How to properly express breast milk by hand. Simple, effective and painless. When should you express milk after breastfeeding?

When a woman begins to breastfeed her baby, she faces a whole host of questions. Expressing milk is one of them. A nursing mother usually has to listen to more than one point of view. Often women are encouraged to express breast milk. It is believed that pumping provides a greater flow of milk and enhances lactation. But is it really necessary to additionally stimulate the breasts, or maybe just the baby’s sucking is quite enough? In this article we will try to answer the question about the need to express breast milk.

So, is it necessary to pump for prevention?

Often, a breastfeeding woman may be advised to pump after each feeding. However, such pumping usually results in problems. Why is this happening? The more the mammary gland empties, the more milk it begins to produce. By pumping, a woman seems to be making a request for an increase in the amount of milk. But the baby is often not able to suck out as much; the “excess” milk remains in the breast. The woman expresses it again, thereby again making a request for an increase in the amount of milk. Thus, the mother begins to hyperlactate - excess milk. Excess milk often leads to mastitis - milk stagnates in the gland, does not drain well and provokes inflammation.

Another consequence of such pumping is that it tires the mother and makes her perceive breastfeeding as a very difficult and unpleasant process.

Are there situations when expressing milk from the breast is necessary?

In some cases, expressing breast milk is a necessity. You cannot do without this if:

  • Mom and baby separated
  • The baby cannot breastfeed
  • The baby is premature or weak and cannot get enough milk
  • If the mother resumes breastfeeding after a break or, for example, wants to feed her adopted baby
  • In some cases, with stagnation of milk
  • Mom, when the child is not yet 8-9 months old

In cases where mother and baby are separated or the baby is unable to breastfeed, expressing milk maintains lactation. To do this, you can express both breasts every 3 hours for 15 minutes each. You need to express the same amount if the baby is premature or weakened and cannot suck out milk effectively.

If feeding expressed milk is possible, it is given to the baby from a syringe without a needle.

If a mother has to go to work, and the baby is not yet 8-9 months old and the mother wants to breastfeed, then pumping is often indispensable.

Firstly, a few weeks before you are expected to go back to work, it is advisable to create a bank of frozen breast milk. In this case, the milk is expressed into suitable containers and stored in the freezer. Breast milk can be stored for 3-4 months in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator with a separate door, and 6 months in a separate deep freezer.

Breast milk can be expressed for freezing in different portions throughout the day, but in order to mix different portions of milk, the new one should be cooled to the same temperature as the previous one. In this way, it is possible to create a supply of breast milk over time.

However, even with such a supply, it is very advisable for a woman working outside the home to express her milk. This is necessary to maintain lactation and prevent milk stagnation. If there is something at work for this suitable conditions, then the expressed milk can be saved and brought home so that in the next absence of the mother it can be fed to the baby.

Sometimes mothers may need to express milk if it stagnates (lactostasis). This can only be done on the first day from the moment the lumps appear and only if the mother completely excludes recent breast injuries, is not sick with general diseases (colds, for example) and there is no damage to the nipples (abrasions, cracks), otherwise until a decision is made on additional If you are pumping, you should consult a doctor. It should be remembered that any stagnation of milk requires close attention! Therefore, it is advisable to contact a surgeon or an organization that supports breastfeeding as soon as possible if congestion occurs in the chest.

How to express breast milk correctly?

You can express milk from the breast with your hands or with a breast pump.
Whatever pumping method is chosen, it is advisable to first stimulate the oxytocin reflex. This is necessary so that the milk is more easily separated from the breast. Oxytocin is sensitive to positive emotions and warmth. Thus, the oxytocin reflex increases if the mother is close to the baby. It is easiest to stimulate milk secretion when the baby is sucking on one of the breasts, so in some situations, when the baby is sucking on one breast, you can express the other.

If the baby is not nearby, you can apply a damp warm compress to the breast, or do a light breast massage. You can also look at a photo of a child, or smell his clothes. In this way, the woman stimulates the milk ejection reflex.

Let's look at pumping methods in more detail.

If you choose the hand pumping method, then Dr. Newman, for example, suggests this method: right hand take right breast, and with our left hand we hold a container for collecting milk. The thumb should be placed on the upper border of the areola, and the index finger on the lower border of the areola. After this, lightly squeeze your fingers evenly and pull them slightly towards the chest. Finally, express the milk using your fingers in a forward motion.

When pumping with your hands, you don’t need to put in significant effort, much less leave bruises on the skin of your breasts. Also, when squeezing, you do not need to slide your fingers over the areola, so as not to irritate the skin. The described movements must be repeated until the flow of milk weakens. Then the position of the fingers is slightly changed, moving them around the areola, and pumping continues. This is done until all the ducts that are located around the nipple are expressed.

If, some time after you start expressing, milk becomes difficult to separate, you can repeat the stimulation of the oxytocin reflex. Usually, with practice, a woman quickly understands how and where to put effort in order to express milk.

Also, once you get used to it, you can express both breasts at the same time, this saves time and allows you to express more milk at one time.

Double pumping takes 10 to 15 minutes per session (compared to 20 to 30 minutes for single pumping) and has been found to stimulate milk production more effectively than single pumping.

A mother can learn to express the second breast with her hands while the baby is suckling the first if the baby is well attached to the breast with the help of special or regular pillows, or sofa cushions.

Manual expression is quite effective. In parts of the world where breast pumps are not available due to their high cost, mothers always express by hand only. Efficiency manual expression increases if it is supported, encouraged by society and mothers are well informed about its techniques.

There are also special devices for expressing milk - breast pumps.
Examples of objects that helped mothers extract milk from the breast were mentioned in medical literature as early as the mid-16th century. At this time, references to “sucking glasses” appeared in the medical literature. This device allowed women to express milk from their breasts on their own, and was also recommended as a treatment during hot flashes and mastitis, or for expressing milk if the mother had sore nipples. In addition, the “sucking glasses” were supposed to help pull out flat or inverted nipples.

Now many manufacturers produce various models breast pumps Although most of them work on the same principle, they vary in quality. Also, they are all slightly different from each other, just as their breasts are different. different women.

As a rule, when choosing a breast pump, mothers are guided by the fact that it can express milk quickly and in significant quantities. In an informal survey of more than two hundred mothers, a breast pump was rated extremely highly if it worked quickly (total pumping time of less than 20 minutes), expressed 60 grams or more of milk from each breast, and did not cause pain during pumping.

If mother and baby are separated for any length of time, electric breast pumps are usually most effective. Some electric breast pumps allow you to express both breasts at the same time, and adjust the pressure and speed of expression.

However, electric breast pumps also have disadvantages - since breast tissue is very delicate, they can be easily injured if the mother does not place the breast into the electric breast pump correctly. Therefore, if pumping causes pain, you should stop it and check whether changing the pressure or changing the position of the breast pump relative to the breast will bring relief.

Also on modern market There are many models of mechanical breast pumps available. They are cheaper than their electric counterparts.

To express milk using a mechanical breast pump, you need to place your breast in the breast shield (paying attention to the fact that the nipple must be strictly in the center). The funnel should fit tightly and evenly to the chest. When pumping, it is best to maintain a squeezing rhythm that resembles the rhythm of a baby's breastfeeding. Since the baby alternates between shallow and deep sucking during breastfeeding, when expressing with a breast pump, shallow, frequent squeezing alternates with slow and deep ones. It is often convenient for women to express while leaning slightly forward, after a light massage of the back and shoulders and/or to the sound of flowing water.

Attention! There are contraindications to the use of breast pumps. Do not express with a breast pump if your nipples are cracked or damaged.

It's also worth mentioning that breast pumps need special care. Before first use and after each pumping, all parts of the breast pump are disassembled and washed. Specialized children's baths are used for washing. soap solutions. Then the parts are placed in a container of water, brought to a boil and boiled for some time (usually no more than three minutes). You can also use special sterilizers for sterilization. You can read more about caring for your breast pump in its instructions.

Please note the following: Even if a woman cannot express a significant amount of milk from her breast, this still does not indicate. The baby sucks milk from the breast better than any breast pump.

To summarize all that has been said, it can be noted that pumping is not the most harmless procedure and can entail many negative consequences, if the mother expresses without reason or using the wrong pumping technique. However, the benefits of pumping at certain points in a nursing mother's life cannot be denied. Therefore, it is advisable, as with any procedure, to approach expressing breast milk consciously, understanding why it is needed in a particular case. In most situations where pumping is still traditionally recommended and used, it is quite simple to properly organize breastfeeding.

If you have any doubts about the need to pump or are unable to organize pumping yourself, you can contact.


  1. Armstrong H., Low-tech problem-solving in a high-tech world. Presented at La Leche League 14th International Conference, July 1995
  2. Auerbach K., Sequential and simultaneous breast pumping: a comparison. Int J Nurs Stud 1990 27(3) p:257-267
  3. Bernard D., Hand-expression. New Beginnings 1996; 13(2) p: 52
  4. Fildes VA., Breasts, bottles, and babies: a history of infant feeding . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1986
  5. Hill P. et al. The effect of sequential and simultaneous breast pumping on milk volume and prolactine levels: a pilot study. J Hum Lact 1996; 12(3) p:193-199
  6. Jones E. et al. A randomized controlled trial to compare methods of milk expression after preterm delivery. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2001; 85 p: F91-F95
  7. Mohrbacher N., Stock J., La Leche League International, The Breastfeeding Answer Book, Third Revised Edition, 2008
  8. Newman J., Pitman T., The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers (Revised and Updated), NY, Three Rivers Press, 2006
  9. Riordan J., Auerbach K., Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, Jones and Bartlett, Boston, 1999
  10. Walker M., Breast pump survey, 1992

Alena Korotkova,
clinical psychologist,

Elena Nefedova,
lactation consultant

Young mothers have many questions about pumping. When to do this, why, how and is it necessary to express at all? Should I use a breast pump or is it better to express by hand? Let's figure it out together.

Why do you need to pump?

At normal lactation and proper organization of feeding the baby, there is no need for pumping. Mothers and grandmothers may strongly advise expressing the remaining milk after each feeding, but these are just relics of the past. The recommendations of modern pediatricians and breastfeeding experts are opposite: normally, the child suckles as much as he needs, and the same amount of milk is produced for next feeding. The on-demand feeding regimen, which is now recommended for mothers, assumes that the baby will receive its portion of milk.

However, pumping becomes necessary in some situations:

  • when the baby is weak and finds it difficult to suck milk from the breast (there is a need to supplement the baby with expressed milk from a bottle);
  • in case of (stagnation of milk) in a nursing mother;
  • with insufficient production of breast milk, lactation crisis;
  • if there is an excess of breast milk, the baby begins to choke and therefore cannot suckle;
  • if the mother is taking medications that prohibit breastfeeding, but wants to resume lactation after completion of treatment;
  • when mom needs to go somewhere or goes to work;
  • if a supply of breast milk is required.

When to pump?

  1. Pumping causes the glands to work more actively and produce more milk. So you shouldn't abuse it.
  2. If the mother is going to go somewhere or go to work, it is recommended to start pumping in advance so that the mammary glands “get used” to the new regime and the required volumes. If possible, at the time of separation from the baby, if milk flow occurs, it is also useful to express in order to reduce the risk of milk stagnation.
  3. If you have excess milk, it is recommended to express a little before feeding. This will reduce the volume of liquid milk (“foremilk”), so the baby will stop choking and will immediately latch onto the breast.
  4. If you are concerned about lactostasis, you need to express milk until the symptoms are relieved - pain and swelling are relieved. Then the mother should put the baby to her breast more often to prevent further stagnation of milk.
  5. If milk production is insufficient, you should express strictly after feeding - this stimulates the functioning of the glands.
  6. When taking medications, pumping should be done in the usual feeding mode - at the moments when the milk flows in.
  7. It is convenient to store milk when a child misses a feeding - for example, sleeps longer than usual ().
  8. If milk comes in when parting with your baby, it is useful to express it to reduce the risk of developing lactostasis.

How to pump?

You can use breast pumps, which are manual or electric, or express your breasts by hand. The devices are excellent at collecting “front” milk, but they don’t always cope with “hind” milk. It is thicker, which makes it more difficult to express.

The manual method is much more efficient. Put it big and index fingers on the opposite edges of the areola, spread them with the skin and move them inside the breast, stimulating the milk ducts, not the nipple. With your second hand, you can parallel knead the base of the chest. After several presses, each time move your fingers around the areola to eventually cover all the lobes of the mammary gland. Do not press hard or rub the skin. At correct execution There should be no pain during the procedure.

For engorged breasts and hard nipples, when pain occurs when expressing, it is recommended to use the “warm bottle” method.

The warm bottle method is convenient, but does not provide complete emptying. Therefore, it is better to complete the procedure with regular manual expression. The breasts will already be softened, so there will be no pain.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

How to stock up?

A nursing mother should make sure that she always has at least a modest supply of expressed milk. This will help out in case of an urgent departure, illness and in other unforeseen situations when you have to temporarily part with the baby.

At room temperature up to 25° breast milk Stored for 3 to 6 hours, in the refrigerator for 24 hours, and longer in the freezer for 1 to 3 months. Therefore, to create a long-term supply, it should be frozen in special containers or bags. Before sending for storage, breast milk should be kept for about half an hour in a closed container so that it retains all its valuable qualities. Each portion of milk must be packaged separately, indicating the date of expression - in this case you can control its freshness.

Every woman who becomes a mother and chooses the path of natural breastfeeding usually sooner or later has the question of how to express milk.

It is a big mistake to think that the technique of expressing breast milk is of concern mainly to those who have problems with lactation. Far from it full list Situations in which a nursing mother may need this skill:

  • in order to soften the breast when it is full of milk
  • when lactostasis(stagnation of breast milk)
  • if you have to be separated from the baby (for example, when the mother is on forced absence or has simply returned to work)
  • in case of breast refusal, when the mother wants to continue feeding the baby milk
  • at drug therapy, in which breastfeeding is impossible, but the mother wants to maintain lactation
  • to create a milk supply just in case (it is important to do it right)
  • with non-standard parameters of the mother’s nipples
  • when the baby arrived ahead of schedule, and his sucking reflex is still weakly expressed. In such cases, the baby is fed with expressed mother's milk from a spoon.

All of the above reasons are good reasons to start pumping. You can express milk manually or using a special device (breast pump). The manual method of expressing milk has a number of advantages: it is simple and accessible at any time and in almost any situation, it does not require special devices, and also allows you to easily control the progress of the process. The technique of expressing milk by hand is rightfully one of the skills necessary for every nursing mother.

Our article will tell you how to properly express breast milk with your hands and what techniques and methods exist.

We express breast milk by hand. Preparation, pumping technique, useful tips

How to start expressing breast milk by hand

Conventionally, the process of expressing breast milk can be divided into two mandatory stages. The first is the creation of all necessary conditions(the condition of the mother, the availability of the necessary utensils, preparation of the mammary glands), the second includes directly expressing breast milk.

How to prepare for such a sensitive matter? At the start of the process you need to decide where you plan to collect milk. Some mothers express into a cup, others directly into a feeding bottle, while others like to use glass bottle with a narrow neck. This largely depends on the purpose of pumping - are you going to give your baby the expressed milk right away, or are you planning to keep it in reserve? Or maybe you are pumping to maintain lactation during drug therapy that is incompatible with breastfeeding? In the latter case, it would be useful to remind you that such milk cannot be used to feed a child, so you can even express it into the sink or into a clean towel. Prepare the necessary dishes and sterilize them.

Once you have decided on the container, it is time to prepare your breasts for pumping. Don't forget to wash your hands with soap, and the mammary glands can simply be rinsed under warm running water.

In order to achieve maximum effect from manual expression, Breasts and nipples need to be prepared in a certain way.

Breast massage technique before hand pumping

  1. Start with circular stroking movements with your hands. There is no need to press hard, focus on your sensations. Massage should not be painful or uncomfortable! Moving your hands in a spiral, massage the entire mammary gland, as shown in Figure 1, then move on to the second breast.
  2. The next massage movement: with one hand we support the mammary gland from below, and with the other we make “sweeping” movements, as if driving the milk towards the nipple. Thus, go through the entire mammary gland following the arrows in Figure 2. Do not forget to repeat the same with the second breast.
  3. Knead the nipple and areola area. It happens that the nipples “hid” and are not ready for pumping. This massage exercise is very good for preparing the breast and shaping the nipple. We form the letter C from the fingers of the palm, thumb place it above the nipple, but not on the nipple itself, but on outer border areola (as in Figure 3), the remaining 4 fingers are under the breast, supporting it. Thumb We move towards the nipple with stroking movements. Perhaps at this stage your milk will begin to come out drop by drop. You are on the right track!
  4. If the previous exercise did not help and the nipple is still “hiding”, try shaping it by gently squeezing both sides with your thumb and forefinger (Figure 4). Once again, no pain shouldn't happen!
  5. After the massage, you can also bend forward and shake both breasts with your palms for 30-40 seconds. This vibration has an extremely beneficial effect on milk separation.

Sequence of movements during preparatory massage

What else helps increase lactation?

There are a few more tricks that will help you get maximum milk and empty your breasts properly, for example:

  • drink some warm drink (tea is best)
  • take a warm shower (at least 5 minutes)
  • apply a heated towel to your chest

These simple techniques will stimulate milk production and begin pumping.

So, let's express milk by hand.

With your breasts prepared, it's time to learn how to express milk by hand into a bottle. Doing so It is best to sit, leaning forward slightly. Try to find a comfortable position in which you can completely relax and not be distracted from the process itself by anything else.

Expressing breast milk into a bottle should not be difficult if you have prepared your breasts well using the self-massage techniques suggested above.

There are several techniques with which mothers around the world pump. Which one is right for you can only be found out through experience, but we will introduce you to them all.

The simplest technique for manually expressing breast milk

We fold the thumb and index fingers of one hand into the letter C and place them as shown in the figure below.

The most simple technique manual expression: photo

We press our fingers on the areola of the nipple and then squeeze our fingers. At this moment, milk separation begins. At the beginning of pumping, it is released, as a rule, one drop at a time, and then, when the tide intensifies, trickles may appear. Be sure to work on both breasts in this manner, placing your fingers on the areola in all directions, as if it were the hand of a clock and you would need to go full circle.

“Marmet” technique for expressing breast milk

Pumping begins with a gesture already known to us - we fold the fingers of one of our hands in the shape of the letter C. The thumb is located above the nipple, and the rest below it.
IMPORTANT! The fingers should be placed not on the nipple itself, but beyond the border of the areola (2.5-4 cm from the nipple), as shown in Figure 2, otherwise pumping may be ineffective and even traumatic.

Position of the hand when expressing using the “Marmet” method: photo.
Fingers should be located BEHIND the areola!

Expression itself consists of three simple repetitive movements:

  1. In position. We start expressing with a gesture we already know - We fold the fingers of one of our hands in the shape of the letter C. The thumb is located above the nipple, and the rest below it. IMPORTANT! The fingers should be placed not on the nipple itself, but beyond the border of the areola (2.5-4 cm from the nipple), as shown in Figure 2, otherwise pumping may be ineffective and even traumatic.
  2. Pressing. From the starting position (thumb above the nipple, the rest below it) we make a movement with our fingers towards ourselves, as if pressing the mammary gland into chest . Do not separate the lower fingers. If your breasts are large, first lift them with your other palm and support them.
  3. Roll. In this position, we make a movement with the thumb and all the other fingers, as if fingerprints were being taken from you - simultaneously with the thumb and then by rolling all the others - from the index to the little finger. It is important that your hand does not slip on the skin.
  4. Let's finish. Then we make the reverse movement, the fingers return to their place, completing the circle. In this way, we imitate the baby's breastfeeding, which helps produce more milk.
  5. We repeat. We repeat these movements cyclically in a circle, changing the position of the fingers from vertical to horizontal, working through all the milk lobes.

This technique is quite difficult to describe in words, so we recommend that you watch the video:

How to express breasts manually: video

Avoid squeezing or pulling on the nipples as well as finger movements sliding over the skin. All this can injure the chest and cause a lot of inconvenience. If your breasts become wet from leaking milk, we recommend using a napkin or towel to prevent slipping.

This is one of the most effective ways expressing breast milk, but there are others, which you can find below.

Technique for manually expressing breast milk by squeezing

In this case, the prepared breast is grabbed with two palms - one from above, the other from below, and gently and slowly squeezed. At the same time, from the outside it can be imagined as squeezing cream out of a pastry bag. This method should be carried out very carefully, do not allow the appearance of painful sensations!

Some women find it more convenient to express by simply squeezing the mammary gland with their hands

Technique for expressing breast milk between fingers

Another option: the areola and nipple are placed between the index and middle fingers. You need to make pressing movements with your palm so that your fingers seem to sink into the mammary gland, and the nipple and areola, on the contrary, protrude outward.

Most often, each woman chooses how to properly express breast milk with her hands, based on her personal feelings and experience.

How long should I pump?

For breast pumping to be effective enough, you need to spend some time on this procedure. The whole process will take you from 20 to 30 minutes. It includes stimulation of the breast to produce a congestion and direct expression of milk.
Alternate massage and manual pumping to get the best results in this mode:

  1. Pre-massage as described above
  2. Express each breast for 5 to 7 minutes
  3. Massage for 1 minute
  4. Repeatedly express each breast for 3 to 5 minutes
  5. Massage for 1 minute
  6. The last time we express each breast is for 2 to 3 minutes.

Each time during a massage, try to do the whole cycle - kneading, stroking and shaking. While pumping, change the position of your hands, working on each milk lobe.

A little more about how to express milk by hand: additional tips

From the above material you can easily understand how to properly express breast milk by hand. But there are a number of additional tips, following which you can not only significantly simplify the process, but also make it more effective:

  • When pressing on the chest, there is no need to “fidget” over it with your fingers. The palm should occupy the most static position;
  • Do not put pressure on the nipple. Anatomically, there is no milk in it;
  • To avoid blockage of the milk ducts, you need to work on each milk lobe;
  • The key to success is the rhythm of movements. Even if at first it seems that milk is not released at all, you need to be more patient and not interrupt the process. Lactation will definitely be regulated;
  • Only you yourself can experience the whole process and establish correct pumping milk;
  • Under no circumstances should you express only one breast. Both breasts need to be involved in this process, without allowing one of them to be overfilled.
  • If you don’t succeed the first time, don’t despair, expressing your breasts with your hands is a skill that requires practice and works better and better each time.

Let's sum it up

All world medicine has long recognized the enormous benefits of breastfeeding. At the same time, breastfeeding is becoming increasingly popular every year. It is very useful for nursing mothers to know how to express breast milk by hand, because hand expression has many advantages:

  • You do not depend on the presence/absence of electricity
  • It's much easier
  • No need to wash and sterilize equipment every time
  • Skin-to-skin contact helps stimulate milk let-down
  • You are freed from the painful sensations that usually cause long time use breast pump attachments
  • After all, it's free

In addition to these points, every woman will find something useful for herself in manual method breast pumping. We hope that after reading this article, this process no longer seems so complicated to you, and you will find one of the listed methods quite effective.

Expressing breast milk is one of the most important skills for every breastfeeding mother. It may be necessary in different cases: due to swelling of the mother’s breasts, the need to feed the baby during the period of establishing lactation. Milk production depends on both mother and baby. However, not everyone is able to establish feeding quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to properly prepare for this process. We will tell you how to express breast milk correctly in this article. From correct technique pumping depends on the woman’s health and the adequacy of the baby’s diet.

When to express milk

There are several situations when feeding is impossible without pumping:

  • Premature birth. A baby born prematurely has not yet developed the breastfeeding reflex. Such children do not know how to suck, but really need breastfeeding, their life and health may depend on it. Unlike store-bought mixtures, mother's milk contains maximum amount nutrients that accelerate the development of the baby. Therefore, pumping in this case is considered the only correct option.
  • Weak sucking reflex. Many children are born with underdeveloped sucking reflex. They suckle very slowly and for a long time, as a result they do not get enough to eat. Most often, this lasts only the first week after birth, and then the child gets used to daily efforts. But if this continues, you should rule out the possibility of serious illnesses in your baby by consulting a doctor. In any case, you cannot stop feeding, you just need to learn how to express breast milk correctly and start bottle feeding your baby.
  • Poor lactation. When very little milk comes in, all means to produce it are good. Knowing how to express breast milk by hand can help increase your milk supply. Constant pumping enhances lactation, although it makes it unstable for the baby’s regimen.
  • During treatment. Many medications are prohibited for nursing mothers because they pass into milk, which can harm the baby's health. But it happens that their analogues do not cope with treatment. In order to continue breastfeeding, milk is expressed before taking medications and frozen for feeding the baby during the treatment period. Regular pumping allows you not to stop breastfeeding during treatment. The breast continues to produce milk, although not for the baby.

How does lactation normalize?

Establishment of lactation awaits every woman who has given birth. Therefore, knowledge of the technique of expressing breast milk is necessary. In the first minutes after the birth of a child, what is produced in the mother’s chest cannot be called milk, but for a newborn it is already good nutrition. Only after two or three days the breasts fill with milk. The baby is not able to immediately suck such large portions, so it is necessary to express breast milk. When and how much milk you need to express is easy to determine based on your baby’s appetite. If you do not express milk from both breasts in a timely manner, this can lead to serious problems with health.

Periodic pumping during this period will normalize lactation. You cannot squeeze all the milk out of your breasts at once; as soon as they are no longer hard to the touch, you need to stop expressing. The flow of milk will gradually adjust to the baby's feeding, and pumping may no longer be necessary.

Preparing to Express Milk

Correctly expressing breast milk is especially difficult for women who are having their first child. But with proper preparation, the process will be as comfortable as possible. Where to start:

  1. 15 minutes before pumping you need to drink hot relaxing tea.
  2. It’s good to warm up your chest, take a shower, and then apply a warm towel to your chest.
  3. If the baby is not nearby, think about him with your eyes closed.
  4. Lightly massage your breasts with your hands.

This is where the preparation for pumping ends. The most important thing is not to be nervous or worry. Before you express breast milk with your hands, you need to be prepared for a good result. Then everything will happen naturally easily. A more serious procedure should be carried out in the presence of lactostasis. It causes congestion in the chest that needs to be removed special massage and rubbing.

Expressing milk by hand

When manually expressing breast milk, it is worth remembering hygiene. Before starting the procedure, hands must be thoroughly washed and utensils sterilized. To express, you will need a container with a wide base, such as a deep plate or cup. The container must be placed at chest level to make pumping as comfortable as possible. Next you need to adhere to the following technique:

  1. Grasp the areola with your fingers, the thumb should be at the top and the rest at the bottom. The fingers should be pressed towards the ribs and resemble the letter C.
  2. Next, you need to roll your fingers towards the nipple. Movements should be slow, but rhythmic and confident.
  3. You can move your fingers around the areola for more active pumping. But you should not let go of the skin or go beyond the areola area.
  4. At first the milk will drip, but then flow out in trickles.

Pumping one breast takes about 15 minutes. However, at first it can take up to half an hour. After several procedures, the technique will improve and the process will be significantly reduced.

Rules for manual expression

To prevent this process from causing pain or discomfort, it is worth considering some rules for expressing breast milk:

  1. While pumping, do not massage the breasts, put pressure on them or squeeze them. Painful sensations that cause discomfort will only reduce milk production.
  2. Fingers should be constantly on the areola. You cannot tear them off your chest and squeeze the skin again.
  3. The fingers should continuously move around the circle. This way all milk ducts will be worked out as much as possible.
  4. The breasts must be changed every 5-7 minutes.
  5. Do not pull on the nipple; such actions can lead to dryness, wounds and cracks.
  6. Expressing your breasts should be painless; if discomfort occurs, it means that the technique is broken.
  7. The woman should be in a comfortable position; maximum relaxation promotes good lactation.
  8. Before expressing milk for the first time, you should consult a doctor.

Pros and cons of manually expressing milk

Like any procedure, manually expressing breast milk has a list of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of this method include:

  1. There are no contraindications for breastfeeding.
  2. It does not require investment of funds.
  3. A woman can regulate the entire process of feeding her baby herself, without even getting out of bed.
  4. Absence of any injuries.
  5. Manual expression does not cause pain, as is the case when using a breast pump.
  6. Skin contact promotes good lactation.
  7. You can stimulate the mammary glands well only with your own hands.
  8. There are no side effects to manual expression.

There are also several disadvantages:

  1. Prolonged periods of expressing breast milk.
  2. A woman must carefully prepare and strictly follow the pumping technique.
  3. Not everyone manages to empty their breasts evenly, which causes milk stagnation.

Expressing with a breast pump

Breast pumps are the constant helpers of every nursing mother. They make it possible to express milk quickly and safely. There are a huge number of their variations, divided by cost, manufacturer and method of action. Knowing the advantages of each model, a woman can choose the most comfortable device for herself.

Breast pumps are divided into two large groups: mechanical and electrical. To decide on the model, you need to know how these two types of devices work. By following the instructions, you can learn how to work with any of them correctly.

Mechanical breast pumps

These devices are most often called manual breast pumps. They are suitable for those women who rarely express milk, for example when normalizing lactation immediately after childbirth or when short separations with the baby. Mechanical devices are divided into several types, divided according to their mode of action.

  • Pump-action. This breast pump model is the easiest to use. It consists of a funnel and a pear-shaped rubber pump. This type of breast pumping occurs by squeezing the pump with your hands. The vacuum created inside the device provokes the release of milk secretions.
  • Syringe. The device itself appearance resembles a syringe. The breast pump includes two cylinders: internal and external. The internal one is applied to the chest, and the external ones need to be made forward movements.
  • Piston. This machine contains a breast attachment, a milk cup and a lever. To empty the mammary glands, you need to apply a funnel to the areola and constantly press the lever. Of all mechanical models, piston breast pumps are considered the most comfortable. They do not provoke stagnation of milk and are very easy to manage.

Electric breast pumps

These models also create a vacuum in the nipple area, but their engine is not manual power, but a motor powered by batteries or mains. To start the pumping process, a woman just needs to place the breast pump on her breast and press the button. Electric devices greatly simplify the extraction of milk, do not cause discomfort, and also do not require large quantity time for the procedure. The woman decides how much breast milk to express herself by adjusting the device modes. After expressing with such a breast pump, the breast becomes soft and the flow of milk is a trickle. This good sign Happy pumping.

Storing breast milk

Every woman should be aware of the rules for storing expressed milk. If they are neglected, milk will not only lose everything beneficial features, but can also negatively affect the baby’s health. Bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms develop in spoiled breast milk. To prevent this from happening, milk must be expressed and stored following hygiene rules. At room temperature, milk can be stored for no more than 3 hours. Storing breast milk after expressing in the refrigerator should last no more than 4 days. If you express milk in reserve, you need to take care of the container in advance. Transfusions are highly discouraged, so you need to express directly into a bag or container for freezing.

How to store breast milk

Once you know how to properly express breast milk, you should find a suitable storage facility for it. When choosing a container for milk, it is worth considering the shelf life, as well as its required amount. Recommended storage containers:

  1. Simple baby bottles are suitable for one-time feeding.
  2. Electric breast pumps have special containers for storing milk. They put a pacifier on them and immediately begin feeding.
  3. For storage of 2-3 days or more, use special plastic containers for breast milk. They are sterilized and suitable for storage in the freezer.
  4. It is also convenient to keep milk in jars from baby food. They, along with their lids, can be sterilized at home, but such containers cannot be stored in the freezer. Glass breaks when exposed to sub-zero temperatures.
  5. Packages industrial production. They have space for labeling and pumping date. These bags are very convenient to freeze.

How to freeze breast milk

Freezing breast milk is a real salvation for women. Lactation can stop at any time due to stress, lack of sleep, rest and many other reasons. Considering that frozen milk can be stored in the freezer for up to six months, every mother can prevent this unexpected loss by periodically replenishing the milk supply in the freezer. It should be cooled well before freezing. This can be done either at room temperature or in the refrigerator. You should not pour milk from one container to another, even if sterilization is observed.

The freezing mode must be turned on immediately after placing the container in the freezer. For this purpose, you will need to allocate a separate shelf where other products will not be stored. Milk cartons must be marked with pumping dates. You must also indicate the freezing date. These storage rules are very important, since milk cannot be stored longer than the allotted period.

How to warm milk from the refrigerator

Before feeding your baby milk from the refrigerator, it must be warmed up in a special bottle warmer. This can also be done in a water bath or heated under hot tap water. Before heating milk from the freezer, it must be brought to a liquid state in the refrigerator. Only when it has thawed can it be taken out and heated in the usual way.

Do not heat milk in a microwave, oven or under boiling water. These methods can only destroy all the beneficial substances of breast milk. Such food will not only not benefit the baby, but can also worsen his health. You cannot refreeze milk; it is better to throw away any leftovers that are not used for food.

How to breastfeed and express milk is explained in detail in the maternity hospital. But every woman and her child is a separate, unique case. Therefore, it is worth getting a personal recommendation on feeding while at home, in a comfortable environment.

Expressing milk is not just about transporting “precious liquid” from one container to another. This is a skill that comes with time!

Now let's look at this in more detail.

The most important rule is that the breasts must give milk, and the hands must know what to do. You can’t just take milk and squeeze it out. The chest must give it back, and for this it is necessary to stimulate the reflex.

How should you pump?

Every mother should know how to express by hand correctly. First of all, you need to trigger the recoil reflex. What can be done for this?

  1. Perform a light chest massage;
  2. smell the baby's thing;
  3. drink something warm;
  4. hold a child in your arms;
  5. apply a warm, damp towel to your chest.

Take a close look at Jean Cotterman's technique.

Keep the pressure on the dark nipple circle for at least a minute, so the pumping procedure will be painless and swelling will decrease.

You can't hoard milk. If you express only one breast at a time, your milk supply will decrease.
Forget about long and infrequent pumping, your choice should be frequent and short procedures.

Hand expression technique

There are cases in which expressing milk is necessary:

  • If mom needs to go away;
  • due to lactostasis - stagnation of milk;
  • with severe postpartum hot flash. In this case, pumping should be done a day after the start of the tide. If you have expressed milk before, it will appear again in the same quantity;
  • for if the child is unable to empty the breast well. At the same time, pumping increases the amount of milk and stimulates the breasts;
  • to maintain lactation if the child is temporarily separated from the mother.

Milk is produced by special cells called alveoli. It enters the ducts and accumulates under the areola.

Step-by-step pumping technique:

  1. Prepare a container; it should be clean. Wash your hands and find a comfortable position.
  2. Fingers on the border of white skin and areola. The index and middle fingers should be located under the nipple, and the thumb above the nipple.
  3. Grab the milk-filled ducts (they are located under the areola) and roll your fingers along them.
  4. Movements should be rhythmic.
  5. If you see streams of milk, it means you are doing everything right.
  6. Move your palm across your breast to express milk evenly from all lobes.
  7. After milk has been received from one breast, move to the second, then again to the first.

What movements are prohibited?

  • Sliding movements will cause the skin to hurt;
  • if you squeeze your chest, bruises may form;
  • Pulling your chest forward can damage tissue.

Benefits of hand expressing:

  • Some women find breast pumps ineffective and uncomfortable;
  • fingers are always free, it is very convenient to operate with them;
  • mothers may experience an unpleasant sensation while using the device;
  • touching your fingers to the skin provokes the presence of milk.

Alternative methods of pumping

Methods for expressing breast milk vary from person to person. Some people like it manual method, and some use special devices.

  1. The funnel fits tightly to the dry skin of the chest to create a vacuum.
  2. You need to start squeezing the pump or bulb, press the piston handle (manual breast pumps), or turn on the start button on the electric one.
  3. It is necessary to rhythmically press the bulb, pump or piston handle, or when using electric breast pumps, you only need to control the process by adjusting the force of expression to suit you. By the end of the process, the breasts become empty and soft, and the flow of milk becomes a trickle.
  1. To prevent nipples from suffering, it is recommended to use softeners, for example, Lansinoh.
  2. For the right choice device, you must contact a breastfeeding specialist.
  3. Electric breast pumps are efficient. They imitate perfectly sucking movement child. The only negative is the lack of an outlet at hand. It is also worth noting the fact that electric devices promote greater hormone release compared to manual breast pumps and battery-powered products.
  4. The cost depends on the type. Manual ones are cheaper, electric ones are more expensive. It is recommended to express milk using the warm bottle method if the breasts are very full. This method Recommended for use 3-4 days after birth. The technique is quite simple: due to the vacuum, the breast is drawn into the bottle, and the milk flows out on its own.

Pumping at work

When you first start pumping, your results will be modest.

But with time comes experience, which means that in 15 minutes you can get several ounces of milk (1 ounce = 30 ml).

On some days there will be more milk, on others less - this is normal.

In addition, it will take time to get used to the fact that you are not giving milk directly to the baby, but collecting it in a bottle.

If you're at work and your milk starts flowing as soon as you think about baby, there is a way to help cope with the production of hormones. Simply fold your hands over your chest, pressing on your nipples for 2 minutes. After two weeks of the new regime, all inconveniences will disappear.

Which method should I choose?

Some are closer to the manual method, others actively use. If you've never tried expressing milk before, you're better off choosing the first option.

With your own hands you will not hurt yourself or cause injury. Among other things, by expressing with your hands, you can choose the desired movements and compression force. If you use mechanical devices, there is a higher risk of injury.

In the first days after childbirth, as well as with lactostasis, use is not recommended. This option is not only ineffective, but can also provoke an outflow of milk.

But after the chest has already been developed, you can use it. If your mother goes to work, using the device can significantly improve your life.

So, in order to learn how to express with your hands correctly, as in all endeavors, it will take time. At the same time, if it doesn’t work out, you shouldn’t retreat.

Many mothers note the fact that if you learn the method of expressing milk by hand, the procedure takes much less time than when using. When pumping, almost the same processes are launched as when feeding a baby.

But first it is necessary to help the development of the oxytocin reflex. Then pumping itself will trigger milk production.

Interested in the question - ? Read our informative article!

Find out how you can call a lactation specialist. He will teach you how to express milk correctly.

Video “How to properly express breast milk by hand”

So, we have reviewed the main points in mastering the pumping technique and finally offer you a video to help you on how to pump correctly and painlessly: