Scenario for congratulating Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Adults: New Year's scenario for a large company


There is music before the evening begins. The presenter comes out dressed as the Snow Maiden and sings “Ah, this evening” to the soundtrack.

Snow Maiden: During the day, the city is like a city, and people are like people around.
But at New Year's hour everything suddenly changes here.
Let the candles be lit and there are no empty seats in the hall,
And everyone is looking forward to New Year's miracles.
Chorus: Ah, this evening, the crafty magician, forever dressed in a purple tailcoat.
The candles will go out, love will go away,
but in New Year will come back to us again.
Snow Maiden. Good evening! Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
The beginning is like a fairy tale, I sneak up, like shhh, quietly, don’t scare him away, do you hear? (steps in the snow), here, here it is, it will happen very soon! Like what, you don't know (sharp music), (turn around) of course a miracle!!!
The river of time is flowing, and _____ a year has already passed... Inexorably and excitingly, a new one is coming, _________. And they are waiting for us again magical dreams and indescribable feelings of anticipation of extraordinary miracles and fabulous events. Wonderful and the most main holiday- New Year. And this holiday is always associated with hopes for miracles and magical fulfillment of desires. But your wishes can really come true. This will happen not in a fairy tale, but in reality, just as it happened and is happening to many people. And since life provides us with many opportunities every day, we just need to meet the chance halfway and not stop it from coming true. It is in the New Year that you can attract money and luck into your life or attract a loved one to you. During the New Year, the energy of desire intensifies many times over. Before the long-awaited 12 strokes strike, we will all write our wishes on pieces of paper. And believe me, they will definitely come true, you just have to believe in it very strongly.
I greet all our dear guests - Snegurochka! I invite you all to visit me for a fun New Year's holiday! And our ___________________________ will help me guide you along the mysterious paths of music, dancing and lively entertainment!
Dear friends, I suggest filling your glasses and emptying them to the bottom for your magical fulfillment of desires.


Dear guests! Your friends, colleagues, and loved ones are sitting next to you. Smile at each other! Smile from the bottom of your heart!
You all know very well that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will live it. Therefore, the conduct of our magical holiday. Forget all your problems for a while and give your loved ones and friends, good mood.

Today you can and should dream. And let it not be in the yard winter weather, But looking out the window, imagine that there...0 – (Snow is spinning)

And that at full speed...1 – (New Year is rushing towards us - disco Crash)

And what today...2 – (New Year's - Serduchka)

And only for you, for your wonderful team...
3 – (A Christmas tree was born in the forest - Balagan)

We will congratulate each other, and like making wishes in childhood, And we will have for this... 4 – (5 minutes)

And your wonderful leaders will call on you more than once...
5 – (Go for a walk - Karmanov)

And they will remind you more than once...6 – (So ​​pour it - Orlova)

One of the guests will definitely propose a toast...7 – (Let's drink to love - Nikolaev)

And the other guest will say...8 – (I raise my glass - Kirkorov)

And everyone will support him with pleasure, because on New Year’s Day we must definitely drink...9 – (For our ladies - Trofim)

Then, as in the fairy tale Cinderella, when the chimes strike 12 o’clock, we will all make a wish and say to each other...10–(We wish you happiness)

Then we will call Santa Claus and he will answer us...11 – (I hear - disco Crash)

Then the real thing will begin...14 – (Gulyanka – Serduchka)

And this New Year's Eve, all women will stop claiming that...
15 – (We are all women bitches - Allegrova)

And more than once, addressing their friends and colleagues, women will say...16 – (Little by little - Kukarskaya)

And then they will be happy and say that everything will be fine now... 17 – (Good - Serduchka)

And looking at each other they will see stunning...18 – (Sex bomb)

Again the leadership will take the floor and make a festive toast, with the wish...20 – (Let there be no tears and sadness)

And of course...21 – (So ​​that everything definitely comes true - Rotaru)

During a friendly feast, after toasts have been made, you may have the desire to sing an old but wonderful song...
25 – (The reeds rustled)

And after the song is sung, someone will push the neighbor in the side and say... 26 – (And you call your friends - Suruchana)
And there will be cheerful dancing, and faces will glow with joy. But …
Of course, the evening is not endless, the holiday will melt away like smoke, But happy and tired, you will return home.
And someone, waking up in the morning, may feel like this... 27 – (Hangover)

Looking out the window, he sees that outside the window...
28 – (Snow is falling - Uspenskaya)

And then I will remember this holiday, and how with friends... 29 – (We walked all night until the morning)

And suddenly he hears...
30 – (WITH Good morning, beloved – Mityaev)

What does he answer when he's sleepy... 31 – (Take your time, dear – Vaikule)
(Life is already spinning me - Rotaru)

And the following words will melt any, even polar, cold ice... 35 – (Get crazy)

And in the next moments, only one song will sound for two...
36 – (I love you to tears - Serov)

And a new day will come, and happy man will say...
38 – (Happy New Year - Korolev)


Dear friends, let's spend the Old Year together with its adversities and sorrows. Let's fill the glasses and drink to the bottom, and I hope that with the last drops of the sparkling drink, all worries and grievances will leave you.

Music pause

Leading: Yes, the New Year is an extraordinary holiday in all respects, but you cannot go into the future without remembering the past; it is impossible to forget those warm and joyful moments that the outgoing year gave us, because for many of us it became significant both in work and in personal life. life.
Therefore, we propose to say the main toast for the outgoing _______ year to your beloved boss and just wonderful person __________________________.


Leading: Now let's pay tribute to the passing year. What it was like for each of us, now we will sum up the results of the ________ year.
Let him raise his hand
Who experienced a career takeoff (promoted)
Let him send an air kiss
Who has been lucky in love all year (kiss)
Thumbs up
Who has celebrated success more than once! (finger OK)
And turn your fingers down
Who squandered the capital, (Down)
Come on, wave your hand
Who got a grandson, granddaughter! (wave)
And stand side by side
Who gave birth to a daughter or a son (stand up)
Let them clap their hands
Who new house I bought a good one! (clap)
Those who got married got married
Shouts “Hurray!”, we will hear you!
And raise your glasses up,
Those who worked hard
They worked without sparing effort,
Who brought the salary to the house?
Who's having fun at the banquet?
In spite of all the crises in the world
Who looks forward joyfully
Happy good New Year!
Toast! Over the past year!

Musical pause.


Characters: Christmas tree, Blizzard, 2 Snowflakes, Bunny, Wolf, Peasant

Snow Maiden: Dear friends! New Year's evenings are always magical and fabulous, because it is in these moments that wishes are made and come true, a wide variety of miracles and transformations occur, and it is on the New Year that a FAIRY TALE comes to us. A FAIRY TALE has come to us!
But, let's first!
1. 2. In a clearing in the forest, almost at the edge of the forest, a small Christmas tree was born, it grew, grew, and became such a beauty that it’s impossible to tell in a fairy tale, not to describe with a pen….
3. The Christmas tree, of course, sometimes became sad, especially long winter evenings, and then the blizzard sang its lullabies to her
4. Sometimes the blizzard got serious and the snow fell in flakes... (Snowflakes enter) Snowflakes fell on the Christmas tree, on its branches, on the very top of the head.
5. The Christmas tree had many friends, but the hare was the biggest friend - long ear, he often visited the Christmas tree so that it would not be bored.
6. And sometimes he came running to check on the Christmas tree Gray wolf, the bunny, of course, was hiding under the branches of the Christmas tree, but the wolf had no time for the bunny, he was in love: (and here: Blah blah blah... cut for the wolf)
7. But then one day, at such a moment, a horse’s neighing was heard through the forest, the wolf was so frightened that he also hid under the branches of the Christmas tree...
And it turns out that a little man galloped into the forest to cut down a Christmas tree.
Yes, and he cut down our Christmas tree, right down to the very edge!!!
And so our decorated Christmas tree came to us for the holiday and, as usual, brought a lot of joy to the children!!!
Round dance around the Christmas tree under Balagan.


Ved: That’s all we have today – a Christmas tree, guests, Olivier, and music. Only there is no main New Year's hero, DM. For some reason he is late. Although you know, every year DM becomes more and more absent-minded, forgetful, and hard of hearing... He probably walks around the city and doesn’t know where to look for us. How can we help him? I suggest we greet him with fireworks. Do you agree? Then let's rehearse!
The left side of the hall is red fireworks - you will clap your hands.
The middle part of the hall - yellow color– you will stomp your feet loudly.
A Right sideof blue color– you will shout “HURRAY!”
So let's begin. Red! Blue! Yellow! Together! (game with spectators)
Well, let's meet D.M. you are ready, all that remains is to call him. Let's call him loudly - loudly so that he can focus on the sound? Traditionally, this needs to be done three times. Let's start! (Santa Claus!)
And now the fireworks! Red! Blue! Yellow!
Santa Claus enters ("Santa Claus comes out")
DM: Did you call grandpa?
WITH: Called!
DM: Hello, kids, girls and boys! Wow! I'm like that big boy I've never seen it before! Listen, little guy, how old are you? A? I can't hear well! Yah! Thirty? Why then did you come to the matinee without a child?
WITH: DM! Well, every time you confuse everything! At U.S. not children's party, A new Year's Eve for adults.
DM: What bad luck! And I was preparing, learning rhymes, songs... Well, forgive me for not wearing a tuxedo!
WITH: So what, you only have a children's repertoire?
DM: Well, why for children? I have every repertoire... (walks around the hall, meets girls, makes dates)
WITH: Grandpa, come on already New Year's theme let's move on.
DM: Come on, granddaughter. For some reason everyone is standing, not dancing... Let's dance.
WITH: And during the dances, the one who finds himself in front of the DM bag takes out one thing from there and puts it on himself.
"Dancing in Russian"
DM: Oh, and we danced well! And how elegant everyone has become! Just a sight for sore eyes.
WITH: Yes, Grandpa is good! And now I will ask you to take your seats. And Grandfather, sit down, are you tired?
DM: Oh, Granddaughter, I’m tired... I’ve become old, but I’m still young in mind!
Dancing and singing is good. However, my gifts will be received by those who are smarter and braver! I didn’t have a damn thing to do for a whole year, so I sat there, composing children’s riddles.
WITH: For example?
DM: Here's a riddle:

1. I come with gifts,
I shine with bright lights,
Elegant, funny,
I'm in charge for the New Year! (Christmas tree)
2. Not porridge, but boiled;
Not a ball, but rolling;
Not glass, but beating. (Egg)
3.Not a model, but slim;
It’s not the sole, but the footprint that leaves;
Not clairvoyant, but transmits thoughts.
4. Not a lapdog, but a curly one;
Not a spouse, but a caring one;
She’s not an artist, but she takes part in soap operas.
5. It’s not a cannon, but it shoots;
Not the sea, but foaming;
Not a clown, but gives a good mood.
6. Not a newspaper, but opens;
Not a spectator, but a clapper;
Not a toastmaster, but festive mood creates. (Clapperboard)

Those who answer correctly receive gifts from DM.


DM: Oh, I'm feeling kind of hot.
WITH: What, grandpa, should I blow on you?
DM: No, it won’t help... But if our guests would respect the old man and sing me my favorite song...
WITH: Friends! What do you think is DM's favorite song? Of course, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” I need 4 volunteers.
Let's continue the competition
We're starting the song contest.
We sing about the Christmas tree, about the slender one,
But everyone will sing in their own way

We sing to the tunes: “Black Boomer”, “Vladimir Central”, “Districts, Quarters”, “Black Eyes”. We choose the best performer with applause. Reward - Say New Year's greetings.

Game “I’ll hold on to the staff”
The task of the participants is to come up with the most successful continuation of the phrase, naturally, holding onto... the staff of GRANDFATHER COLA.
For example: I will hold on to the staff,
Happy New Year to everyone, friends!
I'll hold on to the staff
Everyone cheer for me, etc.

This can be done in several ways. Or when people actively absorb food at the table (i.e. does not leave the tables), then Santa Claus walks around the tables
to those who want to come up with a sequel. Or (if several groups hang out in one cafe) A competition is held for the wittiest team.

WITH: Friends! Listen, this Christmas tree invites everyone to dance.
Let's see what tunes are in Santa Claus's bag.


Dear guests, or rather, the true hosts of today’s wonderful holiday, dear friends! Some time ago, you and I didn’t know and didn’t know about all sorts of predictions, signs and zodiac harbingers of our immediate and boundless future. Now horoscopes are published in all printed publications and read out by special uncles and aunts on all radio and television channels. To our joy, the Symbol of the New ________ Year - the Horse! Let's meet!
Horse enters. Under "Christmas tree and candles"
Our dear, respected horse, tell me, what does the coming year have in store for us?
The horse pretends to read a horoscope. (Horoscope (voiced))
1, Aries
2. Taurus
3. Gemini
4. Cancers
5. Lions
6. Virgos
7. Libra
8. Scorpios
9. Sagittarius
10. Capricorns
11. Aquarius
12. Pisces
13. Conclusion.
WITH: Thank you Horse for such good predictions!
DM: Yes, I'm glad! It’s no sin to raise a glass for this!

Toast from D.M. and Snow Maiden.

WITH: I wish you happiness, good luck to the people, live happily
D.M.: Happy New Year everyone!
WITH: Sunny days May the weather cooperate! Health and strength
D.M.: And happy New Year!
WITH: Love is stormy to you, like spring waters! Tender hugs!
D.M: And happy New Year!
WITH: Let your income be worthy! Pockets are full!
D.M: And happy New Year!
WITH: And it’s great for you to walk with the people! Glory to the holiday!
D.M: And happy New Year!
D.M.: I say goodbye to you, my dears,
Until next year.
I would like to wish everyone health, success,
Less sadness, more giggles, smiles and laughter!
Leading. Friends, your help is urgently needed. It is necessary to “unfreeze” the songs. I call last words lines, you need to know the song and perform this verse.

1 Christmas tree - grew - slender - was (Song “Christmas Tree”: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest...”);
2 icy - creaky - wall - prickly (Song “Winter”: “The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky...”);
3me - distance - horse - February (Song “Three White Horses”: “And they carry me away into the ringing bright distance...”);
4 an elegant one - lower it - with a chocolate one - treat us (Song “Christmas Tree”: “Lower the elegant branch, lower it, treat us with a chocolate fish...”);
5 frost - wires - blue - star (Song “Blue Frost”: “Blue, blue frost, lay on the wires, in the dark blue sky...”);
6 brought - Frost - look - thank you (Song “It’s snowing”: “Probably good Santa Claus brought my love to me...”);
7 minutes - they sing - to the light - this (Song “Five Minutes”: “I’ll sing you a song about five minutes, let them sing this song of mine...”);
8 centuries – seas – bears – earth (“Song about bears”: “Centuries float past, sleep under the ice of the sea...”);
9 young - into the distance - palm - make a wish (Song “Snowflake”: “When a young year comes, and the old one goes into the distance...”).


The contestants go down to the audience and for 3 minutes search among them for someone who remembers the childhood New Year's poem (of course, the viewer should not be a child). Connoisseurs of rhymes gather on the podium near the Christmas tree and recite them, receiving a sweet prize from their Snow Maidens. The fur coats of the contestants who completed the task are decorated with a silver snowflake.
A stool with a large tray is placed in front of the contestants, on which there is a saucer with unwrapped caramel. There are candy wrappers next to the saucer. The melody of the song “Chink bells” sounds, the contestants dance and at the same time wrap caramel in candy wrappers. Once the music stops, the wrapped candies are counted. The winner is the Snow Maiden, whose tray reveals greatest number caramel in candy wrappers - her fur coat will be decorated with a silver snowflake.


Leading. Be so kind, don't leave, please. Let's plunge into the atmosphere of the New Year's ball of the 19th century. At that time, “French quadrille” was very fashionable and popular. Four pairs of dancers stood in a circle, the dance master announced one or another figure in the quadrille, and the couples, enchanted by the music, indulged in the dance.
So, we perform “French Quadrille”, but in New Year's style! There are four figures in the dance.
Figure one “Round dance”: stand in a circle, hold hands and move in a circle... (Participants in the game move in a circle in a round dance.)
Figure two “Snowflake”: join your right hands in the center of the circle and continue to move in a circle... (Participants in the game move in a circle “snowflake”.)
Figure three “Christmas trees”: break into pairs, raise your right hands up and spin in pairs... (Participants in the game spin in pairs, depicting “Christmas trees.”)
Figure four “Blizzard”: break the circle and move like a snake one after another... (Participants in the game move around the hall like a “snake.”)
But, be careful, during the dance the order of the figures will not be observed. Maestro, music!
Light, simple music sounds, to which the host conducts the game “French quadrille”.
Surprise – the game “Songs in a Hat”.

Leading. (With a hat in his hands.) There are different words in this hat. You take them out one by one, read them, remember and sing lines from songs where these words appear. But the songs should be about winter, New Year's holiday. For help, you can contact the guests of our evening. Santa Claus begins.
This game is no longer for the characters, but for the participants of the evening. Therefore, both Santa Claus and Father Frost activate, first of all, the public. The hat contains the words: Christmas tree, round dance, frost, horse, ceiling, frost and others.




Leading: The holiday is going on happily, someone is missing here
We will call very loudly for the one whom we have been waiting for all year!

All: Father Frost!

(F/g A. Grigoriev “Dance at the Excavator”: dance"drunk" Santa Claus)

Leading: Gentlemen, well, you give! Well, are you calling the chroniclers?
Well, let's shout together again now

All: Father Frost

(f/g "Brigade"- “Cool” D.M comes out)

"Cool" Santa Claus: Hello ladies, gentlemen, it took me a long time to get here
They told me there was an arrow, I abandoned everything
I sent Snegurka an SMS to send her a Mercedes
You will be patient with gifts, if anything happens you call home
You are swinging at full speed. I'm off! Happy New Year!

Leading: Not grandfathers, but nonsense, apparently their suit is not the same,
I can’t imagine where that couple disappeared!
Apparently their name is bad, since they don’t come to visit us;
We'll have to call them so that they won't be able to refuse you.

All: Father Frost!!!

(F\G to output real Santa Claus)

Father Frost: The New Year's Eve hour has come,

A room full of familiar faces
Happy New Year to you, friends!

Where is my granddaughter?
In the morning the chalk blizzard was swirling,

She must have gotten lost...
(f/g; the “pregnant” Snow Maiden comes out, secured with tape under the cape balloon)

Father Frost: Hello, my granddaughter!
Why are you worrying your grandfather in vain?
It's time to celebrate the New Year
Do you care about the lantern?!
Oh my God, yes, what happened?

I dressed up somehow strangely...
And if you weren't my granddaughter,

I would say that... I fell in love.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, what are you really talking about!
I'm in my thirtieth week.
No, really, seriously
Sclerosis is tormenting you!

Father Frost: Oh, hold on! Oh, no urine -

The highlight of the whole New Year's Eve!
And without a husband, I see.

Well, I'll tell people!
It’s just a disaster, a shame and a disgrace;

Give me a hundred grams urgently!
(The Snow Maiden at this time selects a man in the hall and approaches him)

Snow Maiden: Oh, grandpa, here he is! Cute,
Where has this taken you?
I bewitched the beautiful maiden,
I went abroad myself!
But now, don't be cool,
And ask for forgiveness!

Father Frost: No, granddaughter, wait,
The conversation will be masculine!
You tell me first
Are you even single?
Well, now you can’t get away with it and you have to get married.
We celebrate the New Year and we drink to the New Year,
We'll have a wedding right here, drink and sing together!

Leading: But first, a dance for them, our dear young ones!
(F/g "Tango". The Snow Maiden and the man dancing; at the end of the dance, the Snow Maiden pops a balloon - her “belly” - with a pin)

Snow Maiden: Guilty, oh, sorry!
But you don't blame me -
We come every year
Congratulations to the honest people,
There are more than enough requests,
Give everyone a sensation!
And not to disappoint
I decided to give a sensation!

Father Frost: Oh yes, granddaughter, oh yes, special!
No, literally, well done!!
Well, to the “Groom” for his work
The festive order is forged.

Snow Maiden: The gentleman was ardent and hot
I'll give him a gift... ( gives a balloon filled with helium with the inscription “New Year’s sensation”)

Father Frost: And for this, gentlemen, will you need a drink? Yes?

Snow Maiden: And now, honest people,

Let's stand together in a round dance
Let's take each other's hands and sing a song to the Christmas tree!
(after performing the song)
To continue the round dance, who will join us as a Christmas tree?
(props: Christmas tree hat or shiny green wig)
Now let’s dance again, choose another one with the Christmas tree:
To convey the role of the Christmas tree, you need to dance in the center
You'll get tired. Don’t yawn again, choose a Christmas tree!
(i.e., during dance music, the Christmas tree cap passes from one dancer to another)

Snow Maiden: Friends, it's time to say goodbye,
But you shouldn't be upset!

Father Frost: You will not be affected by blizzards and bad weather,
Happy New Year! Happy new happiness to you!!!


Not a single New Year's celebration is complete without:

Christmas tree and gifts under it or on it;

Father Frost and Snow Maiden;

Candles, fireworks, firecrackers, sparklers and other fire hazardous products.

Therefore, preparation for the holiday includes:

Growing a Christmas tree;

Buying gifts and putting them under what you have grown;

Summoning good fairy-tale characters;

Call the evil real firefighters.

The last point can be eliminated by using your own reserves: water, fire extinguisher, blankets and shaving foam.

Now let's look at each point in more detail. What to do if you couldn't get the Christmas tree? There are many options: artificial Christmas trees, pines, firs, cedars, homemade trees, which a person with imagination can create from regular hanger for clothes or a mop, broom, rake. Large ficuses, dracaenas, palm trees and even tall cacti look impressive. There are several ways to decorate your Christmas tree.

First way . Buy toys in a store. It's simple, but a bit bland.

Second way. You make toys yourself, involving children, loved ones, neighbors, and friends.

Third way. When inviting guests to New Year's Eve, ask that everyone bring with them one Christmas tree decoration. The holiday atmosphere, therefore, begins from the doorstep.

Fourth way. For adult company. Ask the first person to arrive to take off, for example, his watch and hang it on the Christmas tree. He, in turn, invites the newcomer to take off his shoe (blouse, skirt, trouser belt). This way you can combine decorating the Christmas tree with a free striptease.

After this little warm-up, you should move on to gifts. As you know, Grandfather Frost is in charge of gifts on New Year's Eve, without whom the holiday will lose a significant part of its charm. If you were unable to come to an agreement with the real Grandfather, look for a worthy replacement within your own ranks. Try to maintain at least an approximate resemblance to the original: a white beard, felt boots and the Snow Maiden are mandatory attributes of this hero.

At the very beginning of the holiday, you can hold elections for Father Frost and Snow Maiden. The host must prepare several attributes for the “election” - according to the number of guests. These can be red noses with an elastic band, cotton beards, hats, boots, bags, as well as tinsel crowns, cotton wool collars, cosmetics, glitter, wigs, etc. Guests are invited to a competition for the most charming and attractive Father Frost and Snow Maiden. The hosts of the party or bosses (if it happens at work) act as the jury. Men must turn into Father Frost using the proposed props, and women must dress up as Snow Maidens. Grandfathers and granddaughters can turn out to be modern and even avant-garde - the more original, the better. There is absolutely no need to look traditional. Then the newborn Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens take part in competitive program for elimination. Best couple, accordingly, becomes the winner and receives the right to distribute gifts and invent various amusements for the guests.


Let's decorate the Christmas tree

Santa Clauses are given toys cut out of cardboard that need to be painted. different colors(each toy should have a clothespin or loop for easy attachment to any object).

Then Santa Clauses with their Christmas tree decorations go out into the middle of the room, they are blindfolded, and each one is rotated several times around its axis. The task of each Santa Claus is to go in the direction where, in his opinion, the Christmas tree is located and hang a toy on it. Snow Maidens can give directions to Grandfathers they like.

If Santa Claus chooses the wrong path, he is obliged to hang the toy on what he “buries himself” in. To create confusion in the ranks of the Santa Clauses, guests can be evenly distributed around the room and stand in the way of the Santa Clauses; those who are especially diligent are advised to move the furniture in the room.

The winner is the one who hangs the toy on the Christmas tree, and the one who finds the most original place For decoration.

Grandfather Pygmalion

Each of the Santa Clauses must dress the partner he has chosen in the way that, in his opinion, a modern Snow Maiden should look like. You can use everything that the Snow Maiden is already wearing, as well as any additional items, things, Christmas decorations, cosmetics, jewelry, etc. The winner is the Santa Claus who creates the most vivid and memorable image of the Snow Maiden.

Frost Breath

Before each Santa Claus, a snowflake cut out of paper is placed on the table. big size. The task is to blow off your snowflake so that it falls from the opposite edge of the table. The competition is held until everyone blows away their snowflakes. After the last snowflake falls, the presenter announces that the winner is the one who blew off his snowflake not first, but last, because his breath is so frosty that his snowflake “frozen” to the table.”

Musical bottle

The presenter builds an “organ” or a “metallophone” from empty bottles (we hope that by that time they will already appear in sufficient quantities) - whoever succeeds.

One by one, the Grandfathers approach this instrument and use a spoon to perform a New Year's melody. The winner is the one whose creation seems the most melodic to the jury.


Santa Clauses line up in one line and “jump” into the New Year. Whoever jumped further is the winner.

After all competitions have been held, the jury sums up the results and selects the best Grandfather Frost. Then the selection of the best Snow Maiden begins.

Culinary duel

Each Snow Maiden is made from products with New Year's table prepares a dish that, in her opinion, can find its way to the heart of Santa Claus. It could be a New Year's hamburger New Year's composition from all available salads, etc. Decoration preferably in New Year's style. Then a man sits opposite each Snow Maiden. Everyone is blindfolded.

The Snow Maiden wins by being the first to feed her dish to the man sitting opposite.

The most “resourceful” Snow Maiden

All Snow Maidens are blindfolded. Opposite each one stands a man with a small Christmas tree toy hidden in his clothes. The Snow Maiden, who is the first to discover this toy, wins.

After the competitions are over, the winning couple is seated at the head of the table or immediately sent under the Christmas tree to be presented with gifts.

“I blinded you from what was”

Each Snow Maiden chooses her own Santa Claus and dresses him up with everyone possible ways using any available means: from Christmas decorations to cosmetics. You must introduce your Santa Claus to the public through advertising, a song, a proverb, a poem, etc.

Snow Maiden the movie buff

The Snow Maidens call movies in a circle or sing a verse from songs where the action takes place in winter or on New Year's Eve. The one who comes out last wins this competition.

Congratulations to Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Santa Claus appears with a large bag and slowly walks into the center of the room.

Father Frost.

Good evening!

The path is long

I came here to you.

Give me some whiskey, please.

Happy New Year, gentlemen!

I walked through the forest, I walked through the field,

I saw a lot of things.

But such beautiful women

I've never met one in my life.

My bag of gifts is full,

The tank in the sleigh is full.

Let's sing and have fun,

Let's drink - the soul is on fire!

There's just something wrong

Even though you all have gathered,

Yes, they probably forgot

Shout: “Christmas tree, light up!”

Santa Claus and everyone present lights up the Christmas tree. (Whoever is not familiar with the procedure for carrying out this procedure can ask any child attending kindergarten.)

Home owner. Grandfather Frost, why are you alone? Where is the Snow Maiden?

Father Frost. SMS from Snegurka

I've been waiting for a week already.

I'll turn on my cell phone,

I'll find an SMS point.

Takes a large fake out of the bag mobile phone(it can be made from cardboard, with a message from the Snow Maiden attached to the tube: “I left for a casting with Santa Claus. Start without me”).

Father Frost. That's the number! What a granddaughter!

The youth started spinning.

And with our national debt

Where can you find a new one?

We’ll have to announce a competition for the most cold-blooded lady who will replace the Snow Maiden for us this evening.

Competition “Whose glass contains vodka?”

Prepare your bottle in advance mineral water, a bottle of vodka and several glasses. To be more convincing, you can immediately pour vodka into a water bottle. Inform the participants that vodka will be poured into one of the glasses, and water will be poured into the others. Their task is to drink their glass in small sips so that by the expression on their faces observers will not guess whose glass contains vodka. Then you need to pour vodka into all the glasses.

Santa Claus gives the winner of the competition a hat and mittens.

Father Frost. Here is the Snow Maiden with me -

Pour the second one.

Let's start performing

And receive gifts!

Next, a concert of amateur art participants is held, consisting of numbers prepared in advance by the guests. In a company where there are many “newcomers”, it is more convenient to organize an impromptu concert. To do this, you need to write cards with tasks and hang them on the Christmas tree. Guests choose a card, complete the task and, of course, receive a present for their efforts from Santa Claus. Tasks should be simple, fun and not require special props.

Dramatize the song “My Bunny” performed by Philip Kirkorov.

Put on yourself as much as possible more clothes and show a striptease.

Cut out of paper as much as possible more snowflakes in 3 minutes.

Drink a glass of champagne and a glass of vodka without a break.

Dance Lezginka (dance of little swans, tango with a mop, etc.)

Hand wrestle with Santa Claus.

Eat a banana with the Snow Maiden for speed.

Draw a portrait of the New Year symbol (Dragon, Rooster, Rabbit, Rat).

Eat an apple hanging on a string without using your hands.

After the performances and presentation of gifts, the real Snow Maiden appears in the guise of a top model. Traditionally, men with hairy legs in this role cause especially wild fun.

Snow Maiden. Hello Dedushka Moroz,

A beard made of cotton wool.

Where is my new Mercedes?

Is there a hut in the Canary Islands?

Father Frost. Hush, granddaughter, on New Year's Day

I hide my income.

From the tax office in no time

People appear.

Snow Maiden. You know, Grandfather, don’t drive him away.

I urgently need rubles.

I'll be in a movie

And wander around the catwalk.

Father Frost. Oh, Santa!

Ah, impudent! He bewitched her!

Only a song in a round dance

It will remove the effect of the vile spell!

Santa Claus invites everyone present to stand in a round dance and sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” in order to disenchant the Snow Maiden. After singing the song, the Snow Maiden “breaks her spell”, puts on a crown or cap, asks

Father Frost and guests are forgiven for their bad behavior.

Snow Maiden. Hello kids -

Girls and boys!

Hello, all honest people!

Traditionally, at large noisy parties, visits from mummers, especially gypsies, are extremely popular. Their exit must be prepared in advance. Agree with the most lively guests who have artistic abilities and do not mince words. It would be great if you could find a bear costume. A bear performing a dance number and then begging guests for candy or a glass of vodka always evokes wild applause. In addition, such surprise moments It’s better to arrange it closer to the middle of the feast, when you feel that the guests are tired, have broken up into separate groups, or have begun to get carried away with the absorption of alcoholic beverages.

So, the presenter announces that Budulai’s gypsy camp accidentally stopped by to congratulate those present. “Gypsies” appear in front of the guests. They go out to the appropriate music and can start by dancing “Gypsy Girl with an Exit.” Then the women approach the guests and offer to tell fortunes, using traditional vocabulary: “Give me your hand, my golden one! I’ll tell you my fortune, my dear, and tell you the whole truth. Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life. It goes uphill all the time, you, my diamond, will become a big boss. Oh, women will love you, and some men will be interested. You’ll also have a car, but I can’t tell – a white Mercedes or a green Zaporozhets. Oh, my precious one, I see the shine along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You will buy a cottage outside the city, because you will pay off the apartment for debts, but now - give me a coin, my rich one, gild your pen for the fact that I told you fortunes.” Instead of money, you can ask for food, drinks, and items of clothing. This is where acting skills and a sense of humor will be required to bring the necessary element of revitalization to the ranks of tired guests.

One of the gypsies can turn to the owner of the house or boss: “Don’t spare the money, my hundred-dollar one, I’ll tell you now what your guests (subordinates) think about you, I’ll read all their thoughts - everything is for you, dear!”

She goes around everyone present, offering everyone a bag or hat. The guests pull out the pieces of paper prepared in advance from the gypsy, and the gypsy reads out the text (as “clever thoughts” you can use lines from songs, poems, proverbs and sayings, and anything that fits the meaning):

. “And I’ll get into the convertible and go somewhere, if you can, forget me, turn around - I’m not here.”

. "Small spool but precious".

. “Give me, give me, give me money.”

. “And I keep looking, I can’t find words.”

. “I don’t know if I love you, but it seems that I still love you.”

. “And you are as cold as an iceberg in the ocean.”

. “Like Lomonosov, you are smart and handsome, like Apollo.”

. “You, you, you - night and day. You, you, you are in my heart."

. “You are my fallen maple...”

. “We have already played the first half.”

. “It’s not evening yet, the road is still bright and your eyes are clear.”

. “I don’t sleep well at night because I love you.”

. “Small, small, how small you are, your attempts to grow up are all zero.”

. "Honey!"

. "I will never forget you".

. “Hostile whirlwinds are blowing over us.”

. “Who is in love, who is in love, and seriously, he turned his life into flowers for you.”

. “And the battle begins again!..”

. « old friend better than the new two."

. “Who told you, well, who told you, who came up with the idea that I don’t love you.”

Instead of gypsies, an astrologer-fortuneteller can come out to the guests and play the game “Sounding Thoughts”.

A cassette is prepared in advance with individual lines from songs with approximately the following content:

. “Well, where are you girls, girls, girls, short skirts, skirts, skirts...”

. “Take me quickly, and take me over a hundred seas, and kiss me everywhere.”

. "You abandoned me, you abandoned me."

. “If you want, you want, I know for sure: you want.”

. “If there was a sea of ​​beer, I would become a beautiful dolphin.”

. “Oh, what a man he was! A real colonel!” etc.

The astrologer approaches one of those present and begins to move his hands above his head, the assistant turns on the tape, and everyone hears the thoughts of the guest. The presenter's comments on the thoughts heard are required. Up to 8-10 “thoughts” on a cassette are enough.

During the breaks between dances you can play a game. "Conductor".

Players are given tickets - cards that briefly describe new year customs and signs different countries. “Conductor” - the presenter asks: “Do you know in which country they celebrate the New Year this way?” If the owner of the “ticket” with the described custom answers correctly, his “ticket” is “punched”. The one with the most “validated tickets” wins.

How the New Year is celebrated in different countries

Sample text that can be used to create cards.

On New Year's Eve at midnight Japan In temples, bells strike 108 strokes. As the bell strikes, purification from vices occurs. With the last blow, you are supposed to go outside and celebrate the New Year with the first rays of the sun. Until recently, there was no custom in Japan to celebrate birthdays. The 108th strike of the bell on New Year's midnight added one to all ages at once - even a baby born the day before was considered one year old. When sunrise comes, people pouring into the streets begin to congratulate each other on the New Year and exchange gifts. All day long the streets are crowded with people, laughter and cheerful songs are heard, and only at dusk do people disperse. The evening is usually spent at hearth and home, in the family.

In Vietnam New Year is celebrated at night, at dusk. The Vietnamese light bonfires in parks, gardens, or just on the streets, where several families gather; Special rice delicacies are cooked over coals. On this night all quarrels are forgotten, grievances are forgiven. New Year is a holiday of friendship. The entire next day is spent with the family.

In modern China New Year is a festival of lanterns. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the New Year lunar calendar. The New Year itself comes in January-February, so it is associated with the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

On this day, people like to put up lanterns on the streets in the form of 12 shengxiao - animals that symbolize each year of the 12-year cycle of the lunar calendar.

Favorite New Year's entertainment young women in Korea- jumping on boards. A board is placed on a rolled mat. Someone jumps sharply onto one end - the one standing on the other end flies into the air; when it goes down, the first one goes up. The spectacle is spectacular - women in beautiful, festive clothes soar in the air, like birds in bright plumage.

IN Mongolia are waiting for guests, and what more guests comes to your table on New Year's Eve, the happier the year will be for you.

According to customs India, on the first day of the New Year you cannot be irritable, dissatisfied and grouchy. It is believed that the whole year will turn out the way it began. You need to get up early, get yourself in order, slowly think about the future, remember and comprehend the past. And during the day, archery competitions are held and launches kites. The performances of the famous Indian folk theater are especially popular and attract huge crowds on the streets and squares.

IN Burma New Year's Day falls in mid-April - the hottest month of the year in this country. During the celebrations, trucks loaded with barrels of water rush along the roads. Young people from cars generously pour water on passers-by. On the first day of the New Year, it is customary to perform mass ceremonies of releasing fish into reservoirs. Animals, especially cows, are also released into the wild.

The day before the holiday on the streets Colombia you can meet many people with large homemade dolls in their hands. These dolls symbolize old year, they say goodbye to people who thank the dolls for all the good things that happened to them.

Residents cubes before the New Year, they fill glasses with water, and when the clock strikes midnight, they throw it out through the open window into the street as a sign that the old year is happily over, and they wish the New Year to be just as prosperous.

IN Scotland Traditionally, the whole family sits silently by the fireplace or stove, looks at the fire, symbolically burning away all the misfortunes of the past year, makes wishes for the future, and when the clock hands approach 12, the head of the family silently opens the door wide - while the clock is striking, it is believed that everyone is leaving The Old Year is coming and the New is coming. Then everyone sits down at the table and the fun celebration begins.

Residents closely monitor the chimney Italy: it is through her that the sorceress Befana must enter the house and put the desired gifts in their shoes. An ancient and dangerous custom for passers-by has been preserved - throwing old furniture and unnecessary things out of the trenches. The more things you throw away, the more wealth the New Year will bring.

IN Ireland On New Year's Eve, the doors of all houses open wide. Anyone who wishes can enter any home and will be a welcome guest, they will be received with great joy, seated in a place of honor, treated to a glass of good wine, not forgetting to say: “For peace in this house and in the whole world.” . The next day the holiday is celebrated among friends and acquaintances.

In villages in the south France the housewife, who is the first to draw water from the source in the New Year, leaves a pie or bun with festive table. The one who comes after her will take the pie and leave her own - this is how the housewives treat each other until the evening.

IN Germany the people themselves of different ages, as soon as the clock begins to strike midnight, they climb onto chairs, tables, armchairs and, with the last strike, unanimously, with joyful greetings, “jump” into the New Year.

IN Hungary On New Year's Eve, children's whistles, pipes, and trumpets disappear from the shelves. By popular belief The piercing and not always pleasant sound of these simple musical instruments drives away evil spirits from the home and calls prosperity and joy into the home.

IN Greece those invited to celebrate the New Year take with them a mossy stone, which they throw down at the threshold and say: “May the wealth of the hosts be as heavy as this stone.”

IN Latvia peas symbolize a fruitful year, prosperity in the home and good luck in all endeavors, therefore, when celebrating the New Year, you must definitely eat a pea.

IN Bulgaria With the last stroke of the clock, the lights in all houses go out for a few minutes. It's time for New Year's kisses.

IN Moldova On the first day of the New Year, at home and in those houses where people go to visit, they are sure to scatter grain so that the year will be plentiful, fruitful, so that the house will be a full cup.

IN Armenia On this day it is supposed to congratulate all older relatives.

IN Georgia It is not customary to visit on the first day of the New Year without an invitation: the owner himself invites those with whom he has the concept of good - such an invited guest must be the first in the New Year to cross the threshold of the house where he was invited, and be sure to bring sweets.

For dessert, invite guests to learn about the future.

On a large beautiful tray lies a sheet of thick paper, beautifully painted to look like a pie, which consists of small squares - pieces of the pie. On inside square - drawings, what awaits the participants:

heart- Love,

book- knowledge,

1 kopeck- money,

key- new flat,

Sun- success,

letter- news,

car- buying a car,

man's face- new acquaintance,

arrow- achieving the goal,

watch- changes in life,

road- drive,

present- surprise,

lightning- tests,

wineglass- holidays, etc.

Everyone present “eats” their piece of the pie and finds out their future. The fake pie can be replaced with a real one.

You can end the holiday with traditional fireworks on the street.

Good day! Whatever one may say, not only children, but also adults love and want to see Father Frost and the Snow Maiden at the holiday. And, of course, they come as if without them. They do not come empty-handed, but with gifts and Happy New Year greetings.

This article was written to help you - Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Download Happy New Year greetings and replenish your stock of cheerful and perky congratulations on our website.

See also articles for the New Year 2019:

New Year's greetings from Father Frost and Snow Maiden for adults in verse and prose

Happy New Year! I wish you
Lots of joy without tears.
This is me congratulating you.
Did not recognize? Father Frost!

Have fun this holiday
And get up in a round dance,
Just go to bed in the morning,
May the whole year go like this!

Like Santa Claus, I declare to you all,

That I don’t live only for children.
I congratulate you all too
And I want to wish you, adults,

So that you believe in miracles all the time,
Then your dreams will come true too.
Then your burden will become light
And a sea of ​​beauty will take over your life.

Open up Santa Claus

The doors in the house are wider,
I go to visit everyone,
Even those who don't believe.

Too fast, adults
You forgot your childhood
How you believed in me
Loved the New Year.

Laugh, have fun,
Celebrating the New Year,
May you be happy and happy
Enough for the whole year.

As Santa Claus

I wish you happiness in the New Year,
Let him be clear, kind,
Surprisingly beautiful.

Let magic come into your soul,
Joy is in her, warmth reigns,
Snowfall will drive away sadness,
He will give everything beautiful.

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
I will save you all from tears,
I'll give you a salary increase
And I will get stars from the sky!

Just believe in me
My adult friends
Dreams will come true immediately
What were you thinking!

Money, passion, love and happiness

I brought it to you in my bag.
To everyone who believes in their own strength,
Santa Claus will hand over the package.

I wish you a glorious holiday
Move forward, dream,
Never lose heart
In difficult times, don’t give up.

Santa Claus has come to visit you,

Open the door quickly
Adults, congratulations
Today I am like children
I will give gifts to everyone
I, your Grandfather Frost,
I wish you a lot of happiness
And good luck!

You - I see very clearly - are already big kids

But Santa Claus loves you, what to hide!
I'm not offering you cookies and sweets -
Let's open the champagne!

And yet, my dears, let's believe in miracles,
I am a very wonderful Santa Claus!
Open your heart, open the doors to a fairy tale,
And I will seriously arrange a miracle for you!

Every adult is Small child! Santa Claus, on New Year's Eve, wishes all your wishes come true. Incredible gifts long-awaited meetings, love, understanding, friendship, harmony, prosperity and prospects and the achievement of all long-awaited goals! Be healthy, open, surrounded by good people and always believe in miracles! Happy New Year!

On New Year's Day, Santa Claus wishes obedient adults happiness and love, high flights of the soul and brave achievements in business, undoubted success and confident strength, great luck and bright hopes. Even though you are already quite big, I ask you, never stop believing in me and good miracles, and life will be more joyful and fun!

Funny and humorous Happy New Year 2019 greetings from Father Frost and Snow Maiden at a corporate party in verse and prose

Santa Claus wishes you all
New initiatives.
Happy New Year to you guys
You are a great team.

May work always be in full swing
And let your income grow
Let me have a new salary
Will bring you the New Year.

Santa Claus came to congratulate

Your cheerful team.
Let him walk until the morning
Your crazy corporate party.

I wish you a bright rest,
But please be ashamed
After all, with each other you still
There is work to be done.

Santa Claus drove the reindeer -

I was rushing to a corporate event.
And now I congratulate you
Happy New Year team.

I wish you a salary -
To carry carts,
Understanding from management
It's a nice thing to love.

You have gathered as a team

Celebrate the New Year together.
To you about this
Santa Claus will come by now.

I wish you guys
Have a nice rest everyone.
You still have to work together, -
Please don't forget.

I wish the team
I have a sharp increase in income,
Be a well-coordinated team -
This is my toast today!

I kind Grandfather Freezing,

And I brought you gifts,
Salaries in money bags
Champagne, sweets and salad!

To make your corporate event a success,
I'll say beautiful words
Walk people with all your heart,
And let your dreams come true!

Let there be a slight hangover
And don't lose your mood,
I wish you joy, goodness,
Happy New Year to you friends!

Happy New Year

Everyone who whole year worked hard
I'm watching you,
I was surprised and proud.

Together as a friendly team
You have achieved many goals,
Share the positive
Santa Claus sends you joy.

I walked to you for a long time to congratulate you,
I will praise your team,
I want to wish you prosperity,
May life be sweet for you.

Santa Claus has been coming to you for a long time! He brought happiness and smiles, joy - collective and personal, cohesion of the corporate spirit and love for work! I wish all the employees who gathered at this excellent corporate event to achieve their goals, plunging into the winter freshness - to be renewed and rejuvenated. Let all the misfortunes of the old year fly away like sparkling snowflakes, and let the new and desired be painted with fantastic patterns of frost! Happy New Year!

Today I was in a hurry to come to your corporate event. I hope it’s not in vain that I overcame forests and mountains to congratulate you, because you were obedient girls and boys? I wish you that adult issues are resolved easily and simply, I wish you the sincerity of your feelings and great success, I wish you bright happiness and real New Year's miracle. Believe in it and it will definitely happen to you. Happy New Year!

The scenario for the New Year's corporate party "Planner with Santa Claus" is perfect for organizing a truly magical New Year's Eve in your office!

Traditional New Year's heroes— Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, funny jokes, funny and original competitions, unusual incentive gifts - you will find all this in our scenario, designed for any number of corporate party participants, and holding the holiday in any room convenient for you.


Lady Winter(shopaholic) – wife of Santa Claus. Dressed in a modern, fashionable way. High heels, a short, spectacular dress, a handbag. The image is similar in behavior and conversation to a stupid blonde. A white wig is required on your head. Makeup is bright and catchy.

Santa Claus(businessman). Dressed in modern suit leader. But with a red nose and a beard (traditional, false and Santa Claus hat).

Granddaughter Snegurochka(marketer). A sort of excellent student (glasses, tablet in hand). But on the head there is a mandatory wig with a braid and a Snow Maiden hat.

Grandson of Morozko(DJ). A modern young man, but with a red Santa Claus cap on his head, a bright scarf around his neck, and mittens on his hands.

Props and room decoration

A festive corporate event can be held both in a large office space and in specialized places - in a bar, restaurant, cafe.
The decoration is New Year's, festive.
The Christmas tree should not interfere with guests’ viewing and participation in competitions and skits.
It is better to set the tables for no more than 4-5 people and place them at a short distance so that fairy-tale heroes had the opportunity to conveniently approach the guests.

To decorate a mini stage


1. Office desk. There are folders and documents on it.
2. Computer.
3. Executive chair.
4. The closet is also filled with folders, documents, and books. Other additional office elements.
5. A separate table on which white T-shirts (signed) will lie different sizes, according to the number and size of guests.
6. Markers. (Competition No. 4. “Autograph”).
7. A beautiful bag with costume elements (bunny ears, kitten ears, wolf mask, bear mask, etc.). (Competition No. 5. “Magic dancing”).
8. White pieces of paper and pens (according to the number of participants).
9. Large, deep iron bowl.
10. Lighter. (For “Message for the New Year!”).


For general musical arrangement:

  • song “New Year” (“Disco Crash”),
  • Verka Serduchka song “Christmas trees”
  • “New Year” (“Hands up”),
  • E. Vaenga song “I wish!”.
  • Other New Year songs of your choice,
  • recording of the chimes.
    Phonograms for skits:

    song excerpts:

  • "Black Boomer" (chorus),
  • “Empress” by Allegrova from the chorus,
  • Abba – “Money, Money, Money” (chorus),
  • Leps' song "A glass of vodka on the table"
  • song “You kiss me everywhere” by the group “Hands Up”,
  • Verka Serduchka’s songs “Okay, everything will be fine!”, “Smiley”,
  • song “The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky” (from the chorus).

Corporate event scenario

Scene #1

The guests are seated at the tables. Light instrumental music plays. A modern businessman, Father Frost, appears. The marketer Snegurochka hurries after him, writing something down on a tablet. The music turns off.

Father Frost(addresses the guests in the hall): “Well, my dears, the old year is coming to its logical end. We all had a great time working with you in it. The New Year is just around the corner and I am ready to listen to all your suggestions for how to celebrate it. Who wants to be the first to speak and open our planning meeting? Who should I give the floor to?” (Looks sternly into the audience. Everyone looks at each other in confusion, not understanding what is happening).

Father Frost: “If you really are thinking of just sitting out, then I’ll tell you right away that you won’t succeed. I’ve been in my frosty holiday business for many years and I know everything about you. Don't want or aren't ready to voice your thoughts? Then I’ll just read them!”

(Santa Claus approaches one of the men and moves his hands over him. A soundtrack is played with the words: “Black boomer, black boomer”).

Father Frost: "Interesting!"

(He approaches the next guest (woman). He moves his hands over her. A soundtrack sounds with the words: “Mani, mani, mani (ABBA)”).

Father Frost: “An accountant or something?”

Father Frost: “This is what your heads are filled with, just listen!”

(He approaches the girl. He moves his hands over her head. It sounds: “You kiss me everywhere, I’m everywhere, I’m already an adult!” K next woman(song with the words “Well, at least send a smiley!”).

Father Frost: “Come on, I’ll listen to your general thoughts!”

(He walks away and moves his hands, V. Serduchka’s song sounds with the words “Okay! Everything will be fine!”)

Father Frost(addressing the Snow Maiden sternly): “Well, everything is clear with them! You know?"

Snow Maiden(frightened): “What?”

Father Frost(joyfully): “They have good thoughts!!! Correct! New Year's!!! How I love!!!"

(The Snow Maiden exhales with relief, fanning herself with her tablet.)

Snow Maiden: “Scared me, Grandfather Frost... So, okay. Tell me, by what criteria will we determine the best workers (employees) this year?”

Father Frost: “Write it down, granddaughter. By filling the glasses, by draining them. By the best toast. Through tireless dancing. By participating in competitions. And, of course, for fun!”

Snow Maiden(writing down): “Yeah, I see. May I begin?"

Father Frost: “Get started, granddaughter!”

Scene #2

Light instrumental music plays in the background.

Snow Maiden:

“Our dear guests!
It’s not in vain that we gathered here!
Near the decorated Christmas tree,
All our friends are nearby!

Father Frost:

“Fill your glasses!”
Fill to the brim!
Don't be sorry, don't be sorry
Kind words for each other!”

(Guests fill their glasses)

Father Frost: “The floor for congratulations is given to the manager” (name of organization, enterprise, company, etc.) Full name.

(Toast from the leader, then everyone drinks and has a snack).

Father Frost: “Who do you think is your boss’s right hand? Of course, Chief Accountant(or deputy for finance) has not gone far from the manager, so we give him (her) (position, full name) the opportunity to congratulate our employees on the upcoming New Year!”

(Toast from the main booze. Everyone drinks and has a snack).

Father Frost: “I know from myself that the leader and his right hand, engaged financial matters must understand and hear each other perfectly, right?”

All in unison: "Yes!"

Snow Maiden: “Let’s check this? How much do your manager and his assistant understand each other? (Addresses the manager) Are you ready?

Competition No. 1. "Understand me!"

Father Frost: “So, the task is as follows: my granddaughter, Snegurochka, who is also a marketer, takes you out the door and makes sure that you don’t hear anything about what we are agreeing on here. Then you come back and have to understand what we are telling you.”

The Snow Maiden takes the manager and the accountant away, and Father Frost conditionally divides everyone into two teams.
The task is this: Two teams must shout completely different phrases at the same time. For example, the first team will shout: “We are having fun here”! Second team: “We are glad to see you!”

The Snow Maiden returns with the participants of the competition. At the command of Santa Claus, the guests simultaneously shout out their proposals in unison. The manager and chief accountant must hear and pronounce both phrases.

Scene #3

(Music sounds in the background).

Father Frost: “Fill your glasses, my friends, and let’s drink to mutual understanding!”

(Everyone drinks and has a snack).

Snow Maiden: “Grandfather Frost, and I, as a marketer, know for sure that personal friendly relations. Tell us, our dear friends, which of you has been working with each other for a very long time?”

Game “What do we know about each other”

From the guests, pairs of two employees of either gender are selected.
The Snow Maiden asks questions:
When did your partner get this job?
How old is he now?
Who does he work for?
How long have you known each other?
What does he like for lunch?
What does he have in his right pocket?
Does he have all his teeth?
Isn't that a wig on your head?
(and so on, no more than 3-4 questions for each participant; there can be any number of pairs).

Each correct answer is worth 1 point; based on the number of points, two winning couples are selected to participate in the final competition.

Competition 2. “I am you!” You are me!"

The two pairs of participants who won the previous game are placed back to back; you cannot peek or turn around.

Santa Claus asks questions to one participant, Snow Maiden to another.
For example (if the partner is a man):
What color is your partner's shirt?
To what button is it undone?
How many buttons are there on a jacket?
What is the pattern on the tie?
What kind of watch are you wearing? (Especially if there are none).
What color are the laces? (And there, for example, shoes without laces).

If the partner is a woman, questions such as:
What do earrings look like? (If they are not there).
How high is the heel?
What color are your eyes?
and so on.

Snow Maiden: “What great guys you are, how friendly you are and how much you know about each other!”

Father Frost: “How can you not drink for this? I offer to fill the glasses!” A toast is given to the winners!

(One toast each from the winners of the competition. Light instrumental music plays. Everyone drinks and has a snack, then a “Dance break” of 4-5 compositions).

Scene No. 4

Father Frost: “We continue our New Year’s planning meeting, dear friends! I announce the game “You are the best!”

Competition No. 3. “You are the best!”

Father Frost: “Please fill your glasses immediately and to the brim! On my command, you need to say a compliment to your neighbor (preferably an unusual, original, extraordinary one), clink a glass with him and drink quickly... So, in turn, you must say one compliment to each other, but you cannot repeat what has already been said before you. My granddaughter, marketer Snegurochka, will time the speed. This the new kind a sport that must be included in the GTO standards! I’ll show you by example!”
Santa Claus (takes a glass, clinking glasses with the Snow Maiden): “You are the COLDEST!” (drinks). Is everyone clear?

Guests in chorus: "Yes!"

Father Frost: “One, two, three, let’s start!!!”

(Instrumental music sounds in the background, the microphone is passed from hand to hand).

Snow Maiden(at the end): “Hurray! The speed is record-breaking!”

Everyone drinks and eats.

Scene #5

(Lady Winter appears, bags in her hands).

Lady Winter(indignantly, capriciously): “Darling, what is this?! Why doesn't anyone help me? Where is your security guard Snowman? Where are the deer drivers? Can’t you see my arms are falling off?!”

Father Frost(addresses the audience): “Yes, yes! What did you think? That I, a tough businessman, don’t have a blonde wife? Eat! Here she is in all her glory!”

Father Frost(addresses Zima): “Well, did you spend all my money, my beloved shopaholic?”

Lady Winter(throws the bags and happily grabs his arm): “Oh, dear, just a little bit left! Honey, give me a little more! I saw such snowflakes and icicles in the store! My forest kikimora friends will simply burst with envy!”

Father Frost: “What have you already bought, my beautiful Lady Winter?”

Lady Winter: “Oh, such a long, floor-length snow coat and icy, icy boots all the way up here!” (shows the length of the boots on himself - almost to the thigh).

(Santa Claus takes out a New Year's card and gives it to his wife).

Father Frost: “Here, take my salary card and don’t deny yourself anything!”

(She kisses him joyfully on the cheek, flirtatiously waves to the audience and runs away).

(Meanwhile, the Snow Maiden takes out personalized T-shirts from the bag and lays them out on the table. Markers or felt-tip pens of different colors should also be there).

Scene No. 6

Snow Maiden: “Dear friends, we rarely tell each other any wishes, nice words, and maybe a declaration of love. Postcards are a thing of history; no one signs them anymore. So Grandfather Frost and I decided that we should help you leave a memory of our New Year’s planning meeting in some interesting way, in an unusual way. And Santa Claus himself will tell you how!”

Father Frost: “On this table are your personalized T-shirts, white as a blank sheet. Nearby are markers and felt-tip pens. Imagine that this is a Happy New Year card, only very original. Anyone you want can at least draw or write whatever you want on each one! Then each of you will receive your own personalized T-shirt with autographs, drawings and wishes from your colleagues as a souvenir. I am sure that you have never received such a sincere gift!”

Snow Maiden(winks at the ladies): “By the way, no one forbids women to leave autographs with their lipstick! Hint understood?"

Competition No. 4. “Autograph”

There is a musical pause, during which guests sign each other’s T-shirts, draw emoticons, wishes, etc.
Santa Claus and his granddaughter choose the 3 best works and announce the winners.

Scene No. 7

The grandson of Santa Claus appears - DJ Morozko with his equipment.

Father Frost(introducing the grandson to the guests): “Dear guests! I am glad to introduce you to my heir! My grandson Morozko, a cool DJ, and we invite you to dance with him!”

Morozko: “Great, guys!! Listen here everyone! Everybody dance!!"

(Dance break of 4-5 songs).

Competition No. 5. "Magic Dancing"

During the dance break, competition No. 5 is held. "Magic Dancing" Participants take costume attributes out of the bag by touch and then dance to the music in this image.

Scene No. 8

Everyone takes their seats. Toasts are made, guests drink, eat and congratulate each other. Instrumental music is playing.

Father Frost: “Our dear guests! New Year is approaching! We hear his festive steps. The chimes are about to sound. (Sheets of paper and pens are distributed to all participants). While I am here, my dears, I will definitely fulfill one of your wishes. Only for this you need to carry out a New Year's, fabulous ritual. Write your deepest desire on a piece of paper and put the notes in this magical bowl.”
(The Snow Maiden walks through the hall with a bowl. The chimes sound. Grandfather Frost moves his hands over the bowl. On the twelfth strike, Grandfather Frost sets the contents on fire. At that time, the lights in the hall are turned off. Only the fire in the bowl is visible).

Father Frost: “May all your wishes come true! Not a single thing will be forgotten! Happy New Year! With new happiness! Hooray!!"

(The lights turn on. New Year's songs are played. Everyone dances, drinks, eats. Father Frost and Snegurochka go around the tables, congratulate colleagues, pose for joint New Year's photos).