Have an easy day and good mood to your loved one. Wishes for a man to have a good day

My dear man, believe
What will bring good luck to the day.
Everything will be as you decided
Hurry forward to achievements!

Let this day be the same bright smile, how about you!

May everything work out for you today! Have a good day! Have a nice day, honey!

I wish Have a good day
My beloved, dear to you!
You are so dear to me,
My heart is with you all the time.

Let today be
will bring you good luck
I kiss you tenderly on the nose -
I love you, my gentle doggie!

May this day be successful
Important things get done
Complex problems will be solved -
Victories, recognition and warmth.

I wish you a good day my beloved! This means that all your dreams will come true, your plans will be realized. I wish you to be strong and healthy, positive and energetic, so that you always achieve your plans. And may your life path today be successful, creative and constructive! Good luck to you, my dear, luck and success everywhere and in everything, as well as peace and harmony with yourself.

May it be as bright today as your smile!

Let only pleasant, bright people surround you today!

I wish you a good day,
And let the sun smile
Passers-by give smiles
And the meetings are pleasant, passionate!

Have a nice day!
Let my wishes inspire you -
For exploits and experiments,
For positive and fun moments!

I wish you a good, best day,
After all, you deserve only the best in this world,
You are so caring and gentle to me,
And you are always positive.
Let nothing darken your mood,
May luck never forget about you,
May you succeed in everything you don’t undertake,
I'm waiting for the evening, dear, I'm already itching.

I wish you a nice day!
And I constantly dream about you!
Come on! Wake up quickly!
Confess what you love quickly!

A good day has begun
And in the morning I was already wondering.
My beloved, he prophesies
Do what you want!

Darling, have a nice day!
And so that you remember me
Among the bustle and worries.
Your girl is waiting for you...

Darling, accept congratulations on a good day,
I want to spend it with you alone,
May this weekend be the best one ever!
After all, it was given to us by a lucky chance.
I wish you a good day from the bottom of my heart,
May all your dreams come true
Let the sun smile at you playfully,
Let fate be amazing and beautiful.

I want to become your bride.
I want to become your wife!
Let's wake up together,
To make it easier for our souls!
You will call me wife
And I am your beloved husband...
Good morning, my angel!

My dear and beloved!
The most tender and beautiful!
Charming and passionate
I love you terribly!
I want to wish for you,
Have a nice day today!
Be successful, energetic,
That you were doing great.
At work and in business,
Today I was in first place.

I wish you my love
May this day be a success!
To ensure success -
After all, for me you are the best!

You're used to solving everything
Thoroughly, slowly.
And remain a man in everything -
Brave, wise, confident, strong.
I want to wake you up
This morning, just before dawn...
Wishing you a good day
I'm sending you mine!

You are my favorite
Have a nice day.
Let the morning be with me
Will give you good luck.
Your sadness and sadness,
I'll hide it under the pillow.

So that you don't get bored
A whole day without me
I'll hold you tight
Will kiss you.

Have a good day,
Smiles and laughter
Any business
So that there is no rush.

I wish you, darling,
May your day be a success!
Let endurance and strength
Don't waste it...

The day promises to be fun
And bring obvious profit.
Darling, just give me your word,
Don't forget me on the way!

I would like to wish you a successful and pleasant day that will bring joy, success and many pleasant emotions into your life that will delight your soul for a long time after this.

May your day be pleasant in every way.
Good company, which is fun, or
a silent solitude in which it is good to dream.
Let it be as you wish.
I wish that on this day everything will be
especially tasty, and the sofa cushions -
especially soft...
Good mood:
Today, tomorrow and always!

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to children infancy

? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

If on weekdays you have someone to give wishes for a good working day, then make it more pleasant. Write something nice to someone who is working, and the day will go faster and more productive.
I wish you a good day.
To take care of yourself you tried
For evening chores or meetings,
After all, this cannot be neglected either.
As you work - so and then

Take a break from hard work!
May your day be successful
Income will increase.
Meetings will be successful

It will be a pleasant evening!
Work fruitfully
And there are many controversial issues
Allow it in your favor!

I wish not to give up
There is a vice in the bureaucracy.
It's easy to wait for the evening
Spend it well!

I wish you a good day,
Let things go well.
And all the questions are difficult
Instantly resolved!

Wishing a good working day to a girl

Honey, sorry about the work
Required for us.
I promise that on Saturday
Let's make it up a hundred times!

In the meantime, make money
For a great weekend.
Let it be a good day
No big problems!

You work so hard
Which is so harmful for a girl.
Let it be a good day
And fate is always comfortable!

Have a nice day!
Let everything be as I decided.
And soon it will cover you
From mink coat and chinchilla!

And there will be a workflow
Provide tangible benefits
Not prolonged stress.
Be patient... And everything will be exactly right!

Wishing a man a good day at work

In life, men are supposed to
Be strong and don't complain.
To be a stable family man
You need to succeed in everything...

Let it turn out good
Your coming working day.
After all, everything becomes more expensive...
Only laziness does not increase the price!

I want to wish you in the morning
You'll do well for yourself.
Otherwise for a man today
There will be no joy in life!

Let my wish
Have a nice day.
Will bear a lot of fruit
IN short term, for sure!

And your work will delight
Both the result and the money.
Work tirelessly
You're still young!

Wishing a good working day to your loved one

Darling, the working day has begun...
I wish you good luck!
Let him be very good,
But save your strength for the night...

You definitely need to work
Even though sometimes I don’t want to...
However, take care of your nerves,
At least you are working with your head.

Let him stay for the evening
The desire to relax with me.
I'm getting ready for our meeting,
My favorite workaholic!

Work hard for the day, my love,
And then we'll rest.
But waste all your strength
I forbid you during the day!!!

Wishes for a good working day in prose

Let your working day pass without stress and troubles. I wish you to realize your plans and save your energy for vacation!

The working day has just begun, and I already wish it to end as soon as possible with a good result! For plans to come true, income will appear, and competitors will choke!

I wish you a fruitful work process and great prospects in the form of a prestigious position and salary increase!

Beloved? They should probably be, first of all, original and memorable. Secondly, such congratulations should have a good meaning. Thirdly, the words should be sincere and warm, provocative positive emotions And positive attitude all day.

A poem best meets all these criteria. Rhyme is always original. In addition, rhyming words are well remembered and stored in the head. The verse almost always implies sincerity and sounds quite warm. In fact, this is a ready-made solution, and all you have to do is make a normal rhyme.

You may think that this is very difficult, but actually writing in short quatrain form is not that difficult. The main thing is to devote enough time and attention to this. Sit for a few hours and try various options designs and select their optimal combination. Even children compose rhymes, so you are guaranteed to succeed too.

If you want to present wishes for a good day to your loved one right now, without any delay, then we can offer you a lot of different poems with wishes. Examine them carefully, choose the most suitable ones and please your loved one!

My dear and beloved!
The most tender and beautiful!
Charming and passionate
I love you terribly!
I want to wish for you,
Have a nice day today!
Be successful, energetic,
That you were doing great.
At work and in business,
Today I was in first place.

Congratulations on mobile

May this day be successful
Important things get done
Complex problems will be solved -
Victory, recognition and warmth!

I want to wish you a wonderful day.
Let him be successful and very successful.
And in the morning, kiss me at random,
Be the most affectionate, best and gentle with me.

Let everything work out for you,
All problems will go away and rest aside.
I blossomed with you like a flower in the morning.
Don't forget, dear, a groovy girl during the day.

I wish you, my beloved,
Have a nice, good day,
I am in your heart and in your thoughts,
I will always protect you.
So that all the sorrows and problems,
So that all adversity and dilemmas,
They went around another way,
And they never found it.

Have a nice day!
Let my wishes inspire you -
For exploits and experiments,
For positive and fun moments!

Have a nice day, I wish you my love:
May everything come true for you!
It is necessary - I will become an invisible wall,
So that all failures pass by.

Good luck, darling, good ideas,
Meet reliable people along the way,
Having completed things, be satisfied with yourself
And return home as soon as possible!

Start your day with a smile,
Don't be sad, darling, don't be sad,
To make your wish come true, make a wish,
WITH with an open soul Meet your friends.
May you have a good day
Let luck follow you like a shadow,
Let the sun give you a lot of warmth,
May fate reward you fully.

I wish you a nice day!
And I constantly dream about you!
Come on! Wake up quickly!
Confess what you love quickly!

My dear, may the coming day
In spring it will smell like lilacs,
The sun will light up, reflecting in the eyes,
Filled with love, smiling at you!

May the day bring the radiance of success,
Will fill all the time with the murmur of laughter,
And let him gently lead you to the evening,
To plunge into the sleep of boundless passion!

Darling, accept congratulations on a good day,
I want to spend it with you alone,
May this weekend be the best one ever!
After all, it was given to us by a lucky chance.
I wish you a good day from the bottom of my heart,
May all your dreams come true
Let the sun smile at you playfully,
Let fate be amazing and beautiful.

My beloved little man, my joy, I wish you good morning, wonderful mood and bright inspiration. May your day be successful and easy, happy and joyful. I kiss you and hug you tightly.

My joy, I wish you the most wonderful and good day. May everything work out for you! May all your goals be successfully achieved, may you have high enthusiasm and a wonderful mood, self-confidence and good luck all day long. Love you.

I sincerely wish you a pleasant, successful and good day. Let it be fruitful and rich. May all your plans and desires be realized. May this day bring only joy, luck and good emotions.

My dear, beloved person - have a nice day! Let positivity and a lively focus on results make this day as easy and productive as possible. Feel my love and support. I hug and kiss you!

I wish my beloved little man good morning, sweet awakening and a big positive charge for the whole day. May it be fruitful and successful, may your mood remain great, may luck await you at every step.

My beloved person, I wish you good morning! Let a sweet smile play on your face from the very morning, and let the sunbeams lift your sleepy mood! Have a nice day, my soul! May the world give you much delight and joy today.

May this day bring you a million surprises and pleasant impressions. Let the sun shine brightly and your soul sing. Have a nice day, my love! Fruitful, rich and light!

A short

I wish you a happy start to the day, may everything be successful and harmonious today.

I wish you a good day, spent in moments of tenderness and charm, in moments of fun and miracles, in joint pursuit of dreams and desires, in interesting stories and events, in the rays of bright love and bliss.

I want to wish you good, successful, kind, bright, cheerful, interesting, amazing and have a good day. May you be able to reach your goal together, may everything be within your reach today, may your love help you move mountains and create an eternal paradise for two.

May the new day bring you only joyful meetings and amazing achievements!

I wish your day to be the most fruitful, generous with success and full of pleasant events!

I wish you a good day
So that everything works out until the evening
And it was easy for you to decide
Absolutely any question.

Get out of bed with desired leg,
Brew strong coffee.
And quickly run about your business,
Look boldly into the future!

You're used to solving everything
Thoroughly, slowly.
Remain a man in everything
Absolutely in any business!

I want to wake you up
This morning, just before dawn...
And say take care of yourself
Know that luck will find your home!

Wishing you a great day
This morning I am in a hurry to see you.
Accept it quickly from me,
Let it warm your soul!

You are the man and the breadwinner in the family.
This is not how we started it.
I want you today
Everything I had planned for a long time succeeded!

May luck rule your day,
On Right way will guide you.
Don't believe the one who claims -
There are no miracles in the world...

They happen, you know
You will still experience in life:
Wealth, happiness and success
And love for a woman, of course.

May today warm you with the glow of victories and invigorate you with good news!

Smile as you start a new day, and let the positive attitude never leave you!

Have a nice day
And remember, please, about me.
Everything will come true, just make a wish
Just dream bolder!

Don't stand still for a long time,
Follow your star.
To a man like you
Everyone is asking for the hands of a dream!

The day will be sunny, believe me!
Open the door wider to luck.
Let him come in your destiny,
He will invisibly give his palm.

Squeeze her, don't let go...
Let your dreams come true.
The day promises so much
In a fate worthy of yours!

I wish you wonderful things good day!
Don't forget me and don't change yourself.
Don't hide a smile behind a gloomy face
And see the pleasant in the simplest things.

Let everything you wish for succeed.
So that you don’t experience a moment of melancholy.
Stay a man, go to the end,
In any troubles, do not spoil your face!

I wish you good luck in everything today!
Let the house be filled with sunshine!
Put a smile on your face quickly.
Believe me, everything will be fine for you!

Confidence suits a man very well
It makes it easier and easier to move forward.
Let her stay with you,
Until the light from the sun is replaced by the moon!

May your day turn out the way you planned. Everything will be accomplished without any hiccups or obstacles. I wish you sun in the skies and joy in your eyes! Let passersby not irritate, but charge you with positivity and good mood!

I wish that the new day turns out to be the best in your life and gives you many pleasant emotions! Achieve everything you have in mind, succeed in your work and be energetic and cheerful.

May your day bloom with the smiles of loved ones, be filled with the sweetness of love and be decorated with the zest of friendly participation!

Let luck come into your own hands, and let good mood and big plans accompany you all day.

Start your new day boldly, my love! May your goals be achievable, and may success make our evening warmer and more intimate.

My beloved, may everything work out
The sun will smile in the sky in the morning!
Bad weather won't ruin your day,
Spend it in complete comfort.

Hurry up and you will succeed!
Let there be no obstacles along the way
I believe in your strength with all my heart,
You can rely on me.

My dear, may the day come
Will bring you joy and happiness!
Does not regret happy moments
And it will give you pleasant excitement.
Let nothing upset you,
And the problems will go to someone else!

Let them get along right in the morning
All the things I planned yesterday.
And love for the dream is on the way
Helps you walk more energetically.

May you put in a lot of effort
May you be the most successful.
I kiss you, my dear
And invisibly next to you!

Darling, I wish you a great day.
In the bustle of the day, don’t forget about me.
I will mentally help you
And walk invisibly next to you.

Believe me, this day will be better than others
And we will have time left for love,
To meet you again in the evening.
Dare, do everything, go ahead, dear!

May fortune be happy
Will give your soul a trill,
And so that the path is promising
She hurried towards her intended goal.

Nice day lots of fun
I was in a hurry to give before sunset,
All worries and complications are gone
To other lands without return.

I wish you, my love, that fatigue does not interfere with your plans. Let nothing stand in the way of success!

Darling, this day will certainly become a continuation of your successful life and will only bring profit!

Let today, my beloved,
A good one will knock on the window one day,
So that you reach the shining peak,
Without losing hope, the little light.

So that your soul is calm and free
were born interesting ideas,
And in the heart they blossomed incomparably
Holy love and happiness orchids.

May your dreams come true today,
The day will give you a smile and luck,
So that flowers grow in your soul
Have a good, crazy mood.

May you have a lot of things to do according to plan,
Stop for just a moment
And look how cheerful the world is
From our wishes and admiration.

Take the best from this day, feel confident in any situation and above all ill-wishers!

Beloved, may the day bring you continuous joys and pleasant surprises! Catch your luck on the fly and follow your dreams, don’t forget to call me and share your cool mood!

I want this day to begin for you with my smile, and you smile back. Nothing is impossible, and today you have a chance to see it. Go for it, my love! I believe in your capabilities.

Start today by reading my wish! Beloved, it is never too late to change the course in life in an even better direction! Go where great prospects are visible beyond the horizon. And I promise to follow you wherever you go.


Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs.

What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

My beloved little man, my joy, I wish you good morning, a wonderful mood and bright inspiration. May your day be successful and easy, happy and joyful. I kiss you and hug you tightly.

My joy, I wish you the most wonderful and good day. May everything work out for you! May all your goals be successfully achieved, may you have high enthusiasm and a wonderful mood, self-confidence and good luck all day long. Love you. Men's Day is an unpopular holiday, so its date is not known to everyone. There is another day for this - Friendship Day, for which both women and men have little idea when “their day” falls. Since every year the men's holiday in Poland falls on March 10, that is, two days after Women's Day

. It's not the same celebration as Boyd Day, which falls on September 30, but it's about the same thing: emphasizing the role of men in the world. Both events are not as popular as Women's Day because they were not “introduced” into the holiday system of the world.

I sincerely wish you a pleasant, successful and good day. Let it be fruitful and rich. May all your plans and desires be realized. May this day bring only joy, luck and good emotions.

My dear, beloved person - have a nice day! Let positivity and a lively focus on results make this day as easy and productive as possible. Feel my love and support. I hug and kiss you!

Although Men's Day and Boy's Day were created in response to International Women's Day, they still do not enjoy equal prestige. However, it is worth remembering and doing your best for your guys, your brothers, colleagues or fathers. This is March 10 or 30. It's the same thing, and you probably won't be offended that he got his boyfriend's wishes.

Warmest wishes to our beloved men. Both small and great happiness, health, love, joy. Your day is yours, dear gentlemen. Lots of love that we will surround you with! Your heart will know who it came from. That you are the most dear to me under heaven!

To my beloved little man, I wish you a good morning, a sweet awakening and a great positive charge for the whole day. May it be fruitful and successful, may your mood remain great, may luck await you at every step.

My beloved person, I wish you good morning! Let a sweet smile play on your face from the very morning, and let the sunbeams lift your sleepy mood! Have a nice day, my soul! May the world give you much delight and joy today.

What do women always want from their husband? They want to see a trusted person, a person of attitude and purpose, ready to help and stand as a pillar of the relationship, family and everything that builds both. After one, two, or ten relationships, women either realize that the men in their lives were creators, and every relationship was good experience, or they think men are cruel. And so, otherwise, they change. Not all women are the same! The woman is next to her. If he looks like a lady, she will want to be a lady in the eyes of those around her.

If he knows her as a woman, she will show her femininity to the same extent. Men love with their eyes and more. Men love women who know their true worth. Which cannot be won after 3 colors are given at the intersection. Then they are ready to become a shield and friend for a woman.

May this day bring you a million surprises and pleasant impressions. Let the sun shine brightly and your soul sing. Have a nice day, my love! Fruitful, rich and light!

A short

I wish you a happy start to the day, may everything be successful and harmonious today.

I wish you a good day, spent in moments of tenderness and charm, in moments of fun and miracles, in joint pursuit of dreams and desires, in interesting stories and events, in the rays of bright love and bliss.

Offer everything and more. Women will know how to get the best from such a man. Not only nights of love and a little story. They will absorb the advice, opinions, thoughts and image of the person reflected in their life. They will live in quarrel and reconciliation with the person next to her. They will strive to become better or worse, more humble or more insane, and eventually they will change.

The next person will always know to help you and support you. He will want to get to know you more every day and fascinate you with his being, and think about what principles of life he has. The man of your day will show you his muscles, the man of life plans for the future. He will be the creator within himself and he will not be afraid to listen to your demons. He will always be there, on top, because he knows who you are and what you deserve.

I would like to wish you a good, successful, kind, bright, cheerful, interesting, amazing and happy day. May you be able to reach your goal together, may everything be within your reach today, may your love help you move mountains and create an eternal paradise for two.

How good and successful our day will be largely depends on the message from loved ones, on their emotional support and instructions for the coming day. Even the most ordinary, but positive wishes for a man to have a good day will be able to make his day much brighter and richer, and his actions more confident and productive. Believe me, even the most successful man I owe much of my success to close people who did not hesitate to wish him these successes and wished them every day. Still positive thinking makes itself felt.

Congratulations on mobile

It will shape the reality of every day, turning it into happiness and moments of gratitude. Next to him, you will want to become better every day, to develop, to make your dreams come true, as if to confirm that what you live together is beautiful and translates into a huge huge fulfillment. From him you will learn every time, and thus you will know the true and powerful peace.

Don't date ready boys, but with promising people who have wisdom in their eyes, meaning in their words and respect for a woman in their gestures. Meet not with handsome boys and moss, but with men who are ready to put their shoulder on your shoulder, help, support. At 60 years old, you won't appreciate his muscles and money, but every time he said to you, "Good morning, baby," and every time you were in moments of fun and happiness. Meet real men. Dozens of people who want your body are not sitting on the little finger of the person who wants your soul.

Is it decided? We think so. All that remains is to figure out what specific words you will say. And if you have doubts on this issue and are not sure of your creativity, then you can borrow one of them right here and now finished works on our website. We publish only the most interesting and unusual words with wishes, so you will be pleasantly surprised by their content. And how surprised the man himself will be... You can’t even imagine.

No matter how much time you spend with a man, you also understand this: a woman does not change over time.

Wishing a good working day to your loved one

Meet not with ready-made boys, but with promising people who have wisdom in their eyes, meaning in their words and respect for a woman in their gestures. Meet not with handsome boys and with moss, but with men who are ready to put their shoulder on your shoulder, help, support. At 60 years old, you won't appreciate his muscles and money, but whenever he said to you, "Good morning, baby," and whenever you were in moments of fun and happiness. Meet real men. Dozens of people who want your body are not sitting on the little finger of the person who wants your soul.

Cast aside all doubts and convey to your loved one everything that you want to tell him. And deliver it beautifully and unexpectedly!

Have a nice day and good luck with everything!
Let the house be filled with sunshine!
Put a smile on your face quickly.
Believe me, everything will be fine for you!

Confidence suits a man very well
It makes it easier and easier to move forward.
Let her stay with you,
Until the light from the sun is replaced by the moon!

Congratulations on mobile

May your day be fun and good,
May it bring you victory and good luck,
May happiness follow you like a shadow,
Let the mood be wonderful to boot.

Have a nice, calm day,
May all your plans come true,
May the sun smile for you
And will give happiness warm rays.

Lots of things to do and lots of plans,
That's why we got up early!
I know what to wish for you:
Do whatever you want!

You have a whole day to do this,
And, of course, there are no obstacles!
After all, my love will illuminate
Your best day on the planet!

May the day be successful, bright and pleasant,
Let your ideas be a complete success,
Let there be no blank spots at all in business,
And a rapid flow of money comes to you!

Let all plans work out very accurately
And let all the conversations go very smoothly.
May your day be wonderful from morning to night.
Know that you are valued, loved deeply, truly, they are waiting for you!

I wish you, my beloved,
Have a nice, good day,
I am in your heart and in your thoughts,
I will always protect you.

So that all the sorrows and problems,
So that all adversity and dilemmas,
They went around another way,
And they never found it.

I wish you a wonderful day,
Cheerfulness, health and goodness,
I call you the main man in my life,
I wish you all the best, joy, warmth.

May a good day pleasantly surprise you,
May he give you hope
May happiness fly to you on wings,
Let fate reward you in full.

I wish you a good day,
Let him be full of emotions,
My beloved, realize all your plans,
Don't leave anything for later!

Let everything be the way you want it
I wish you good mood
You'll be lucky, I know for sure
Remember only about me!

Have a nice day, I wish you my love:
May everything come true for you!
It is necessary - I will become an invisible wall,
So that all failures pass by.

Good luck, darling, good ideas,
Meet reliable people along the way,
Having completed things, be satisfied with yourself
And return home as soon as possible!

Smile at everyone in the morning
And the day will go like clockwork,
I wish you well, my man,
All the best, good luck, happiness.

May all your dreams come true
You are only worthy of admiration,
Let the good news pleasantly surprise you
Let reliable friends surround you.


Wishes for a good day in prose, like a magnet, attract good luck and fortune. You may not believe in omens, fortune telling, superstitions... But you should trust kind words And good wishes. The power of the words “I wish” have a nice day"tested by people and time. Try these words too.

To a man

What can you wish today for your beloved man, especially one as glorious and beautiful as you? Have a nice day! Let your white angel of fate protect you from troubles and troubles, and God's hand guides you in the right direction. Let them not meet you today evil people, and the good ones will always be there! I also wish that love for people and kindness live in your heart - then those around you will be drawn to you!

My dear, I wish you a good day! Meet today only with bright people, take an example from bright personalities who are famous for their good deeds. Respect and love for you from people, and I love you deeply and truly! May you be lucky today! And let only positivity and only a bright, rosy mood come to you with my wishes!

Morning is an indicator of how you will spend the entire next day. So here it is. From the very early morning today, I wish you to stumble upon everything. Not really! Not a cat sleeping on the doorstep, not toys scattered by children around the apartment, and not lampposts... I wish you to stumble only on luck, good mood, positive-minded people and the kind praise of your boss. Have a wonderful morning and have a nice day!

The day is like a children's puzzle game, jigsaw puzzles. After all, the fabric of the day is woven from small colored fragments. Sometimes they fit together well and form a whole beautiful picture. But sometimes it’s worth racking your brains to put the drawing together the way it should. I wish you success in solving all problems today, choosing solutions as skillfully as puzzle pieces. Have a colorful and positive day!

A weekday, and sometimes even a day off, brings with it problems, anxieties and worries. This is quite natural and natural. We waste our nerves and vitality trying to cope with everyone difficult situations. I wish you, firstly, that your day today is easy and pleasant. And secondly, so that you never take anything to heart, but treat everything with a positive attitude and a sense of humor that is given to you by nature. Have a good day!

To a woman

Look at yourself in the mirror, smile, wink at this beauty, stretch out your lips in bright lipstick and smack your lips. Everyone's day starts differently, but... real woman it invariably starts with a delicious breakfast and beauty. So get up early and spend time on your appearance to be irresistible all day. I wish you that your day will be wonderful, that it will be one hundred percent kind, bright and memorable. Have a nice day!

The French people have a saying: what a woman wants, God wants. I don’t know why, but I am inclined to trust the French, in my opinion, they speak the truth. I wish you to have an excellent, cheerful mood on this day, and I don’t worry about the rest. After all, God himself is ready to fulfill your every whim and whim! Know that you are attractive, charming, beautiful and irresistible! Have a good day!

I wish you a truly good, successful, happy day. Let it be in yours handbag(where the devil usually breaks his leg) today everything you need will quickly be found. Don't let your phone run out of charge at the most crucial moment. Don't let your heels break or your tights tear. Let your boss appreciate your work and give you a compliment. All in all, have a wonderful day for a beautiful woman!

They say that everything is in the hands of a man, and a man is in the hands of a woman. Therefore, whatever one may say, the world is ruled by female beauty and mind. I wish you to wake up this morning and feel that everything is in your hands, your life, your dreams and, of course, this day. Take control of today's problems and affairs and spend the day happily and carefree, just like in childhood. I wish you a good day!

Goddesses are not born, they are made. So today I wish you to get up early and be divinely transformed. Do exercises for vigor, apply makeup for beauty, choose in your wardrobe unique image for irresistibility and feel like a goddess. Now your day simply must be happy and serene. I wish that no life difficulties or vicissitudes of fate darken your day!

My dear and beloved!
The most tender and beautiful!
Charming and passionate
I love you terribly!
I want to wish for you,
Have a nice day today!
Be successful, energetic,
That you were doing great.
At work and in business,
Today I was in first place.

I love you, I saw you in a dream!
I really didn’t want to wake up!
The morning has come, it’s time, dear one, to get up,
I hasten to wish you a good day soon!

I wish you, my beloved,
Have a nice, good day,
I am in your heart and in your thoughts,
I will always protect you.

So that all the sorrows and problems,
So that all adversity and dilemmas,
They went around another way,
And they never found it.

I want to wish you a wonderful day.
Let him be successful and very successful.
And in the morning, kiss me at random,
Be the most affectionate, best and gentle with me.

Let everything work out for you,
All problems will go away and rest aside.
I blossomed with you like a flower in the morning.
Don't forget, dear, a groovy girl during the day.

I send it to you from my heart, lovingly
My wishes for a nice day!
Let the sun smile at you from the sky,
Warming the window with rays of goodness.

May good luck and luck be with you,
May your mood be wonderful.
Receive this verse from me with a smile.
Everything gonna be alright! Have a good day!

I wish you, my beloved,
Have a nice, good day,
I am in your heart and in your thoughts,
I will always protect you.
So that all the sorrows and problems,
So that all adversity and dilemmas,
They went around another way,
And they never found it.

You are my favorite,
Have a nice day!

Wishing good morning and a good day to a man

My dear and beloved!
The most tender and beautiful!
Charming and passionate
I love you terribly!
I want to wish for you,
Have a nice day today!
Be successful, energetic,
That you were doing great.
At work and in business,
Today I was in first place.

Waiting for you again, my beloved
There are a lot of very important things to do today.
Let my love help you,
I want you to finish, you managed to do everything.

I sincerely wish you good luck,
Successfully sum up the day,
You can do anything and solve all problems,
After all, the most best guy I have!

Good morning. Have a good day.
Catch a charge of positivity from me.
Let everything work out, let everything work out,
Let luck be given to you easily.

Don't you dare be sad, smile wider,
After all, so many beautiful things have been created in the world.
I love you very much, dear sun,
And I look forward to meeting you.

I wish you a good day, my love,
May your dream certainly come true,
Let the weather be just a sight for sore eyes,
Be in a great mood all day.
May a good day bring you good luck,
Let the news be pleasant in addition,
All the best to you, joy, goodness,
May your guardian angel protect you.

I wish you my love
May this day be a success!
To ensure success -
After all, for me you are the best!

Have a nice day and good luck with everything!
Let the house be filled with sunshine!
Put a smile on your face quickly.
Believe me, everything will be fine for you!

Confidence suits a man very well
It makes it easier and easier to move forward.
Let her stay with you,
Until the light from the sun is replaced by the moon!

May the sun shine clearly on you
I wish you joy, warmth,
Let everything be just fine,
Let all things work out!

Let your smile bloom
On your clear face!
And everything the soul desires,
It will be fulfilled today!

Short wishes for a man to have a good day

If it rains, it doesn't matter
It will be a good day for you
Smile quickly, don’t be sad,
After all, happiness awaits you ahead.
May it be a successful day for you, my love,
Let it be sunny and beautiful,
Let your affairs go like clockwork,
May everything be great for you.

Let today be
It will bring you good luck.
I kiss you tenderly on the nose -
I love you, my gentle doggie!

Be happy - even though it will be difficult sometimes,
Be loved - love always saves us,
Be young - hold on in any conditions,
After all, no matter what, this life is wonderful.

I wish you a good day,
And let the sun smile
Passers-by give smiles
And the meetings are pleasant, passionate!

Be happy and healthy for many years to come,
So that you don’t know doctors, evil and troubles,
To faithful friends walked nearby
Not hiding respect that you found
You are people who are kind and warm,
May you always look at the world brightly!

My dear, may the coming day
In spring it will smell like lilacs,
The sun will light up, reflecting in the eyes,
Filled with love, smiling at you!

May the day bring the radiance of success,
Will fill all the time with the murmur of laughter,
And let him gently lead you to the evening,
To plunge into the sleep of boundless passion!

I wanted to wish
Living moods
Don't mope and don't be bored,
Happiness and all that.

Always be positive.
Remember, I love you.
Smile beautifully.
Have a wonderful day!

Wishes for a good day to your beloved man in your own words

Time, as we know, cannot be stopped. Days follow nights, nights follow days! And I would like to wish you, my beloved, good and have a bright day. May the sun always shine brightly for you, and may failures pass you by! And my love keeps you all day!

My beloved, may the coming day warm you with my love, like sunlight! May it bestow upon you the radiance of my tenderness, like the surrounding air. Let the wind kiss you tenderly, passing my kisses across the distance! And then luck will not dare to turn away from you!

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Good afternoon Kiss you! You are my greatest joy!

Have a good day! I miss you! I want to quickly hug you and kiss you sweetly on the lips!

May luck smile on you from the very morning, may your mood wake up and things improve!

I wish you good morning today! I your mood I'm raising! So that the whole day does not pass in vain, I will hug and cling to you passionately!

May the beautiful bird of luck circle above your head today, beloved, may it drive away all problems from you with every flap of its wings, may it keep you from harm, and may it call for success in all matters with its beautiful singing. So that your day is filled with joy and its energy remains with you until the night, and in the morning the bird of luck is waiting for you again.

My joy, I wish you the most wonderful and good day. May everything work out for you! May all your goals be successfully achieved, may you have high enthusiasm and a wonderful mood, self-confidence and good luck all day long. Love you.

I would like to wish my loved one a good day! So that today you are surrounded only nice people. So that there is a lot of joy, successful deeds, good events and interesting news. I love you, my golden one!