An interesting gift for a 7 year old girl. For creative people. Cosmetics and perfumes as a gift for a girl

Birthday is one of the most cherished holidays in a child’s life. This date is awaited with special trepidation and impatience. And the young lady has a reason to rejoice: she will be the center of attention, those around her will give gifts, wish her all the best, she can have fun with friends, go to a cafe or go to interesting place. Many parents try to make the event special, happy, memorable and present something interesting or very desirable. At seven years old, the list of possible gifts expands, because the girl now likes not only children's toys, but also adult trinkets.

Little lady and big surprises

The seventh birthday is different from the previous one. Behind last year the girl has grown up, become more conscious and smart, she has gone to school or is just about to. But one way or another, the baby already feels big compared to the children attending kindergarten. She can enthusiastically play with dolls and imitate her older sister, wanting to have the same rings with shoes or a big phone with games. Friends become important part her life, so the bicycle and roller skates should be no worse than theirs, and the dress should be more beautiful.

In connection with such changes in the perception of the world around us, relatives must take full responsibility when choosing a surprise for the hero of the occasion. After all, a gift that does not fit into the idea of ​​the best can upset the young lady. Of course, it never hurts to watch a girl, find out about her hobbies, dreams, and even just discuss her desires. But at this age it is better to preserve the intrigue associated with the gift until the moment of delivery.

Birthday surprises can be completely different. Toys, books, girly things, useful gifts, beautiful clothes, fun party deliver a lot of positive emotions to a young lady if they correspond to her ideas about happiness.

The gift must correspond to the interests and aspirations of the child. It must be remembered: what mothers and grandmothers like does not always delight their children.

A seven-year-old girl is unlikely to appreciate the time spent on making a surprise she made on her own. But if the gift turns out to be unusual, beautiful and interesting, she will certainly be happy about it.

Toys from parents and other guests

Nowadays children are very busy Everyday life. Activities, lessons, tutors, reading educational literature - all this, of course, develops the child and saturates him with information. But we must not forget about such a useful process as a game. It teaches you to correctly perceive the world and the people around you, build relationships, respond to emerging situations and resolve conflicts. By playing, you can get rid of fears and accumulated negativity, and learn to communicate. There is even a method of psychological and pedagogical correction - play therapy.

  1. Interactive animals. Such friends are close to real ones, and therefore are often interesting for a girl.
  2. Dolls. In stores you can find them for every taste and color: some are a mini-copy of a person, others are more like fantastic creatures. But you shouldn’t buy a toy that doesn’t carry a positive message. If a young lady is inclined to anxiety states, then the donated monster can aggravate the situation.
  3. Carriages or cars. These toys will be able to diversify the staged action.
  4. Baby dolls. Sometimes they are even difficult to distinguish from real ones. Not only are they very similar to each other, many know how to cry, eat, relieve their needs and even move. Of course, every girl should have such babies, because she will grow up and become a mother.
  5. Clothes for toys. When there are a lot of dolls, they need to be dressed in beautiful outfits - role-playing game should be as close to reality as possible.
  6. Furniture and strollers for dolls. These are necessary things. Baby dolls need to go for walks, and dolls need somewhere to live.
  7. Stuffed Toys. They often accompany the young lady on trips and protect her night's sleep.
  8. Sets or collectible toys: cartoon characters, various families of animals, houses for them. Perhaps the girl is missing someone in her collection, or maybe she yearns to get a prince from a fairy tale.

Educational gifts for children

There are games that promote the development of logical thinking and speech, speed of reaction, attentiveness and intelligence. They are also widely available on store shelves.

  1. Scanwords and puzzles. Special magazines are published for children that enrich lexicon, fueling curiosity, including logic.
  2. Puzzles: regular ones, which depict cute animals or cartoon characters, and 3D (they complicate the task by assembling three-dimensional objects from them).
  3. Board games, of which there are a great variety. Depending on their type, various qualities of the child develop, and friendships and family ties are strengthened.
  4. Designers. They help to tap into creativity and logical thinking, resourcefulness. The girl learns to understand and disassemble diagrams and work with details.
  5. Musical toys. At this age, both an ordinary whistle and a synthesizer that retains composed melodies in memory are interesting.
  6. Puzzles. These toys will definitely make you think and train your will to win.

What gifts are suitable for creativity?

When buying birthday surprises, it is advisable to know what the young lady is interested in, what might interest her, and which types of activities she did not like among those tried. The presented embroidery kit will be useless if the girl has a negative attitude towards such creativity. The choice of sets here is large and varied:

DIY bead bracelet - video

Gifts for active summer and winter holidays

In the computer era, the slogan “Movement is life!” more relevant than ever. Children sometimes prefer to sit in front of the monitor and eat chips than to go for a walk. fresh air with family or friends. Obesity, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders are a small fraction of the problems faced children's body with a lack of activity. If a girl is not involved in any sports section, it is advisable for parents to take care of her pastime. To interest a child in a healthy way life, adults can purchase appropriate gifts.

Books for daughter, goddaughter, niece

A book is still one of the best gifts, but it must correspond to the girl’s interests. And if the birthday girl doesn’t really like to read herself, she will be happy to listen to her mom or dad read. At the same time, it’s good when, in addition to fascinating content, the pages of the publication also contain colorful pictures.

  • educational literature, encyclopedias (it is better to give more detailed ones, published in separate volumes), educational or subject books;

    If an encyclopedia with short subject articles is presented as a gift, then it is unlikely to interest a young reader with dry lines.

  • fantasy - unusual heroes, other worlds will captivate the imagination of a young lady;
  • adventures - if a girl is active and independent, then she will most likely like such books;
  • folklore (legends different nations peace);
  • prose (intended for quiet reading);
  • action-packed literature (suitable for lovers of intricate stories and unpredictable twists);
  • poems - there are young people who like them. Before purchasing, ask if the hero of the occasion is one of them;
  • role-playing game book. It allows the child to participate in the narrative by choosing a storyline;
  • fairy tales. This is where any girl’s reading journey most often begins.

Girlish gifts desired at seven years old

During this period of her growing up, the young lady begins to pay attention to the dresses and shoes of her friends, to what bracelet she bought for herself elder sister how mom painted her lips. Using a handbag or beautiful clothes the girl determines her position among her peers and feels that she belongs to the fair half of humanity. But not everyone likes jewelry, so before buying a gift, it is advisable to find out about the baby’s preferences.

  1. Handbags, backpacks. They can be completely different: ordinary or thematic, for children or adults. There are things that you can decorate or paint yourself.
  2. Children's cosmetics. Lipstick, lip gloss, eye shadow, powder, varnish and nail stickers that are washed off with water - all this is purchased at a children's store.
  3. Beautiful shoes are an important component of an outfit, but it is not recommended to buy them without trying them on.
  4. A cosmetic bag with a mirror and a folding comb will definitely come in handy for a girl before going to a party.
  5. Perfume. The smell should not be pungent. It is advisable that the perfume is intended specifically for the child.
  6. Bijouterie. You can purchase ready-made bracelets, beads, rings, or give a creativity kit so that the girl can create her own jewelry.
  7. Elegant dress, skirt, jeans, T-shirt, blouse, outerwear. It is advisable to update your wardrobe in the presence of a little fashionista or on the condition that things can be exchanged if necessary.
  8. Earrings. Many girls get their ears pierced at the age of seven. You should not buy cheap options, as your baby may have an allergic reaction to them.
  9. Diary for girls with a lock. There the young lady will write down all her secrets.
  10. Hair jewelry, tiara, elastic bands, hairpins, headbands, bows are the accessories necessary for a beauty.
  11. Casket. With such a gift, bracelets and earrings will have their place on the table of a young fashionista.

Tulle skirt - video

Computers, phones and other things

At seven years old, children are already well versed in their parents’ gadgets and know perfectly well how to turn on their favorite cartoons. Often gifts at this age are chosen with an eye to the fact that the child is going to school - it is necessary to maintain contact with the girl, and homework must be done.

  1. Tablet. A convenient and space-saving gift that can be used at home and on trips. Cartoons and games will brighten up the long wait.
  2. A netbook or laptop is a compact version of a computer.
  3. An e-book for the reading enthusiast. It will also be useful in teaching, because many textbooks fit into a small device.
  4. Children's camera. It is not much different from the usual one, but is easier to use, has a memory card and a rubberized body.
  5. Digital microscope. Similar to traditional optical. The images you see are saved on the memory card.
  6. Electronic telescope. It is used for astronomical observations.
  7. Computer. This is quite an expensive gift. Parents should think about whether they need it right now, or whether such a purchase can be postponed.
  8. Mobile phone. Very useful thing, if the girl is often left unattended by her family. It is advisable to buy more durable models.
  9. Karaoke is a great surprise for lovers of singing.
  10. Children's projector (mini-cinema). You can watch cartoons or movies directly on the wall or ceiling.
  11. Glasses virtual reality. They will allow the child to find himself in another world without leaving the room.
  12. Game console (console). This device connects to a monitor or TV.

Original gifts for a seven year old girl

You can please a young lady by choosing an unusual, funny, cheerful surprise for her. Such a gift will cheer up, surprise and amuse the guests who come to the holiday. Often such things are not very expensive, but they cause a storm of positive emotions.

  1. A running or flying alarm clock is a useful thing for getting up to school in the morning.
  2. A collapsible water bottle does not take up much space and attracts the attention of peers.
  3. Growing pencils. Various flowers grow from seemingly ordinary objects.
  4. Chameleon mug. When hot water is poured, it changes color.
  5. Fortune cookies. Each cookie contains a piece of paper with a good inscription about the future.
  6. The book box looks very realistic, it can easily be overlooked among others.
  7. Anti-stress pillow. An unusual thing to the touch that you want to crush.
  8. Colored hair chalks are suitable for a little fashionista who wants to experiment with her appearance.
  9. Home planetarium. With its help you can see planets and stars in any room.
  10. Freezer. This is a good gift for someone who loves to cook delicious food.
  11. 3D pen. She paints a picture that you can touch.
  12. Hoverboard. Unusual remedy a movement desired by many young ladies nowadays.
  13. Unblown candles or fireworks for the cake. These little things will definitely surprise uninformed guests.
  14. An unforgettable holiday. You can celebrate your birthday by inviting animators, or by going to unusual place with family or friends.

Video: birthday gift ideas for a 5-7 year old girl

Pet as a surprise for my daughter's birthday

Such a gift is the most serious and responsible of all. Don’t forget that no matter how much your daughter begs you to buy her a hamster or a puppy, a big responsibility for them will fall on the shoulders of adults.

The quietest and calmest of living gifts is, of course, fish. Of the smart, trainable rodents, rats and degus behave well in families, and the latter live quite a long time. But both of them definitely need company. Chinchillas, Guinea pigs and birds are less intelligent, but also exist well at home. Hamsters quickly run wild without communication, and some individuals can even bite their owner. Turtles and geckos do not require constant attention, as long as they are fed on time. Well, such desirable kittens and puppies will require a lot of educational efforts from adults.

When purchasing any animal, parents need to remember that they will most likely have to take control and care of the pets themselves.

Ideas for memorable gifts that can be given to the birthday girl

Memorable gifts are those things that remain as a reminder of have a wonderful day, positive emotions and joyful events. Usually they are an appendix to the main surprise. Such gifts include:

  • Greeting Cards;
  • engraved medals;
  • refrigerator magnets with congratulations, wishes, or photographs;
  • personalized mugs, commemorative plates and cups with inscriptions;
  • T-shirts with a print or photograph corresponding to this day;
  • birthday album;
  • holiday-themed souvenirs.

The most common option is greeting card. It can be done in bulk or regular form.

Unusual 3D postcard - video


Delicious gifts are very loved by children. And a birthday is the time when you should indulge yourself to your heart's content. Chocolates, sweets, surprise eggs, and baskets of sweets will delight the lover of treats. The culmination of the feast can be a chocolate fountain and an unusual cake, for example, with the image of your favorite cartoon characters.

If the hero of the occasion has a sweet tooth, then she will be surprised and delighted by a bouquet with a candy hidden in the middle of each flower. He himself may be big or not very big. And if a girl can’t have a lot of sweets, limit herself to one flower.

Flowers made from candies - video

If the guests invited to the holiday know little about the hero of the occasion, then a gift card may be the way out. children's store. For such a surprise, you need to attach something as a keepsake. Flowers will also not be superfluous. Whether the gift is given by parents, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters, or just acquaintances, there is no difference in priorities. The main condition is to focus on the young lady herself, her desires and interests. And then the holiday will definitely become one of the best events in the girl’s life.

Many people think that other people's children grow up very quickly. But sometimes the child’s parents don’t even have time to look back when their baby, who just yesterday couldn’t walk, went to first grade. And even though this is only the beginning of the girl’s school journey, new responsibilities have appeared in her life, which must be approached very responsibly.

How to surprise your little one and how to please her for her birthday? Now that the girl has plunged headlong into her studies, it is very important to distract her desired gifts and vivid impressions.

So what to give to a 7-year-old girl to bring her sincere joy? Let's try to figure it out.

According to mothers and fathers of first-graders, by the age of seven, children begin to get involved in creativity. Crafts are a wonderful way to relieve yourself after the school day. In addition, junior schoolgirls can already create complex creative products on their own. Some little princesses are studying at art school and have already learned how to create unique drawings. Other schoolgirls sew soft toys or weave jewelry from rubber bands or beads.

If the hero of the occasion is interested in any type of creativity, then present her themed gift. For example, this could be a set for making crafts, consisting of fabric pieces, multi-colored beads and buttons.

Here is a list of universal kits for Handmade:

  1. Set for decoupage. I would like to note that such things are not expensive, so you can buy several sets for a girl at once: decorating a vase, a box and a plate.
  2. Paper and tools for quilling (creating crafts from thin strips of paper). Using this technique, the young lady will be able to create a variety of cards, figurines and even jewelry.
  3. Knitting board. The kit includes yarn and a special machine, so the birthday girl can knit a beret or scarf for herself or her parents.
  4. Mandala. IN Lately These painting kits, which include a special stencil, are becoming very popular.
  5. Origami. Besides special paper, present your baby with books dedicated to this technique.
  6. Sequin pictures. Choose a creative set based on the preferences of the hero of the occasion. For example, if she loves nature, then choose a painting with a landscape or flowers.
  7. Engravings. Choose a set with a stencil in a children's theme: animals, girls' favorite cartoon characters, etc.
  8. Ice cream factory. Little kids who want to learn how to cook will love this gift. And although the ice cream will be made from plasticine, the birthday girl will learn to combine different shapes and colors, creating real culinary masterpieces.

A wonderful gift for a seven-year-old girl is a Lego set. There are special sets created based on famous Disney cartoons or fairy tales. The little one will be able to assemble her favorite characters from cubes and build a castle or house for them. Of course, such things are not cheap, but such a gift from parents or godparents will be just right.

Only the blind and deaf do not know that the birthday girl dreams of a puppy, kitten, hamster or parrot. Some children even secretly from their parents bring an animal into the house and feed it. If none of your family members are allergic to pets, then at seven years old the time has come when the girl is ready to take care of her own pet. Give her a puppy or a kitten, and the little owner’s joy will know no bounds.

Sports gifts for a 7 year old girl

Almost every kid rode a tricycle. Some children ride with joy, showing incredible abilities, in which case parents can safely give them a two-wheeled bicycle. But there is another type of children (mostly girls with a calm character) who do not show any interest in scooters or bicycles.

By the 7th year of life, boys and girls begin to choose friends based on their interests, sharing their hobbies. Therefore, if your girl does not yet have a bicycle, but she is interested in this means of transportation, feel free to buy her a bicycle.

Girls skating around the yard on bright roller skates attract the attention of others, so if the hero of the occasion looks at such children with envy, give her roller skates for her name day.

But, if you decide to present skates to your baby, choose protective equipment for them: a helmet, protective gloves, elbow pads and knee pads. A little girl cannot roller skate without protective equipment!

A wonderful gift option for a girl with pronounced sporting inclinations is comfortable luminous sneakers. This practical and useful gift will allow a little girl to run around with the boys in the yard, but at the same time stand out from the crowd.

Badminton set. If the baby cannot sit in one place without moving for even an hour, then you can give the girl a badminton set. By playing this dynamic, active game, your baby will improve her coordination and learn to concentrate. Such a pastime will bring her a lot of pleasure, so the birthday girl will definitely appreciate your gift.


Girly things as a gift for 7 years

By the age of seven, the girl begins to turn into a young lady, trying to imitate her mother in everything. The baby dreams of children's cosmetics or manicure set, your own hairdryer or jewelry. All these things can already be presented to the birthday girl. There are also other things that will help a little fashionista emphasize her individuality:

  • Bag-pillow with a pattern Monster High. Naturally, if the birthday girl’s parents are not against a cartoon about vampires and werewolves. This handbag, which can be locked with a key, is musical.
  • Electronic diary for keeping secrets. This “talking” case closes with a special code that its owner will come up with. The baby will write down her first little secrets in an electronic diary.
  • Suitcase for a little princess. Such a thing will delight not only the hero of the occasion, but also her mother. Such suitcases include pendants, elastic bands, combs, rhinestones, curlers, children's cosmetics, water-washable nail polish and much, much more.

What else can you give to a 7 year old girl? Take her to a beauty salon. For example, in honor of her birthday, let the master make her fashionable hairstyle. You can also take the baby to the store, where she will independently choose a beautiful dress for the holiday.

Original gifts for a 7 year old girl

If you are going to a 7-year-old girl’s name day, order a bouquet of toys for her.

Your little one will also be pleasantly surprised by a stylish T-shirt with a personalized inscription.

The best gifts are those that bring joyful emotions to their owners. Therefore, you can prepare an “impression as a gift” for the birthday girl:

  • launching sky lanterns;
  • visiting a soap show or amusement park;
  • swimming with dolphins;
  • going to the zoo or circus;
  • fairy tale - quest;
  • fiery costume party.

You can negotiate with animators who will organize an interesting, fun themed holiday for the girl and her young friends. In addition, actors dressed as the birthday girl’s favorite characters can bring gifts directly to the girl’s home. Such unexpected surprise will pleasantly surprise the baby.

A seven-year-old girl will enjoy a master class on painting cookies or making paper figures. And if the little one goes to a master class with friends, her joy will simply know no bounds.

What is the best gift not to give to a 7 year old girl?

For any mother and father, their children will always remain crumbs. The same applies to relatives who want to give the girl plush bunnies and beautiful baby dolls. But such things are unlikely to please a 7-year-old girl who is studying in the first grade. But also fiction choose wisely...

Also, there is no need to present the girl with another gadget every holiday. After all, having many electronic devices, the schoolgirl has all her free time will spend on a smartphone or tablet. And getting her to do her homework or read interesting fiction will be very difficult.

Here's how many different gifts you can choose for 7 - year old girl. But never forget that it is not the gift itself that is important, but the attention and love of the people closest to the girl - mom and dad, grandparents. Try to arrange an unforgettable birthday for your first-grader, which she will happily remember whole year. And such a surprise will be better than any, even the most expensive gifts!

What are girls 7-9 years old interested in? There is no definite answer, because some people still play with dolls, some are drawn to creativity, and there are girls who collect cars. What to give to a 7-9 year old girl to please the birthday girl?


Dolls. They will be held in high esteem by girls for a long time, so if you don’t know what to buy, then feel free to give a doll, but first find out what toys the birthday girl likes.

  • . It would be a good option if the toy is not an ordinary plastic baby, but has interactive functions and accessories included in the set. These dolls can cry, suck a pacifier, say mom and dad, and respond to sounds. For a little mother, this is a real child who can be put to sleep, rocked, fed, put on a potty, bathed, and changed a diaper.
  • . With chiseled figures, in impeccable clothes. Most girls look up to these dolls. It could be , or . Attracts little ladies and or series.
  • . Girls simply adore Disney cartoon heroines - Cinderella, Snow White, Ariel, Rapunzel, Anna and Elsa from the cartoon "Frozen", Merida.
  • Little Tinkerbell from the cartoon about Peter Pan! This is real magic: the doll flies and sits on the palm, soars again and returns to its little owner.
  • . Big or small – the main thing is cozy, because your daughter’s favorites will live in it. This could be a portable house that is convenient to take outside and play with friends. Or maybe a whole mansion for Barbie.

Soft toy. All girls love to hug a teddy bear or sleep with a soft monkey by their side.

Game sets. Buy your daughter a set with little ones, and the baby will be simply happy! She will also like toys from the series: tiny bunnies, squirrels, kittens and bear cubs, who live in their tiny town, where there are schools, shops, kindergartens, cafes.

Interactive animal. Does your child ask for a pet? Buy an interactive cat, hamster or robot dog. By playing with them, the little animal lover will learn how to care for her pet.

Constructor. This is everyone's favorite Lego and its series or . The girls play with pleasure and the series. From collectible construction sets you can choose Playmobil: series or .

Board games. Choose one that will be fun for the whole family to play.

  • . Girls enjoy playing games to make words from letters, for example, Scrabble or Alias, they love the game Crocodile, and they are also interested in Story Cubes.
  • . Great game - twister! A quiz game or a game to develop memory and attention may be suitable for a party.
  • . This is an option inexpensive gift, which can be presented to your sister or classmate. Girls especially like games based on cartoons with princess main characters.
  • Labyrinths, a Rubik's cube, a perplexus ball, various puzzles on magnets - all this will appeal to the young birthday girl. Such toys develop a child’s logical thinking, contribute to the development of perseverance and concentration, which has a positive effect on the educational success of a little schoolgirl.
  • . Great sets for this age - paintings depicting animals, princesses or landmarks different countries peace. Finished work Can be hung on the wall in the room. For variety, you can buy .

For creative people

Girls have a strong feminine side, so by the age of 7-9 they begin to get involved in creativity and handicrafts.

  • Needlework. Start by decorating a vase, photo frame, watch, handbag. You can also offer your daughter a set for making jewelry. If you want to teach your child to sew, then buy a kit from which you can sew a handbag or a small felt toy. You can teach your granddaughter to knit or make toys from felted wool.
  • 3D pen. This is what modern children dream about. Now the drawings come to life right before your eyes. Literally one wave of your hand, and in front of you is a polymer figurine. You can draw whatever you want. – great present For creative nature.
  • Painting. Those who love to draw will also like sets for painting on canvas, wood, ceramics, and glass. Popular gift- set for painting bags. A separate type of creativity is coloring by numbers.
  • Experiment kit. It's not just boys who love to do chemicals. Buy a kit for growing a crystal or creating your own scents, and see how delighted the birthday girl will be. Through experiments, a child can be introduced to physical and chemical phenomena in an accessible form. And also experiments - great option family leisure.
  • Drawing. If the boys are to the younger school age draw less and less, girls, on the contrary, show their imagination and dreams through drawing. If you want to develop the artistic talent of your daughter or granddaughter, give her good colors, pencils and album.
  • Modeling. It is no longer interesting to sculpt small figures from ordinary plasticine at this age, but if you work with clay, the sculpting process reaches another level. Girls are also interested in creativity from polymer materials: they can be used to make jewelry and figurines that freeze in air.

For active recreation

Walking in the fresh air, playing with friends, relaxing at the dacha in the summer and family walks in the winter - this is exactly what childhood should be like. And for it to be bright, it is necessary to provide the child with everything necessary for movement.

  • Bike. Favorite mode of transport for children of all ages. Surprise the birthday girl with a new bicycle, because at this age children are just changing from 16-inch wheels to an iron horse with 20-inch wheels.
  • . Continues to be popular, only the models are becoming more complex. Scooters with large inflatable wheels are held in high esteem at this age. You can also buy one, which will replace both a bicycle and a skateboard for a young racer.
  • . If a girl doesn’t know how to ride them yet, it’s time to learn. This great gift to the younger sister: if mom and dad can’t teach their daughter to ride, then help will come elder sister.
  • . Girls can jump outside for hours, organizing a jump rope tournament with their friends. This is very useful for children, because by jumping, the child becomes more dexterous, coordinated, and the muscles of his legs, arms and back are strengthened. In addition to the jump rope, you can purchase the Classics game.
  • Badminton. Great for family fun. To get started, you can buy a set with large plastic rackets and soft balls. Let young athlete first he will learn to hit them, and only then he will show his skills with metal rackets and a shuttlecock.

For a little schoolgirl

At the age of 7, the girl will become a student. This is important crucial moment in the life of every person. Surround the baby with care, help her with her studies and try to create all the conditions so that the child loves school.

  • Fiction. Having learned to read, the girl will certainly want to read all the books that are on the shelf in the store. Buy her a collection about princesses, literature for children, and about children like the young reader herself.
  • Reference literature. While studying at school, your child will find various dictionaries useful.

Seven years is an interesting age. On the one hand, the child has already left the period of carefree “kindergarten” childhood and has entered or is preparing to enter school. On the other hand, he still remains a visionary and a dreamer with unconditional faith in miracles.

When deciding what to give a 7-year-old girl, you should adhere to the following principles:

  • the chosen item should be age appropriate, that is, bring joy to the child here and now. Practical advice grandmothers, buying something “for growth” and “for the future” should be ignored. For example, expensive earrings that are clearly not suitable for a seven-year-old child should not be given as a gift. Parents, most likely, will put the gift away, explaining that they will be able to wear them in 10 years. And for a girl, such an expensive but inappropriate gift will cause nothing but disappointment. It’s even more offensive for the birthday girl to receive as a gift something that she has clearly “grown out of.” And we are not necessarily talking about clothes. There is no point in giving a seven-year-old girl toys and books designed for 3-5 year olds;

  • When choosing a gift, you should not try to remember what interested you at the age of seven. Fairy-tale characters and favorite heroes that were relevant 20-30 years ago are often unfamiliar to modern children;
  • if the donor does not know the child personally, then it is best to consult with the birthday girl’s parents. This will help you choose exactly what the girl dreams of.

Examples of not the most successful gifts

Many adults are lost in choosing a gift for children, so they try to give money or certificates to children's stores. Like, let the parents decide what to buy for their child. It would seem that the gift is very practical and reasonable. But why is there disappointment on the birthday girl’s face?

The fact is that seven-year-old children have highly developed primary visual perception. Therefore, if you decide to give money and a certificate (this is a really reasonable and practical gift), then do not be lazy to buy the birthday girl a small souvenir that will be presented to her directly at the holiday. This could be a cute bouquet of small toys, a bunch balloons or a basket of sweets. Let this additional surprise be inexpensive, but the girl will receive it on the day of the holiday, which is very important for her.

Is it worth giving clothes and shoes? The question is controversial. On the one hand, there are few seven-year-old girls who would not want to have another beautiful dress or elegant shoes. However, there are many pitfalls here. Firstly, there is a high probability of being wrong with the size, and then disappointment cannot be avoided. Secondly, the tastes of the giver and recipient of the gift may not coincide; many girls at this age have their own taste and become very picky in choosing clothes.

Not the most successful gift option for a birthday are things for school: a backpack, stationery, etc. Unless the chosen item (for example, a pencil case) turns out to be exclusive and original.

How to please the little lady?

Most girls aged 7 pay attention to their own appearance and want to feel like an adult. Therefore, they can and should be given things for beauty.

For example, if the recipient of a gift has long hair, then she will be pleased to receive a set of beautiful accessories as a gift - hairpins, elastic bands, headbands, etc. For many girls, a set of cosmetics is their cherished dream. Of course, you need to choose cosmetics designed specifically for children. You can buy a beautiful cosmetic bag and fill it with various “girly” things.

Another interesting option gift - a multi-tiered box with several compartments. In such a box you can store jewelry and other cute trinkets that every little girl has.

You can buy a cute children's handbag as a gift for a little lady; you can put a mirror in a beautiful frame, a cute comb and other necessary things in it.


Seven years is not the age when you should give up dolls. It’s just that the style of games changes by this age. Now many girls play with their dolls to school, beauty salon, etc.

You can buy an exquisite doll as a gift for a 7-year-old girl; at this age, children already perfectly understand the value of toys and will not thoughtlessly break the doll. But still, a toy should be a toy, and not a display piece. Porcelain beauties, which need to be placed “under glass” and handled with extreme care, are not worth buying. Nice doll for this age, one with whom you can play - change clothes, do hair, etc.

Interactive toys

Today, toys are in fashion that “interact” with the player: answer questions, sing songs, etc.

For example, if a girl dreams of a puppy or kitten, but due to an allergy or other reason there is no possibility of having a live pet, you can buy the baby interactive toy, which can walk, wag its tail, and make sounds. In addition, such a pet requires care and attention, and this develops such good trait character as a responsibility.

Creator's Kit

It’s great if a girl has a favorite hobby. In this case, as a gift for a 7-year-old child, you can choose things related to his hobby: paints, a karaoke microphone, a dance mat, etc.

If a girl has not yet decided on a hobby and does “a little bit of everything,” then ready-made creativity kits will be a good gift for her. Now they are presented in a large assortment, here are a few options:

  • kits for weaving bracelets;
  • sets of beads and beads for creating costume jewelry and decorating things;
  • a set consisting of a children's handbag and markers for coloring it. Having painted the handbag to her liking, the girl will acquire an exclusive accessory;
  • soap making kits;
  • kits for decorating objects using decoupage technique;
  • embroidery kits with floss or beads, etc.

These kits for creating unique things with your own hands instill an interest in handicrafts, develop taste, and cultivate qualities such as perseverance, accuracy, and the desire to see things through to the end.

Interesting and original gift For seven year old girl- These are sets for conducting experiments that allow you to understand the basic laws of physics and chemistry. For example, the “Young Chemist” set includes chemical reagents and glassware for conducting experiments. Of course, it is better for children to experiment under the supervision of mom or dad.

Many girls will be interested in receiving a microscope as a gift in order to get to know the microworld better.

Sports gifts

Many seven-year-old girls are very active, and their irrepressible energy should be directed toward developing their bodies and playing sports. As a gift for a fidget, you can give:

  • bike;
  • trampoline;
  • rollers.

If the parents don’t mind, you can give the girl a certificate for classes at a sports club. Many of these institutions have children's groups for fitness, aerobics, etc. There are groups in which parents study together with their children, for shy girls, this particular option will be the best.


Even during the craze computer games, many people like to read books. As a gift for a girl who already knows how to read well, you can purchase a collection of age-appropriate fairy tales.

Various encyclopedias also enjoy constant success. But a seven-year-old child should choose books that do not have voluminous texts, but have many good illustrations.


The hardest thing is to choose a gift for the girl who has everything. She will not be pleased with either another doll or a new gadget. In this case, best gift for a 7-year-old girl – these are pleasant and, preferably, new emotions.

There are many options for gifts and impressions. You can throw a fun costume party, organize a simple but exciting quest to find a “treasure” for the birthday girl and her friends.

A good gift for a girl could be a visit to the circus, zoo or dolphinarium, because at this age most children love animals.

You can invite the girl to attend a master class that is interesting to her. For example, why not learn how to make candy yourself, create amazing paintings from sand, fold funny paper figures using the origami technique?

So, choosing a good gift for a seven-year-old is not easy; you must take into account the girl’s character and inclinations. But if the choice is made correctly, the reward for the giver will be the sincere joy of the birthday girl.