Weakness during pregnancy what to do. Causes of weakness during pregnancy in the early and late stages. Weakness as a sign of pregnancy. Weakness during pregnancy - what to do

You have been preparing for pregnancy for so long and carefully and have been looking forward to this moment. And now it has come, but in addition to the joyful emotions and anticipation of the baby, negative moments also came: you began to get tired faster, want to sleep, apathy and a passive state that was not typical for you appeared.

Should I be worried and what is the reason for such changes? Let's talk about it.

Why does a woman feel weak during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a difficult, serious and responsible process. And your body has a hard time - because now you need to work for two, provide for two and at the same time not fail! Hormonal changes explain weakness during pregnancy in the first and last trimesters. After all, at first the body is preparing to become a home for a new life, and in the last weeks it is preparing for childbirth.

In order to exclude the possibility of any diseases that can provoke a loss of strength, a woman needs to undergo a timely examination and tests. If everything is normal and there are no deviations, you can fight fatigue.

How to get rid of weakness during pregnancy

First of all, you must provide yourself with adequate rest and limit stress. If your job involves constant physical activity, try to minimize it. Walk more outside, preferably in the fresh air.

Fresh forest air is ideal; it helps you relax and part with negative emotions. Be sure to watch what and how often you eat. Forget about the advice to “eat for two”, there is no need for this. You must enter in your daily diet food rich in vitamins, minerals, micro and macroelements. This is exactly what babies developing in their mother’s tummy often lack.

Don't forget about the need for moderate physical activity. Choose a sport that would bring you pleasure, and not one that you would take up out of a sense of duty. Be sure to tell your coach that you are expecting a child.

There are plenty of sports allowed during pregnancy - swimming, Pilates, yoga and gymnastics. They will help you saturate your body with oxygen and keep yourself in good shape. Just remember that there are limits to everything - don’t overwork yourself.

When weakness may indicate illness

Unfortunately, loss of strength can be caused by serious illnesses. This may be hypotension and anemia, although they are usually accompanied by additional symptoms. Anemia is a lack of iron in the body and low hemoglobin, appears due to a lack of iron in your child.

Other symptoms of the disease include pallor skin, dizziness, shortness of breath and brittle nails. To prevent possible appearance anemia and cure existing anemia, adjust your diet.

Hypotension - a sharp decrease in blood pressure - is another cause of weakness. Hypotension can be dangerous for a child - a sharp decrease in pressure slows down the flow of oxygen to the fetus, thereby delaying its development. With low blood pressure, a mother may faint and feel dizzy.

In order to stabilize the pressure, movement and fresh air are necessary. Let's return to questions about physical activity and walks, expectant mothers can’t live without them.

Try not to limit yourself have a good rest and daytime sleep. Eat protein foods, eat smaller meals, and do not overeat junk food. Strong black tea with sugar increases blood pressure, use it as improvised means with a sharp decrease.

All people periodically experience weakness and loss of strength, but expectant mothers face this problem more often than others. There is an opinion that this is one of the first signs of a woman’s “interesting position”. What explains weakness during pregnancy and is it necessary to fight it?

Loss of strength may occur in the early and early later gestation. In some women, this condition occurs frequently and is more pronounced, while others experience virtually no discomfort. Let's consider the causes of weakness during pregnancy, ways to independently combat it, and situations in which medical assistance is needed.

Of course, feeling low on energy while expecting a baby is quite normal. Almost all pregnant women experience weakness. This most often occurs in the first trimester, when expectant mother suffers from, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

This exhausts the body and takes away strength, causing drowsiness and fatigue. Plays a role and powerful hormonal changes. Normally, the condition improves by the 12th week of pregnancy, but in some cases, severe weakness can plague the expectant mother later, which requires additional examination and sometimes treatment.

Why does weakness occur during pregnancy?

Depending on the stage of pregnancy, the reasons for loss of strength vary. Some of them are harmless, others threaten the health and even the life of a woman and child. Let's look at them in more detail.

In the early stages

As already mentioned, weakness on early stages pregnancy is natural. It occurs due to an increase in progesterone levels, increased consumption of minerals and trace elements, and the formation of an additional blood circulation.

But there are other reasons for loss of strength:

  • Early toxicosis. This condition is also characterized by nausea, repeated vomiting, drooling, weight loss,... The listed signs of pregnancy are observed in more than half of expectant mothers. Early toxicosis can be serious if vomiting occurs 10 times a day or more.
  • Decline blood pressure(hypotension). If a woman feels weak and or experiences fainting, this most likely indicates hypotension. In such a situation, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure readings and see a doctor. Hypotension can cause insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen to the child, which leads to developmental delays.
  • A drop in hemoglobin levels in the blood ( Iron-deficiency anemia) . Loss of energy, dizziness, shortness of breath, brittle hair and nails are signs of low hemoglobin levels. This pathology often occurs in pregnant women and requires drug correction. Without treatment, anemia negatively affects the condition of the placenta, there may be a threat of miscarriage and delay in fetal development. As the disease progresses to a severe stage, the woman’s condition worsens and there is a need for hospitalization.
  • Viral infections (ARVI, influenza). At the beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother's immunity weakens, which makes her susceptible to various types of colds. Weakness and fever are among the first symptoms of infection. Since during the formation of fetal organs and systems the influence viral infections very dangerous, treatment should be carried out under medical supervision.

Sometimes the feeling of weakness is not directly related to pregnancy. It can be caused by overwork, lack of sleep,...

In the later stages

As the abdomen grows, almost all of the above causes of weakness remain relevant. Although the pregnancy is already long, the woman may suffer from toxicosis. At this stage it is called gestosis.

In addition to weakness, it causes swelling, the appearance of protein in the urine, and an increase in blood pressure. This condition is life-threatening for a woman and can only be treated in a hospital. Sometimes premature delivery is required.

If loss of strength is not accompanied dangerous symptoms, it can be explained by the increasing load on a woman’s body. The increasing size of the uterus displaces other internal organs, including putting pressure on the lungs. The result is a lack of oxygen, fatigue and shortness of breath during physical exertion.

If weakness, dizziness and throbbing in the lower abdomen occur in last trimester, this indicates compression of the vena cava located behind the uterus. Also in the later stages there is a noticeable weight gain. If a woman has a disorder venous circulation, the increased load on the legs provokes the development of varicose veins. This explains the heaviness and weakness in the legs during pregnancy.

How to alleviate the condition?

If you feel mildly weak, you can try to improve your health on your own. It will be useful:

  • Normalize nutrition. To avoid feeling weak, you need to have a hearty breakfast every day and include more vegetables and fruits in your diet. It is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  • Spend more time outdoors. Expectant mothers are recommended to walk in a clean area (in a park, near a river, etc.) for 2-3 hours a day.
  • Ensure adequate sleep. In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman needs to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and in later stages - 9 hours or more.
  • Avoid unnecessary chores around the house. If, due to the weakness of the expectant mother, it is difficult to do cooking and cleaning, you need to delegate some of these worries to loved ones and not deny yourself additional daytime rest.
  • Minimize stress. Nervous tension leads to loss of strength, so you should avoid it if possible. stressful situations and learn to deal with them.
  • Do light exercises. Physical activity normalizes blood circulation and improves well-being, therefore, in the absence of contraindications, it is worth visiting the pool or yoga classes for pregnant women.
  • Drink multivitamin complexes. If you are not already taking prenatal vitamins, now is the time to start. A lack of nutrients in the body can cause attacks of weakness.

If weakness occurs in and is associated with compression of the vena cava, to eliminate the problem it is enough to change your body position and stop sleeping on your back. In addition, quickly relieve the burden on the vena cava, kidneys and other internal organs The knee-elbow position will help.

What to do if you have severe weakness during pregnancy?

If a woman is worried about severe weakness during pregnancy, which does not go away after rest and normalization of her daily routine, the exact cause of this condition should be found out. You need to take a blood and urine test and be additionally examined by a gynecologist and therapist.

If you experience a loss of strength caused by a decrease in blood pressure, pregnant women are advised to start the day with a glass of freshly squeezed apple or orange juice and a contrast shower. When weakness occurs due to iron deficiency anemia, early toxicosis or gestosis, the specialist prescribes the appropriate course of treatment. If the doctor recommends hospitalization, you should not refuse it.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

In some cases during pregnancy, weakness combined with other symptoms indicates a condition requiring emergency care.

You should dial “03” and call a doctor if:

  • early on there was sudden weakness and sharp pain lower abdomen;
  • loss of strength is accompanied by vomiting and fever;
  • weakness is combined with rapidly increasing swelling of the face, arms or legs;
  • weakness appeared, sharp headache and visual impairment.

You should also go to the clinic if, in addition to loss of strength, you experience cold symptoms, increased urination, or worsened any chronic illness, frequent dizziness or fainting appeared.

Weakness is quite natural for a pregnant woman. But with a persistent loss of strength that does not go away after rest and is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, you should visit a doctor and get examined.

Useful video about the fight against weakness caused by anemia in pregnant women

Perhaps everyone feels weakness, fatigue, dizziness and even nausea modern woman, at least from time to time. Chronic fatigue, rapid pace of life, lack of proper rest, short sleep, chaotic unbalanced nutrition, stress... It is not surprising that against such a background we do not always feel good. You shouldn’t be surprised that weakness occurs during pregnancy, and it’s certainly not worth it: carrying a child requires more more strength, resources, energy costs. But sometimes women, from the first weeks after conception, feel such a sharp loss of strength that they are unable to get out of bed in the morning. And, of course, they are interested in whether very severe weakness occurs during pregnancy and whether this is normal.

Let's talk today about whether it is normal to feel terrible weakness, fatigue and drowsiness during pregnancy.

There is no need to tell you that with the onset of pregnancy, changes affect absolutely all organs and systems in a woman’s body. This cannot but affect how you feel expectant mother. Baby demands a lot nutrients, which he “pulls” from the mother, the appearance of an additional circle in the circulatory system leads to a decrease in the concentration of iron and hemoglobin levels in the blood, all organs experience a double load, working in “emergency mode”. If vitamins and minerals in your body is not enough, now you can acutely feel their lack and its consequences. Weakness during pregnancy is not the worst of them, and not the only one.

A constant feeling of fatigue and drowsiness, morning weakness, and impotence during pregnancy are a consequence of an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone in the blood, doctors say. This same hormone, among other things, changes the functioning of the nervous system of the expectant mother, preparing her for motherhood.

She becomes more relaxed, passive, peaceful. Of course, irritability and nervousness also arise, but in general nervousness mental condition women are changing.

Our point is that feeling weak in early pregnancy is completely normal and very common. Also, do not worry if you feel weak after eating. Many people feel this way, and this is why scientific explanation: in the process of processing consumed food, a lot of energy is spent, blood actively flows to the stomach, retreating from the head, which is why blood pressure decreases somewhat - and you want to sleep.

Meanwhile, weakness and fatigue may be one of the signs of problems in the health of a pregnant woman. Which ones exactly will be determined by other symptoms that arise during this period, as well as test results and a doctor’s opinion. Weakness during pregnancy in the first trimester most often accompanies the following ailments:

  • Early toxicosis . Its most common manifestations are nausea, vomiting, weakness, drowsiness, but there are other forms of toxicosis. If there is morning weakness and nausea, apathy, headaches, if there is no appetite and dizziness - all this may indicate the development of early toxicosis. There are multiple versions regarding the reasons for its occurrence, as well as various methods fight against toxicosis. First of all, you should change your eating habits: chew something in the morning while still lying in bed, and throughout the day, eat small, often, but small portions. Try to avoid strong odors, you definitely need to take daily walks in the fresh air.
  • Hypotension . Weakness and dizziness in early pregnancy most likely indicate low blood pressure. Feeling unwell and constant fatigue- are not the only and not the most dangerous consequences of hypotension. With reduced pressure, blood circulation in the vessels is disrupted, which means that the fetus receives less oxygen and nutrients, which, of course, negatively affects its development and can lead to intrauterine hypoxia and even death. Therefore, under no circumstances should weakness during pregnancy, accompanied by dizziness and fainting, be ignored. Try starting your day with a glass of orange or apple juice. It is recommended to avoid coffee and tea during pregnancy, but with low blood pressure, even daily consumption of a caffeine-containing drink may come in handy.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia . Iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy manifests itself in a similar way, which develops when there is insufficient amount of iron in the body of the expectant mother. In addition to this, the skin and mucous membranes inner eyelid eyes become pale, nails become brittle, hair falls out, hands become numb, and shortness of breath may occur. Anemia in pregnant women is very common, and if detected early, it can be easily corrected. Sometimes it is enough to increase the amount of iron-containing foods in your diet (red meat, liver, legumes, buckwheat, nuts, leafy greens, green apples) and take more walks in the air. But if severe anemia has developed, then most likely you will have to go to the hospital, and it is better not to refuse such treatment.
  • ARVI, colds, flu . Weakness and fever during pregnancy are certainly not the norm. If they are accompanied by body aches, chills, muscle pain, headache, runny nose or cough, then there is no need to guess. But it’s better to start acting in advance: bed rest, drinking plenty of warm water and rinsing the nose with saline (if necessary) will help stop the development of the virus.

Others are possible pathological causes weakness in pregnant women in the early stages, in the first and second trimester. The doctor will be able to identify them after a thorough examination of his patient.

Weakness in late pregnancy, third trimester

Any of the reasons described above can manifest itself in the form of weakness in the third trimester, and even toxicosis. But it’s not early, but late, called gestosis by obstetricians. Unlike early toxicosis, gestosis often has to be treated. If, along with weakness, swelling is observed, blood pressure rises, and the analysis shows the presence of protein in the urine, then you should definitely consult a doctor to prescribe appropriate therapy. We are talking about the development of severe gestosis - preeclampsia.

However, much more often weakness in the third trimester of pregnancy embodies fatigue from carrying a baby, and weakness in the legs also appears. Closer to the expected date of birth, a woman already wants to give birth as soon as possible: the expectant mother is both psychologically and physically ready to become a real mother. By the way, preparing the body for childbirth is also very exhausting and tiring...

Another specific cause of weakness in late pregnancy may be compression of the inferior vena cava, which runs under the uterus.

Under a heavy load, it is compressed, which leads to poor circulation. Mom may experience weakness, dizziness, and throbbing in the lower abdomen. Most often, this happens when lying on your back, and therefore doctors advise avoiding this position during sleep and rest in late pregnancy. The knee-elbow position helps reduce pressure from the inferior vena cava, as well as generally relieve stress on the musculoskeletal system.

We have found out why weakness occurs during pregnancy, the reasons for this condition, and now you, of course, are interested in how to deal with it.

If fatigue and loss of strength are a consequence of events occurring in the body physiological changes, that is, explained by the actual state of pregnancy, we can advise you to sleep more and be in the fresh air. Playing sports will help improve blood circulation, and at the same time your well-being, if there are no contraindications to this. A great option There will be fitness for pregnant women, gymnastics, swimming, water aerobics.

Of course, it’s not easy to arrange a vacation for yourself if you work 8-10 hours a day. But then there is nothing to be surprised at your weakness. Think about it: maybe it’s better to take a vacation or sick leave, and at least rest at home for the first weeks of pregnancy to feel better and not put your pregnancy at risk. By the way, doctors believe that the expectant mother should sleep at least 10 hours a day, and it is very desirable - an additional hour or two during the daytime. So without vacation it will be difficult...

There is also an opinion that weakness during pregnancy is a natural defense mechanism, forcing the expectant mother to rest more and expose herself and the baby to less danger.

Also review your diet: it should include energy-rich foods: instead of simple carbohydrates, which do not saturate or nourish our body, add complex, energy-rich ones to the menu. These are whole grain cereals, vegetables and fruits, fresh juices. Don’t forget about high-quality protein (lean meat and cottage cheese, eggs, dairy products). Improve well-being and lift vitality possible by taking dietary supplements, in particular omega acids (fish oil). A contrast shower invigorates you well in the morning and gives you energy.

Over time, your well-being will stabilize - in the second trimester, most pregnant women feel an increase in energy and a surge of strength. The body gets used to the new state - and life gets better!

If you detect any painful conditions accompanied by weakness and weakness, or only if you suspect them, you should immediately contact a gynecologist for advice, even if you have not yet registered. The doctor will refer you for tests and give recommendations on what to do if severe weakness during pregnancy complicates everyday life.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

Nature has thought of everything in advance physiological processes, which occur in the body of the expectant mother. However, sometimes a woman begins to experience severe weakness during pregnancy, gets tired quickly, and wants to sleep all the time. This condition is not called pathology - it is rather individual feature the body of the expectant mother. But you shouldn’t tolerate weakness either - you need to fight it.

before childbirth Potato broth
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indications for its implementation: safe disability

Causes of the disease

Let's look at why weakness occurs.

  1. Changes hormonal levels– while carrying a child, a woman’s body is subjected to enormous stress, numerous changes occur, including at the hormonal level. Such a drastic restructuring of the body can cause some discomfort and poor health. You shouldn’t worry too much about this, because in a couple of months everything will work out on its own.
  2. A busy work schedule - if the expectant mother works hard, and even overworks the clock, strives to do everything in one day, does not spare herself and the unborn baby - this can negatively affect her well-being. The woman will become very tired, she will develop apathy, and may even experience dizziness. It is necessary to realize that the time of pregnancy is in no way suitable for persistent activity.
  3. Worries about the future baby - some women worry very much about every issue, especially if there really are any. For example, spotting in the early stages, heaviness of the abdomen, nausea. Strong worries arise for her unborn baby, the woman literally torments herself every day, which is why there is a loss of strength, mood, and insomnia. You need to think more about your own well-being, then the baby will feel good too.
  4. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common cause of problems during pregnancy. It poses a danger not only to the woman, but also to the fetus. A lack of hemoglobin does not allow the child to be fully provided with oxygen and nutrients. A woman experiences headache, shortness of breath, and weakness during pregnancy. If the situation is not normalized, this will lead to fetal hypoxia.
  5. Low blood pressure causes poor health. Sometimes even fainting occurs. This condition is dangerous because the blood circulates poorly and does not deliver all the necessary nutrients to the baby. This can lead to fetal hypoxia and developmental delays.
  6. Toxicosis - nausea, dizziness are often caused by this particular disease. For some women it goes unnoticed, for others it lasts for a long time and causes a lot of inconvenience. This disease does not need to be treated, but it is necessary to see a doctor, especially in the later stages.
  7. Colds, flu - fever and drowsiness during pregnancy are definitely not the norm. And if they are also accompanied by a cough, chills, and aching bones, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Bad feeling

Discomfort in the legs

Weakness in the legs during pregnancy can be caused by several other reasons:

  • if the expectant mother is haunted by the feeling of frozen feet when the room is warm, there is numbness in the limbs, and she suffers from night cramps, then this may indicate the presence of atherosclerosis;
  • varicose veins are also possible, which manifests itself in increased pressure on the vessels of the legs, and the veins do not necessarily have to protrude; this ailment may not have external manifestations, but characterized only by heaviness in the legs, fatigue and swelling;
  • An equally common cause is flat feet or deformation of the feet, as a rule, this is accompanied by evening pain in the ankle joint, as well as heaviness when walking;
  • If you begin to notice weakness during pregnancy, then toxicosis, low hemoglobin or glucose levels, osteochondrosis, and vascular dystonia cannot be ruled out.

The causes of this disease in the early and late stages.

  1. Constant weakness in the early stages, morning sickness and impotence can be a consequence high level progesterone. This hormone is able to influence the nervous system, preparing the expectant mother for motherhood. As a result, the woman becomes more relaxed and passive. Of course, irritability is also present, but, as a rule, the woman’s mental state changes.
  2. Problems after eating in the first trimester of pregnancy may arise due to the fact that the body spends a lot of energy on processing food, blood flows to the stomach, retreating from the head, which causes a decrease in blood pressure - you want to sleep all the time.
  3. Also, weakness and dizziness during pregnancy can be a sign of a health problem for the expectant mother, which one will be determined by the test results.
  4. Nausea and weakness during late pregnancy can also be caused by toxicosis, only late, which is called gestosis. As a rule, such an ailment must be treated. If swelling occurs along with loss of strength, high pressure, and there is protein in the urine, you should definitely consult a doctor. This may indicate severe gestosis - preeclampsia.
  5. Very often, poor health at 38 weeks occurs due to pregnancy. How closer date childbirth, the sooner a woman wants to give birth: the expectant mother is already psychologically and physically ready to become a mother. Preparing the body for birth process It also takes a toll on the body.
  6. Another reason for weakness at 39 weeks may be compression of the inferior vena cava, which is located under the uterus. Under a heavy load, it is compressed, which causes a disruption in blood supply. Then the expectant mother begins to experience weakness during pregnancy, dizziness, and pulsations in the lower abdomen. As a rule, such sensations occur when lying on your back, so doctors recommend avoiding this position during night sleep.

Bad feeling

Application of traditional medicine

Since weakness occurs quite often, and taking medications not recommended for expectant mothers, women use folk recipes to restore strength. Let's consider the most famous and effective of them.

Calamus root:

  • take 2-3 g of calamus rhizomes;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • to boil water;
  • cool to a temperature of 40 C;
  • pour boiled water over the rhizomes;
  • leave for 1-2 hours;
  • strain;
  • add honey


  1. Drink ½ glass of warm infusion 3 times a day.
  2. Consume before meals.
  3. Course duration – 1 week.

Potato broth:

  • take 4 potatoes;
  • place in a saucepan with the peel;
  • to fill with water;
  • cook potatoes until tender;
  • pour the potato broth into a mug;
  • cool.


  1. Drink 1 glass of water decoction 3 times/week.
  2. Serve cold.
  3. Course duration – 1 month.

Potato broth

Lemon and garlic infusion:

  • take half a lemon, 2 cloves of garlic, half a liter of water;
  • to boil water;
  • cool;
  • finely chop the lemon along with the zest;
  • chop the garlic;
  • put the ingredients in a jar;
  • pour boiled water;
  • close the container with a lid;
  • leave for 4 days.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 1 time/day.
  2. It is advisable to drink on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals.
  3. Course duration – 2 weeks.
  4. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

Possible risks and dangers:

  • sometimes weakness during pregnancy can be caused by hypotension, which appears due to toxicosis;
  • in late pregnancy, this disease can be caused by compression of the inferior genital vein by the uterus, which prevents the flow of blood to the brain and heart;
  • poor blood circulation can cause not only weakness, but also oxygen starvation of the child, this leads to the development of hypoxia and can cause premature birth;
  • weakness during pregnancy, which is caused by low blood pressure, interferes with the delivery of oxygen to the fetus, this process cannot be started, since the lack of oxygen leads to a delay intrauterine development, can cause abortion or prematurity;
  • It is necessary to constantly monitor the blood pressure of the expectant mother to avoid possible complications.

Thank you 0

gynecologist, pediatrician

Not really

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The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!