Extracurricular event dedicated to the holiday "Power Engineer's Day" - KVN. Scenario for holding a festive concert for the professional holiday “Energy Day”

Good evening.
Hello Dear friends! My name is Nina, I am Alexander and we have the honor of being the hosts of this evening!
I would like to start with the words from a good old song: “It’s great that we are all gathered here today.” And we gathered to celebrate the brightest and warmest holiday of the year - ENERGY DAY! Happy holiday to you, dear friends!
Power engineer's day... These are lights in apartments, wires humming in the wind, these are the lights of the city at night.
This is a switched-on TV with your favorite series.
Nina, I knew you would say this.
So what? This is true. In our modern times You can’t go anywhere without energy drinks! Indeed, from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you for your work.
We read your newspaper, and you know, I was simply amazed by the photographs when, during the flood period, they checked and repaired power lines directly from the water in boats. You really bring light and warmth to people in any weather, in any conditions.
Which one big job was done for the future Olympics in Sochi! After all, thanks to you, the power engineers, the Olympic facilities will be running, and thanks to you, we will see the Olympics themselves.
In general, to be honest, without energy, without energy drinks, we would still be sitting in caves by the light of fires.
Friends, let's fill our glasses and drink to you, to this wonderful holiday. For your current and future successes.
Once again, happy holiday to you! And we really want to give you a song of congratulations.


You know, we started talking about successes, about achievements. And I think now is the time to take stock of the past year. Why he was difficult, interesting, why he was famous. And for this we want to invite you to this stage.

Pause 5-7 minutes.

2 block.

We go out to the music of “Olympic Gods.”

Friends, don’t worry - we’re not going to the bathhouse.
It’s just that now it’s so tasteful, and most importantly HUMBLY, that we decided to dress up as Olympic gods. When will you get another chance to wear a wreath on your head?!
Yes, today’s holiday, the day of the power engineer, will be held in the style of the Olympic Games. Firstly, we know that power engineers are very fond of sports; it’s not for nothing that you hold sports and athletics competitions every year. And we are entering the most unusual year - the year of the future Olympics. Well, thirdly, you will agree that our life has a lot in common with sports.
Well, for example, in life there is a race with financial obstacles.
But all women love this sport - verbal fencing.
My favorite sport is swimming in a love boat, or jumping to the left (oh, no - this is a forbidden sport...)
IN general topic sports, the Olympics seem to be close to all of us.
By the way, do you know where the first ones took place? Olympic Games?
Correct in Ancient Greece. They were held in honor of the god Zeus once every four years.
According to tradition, the Olympics were then opened with a competition called “Running with Torches.” It was from this tradition that the legendary lighting of the Olympic flame began.

About the Khabarovsk Torchbearer.
Let's continue this ancient tradition, and let’s light a fire in our “bowl”.

Lighting the torch. We light a candle on each table.

Friends, let this fire symbolize the strength of spirit that is in your hearts. And you know, on special occasions happy Days, cherished dreams simply must come true. Now I will ask you to think about your dream, about your desire. Only wish for the most cherished things. Close your eyes, think about him - and now let’s blow out the candles together and your wish will definitely come true!
So one two three. Hooray! Once again, happy holiday to you! And let's raise our glasses to make all your dreams come true. Happy holiday!

By the way, it will be very interesting to meet you and find out what kind of people are sitting in the hall. Surely you have your own Apollos, are there any? There must definitely be a god of feasts - Dionysus, I see one here. Somewhere here the formidable Zeus sits. There are such?
And in order to more accurately understand who is who in this room, who is waiting for victory at the table, who is on another front, and for this, earlier on Olympus they always went to the oracle for a prediction.
You know, the stars just aligned for us. Olympus without the predictions of the oracle is not a holiday. Well, you know, part-time, so to speak, I lead astrological forecast on the Khabarovsk TV channel, and Alexander was the host of the Khabarovsk program instructions for use. Therefore, we will now combine all this and tell you the horoscope instructions. Distinctive features each sign, so that it is clear how, where, how many times to apply each sign today.

1. There is no need to be modest today - Respond in the hall, Aries!
Aries are always self-confident and very stubborn. They are capable of many things. If you decide to relax after the holiday, and they drag you to night club, Aries do it.
2. Well done and tomboys, Where do our Taurus sit?
Taurus are constant and decisive. And if someone constantly and decisively asks you: “Do you respect me?”, then it is Taurus.
3. Where are the daredevil guys? Gemini is the fastest!
Geminis love jokes and fun, they love beauty in everything. They have a very good tongue, and if you are having fun, then Gemini is nearby.
4. The zodiac has many signs, Now I want to see Cancers!
Cancer is the most hardworking and neat sign. Be sure to go out and dance with them, they will carefully lead you in the dance and never step on your foot.
5. You, Kings of Beasts, handsome Lions, respond in unison!
Leos love all kinds of challenges and adventures. Being optimists, they will always find adventures in their second 90s. And that's why it's always fun with them!
6. Let’s all look to the right, to the left, Where do all the Virgos sit?
Virgo is the most meticulous and painstaking sign. Virgos never make hasty conclusions and would rather measure out seven times and pour once.
7. Lift up your noses and show yourself to us, Libra!
Libra is a source of fun. Be sure to learn the phrase today: “One more, and that’s it!” In that festive evening it will come in handy many times.
8. Queue according to all laws Stand up and have a drink Scorpios!
Scorpios are calm and affectionate. And therefore they can easily borrow 1000 euros from you and kindly not return them.
9. All the signs here are great, Sagittarians are the luckiest of all.
Sagittarius is a living intuition, they clearly know who, with whom, when... And being very “alive” by nature, Sagittarius can be excellent friends and life partners.
10. Don’t be harsh with the presenter, Capricorns!
Capricorn. A very friendly sign. They know that all the people they will meet today in the evening - good. Little green men not an exception.
11. Let them raise their glasses quickly - Aquarius without hesitation!
Aquarius. A very changeable sign. They usually prefer peace and solitude. True, on holidays their second nature takes over - then they are, on the contrary, energetic and loving.
12. And on our holiday let us smile. Gifted by affectionate Fishes!
Pisces are dreamers by nature. They sing songs or write poems. And if someone next to you says toasts, constantly runs out to all competitions - it’s probably Pisces.
And I suggest filling your glasses and drinking to good luck. So that she accompanies you this evening and most importantly throughout the next year.

Newbie test.
You know, in this room there are mainly experienced athletes, Hercules, so to speak. but there are also newcomers here. They have not yet been tested by fire, water and copper pipes. So now we will ask everyone who recently came to the company to come to us, so to speak, into the gladiatorial arena.

Competition “Permutation of letters”. (whatman paper with letters, laurel wreaths) HOW MANY PEOPLE? THE COMPETITION DEPENDS ON THIS...
So what were the winners awarded in Ancient Greece? That's right, laurel wreaths. These people deserved to win.

We reward everyone with a laurel wreath.
And a toast - a wish from the winners. One word at a time, what do you wish for everyone present.

Pause 5-7 minutes.

Software competition.

Need 1-2 prizes.
That's how nice it was to hear Wishes and Congratulations from the employees.
There are a lot of words with the prefix software. By the way, let’s draw a prize for whoever is the last to name a verb with the prefix po, but on the topic of why we are gathered today, that’s the prize. Well, or for the most original answer. So let's start - we are here to Congratulate each other. ….

We present the prize.

The winning person helps assemble the team.

Talk show competition.

Need 4 chairs. (2 prizes, or 8 prizes for everyone)
You know, we tested the newcomers, and are there any merry fellows, experienced players, real Zeus at work in this room? Tell us 4 people.
Well, masters. And your task is to choose your own siren. The main difference between sirens is their ringing voice!
The presenter asks a question to all players at the same time. The participant who knows the answer to it must press the “button” of his partner, which will immediately “produce” its musical signal, and only after that can he answer. I ask you to confer in pairs and choose an original musical signal, for example: “meow-meow,” “peak-peak,” etc.
1. How many labors did Hercules perform? (12)
2. We have 50, Americans have 60 (Power frequency)
3. What is the motto of the Olympic Games? (Faster, higher, stronger)
4. An obsolete name for a DC electric generator (Dynamo)
5. They connect the circuit in parallel, and measure the voltage. What is this device called? (Voltmeter)

6. What is depicted on the Olympic flag? (Five multi-colored rings according to the number of continents.)

7. In what year and in what city was the Olympics held in the USSR? (In Moscow in 1980)

Stock: competition.

Eh Sasha, you know, after all, the main task of the gods is to bring happiness to people.
Are you referring to gifts?
Well, of course on them. I would like there to be as many gifts in the hall as possible.

Well then, I’m announcing the next competition. (competition from stock)

Block 3.

Sasha comes out to the song “Our Heroic Strength,” or “exercise.”

Eh, I definitely like this holiday. I was a god, and now I’ve become a coach. What do you think is ahead of you now? Right! We know the motto of the Olympic Games - so now it’s time to choose which of you is faster, taller, stronger.

Nina comes out to the song “Aunt Doctor” (We need a white coat - large size)

No, why are you a coach, and I understand, Aunt Doctor?
Nina, because when people celebrate such a holiday, it is important not only who is stronger, but also who is healthier, who is still able to say so...
So I'm under doping control? Okay I agree. Although here, in my opinion, they don’t complain about their health. Is everyone healthy in the room?
Something is very quiet, maybe your throat hurts? Well, how are you feeling again?

Well, that's another matter! There is vivacity))) Well, if so, we are announcing the beginning of the first in history – the Energy Olympic Games!
We know that there are many champions among you, you have held tournaments in chess and skiing, volleyball, long jump, even checkers!!! In general, you are just smart guys, heroes - we need such people!!!
Then I will announce the first intellectual and energy tournament.

Competition “Songs from Cinema”.

8-10 small gifts.
You know, if it weren’t for energy workers, we would be sitting in the house right now, in the light of a torch, bored! Brrr! And the worst thing is that we would not be able to find out how our beloved films and TV series end! If you still watch TV, you will certainly be able to guess where the song will come from, from which movie or cartoon. So, movie song competitions.

Well, dear friends, I propose to raise a glass to you for the most intellectual, cheerful people. Once again, happy holiday to you. Happy Energy Day.

So we have found champions in erudition, it’s time to determine the next winners! After all, I’m a doctor now, so let’s call people who have excellent health, who never take sick leave from you, who stand firmly on their feet at any holiday. There are such? (4 people)

Competition: medical examination. 4 gifts.

First of all, I would like to get to know you. And ask some unexpected question. Well, for example, any Olympian should have excellent health, but what part of your body do you consider the healthiest, or, I don’t know, the most beautiful?

Well, now we will conduct a medical examination. You need to take turns dancing with the part of the body that you named.

Well, I think they passed the medical examination, they are real athletes and champions in agility. Prizes for the winners!
And let's raise a toast to the sporting spirit of energy drinks. May victories always haunt you on this stage, and most importantly in your life! Happy holiday to you.

Break 10-15 min.

Well, friends, we continue our first energy Olympic Games. And now there will be a team competition. And we will recruit teams, in the style of energy drinks. Imagine that you are wires through which current flows. The current is a ball. The current runs, passes from hand to hand - cheerfully, to the music. But as soon as the closure (the music stops) whoever has the ball in his hands is the lucky one. And he gets into our Olympic team.
We give a ball to each table, they pass it around the table in a circle - stop the music, a participant comes out.
So the teams have been typed, come up with a name. And you have to pass the most Olympic test. Biathlon. Biathlon is a Winter Olympic sport that combines cross-country skiing with rifle shooting.

Biathlon competition.
2 teams. (There are as many prizes as there are tables, multiplied by 2 - for example, 6 main prizes and 6 consolation prizes)
Props: dimensionless fins (2 pcs) and poles (4 pcs), 2 packages, or bags, small inflated balloons- number of tables multiplied by 2 = if there are 6 tables then 12 balls. (plus 2-3 reserve)
In the equipment you need to cover 5 meters, hit the ball into a bag held by a person (bag, basket) and return back.

Competition "Types of Sports". 6 prizes.

Well, it's time to win the championship prizes. So we invite 3 girls and 3 guys. (3 pairs of 2 people)

We got acquainted with biathlon, found out what it looks like, and I want to look at other sports.

Your task as soon as we say winter sport is to show the movements, but as soon as we shout the finish, you must freeze in beautiful pose, (depicting a sport) for photo star.

1.Figure skating.
2. Curling - special ones are thrown across the ice ("stones") towards the target.
3. Bobsleigh is a speed descent from the mountains along specially equipped ice tracks on a controlled sleigh.

You know, I’m speaking as a doctor – I think it’s time for us all to warm up. We all need an energy discharge.
So, are you ready to have some fun? Then meet the sportiest, most fun, and most importantly the most energetic group, “Gran Prix”.

Block 4.

We go out to the music “Fans”

Well, we danced from the heart, the fun is in full swing. And then we changed costumes again.

I like this image even more. I'll go home in this!

Well, I didn’t pull your tongue. You'll just be a star... on the bus. Although brightness and a smile are the first rule of fans! Friends, we have already found out that there are a great many champions in the hall, it’s time to find the most ardent fans.

Well, what is the most important tool of any fan?
These are palms. Let's start by warming up our instrument, let's see how much energy you have?
Well, first of all, who? stronger guys or girls. You can clap, stomp, whistle.
So girls, can you turn down the music?
(clap, DJ turns up the music)
And now the men.
Now let everyone who loves beer applaud. There are such?
Who loves vodka?
So, now the applause of those who have never been late for work.
Well, now let everyone who loves the holiday, Energy Day, applaud.

Bravo. Then I propose a toast. For the most Friendly team energy workers. May such applause always sound in your honor!

Competition "Fan Orchestra".1 chair. 6 prizes.

Are there anyone in our hall who loves music? We choose 3 girls, 3 guys.

At any stadium, energetic music tracks are always played in honor of athletes. In general, it is the music that encourages and sets up both the participants and the entire audience for victory. Now you have to portray a sports orchestra. In pairs, choose which one of you will be a musician and which one will be an instrument?

So the phonogram, your performance... (3 excerpts)

Who knows which mascots were chosen for the Olympic Games in Sochi?
(Leopard, Polar bear, Bunny)
Right. We invite you to the stage. 8 people.
contest: create your own Olympic mascot. 8 prizes.
Props: A package with funny attributes ((masks, hats, skirts, boas, horns, glasses, gloves - whatever comes your way)

2 teams of 4 people. Come up with a team name.

Now you, as true fans, must create your own mascot for Our first Energy Olympics. You will need to tell who it is and why this particular symbol.

Break 15 minutes.

Competition: “Travel Agency”.6 prizes.

minimum attributes for a couple from the East, Africa, Russia. I am writing what can be added: an oriental belt with coins, African fur, large beads, a Russian kokoshnik, a Russian folk hat,
The Olympic flag depicts five intertwined rings, which symbolize friendship and the desire for peace of athletes from all continents.
We will now take not continents, but countries. And you will need to represent your country in dance. This should be a dance of friendship.

Well, let's see how our participants cope, and what the dance of friendship looks like in their opinion. We meet 1 couple.

Sheikh with his sheherazdai. East
We meet Chungu, with his Changa. Africa
Ivan and his Marya. Russia.

A song about a horse.(print out the words for the support group, ask the Grand Prix to play along with this song) The output symbol is a horse.

You know, it seems to us that our Energy Olympiad is going very successfully. We have a mascot, we have our own champions, we have great fans, we even lit the torch, but we didn’t sing the Olympic anthem.
But it must be special so that it will definitely bring good luck next year.
So next year is the year of the horse. And we know that there is such a tradition among you to sing one song just about a horse. I propose to make this song the anthem of our Olympics and next year.
Let's call our main performer, is there a support group?
And a surprise for you - the symbol of next year. Horse…

Let's eat.

Well, dear friends. Once again we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! We wish you and your families happiness, energy and prosperity! Happy holiday. And the evening does not end. The Grand Prix group is singing for you, everyone get out on the dance floor.

Competitions for Stock.

Competition: re-dance, or maybe a New Year's dance. Who are the most energetic, Men or Girls?

Props: You can dance without props, you can make Santa Clauses against Snow Maidens. Then props: on men (5-6 people) Santa hats for girls (saw in the costume room)- Snow Maiden kokoshniks.

Who will dance who? Men versus girls.
In honor of the symbol of the New Year, the horse dances with everyone and determines the winners.

Competition "Construction".
Task 1 – building by names in alphabetical order from A to Z
Task 2 – building by hair color from darkest to lightest.
Task 3 – line up by height, from tallest to shortest.
Task 4 – construction based on length of service in the company

Tug of war.
a rope on both sides of a stick, a prize in the middle.
to a long rope. (5 meters) 2 sticks tied at both ends. we tie a prize in the middle (for example - a bottle of champagne, a tangerine orange, a large chocolate bar, any gift). The task is to wind a rope around a stick to see who gets the closest prize.

Table competition. Degree of sobriety.
It's very simple and fun game to provoke guests. The host names various words, and the guests, in chorus, quickly and without hesitation, name the diminutive form of this word. For example:
Mommy mommy
Bulb lamp
goat goat
rose rose
Vodka water
Of course, “vodka” is correct, but for some reason in most cases already tipsy guests answer “vodka.”
At this word, the presenter stops the game and announces to all participants the diagnosis: “increased bottleism.”
The she-wolf's husband is a wolf
The hare's husband is a hare
The goat's husband is a goat
Dragonfly's husband - guests automatically shout dragonfly!
Bunny Hare's Wife
The rabbit's wife is a rabbit
The goat's wife - the guests cry goat! I say it right for her)))

Competition "Songs in Reverse".
The recorded songs are turned backwards. I need to find out what the song is.
Competition “Continue the phrase”
Originally continue the phrase. The guys from MES are great...
(Trunk electrical networks)

Competition “Changing Proverbs”.
1) Without a beard, you can’t even pull a mermaid out of the water. (Without labor, you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond)
2) Drink seven glasses and have one snack. (Seven times measure cut once)
3) They don’t hide their electric shock in someone else’s bag. (They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules)
4) Snowflake on the head, ice on the thigh. (Grey hair in the beard, demon in the rib)
5) Prepare for a hangover in the evening, and for drinking in the morning. (Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter)
6) They won’t hit a cheerful neighbor in the teeth. (Don't look a gift horse in the mouth)
8) Without knowing the degree, don’t lap it all up at once. (If you don’t know the ford, don’t poke your nose into the water.)
11) Lips are not painted girls, and girls lips. (Not the place to paint a person, and a person place)

"Do you believe that."
At the first games of the Olympiad, a medal for third place was not awarded; only first and second places were considered prize money? (Yes)
At the 3rd Olympics in St. Louis (USA) in 1904, out of 651 athletes, 533 represented the USA? (yes) (Many European athletes did not come due to expensive travel costs)
In 1906, extraordinary games were held, not provided for by the Olympic rules, in honor of the 10th anniversary of the 1st Olympics? (Yes)
16 Olympics were held in two countries: Australia and Sweden? (yes) (due to strict restrictions on the import of animals into Australia, equestrian competitions were in jeopardy, so it was decided to hold the equestrian part of the program in another country)
The 7th Winter Olympics in Italy in 1956 were first broadcast on television? (Yes)
At the Winter Olympics in Italy in 1956, did the Soviet Union team take first place for the first time? (yes) (7 gold, 3 silver, 6 bronze medals - almost as many as second and third place finishers Austria and Finland combined)
On Winter Games in Lake Placid in 1980, athletes were housed in cell blocks? (Yes). (The 8th Games were declared the most business-like and inexpensive, the organizers decided to reduce the costs of holding the Olympics as much as possible. An Olympic village was equipped in the prison blocks)
At the 20th Winter Games in Turin, a Canadian skier broke her pole and lost the race? (no) (The Norwegian coach gave her a pole, but it turned out to be 12 cm longer than the required size. Nevertheless, the skier won silver)


Scenario progress:

Sounds like a fun Russian folk music. At the main entrance to the Foundry base, visitors are greeted by two buffoons, Foma and Erema.


Hello, invited guests.

The long-awaited guests are invited.

Everyone who didn't stay at home,

And he came to our village to have a look.


Open Erem's gate, people come in.


Where are you in a hurry Foma?

Try the bread and salt, friends!

A Russian beauty comes out with a loaf of bread. Vacationers having tasted bread and saltenter the recreation center.

Concert program.

Fanfare under cheerful music Foma and Erema run onto the stage.


Hello dear viewers

KAMAZ-Energo are big fans.

Everyone who didn't stay at home.

And he came to watch our show.


First of all, as usual.

Let's get to know you.

We both came to you. Thomas before Erem.

See people, show yourself.

Let me tell you some tall tales.


On the sea-ocean in one of the Borovets weeds.

There is a green oak tree, under it there is an oak table.

There is a baked bull on the table.

Let the dogs bark because of him.

And our holiday

Together: It's starting!

Concert number.

Thomas: So, our holiday begins,

The word for congratulations is givenGeneral Director of KAMAZ-Energo LLC Alexander Vladimirovich Zhdanov.

Speech by A.V. Zhdanov, chairman of the trade union committee of Ramil Khambalovich Vakhitov, awarding the employees of KAMAZ-Energo LLC.

Erema: Have fun people.

A lot of interesting things await you here.

The village chief will come soon.

He will dance and sing for you.

Thomas:(runs in) Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble won’t come to us, the elder.

Erema: Did you drink a lot?

Thomas: Two buckets!

Erema:(affirmative) The headman won’t come to us!

What should we do, friends?

We can't live without the headman.

Thomas: What is there to think and guess about?

We need to elect a headman!

Erema: Okay, the village chief will be the one who comes up with the most original name our village (addresses the audience). So, what are the suggestions?

Spectators shout out the name of the village. The buffoons choose the author of the most original title.

The winner is awarded a diploma in the “Village Chief” category.

Thomas: Well, and especially for our headman, a gift performed by the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Kedry”. Let's meet.

Concert number.


And our holiday continues.

It's still just beginning.

Thomas: And now, dear viewers, we meet the residents of our village.

Now they will come to you on stage.

They will dance and sing for you.

Erema: (runs in) Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble.

The villagers will never come to us!

Thomas: And why is that?

Erema: They went into the forest to pick mushrooms

They didn’t come back, they didn’t come.

Thomas: What is there to think and guess about?

We need to elect residents!

Hey, ladies of turntable coquette-laughing.

Push through from the back rows.

And come up here to us.

Three participants take the stage. The buffoons carry out the “Cow” - a stick to which medical gloves filled with water are tied. Foma puts buckets under his gloves. Erema pierces the “Udder” with a needle. The participants' task is to milk the cow; whoever squeezes the water into the bucket first wins.

Awarding the winner with a diploma in the category “Honored Milkmaid”.

Erema: And now a gift for our winner.

Concert number.

Erema: Make way for honest people

The little bear is going home

He knows a lot of fun

There will be jokes, there will be laughter.

Foma brings out the bear, disguised as a young specialist.

Thomas: Come on, little bear, bow to the honest guests. (The bear bows).

Come on, Mikhail Potapych, dance for us as a lady (Mishka dances the Macarena dance). Lady, I said. (Mishka dances the lady).


Come on, Mishka, dance.

Your legs are good. (The bear dances merrily)

Come on people, who wants to fight Mishka?

Now we will find out who is the first tractor driver in our village.

The buffoons bring two chairs and a table onto the stage, the participants come out and wrestle with Mishka in their arms. Foma and Erema arm wrestle, after which they award the winner with the diploma “Best Tractor Driver of the Village.”

Thomas: Well, a special gift for our tractor driver.

Concert number.

Erema: Well, people, who will go play.

He will take all the prizes.

And who doesn't want to play?

He can't even see a bagel.

Come on stage quickly.

We will elect the club director.

Five girls take the stage. The presenter gives them pieces of paper on which ditties are written. The phonogram sounds. The contestants sing ditties.

Awarding the winner with a diploma in the category “Leader of the Nightingale Ensemble”

Thomas: And, of course, a gift for our winner.

Concert number

Erema: Well done guys.

Merry fellows and entertainers.

Who are good at playing the harmonica.

Play the harmonica

To entertain red girls.

Three people go on stage.

We will choose the first guy in the village!

The participants take the stage. Thomas sets them the task of collecting as many kisses as possible from the women present here in three minutes. After that, the buffoons count the presence of lipstick on the participants’ cheeks and choose the winner. Awarding the winner with a diploma in the “First Guy in the Village” category.

Thomas: A concert performance especially for our first guy, welcome!

Concert number.


And now the time has come.

Friends choose a prominent girl.

Well, red girls, don’t be shy.

Come up to our stage quickly.

Three girls come on stage, Foma gives the first a rake and invites her to dance a cheerful dance with a rake. Music plays, a girl dances, then the next one comes out, etc. The audience chooses the winner.

Awarding the winner with a diploma in the category “Prominent Girl of the Village.”

Thomas: And a special gift for our beauty. Concert number

Erema: And our holiday is in full swing.

Let's keep playing

Choose village residents.

The most accurate hunter is nowhere to be seen?

Well, men, who loves hunting?

Come on stage, let's shoot boldly.

Three men enter the stage. Foma puts a bottle of champagne in front of them and gives each one a ring. The participants' task is to throw the ring onto the bottle from a distance of two meters. The winner takes champagne and a diploma in the “Most Accurate Hunter” category.

Thomas: And there is a gift for our hunter too. Let's meet...

Concert number.

Erema: Our holiday continues.

A new game begins.

Get up on stage soon, friends.

It's time to choose a local fisherman.

Three girls come on stage. Foma sets up three chairs and places a pump on each of them for inflatable boat. At the ends of the pump hoses are fixed balloons. The participants’ task is to start jumping on the pumps on command. The ball should inflate accordingly. The first participant to burst the balloon wins.

Awarding the winner with a diploma in the category “Avid Fisherwoman.

Thomas: A concert performance especially for our fisherman.

Concert number.


Well people, are you ready to play again?

We choose the manager of a local canteen.

Three girls and three guys come on stage, three pairs are formed, the men are blindfolded and put their hands behind their backs. The girls are given three bananas. On command, the girls must feed the bananas to the guys and whoever eats all the bananas first and shouts “Am, am” wins. Awarding the winner with a diploma in the “Canteen Manager” category.

Erema: And especially for the winner of this competition, a creative number.

Concert number.

Thomas:(takes out his hat) Yesterday in the cabbage patch in the garden.

This magical hat grew up.

Now let's read the thoughts out loud.

Foma goes down into the auditorium and puts a hat on those sitting. The sound engineer plays “thought” words from famous films.

1. Oh, well, okay, I’m going on a hunger strike!

2. Whose shoe? Oh my, thank you.

("Prisoner of the Caucasus")

3. How did you end up here? - They shot!

4. Tell you what, guys, I won’t give you a machine gun.

("White Sun of the Desert")

5. I'm angry and scary Gray wolf, I know a lot about piglets!

6. Hey, citizen, don’t go there, go here, otherwise your head will snow.

("Gentlemen of Fortune")

7. Comrades, the stadium is full of spectators, I ask everyone to come on stage, but don’t forget to say: “To be or not to be.”

8. Let me go, please, I won't do it again.

("Watch out for the car")

9. Oh, if you want to know, we kings should be given milk for free for being harmful.

10. Take the demons alive!

(“Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession”)

11. I don’t know how it is there in London, I haven’t been there. Maybe there a dog is a man’s friend, but here the house manager is a man’s friend.

12. As our dear boss says: “The main thing in our business is realism.”

("The Diamond Arm")

Erema: Well dear viewers

KAMAZ-Energo is a big fan.

Our holiday concert ends.

Well, Enterprise Day continues.


Don't get sick brothers

Read for adults

Don't offend each other.

Erema: Well, it’s time for Foma and I.

See you again friends!

Now close your ears.

Let the firecrackers set off the fireworks.


The presenters leave the stage. Concert number "Cedars". Vacationers go to their houses. Feast.

On December 22, Russia honors energy workers. People working in this field make our lives cozy and comfortable. They bring us light and warmth, and in return they rarely receive gratitude and compliments. Therefore, on the eve of this day I would like to say a simple thank you to the power engineers for their work and wish them a successful professional holiday.

To help the organizers festive events We offer our original material - Scenario corporate holiday on Energy Day "Descendants of Prometheus", in which everything: a performance, a costumed skit, remade songs and games - is imbued with the theme and mood of a professional holiday.


Musical arrangement (21 tracks) in a folder "Following the leader" - download the full version of the script

- Re-dance "Who is cooler?!"

(This version of the re-dance - between the women's and men's teams, is offered as an additional one, which can be arranged later on the dance floor or held instead of the "Following the Leader" competition, if it is more suitable for the company)

Musical arrangement (11 tracks) in a folder "Who is cooler" - download the full version of the script

To get the full version from musical arrangement It is enough to contribute a small amount to the site development fund (450 rubles) - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to obtain full version this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)


Fanfare sounds.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Good evening, dear guests!

We are pleased to welcome you here to the gala evening dedicated to Energy Day!

It is here, in this hall, that today we have gathered best collection from congratulations, toasts, wishes, gifts, friends, associates, partners.

This is where the main “values ​​of power grids” are presented - this is you, this is the team ____________________________________________!

During the evening we will be with you: Elena, as well as our Dj Eduard Koptsov.

Good afternoon dear friends! Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate your professional holiday – Energy Engineer’s Day. Energy Worker's Day has been celebrated on December 22 since 1966. It is noteworthy that energy industry workers celebrate their holiday on the shortest daylight hours of the year.

Let this day go down in history forever,
and will only bring joy to energy workers,
we will have fun here carefree,
I hope no one leaves sad.
To start the celebration as it should be,
Everyone is asked to fill their glasses.

(light music plays, glasses are filled)
Energetic, happy holiday
We heartily congratulate you,
Be lucky, lucky and loved,
And we protect it with our fate.
May your good deeds
Helping people live more beautifully
And the fire in the soul will not go out,
So let's drink all our glasses to the bottom!

(we drink, give time to eat)

Many telegrams arrived for our holiday. I will now read some of them:
Today the whole team has gathered here - _____________________________ not a single team and not a single organization can exist without a leader. Each leader has his own characteristics. But all chefs have a lot in common. For example, the boss is never late, he is simply delayed by important matters. The boss never lies, he shows miracles of diplomacy. The boss is not flirting, he is simply training young staff. He who comes with his own convictions leaves with the boss’s convictions. Those whose beliefs coincide with those of the boss make a career. And finally good boss He may not even show up for work, because his team is well-coordinated and everything is going as if on rails.
But today at our party there is a leader - ________________________________________________________________

We have no doubts about a bright future,
After all, there is a very reliable guarantor for this.
You are at the helm, which means there will be light!
Heat energy will always help!

Our leader is simply eager to make a toast.

Your professional holiday is celebrated on the eve of the New Year. And we can make several predictions.

Energy worker at work
It neither plows nor reaps.
Energy worker at work
It gives people light in their homes!

And we invite you to draw up a portrait of a real electric network worker.

We provide two A4 sheets and two felt-tip pens. The task of those sitting at the table, drawing one element at a time, is to create a portrait of an ideal Sberbank employee.

Only a real ace
Shows class in driving!
Motor transport is cool!
Commanding here is a science!
______________ work _____ drivers. This _____________________________________________________________.
1. Test by fire water. We give glasses of vodka to 3 men. We say: there is water in two glasses. And only one - vodka. It is not known from whom. On command, everyone begins to drink liquid through a straw. The one who has vodka poured should not show it and drink without wincing. And we will try to determine who has vodka and who has water. (5 straws, 5 vodka shots)

What and where to buy?
Who needs what?
Give out nuts or bolts?
Supply decides!
And the head of the economic department is Nina Ivanovna Krotova, a storekeeper and secretary.

No repairs in general
Impossible, as always!
Because in the repair team
They know where, they will decide when!

And today we have a feast
Men are asked to repeat the phrase in chorus: “Crow, ding la-la”
Clinking glasses with the ladies.
The ladies say in unison: “wonderful, boom-boom” and blow air kisses to the gentlemen sitting next to them.

And today we have a feast. We'll wear our pants to holes, fir trees, poplars.
Cuckoo, ding-la-la.

And today we have a feast. And where there is a feast, there is peace. And a pleasant noise.
“wonderful, boom boom”

And today we have a feast, we toast together. And we can’t all be bored
“Crow, ding la-la”

And today we have a feast, we drink, of course, not kefir. But we have a sharp mind!
“wonderful, boom boom”

And today we have a feast. Who made the suit for the feast? Who got drunk on the sly?
“Crow, ding la-la”

Shout: The guests all answer together, “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends.”

How many of you are now ready to drink a glass to the brim?
Which one of you will enchant us all together with a cheerful song?
Which of you, brothers, will undress in the dance?
Which of you in a new suit looks so much like Casanova?
How many of you, with your mouth open, will tell a joke here?
Which of you, brothers, will be lying under the table?
Who would drink a glass from a neighbor during an intelligent conversation?
Which one of you, brothers, will have a hangover tomorrow?

The ambassador is my fellow Japanese, I am from the city of Osaka, my name is Shiaki Yakujaka. Came to Rossiyaka for a visit to the Energizer! Japanese mother!
Translator - The authorized ambassador of the Japanese state, Mr. Shiwaki, specially arrived in Russia to visit the day of the energy industry!
Ambassador - I wish you, gentlemen, a hard worker: be a cheerful person, never get sick, and be a successful hard worker! Japanese mother!
Translator - Mr. Ambassador wishes you prosperity, health and success.
The ambassador is a hard worker! (this makes it easier for me to explain). Let your boss appreciate you and pay your salaryman and pensioner more. Japanese mother!
Translator - Mr. Ambassador wishes. So that your work is appreciated.
Ambassador - I know: The Russian is an agricultural wanderer. I wish the harvest to be rich and the bananas and quince to grow well! Japanese mother!
Translator - Mr. Ambassador wishes you success in your hobby - growing cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes.
Ambassador - I’m leaving for my homeland. Japanese mother!
Translator - Having congratulated you on your professional holiday, Mr. Ambassador leaves us.
Ambassador - I didn’t stay in Russia for long, but I studied all the customs. I went. But I couldn’t hear them tell me: “On the road!” Japanese mother!
Translator - Mr. Ambassador is delighted with Russian customs, but has he forgotten what is offered to a guest leaving the house?
THE AMBASSADOR gets a shot glass poured
Ambassador - What do you have? Cognac? Or maybe some water? Is the road always in such tarjaka? Japanese mother!
Translator - Mr. Ambassador says that in their homeland they drink sake vodka from tiny cups.
Ambassador – I won’t be a pushover, but rather a congratulatory one, maybe kiss you all and gulp down a drink with sake!

TALE “Little things in life”
A tipsy man comes home from work. He feels slightly dizzy. He carries flowers in his hands for his wife. Suddenly a man sees beautiful girl. A man gives flowers to a girl. The girl is walking with a man to his home. A man tells his wife that he was at work. Then a family friend comes out of the bedroom. The man doesn't like it. He hits a family friend on the head. The angry wife whips the man over the head with flowers, hugs the family friend, kisses his broken head and leaves the house with the family friend. The man stays with the girl. But he is very tired from work, so he immediately falls asleep. Dropping my head on the pillow. Morning has come. There are flowers under the bed, and the man has a terrible headache. He tries to remember: “Where did this come from? ugly girl?. The man escorts the girl out the door, throws flowers into the trash can, puts his head under cold water and goes to work. So don’t let any little things distract you from your favorite work.

Man - I'm macho

work - yes he is lying,

head - and you haven’t seen anything like that,

wife - where have you been?

girl - I'm your pussy,

flowers - best gift!

Family friend - it's okay, girls!

Ved: Hello, dear friends! Very soon the kindest, most exciting and long-awaited holiday will come.... / timid knock on the door, an electrician enters /

Al: Excuse me, please! I was fixing the wiring here yesterday and left the screwdriver. Can I look for it?

3rd: Okay, just faster. /El looks around/ - Well, did you find it?
Al: Not yet.

3rd: Remember where you last saw her?

Al: I was standing here yesterday. I had a screwdriver in my hands. Just then ______________/deputy for housekeeping of this organization/ came in - well, I dropped it out of surprise. Thank God she didn't crash.
3rd: What, a screwdriver?
Al: uh...well, yeah. I have it of the latest design, glass, with a metal spout.
3rd: Oh, my nose!
Al: Yeah. I picked it up and just opened it...
3rd: Screwdriver!?
Al: Of course. She was in this plastic case. I opened it, so Trofimych said...
3rd: Which Trofimych? Screwdriver brother?
Al: No. My partner. He says: “Come on quickly, otherwise the wires are burning.”
3rd: What a nightmare!
Al: Of course! Only he and I accepted..
3rd: What did you accept?
Al: I say, they started. They got to work. They just waved at a hundred...
3rd: What's a hundred?
Al: Volt, of course! Voltage is measured in volts. So, they just shuddered...
3rd: Why did you shudder!?
Al: Try it, take 100 volts! Our heads are already buzzing! Then bam - short circuit. I immediately began to lengthen it, and placed the screwdriver next to me. In general, the light came on, but the screwdriver was missing.
3rd: Your partner took it.
Al: He couldn’t, his hands were full. He was holding a snack.
3rd: What did you hold!?
Al: Snack. The clamp is like this - you can bite the wires. Snacks are used as snacks and snacks are used as snacks. /clicks teeth, 3rd recoils/
3rd: Well, that's enough! Your screwdriver is not here, look elsewhere.
/El sighs and heads towards the exit, looking back along the way and speaking to the audience/
Al: Hey guys! If you find a screwdriver here, drink it to my health.
Africa - hot scorching sun, impenetrable jungles and temperamental, fiery dances. I announce the African Dance Marathon.
(Dance section for 20–30 minutes. During the dances, you can choose the best “leader” of the tribe, dancers and present a prize - a New Year’s loincloth (tinsel ribbon.)

I ask strong, brave and dexterous men (up to 5 people) to come here. Your task: holding right hand behind your back, with one left hand, holding the unfolded newspaper by the corner, gather it into a fist. The fastest and most dexterous is the winner. The winner makes a toast.
(A competition is taking place.)

On December 31, the Japanese begin general cleaning, and with the clock striking at 12 o'clock at night, they go to bed in order to get up before dawn and meet New Year with the first rays rising sun. Japan is a mysterious and incomprehensible country, whose inhabitants have many talents, one of them is reading the thoughts of another person. So, we are in the salon of a famous Japanese magician (whose role I will play), and we will be able to hear the thoughts of any of the guests.

I sometimes play the game “Beads” - I found it once on one of the forums, I don’t even remember where, but to the author Thanks a lot never let me down. You call “two real men” - who know not only about cars and football, but also about jewelry. You ask the bottom if they know the principle of creating women’s beads, give them along a ribbon or a rope (10-15 m) and let them collect guests from the audience, whom you announce as beads, whoever collects the most is a great guy, but you have to collect the “beads” for part of clothing: by a strap, by a loop, by a belt, by anything, just not by a part of the body. So, in the first round, the one who collected the most beads won; the second round - which of the teams will make the biggest noise effect (everyone screams like they’re cute, and they also get pleasure from it), the third round is a dance, the guests are still gathered on a string. One team dances the lambada, the other dances the letka-enka, and then the last round - who will unravel the fastest. It's always fun, and besides, all the guests find themselves on the dance floor, and even excited, rarely does anyone go straight to the table, almost everyone stays to dance.

The “trick” is corporate.
After about the third toast, I conduct a survey: who among those present has worked in this company longer, and who has worked the least. I ask these two employees to come out with a congratulations-toast. The “young” person shares his impressions and hopes, and the “oldest” person congratulates from the height of his experience. Attention - surprise! Before making a toast, please bring glasses into the room. 2 glasses and one bottle of champagne are brought out on one tray. One glass – a small shot glass – for the “young man”. The second glass – a huge wine glass (vase) – is for the “eldest”.
At one of the banquets, the “oldest” worker (who had previously drunk vodka) drained his huge glass, which contained the entire contents of a bottle of champagne, in one fell swoop. Amidst thunderous applause, the “eldest” returned to the table and continued to drink vodka. This did not stop him from participating in all the following competitions - singing songs, dancing in a marathon, etc.
A couple of tips from me on corporate “tricks”: 1) under no circumstances insist that the contents of a large glass must be drunk, this is at the discretion of the guest; 2) glasses remain as a gift to the “young” and “oldest”.

Without energy, friends,
Of course, you can't live
TV, refrigerator, and soldering iron, and switch,
All work will stop
Even the radio is silent.
But today the sun is shining
The energy drinker is resting!

Presenter: Well, what would a vacation be without fiery dancing? I invite everyone to dance!
And, for the finale, hold the Miss Energy contest. Let's start by asking everyone. Presenter: “There is a wonderful honorary word “energetics”. This is a masculine word. But if the energy engineer is a woman, then what should she be called?” I assure you, you will hear a lot in response interesting options. I give options from my experience: energy, energy, energy, electric train, energy, etc. Men are especially amused in this situation. Invite them to choose the “Miss Energy” option. We will ask the men to present to us any of the ladies present who, in their opinion, correspond to this high rank.

Our energy workers are at work
Don't spend a lot unnecessary words(yes, words)
Ready to give energy quickly (yeah)
After all, our motto is: always ready (be prepared).

Snow White and the Dwarves (4 people):
Snow White: everyone listen to me carefully: If you grab the end of the bare wire with one hand,
and with the other hand hold the other end of the bare wire, then
you will understand why the light comes on.
Gnome: who invented the switch:
Snow White: - The switch on the wall was invented by a lazy person, because a hardworking person is not too lazy to climb onto a chair and unscrew the light bulb!
Enough questions, start the chant:

We are smart guys, we give business advice
1.If the lights suddenly go out
The lamp does not light
2. So someone made a mistake
Turned off the switch

3.If you are drunk in the morning
And my legs are unsteady
4. Then don’t go into the socket
With your drunken face

1.If the wire is exposed
It's damp underfoot
2. So you will soon find the way
From the home world

If your fingers accidentally
Put it in 220
Then you will have to stock up on sockets

If you get up to take a break
Under the power line support
Might give me an electric shock
You will become a rap rap ace.
Once again, happy holidays, dear friends. (They wave their hands and leave)

Granny hedgehogs fly out)
All: Stretch the bellows accordion,
Eh, play, have fun
About electricians today
Sing, don't talk
Electric power
Got me hooked on the internet
Do not wanna go Home
There's a young electrician here

Power engineer is daring (My electrician is daring)
He has a big charge
How to touch me
Hair stands on end

The most evil of people
Defaulter swindler
I'll spit on his baldness
And I’ll send you to Leshy.

Our boss is very strict,
It might even become formidable.
IF so, not only to hell,
Maybe send us further!

All: We are naughty girls
Why aren't we beautiful?
Well, what about defaulters?
Let them fear us

I walked around the apartments
Checked the counter
A guy leaned against me
I sent it:

You come first
And pay us for the light
Pay attention for tacos
I'll give you a receipt

All: We work hard
We go everywhere
for the company for ours we get money
Buffoon: We ask the famous drivers to take the stage.
Today you are invited to change from cars to a more comfortable type of transport - horses, please bring horses into the hall (horse sounds)

2 teams: Sivka-Burka, Konek-Gorbunek
Buffoon: Drivers are not allowed to drink alcohol, but today on a holiday it is even highly encouraged.
Teams on horses gallop until beer is poured into any of the glasses and drunk; whoever is faster wins the main prize

competition "Rozetki" - maybe seen on the first channel "Big Races" - that's from there. For those who haven’t seen it, I’ll briefly tell you: large forks are put on the men’s heads (I make them from parallon), at a distance there are participants with sockets (made of polystyrene foam), we announce a competition for the most experienced electrician (the task is to get the fork into the socket). The spectacle, judging by the program, is unforgettable and very funny.

(sketch for Power Engineer or Housing and Communal Worker Day)

Characters: Plumbers (two or three people from management dress up).
Costumes: overalls, adjustable wrenches.

Host: Dear friends, if you look at it, how does modern man differ from cave man! The ones in the house modern man There is heating and hot water! And this is the work of energy workers. And now your colleagues will congratulate you on your professional holiday!

The managers enter, disguised as mechanics.

1st Locksmith: Comrades! Since you and I are energy workers, what is most important to us? Stability. When everything is stable at work, then we feel good!

2nd Locksmith: But sometimes changes happen. For example, specially for Energy Engineer’s Day were developed latest rules safety precautions on energy enterprises. And now we will bring them to your attention!

Comic "Rules" of safety precautions

Take care of your workwear
And wear without taking off:
Overalls, like "Pampers"
It's both dry and warm!

Handle the tool
You have to be very careful!
For tool breakage
You answer with your head!

If suddenly before work
You didn't get enough sleep,
Better not work at all
To avoid mistakes!

Where the fuel is stored,
Don't smoke cigarettes!..
Who doesn't know - in cigarettes
Very harmful nicotine!

If you are not a mechanic yet,
But you are already striving for this,
Improve first
You're good at dominoes!

Welding is not an easy task,
The welder must be trained!..
And then he will definitely cook
Delicious soup for lunch!

If you climbed into the hatch to work
And by chance I stayed there,
They locked you up -
Don't get lost and don't be afraid:
Sit for a while, warm yourself up,
And the brigade will come tomorrow,
You'll scare them!
You'll laugh heartily!

Well, one last thing regarding the festive event itself:

If you're low-energy
You fill your glass
And not very energetic
You dance and sing
So you're not an energy drinker,
You don't respect the team
And for this reason
You're going home!

1st Locksmith: Raise your glasses, dear energy workers! Happy holiday, colleagues!

2nd Locksmith: We wish you trouble-free work, decent salary and have a peaceful life!

1st Locksmith: So that you don’t leak or decrease anywhere!

2nd Mechanic: And so that your parameters (both production and personal) are always in order: both pressure and temperature

Good afternoon dear friends! Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate your professional holiday – Energy Engineer’s Day. Energy Worker's Day has been celebrated on December 22 since 1966. It is noteworthy that energy industry workers celebrate their holiday on the shortest daylight hours of the year.

Let this day go down in history forever,
and will only bring joy to energy workers,
we will have fun here carefree,
I hope no one leaves sad.
To start the celebration as it should be,
Everyone is asked to fill their glasses.

(light music plays, glasses are filled)

Energetic, happy holiday
We heartily congratulate you,
Be lucky, lucky and loved,
And we protect it with our fate.

May your good deeds
Helping people live more beautifully
And the fire in the soul will not go out,
So let's drink all our glasses to the bottom!

Many telegrams arrived for our holiday. I will now read some of them:

1. Sorry that I'm wearing a fur coat. Help me remove it! Herring
2. Drink, go for a walk, as long as I have enough! Health
3. you are having fun, and we will wait. Affairs
4. Although I’m not a fool, it’s so nice to feel stuffed. Stomach
5. thank you for the holiday, I’ll come back in a year! Your day is energetic.

Test forecast:
Today everyone will be singing the most _____________________________________
Everyone will dance more ________________________________
Everyone will drink more _____________________________________________
Today _________________________ will give everyone 100 rubles.

He will gladly give you his TV. And __________________ will give himself. Now _________________ will lend. No recoil. After the banquet, _________________________ will leave on foot. _________________________ will leave by car. With difficulty they will take him away ______________________ In an hour he will say that he is cool_________________ After 1.5 hours _______________________he will say that she sneezed on everyone. After 2 hours, ______________________ will no longer say anything.

______________________________ will arrive tomorrow with a box of beer Dried fish undertakes to bring ______________________________ He ​​invites you to improve your health tomorrow___________________________ Everyone present drinks to their health _____________________________ And ________ and ____________ did not share the leg of the chicken. I have already drunk 7 times to the health of everyone present ____________________ And _____ and _____ everyone drinks and drinks to the health of the hero of the day! Let's all drink to this!

Today the whole team has gathered here - the northern networks and ………… But not a single team and not a single organization can exist without a leader. Each leader has his own characteristics. But all chefs have a lot in common. For example, the boss is never late, he is simply delayed by important matters. The boss never lies, he shows miracles of diplomacy. The boss is not flirting, he is simply training young staff. He who comes with his own convictions leaves with the boss’s convictions. Those whose beliefs coincide with those of the boss make a career. And finally, a good boss may not even show up for work, because his team is well-coordinated and everything goes as if on rails.

But today there are two leaders at our party. This is Vladimir Nikolaevich Merts and Nikolai Sergeevich Lavrov.

We have no doubts about a bright future,
After all, there is a very reliable guarantor for this.
You are at the helm, which means there will be light!
Heat energy will always help!

Both of our leaders are just eager to make a toast. We will determine who will have the first opportunity to congratulate their colleagues using matches. The one who draws the short match is the first to be congratulated. Let's give him this opportunity. Over to you!

Your professional holiday is celebrated on the eve of the New Year. So let's remember what marked the past year, what did it bring to your organization? (answers, hand over notebooks)

There are several departments in _______ northern networks. Today we will talk about each of them.

Production management
You need to do it wisely.
To work harmoniously,
Give heat without loss!

In addition to the already mentioned chief, the organization also has deputies: this is engineer Andrey Zhabin, who recently took 1st place at -__________________________________________________________________

Energy worker at work
It neither plows nor reaps.
Energy worker at work
It gives people light in their homes!

Electricians and fitters do this in ________________. Their main feature is attentiveness and accuracy. I ask several electricians to come here to me. I suggest you go too funny test for attention. A prize awaits the winner!

A bag with a prize is placed on the floor. The presenter reads out the text:

I'll read the story
A dozen and a half phrases
As soon as you hear the word THREE,
Take the prize immediately!

A seasoned boy dreams
Become an Olympic champion.
Look, don’t be cunning at the start,
Wait for the command
One, two... START!

One day we caught a pike.
They wanted to fry, but inside
We saw small fish
Yes, not just one, but whole... FIVE!

When you want to remember a text,
Lie down and repeat at night.
- How many times? -Are you going to ask me?
- And once, and twice, or better... SEVEN!

One day the train is at the station
We had to wait THREE hours...
Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize,
When was the opportunity to take it?

Only a real ace
Shows class in driving!
Motor transport is cool!
Commanding here is a science!

Northern networks employ three drivers. These are Ilaev Vasily Vasilievich, Airikh Andrey Andreevich and Mitrofanov Vladimir Yakovlevich.

1. Test by fire water. We give glasses of vodka to 3 men. We say: there is water in two glasses. And only one - vodka. It is not known from whom. On command, everyone begins to drink liquid through a straw. The one who has vodka poured should not show it and drink without wincing. And we will try to determine who has vodka and who has water. (5 straws, 5 vodka shots)

2. We invite 4 men. You need to cut out the most beautiful and original snowflake. (4 scissors, 4 napkins or pieces of paper)

3. frosty wind. We stand on both sides of the table, with a snowflake in the middle. We try to blow the snowflake off the table. On which side the snowflake falls, that player is considered the loser.

What and where to buy?
Who needs what?
Give out nuts or bolts?
Supply decides!

And the head of the economic department is Nina Ivanovna Krotova, a storekeeper and secretary.

No repairs in general
Impossible, as always!
Because in the repair team
They know where, they will decide when!

(song “Don’t cry, lineman”)

1. The winds blew from the mountains and sounded a trumpet for the assemblers:
again the wires clashed somewhere.
Having folded the dry rations into a travel bundle,
My wife gets a little sad sometimes.

Don't cry, lineman, it will rain,
The wind will subside, you just wait.
Today is my day off.
Such is the fate of my fate.

2. Our chief engineer is a supporter of extreme measures,
you can never contradict him.
Therefore, we are always ready to work,
to get paid sometimes.

And today we have a feast
Men are asked to repeat the phrase in chorus: “Crow, ding la-la.” Clinking glasses with the ladies. The ladies say in unison: “wonderful, boom-boom” and blow air kisses to the gentlemen sitting next to them.

And today we have a feast. We'll wear our pants to holes, fir trees, poplars.
Cuckoo, ding-la-la.
And today we have a feast. And where there is a feast, there is peace. And a pleasant noise.
“wonderful, boom boom”

And today we have a feast, we toast together. And we can’t all be bored
“Crow, ding la-la”
And today we have a feast, we drink, of course, not kefir. But we have a sharp mind!
“wonderful, boom boom”

And today we have a feast. Who made the suit for the feast? Who got drunk on the sly?
“Crow, ding la-la”

Shout: The guests all answer together, “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends.”

How many of you are now ready to drink a glass to the brim?
Which one of you will enchant us all together with a cheerful song?
Which of you, brothers, will undress in the dance?
Which of you in a new suit looks so much like Casanova?

How many of you, with your mouth open, will tell a joke here?
Which of you, brothers, will be lying under the table?
Who would drink a glass from a neighbor during an intelligent conversation?
Which one of you, brothers, will have a hangover tomorrow?

The ambassador is my fellow Japanese, I am from the city of Osaka, my name is Shiaki Yakujaka. Came to Rossiyaka for a visit to the Energizer! Japanese mother!
Translator - The authorized ambassador of the Japanese state, Mr. Shiwaki, specially arrived in Russia to visit the day of the energy industry!
Ambassador - I wish you, gentlemen, a hard worker: be a cheerful person, never get sick, and be a successful hard worker! Japanese mother!
Translator - Mr. Ambassador wishes you prosperity, health and success.

The ambassador is a hard worker! (this makes it easier for me to explain). Let your boss appreciate you and pay your salaryman and pensioner more. Japanese mother!
Translator - Mr. Ambassador wishes. So that your work is appreciated.
Ambassador - I know: The Russian is an agricultural wanderer. I wish the harvest to be rich and the bananas and quince to grow well! Japanese mother!
Translator - Mr. Ambassador wishes you success in your hobby - growing cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes.

Ambassador - I’m leaving for my homeland. Japanese mother!
Translator - Having congratulated you on your professional holiday, Mr. Ambassador leaves us.
Ambassador - I didn’t stay in Russia for long, but I studied all the customs. I went. But I couldn’t hear them tell me: “On the road!” Japanese mother!
Translator - Mr. Ambassador is delighted with Russian customs, but has he forgotten what is offered to a guest leaving the house?

THE AMBASSADOR gets a shot glass poured

Ambassador - What do you have? Cognac? Or maybe some water? Is the road always in such tarjaka? Japanese mother!
Translator - Mr. Ambassador says that in their homeland they drink sake vodka from tiny cups.
Ambassador – I won’t be a pushover, but rather a congratulatory one, maybe kiss you all and gulp down a drink with sake!

TALE “Little things in life”

Man - I’m a macho, work - he’s lying, head - you’ve never seen anything like it, wife - where have you been?, girl - I’m your pussy, flowers are the best gift! Family friend - it's okay, girls!

A tipsy man comes home from work. He feels slightly dizzy. He carries flowers in his hands for his wife. Suddenly a man sees a beautiful girl. A man gives flowers to a girl. The girl goes with the man to his home. A man tells his wife that he was at work. Then a family friend comes out of the bedroom. The man doesn't like it. He hits a family friend on the head. The angry wife whips the man over the head with flowers, hugs the family friend, kisses his broken head and leaves the house with the family friend. The man stays with the girl. But he is very tired from work, so he immediately falls asleep. Dropping my head on the pillow. Morning has come. There are flowers under the bed, and the man has a terrible headache. He tries to remember: “Where did this scary girl come from?” The man escorts the girl out the door, throws flowers into the trash can, puts his head under cold water and goes to work.

And every family always bakes New Year's pie, where many different surprises are hidden. And we have prepared such a pie for you, take a piece and find out what awaits you in the new year.

(Test - task: on a large beautiful tray there is a sheet of thick paper beautifully painted to look like a pie, which consists of small squares - pieces of pie. On inside square - the drawings are what awaits the participants:

heart is love,
book - knowledge,
1 kopeck - money
the key is a new apartment,

sun - success,
letter - news,
car - buy a car,
a person’s face is a new acquaintance,

arrow - achieving the goal,
watches - changes in life,
road - trip,
gift - surprise,

lightning - tests,
glass – holidays, etc.)

Ved: Hello, dear friends! Very soon the kindest, most exciting and long-awaited holiday will come.... / timid knock on the door, an electrician enters /
Al: Excuse me, please! I was fixing the wiring here yesterday and left the screwdriver. Can I look for it?
3rd: Okay, just faster. /El looks around/ - Well, did you find it?
Al: Not yet.

3rd: Remember where you last saw her?
Al: I was standing here yesterday. I had a screwdriver in my hands. Just then Ivanov /deputy in charge of housekeeping for this organization/ came in - well, I dropped it out of surprise. Thank God she didn't crash.
3rd: What, a screwdriver?

Al: uh...well, yeah. I have it of the latest design, glass, with a metal spout.
3rd: Oh, my nose!
Al: Yeah. I picked it up and just opened it...
3rd: Screwdriver!?

Al: Of course. She was in this plastic case. I opened it, so Trofimych said...
3rd: Which Trofimych? Screwdriver brother?
Al: No. My partner. He says: “Come on quickly, otherwise the wires are burning.”
3rd: What a nightmare!

Al: Of course! Only he and I accepted..
3rd: What did you accept?
Al: I say, let’s get started. They got to work. They just waved at a hundred...
3rd: What's a hundred?

Al: Volt, of course! Voltage is measured in volts. So, they just shuddered...
3rd: Why did you shudder!?
Al: Try it, take 100 volts! Our heads are already buzzing! Then bam - short circuit. I immediately began to lengthen it, and placed the screwdriver next to me. In general, the light came on, but the screwdriver was missing.
3rd: Your partner took it.

Al: He couldn’t, his hands were full. He was holding a snack.
3rd: What did you hold!?
Al: Snack. The clamp is like this - to bite the wires. Snacks are used as snacks and snacks are used as snacks. /clicks teeth, 3rd recoils/
3rd: Well, that's enough! Your screwdriver is not here, look elsewhere. /El sighs and heads towards the exit, looking back along the way and speaking to the audience/

Al: Hey guys! If you find a screwdriver here, drink it to my health. /leaves/