DIY snowflake costume, quick and beautiful. Master class with step-by-step photos. Light and delicate do-it-yourself snowflake costume for a girl: details of tailoring and methods of decoration

DIY Snowflake costume for girls made from waste material

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg

Description: the material will be interesting music directors, educators, teachers additional education and just loving parents.
Target: creating a costume for the holiday.
Tasks:- bring joy to children, give pleasure;
- develop Creative skills, cultivate neatness.
Necessary materials: plastic bags, knife or scissors, most importantly, a knitted skirt and hat.

Our skirts and hats were already knitted in advance.
Mom made it for me
Wonderful outfit.
Simple dress
The look is pleasing.
In the form of a Snowflake,
I'm very good!
The world has become cleaner
My soul sings!
I present to you our festive outfit, which we made for the holiday. This year our girls are dancing the Snowflake Dance and we decided to make our princesses costumes with our own hands from plastic bags.
We take our bags, tear them off the roll, and lay them evenly on top of each other.

Then fold them in half and cut them. From one package we got two.

We take our cut halves and fold them in half so that we can make a loop.

We take our cap and thread our bag into each hole, tighten it with a loop. But we start filling our cap from the third row from the bottom, otherwise if we start from the first row, then our miracle – the cap will cover the face.

It is better to insert the bags vertically; horizontally it turns out very tight. And so we fill the entire cap.

Our hat is almost ready. We also fill out the rows in the skirt, only we fill out the skirt every other row. We also fill vertically, fill one row, skip the second, and so on throughout the skirt. You also need to start filling from the third row from the bottom.

Our things were filled with ours waste material and this is what happened.
We try on the outfit, we are ready for the holiday.

We wish everyone festive mood, have a wonderful holiday and good luck, good luck, good luck...
My outfit is not made of fabric,
And from plastic bags.
Mom and I tried very hard,
So you wouldn't guess.
Hat on my head,
The skirt is airy,
That's the kind of girl
I am obedient to my mother!

Before New Year holidays There is always a lot of bustle and preparation. As a rule, they begin a week earlier, because all kindergartens traditionally conduct New Year's parties. The snowflake dress has always been one of the most popular among girls. Every young fashionista wants to wear a snowflake costume to a matinee and be the most beautiful. If you didn’t have time to purchase a ready-made dress in advance or just want to make a snowflake costume for your daughter with your own hands, you will need a little fabric and just one evening.

Master class "Snowflake costume for girls"

This master class is very suitable for those mothers who have absolutely no idea about sewing, but really want to prepare something beautiful for their daughter. holiday dress. Before you start sewing a snowflake costume, prepare everything you need:

  • wide elastic band white(width about 50-60cm);
  • tulle: 1.5 meters for a skirt and 20 cm for a headdress.

That's all the simple preparations you'll need for the snowflake dress. Now let's look at step by step how to make an outfit for a girl without a sewing machine:

1. Cut strips of tulle 25 cm wide and 50 cm long. You will need about 36 such pieces.

2. Take the strip and fold it like an accordion. We pin it with a pin. It’s convenient to prepare all the tulle strips at once to make things go faster.

3. Before you start “sewing” the snowflake costume, measure the required length of the elastic and try it on the girl’s waist.

4. Now we simply tie the accordion with an elastic band.

5. To make the New Year's snowflake costume lush and festive, try to tie the tulle with an elastic band as tightly as possible.

6. This is what you should end up with when all the strips are tied.

7. Next, we will make our own headdress for the snowflake costume. We take the most ordinary headband. We will make a crown out of it. We cut tulle strips 10 cm long and 3 cm wide. You will need 50-60 such strips.

8. We will make the headdress using the same technique as the snowflake dress. We just tie the strips very tightly to each other. It's better to tie double knot.

9. The result will be approximately the following.

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Photo gallery: Winter beauty: DIY New Year's snowflake costume for a girl

Delicate, airy and incredibly cute snowflake - traditional New Year's image, without which almost no matinee can do. The image is popular and therefore often repeated. To make your little snowflake stand out against the general “snowy” background, we suggest sewing her a costume with your own hands. Firstly, it will fit the baby’s figure perfectly and will not cause discomfort to the child. And, secondly, the designer’s costume always guarantees its originality and uniqueness.

New Year's snowflake costume ideas for girls

Let's start with the fact that there are a lot of options for implementing this popular image. But almost every one of them is based on basic clothing white or blue tint: dress, suit, skirt and T-shirt (body). The base is decorated with sequins, beads, New Year's tinsel, lace. The main motif of the decor is, of course, snowflakes of all sizes and patterns. The look is usually completed with a themed headdress. This could be a white hoop, headband, or tiara.

On a note! To make the snowflake costume light and airy, use white and blue feathers when decorating it. different sizes. But be sure to lay out the feathers in the form of snowflakes, otherwise you risk getting a strange bird costume.

DIY snowflake costume for a girl - step-by-step instructions

If you are not strong in improvisation, you can use ready-made master class on how to create a snowflake outfit. This option is very easy to implement and requires a minimum of effort and investment.

Necessary materials:

Main stages:

How to make a snowflake headdress - step by step instructions

The final stage will be the creation of a suitable headdress. The simplest option is a headband, which we suggest you make with your own hands from a regular elastic band.

Necessary materials:

  • rubber
  • ribbon roses
  • rhinestones, pearls, beads
  • hot glue
  • paper

Main stages:

Every child will have a matinee party on New Year 2017, so a DIY snowflake costume for a girl is a hot topic. Buying such a suit today is not a problem, but most mothers agree that sewing it yourself is always more interesting. Let's try to create something exclusive, especially since the child can be taken together.

We offer you a master class on creating a snowflake costume for a little girl. Everything is much simpler than it looks at first glance. Even if you haven’t tried sewing, you will succeed, and you don’t need a machine here.

Tutu skirt

To work you will need:

  • 60 cm of white wide elastic band;
  • 1.5 m of tulle (for a skirt);
  • 20 cm tulle (for headdress);
  • pins;
  • thread, scissors, needle.

1. Cut strips of tulle, maintaining a width of 25 cm and a length of 50 cm. You should have 35 such strips.

2.Take one strip and fold it like an accordion. Pin in the middle. Do this with each piece.

3.Measure the elastic band according to the child’s waist of the required length and sew the edges tightly if you take a cut.

4.Remove the pin from the tulle accordion and tie it with an elastic band. The center of the strip should coincide with the elastic band (crosswise), and it is in this position that you tie the strip on the elastic band.

5. Repeat this with each strip of tulle. You need to place the tulle as close as possible so that the skirt ends up being very fluffy.


To create a crown, use the simplest hoop.

1. Cut the tulle into strips 10 cm long and 3 cm wide. You should have 60 pieces of such strips.

2.Take a hoop and a strip of tulle, place them perpendicularly and tie a knot from the strip. Repeat this with each strip, trying to press all the strips together.

3. To make the crown for the snowflake neat, trim the edges. Trim more on the sides and leave maximum length at the top.

It is best to use a white jumpsuit for the base, as it can additionally be decorated with rhinestones and beads. However, if this is not found, then use a white T-shirt and tights.


Another option for a quick DIY snowflake costume is to buy a separate fluffy skirt, T-shirt, knee socks and use the same hoop.

Additionally, select tinsel and snowflakes. Decorating the costume is at your discretion. Sew snowflakes to the skirt, and tinsel to the T-shirt.

For the hoop, you can use the same tinsel, wrapping it in a spiral.

As you can see, making a snowflake costume for a girl with your own hands is not at all difficult if you use your ingenuity and imagination. Have fun creating and scroll on. We still have a lot of interesting things.

Do beautiful suit DIY New Year's for a girl using step-by-step photos, not as difficult as it seems. If you are ready to set aside half a day for New Year's costume from 2 years to 12, having patterns available, it will turn out better than store-bought, and besides, it will remain for a long memory, like an outfit sewn by the hands of a beloved mother.

The coming New Year is always a piece of magic. And how I want to instill this piece of magic in my children! Charming vestment fairy-tale heroes will help turn a little girl into a miraculous fairy, and an older child into a beautiful princess. Your child may even represent the symbols of winter and its happy holiday- snowflake, Christmas tree or Snow Maiden. The best option is to make a New Year's costume for a girl with your own hands!

An example of creating a costume for a girl

Let's look at the most attractive and extraordinary examples of creating a bright and interesting image.

Best for showcasing elegant luxury and original New Year's goes well with the outfit fluffy skirt, which is easy to do. The material required is tulle in several colorful colors. To secure the skirt at the waist, you can use either an elastic band or elastic band. Step-by-step instruction creations:

  1. We fix the elastic band (tape) around the girl’s waist.
  2. Take one strip of tulle and throw it over the elastic band (ribbon).
  3. For convenience, we assemble the fabric and make two successive knots - one to create the volume of the skirt itself, the second to secure the first.
  4. We straighten the free part of the material and spread it out as wide as possible.
  5. Using the same principle, we sequentially tie the tulle over the entire width of the elastic (ribbon) with alternating different shades(you can make smoothly flowing tones throughout the circle, depending on the selected character).
  6. We fix satin ribbon along the circumference of the future tutu skirt and make a bow in the front (you can also make it on the side, if desired).
  7. We cut strips of tulle at the hem of equal length and carefully straighten them to give additional pomp.

Ready! Visually making this holiday decoration for your child is shown in the photo.

Photo: tulle skirt for New Year 2018

Snow White costume

You can sew a New Year's costume for a girl with your own hands, even in White White's trim (see photos and patterns below). A special feature of the tutu skirt is its versatility. Depending on the combination of colors and top, you can create absolutely any image - from a squirrel, a fox or a bunny to Disney characters.

The length of the product does not have to be short, although it is this property that provides its volume. But if you want to create a costume, for example, Snow White, then the upper part can be a checkerboard woven top to the waist with silk ribbons crossed crosswise, and the straps on which it will be held are also created from them.

To complement the look, you should make a large bow as a hair decoration, preferably red. To make it more complete, the top can be decorated with real and artificial roses or peonies.

In the final form, Snow White's New Year's costume using a tutu skirt, made with her own hands, is shown in the photo.

Photo ideas for fashionable New Year's costumes for girls:

Snowflake Costume

One of the most popular DIY New Year's costumes for girls based on step-by-step photos is the Snowflake, a very airy and aesthetic costume, the cost of creating which will be minimal if you want to sew something economical in which your girl will shine.

Such the suit will fit girls from 2 to 12 years old!

In order to create such an image, you can use several combinations of materials: for a skirt, organza, tulle or even satin are best (it all depends on what you want the outfit to look like in the end); for a bodice, it is quite suitable satin, cambric or plain cotton.

You need to start with a pattern, an example of which is shown in the photo.

This dress is for New Year Suitable for girls 2-5 years old. The sequence of actions for its manufacture:

  • to add more pomp, you should additionally sew a petticoat following the example of the skirt itself (but this element is not necessary). You may not need extra volume if the skirt should be straight or made according to the example given above;
  • on two separate sheets of paper we cut out patterns for the front and back of the future bodice;
  • fold the fabric chosen for the upper part of the costume in half, then place the cut out parts on it and fasten it tightly with pins;

  • We outline the patterns with chalk or a pencil around the perimeter, the strokes should be thin in case it is necessary to correct some parts, but clear enough so that when further work they seemed distinguishable;
  • cut out the resulting drawings not exactly along the contour, but a centimeter along it;

  • we mark the key places of the future dress and turn it over to the reverse side;
  • we make appropriate marks along the contour and transfer seams and darts from the front part;

  • Continuing our costume for girls for the New Year, which is suitable from 2 to 12 years old, we use pins to pin the stitches together on the back of the product;

  • we make manual darts in the fastenings exactly along the drawn lines, since in these places the bodice will need to be stitched;
  • We go through the sewing machine needle;

  • fold the resulting parts towards each other on a flat surface;

  • we connect the cutouts on the shoulders with pins;
  • we sweep it with thread and sew it on the machine in the same way;
  • we hide the cut parts using an overlocker, and do the same with the neck;

  • smooth into different sides dorsal seam;
  • You can see from the step-by-step photos that the bodice is ready. After this, we proceed to decorate the upper part of the outfit with sleeves. We make a pattern and fit it tightly to the fabric using pins or needles;

  • cut out the prepared parts and put them together, fix them;

  • using stitching on a sewing machine, we make two parallel lines, marking the center of the sleeve with a pin;

  • we tighten the sleeves until assembled and measure them with the bodice, both parts should be the same;

  • we thread the blanks into the armholes on the bodice and sew them inside, making an overlock;

  • we turn the sewn sleeves outside and decorate the ends with openwork or ruffles;

  • let's go through sewing machine along the unconnected edges of the bodice, we sew the fabric sections;

  • The top part of the girl's dress for the New Year 2018 is finished! Using our step-by-step photos, patterns and video tutorials, you should not make mistakes in the process of making a New Year's costume. All that remains is to make a skirt that suits the style. To do this, we make a petticoat from a piece of tulle (about 30 cm wide), tightening one of its sides with stitched threads, free edges then stitched;

  • from newsprint cut out a circle whose diameter is identical to the diameter of the skirt. Folded in half, it is applied to the material, which is neatly folded into two layers;

  • By analogy with sewing a bodice, we transfer the outline of the pattern to the fabric, trim off the excess, sew a wider edge and process it with an overlocker;

  • after that we decorate the hem of the skirt with openwork;

  • connect the main lower part to the petticoat and secure with pins;

  • baste and use machine stitching for stability, then turn inside out front side. In a similar way we connect the bodice with the skirt;

  • we sew the openwork to the neck, and in place of the fastener on the back - a button;

  • For additional decor Using foil stars, you need to pinpoint the lower part of the dress along the entire length;

  • attach sequins in fixed places;

  • we do the same with the bodice;

  • To create a more complete image, create a headband. Along the elastic band, the length of which corresponds to the circumference of the head, we sew an openwork and decorate it.

A DIY snowflake costume for a 2-5 year old girl for the New Year is complete! The general appearance of the outfit is shown in the photo.

A similar master class on making a dress of this style can be studied in more detail in the video.

Costume "Angel" for the New Year

The image of a little angel, shining with purity and innocence, is an excellent choice for a New Year’s costume for a 10-11 year old girl. Let's analyze its key part - the wings, according to the stages of creation:

  1. The simplest thing you can use for a solid base is metal hangers. Using pliers, we break off the hook and rewind the resulting protruding ends with electrical tape or regular tape, having previously connected them together.
  2. We apply glue to the skeleton; it is better to use one that should be allowed to dry for a while before further use.
  3. We cut the paper and attach the strips to the adhesive base, or you can use real feathers by simply scattering them on the metal body of the future wings.
  4. We wait several hours for the material to attach tightly.
  5. Ropes or tapes are usually used as parts attaching this part of the costume to the back, but the former will hold the improvised structure much more firmly.

Step by step visual instructions shown in the photo.

The wings will turn out to be more elegant if you weave New Year's rain into them or spray them with glitter varnish.

Now you need to make a halo. The main elements are metal wire and Christmas tree tinsel; in addition, you need a headband.

  1. Cut two pieces from the wire and wrap the ends tightly around the rim.
  2. We roll the other piece in the shape of a circle and connect it with the previous sections by folding it on its opposite sides.
  3. Using tape or glue, we connect the tinsel to the resulting circle, or, as an option, we decorate it with artificial snow.

With this simple maneuver we made another element of the angel's costume, the principle of creation of which is reflected in the photo.

For the dress itself, you can use a white cape or nightgown, or light summer sundress.

Fairy costume

The mysterious outfit of a fairy or some forest spirit has not gone unnoticed by children of all ages for many years. How to make your own fairy costume for girls 11-12 years old for the New Year 2018? It is much easier to bring this to life using patterns.

Let's see what it looks like.

  1. We measure the girl’s parameters, cut the elastic to the required length, and stretch it on a device convenient for us (accessories, for example).
  2. We create a skirt in the image and likeness of the one that we considered as an element of the image of Snow White with weaving ribbons and additional accessories.
  3. When connecting the two ends of the elastic, we decorate the seam with a floral element.

The whole process is clearly shown in step-by-step photos.

After the skirt is sewn, let's start making the wreath. For this:

  • We measure the circumference of the child’s head and use a cardboard strip as a base for the future product.
  • We cut out the same strip from felt according to size and connect both elements.
  • Decorate the entire circumference of the wreath artificial flowers, pearl beads or sequins with rhinestones.

This is the final result of this delicate and sensual detail of the fairy’s image.

To finish the costume, you should make wings like a real lady of the forest!

  1. For the top, we use any T-shirt that matches the color. We decorate it so that it matches the wreath and matches the skirt.
  2. On a sheet of paper we make a sketch of the future wings (general silhouette).
  3. Copy the drawing onto pink, orange or yellow cardboard.
  4. We cut out two symmetrical parts and fasten them with a glue gun (or any substance that replaces it).
  5. At a distance of 4-5 cm from the center we make holes for the straps on which the wings will be held.
  6. We close the joint between the parts a beautiful bud, we add ribbons and rain to it.
  7. We draw magical patterns on the wings themselves. You can circle them regular glue and sprinkle with glitter.
  8. Let's take it Chinese chopstick for sushi and color it as your heart desires, crown it with an elegant star with ribbons at the end.

Magic fairy wings are an integral attribute of this fairy-tale creature!

You can learn more about creating the image of a little sorceress from the video.

Cat costume for New Year 2018

Another image, bold, insidious, fiery, bright - a cat costume.

  1. Draw the pattern on paper and cut it out.
  2. Glue the paper and the template cut along its contours onto the fabric.
  3. We wrap the hair hoop in felt according to size, and place the ears at different ends of the headband.
  4. We stitch the ears for a tighter fit.
  5. We sketch the triangles so that they fit freely inside each ear.
  6. We connect the cut blanks with the material Pink colour and glue it inside.

So, the sequence of actions is more clearly displayed in the photo.

To make the tail you will need to do the following:

  1. IN plastic bag put two toilet bushings.
  2. We wrap these parts with knitted socks or a woolen sock of the required length.
  3. Inside the golf course it is worth placing a tube from paper towel in plastic packaging.
  4. Finally, glue small pieces of fur to the tail.
  5. We make a tutu skirt, under which tight-fitting leggings will look nice, take a classic black T-shirt as a top, and add gloves if desired.

More detailed creation stages cat's tail shown in the photo.

In the end, the image of the cat girl should look like this.

Suit of Snow Maiden

Of course, the most important female character on winter holiday The Snow Maiden performs, the creation of whose vestments is shown in detail in the video.

Among the numerous design options, the most current and most popular costumes for girls from 2 to 12 years old for the New Year 2018 were presented. Magical ideas will certainly help your child shine as a little star who will win the hearts of everyone who sees him in magical night. All other experiments with costumes and decorations are limited only by your imagination!