Pain and cramping in the bladder: why it occurs during pregnancy. Bladder during pregnancy: probable problems and their sources

The period of pregnancy brings many changes to the life of every woman, including some not very pleasant ones. They manifest themselves in the form of discomfort that worries a woman not only during the day, but also at night. One type of discomfort is pain after urination.

All changes in the body of the expectant mother are necessary to ensure that the baby is most comfortable during pregnancy. Naturally, the baby grows, and this causes the fetus to put pressure on the organs located near the uterus.

Changes during pregnancy

During this period, changes occur in the body of every woman. And this is connected not only with the growth of the baby. At the beginning of pregnancy, many women complain of frequent urination, some even believe that this symptom is a signal that pregnancy is progressing.

As the fetus grows, it puts pressure on the organ, which can cause pain after or during urination. Manifestations such as accumulated mucus in the bladder are also possible.

During this period of life, changes occur in the ureters and kidneys. Therefore, pain often occurs when urinating during pregnancy. But pain is not always caused by ordinary physiological changes. It happens that a pregnant woman experiences discomfort from the development of the disease.

Most often due to the development of cystitis. He becomes himself common cause pain in addition to physiological changes.

Reasons for development

Cystitis is caused by bacteria, which are much easier to penetrate into the body during a period of weakened immunity in a pregnant woman. In addition, the cause of the development of the disease can be damage to the membrane inside the bladder. Injury can be caused by a sharp stone located in the bladder. Injury can also be caused by:

  • chemicals;
  • medical manipulations;
  • thermal and chemical burns.

During gestation, cystitis can develop in both acute and chronic forms. If your bladder hurts during pregnancy, then it is imperative to treat this disease. Lack of treatment can cause the development of an inflammatory process in the ureters and kidneys. And this is already becoming a real threat to the life of not only the child, but also the woman herself.


Symptoms of the development of cystitis in pregnant women remain the same as in common man. The development of the disease can be determined by the appearance severe pain and pain when emptying the bladder. Pain may remain after urination, accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the bladder and a desire to empty it again. This is how “false urges” to urinate appear, which cause great discomfort to the pregnant woman.


If there is pain after or during urination, or there is simply pain in the area of ​​​​the projection of the bladder, then you must inform your gynecologist about this. If cystitis is detected, the doctor will prescribe the following:

  • maintaining complete rest, including sexual rest;
  • you must adhere to a special diet;
  • can't do without reception medicines, which include uroseptics, antispasmodics and antibiotics.

Folk recipes

At the first symptoms of cystitis, you can try using recipes from traditional medicine. But it is better to carry out treatment using the “grandmother’s” method after consulting a doctor.

The use of lingonberry and cranberry juice will help speed up the treatment process. If your bladder hurts, you can simply brew lingonberries or cranberries and drink this decoction. It will help relieve inflammation. But it is worth remembering that such decoctions are diuretic, so you need to be careful not to overdo it and not cause harm.

A pregnant woman needs to be very attentive to her health and listen to every change in her body. You need to try not to get too cold and keep important areas (legs, lower back) warm.

In addition to the development of an inflammatory process in the bladder, inflammation may develop urethra(urethra). The prescription of treatment and determination of the threat to the fetus is based on the type of this disease.


Urethritis can be:

  • infectious type;
  • non-infectious species.

Infectious urethritis is called when its development was caused by infection in the body. The causative agents of this disease, which causes pain in the urethra, are:

  • chlamydia;
  • gonococci;
  • ureaplasma and others.

Such pathogens are capable for a long time exist in a woman’s body in a passive state, but manifest itself during pregnancy.

Non-infectious urethritis is called when its development is caused by an allergy or injury. Urethritis becomes a kind of complication. The development may also be caused by fetal pressure on the urethra.


The signs of the development of this disease in pregnant women do not differ from urethritis during a period of life not associated with pregnancy. The main symptoms are frequent painful urination, accompanied by burning and itching. Urethral discharge may be present.

The symptoms of urethritis are similar to the symptoms of cystitis, but there is one difference: with cystitis, pain is observed after urination, and with urethritis, pain appears during emptying and remains after it.


The presence of any infection in a pregnant woman can cause changes during pregnancy and fetal development. The risk increases in the absence of treatment, which should only be prescribed by a doctor, because the disease can be quite dangerous.

With infectious urethritis, there is a high probability of the child developing infection during childbirth. This often becomes the cause of child diseases such as:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • gonococcal infections.

Non-infectious urethritis is less dangerous and you don’t have to worry about infecting your baby. But you should not delay treatment or refuse it. A non-infectious species can develop into a serious disease of the urinary and reproductive systems.


The nature of treatment also depends on the type of urethritis. If there is an infection, the woman is admitted to hospital. Antibiotics that are not harmful to the baby and medications for local action. We cannot do without immunotherapy.

For non-infectious urethritis, treatment is carried out at home. Drugs are prescribed that can eliminate the cause of the disease and inflammation.


If your bladder hurts due to the development of urethritis, you can turn to traditional medicine, but it is better after consulting a doctor and only to complement conservative treatment.

You can do douching with chamomile or linden infusion. You need to drink sour juices or fruit drinks, and eat leafy vegetables. But it is worth remembering that any treatment must be coordinated with your doctor so as not to harm the baby.

Bladder During pregnancy, it sometimes causes pain. And this may be associated both with the process of bearing a baby and with an emerging pathology. In order to determine the source of pain and, if possible, neutralize it, it is necessary to pay attention to associated symptoms and get tested.

Physiological reasons

The bladder is one of the first to noticeably react to changes associated with pregnancy. The expectant mother is worried frequent urination, and sometimes – pain impulses emanating from this organ. To understand how and why this happens, you need to understand a little anatomy.

The bladder is a reservoir for urine. To prevent the organ from emptying spontaneously, its external passage is closed by a sphincter. Essentially, it is a bundle of muscles that is usually active, and when it relaxes, urine flows out of the bladder. To make this happen faster, the bladder contracts under the action of the muscular membrane - the detrusor.

When pregnancy occurs, hormonal changes contribute to the relaxation of smooth muscles, which leads to the fact that urination is reduced. early stages become frequent and not abundant, but pain is normally absent. In later stages, the uterus and fetus put pressure on the bladder, causing its emptying to become more frequent again. Pain in the bladder at the end of pregnancy can occur as a result of the baby's kicks. This condition does not require treatment.

Discomfort can also be associated with an overfilled bladder, but after emptying the discomfort goes away. But you should not allow this condition to occur, as it increases the risk of developing cystitis.


Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. It can be primary (an independent disease) or secondary (develops as concomitant disease in the presence of stones or tumors in the bladder, or in pathology of nearby organs). The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. The direct cause of cystitis is most often an infection - E. coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus.

Cystitis is predisposed by injuries to the mucous membrane of the bladder, stagnation of blood in the veins of the pelvis, hormonal changes, hypothermia, hypovitaminosis, difficult or incomplete emptying of the bladder, causing stagnation and decomposition of urine, the presence of ascending or descending infection.

If cystitis is the cause of pain in the bladder during pregnancy, it will be accompanied by other symptoms:

  • urine becomes cloudy;
  • temperature rises to 37 °C;
  • general state sluggish;
  • the frequency of the urge to urinate increases;
  • there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • at the end of urination, a pain is felt, radiating to the rectum;
  • Blood may appear in the urine.

Diagnosis and treatment of cystitis during pregnancy

To diagnose cystitis, it is carried out general analysis urine, Nechiporenko analysis, bacteriological culture, a smear is taken from the vagina, an ultrasound of the genitourinary system is prescribed.

Treatment of cystitis will depend on which factor provoked the disease. For cystitis of an infectious nature, uroantiseptics or antibiotics are prescribed from those with the least consequences for the fetus. In addition, bladder muscle relaxants and anticholinergic medications may be prescribed, as well as bed rest. Decoctions of lingonberries, bearberries, and cranberries have a beneficial effect on cystitis.


When obvious symptoms pathological changes are absent in the bladder, but there is pain and a strong frequent urge to urinate; doctors talk about cystalgia.

This condition may be caused gynecological diseases, ovarian dysfunction, hormonal changes, psycho-emotional stress, allergic background.

The following symptoms indicate cystalgia:

  • all signs appear during the daytime;
  • the urge to urinate is quite active and painful;
  • there is a feeling of an incompletely emptied bladder;
  • pain is felt in the bladder, perineum, lower back;
  • under stress, use alcoholic drinks and spicy food, symptoms intensify.

Diagnosis and treatment of cystalgia

To make a diagnosis, a general examination is carried out to exclude other diseases of the bladder and urethra, an examination of the urethra, laboratory testing of urine and general hormonal levels are carried out. An x-ray may be needed to determine kidney function. Cystalgia is treated by a neurologist. out of 5 (5 votes)

Waiting for the birth of a baby is undoubtedly the happiest time in a woman’s life. Doctors prescribe joyful emotions, fresh air and a positive outlook to expectant mothers. But the mood can be darkened by the unpleasant sensations that accompany pregnancy, even in completely healthy women.

Some people show signs of toxicosis, while others have swollen legs or a sore bladder. To avoid unnecessary worries and worries, it is better to prepare in advance for possible problems. Helpful information and an optimistic attitude will help us survive any “surprises” that Mother Nature presents to us.

Changes in the bladder during different periods of pregnancy

Carrying a child affects many organs female body. The urinary system is no exception. Moreover, due to its close proximity to the uterus, it is one of the first to suffer. In addition to disruption of normal functioning, signs of trouble are caused by the fact that organs are displaced from their usual place.

  • In the early stages

The growing fetus begins to squeeze the insides, causing the woman some discomfort. The nature of unusual sensations is directly related to the duration of pregnancy. On early stage As a rule, women complain of a frequent urge to urinate. This is due to increased production of progesterone, which relaxes the sphincter muscles. In a pregnant woman, the amount of urine increases, since the kidneys need to process the metabolic products of two organisms at once.

There is no danger in having to go to the toilet more often than usual. The bladder may hurt at this time due to overfilling. Such pain usually goes away immediately after bowel movement. There is no need to worry about slight incontinence when sneezing or coughing. If this happens, doctors recommend simply using pads.

During the second trimester, the uterus grows upward and the pressure on the bladder is temporarily relieved. Long-awaited relief comes, annoying symptoms go away, however, returning again at the end of pregnancy.

  • In the later stages

By the third trimester, your bladder may hurt for another reason. The fetus, which is impressive for the mother’s belly, puts more pressure on it, while its shape changes and the ureter lengthens. In some cases, the stomach feels tight because the baby's head is low. At the same time, frequent trips to the toilet are considered a physiologically normal condition, which stops immediately after childbirth.

Doctors warn that you should not endure the urge to urinate for long. Stagnation of urine can not only cause pain, but also provoke more serious complications.

Causes of pain

In answer to your question: “Why does my bladder hurt?” future mom may hear different answers. Depending on the duration and clinical picture, the doctor may give the following explanations:

The first two reasons are purely physiological and completely safe. You just need to endure them. It’s worth talking about other conditions in more detail.


From medical language the term is translated as “pain in the bladder.” This diagnosis is made when a pregnant woman does not show any changes in tests or during ultrasound diagnostics. Cystalgia is not a disease, but a urethral syndrome that is caused by improper innervation. Simply put, the neuromuscular plexuses in the pelvic area are responsible for it. The pain symptom may be associated with deterioration of blood and lymph circulation, which causes swelling of the bladder lining.


  • urination disorder;
  • dull pain in the perineum, pubis, radiating to the lower back, sacrum;
  • painful intercourse.

Along with the absence of an inflammatory nature, a characteristic difference of cystalgia is that its symptoms more often appear during the daytime. In addition to the urologist and gynecologist, a neurologist treats this syndrome. It will help eliminate disorders associated with the nervous regulation of the urinary system.

To alleviate the condition of cystalgia, one should not neglect advice aimed at increasing blood circulation in the pelvis. Regular walks, swimming, yoga for pregnant women, and qigong gymnastics will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms and improve general health future mother.

If your bladder hurts or hurts during pregnancy, first of all, you need to rule out urological problems.


Clinical picture of this pathology is brighter compared to those described previously. A woman may be concerned about:

  • pain, itching, worse during urination;
  • frequent urges, some of which may be false;
  • change in urine clarity;
  • bloody issues;
  • rise in temperature.

The cause of inflammation in the bladder is associated with the action of a wide range of microbes and viruses. Features of female physiology increase the predisposition to the rapid penetration and proliferation of harmful microorganisms. While carrying a child, the risk of developing cystitis increases even more. Doctors explain this by the weakening of the immune system of pregnant women, which reduces the body's resistance.


Women who have already had cystitis before pregnancy should be especially careful. In this case, you must inform your doctor about this during your examination and undergo a more thorough examination. Chronic cystitis gives more subtle symptoms, similar to cystalgia.

Moreover, urine test results may remain within normal limits. Often the only examination that confirms an exacerbation of chronic inflammation is a cystoscopy (endoscopic examination of the bladder). Therefore, neglect this diagnostic procedure not worth it.

Acute primary cystitis is much more severe, but is much easier to diagnose and treat. As a rule, the diagnosis is confirmed after a general blood test and bacterial urine culture.

Inflammation is indicated by an increased level of leukocytes and ESR indicator. An increase in red blood cells may indicate urolithiasis. To clarify the picture of the disease, the doctor will definitely recommend performing an ultrasound of the bladder.


Outside of pregnancy, acute cystitis is usually treated with antibiotics. Given the harm of antimicrobial drugs to fetal development, the treatment regimen changes during pregnancy. Bladder instillations come to the fore. During this manipulation, medicinal solutions are injected directly into the affected organ, eliminating the danger to the child’s health.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and causes virtually no discomfort. Drugs are selected taking into account the severity of inflammation and damage to the mucosal structure. For complete cure, a course of 5-7 instillations is carried out.

On later During pregnancy, antibiotics are no longer so harmful to the fetus, but are used strictly individually, as prescribed by a doctor. Even if it is impossible to do without their use, a competent specialist will select the most gentle option.

Herbal pharmaceuticals and herbal decoctions (bearberry, horsetail, lingonberry, rowan fruit) are prescribed as maintenance therapy. A decoction of oat grains, which has regenerating properties, is good for pain in the bladder. Sour fruit drinks made from fresh berries are beneficial. They acidify urine, which helps neutralize pathogenic microbes.


In some cases, inflammation spreads to the urethra. Urethritis has both a microbial and non-infectious nature. When the urethra is inflamed, the lower abdomen also hurts and pulls, and pain occurs when urinating.

Chlamydia, ureaplasma, and gonococci act as infectious pathogens. Therefore, in parallel with a visit to a urologist, you should be examined for infections of the reproductive system. Opportunistic bacteria are also observed in absolutely healthy women. However, with the onset of pregnancy, their number may increase due to decreased immunity and other weakening factors.

The symptoms of urethritis can easily be confused with cystitis, and they often occur simultaneously. The nature of the pain symptom will help to distinguish between diseases. With cystitis, the bladder hurts mainly during urination, with cystitis - after. In addition, with cystitis, the general condition often worsens: weakness, fever, nervousness, etc. appear.


Unlike physiological causes, untreated cystitis is fraught with adverse consequences for the health of the mother and child. The inflammation can take on larger forms and spread to the kidneys. In addition, the birth process may be complicated, and the child may be born with pathologies such as conjunctivitis and pneumonia.

If your bladder hurts due to inflammation, do not hesitate to contact a urologist. Timely examination and competent treatment are the only the right ways to avoid adverse consequences. It is extremely dangerous to self-medicate. In this case such folk remedies, as herbal medicine, can somewhat ease the symptoms, but do not eliminate the source of infection.

Prevention of bladder pain

How can a pregnant woman avoid conditions that cause bladder pain? To prevent pain caused by physiological reasons, you should strengthen the muscle corset and maintain its tone during pregnancy. To prevent infections, follow these recommendations:

  • Use for personal hygiene special gels containing lactic acid. They preserve the normal microflora of the genitourinary system, which helps the body not get sick.
  • Beware of hypothermia, drafts, swimming in cold water and other provoking factors.
  • Drink more fluids (at least 2 liters per day).
  • Do not overuse spicy, fried, exotic dishes, smoked meats and marinades.
  • Avoid wearing during pregnancy skinny trousers, thongs and other tight clothing.

And one last thing. If, despite all the precautions, you feel that your bladder is hurting, do not panic. Modern medicine has effective means for diagnosis and treatment similar conditions, regardless of the timing of pregnancy.

Literally from the first days of pregnancy, changes begin to occur in a woman’s body aimed at preparing her body for long-term gestation and childbirth.


This is a psychological restructuring, a change in hormonal background, which affect the functioning of almost all organs and systems, anatomical changes.

As pregnancy progresses, the fetus grows, and the enlarging uterus puts pressure on all nearby organs, especially the bladder.

The structure of the female genitourinary system

The functions of filtering blood plasma and producing urine are performed by the kidneys. On the outside they are covered with a capsule of connective tissue, and under it is the so-called parenchyma.

It consists of functional cells - nephrons. Plasma passes through their system of glomeruli and tubules, and toxic metabolic products are filtered out.

As a result, urine is formed. It enters the ureter through the system of the calyces and renal pelvis.

Then, thanks to reflex periodic contractions of its walls, urine is released from the body through the urethra.

The bladder is an organ for storing urine. Its average volume is 700 ml. It is located in the lower abdomen, in the pelvic cavity.

In women, the back surface of the bladder is in contact with the uterus and vagina.

Anatomically, the following departments are distinguished:

  • the apex, which is located in front at the top;
  • body – the middle and largest part;
  • bottom located at the bottom at the back;
  • the neck (or bladder triangle), which is located at the bottom of the bladder and connects to the ureter.

The wall of the bladder consists of three layers. Inside it is lined with a mucous membrane, which is covered with cells transitional epithelium.

On average, there are three layers of smooth muscle muscles - two longitudinal and one circular. And the outer layer partly consists of connective tissue.

On the inner surface of the bladder, with the exception of the neck, the epithelium forms well-defined folds. As they fill, they straighten out, and the shape of the bladder becomes oval or pear-shaped.

Changes during pregnancy

During fetal development whole line factors affect the organs of the urinary system.

She now works with increased load, removing from the mother’s body not only the products of her metabolism, but also the products of the fetus’s metabolism.

A special period in a woman's life

Expansion of the renal calyces and pelvis, spasm, or vice versa, atony of the ureters and bladder are due to several reasons.

The placenta surrounding the fetus additionally produces progesterone. The concentration of this hormone is tens of times higher than its amount before pregnancy.

It affects the functioning of the smooth muscle muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system.

In addition, due to the anatomical location of the uterus, as the fetus increases in size, it puts pressure on the bladder and ureters located in close proximity.

With mechanical compression, the outflow of urine is disrupted, and the pressure in the renal calyces and pelvis increases. Since the uterus puts pressure on the bladder, urine can be “thrown” back into the kidneys.

Diseases of the urinary system

As the fetus develops and grows, the uterus puts more and more pressure on nearby organs.

Problems in pregnant women

The risk of developing an inflammatory process in the kidneys increases. This is especially dangerous for women with previous or chronic diseases urinary system.

The source of infection can be localized in the kidney parenchyma (glomerulonephritis) or in the collecting system (pyelonephritis).

Symptoms of these diseases:

  • increased temperature, low-grade is observed with glomerulonephritis, high - with pyelonephritis;
  • aching pain in the lumbar region;
  • general deterioration of condition, fatigue, low performance, drowsiness;
  • frequent urination;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • swelling.

Changes also appear in clinical analysis urine. Bacteria, leukocytes, protein, and possibly red blood cells appear.

Analysis of urine

To treat these diseases, antibacterial drugs are prescribed that do not harm the fetus, restoratives, immunostimulants, and vitamins.

Particular attention should be paid to bacterial inflammation of the bladder - cystitis. In women, this disease occurs quite often.

The infection enters the bladder through the urethra. During pregnancy, the risk of this disease is very high, since the fetus is in the uterus, as a result of which urodynamics are disrupted.

The main symptom of cystitis is a sharp stabbing pain in the lower abdomen, frequent, sometimes false, urge to urinate. A slight increase in temperature is possible.

In a laboratory study of urine, in addition to bacteria and leukocytes, transitional epithelial cells appear, which cover the inner surface Bladder.

Sometimes taking uroseptics is enough to treat cystitis. Antibiotics are prescribed only in severe cases. The main thing in treatment is its timely start. Advanced cystitis will cause the infection to rise up into the kidneys.

When the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, it can worsen urolithiasis disease. Stones can vary in shape, size, and composition.

Before pregnancy, a woman may not have been aware of her illness. But changes in the contours and size of the bubble as the fetus grows will definitely make it known.

Large stones are more often found in the kidneys. Small fragments or crystals reach the bladder. But with their sharp edges they injure its walls, as well as the inner mucous membrane of the urethra.

This causes severe burning and sharp pain. They are especially intensified during urination. In a urine test, blood appears (sometimes it is visible to the naked eye), epithelial cells of the bladder and urethral mucosa, and salt.

The situation is worse when the fetus puts pressure on the ureter and the stones are in the kidneys. In such cases, renal colic may occur due to blockage or spasm of the ureter.

Acute pain

To facilitate the passage of stones from the bladder, antispasmodic drugs are prescribed (for example, no-spa is absolutely safe for the fetus) and painkillers.

To monitor and timely diagnose pathological processes in the bladder during fetal development, it is imperative to regularly undergo a general urine test. Bacterial culture is also done several times during pregnancy.

This is necessary, since some inflammatory processes can be asymptomatic. Also, during a fetal ultrasound, an ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys is usually done to assess their condition.

Pregnant women with a history of urinary system diseases are given Special attention. For them the list mandatory tests much wider.


At normal course pregnancy, when the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, the woman feels a constant urge to urinate.

At the same time, the volume of urine excreted is very small. This is especially felt when the fetus has grown, in the third trimester.

Preventive examinations

If the uterus is very enlarged (with polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, large fruit), it puts so much pressure on the bladder that it can even lead to urinary incontinence.

You may also experience irregular pain in the bladder area. It can be aching, or, conversely, sharp and strong, but short-lived.

The fetus is constantly moving, turning, pressing harder or weaker on nearby organs.

To prevent inflammatory processes, you should never try to endure the urge to urinate.

Since the size of the uterus after 27-30 weeks is significantly increased, it puts more and more pressure on the bladder. Its volume decreases as pregnancy progresses.

When urine accumulates, the risk of developing bacterial inflammation increases.

In addition, you should strictly adhere to the recommendations of the gynecologist and take all tests and examinations in a timely manner.

And of course, if disturbing symptoms appear, you should not put off going to the doctor.

It is also necessary to follow a balanced diet and monitor the amount of salt. And the most important thing is a sufficient amount of fluid consumed.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of coffee and other drinks containing caffeine. In addition to harming the cardiovascular system, it removes calcium from the body, increases diuresis and dulls the feeling of thirst.

The best choice is clean drinking water, mineral promotes the deposition of salts and the formation of stones. It is also worth introducing compotes, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices into your diet.

Rosehip decoction (due to its high vitamin C content and immune-strengthening effect) and cranberry juice (it has a strong antibacterial effect) are very useful.

Pregnancy is undoubtedly the most great time for every woman. The whole body changes intensively, trying to meet the needs of the baby. However, the doctor often hears the following complaint: bladder pain during pregnancy. A feeling of discomfort in the bladder area during pregnancy is usually the first thing to occur. What is this connected with? And how to distinguish physiological pain from pathological?

Major changes in the body of a pregnant woman

From the very beginning of fertilization and implantation ovum truly miraculous changes occur in this organ in the uterus. At this time, the uterus is still completely in the pelvis, but it begins to rapidly increase in size, putting pressure on neighboring organs, in particular the bladder. A woman usually complains to her doctor about discomfort in this area, a frequent urge to urinate, and a feeling of a full bladder even after visiting the toilet. Progesterone, a hormone that relaxes smooth muscle muscles, including the bladder sphincter, begins to be intensively produced, which aggravates the situation.

You need to understand that these are physiological manifestations, you don’t need to be afraid of them. As the gestational age increases, the uterus rises into the abdominal cavity and the pressure on the bladder weakens, which leads to a decrease in unpleasant symptoms. However, sometimes instead of the expected relief, a pregnant woman complains of pain. What could be causing them?

Pregnant women are prone to developing cystitis

Causes of pain

Main reasons pain the following factors may be present in the bladder area.

Bladder inflammation or cystitis. The cause of cystitis is pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria. Conditionally pathogenic microflora is present in the body normally, but during pregnancy due to decreased activity immune system it can cause inflammation of the bladder. Pathogenic pathogens of cystitis are most often represented by Staphylococcus aureus, Trichomonas, and chlamydia. A special role in the occurrence of the inflammatory process is played by the anatomical features of the structure of the woman’s urethra. It is very short and wider compared to men's. Themselves urinary tract located next to the uterus, which cannot but influence the occurrence of the pathological process.

Bacteria easily penetrate inside, causing sharp pains during urination, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, severe colitis in the pelvic area. Body temperature may rise. Urine is released in small portions, sometimes it is cloudy in color, and may be mixed with blood. If a woman has a chronic form of cystitis, then the manifestations will be less pronounced than with acute cystitis. Predisposing factors for the development of this disease are urolithiasis, decreased general immunity, medical manipulations in the pelvic area, thermal and chemical burns, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, as well as sexual intercourse. Treatment measures must be taken immediately so that the infection does not affect the fetus.

Abdominal pain and pain when urinating are signs of the development of cystitis

Cystalgia is a pain syndrome that is caused by a violation of the innervation of the urinary system. The clinical picture is similar to that of cystitis, but laboratory parameters remain normal.

Full bladder in the third trimester. This is explained by the fact that due to the growing uterus, the bladder moves from its usual location and slightly changes its configuration, as a result of which overstretching of the structures of the bladder itself and the ureter in particular occurs. The uterus presses on the bladder. In this case, it may hurt in the suprapubic region, pulling in the lower back. These symptoms disappear immediately after emptying the bladder. Therefore, it is so important not to endure and to visit the toilet in a timely manner.

Urethritis - inflammation of the ureter. As a rule, it occurs against the background of existing cystitis. There are infectious and non-infectious urethritis. The infection can be in a woman’s body long before pregnancy, but against the background of a weakened immune system, it can manifest itself only when pregnancy occurs. Non-infectious urethritis occurs during medical interventions and injuries. With urethritis, pain, cutting, itching, and burning appear after urination. But with cystitis while a person is urinating.

Every pregnant woman with signs of cystitis should be thoroughly examined

How dangerous is the inflammatory process in the urinary system for the child and mother?

It is important to treat any of the listed pathologies correctly and on time, because ascending infection can reach the uterus and cause irreparable harm to kid. Pneumonia, conjunctivitis and other pathologies on the part of the baby may develop. It's also possible premature effusion amniotic fluid and their infection, which causes the child’s hypoxia, weakness labor activity, in the worst case, a miscarriage.

The inflammatory process can transfer to the kidney tissue, which leads to the development of so-called gestational pyelonephritis, which requires the use of serious medications. In extreme cases, purulent melting of the kidney is possible.

Infection urinary tract during pregnancy, it threatens the health of both mother and child

Diagnosis of inflammatory diseases of the bladder and ureters

Main diagnostic measures are a general blood and urine test, a urine test according to Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky, bacteriological culture of urine, which will certainly indicate the presence of inflammation (increased leukocytes). An ultrasound of the pelvic organs, the bladder itself, and x-rays are also prescribed to exclude structural and tumor pathologies of these organs. It is important to examine for disorders of the vaginal microflora and the presence of sexually transmitted infections.

Therapeutic measures

First of all, you need to see a doctor. During pregnancy, it is not permissible to self-medicate, because... many drugs are simply dangerous for a pregnant woman.

Depending on the degree of damage to the urinary system, it is prescribed individual treatment. At mild degree The disease can be treated by drinking plenty of fluids. When medium degree severity, uroseptics are prescribed; for pregnant women, the drug of choice is Canephron, it is absolutely safe during pregnancy. In severe cases, an antibiotic is prescribed, taking into account the minimal effect on the child.

The choice of drug will also depend on the duration of pregnancy. In the early stages, the doctor prescribes Amoxiclav (an antibiotic) or Monural (an antiseptic). Their effectiveness is lower than that of broad-spectrum antibiotics, but these medications are safe for the baby. At later stages, when all the main structures of the fetus are formed, it is possible to prescribe stronger drugs (Cefuroxime, Cephalexin).

Very effective way Treatments for cystitis are instillation. It provides an introduction medicine directly into the bladder cavity. This method of treatment minimizes the systemic effect of the drug on the mother and fetus. Sometimes several such procedures are enough to achieve complete success in treatment.


A pregnant woman needs to take very careful care of the health of her body, listen carefully to her feelings, and follow measures to prevent the occurrence of diseases of the urinary system. Be sure to promptly visit the toilet at the first urge, observe the rules of personal hygiene, follow drinking regime, dress appropriately weather conditions. Do not forget that the oral cavity must be sanitized so that it does not become a source of infection. Do not wear synthetic underwear. Use contraception during sexual intercourse. If, nevertheless, a pregnant woman falls ill, then only a doctor will provide her with qualified assistance. Be healthy!