Watery rash on back. Watery pimples. Additional folk remedies

Some of us have already encountered such a problem as the appearance of watery white or red pimples on the body. There can be several reasons for such rashes:

In order to start fighting them in a timely manner, you must consult a doctor for a diagnosis and further detailed examination. Modern diagnostic procedures will allow you to identify the nature of these acne, on the basis of which, you will be prescribed the appropriate treatment.

But what is the most important nutrient for skin health? It is well known that pimples appear in adolescence but adults are also known to suffer from it. For big acne sufferers, it's good to know that one of the treatments is to drink plenty of water. Even with hypersensitive skin, the skin does not contribute to the elimination of toxins. By at least, one liter and a half or twice a day, which corresponds to about 8 or 10 glasses a day. Eliminate excess sugary drinks and replace them with juices.

Colds and skin diseases

All of these help reduce acne. And after water, what's the next step? What is? You must eat food with vegetable oils and cereals that contain high level Omega 3. It may seem counterproductive, but also oily fish are high in antioxidants like omega-3s, so they are a touch of the skin. For many people, the fish just won't come down. For those who don't like to eat fish, there's no way to take those same antioxidants, since they're also found in nuts, beans, and butter.

Reasons for the appearance

If you have diathesis? As a rule, it is caused by allergies, intolerance to some products or substances. If we are talking about diathesis, then you can get rid of watery acne in just a few days with one drug (which you can pick up at a dermatologist's appointment), or you just have to wait a couple of days until they come off on their own. But in order for this not to happen again, you will have to change your diet and lifestyle. Diathesis mainly affects children.

But what do you really need to avoid like the plague to have healthy skin? First, fried foods should be avoided. Along with this, types of alcohol should also be avoided until the age of 21. Olive oil is a real benefit for the whole body, as it contains antioxidant anticancer substances. Add to that the flavor that every meal can enhance, but the benefits don't end here because the skin also benefits from olive oil.

Benefits of Supplemental Olive Oil on Skin

It has a high moisturizing power and can therefore also be used to combat stretch marks. Considering its naturalness is one of the few cosmetic products, which can be safely used even during pregnancy, when stretch marks are more likely. Benefits also for all those parts of the body that are thicker and tend to become not particularly pleasant, such as elbows and knees, even patches that get wet become soft and ready to be reinforced by any boot.

If your metabolic processes are disturbed? In this case, if watery rashes appeared on your body as a result of metabolic disorders, then a competent dermatologist, in combination with an ointment, will prescribe you drugs that normalize digestive processes. As a result of such treatment, after one, maximum two weeks, your pimples will disappear without a trace.

Olive oil is also a good alternative to the daily use of cream, useful for high hydration and wrinkle prevention, as it is rich in antioxidants that counteract free radicals and thus protect the youthfulness of the skin.

Extra virgin olive oil for acne and pimples

Most people are incredulous when young acne struggles with olive oil. Acne is, in fact, associated with oily skin, so a product that usually hangs is not considered beneficial. On the other hand, things are different. Acne-fighting olive oil can be used for exfoliation, which is effective and moisturizing.

The intensity of the rashes in any of the above cases will depend not only on the stimulus itself that caused their appearance, but also on individual sensitivity and general condition your body. For example, one person will not respond at all to a particular irritant, while for another it may become intolerable, causing dermatitis manifestations such as rashes in the form of watery vesicles of various diameters, itching and redness. Outwardly, these inflammations can resemble urticaria.

You need to mix one teaspoon of oil and two large salts and massage the product on your face, insisting on the areas that are most sensitive to acne, such as the chin, forehead and nose. Same procedure with sodium bicarbonate. This treatment should be done once a week. The secrets of olive oil for acne do not end there because it can also be used daily. Get a mixture of olive oil and essential oil lavender. The latter has cleansing and antibacterial efficacy, so it inhibits existing bacteria and reduces sebum production, avoiding further pulverization.

If you have an allergic reaction? Most often, watery rashes appear against the background of an allergic reaction to an allergen. In this case, there will be little use for external preparations, since they do not affect the cause of acne. In mild cases, this is a banal allergic reaction, for example, to citrus fruits. Of course, it causes a lot of inconvenience, anxiety, suspiciousness and doubts, but after a few days it goes away on its own without any treatment. But it would be best to consult with a specialist, because in Lately quite often diagnosed with a disease such as molluscum contagiosum. These are watery pimples of small diameter, having a black dot inside, resembling a wen. This disease can spread throughout the body, increasing the number of rashes that need to be cauterized, for example, with iodine. But, in the event that you consult a doctor, you will be prescribed a more complete complex treatment.

Another cleansing olive oil acne mask can be prepared with 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 2 white clays, 1 honey, 1 water and a few drops lemon juice. The mask should be kept for a quarter of an hour and it can be removed warm water. The result is deeply cleansed skin and high hydration. The results of olive products are visible after the first applications.

With the added benefit of not using harmful products rich in parabens. Whatever the solution for skin beauty, the use of extra virgin olive oil itself High Quality perhaps in the area of ​​Foggiano will give you the best results.

If you have chicken pox? If you have chickenpox, then there can be a lot of such acne all over your body, even on your head. These eels itch, burst themselves. To make an accurate diagnosis, I recommend that you immediately consult a doctor, since in adulthood, chickenpox goes away with complications: fever, secondary infection. If you look at the photo below, then at number 1 initial stage chickenpox, and at number 2, it looks like chickenpox at the final stage. Chickenpox goes away on its own and does not require treatment, but chickenpox(pimples) are smeared with brilliant green to prevent re-infection.

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Olive oil is not only an essential ingredient in the Mediterranean diet and a seasoned special flavor, but also a beauty secret. Acne is one of the skin problems more common among young people. It usually appears with puberty and disappears with growth. But it's not just young people who suffer. Of course, stress, an unregulated life, and poor skin care can increase your risk of irritating acne.

Acne is a tough bone to ship, and there is often no single and definitive remedy to fix a root problem. But a lot can be done with prevention, especially when it comes to food. Today, in fact, we find some products that can do for our case: they will not send acne, but they can seriously help keep the situation under control or even prevent acne.

Additional folk remedies

An additional folk remedy in the treatment of this disease includes washing or lotions from a special decoction of chamomile flowers and clover leaves, which will need to wipe the skin about three times a day. You can also use (2 tablespoons of flowers in half a glass of water). Or cook. During treatment, it is advisable to stop using alcoholic beverages and also do not use drugs on alcohol based. All this can lead to a decrease in vascular tone, which will affect the intensity of recovery. Like other rashes, watery pimples must be protected from sun rays, wearing closed clothes or lubricating the face and body with sunscreen.

This vitamin, in fact, has a powerful antioxidant effect that protects cellular structures and keeps them active. Therefore, it is necessary to restore damaged skin. Fish and Flax Seeds: Their high content in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids makes them particularly beneficial for acne. The anti-inflammatory effect of these fats plays a very important role to keep your skin healthy.

Green Tea: Drinking 2 or 3 cups a day of green tea can make our cap a good dose of antioxidants, protecting the body through the action of free radicals that damage all cellular structures, including those of the skin. It is also possible to enhance the effect of the tea by making infusion wraps directly on the skin.

How to treat?

There is no one way for everyone how to actually cure them. Without knowing the cause of the appearance, it is difficult to influence them. These are not the typical acne we are used to, here baziron based on benzoyl peroxide and antibiotic based zenerite will be useless.

Nuts and almonds: their good selenium content makes them important help to keep your skin supple and reduce inflammation. Selenium is part of the cell's detoxification mechanisms from free radicals, primarily responsible for cell damage and cellular aging.

Keeping the body hydrated is the first step to healthy skin. Water: Proper body hydration is one of the first things healthy skin can have. Drink plenty of water, consume water-rich foods such as watermelon or cucumber can keep your skin healthy and free of toxins.

If you still doubt how to treat acne, the most common cause is an allergy. Therefore, if you are sure that you ate something wrong, I recommend:

  1. lacto-filtrum, it will help to remove all toxic substances from the body,
  2. antiallergic drugs, such as zirtek, suprastin, etc.
  3. can be used externally, it will dry out inflammation.

The appearance of water acne on the skin is a kind of distress signal, the news of an unforeseen malfunction in the body.

Yogurt: along with other probiotics such as kefir, sauerkraut and other fermented foods, this milk derivative can help strengthen the gut microflora, making it stronger against inflammation, including acne. This is the age when the importance of water is underestimated, indispensable for being beautiful and full of energy.

Admit it: you often leave the house and eat unregulated, forgetting about the beneficial role of water. This is a reminder for you. Every day we have to replace 2.5 liters of water. More when it's hot or does physical activity. At least 50% of the water is administered as a liquid, and the rest is mostly fruits and vegetables, explains Vincenzo Miron, secretary of the Italian Society of Urology. It is important to have regular meals throughout the day, avoiding large isolated drinks. Thirst then occurs when dehydration is already occurring, but it must be prevented.

Bubbles can be located anywhere on the body. They itch, burst, and then covered with crusts. As a result, scars remain on the skin. Let's figure out why water acne appears on the skin of the body and how to avoid their consequences.

Pimples with liquid inside

Why do water blisters pop up?

Provoking factors for rashes are diseases:

And never drink too cold water. How can you know if you are drinking enough? Urine comes in a straw yellow color, and in case of dehydration, it becomes dark yellow. Wrong: Drinking alcohol is used to regulate body temperature and counteract excessive sweating.

If you have acne, but oily skin, you can regulate sebum with new thermal pathways that use the sludge obtained always with sulphurous water, Sulfur performs a strong peel on the stratum corneum, promoting the removal of dead cells that help cell turnover. The strongly stimulated skin acquires a new thickness and the result is a regularization of sebum, often too rich.

  • herpes - overheating or hypothermia of the body are favorable conditions for the colonization of a virus that transmits by airborne droplets;
  • scabies - infection with a scabies mite occurs when using other people's things or through contact with a patient;
  • pemphigus - a viral disease, with the appearance of bubbles filled with a cloudy liquid;
  • fungal infection - infection different types pathogens, most often occurs in public baths, saunas, swimming pools;
  • neurodermatitis - a disease of allergic etiology, provoked by stress, depression;
  • molluscum contagiosum viral infection, at which bubbles appear with a black dot inside, the diagnosis has nothing to do with live mollusks.

How they appear and look

Most of the diagnoses listed above are accompanied by the appearance of dropsy at the initial stage.

Further wrapping with salt water allows you to initiate the stimulating mechanism of natural reproduction and hydration, explains Dr. Gazzini. Do you need to refresh and counteract the first signs of swelling in the legs that already appear at this age? The ideal is a bath with 3 drops of essential cypress oil. For those who have a shower or are short on time, simply close the dish with a cap and pour 2 or 3 drops of an essential oil onto the dish, such as a good essence of bitter orange, sandalwood or rose.

Turn on the hot water to evaporate the oil, then step into the cabin to take a shower at the desired temperature, immersed in the scent of your chosen scent, suggests Stefania Piloni, a gynecologist and homeopath. You can also opt for a more vigorous massage. Combine crushed ice with a few drops of peppermint and bergamot essential oils, stir well and freesion. If you prefer ice, you can take it in cotton fabric and wipe or apply on the body. It is also an excellent remedy for varicose and superficial leg capillaries.

At herpes simplex localization occurs mainly on the face. In the case of such a type of herpes as herpes zoster, manifestations occur on the 14th day. The back area is affected, small pimples turn into watery papules.

Herpes on the body

Regularly do a light massage in the shower with a sponge soaked in fresh water all over your body. In addition to re-activating blood circulation, it helps to release toxins and dead cells from the skin. Now that it's hot, you can afford one of those moments every day. Because of the millions who suffer acne around the world, it is natural that sometimes these spots and pimples develop in the area of ​​the tattoo. When this happens, many people naturally start to worry that blemishes and pimples on their tattoos could permanently damage the look of the ink - especially if many of them appear all at once.

With a viral lesion (pemphigus), red spots appear, in place of which dropsy forms in a day or two.


Molluscum contagiosum is the most severe type. The inclusions that appeared on the body in the form of a small grain grow to a large pea.

Though big, angry, pussies looking pimples on your new tattoo, might look like they're going to completely ruin your ink, it's very unlikely and in fact you shouldn't worry about it at all in most cases.

Blemishes and pimples actually usually form above where the tattoo ink is located, meaning that the ink usually stays intact when acne breaks out on the tattoo. The first step, as mentioned above, is to avoid popping or selecting on the ground - this is never a good idea and will not improve the situation in any way.

molluscum contagiosum

Scabies - single blisters that appear on the arms or legs, eventually spread throughout the body. During the initial infection incubation period lasts from one to six weeks. With re-infection, a few hours are enough.

Fungal infections mainly affect the fingers of the lower extremities. damaged skin contributes to the colonization of pathogenic fungi in spores. If timely intervention is not carried out, the disease will turn into a severe form - blistering.

Accompanying symptoms

The appearance of a watery rash causes natural discomfort. To the unsightly appearance skin unbearable itching and pain joins. Some infections are characterized fever, headache, weakness, dizziness, sore throat. Viral infection causes photophobia and pain in the eyes.

How to treat

It is impossible to independently determine which disease provoked the appearance of acne with liquid inside. For correct diagnosis and prescription drug treatment you need to consult an experienced doctor. In some cases, to determine the etiology of the disease, it may be necessary to examine several specialists: an infectious disease specialist, a dermatologist, a psychotherapist, a neurologist, an immunologist, a mycologist.

  • In the treatment of vesicles are used different kinds ointments, gels and talkers.
  • Antiviral and immunostimulating drugs are prescribed in case of damage to the body by a viral pathogen.
  • Watery formations caused by allergens need complex therapy.
  • In most cases, antihistamines are indicated.
  • With strong scratching, pathogenic microbes can penetrate into the affected areas. This will require an additional course of therapy with the appointment of antibiotics.