opinion that the composition of the blood is completely renewed every four years in men and every three years in women.

To determine the sex of the child, you have to calculate the age of the parents on the date of conception to the nearest day. Then you need to find the "freshest blood": divide the father's age by four, and the mother's age by three. The gender of the child will be the same as the gender of the parent who has the smallest balance in the quotient.

There are also variations in the interpretation of the results: for example, if the Rh factor of the mother is negative, then the sex of the child will match the sex of the parent who has the remainder of the quotient more, and some authors wittily suggest that the coincidence of the fractional part of the quotient in these calculations will lead to the birth twins.

If you want to increase the chance of conception boy decide to merge everything folk methods, you will have to follow instructions like this:

"To give birth to a boy, you need to conceive a child in an even year of your mother's life in an odd month, on a clear, not rainy night, and in no case on a full moon. The bedroom should be fresh and cool, you need to lie with your head to the north, well, and on just in case, it is better to put some kind of "male" toy under the pillow: a pistol or a typewriter.

Sons are more often born in families where the husband loves his wife more than she loves him. It is desirable that after moments of love, future parents stay awake as long as possible.

And, of course, diet: for at least three weeks, a woman should eat protein foods (with the exception of crabs, shrimp and caviar), fruits, potatoes, mushrooms. Eliminate dairy products from the menu and do not limit yourself to salt."

Conception girls, accordingly, it requires the exact opposite approach: the parity of the month of conception and the year of the mother's life must match, the weather must be rainy, and it would be nice if ovulation occurred on the full moon. It is better not to delay sex until late - early evening is quite suitable, and under the pillow (do not forget to lie with your head to the south) leave a pink ribbon. More emotional woman, who clearly and openly shows her feelings for her husband and does not hesitate to take the initiative in bed, is more likely to become a mother of her daughter. Well, she should also lean on cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt, carrots, herbs and cucumbers, but limit salt and spices. It is important for the future dad of the girl not to overcool before the evening of love - the heat will somewhat reduce the activity of spermatozoa and, accordingly, increase the chance of the birth of an heiress.

Adherents scientific methods floor planning they take a proven fact as the basis of their reasoning: the sex of the baby is determined at the time of fertilization and depends on which sperm is in the egg - a carrier of a female or male type. If X and Y chromosomes met - wait for a boy, if X and X - a girl.

In the 1960s, medical researchers František Benedo, Martin Yanga, and Hezel Chesterman-Phillips suggested that when spermatozoa enter the body future mother a couple of days before ovulation, then a girl will be born with a probability of 85%, and if conception occurs at the time of ovulation or immediately after, most likely a boy will be born.

They argued that spermatozoa with a Y-chromosome are more active, but less tenacious than with an X-chromosome. Once in the genital tract of the expectant mother before ovulation, they simply do not wait until the egg is ready. And if the egg, on the contrary, is ready for immediate fertilization, then spermatozoa with the X chromosome do not have many chances to overtake rivals. Far-reaching prognostic conclusions can be drawn from these assumptions; e.g. frequent and active intimate life contributes to the birth of boys: fast and active Y-spermatozoa are more likely to be in right place at the right time.

The reverse option is in the hands of potential mothers of girls: if anyone will patiently wait for ovulation for several days, it is X-spermatozoa. By the way, some researchers argue that even the technique of sexual intercourse matters: the deeper and more intense the penetration, the more likely it is to conceive a boy.

It is worth saying that all methods based on the calculation of the time of ovulation can be effective only in 80% of cases. And it’s absolutely not worth relying on them for women with an irregular cycle, in which it is difficult to determine the pattern and the exact day of ovulation. It should be taken into account that also healthy women with a fairly regular menstrual cycle, the date of ovulation can shift.

Is it possible to plan the gender of the unborn child? Is it really possible to “order” a girl or a boy for yourself, and for this there are special techniques? We will tell you about your chances to calculate in advance the birth of a son or daughter, and what official medicine says about this.

People will not say in vain?

Even our ancestors did not rely too much on fate and tried to somehow influence the process of conceiving the “right” child.

For example, in the old days there was such a custom: young people put some items of traditionally male or female crafts near the marital bed. They wanted a girl - they took a spindle, they wanted a boy - that means an ax.

The probability of having a boy increases if conception occurs at night, in dry weather, in a cool room, lying with your head to the north.

And under the pillow you need to put a typewriter or a toy gun.

A girl will turn out if you have sex in the evening, in a warm room of pink tones, smelling of perfume. The head looks towards the south, under the pillow there is a pink ribbon.

How do you like the method sexual abstinence? It is for those who want to get pregnant with a girl. To make a boy, on the contrary, active lovemaking will be required.

According to statistics, this method is effective on average in 70% of cases. Those who want a girl are not very lucky - abstinence should last at least one and a half months.

The British view of conception is much simpler - if there are many representatives of the stronger sex in a man's family, he may well count on the birth of a boy.

By folk omens, skinny women more often give birth to girls, and full - boys.

Many trust Chinese method- to plan the gender of the child, you need to focus on a special table.

It indicates the age of the expectant mother horizontally, and the months vertically. At the intersection of these two lines, you will see the gender of the baby. Choose the right time to conceive a son or daughter - whoever you want more.

How to plan the sex of the child with the help of a diet?

A diet that helps plan a child of the right gender is called French. It is believed that salty foods and foods that are high in potassium contribute to the conception of a boy.

Girls need magnesium and calcium. Both parents should eat according to the diet 2.5-3 months before the conception of the baby.

Products that promote the conception of a boy: meat of all varieties, smoked meats, pickles, mushrooms, jacket potatoes, avocados, dates, apples, apricots, bananas, peaches, parsley.

Those who want a daughter need to eat: fish, dairy products, rice, peeled potatoes, asparagus, eggplant, beets, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, peas, beans, tomatoes.

It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in food, to exclude yeast baking.

Doctors believe that such diets are not balanced enough and can harm the health of the mother and unborn child.

It is better to stick to a healthy balanced diet, including all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. Moreover, the diet does not at all guarantee the birth of a child of the sex you need.

Gender Prediction with Blood Update

The method is very popular, many try to plan the sex of the child in this way.

It is believed: male blood is renewed every 4 years, and female - every 3. The sex of the unborn child depends on the parent: whose blood is younger, he will transfer his gender to the baby.

Number full years women are divisible by 3, and men by 4. Whoever has a larger balance has younger blood.

For example, the wife is 24 years old, divided by 3, we get the number 8. The husband is 30 years old, divided by 4, we get 7.5. This means that the mother has younger blood and the couple should have a girl.

But if a woman has negative Rh factor, then the blood of the parent with a smaller balance will be younger.

It is also necessary to take into account large blood losses during operations, donation, and then the countdown should be from this date, and not from birth.

But the fact is that the components of blood - plasma and formed elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets) - are constantly updated, therefore this technique Doctors seem completely useless. But harmless.

Planning by ovulation date

To plan the sex of the baby, you can use the ovulation method.

For the birth of boys, spermatozoa with the Y chromosome are responsible, and for girls, spermatozoa X.

Which one reaches the egg first determines the sex of the baby. X chromosomes are less mobile, but live longer and are able to survive in an acidic environment.

Therefore, parents who want to conceive a daughter should have sex 3-4 days before the onset of ovulation (egg release).

Y-chromosomes are more active and nimble, but less tenacious in an acidic environment.

In order to conceive a son, you need to plan sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation, if earlier, then male chromosomes They just won't survive until the egg is released.

The effectiveness of this method has already been noted by many couples, but doctors do not consider it completely effective.

You can calculate the day of ovulation using special tests that are sold in pharmacies, or by measuring basal temperature.

How to guarantee the gender of the child?

Modern medicine allows you to choose the sex of the unborn child. This is done with the help of the IVF (in vitro fertilization) program.

Conception occurs in a test tube outside the body of the expectant mother. An already prepared embryo is implanted into the uterus. During the IVF procedure, there are usually several embryos, you can choose the embryo of the desired gender.

The effectiveness of the technique is high, but it is not available to many due to the impressive cost.

MicroSort Technology

It is possible to plan the sex of the child with a high degree of probability using modern technology microsort.

Its essence is in the separation of spermatozoa with the X chromosome from spermatozoa with the Y chromosome (they have a different size).

After sorting, sperm with the right chromosome will prevail in the sperm, which will help increase the chances of conceiving a girl or a boy.

The probability of success if parents are planning a daughter is more - over 90%, and with a smaller son - about 80-85%.

Today, many people are concerned about the ethical aspects of choosing the sex of an unborn child with the help of medicine. This can lead to an imbalance in the natural sex ratio.

There are cases when sex selection is necessary for medical reasons, when some diseases (especially genetic ones) are transmitted precisely through the female or male line.

You can understand those families where there are already several children of the same sex, and a father who has daughters simply needs an heir.

In other cases, interfering with the natural process is somehow unethical. After all, you will still love your daughter, although you were expecting a son, and vice versa. Because a child of any gender is a real gift of fate.

Many couples who only have girls are trying to find out how to plan the sex of the child - a boy and is it possible today? It turns out that there are scientific and folk methods that allow us to hope for a different outcome. True, they do not give a 100% guarantee. So far, a person cannot completely subordinate complex natural processes to himself. But you can try, we will tell you how.

Anatomy and Physiology

We will learn about how this complex mechanism works at school in general terms. From the course of anatomy, we remember that a kind of coils of nucleic acid “live” in cells - chromosomes containing basic hereditary information. It is they who decide what the floor will be.

But to understand how this happens, you need to delve deeper into this topic. At healthy person- 46 chromosomes divided into 23 pairs. With the same set of them: 22 (XX), and the 23rd in men is different, she has XY-combination.

The egg cell always has the same composition - X, the sperm cell - XY. If, at conception, the female germ cell connects with the male X chromosome, we are waiting for a girl, if with Y - a boy. Who gets to their destination first also depends on when the sperm enters the vagina.

Carriers of Y chromosomes are more active, reach the goal faster, but they are less viable, so they cannot wait for ovulation. X chromosomes are slow, but their survival rate is greater, they remain active for several days after entering the female reproductive system.

In this video, Dr. Mikhail Ilyashev will tell you how you can calculate the sex of the child, plan it in advance:

Additional factors

In addition, long-term observations have revealed other factors that affect the sex of the baby:

  1. Age of future parents. It has been noticed that in cases where a woman is much older than her partner - girls are born more often, boys appear exactly the opposite. But this only works when the first child is conceived;
  2. It also matters what does it eat young woman. Some products affect the sex of the baby;
  3. Social services keep their statistics. They showed that in prosperous families, financially secure and morally prepared, men are more often born;

Whether this is actually so has not been proven by science. Observations are being made, all the features of the life of the parents are being recorded, and possible data are being collected. This is done so that in the future, large families, in which only boys appear, could be sure that this time they will give birth to a girl. After all For many years, people have dreamed of learning how to plan the gender of the future heir..

What week do they find out the gender of the baby?

Gender can only be determined by ultrasound. It is carried out for the first time at week 12 to determine obvious malformations, and also determine the predisposition to syndromes:

  • Down;
  • Edwards;
  • Smith-Opitz.

At this point, if the baby is in comfortable posture, at which you can see the genitals, the doctor will tell you what he sees. Much depends on the experience of the specialist. They will tell you more precisely at the next ultrasound procedure.

It also happens that the gender is indicated one throughout the entire period and with 100% certainty, but in reality it turns out differently.

How to plan the gender of a boy?

Couples who wish to have a boy, for example, if they already have 2 or 3 girls, should take note of:

  • Very expensive, but the most effective is the method of medical sorting of chromosomes into "boys" and "girls". Then, with the help of IVF, the desired chromosomes are connected to the egg;
  • Since the "games" are more active, with frequent sexual intercourse they are more likely to hit the target, while female chromosomes delay;
  • It has been observed that sex is determined by the parent whose blood is newer (3% efficiency). In women and men, it is updated in different ways. For women every three years, for men - every 4 years. Count from birth when your partner has this. Do not forget, if the spouse has recently undergone surgery or is a donor, the effectiveness of the method drops sharply;
  • There is a high probability of getting a son - to conceive on the day of ovulation (85% efficiency).

100% guarantee to you no doctor will give. Love your children no matter what - this is the most important guarantee.

Diet for gender planning

In the 18th century, French biologists conducted tests on frogs. Their goal was to identify the relationship between parental nutrition and the sex of the offspring. The data obtained gave reason to carry them out on humans.

It turned out: certain products act on the vaginal secretion, which affects survival a certain kind spermatozoa.

It immediately became clear that the subjects who ate food rich in potassium, gave birth mainly to boys, calcium - girls. Based on these results, diets began to appear:

  • For those who want a boy, you need to eat, drink more:
  1. Mineral water, natural juices;
  2. Rice, semolina;
  3. Apricots, cherries, bananas;
  4. Dates, prunes;

Give up fermented milk products, eggs, bakery products, nuts.

  • For those who want a girl fit:
  1. Cocoa;
  2. Any meat;
  3. Fish;
  4. Eggs;
  5. Potatoes, eggplants, carrots, cucumbers, green pea, tomatoes, onions;
  6. Oranges, bananas;
  7. Any nuts;
  8. Honey, jams, spices.

Salty foods must be avoided smoked fish, ice cream, sweets, soda, sausages and ham, margarine.

Before starting a diet, talk to a gynecologist and nutritionist, therapist. They will do everything necessary appointments and give consent to the diet or recommend to refuse, as sometimes it is harmful.

Folk planning methods

They are not substantiated by anything, and are based on a kind word. But still folk ways yes, sometimes all methods are good:

  • To give birth to a girl, it is better to have light sex, in which shallow penetration occurs. In this case, the allegedly weak "games" will die in the acidic environment of the vagina, and the viable girls will reach their destination;
  • Boys are more often born in those couples where the man experiences an orgasm before the partner and vice versa;
  • If last pregnancy ended in an abortion, the next time a girl is born.

IN Lately new scientific versions have appeared that refute the classical theory, according to which the father is responsible for sex. American researchers conclude that the female body still has these properties. This breaks our ideas and casts doubt on everything that was written above. But there is little information on this subject so far and its reliability has not been proven.

So, we have considered the question that worries many parents: how to plan the gender of a child - a boy? All the theories described that answer it are only assumptions, except for the IVF procedure. Therefore, do not be upset if it turned out differently, the main thing is that the baby is healthy and pleases you with a good mood.

Video: how do they plan the sex of the unborn child?

In this video, geneticist Dmitry Romanov will tell you whether it is possible, at the present level of medical development, to pre-plan the sex of a child before conception:

How to plan the gender of the child? In general, is it possible to choose the sex of the child before conception? They say that nature does not completely control this process and there is a way out.

Despite the fact that more boys are born, the number of the female half of the population exceeds the male, and all because men often do not live up to 50 years. This phenomenon is known in science as defensive reaction ethnos".

How is the floor formed?
Where does the gender of the baby come from? This happens by chance: a male cell can have both X or Y chromosomes, while a female cell carries only the first type of chromosome. A girl gets if the egg is an XX chromosome compound, and if a Y chromosome gets into the egg, then a boy is born.

An analysis of these data suggests that the father is responsible for the gender of the child. But scientists don't think so. Some women are programmed by nature to give birth to a certain gender. In other words, only one egg can fertilize them. But there is no need to be upset that only a girl or a boy is born, which means that fate decided so.

Fighting fate
Doctors are trying to give some guarantees when planning the sex of the child. There are several most known methods conception of the desired child.

Method number 1 - ovulation
If you conceive a child 2-24 hours before ovulation, then a girl will be born. This is due to the fact that Y-spermatozoa do not live long, reaching the egg the fastest. X-spermatozoa can live in the female body for several days in anticipation of the fertilization of the egg. But, as artificial conception shows, the number of boys and girls at the time of ovulation is the same.

But this does not mean that this method should be ignored. The main thing is to know your ovulation day. You can calculate it by measuring the body temperature in the large intestine. With a stable menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs on the 15th day.


Every second couple makes their attempts to get pregnant on the wrong days of the female cycle. Therefore, I will briefly describe the principle of operation of your menstrual cycle and the process of ovulation.

Ovulation is a process that occurs once per menstrual cycle, when, due to changes in hormone levels, an egg is released from the ovary. This usually happens 12-16 days before the start of the next period.
Eggs are produced in the ovaries. During the first phase of each menstrual cycle, one of the eggs matures to be released from the ovary.

Closer to ovulation, your body produces increased amount the hormone estrogen, which promotes the growth of the endometrium in the uterus and allows you to create a favorable environment for sperm.
High levels of estrogen provoke a sharp increase in another hormone - LH (luteinizing hormone). The so-called LH surge promotes the release of an egg from the ovary, and ovulation occurs.
As a rule, ovulation occurs 24-36 hours after the LH surge, so LH is an excellent indicator for determining the peak of fertility.

Fertile days - a few days before and after ovulation, when the chances of getting pregnant are very high.

Your fertile days begin 5-6 days before ovulation, but this is not yet optimal time for conception. Most auspicious date to conceive a child, the last day before ovulation (during fertile days) is considered. This is due to the fact that the life of the egg is 24 hours, and the sperm remain active for up to five days. Therefore, you may be surprised to learn that a couple can conceive a child by having sex a few days before ovulation.

The two most fertile (probable for conception) days of your cycle are the day of ovulation and the day before it.

How to determine the period of ovulation by the color of the discharge?
Uterine mucus, which women are accustomed to simply refer to as "discharge," can tell you when you're ovulating. Just before ovulation and before your fertile days, the secretion changes color. It becomes almost transparent, viscous and less dense. This is due to the enrichment of the secretion with proteins, salts and glucose, which provide an ideal environment for spermatozoa. Actual ovulation begins in the middle of your fertile days, during the so-called “mucus climax”, when mucus becomes so abundant that panty liners are indispensable.

Calculating fertile days using temperature
The body temperature of many women rises before their fertile days (before ovulation) by 0.2-0.6 degrees. This is due to the effect of the hormone progesterone. Measure the temperature in the anus, and call it basal. Basal temperature should be measured in the morning before getting out of bed. This will help you pinpoint your fertile days. Basal temperature should be measured for several months in a row, not forgetting to write down accurate results. It is best to have a special table for this.

Important: infectious diseases, alcohol and lack of sleep can significantly affect the timing of ovulation.

Fertilization of the egg can occur within 24 hours of ovulation. If fertilization does not occur, the overgrown endometrium begins to flake off the walls of the uterus, and you begin your period. From this moment on, a new cycle begins.

To calculate the length of your menstrual cycle, you need to count the number of days from the first day of your period to the day before your next period starts. Cycle times may vary different women, but, as a rule, it is from 23 to 35 days.

How to get pregnant with a boy? - have sex as close as possible to the day of ovulation, preferably directly on the day of ovulation or 12 hours before it occurs.

How to get pregnant with a girl? - schedule intimacy 2-3 days before ovulation. By the time the “ready”, mature egg cell comes out to meet, all the “boy” spermatozoa will have time to die (the life of Y-chromosomes is short) and only “girlish” ones will remain.

Method number 2 - abstinence
Some experts agree that sexual activity partners affects the sex of the unborn child. At prolonged abstinence more likely to give birth to a girl, and with an intensive lifestyle - a boy. During abstinence, the male body produces antibodies that block the Y chromosome. To give birth to a girl, you need to abstain for about 1-1.5 months, even caresses or thoughts about sex are not allowed.

Method number 3 - nutrition
Some evidence suggests that salty foods and foods rich in potassium can help conceive a boy. But food, which contains magnesium and calcium, contributes to the birth of girls. Success is guaranteed by 70% if you switch to nutrition 2-2.5 months before conception.

Diet for conceiving a boy:

1. Meat of all varieties, any fish, smoked meats.
2. Bread, rice, semolina.
3. Mushrooms, potatoes, peas, lentils.
4. Bananas, cherries, oranges, apricots, peaches.
5. Dried apricots, dates, prunes.
6. Salty food.

Dairy products, milk, mineral water with calcium, crabs, shrimps, caviar. Products made from dough mixed with milk and eggs should be minimized, as should beans, beans, walnuts, dill, cocoa, almonds, milk chocolate.

Diet for conceiving a girl:

1. Tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, mineral water with calcium.
2. Fresh fish, meat of all varieties, eggs, fish.
3. Bakery products without yeast and salt.

In limited quantities, you need to consume asparagus, eggplant, cucumbers, capsicum, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots.

Method number 4 - blood renewal
The cyclical renewal of blood can be another method of conceiving a child of the desired gender. Younger blood will be stronger. It is the owner of the younger blood that will decide the sex of the unborn child. Renewal of blood in the fairer sex occurs every three years, and men - once every 4 years. This takes into account the weight of blood loss (miscarriage, transfusion, donation, surgery, abortion). To calculate, we take the date of the last blood loss, and add 3-4 years to the time close to conception.

Plan your baby's gender in Polish
In Poland, a method of planning sex before conception was developed, in which they allegedly calculated the exact day when they should have sex in order to conceive a boy, and a separate day for conceiving a girl. According to her, in order to get a boy, sexual intercourse must occur strictly 11-12 days before the new menstruation. How to get pregnant with a girl? - have sex 13-14 days before the arrival of menstruation.

So, one single day can change everything!

Chinese way baby gender planning
This method is very interesting. It turns out that the ancient Chinese sages are convinced that the sex of the unborn baby depends entirely on the woman. Planning the sex of a child in Chinese is based, firstly, on the age of the expectant mother at the time of conception, and secondly, on the month that at this age favors the conception of a boy or girl. How to get pregnant with a boy? - Yes, very simple. For example, a potential mother at the age of 23 is most likely able to conceive a boy in the autumn and winter months, and the girl - in the spring. In a 22-year-old mother, the situation is equally reversed.

Planning the gender of the future baby according to the Chinese calendar is one of the easiest ways to use. Horizontal is the age at which you intend to become a mother, and the vertical is the month for conceiving a child of the desired gender. At the intersection of these two lines - the sex of the child.

This planning method was invented in Ancient China, but what is curious is that it is still very relevant today (especially given the Chinese restrictions "one family - one child"). To this day, the patterns of this conception table have not been deciphered, and perhaps they are completely absent, so trusting her or not is a personal matter for everyone. However, in most cases, the table determines the sex of the child with very high precision. Besides Chinese calendar conception is very easy to check. For example, compare the date of your own conception by comparing the data of your relatives or friends.

Plan your baby's gender in Japanese
According to the antiquity of theories of conception, only the Japanese can compete with the Chinese. In the country rising sun there is its own, no less original method of how to get pregnant with a boy or how to get pregnant with a girl. In this case, you need to correlate the months of birth of both parents with the month of the alleged conception. For example, if the mother and father of the baby were born in November, then they will be able to conceive a girl in July, and a boy in November.

The Japanese method of conception consists of a table and a graph. To calculate the appropriate time, it is necessary to determine from the table the number that is at the intersection of the months of birth of a woman and a man. This figure must be found in the schedule, and he will also tell you the right time for conception. It is necessary to find the figure in the upper line horizontally and track the changes in the vertical scale corresponding to this figure. According to some sources, the reliability of the calendar data Japanese method is almost 80% match. According to others, it does not give more than 55% of the accuracy of the determination.

British conception
British experts, conducting a series of studies on the effects on the sex of the unborn child, revealed an interesting pattern. It turned out that a man can count on the birth of a son much more confidently if there are many men in his family tree.

After analyzing the family tree in more than 900 families (over 500,000 people), whose ancestors lived since 1600, experts came to a definite conclusion: the more men among the ancestors of the stronger sex, the higher the probability of having a boy in his family.

Scientifically, this is explained by the fact that in the sperm of these men there are much more Y-chromosomes responsible for the birth of a boy, the body produces them in greater quantities. The only pity is that the reasons for this pattern, the scientists failed to find out. However, as well as to discover, some little dependence on the sex of the unborn baby in women in accordance with their family tree, neither in relation to the number of men, nor in relation to the number of women in the family.

How to get pregnant with a boy or a girl using the moon phases method?
The chances of planning the sex of the child are also offered using the method of lunar phases. According to this method, there is an individual cycle that most predisposes to the conception of a child with a particular gender. It is allegedly set from the very birth of the expectant mother and accompanies her throughout her reproductive age.

According to this theory, the probability of conception is, in principle, very high precisely during the period of time when the moon is in the same phase as at the birth of the woman herself. Of course, this phase should coincide with ovulation. To determine the phases of the moon, you need to know the hour of birth. Further calculations are based on the fact that every 2.5 days the Moon overcomes the path between the male and female signs of the zodiac. When the time of greatest predisposition to conception coincides with the period when the passage of the Moon female sign zodiac, you can conceive a girl. When there is a coincidence with the period, the presence of the Moon in a male sign is a boy.