How to apply cat eye gel. Manicure "Cat Eye": how to apply magnetic polish

In the manicure industry, coating nails with a specific varnish with a cat's eye effect has been used not so long ago, but is already in demand among fashionistas. This is due to the fact that after the design is completed, a pattern appears on the nails identical to the structure of the stone of the same name. Many girls became interested in the question of how to apply cat eye gel polish correctly and whether it is possible to achieve a wonderful effect at home.

To understand all the subtleties and nuances of the design, you should understand the principle of operation of the coating. The technology for developing varnish provides for the presence in its composition of unique magnetic particles, which are responsible for the formation of an original pattern on the nail plate. It is also worth noting that it is impossible to recreate luxurious, smoothly flowing lines and halftones using only artistic drawing skills.

A manicurist can tell you how to apply cat eye gel polish, because to achieve an ideal result it is better to entrust the design to a professional. Without special accessories and experience working with coatings, it is almost impossible to repeat the pattern of a stone.

Speaking about the features, it is worth noting that “cat’s eye” differs from the usual varnish in its increased density and plasticity, and the color palette is very rich and bright.

In addition, a correctly created design and unimpaired application technology will delight the girl. luxurious manicure at least three weeks.

Popular companies bluesky, lianeil and kodi offer fashionistas a luxurious selection of cat eye gel polishes. Let's take a closer look at how to apply the coating and where to purchase it. As for purchases, there are two options: visit a specialized store selling tools, materials and accessories for nail aesthetics, or order on Aliexpress.

Each of them contains metal particles that shimmer under the rays of the sun and light. bright colors. The whole secret of the pattern lies in the technology that tells how to apply cat-eye gel polish to the plate: you just need to cover the nails and bring a special magnet with a pattern to them, which makes the elements move and create original highlights and shimmers.

At first glance, everything seems very simple and the question of how to apply cat-eye gel polish disappears. But if everything were so primitive, then professionals would not have disputes on this matter.

Before you decide to create original manicure, you should sensibly evaluate all its pros and cons. It's better to start with the positive aspects.

Cat eye gel polish has a number of advantages, including:

  • high density of the coating, which prevents it from spreading during application;
  • Often one coat of varnish is enough to achieve a good result;
  • The duration of a manicure is reduced due to quick application;
  • the treated surface does not require the use of additional decorative elements, and the design does not look boring;
  • depending on the direction of movement of the magnet, the patterns will always be different;
  • The texture of the varnish makes it easy to attach any rhinestones and decorative elements to the nail surface.

As for the negative side of the issue, here, as with most coatings, it is strictly unacceptable to use nail polish on nails affected by a fungal infection.

Also, performing a manicure is impossible for those girls who have a weak nail plate. To avoid irritation of delicate skin, you should work with the coating carefully and do not allow it to come into contact with the surface of the integument.

In all other cases, the use of shellac is acceptable.

How to properly apply cat eye gel polish: features of preserving the design and review of popular brands

Stylish and attractive design attracts girls who understand fashion trends. When the question of how to properly apply cat eye gel polish no longer arises so acutely, another problem arises.

When working with this coating, it is important to follow all technological nuances, but this is not always enough. A girl should pay attention to her nails Special attention, if they are decorated in a cat-eye style.

Professionals advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Protect nails from exposure to aggressive substances (alcohol, solvent, acetone, nail polish remover).
  • It is better to use rubber gloves when doing homework.
  • You need to protect your nails from unnecessary stress.
  • For the first 2 days after applying the coating, you should refrain from visiting baths and saunas, and do not allow sharp changes temperatures

It is very important that the girl not only knows how to apply cat eye gel polish correctly, but also knows how to care for her hands. If you follow the rules described above, the design will delight its owner for two or even three weeks.


If you use regular magnetic varnish, it will last no more than one week.

The choice of gel polishes with the “cat eye” effect is simply unimaginable. In order not to get confused during the purchasing process, you must first become acquainted with popular brands, and evaluate the benefits of their products.

Gel polish Bluesky Shellac Cat's eye

The manufacturer is a well-known Chinese company, and among the coating features, professionals highlight the following:

  • the composition includes unique components that have a beneficial effect on weak nail plates;
  • the manufacturer offers a wide color palette;
  • the product is classified as hypoallergenic;
  • duration of wearing manicure in its original form is three weeks;
  • using special products from the presented company, shellac is removed very easily;
  • The range includes kits for beginners; they clearly explain how to apply cat eye gel polish correctly and quickly.

And last but not least important nuance: the cost of coverage is in the average range, and the quality is at the highest level.

Gel polish Lianail Cat's eye

The product is produced by a German company, and their products from the “cat's eye” collection are incredibly popular.

The advantages include:

  • High level of coating density, making application easy.
  • Due to the high pigmentation, one layer of varnish is enough to cover the nail plate.
  • All shades from color palette fit perfectly together.
  • Usage special means allows you to quickly remove gel polish.

When performing a design coated by a represented company, the girl can perform all homework without the use of gloves, and the result lasts three weeks.

TNL Magnet gel polish with "Cat's eye" effect

The production is located in South Korea, and gel polish has gained popularity due to its low cost and some advantages over its competitors:

  • the company controls every stage of varnish production, due to which the quality level is quite high;
  • to achieve the desired effect, a single layer application is sufficient (the coating has a thick consistency);
  • you can use basic and top coating any manufacturers;
  • storage duration original form marigolds is 3 weeks.


When storing manicure accessories, the magnet and the cat's eye polish should be kept away from each other, otherwise there is a possibility of the coating losing its properties.

You can judge the quality of cat eye gel polishes based on customer reviews.

Olga Yakovenko. Vladivostok.

“My first experience using gel polish was on a Lionel coating. I really liked the color “Night Panther”, and I was right in purchasing it. I had a lot of fun working with varnish: the coating goes on evenly, one coat is enough. The magnet is also Lionel (I held it over the varnish for about 15 seconds). As a result, I got a great effect, and the manicure lasted for 2 weeks.”

Elena Ovsyankina. Krasnodar.

“I tried the Bluesky coating, which, unfortunately, did not impress me. I don’t know, maybe I violated the technology, or maybe I misunderstood something in working with him, but my “cat’s eye” is not expressive. The wear lasted for about a week, and on the fifth day chips and cracks already appeared. Next time I’ll re-read the instructions, I think I made a mistake, so be careful.”

Oksana Nechiporenko. Moscow.

“A friend advised me to buy Bluesky gel polish with a cat-eye effect, and I bought the same magnet. I tried color number 08, which is due to my fierce love for red shades. The cost of the coating is very low compared to competitors, but the quality is the highest. Even with my first application, the manicure lasted longer than 15 days.”

When working with a new coating, you should always be careful and not judge harshly if the first experience was unsuccessful. In most cases original pattern It always works and lasts a long time.

Bluesky cat eye gel polish, how to apply: step-by-step instructions and professional tricks

More and more often, girls are interested in how to apply Bluesky cat eye gel polish at home. Experienced professionals advise sticking to following instructions:

Step 1
You should first prepare the nail plate: remove the cuticle and shape it.

Step 2
Sand the surface (remove shine and make it matte) with a special buff, carefully, without much zeal, so as not to damage the nail.

Step 4
Before applying Bluesky cat eye gel polish, be sure to shake the bottle thoroughly to mix the product. Apply the coating to each nail and dry it under a UV lamp.

Step 5
Apply a second layer and hold the magnet to your nails. When the desired pattern is obtained, the magnet is removed.

After carefully studying the instructions, you need to purchase Bluesky “cat’s eye” gel polish. You already know how to apply the coating correctly, which means you can begin your first experience with the coating.

To achieve a better result, do not forget about these tricks of the process:

  • each magnet creates a different pattern;
  • you need to form the pattern immediately after applying gel polish;
  • You need to decorate your nails separately;
  • the distance from the magnet to the plate should not be more than five centimeters;
  • Approximate magnet exposure is 10-15 seconds.

Sticking to these simple rules and observing all technological aspects, you can easily create a manicure with a “cat’s eye” effect at home, but only if you have a special lamp for drying.

For nail decoration, it has become another interesting and not boring way to create nails in the “gems” style. New pigments allow you to experiment as much as you like various coatings to varying degrees density, which is why both connoisseurs and lovers of shellac manicure liked them so much. A fairly wide palette of shades opens up creative horizons, allowing you to effectively decorate both dark and light base colors. And, of course, magnetic rubbing is also good for such painstaking types of nail art as designs or. Let's get to know these beauties - magnetic cats!

What is “dry cat pigment”?

The new decor is a finely dispersed colored pigment mixed with magnetized metal microparticles. The powder particles are so small that they are mixed into a liquid colored gel, varnish, base or finish until smooth. Polymerizing in or, the “magnetic cat” forms an even, smooth coating in which the pigment particles do not stick out on the surface.

In terms of texture characteristics, the new product has absolutely no effect on the properties of the coating with which it is mixed, maintaining the same durability as before mixing. Like other representatives of pigment decor, rubbing in “cat highlight” is very economical, regardless of the method of creating a design with it.

Its main features are:

  • the need for powerful quality so that the beauty, shine, brightness and effectiveness of the tints of color and light appear on the nails as clearly and spectacularly as possible;

    the ability to form a stunningly beautiful pearlescent highlight already on the first layer (provided there is sufficient presence of pigment in the top, base or colored gel polish/varnish with which it was mixed).

Magnetic rubbing “Cat's eye”: what do you need to know to create a manicure correctly?

Decorating nails is a creative process and brings pleasure no less than the result. So what do you need to remember to ensure that any experiment with cat highlight pigment is successful?

When working with this product, observe the following recommendations:

    since coatings with this effect treacherously reveal all the irregularities of the nail plate, if there are aesthetic defects, use special bases for or;

    The beauty of the manicure and the effect created directly depends on how well and evenly you mixed the pigment. If advanced masters can do this correctly with a brush for a gradient or for drawings, then it is better for beginners to pre-mix or;

    if you choose to decorate your fingers color coating– it is better to choose translucent shades (this will make the effect more attractive and brighter). If you prefer dark and rich substrates, do not skimp on the pigment when mixing and choose contrasting colors of the rub;

    do not be afraid to use a “cat” rub when working, as the effect is equally impressive with any type of finishing coating;

    do not rush to immediately send the first layer to dry in the lamp. Apply the pigment, let the metal particles float, and evaluate the highlight for the quality of shine and clarity of the pattern. If you mixed little pigment, or are unhappy with the result, mix the pigment directly on the nail. Add rubs, try a magnet with a different pattern and only then dry the manicure;

    If you prefer to create a nail look by applying a “dry cat” directly onto a wet top coat or undried gel polish, do not forget to carefully work on the sides of the nail plate and be sure to seal the end. With a French gradient design (when you bring the magnet perpendicular to the end of the nail), the effect will be most fully manifested.

“Cat highlight” pigment: how to mix it into varnish, gel polish, transparent base (base/top).

Manicure “varnish and magnetic pigment”.

Stylish design“cat's eye” with classic varnish involves choosing a liquid varnish, since otherwise the particles will not be able to mix uniformly and be attracted by a magnet without problems. If you want to wear these nails for as long as possible, use. Before applying the finish, make sure that the color layer is completely dry so that particles of the magnetic pigment on the brush do not migrate into the bottle with the top coat.

When performing a manicure with classic varnish and “cat pigment”, you need to do the following:

    Apply the base to the previously prepared nail and let it dry;

    After mixing the varnish and pigment, apply the first layer to the nails, dry it thoroughly;

    Cover the nails one by one with a second layer of varnish, treating each with a magnet (bring the magnet 0.2-0.5 cm to the surface and wait 10-15 seconds until a highlight forms);

    After allowing two layers of varnish to dry completely, seal the manicure with a glossy topcoat.

Design “gel polish and rubbing cat”.

If you prefer a manicure in light colors, it is better not to use white and dull rubs, otherwise the highlight effect will not appear bright enough (it may “drown” in the dense white pigment). For a strictly office, however, this option would be more than appropriate. Because visually the pearl-pearl shine of the “magnetic cat” looks gentle and not vulgar.

When creating an image, follow these steps:

    Apply base to pre-prepared nails and dry in a lamp.

    Cover the nail with the first layer of color, apply the pigment with a brush and mix thoroughly to create a uniform coating. Do not use a magnet!

    Dry the nail in the lamp and repeat the application of the gel polish layer.

    Bring the magnet 0.2-0.5 cm to the surface and wait 10-15 seconds until a glare forms.

When decorating your fingers with this pigment, take your time and mix the rub with the base very carefully and carefully so that you don’t have to redo your manicure.

The “Base/Top and Rub in Cat Highlight” look.

As a rule, masters practice mixing pigment into the top (for or) to avoid possible problems With natural nails. But mixing with a base (not thick, transparent, without additives) for or designs is also possible. Mix the pigment with the transparent component, carefully and evenly distribute over the nail. Regardless of whether you have chosen a topcoat or a basecoat, your design must be fixed with a topcoat after the color has been polymerized in a UV or LED lamp and dried thoroughly.

Popular designs with cat eye coatings.

Depending on your aesthetic preferences, you can give your nails a special charm by playing with magnetic microdust in the pigment. Tired of the usual diagonal or transverse highlight? Use patterned magnets! ,

Even if you have the simplest magnet at hand, you can still create a mesmerizingly beautiful manicure. Bring the magnet perpendicular to the side surface and get a “yin-yang” manicure. Place the source of attraction in the area of ​​the hole and see interesting option magnetic lunar design. If you really want an asterisk or a cross, just apply the topcoat with the “magnetic cat” rub in two layers, treating each with your magnet.

Whatever nail-look you decide to implement, initial stage When mastering the art of manicure, experiment first with tips (in the case of a “cat” rub, it’s most convenient to use). Then, when you move on to decorating your own nails, you will spend less time on your manicure and do it flawlessly. Try it! And your polishes and gel polishes, even those not often used, will not be bored in the lacquer shops, but will delight you day after day with the beauty of color and delicate radiance.

Before you start creating, we invite you to watch a short training video. A visual mini-master class will help you quickly get used to working with magnetic innovations. Enjoy watching:)

We wish you successful creative experiments with magnetic pigment" cat's eye"!

The semi-precious cat's eye stone attracts jewelry lovers with its shimmering tints. Today you can transfer the magical glow of the stone to your nails. For this you only need magnetic varnish“Cat Eye” series and knowledge of manicure technology.

Tools and materials

To create a manicure you will need:

  • standard brushes, sticks, nail scraper;
  • buff nail file;
  • Ultraviolet lamp;
  • varnish base;
  • magnetic varnish;
  • magnet from the set that comes with the varnish.

Nail preparation

There are several nuances in preparing the nail plate for a cat's eye manicure. To ensure that the magnetic varnish lays down evenly, proceed as follows:

  • We even out the length of the nails and give them the desired shape.
  • We remove the natural gloss of the horn plate with a buff.
  • Brush off the dust with a soft brush.
  • Using rubbing movements, seal the edge with a base for gel polish or regular enamel.
  • Dry in the UV lamp tank for 1.5 minutes (in the case of gel polish).
  • Use a brush to remove the sticky layer from the surface.

The preparatory stage with these simple steps is completed, then we will master the cat-eye manicure technique.

Choosing cat eye polish

Magnetic varnish refers to “smart coating”. It contains tiny metal particles, which are influenced by a special magnet to create a pattern. They are drawn to the magnet, and the pattern turns out deep and takes on the properties of a 3D image. Many cosmetics manufacturers have a series of Cat Eye varnishes, and the choice of shades is huge. Look for amazingly beautiful coatings among offers from Pupa, Limoni, Dance Legend, Masura, Golden Rose. By the way, the shape of the magnets attached to the varnish can be varied - from spirals and lattices to arbitrary wavy lines. For a cat's eye you only need a strip 1-2 mm wide.

Important! A cat eye manicure is done for each finger in turn.

Manicure with gel polish

The magnetic composition is applied using the usual movements from the “heart” of the nail plate to the edge. The first layer of the product is dried in a UV lamp and the sticky surface is pulled off with a brush, like a base.

The most interesting thing happens on the second layer:

  • Distribute the polish over the nail.
  • We don't wait for it to dry.
  • We bring the magnetic strip to the middle of the horn plate at a height of up to 5 mm.
  • Hold for 20-30 seconds.
  • Let's see how the cat's eye pattern is formed.
  • Dry for 1.5 minutes in a UV lamp.
  • We admire the result.

Manicure with regular magnetic polish

If you take a regular varnish that dries without UV radiation, the process will be reduced in time by three times:

  • Apply 2 layers of magnetic composition to the base coat. Sometimes 1 layer is completely thick, depending on the brand of the product.
  • Take the magnet and hold it parallel to the nail for 20-30 seconds.
  • We are waiting for the coating to dry.

This option will last less, but it is easier to do. You can change shades as soon as you want. For example, 2-3 times a day! After all, it’s nice when the color of the varnish sets off, complements or contrasts with a carefully thought out outfit.

If there is a catastrophic lack of time for a complex masterpiece of nail art, a cat's eye manicure can help out in Hard time. Each one will become unique with a smart magnetic varnish - the shine of the stones and 3D depth will not leave friends, loved ones, and others indifferent.

Despite the fact that quite recently the female audience of the world discovered the “Cat Eye” manicure, it has achieved success and won an advanced niche in cosmetology.

The innovation was the combination of varnish with gel, which is pigmented with tiny metal particles, giving the manicure a magical shine.

“Cat eyes” on your nails - stylish and simple

Helium varnishes "Cat's eye", unlike regular varnishes, durable, durable. Shellac looks neat and natural. Nails look well-groomed.

Under the influence of magnetic properties, it becomes possible to obtain various, three-dimensional designs depending on the shape of the magnet, brought to the nail plate. When electric light hits the coating, a play of glare begins, creating the effect of sparkling, natural stone chrysoberyl. That is why the name arose - shellac "Cat's eye". Many people are interested in how to do this excellent manicure.

Manufacturers from many countries provide lovers of exotic design with a unique, countless selection of nail cosmetics. A Chinese company produces magnetic varnish products "Blue Sky Sellac" with the shimmering glow of a cat's eye.

The products produced are especially suitable for exfoliating, thin nails, healing them, giving them a well-groomed appearance. The collection offers an extensive selection of color palettes and does not lead to allergies.

German company "Lianaie" It is popular among manicurists and has many positive natural qualities. Gel varnishes are endowed with a thick concentration, which provides full coverage nail in one layer. They connect perfectly with each other.

Gel varnishes from a Korean company "Tatnail" are distinguished by their special Resistant to scratches, damage, and chips. Any bottle on hand can be used as a base coat for this type of varnish.

Helium varnishes “Cat's Eye”, unlike ordinary varnishes, are long-lasting and durable. Shellac looks neat and natural. Nails look well-groomed. This coating has its advantages if done according to the rules.

  1. Thanks to natural ingredients, the substance has no chemical compounds.
  2. Does not cause allergic reactions, does not contain a pungent odor. Due to its naturalness, any woman can use the varnish without consequences, not excluding pregnancy.
  3. The method of treating nail plates with this product does not injure, does not thin, and strengthens and heals nails.
  4. The composition does not dry out without ultraviolet light, so it creates opportunity to get your nails done in a relaxed environment magnet.
  5. Drying applied layer of varnish under UV lamp very quickly, practically, for complete drying of the layer, it is enough 1.5-2 minutes.

In the process of creating a manicure, professionals recommend combining necessary devices from one manufacturer, to obtain a more durable, high-quality coating.

Magnetic varnish, after application, can be used to decorate nails with stones, rhinestones, sparkles, to create a festive or wedding look.

Manicure tutorial - “Cat Eye” shellac: how to do it right

The coating is especially durable, allowing it to stay on the nails for at least 20 days.

Volumetric drawing gel varnish is obtained thanks to the effects of magnetic waves on metallic sparkles present in the substance. In addition, the resulting pattern on the nail depends on the pattern on the magnet.

For correct use varnish, and get a beautiful, clear manicure, you will need:

  • Base coat for shellac base.
  • Gel, magnetic varnish for basic application.
  • Plates with a magnet to create a pattern.
  • Lint-free manicure wipes.
  • Degreasing spray nails
  • Ordinary manicure set.
  • Finish, protective covering.
  • Additional design accessories(rhinestones, stones, appliques, if necessary)
  • UV lamp for drying coating layers.

The varnishes have a pearlescent base, a dense, plastic consistency, bright colors various shades saturated with colored pigments. The coating is particularly durable, allowing stay on nails for at least 20 days .

The brightest cat's eye effect is obtained on varnishes of dark tones, which does not fade under the influence of water and sun. Tones and shades of varnishes can be mixed with each other, getting new, original colors.

Read the most popular article in the category:

Step-by-step instructions for applying Cat's Eye shellac

After applying magnetic varnish, hold the magnet to your nail, at a distance of 3 to 5 millimeters, for 10 seconds.

1. Process dry nails. Manicure device remove cuticles. Give desired nails form.

Lightly file the top layer of the nail plates with a soft file. Treated nails Wipe with bacterial liquid and degreaser.

2. For a strong manicure cover prepared nails base varnish– base in a thin, even layer.

This initial stage should be perfect, without streaks, for an elegant final result. Dry the base layer for 1 to 3 minutes under a UV lamp.

3. Cover all your nails with magnetic polish, the tone you selected. Apply varnish carefully correcting smudges and unevenness.

If the varnish is liquid and the layer turns out transparent, then you should apply another layer, drying each of them for 3 to 5 minutes. Thick varnish can be applied in one even layer and dried in the same way as mentioned above.

4. Next comes the most crucial moment of shellac “Cat’s Eye” - creating a three-dimensional pattern. Decide in advance what kind of drawing you want to do, and prepare a magnet.

After applying magnetic varnish, bring the magnet to the nail, at a distance of 3 to 5 millimeters, for 10 seconds.

At this time you will be able to watch the magical transformation. Under magnetic influence, metal particles will begin to rise, acquiring the pearlescent effect of a cat's eyes. To obtain a clear picture, It’s better to paint and dry each nail separately.

5. The final point includes treatment of nails with finishing, protective gel, which will make the manicure resistant to damage.

Definitely recommended dry the last layer well, and then remove the sticky layer with a degreaser and a cloth.

It is more advisable to work with a magnet separately, with each nail.

Now admire the beauty you have created, play with your fingers in front of the light to make sure the brightness and clarity of the result.

If you want to achieve exceptional depth of radiance, it is important use black varnish as a base. It serves as a background, so it should be applied as evenly as possible to ensure a dense coating.

Before starting, you need to shake the bottle well so that the metal particles are thoroughly mixed. In this case, it is allowed to pre-heat the bubble in the palm of your hand. The stronger the magnetic properties, the faster and the greater the number of glued sparkles will be collected to the magnet.

It is more advisable to work with a magnet separately, with each nail. Namely, carry out the coating procedure, creating a pattern with a magnet, and dry the resulting result, then proceed to the next finger, performing a similar procedure. So in order, one after another, create an excellent masterpiece.

As for the “Cat’s Eye” shellac manicure magnet and how to make the patterns correctly, we’ll talk further.

Regarding the magnet

The magnetic plates themselves have a variety of patterns. From vertical to horizontal lines, stars of various configurations, crescents, Christmas trees, circles. By turning the plate in one direction or another, it appears possibility of shifting the pattern.

Therefore, if the pattern turns out not to be in the right place, you can move the magnet to the side and drag the pattern into place.

It's important to take your time in this case, carefully achieve the desired result. Do not be afraid of the coating hardening; it dries completely only under a UV lamp.

Shellac magnets are sold separately, in a variety of designs to suit every taste.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to force of magnetic properties. The stronger the magnet, the more pronounced the Cat's Eye pattern appears.

Moreover, for those who want to create a manicure on their own, but do not know how to do it correctly, there are some features of the procedure.

Don't miss the most interesting article website: How to make shellac at home (instructions for beginners, step by step)

It is advisable to store plates with a magnet separately from the bottle of varnish. Close proximity demagnetizes the coloring matter and it loses its properties.

1. Plates with a magnet are preferable store separately from the bottle of varnish. Close proximity demagnetizes the coloring matter and it loses its properties.

2. Cleaning your nails before the procedure, Do not steam your nail plates. You need to do a dry manicure, so the coating will become smooth and durable.

3. Distance, to which the magnet is brought, is from 3 to 5 millimeters above the level of the nail. Moreover, the clarity of the picture does not depend on how close or far away the magnet is held. Ten seconds is enough to attract sparkles.

4. Don’t be lazy process of degreasing and applying the base coat. The brightness and durability of the manicure depends on this.

5. Mandatory, final, top coat will give the manicure strength, enhance the depth of the image, and extend its service life.

6. In order to preserve the “Cat’s Eye” shellac for as long as possible, it is advisable eliminate the influence of chemicals on the coating, do your homework while wearing protective gloves.

Also Visiting baths and saunas is not recommended immediately after the manicure, for at least a couple of days, avoiding contact of fingers with water and steam.

7. Do not force your nails, do not scrape or pick (especially in the nose - a joke), in order to prevent the appearance of cracks and chips.

If you carefully and responsibly adhere to the listed rules, then excellent manicure will last more than half a month without changes, and will emit a mysterious cat-like glow on your hands.

Enjoy your new manicure!

Latest fashion trends nail designs indicate the stunning effect of the appearance of a cat-eye manicure. The fashion industry has caught on original idea and in 2019 there can be seen a rapid expansion of the range of special gel polishes for new products.

The essence of this new product for decorating nail plates is the specific optical effect of internal shine, iridescence and play of light. Initially, the concept of “cat's eye” was applied to describe the brilliance of a gemstone - cymophane (a type of chrysoberyl), which is very reminiscent of a cat's eye. Especially expensive are stones with a pronounced depth of glow, in which one can discern the dark pupil of a cat. It is precisely this fashionable, mysterious deep shimmer inherent in a gemstone that designers strive to recreate in manicure.

Cat's eye gel polish on nails has a denser and more flexible texture and contains tiny metal particles, which provide a mysterious aura of glow from the depths. Packages of cat eye polish are equipped with magnets. By bringing it very close to the final coat of gel polish you have just applied, you act on the metal particles, which are collected in intricate patterns in exact accordance with the movements of the magnet, thus realizing the ideas of a cat-eye manicure. If you decide to do it yourself, act quickly; you have no more than 10 seconds to create with patterned stains, and then dry the manicure under a UV lamp. This technique is not performed with shellac, since its obvious advantage in other cases (shellac dries instantly) makes manipulation with a magnet impossible. The process is very painstaking, decorating nails from a series magnetic gels done one by one. When light hits the created pattern, it forms a volumetric cast that disappears if you turn your hand. In 2019, this mystical design will be equally fashionable on both long and short nails.

The resulting cat-eye manicure options are mesmerizing (see photo); they cannot be created using the technique of artistic painting on the surface of the nails.

Cat eye manicure: fashionable colors

If we take a direct analogy with precious stone, the inner radiance of which imitates a cat's eye manicure, then the colors of the gel polish should be yellow, amber yellow, golden yellow, golden olive, muted lime color, yellow-green, light green, radiance green. Beige and blue-green color. However fashion effect deep sparkle and shimmer turned out to be so tempting for nail design artists that they transferred this “trick”, covered in the mystery of optical highlights, to other paints (pictured). Slightly less realistic new items have gained more variety, and there is room for combining them with fashionable bows 2019 has become much more extensive. The most fashionable and exciting colors for a cat's manicure look:


Glossy cat eye nail design in green shades has an indescribable charm. The most believable and realistic imitation is achieved by using shades of green that are as close as possible to the color precious mineral. Fashionable colors: yellow-green, cypress, olive, beige-olive, mint, apple green, agate green, as well as the color of garden grass, dark forest, green flash, lime, kiwi.

The cat eye manicure design is laconic and effective; it does not require additional decorations, but they are acceptable. Even at the stage of creating a pattern of metal particles with a magnet, you can provide an option for a flickering glow from the depths for decor with a pattern. Amazing and unique magnetic gel polish coatings look harmonious with thin gold painting or rhinestones in the hole, as well as with glitter to match the polish on the ring fingers. Convex patterns to match the coating, golden flakes and ribbons in the decor on sharp nails enhance the charm of golden reflections from the dark green depths.

A hypnotic trend in green shades with difficult to explain color changes, depending on the lighting, in the photo:

Blue, purple

Blue, cyan and purple cat eye manicure with a beautiful iridescence not only creates a mysterious aura characteristic of a precious mineral, but also thanks to this color scheme filled with the unsolved depth of the night sky with the radiance of the constellations. Associations give rise to the mystery of style. The most fashionable shades blue and violet: deep blue, majolica, sea blue, dark violet, bright violet, lilac, amaranth, lavender, hyacinth violet and purple orchid color.

Fashion trends and modern means decorations are stunning with the boldness of ideas. A white matte French jacket in 2019 with a sparkle of purple in combination with floral white and purple modeling on the ring finger looks unexpectedly stylish and attractive. A combination of glossy and matte gel polish on long nails it gives a beautiful, expensive-looking result. The gray reflection is perfectly visible on the blue, and the decoration products acquire additional beautiful nuances.

The proposed photos show a manicure on short, long and middle length in purple and blue shades with a specific optical effect of colors appearing in depth and highlights disappearing.

Red, burgundy, pink

Using this color range in 2019 – this is completely the result of the imagination and creativity of nail designers. Classic design cat's eye nails do not use these paints, but it is tempting to see the deep radiance and play of light in red, burgundy and pink tones was too big for artist-designers. The experiment was a success; the unusual effect of the cat's eye style found recognition among fashionistas. Red, pink and burgundy manicure for long nails or short nails have been replenished with another fashionable variety.

The above colors have always been considered the most popular; the entire spectrum of their rich shades is well suited for the effect of shimmer and radiance. Imitation of sparkle and deep reflections is more expressively achieved in rich colors. Experts recommend discreet decoration of the cat's eye, taking into account the brightness of the color scheme and the enchanting glow. In 2019, it is better to choose decorative products that match the tone of gel polish or more muted ones; combinations with gold, silver and white colors are successful (look at the photo). An impressive combination of glossy and matte varnish textures of the same color, demarcated by rhinestones placed on oval nails or sharp nails in a curving thin stripe. Using kamifubuki, volumetric jewelry for short square nails It is better to keep the light to a minimum, focusing on the splendor of the light burning from within the gel coating.

Dark (black, brown and other dark shades)

On dark colors varnish colors imitating the structure of cat's eye stone acquires maximum expressiveness. Brilliant black, close to natural colors stone shades of brown enhance the hypnotism of the image.

Fashionable manicure cat's eye in dark shades emphasizes the mesmerizing effect of color depth. The surface of the nail, covered with gel polish dark chestnut, coffee, dark chocolate, acorn, blueberry brown, charcoal, graphite, dark cherry, plum color and shades of prunes and chokeberry, it looks mysterious and catchy.

Fashionable nail art in 2019 it was replenished with new ideas: applying light golden mesh, painting, rhinestones or contrasting color on ring finger. Decoration for long, medium or short nails has become important detail: placement of decorations and paintings on the “cat” surface is carried out in exact accordance with the design of the internal pattern of shimmering metal plates. The main task is not to blur the effect of the cat's eye on the nails, but to emphasize the depth of the color. The photos below demonstrate new manicures in dark colors.