How to make a tinsel tree with your own hands: interesting ideas for New Year's decor. Christmas tree made of balls on the wall

Exist new year traditions, which we cannot help but observe, because without them the holiday will not be truly New Year's. Such traditions can safely include - the clinking of glasses with champagne, under the New Year's beauty and, of course, the New Year's tree.

In this article, the News Portal “site” has prepared for you several unusual, but very original ways embodiment of one of the most important traditions - installing a New Year tree in an apartment, office, country house and other premises. In our case, the New Year tree will not be simple, but a wall one. Yes Yes, Christmas tree will be placed in all its glory on the wall.

This method of placement Christmas tree will be appropriate in small apartments, rooms, office spaces, shops or where everything unusual and original is appreciated and loved.

Christmas tree made of pompoms

This Christmas tree solution will bring warmth and comfort to your home. Give preference to multi-colored pom-poms, which are best made from yarn, but you can also try using decorative corrugated paper.

Attach the made pompoms to a strong thread or fishing line and attach them to the wall in the form of a Christmas tree silhouette.

Christmas tree made of clothespins

Who would have thought that ordinary wooden clothespins could become great decoration New Year's interior.

Use decorative ribbon or elastic or pre-decorated clothespins to create a holiday calendar-style Christmas tree on the wall.

Clothespins are great for attaching small gifts and greeting cards.

Christmas tree made of paper

To create such a fluffy paper Christmas tree, use one made from decorative paper fringe. Attach the fringe to the wall in the shape of a Christmas tree using double-sided tape. The finished Christmas tree can be decorated with an electric or paper garland.

Christmas tree poster

One of the most simple options- this is to use a poster with a picture of a Christmas tree. Attach the poster to the wall with tape, and then decorate it with Christmas tree decorations, beads and an electric garland.

Christmas tree made of wrapping paper

Each of us is often presented with souvenirs and gifts in beautifully wrapped wrapping paper. If you still have such paper and are collecting dust lying in the closet, then now it can get its second life.

Cut from wrapping paper individual parts of the future wall Christmas tree. Attach the finished parts to the wall with double-sided tape and decorate with decorative ribbons, bows and small Christmas tree decorations.

Christmas tree made of paper garland

Cut out circles of equal size from colored paper and glue them onto a strong thread, thereby creating different colors.

From the finished garland, place the silhouette of a New Year tree on the wall.

Christmas tree shelf

In this design, the New Year tree can become a real piece of furniture that will not only decorate, but also carry the useful function of a bookshelf. Arrange Christmas tree shelves on the “branches” Christmas gifts, Christmas decorations and definitely gifts.

Christmas tree made of small souvenirs

If you have at home a large number of interesting little things, such as magnets, pictures, mugs, keychains, unusual figures and figurines, then it’s time to use them to create a real designer Christmas wall tree.

Christmas tree made of electric garland

This option will appeal to those who appreciate sparkle and light. To create such a New Year tree, use ordinary Christmas tree electric garlands, which are in the shape of a Christmas tree, attach to the wall with tape.

Ready glowing Christmas tree decorate with small Christmas tree decorations, snowflakes and beads.

Christmas tree drawn with chalk

A great option for decorating a classroom.

Draw a New Year's beauty with chalk on a blackboard, and then use tape to attach Christmas tree decorations to it.

Christmas tree made of wood

This version of the New Year tree will be very useful in a country house or in the country. Attach cut pieces of logs to the wall to create the silhouette of a Christmas tree.

You can come up with your own unique New Year wall tree, because you can make it from anything - photographs, candies, fabrics, New Year's tinsel, decorative ribbons and tourniquets...

A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest... And let it continue to grow. To celebrate New Year, it is not at all necessary to cut down a living tree. It is much wiser to create a symbol of the New Year yourself from available materials. Moreover, for the Christmas tree you need to free up a separate corner in the room and constantly sweep away the crumbling thorns. For a wall model, all this is not required. Just a little imagination, available tools and desire.

In the first case, the tree is simply drawn oil paint on a pallet. A few nails, toys, a star on the top, and an unpainted wooden lattice turns into a symbol of the New Year.

Nails will also come in handy here. You need to drive them directly into the wall in the shape of a Christmas tree, and then pull the knitting threads onto the resulting metal frame. Then you can decorate with toys to your taste or give the impromptu Christmas tree to the children. Let them hang Kinder toys and candy wrappers on it.

A few wooden slats, nails, a luminous garland, and a quite nice Christmas tree appears on the wall.

For those who don’t have time to tinker with wall decoration, you can arrange books in the shape of a Christmas tree in the closet.

And again a ball of thread. This time it's taped to the wall and decorated New Year's cards And paper figures.

If children's toys are lying around the house, you can attach them to the wall in the shape of the same Christmas tree.

Every housewife will probably have paper cupcake tins. But a Christmas tree made from these molds is not found in every home.

The same tree, only made from cash register tapes. It looks truly impressive. It costs a penny.

Very often in garages or closets you can find broken wooden rulers.
If you nail them to the door in the shape of a Christmas tree, you can get a nice New Year's decoration.

The shelf in the shape of a Christmas tree looks quite original. You can put it together (as well as decorate it) yourself.

In a children's room, you can glue decorative paper balls in the shape of a Christmas tree to the wall. And there is no need to decorate. The wall applique will look bright anyway.

This is probably what it looks like wall tree the most patient people. After all, in order to cut out so many fragments from paper, desire alone is not enough. You still need a lot of time, effort and patience.

It’s much easier to draw the outline of a Christmas tree on the wall and stick it to it paper garland. Moreover, this design looks no worse than the previous one.

What could be more original than a Christmas tree made from rulers? Only a Christmas tree made of wooden clothespins on which you can hang and new Year gifts, and glass balls.

Or you can simply lay out a Christmas tree on the wall from a glowing garland. Both bright and beautiful.

Flat Christmas trees on the wall

The main attribute of the New Year, without a doubt, is a beautiful, elegant Christmas tree. It creates a festive, cozy atmosphere in the house. However, what to do if there is simply no room for a Christmas tree in the apartment. In this case, you can create a New Year's beauty directly on the wall from the most unusual materials at hand.

Flat Christmas tree made of paper

A flat Christmas tree on a paper wall looks very creative. This tree can reach a height of 2 meters. In addition, it can be done both at home and in the office, since the Christmas tree takes up very little space.

In order to paper Christmas tree on the wall you will need:
- matte cardboard or foam base;
- scissors;
- corrugated paper;
- scotch;
adhesive tape;
- marker;
- stationery knife;
- hook;
- PVA glue.
First, make a base from a sheet of cardboard or foam. If you need to make a base for a tall Christmas tree, use several sheets of cardboard or pieces of foam. Then cut the sheets of corrugated paper into fringes. You should have a large enough amount of fringed paper so that you can cover the entire Christmas tree. When the paper is ready, start gluing it to the base. Glue the paper from bottom to top. WITH reverse side Add a hook to the resulting tree. If there is no hook, you can use double-sided tape and stick it around the perimeter of the base. To make a trunk, also use cardboard or foam. It also needs to be glued corrugated paper Brown. Using adhesive tape, glue the trunk to the Christmas tree and secure the entire structure to the wall.

Wall tree made of branches

Christmas tree made of branches great option for extraordinary individuals who do not want to go beyond tradition. Making such a Christmas tree is very simple. To do this, you just need to find spruce branches of suitable size and carefully attach them to the wall of the room in the shape of a Christmas tree. Both branches from a real tree and artificial ones are perfect for such a Christmas tree.

You can decorate the resulting Christmas tree with tinsel, bows, Christmas tree decorations and garlands. It is best if the Christmas tree decorations are made of light, unbreakable materials.

Making a flat Christmas tree from garland

A Christmas tree on the wall made of garlands is not something new. Children will love this tree and will become a symbol of the upcoming holidays for them. In addition to the garland, such a Christmas tree can be decorated with riots, bows and toys. To make it easier to place a garlanded Christmas tree on the wall, you can first draw the outline of the future one with chalk. New Year's beauty. In order to protect children, instead of a Christmas tree from garland, you can make a Christmas tree from tinsel using the same principle.

How to draw a Christmas tree for the New Year

If you or one of your family and friends has artistic talent, then you can simply draw a New Year tree on the wall. This kind of work can be simplified. For example, draw only the outline of a Christmas tree on the wall and decorate it with beads and garlands, or use special stencils for drawing.

Christmas tree stickers

In order not to stain the walls of your apartment with paint, you can use special stickers in the form of a New Year tree. Such stickers do not leave traces of glue on the surface of the walls. You can buy such stickers in supermarkets or specialized decor stores. A variety of stickers will help you choose a Christmas tree to suit any interior.

DIY Christmas tree made of wood, branches and boards

A wall-mounted wooden Christmas tree is perfect for a Provence or chalet interior. If you find one long enough plank and several short ones, then building such a Christmas tree will not be difficult. special labor. Well-chosen decorations for the Christmas tree will make it stylish and beautiful. Original Christmas tree can be made from log circles or large shavings.

New Year without a Christmas tree is not New Year! But what if there is simply nowhere to put it? It turns out that there is a solution: in every home or office there is an empty wall on which you can build quite a nice one from scrap materials. New Year's tree! Find a suitable option for yourself on the Internet or use the advice of our designer Alisa Ponizovskaya - she made all the Christmas trees for you with her own hands!

Indeed, what should you do if you want a Christmas tree, but your apartment is tiny or there is no room at work for a large tree? Free wall - perfect option for placing a Christmas tree: by abandoning its traditional look, you get a real art object, made with your own hands and causing delight among your friends! You can create such a Christmas tree from almost anything you have at hand - there are no restrictions on materials, just as there are no restrictions on height, it all depends on your imagination!

The simplest option is a tinsel tree, it can be made in any color, for example, to match the tone of your interior. You will need double-sided adhesive tape; it is better to take thick white tape rather than thin transparent tape - it sticks well to the wall and does not leave marks! Cutting off small adhesive pieces, attach the tinsel to the wall, starting from the top, try to make the branches more or less symmetrical (you can draw the outline of the tree in advance with a pencil).

If one fluffy outline is not enough for you, you can decorate the Christmas tree! Using special hooks or straightened paper clips Hang some Christmas tree decorations on the “branches” - they should be small and light, otherwise the tinsel will come off the wall.

In the same way, you can make a Christmas tree from a luminous garland., the only difference is that it is more convenient to attach it with pushpins. First, make an outline of buttons on the wall (if they are tight, use a small hammer or something heavy that you have on hand), and then pull a garland over the buttons. In this case, the reverse procedure is impossible - if you attach the garland itself with buttons, you can damage the insulation, and electricity is not to be trifled with! Now let's light it up - magical!

Why not make the tree... wooden? Are the trees in your yard being cut down? Ask them to cut small thin circles for you! Tree cuts can also be purchased at florist stores. We attach a small loop of colored braid to each circle using a furniture stapler and place it on the wall using buttons.

This Christmas tree can be any size, if you managed to get very small rounds, you can even make it in the form of a postcard and give it to one of your friends or put it on the table in the office. Glue the cuts onto the cardboard - this time it will be more convenient to use glue, the only thing is that it is better to do this in advance and put your souvenir under the press so that nothing falls off at the most crucial moment!

You can also make a mini-Christmas tree for a postcard from buttons- they are in almost every home; you usually don’t dare throw these treasures away! Choose convex and shiny buttons to make the tree as elegant as possible; you can attach them using soft double-sided adhesive tape, or simply sew them to cardboard - to be sure of the result!

A beautiful Christmas tree can be cut out of paper - it doesn’t have to be green, feel free to take any wrapper, for example, we used striped one. Fold the paper in half vertically and cut out the outline of one side of the tree; if in doubt about the result, first draw it with a ruler. Now we unfold it and attach it to the wall, you can use small adhesive pads for this purpose, and nothing will happen to your exquisite wallpaper! You can decorate such a Christmas tree with small toys or wooden cuts that are already familiar to us.

In general, in this case, absolutely anye items- the male part of our friendly team decided that the best decoration the striped tree will become a fan scarf with Paolo Maldini! Of course, we didn’t object - it turned out to be original!

And they decided to make the next option out of all sorts of nonsense: have taken artificial flowers, took off their decorations, asked the children to bring some Christmas tree beads and toys, including those made by themselves, added something else that came to hand, and what an amazing and beautiful Christmas tree we got!

Well, if you decide to spend the holidays outside the city, you probably have two or three wonderful slats left over from construction. You will need one long one for the barrel, and a few more short ones. For example, our long strip turned out to be 50 cm long, and we sawed the small ones in this way: two (for the lower branches) 30 cm each, two (for the middle branches) 20 cm each, and the rest - 10 cm each (as much as enough slats!). If the house is wooden, the slats can be nailed to the wall with small nails, and if you have a major renovation in your dacha, then you will probably find a piece of plywood or drywall suitable size, which you won’t mind using for art experiments. To make the natural tree look more impressive, we covered the surface under the Christmas tree with the remains of black wallpaper, and planted shiny birds of paradise on the branches.

And one more option - a brutal, purely masculine Christmas tree made from ordinary pieces of wood, selected by size and tied with a sailor's knot into a ladder. Have you set up a barbecue? Quickly take the remaining unclaimed pieces of wood, a coarser rope and knit this beauty!

There is a paradox at work here - the more unsightly and rough the source materials, the more unexpected and spectacular the result! You can hang such an art object both inside and outside the house. The ladies wanted glamor - decorate your Christmas tree with beads or an electric garland, if, of course, there is an outlet nearby!

Christmas tree on the wall - quite worthy alternative traditional approach to New Year's decorations. Create Christmas tree with your own hands, and let it create a festive, magical mood for both you and your loved ones!

Photo by Karina Nasibullina

An interesting and unusual design solution for the New Year is a Christmas tree on the wall. On the list of the most creative Christmas trees it is rightfully the leader, because it has a lot of advantages: it does not take up much space (which is especially important for small-sized apartments), it does not require daily cleaning of needles, it can be hung in any room!

With the simplest and effective method make a Christmas tree on the wall - hang a garland in the shape of a green beauty. In addition to the garland, such a Christmas tree can be decorated with bows, stars and toys. Using the same principle, instead of a Christmas tree from a garland, you can make a Christmas tree from tinsel.


A Christmas tree made from branches is an excellent option for extraordinary individuals who do not want to go beyond tradition. Making such a Christmas tree is very simple. To do this, you just need to find spruce branches of suitable size and carefully attach them to the wall of the room in the shape of a Christmas tree. Both branches from a real tree and artificial ones are perfect for such a Christmas tree.

You can decorate the resulting Christmas tree with tinsel, bows, Christmas tree decorations and garlands. It is best if the Christmas tree decorations are made of lightweight, unbreakable materials.

A paper Christmas tree looks very creative on the wall. It can be done both at home and in the office.

First, make a base out of a sheet of cardboard. Then cut the sheets of corrugated paper into fringes. You should have enough fringed paper to cover the entire Christmas tree. Glue the paper to the base from bottom to top. You can use double-sided tape and stick it around the perimeter of the base. For the trunk, also use cardboard or foam. It also needs to be covered with brown corrugated paper. Using adhesive tape, glue the trunk to the Christmas tree and secure the entire structure to the wall.


A wall-mounted wooden Christmas tree is perfect for a Provence-style interior. If you find one long enough plank and several short ones, then building such a Christmas tree will not be difficult. Well-chosen decorations for the Christmas tree will make it stylish and beautiful.


You can use special stickers in the shape of a Christmas tree. These stickers can be found in supermarkets or specialty decor stores. A variety of stickers will help you choose a Christmas tree to suit any interior.

An original Christmas tree made from children's hands - what could be sweeter to a parent's heart?

In fact, making such a Christmas tree is very simple. To do this, you just need to cut out a stencil from thick paper in the shape of a palm and, using this stencil, start cutting out palms from colored paper.

The Christmas tree can be made monochromatic or multi-colored. In addition, you can write a wish on each palm, or rather, under it. You can make palm shapes various sizes and arrange them in layers - a layer of small, a layer of large palms.

A Christmas tree on the wall is a worthy alternative to the traditional approach to New Year's decorations. Create a New Year's tree with your own hands, and let it create a magical festive mood for both you and your loved ones!