Winter fun outside in the senior group of kindergarten. Lesson outline (senior group) on the topic: Scenario of winter sports entertainment for senior and preparatory groups “In the world of fairy tales”

state budgetary educational institution

Samara region basic secondary school No. 21

city ​​of Novokuybyshevsk urban district Novokuybyshevsk

Samara region JV "Kindergarten" Friendly family")

Prepared by teachers of the senior group "Yagodka"

Winter scenario physical entertainment for older children

« Winter fun with Baba Yaga"


Develop interest in physical education and winter sports through relay races and competitions.


1. Develop speed, agility, coordination of movements,ability to act coherently in a team

2. Develop knowledge and ideas about the variety of winter entertainment.

3. Develop attention logical thinking.

4. Create a joyful, festive mood in children.

Venue: sports ground


2 Christmas trees, 3-dimensional snowflakes according to the number of children.

Broom – 2 pcs.

Landmarks – 6 pcs.

Sleigh with dolls – 2 pcs.

Sticks and pucks - 2 pcs.

Skis and poles - 2 pcs.

Medals by number of children

Baba Yaga costume

Celebration progress:

Children go outside.

Leading: Guys, guess my riddle:

A hut was lost in the dense forest.
A difficult old woman lives in a hut -
He takes a broom and sits in the mortar,
And then it flies over the forest like a bird!
(Baba Yaga)

Guys, let's call Baba Yaga! (children scream, stomp and clap)

Baba Yaga runs out.

Baba Yaga: Are you ready? But before the competition starts, let me remind you about safety precautions on snow and ice: do not push each other, do not trip each other, respect your opponent. I wish you all success!

Guess what, guys?

My winter mystery.

What kind of stars are these?

On a coat and on a scarf.

All through, cut-out,

And take it, water in your hand. (snowflake)

1st competition: “Dress up the Christmas tree”

Each team player receives a snowflake and, at Baba Yaga’s command (whistle), they begin to decorate the Christmas tree. The team that decorates the Christmas tree first is the winner.

(Baba Yaga herself takes part in the competition. She praises and evaluates the children’s results)

2nd competition: “On the broom”

Baba Yaga: Relay on a Broom

My beauty, from the Christmas tree.

A broom in each team, like a baton, the children pass the broom to each other, running astride the broom, around the Christmas tree, and returning to the team.

(Baba Yaga participates, gives an assessment, praises)

3rd competition: “Skiers”

Baba Yaga: Oh, my killer whales!
I'll give you a more difficult test.
Hey, you are self-propelled, flying skis...

(Takes out a pair of skis and poles)

The first team member puts on one ski and, leaning on a stick, runs around the tree. Having returned, he passes the baton to the next one. (Baba Yaga watches, takes part, encourages, reminds the count)

4th competition: “Riddles”. Baba Yaga makes riddles

1.White carrot, grows in winter (icicle).

2. It lies quietly all winter, but in the spring it will run away (snow).

3. The old man at the gate dragged away the heat. He doesn’t run and doesn’t tell him to stand (it’s frosty).

4. Water itself floats on water (ice).

5. The star spun in the air a little, sat down and melted on my

palm (snowflake)

6.Five boys, Five closets. The boys went off into the dark

closets. Each boy goes to his own closet. (mittens, gloves)

7. We made a snowball, made a hat on it, attached a nose and in an instant

it turned out... (snowman)

8. We stood there all summer - we expected winter. We waited until the time was right and rushed down the mountain.


5- competition. "Ride the baby"

Children take turns carrying the doll on a sled between landmarks and around the tree. The team that finishes first wins. (Baba Yaga performs with children, jokes, plays games. Gives an assessment of the results)

6th competition: “Hockey”

Baba Yaga: Those who are braver

Who is faster and braver?

I invite you to a game called “Hockey”

The first players have a stick and a puck. At the signal (Baba Yaga's whistle), the players move the puck between the landmarks, around the tree, return to their place, and pass the baton to the next one. (Baba Yaga participates, makes me laugh, praises, appreciates)

Baba Yaga: Well done! Everyone is so friendly, brave, dexterous, skillful!

We played great.

You won by right! Well done!

Presenter: Thank you, granny frog, for making us laugh and teaching us

all sorts of winter fun.

Baba Yaga: Rewards are worthy of praise

And I’m happy to give you prizes! (Baba Yaga awards players medals and praises them)

We are finishing the holiday -

The kids were having fun.

In parting, I wish you

Always be healthy.

Well, it's time for me to leave!

The presenter offers to accompany Baba Yaga: a sledding ride.

Did you run and play?

"Worked up" an appetite.

Now let's get some food,

It won't hurt you at all.

Sports entertainment in the senior group “Winter Fun”

Software tasks:


Children enter the hall to the music.


The two teams left in unison.

So that we can start the holiday.

And that's why everyone needs

Take part in it.

Everyone needs their strength,

Show off your dexterity.

Be healthy and cheerful,

And of course don’t be bored!

Today we will go to a fun place. The fascinating country “Winter Sportsland”. Two teams “Yolochka” and “Snezhinka” participate in our competitions.

Is everyone ready for the competition? (Yes)

Just, is everyone healthy? (healthy)

(doctor enters)

Doctor: I'll ask everyone to stand

And execute the commands:

Everybody breathe, don't breathe!

Now take a breath.

Bend over!


Pull yourself up!

Straighten up!

Everyone is healthy and ready to compete!

Relay races:

"Crossing on ice floes"- when given a signal, they move from one board to another without stepping on them.

"Snow blockage"- the teams are located in a line, with hoops on their sides. Sitting sideways to each other, pass the ball from hand to hand into a hoop located at the other end of the hall.

Doctor: Well done! And now game "Two Frosts"

Doctor: Let's do a sports session quiz " Winter views sport". Answer questions.

What should you do in the morning to be healthy? (charging)

What is the name of the athlete who skates to music? (figure skater)

How many teams play hockey? (two)

What is the name of the sports equipment that athletes use to play with clubs? (washer)

Doctor: Well done! And now it's time for me to go home. Goodbye, kids.


The time has come, dress in white at home,

There are trees with white caps.

Winter is for the strong, dexterous, and brave.

Competition "Tug of War"

Leading: Frost, frost, he covered the path with snow.

It’s time for us to make a mountain, grow the mountain quickly.

Game – round dance “Ice Mountain”

We've been on the mountain all day.

We are in the yard all day. They go in circles.

It’s good that there is a mountain. Hand in hand, walk in a circle, hands up.

In the middle of our yard They step back, hands down.

Up and down, up and down! Stand on your toes, squat down.

Hey. Let's go, hold on. Running in circles.

It's okay that Santa Claus

Stings ears and nose. Showing ears and nose.

Up and down, up and down! Stand on your toes, squat down.

Hey. Let's go, hold on. Running in circles.


Hockey players are rushing.

Cutting blue ice.

I strike sparks

The puck is at the goal.

Relay race “Pass the puck”- move the puck between the pins.

"Pass the Snowball"- passing the ball over the head.

(snowman enters)

Snowman: Guys, I'm the Snowman.

To the snow. I'm used to the cold.

Curious, mischievous,

I want to know what the guys do in winter? (children answer what games they play in winter)

Snowman: Attention! Attention!

Competitions are coming up!

I'm watching everyone.

I choose the best.

Relay race “On reindeer sleds”- children sit in pairs. At the signal, they run in pairs: one runs in the hoop, the other holds on to the hoop, run around the medicine ball, pass the hoop to the next pair.

Snowman: There is another game you will like.

Attractions: "Who will collect the most snowballs"

"Who can build a snowman faster"

P/I “Whose link will assemble faster”


Let Morozko crack,

The blizzard is swirling in the field.

Kids are tough

They are not afraid of the cold.

Well done to us guys.

Strong, skillful.

Friendly, cheerful,

Friendly and brave. (team awards)

Akhmetova L.R. teacher of the first qualification category

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 18 combined type with Tatar language education and training"

Scenario of holiday entertainment in the senior group

"Winter Fun"

The children enter the hall to the music.


Hello, dear guests,

Both small and big!

Begin winter holiday!

There will be games, there will be laughter,

AND fun activities prepared for everyone!

Unexpectedly and unexpectedly

Winter has arrived

With frosts, blizzards,

With snowy blows.

Children sing the song “Winter Sorceress”.

Leading: But before you start the competition you need to warm up.

Gymnastics with snowballs is carried out.

  • “Snowballs up” I.p. – o.s.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, ball in one hand. 1-raise your arms straight up through your sides, do not lower your head, rise on your toes, transfer the ball from one hand to the other 2-return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
  • "Turns" I.p. – o.s.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest, ball in one hand.

1- turn right, dash to right side, straight arms spread to the sides, 2- return to the starting position, transfer the ball to the other hand., 3- same in left side, 4 – i.p. Repeat 3 times.

  • "Rolling" I.p. – sitting cross-legged, arms down, right hand on the ball, which lies on the floor.. 1-lean to the right, move the ball along the floor as far away from you as possible. 2 - starting position. Repeat 4 times in each direction.
  • “Move the snowball” I.p. – standing, feet wider than shoulder width, ball in right hand, hands down. 1-spread your arms to the sides, 2-tilt forward and down, connect your hands under your right knee, transfer the ball to left hand, 3- both arms to the sides. 4 with the other hand Repeat 3 times.
  • "Around" I.p. – o.s.: legs parallel, hands on the belt, ball on the floor.

1-10 – buckle on both legs around the ball. Walking with arm swings (marching).

  • Breathing exercise. I.p. – o.s.: hands down. Raise your hands forward, up, right leg put it back on the toe, do it deep breath, 2nd position, exhale. Repeat 2-3 times.

Leading: Get in line behind Arseny. Pay off by 1 and 2. We rebuild into 2 columns. It's time to introduce myself. 1 team " Funny snowmen"Their motto:

We are not afraid of frost,

We love to have fun!

Second team: “Snowmen are entertainers.” Motto.

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost!


We are glad to see those

Who loves fun and laughter!

Listen to the riddle

Answer without hesitation:

Who whitens the clearings white,

And writes on the walls with chalk,

Sews down feather beds,

Will he decorate all the windows?

Children - Winter.


From your distant lands

She comes to visit us herself

The invited guest is Winter!

(Winter walks around the site to the music)

Winter (teacher):

Hello guys!

Dear guests!

I wish you happiness and joy

All the guys and guests!

Let the fun come to us!

Children read poetry:

1 Child: Winter beauty has come,

We got on our skates

And the children, oh, how they like it

Happy days!

2 Child :

We love you, Zimushka,

Your frost and ice,

And the snow is fluffy on the branches,

And a sled and a skating rink!


So it's true, they told me

That the guys are waiting for me.

Are you not afraid of frost and cold?

Leading .

Our children are not afraid of cold and frost!

  • Game "We are not afraid of frost"


How come they aren’t afraid? Why?

Leading and children :

Frosts don't matter to us,

Don't worry about the cold either!

We walk around in fur coats and earflaps,

And we go sledding.


Leading :

That's how! (Imitate movements in pairs)


Leading and children:

And then we'll go skiing

And we'll start rolling down the mountain.


Leading and children:


Well done! What else?

Leading and children:

And we also take skates,

And we run to the skating rinks!


Leading and children:

That's how! (Imitate movements)

Organizational moment “Whose team will assemble faster!”


Get ready, kids!

There will be a game for you now!

But first, tell me what winter holiday is approaching?”

Leading .

New Year is coming,

It's not enough to wait.

We need it, guys.

Decorate the Christmas tree.

That's what it means


To decorate the Christmas tree

You have a knack! Well done!

Truth: Children love sleds very much.

If you ate a lot of semolina,

They can ride themselves

And give someone a ride.

(Each team member takes turns pulling the sled with soft toy to a certain place and back so that the toy does not fall and as quickly as possible.)

And now we’ll rest, (the children sit down) and play the game “How to Maintain Health?”

Educator: “Guys, do you all want to go to the New Year’s party?

What should you do to avoid getting sick?

(Teams take turns running up to the teacher and giving advice on maintaining and strengthening health: brushing your teeth, washing your face, doing exercises, hardening yourself, eating vegetables and fruits, following a daily routine, etc. The team that managed to give the most advice wins).

Winter: And now you must demonstrate your abilities as, hopefully, accurate shooters. The task is called "Snowball"

(Each team member receives a snowball. There is a basket at a distance of 2 m from each team; you need to hit the basket with a snowball. The team with the most hits wins.)

Winter: Well done boys! You do a very good job with our assignments. The next task is called "Sdrifts."

(We build a distance from the modules: a low obstacle - jump over, a high obstacle - crawl under it, etc. along the entire length of the hall. The return is the usual run, pass the baton by touch to the next participant)

Winter : The forest is quiet, and you can only hear the crunch of snow in the morning forest.

Leading: Winter, what are you talking about?

Winter : Of course, oh ski trip. Our next task is called "Ski Race".

(The first member of each team puts a ski on his right foot. On command, they walk the distance back and forth. Passes the ski to the second, etc. The team that completes the distance first wins).


Nice, nice you played,

Zimushka is happy with you.

Leading. Our children are great -

Strong, skillful,

Friendly and brave.


I prepared sweets for them. Help yourself.


Goodbye friends,

I'm very glad to meet you!

Leading . Dear parents, we showed you how you can have fun and usefully spend time outside in winter. Play sports, because sports are not only about records. This is, first of all, a launching pad to the country of health, vigor and Have a good mood. Play with your children outside more often, this is the most precious time while they are small, then they will grow up and fly away.

Description of work: This material will be useful for educators, speech pathologists, and speech therapists. The material is intended for senior pupils preschool age. The quiz is held at the end of winter (February).

Target: create an atmosphere of competition and unity among children.

Tasks: generalize children's knowledge about winter, promote the development of coherent speech, enrich active and passive lexicon, develop logical thinking, auditory attention and memory.

Equipment: drawing material (sheets of whatman paper, gouache, brushes), pictures of wintering birds, pictures of wild animals, certificates and prizes.

Progress of the quiz game

3 teams with their support groups participate in the quiz. Using a draw, the order of each team's answers is determined: No. 1, No. 2, No. 3. The teams are seated at tables. The composition of the jury is announced. The jury carefully monitors the completion of tasks and assigns 1 point for the correct answer.

The presenter reads the poem “Do you recognize winter?”

There are deep snows all around,

Wherever I look,

A blizzard sweeps and swirls

Do you recognize winter?

The rivers fell asleep under the ice,

Frozen, motionless.

The snowdrifts are burning like silver.

Do you recognize winter?

We race down the mountain on skis,

The wind is at our back.

There is no more fun time than that!

Do you recognize winter?

We brought a thick spruce

For the holiday our favorite.

We'll hang the beads on it.

Do you recognize winter?

Task No. 1. "Name the signs of winter"

Presenter: Each team takes turns listing the signs of winter. (By what signs do we recognize winter?)

*In winter the most short days and long nights.

*The sun is high and provides little warmth.

*The sky is often gray.

*In winter there are blizzards, blizzards, and snowfall.

*Rivers and lakes are covered with ice.

*The frost draws fancy patterns on the windows.

*Trees and bushes stand without leaves.

*All the insects hid in the cracks of the bark, under the leaves and in the ground.

*Only wintering birds remain.

*The bunny and the squirrel changed their fur coats.

*The bear, badger, and hedgehog have accumulated a thick layer of fat over the summer and autumn and sleep in dens and burrows.

*Children have winter fun - skiing, skating and sledding.

*Snow retention is being done in the fields.

*People wear winter clothes etc.

Task No. 2. "Tell a Poem"

Presenter: Winter, with its beauty, inspires artists to paint pictures, composers to write music, poets to write poetry. It’s not for nothing that winter is called “the sorceress, the sorceress, the lacemaker, the beauty.”

The facilitator invites each team to recite a poem about winter. At this time, the support group draws a “Winter Landscape”.

Task No. 3. "Choose a word"

Each team selects attribute words for the given words.

1 team. The given word “WINTER” is cold, harsh, frosty, blizzard, long, etc.

2nd team. The given word "SNOW" is white, fluffy, soft, falling, silvery, clear, sparkling, etc.

Team 3 The given word “FROST” is burning, crackling, strong, strong, angry, etc.

Task No. 4. "Name the Bird"

Presenter: In the fall, migratory birds flew south, but we still have wintering birds, the task for the teams is:

a) list the wintering birds one by one,

b) recognize the wintering birds in the pictures and name them.

Task No. 5. "Say the Word"

a) The leader of each team reads the sentence, but not completely; the children must add the last word:

1 team. - The hare is white in winter, and in summer...

The squirrel lives in a hollow, and the hedgehog...

The fox has a long tail, and the hare...

2nd team. - The hare is fluffy, and the hedgehog...

The squirrel is gray in winter, and in summer...

The fox lives in a hole, and the wolf...

Team 3 - The hare has a short tail, and ears...

- The hedgehog is small, but the bear...

The owl sleeps during the day and hunts...

b) Presenter: We moved on to wild animals. I suggest you recognize the wild animals in the pictures and name them.

c) Presenter: I call the word a sign, and you must determine which animal or bird it refers to, for example: wise - owl.

1 team. Cowardly... (hare)

Hungry wolf)

2nd team. Sly Fox)

Clubfoot... (bear)

Team 3 Toothy... (wolf)

Prickly... (hedgehog)

Task No. 6. "Puzzles"

Host: The most enjoyable and easiest task is solving riddles. The cheerleader can help their team.

1. The cold weather has arrived

The water turned to ice,

Long-eared gray bunny

Turned into a white bunny.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen? (winter)

2. Who whitens the clearings with white.

And writes on their backs with chalk.

Sews down feather beds,

Have you decorated all the windows? (winter)

3. Guess who the gray-haired housewife is?

Will the feather dusters shake - over the world of fluff? (winter-winter)

4. I wasn't raised

Made from snow.

Instead of a nose cleverly

Inserted a carrot.

Eyes - corners,

Hands are bitches.

Cold, big,

Who am I? (snow woman)

5. I ride it until evening,

But my lazy horse only carries me down the mountain.

And I always walk up the hill myself,

And I lead my horse by the rope (sleigh)

6. Wooden horses

They run through the snow,

And skis don’t fall into the snow

7. I have two horses, two horses,

They take me across the ice

And the ice is hard, stone (skates)

8. Who is buzzing in the chimney in winter? (wind)

9. Like across the sky from the north

A gray swan swam.

The well-fed swan swam,

Threw down - poured

To the fields, lakes

White fluff and feathers (snow cloud)

10. It froze yesterday

A midge flew in.

And from this midge

Yards turned white (snow)

Task No. 7. "Word Game"(Can be performed standing near tables).

Presenter: You need to clap your hands when you hear a word that matches the given word. For example: the given word is wolf. I list the words, and you have to clap your hands if you hear a word that fits a wolf - “fluffy” doesn’t fit, “den” doesn’t fit either, “hungry” does, so you need to clap your hands.

Command 1: The given word is “fox”.

Red (clap), jumps, prickly, howls, wolf cub, fluffy (clap), hole (clap), little fox (clap), cunning (clap), etc.

Team 2: The given word is “hedgehog”.

Small (clap), long-eared, prickly (clap), bear cub, snorts (clap), clubfoot, hedgehog (clap), etc.

3rd team. The given word is "hare".

White (clap), predator, strong, bunny (clap), runs (clap), den, clumsy, jumps (clap), etc.

Host: The tasks are over. The teams completed their tasks. The jury is tallying the results, and I want to end our quiz with a poem.

The cold winter will pass,

The days of spring will come.

The sun will melt with warmth

The snow is fluffy like wax.

Emerald leaves

The forests are shaking

And together with the velvet grass

Fragrant flowers will spring up!

The jury announces the results and the award ceremony begins.

Olga Kostenko
Entertainment “Winter Fun” in the senior group of kindergarten

Entertainment« Winter fun» . Senior kindergarten group

Program content:

Identify and systematize children’s ideas about winter. Learn to form adjectives from nouns. Cultivate love for native nature.

Vocabulary work:

Activate children's speech words: December, January, February, curious, blizzard, ice, blizzard, bitter frosts, frost.


Envelope (letter from Pochemuchka, crossword, picture “What did the artist mix up?”, cut pictures "Seasons".

1. On the children’s table there are cut pictures "Seasons". Children collect pictures and name the seasons.

How did you guess that it was winter?

2. When I went to kindergarten, the postman handed me a letter, on the envelope are the names of our kindergarten and our group. A letter from an inquisitive boy Pochemuchki. (Reading the letter).

-What is winter?

How many months does winter have?

What month does it start from?

Tell a poem about December:

Ending a long year

December itself is coming to us!

He brings snow, blizzards

And they ate in bright toys.

Got hungry in the forest:

Look at the fox!

The fox is on the hunt -

She can't catch a hare!

So that there is no trouble,

The hare confuses his tracks.

The forest fell asleep under the kingdom of ice,

It's getting cold.

What is the second month of winter called? (poem about him)

Open the calendar -

January begins.

In January, in January

There is a lot of snow in the yard.

Snow is on the roof,

On the porch.

The sun is in the blue sky.

The stoves are heated in our house.

Smoke rises into the sky in a column.

Look at the calendar:

January is starting!

IN warm fur coat he's coming,

He brings the New Year with him.

A hare gallops in a white fur coat,

The forest hides him securely -

The trail of drifting snow is covered up.

A wood grouse walks in the snow.

And the frost is cracking and angry.

Snow is swept away by the fox's tail.

Moose, foxes, wild boars

They are waiting for spring in the gray forest.

The last, third month of winter? (poem about him)

4. Solving a crossword puzzle.

I will ask riddles, and we will enter the word - the answer - into the crossword puzzle.

1) He flies in a white flock.

It sparkles on the fly.

He melts like a cool star

On the palm and in the mouth (snow).

2) Who started the rigmarole,

Makes a white bed

Does the field put you to sleep?

It's snowy (blizzard).

3) Everything around is white and white,

There was a lot of snow.

Forests and houses in white caps.

White walks (winter).

More than frightened goslings.

They fly in one direction

But they don’t want to go to another one.

Proud in posture,

But not swans, but (sled).

5) The star spun

There's a little in the air

Sat down and melted

On my palm (snowflake).

5. Physical education minute.

Outdoor game "Snowflake"

The players disperse around the hall. On signal “The wind blew and the snowflakes swirled!” children spin around in place. With the words of an adult, “Snowflakes - the little fluffs got tired on the fly, stopped spinning, sat down to rest,” they squat. The game is repeated.

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,

Spin around, we're not averse to it.

We are snowflakes - ballerinas,

We dance day and night.

Let's all stand together in a circle -

It will turn out to be a snowball.

6. Game exercise : "Come up with a word"

From the words frost, cold, wind, snow, ice, form words that would answer the question, which one?

What can we say "frosty"? (Day, air)

7. Game exercise: “Why doesn’t she happen?”

Children look at the picture: winter, blizzard, bending trees, a boy in shorts and a Panama hat.

What did the artist get wrong? Why doesn't this happen?

What signs, proverbs and sayings about winter do you know?


January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

January - Father begins the year and calls winter.

The month of January is winter, sir.

February - blizzards and blizzards flew in February.

February is a fierce month, he asks how you are wearing shoes.

February is heavy with blizzards, and March is dripping.

December ends the year and begins winter.

December paves, December nails, and the frost tears at your ears.

The path is narrow in winter, but the path is short in spring.

February the sun turns to summer.

9. Outdoor game "Snowflakes and the Wind"

Children perform movements in accordance with the text. The game is played 2-3 times.

Snowflakes, snowflakes are flying in the wind,

Snowflakes, snowflakes want to fall to the ground,

And the wind blows stronger and stronger,

The snowflakes are spinning faster and faster.

Suddenly the wind died down, it became quiet all around,

Snowflakes flew into a big


(Easy running in different directions

Running while turning around

Run towards an adult and squat on the floor next to him.)