Rules of the road for preschool age. traffic rules, traffic lights. Traffic rules for children. Cartoon about the rules of the road for children

How to correctly explain the rules of the road for children so that they not only understand and remember them, but also observe them daily and without reminders?

And how appropriate it is to talk about the importance of traffic rules for children, the statistics of accidents speak for themselves.

According to the traffic police, in Russia, the death rate of children in car accidents exceeds the death rate due to fires and floods, air and railway accidents. Even due to illness, children die less often than from accidents on the road.

Such statistics should make adults seriously think about how to protect their child from tragedy.

Mistakes of parents explaining the rules of the road to children

It often happens that many parents, even those who have a driver's license, cannot correctly convey to the child elementary knowledge about behavior on and near the roadway, at stops and in transport. Limiting themselves to the phrases “Stop, there is a road”, “Walk with me by the hand” and “It is impossible”, they bring up an illiterate pedestrian. And then all hope for kindergarten and school, they say, they will teach there.

The process of understanding and assimilation of the rules of the road is a very complex and long process, which should consist not only of explanations from mom and dad, "How can you" and "How can you not." Traffic rules for children should become an important part of education in every family.

When and how to start explaining traffic rules to children?

It is possible and necessary to teach children such important rules from the age of one and a half. Usually they begin to pay great attention to this when the baby can move independently. Of course, at this age, the child will not yet be able to remember where to look when crossing the street and which light to stop at. This does not mean that there is no need to learn.

Teach your children about the rules of the road, based on the following recommendations:

  1. Together with the children, look at pictures with different types of transport, teach them to name them, show them, recognize them on the street. It is important to know and distinguish the sounds of various vehicles, to be able to pronounce them.
  2. Good helpers in learning will be books with stories and stories about the road, transport, as well as cartoons on these topics.
  3. With kids of 2 years old, you can already play simple games that simulate situations on the road. So, for example, children will be happy to remember the colors of a traffic light and how to act when a light is on. To do this, adults can show the child mugs of red, yellow or green colors and combine them with movements (stand still, clap or walk).
  4. With a child from 3 years old, it will be useful to draw, for example, the road from home to a store or kindergarten, read and learn simple rhymes about the rules of the road for children, solve riddles, look at road signs on the street and special toy road signs for children at home.
  5. It is necessary to develop in kids ideas about space and speed of movement. This will help exercises to determine the remoteness of the object. Choose for the child any object or object in sight and ask him to describe in words far or near, front or back, right or left. Teach your child to determine whether he is walking fast or slow (a car is driving).

What should contain traffic rules for children?

By the age of three, a child should know and understand the following concepts:

  • road, carriageway
  • Sidewalk, sidewalk
  • crossroads
  • Transition (pedestrian, underground, ground)
  • A pedestrian
  • Driver
  • Vehicle (car, bicycle, bus, tram, trolleybus, motorcycle, moped, etc.)
  • Traffic light
  • Road sign
  • Stop

At preschool and primary school age, it is necessary to form children's knowledge about the basic rules of the road. This knowledge can be conditionally divided into four groups.

  1. Rules for crossing the road

  • Cross the street at the crossing (pedestrian, underground, elevated).
  • If a pedestrian crossing has a traffic light for pedestrians, cross when the light is green.
  • If there is no traffic light for pedestrians, cross when all cars have stopped (for them, the traffic light will turn red).
  • If there is no special crossing, look first to the right, then to the left, and if there are no cars, go.
  • Never cross the road. Walk quickly and calmly.
  • Do not talk while crossing the road, be careful.

Adults need to remember the most important rule. Not a single rule of the road for kids will make any sense if you yourself do not adhere to them or start breaking them. Only by setting the right example will you be able to keep children safe on the road.

Cartoon about the rules of the road for children

The rules of the road must be known to all its participants - drivers and pedestrians, adults and children. Ignorance of these rules does not release us from the obligation to adhere to them, otherwise trouble may happen.
The purpose of classes with students on traffic rules is that all students are well oriented on the road, understand the principles of car movement and know their actions in various non-standard situations that may occur.

How to avoid typical road traps

The main danger is a standing car! A standing car is dangerous: it can cover another car that is moving at high speed, making it difficult to notice the danger in time. You can not go out on the road because of the parked cars. In extreme cases, you need to carefully look out from behind a parked car, make sure that the danger is not in danger, and only then cross the road.

Do not bypass the standing bus either in front or behind! A standing bus closes a section of the road along which a car can pass at the moment when you decide to cross it. In addition, people near the stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. From the stop, you need to move towards the nearest pedestrian crossing.

Know how to anticipate the hidden danger! Because of a standing car, house, fence, bushes, etc., a car may suddenly leave. To cross the road, you need to choose a place where the road is visible in both directions. In extreme cases, you can carefully look out from behind the obstacle, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the road.

And at the traffic lights you can meet the danger. Today, on the roads of the city, we are constantly faced with the fact that car drivers violate the Rules of the Road: they drive at high speed, ignoring traffic lights and crossing signs. Therefore, it is not enough to teach children to navigate the green traffic light, you need to make sure that the danger does not threaten. Children often talk like this:« Cars are still standing, drivers see me and let me through». They are wrong!

The car is approaching slowly. And yet you have to skip it. A slow moving car can hide a fast moving car behind it. The child is often unaware that another may be hidden behind one car.

Children often run across the "desert" street without looking.On the street, where cars rarely appear, children run out onto the road without first examining it, and fall under a car. Develop in your child the habit of always stopping before going on the road, look around, listen - and only then cross the street.

Standing on the center line, remember: there may be a car behind! Children usually only watch cars moving on the right side and forget about cars passing behind them. Frightened, the child can take a step back - right under the wheels of the car. If you had to stop in the middle of the road, you must be extremely careful, do not make a single movement without making sure that it is safe.

Outside, hold your child tightly by the hand! Being next to an adult, the child relies on him and either does not observe the road at all, or observes poorly. Adults do not take this into account. On the street, children are distracted by all sorts of objects, sounds, not noticing a moving car, and thinking that the path is clear, they break out of the hands of an adult and run across the road. At the crossing of the road, you must firmly hold the child's hand.

Arches and exits from courtyards are places of hidden danger! In large cities, a place of increased danger is the arches through which cars leave the yards onto the roadway. Do not let the child run past the arch in front of the adult: he must be held by the hand.

Remember! The child learns the laws of the street, taking an example from you, parents, other adults. Let your example teach disciplined behavior on the street not only to your child, but also to other children. Cross the road observing the Rules of the Road.

General provisions

"Road"- a strip of land or the surface of an artificial structure, equipped or adapted and used for the movement of vehicles. The road includes one or more carriageways, as well as tram tracks, sidewalks, shoulders and dividing lanes, if any.

"Roadside"- a road element adjacent directly to the carriageway at the same level with it, differing in the type of coverage or marked out using markings 1.2.1 or 1.2.2, used for driving, stopping and parking in accordance with the Rules.

"Bike"- a vehicle, other than wheelchairs, having two or more wheels and driven by the muscular power of the people on it.

"Driver"- a person driving a vehicle, a driver leading pack animals, riding animals or a herd along the road. A driving instructor is equivalent to a driver.

"mechanical vehicle"- a vehicle, other than a moped, propelled by an engine. The term also applies to any tractors and self-propelled machines.

"Moped"- a two- or three-wheeled vehicle driven by an engine with a working volume of not more than 50 cubic meters. cm and having a maximum design speed of not more than 50 km/h. Bicycles with outboard motors, mokikis and other vehicles with similar characteristics are equated to mopeds.

"Organized Foot Column"- a group of people designated in accordance with paragraph 4.2 of the Rules, moving together along the road in one direction.

"Passenger"- a person, other than the driver, who is in the vehicle (on it), as well as a person who enters the vehicle (gets on it) or leaves the vehicle (gets off it).

"A pedestrian"- a person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not work on it. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, carrying a sledge, cart, baby or wheelchair are equated to pedestrians.

"Crosswalk"- a section of the carriageway marked with signs and (or) markings and allocated for pedestrian traffic across the road. In the absence of markings, the width of the pedestrian crossing is determined by the distance between the signs "Crosswalk":

"Sidewalk"- an element of the road intended for the movement of pedestrians and adjacent to the carriageway or separated from it by a lawn.

"Road user"- a person who is directly involved in the process of movement as a driver, pedestrian, passenger of a vehicle.

Road users are required to know and comply with the requirements of the Rules, traffic lights, signs and markings that apply to them, as well as follow the orders of traffic controllers acting within the rights granted to them and regulating traffic with established signals.

The roads have right-hand traffic.

Road users must act in such a way that they do not endanger traffic or cause harm.

It is forbidden to damage or pollute the road surface, remove, block, damage, arbitrarily install road signs, traffic lights and other technical means of organizing traffic, leave objects on the road that interfere with traffic. The person who created the obstacle is obliged to take all possible measures to eliminate it, and if this is not possible, then by available means to ensure that participants in the movement are informed about the danger and inform the police.

Persons who violate the Rules are liable in accordance with applicable law.

Responsibilities of Pedestrians

1. Pedestrians must move along sidewalks or footpaths, and in their absence, along roadsides. Pedestrians carrying or carrying bulky items, as well as persons moving in unpowered wheelchairs, may move along the edge of the carriageway if their movement on sidewalks or shoulders interferes with other pedestrians.

In the absence of sidewalks, footpaths or roadsides, as well as in case of impossibility to move along them, pedestrians can move along the cycle path or walk in one line along the edge of the carriageway (on roads with a dividing strip - along the outer edge of the carriageway).

When driving along the edge of the carriageway, pedestrians must walk towards the movement of vehicles. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a motorcycle, moped, bicycle, in these cases must follow the direction of the vehicles.

When driving along roadsides or the edge of the carriageway at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians are advised to carry objects with retroreflective elements and ensure the visibility of these objects by vehicle drivers.

2. The movement of organized pedestrian columns along the carriageway is allowed only in the direction of movement of vehicles on the right side of no more than four people in a row. In front and behind the columns on the left side there should be escorts with red flags, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility - with lights on: in front - white, behind - red.

Groups of children are allowed to drive only on sidewalks and footpaths, and in their absence - on roadsides, but only during daylight hours and only when accompanied by adults.

3. Pedestrians must cross the carriageway at pedestrian crossings, including underground and elevated ones, and in their absence - at intersections along the line of sidewalks or roadsides.

If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at a right angle to the edge of the carriageway in areas without a dividing strip and fences where it is clearly visible in both directions.

4. In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must be guided by the signals of the traffic controller or a pedestrian traffic light, and in its absence, a transport traffic light.

5. At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians may enter the carriageway after they estimate the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and make sure that the crossing will be safe for them. When crossing the carriageway outside the pedestrian crossing, pedestrians, in addition, should not interfere with the movement of vehicles and exit from behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle that limits visibility without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.

6. Having entered the carriageway, pedestrians should not linger or stop, if this is not related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who do not have time to complete the transition must stop on the line separating the traffic flows of opposite directions. You can continue the transition only after making sure that the further movement is safe and taking into account the traffic light signal (traffic controller).

7. When approaching vehicles with a blue flashing beacon and a special sound signal on, pedestrians must refrain from crossing the carriageway, and those on it must give way to these vehicles and immediately clear the carriageway.

8. It is allowed to wait for a shuttle vehicle and a taxi only on landing sites raised above the carriageway, and in their absence - on the sidewalk or roadside. In places of stops of route vehicles that are not equipped with elevated landing areas, it is allowed to enter the carriageway to board the vehicle only after it has stopped. After disembarking, it is necessary, without delay, to clear the roadway.

Obligations of Passengers

1. Passengers are obliged:

* when riding a vehicle equipped with seat belts, be fastened with them, and when riding a motorcycle - be in a fastened motorcycle helmet;
* boarding and disembarking should be carried out from the sidewalk or curb and only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop.
If boarding and disembarking is not possible from the sidewalk or shoulder, it can be carried out from the side of the carriageway, provided that it is safe and does not interfere with other traffic participants.

2. Passengers are prohibited from:

* distract the driver from driving the vehicle while it is moving;
* when driving a truck with an onboard platform, stand, sit on the sides or on a load above the sides;
* open the doors of the vehicle while it is moving.


for preschool children

We all live in a society where certain norms and rules of behavior in a traffic situation must be observed. Often, children themselves are responsible for road traffic accidents, playing near roads, crossing the street in the wrong places, entering and exiting vehicles incorrectly.

However, preschool children are a special category of pedestrians and passengers. They cannot be approached with the same yardstick as adults, because for them a literal interpretation of the Rules of the Road is unacceptable, and the normative presentation of the duties of pedestrians and passengers in terms of road vocabulary inaccessible to them requires abstract thinking from preschoolers, complicates the process of training and education.

That is why at preschool age it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules. Both parents and teachers should be involved in this.

One of the most serious problems of any city and region is road traffic injuries. To date, it has not been possible to reduce its level. Every year, children are injured and killed in road traffic accidents. As the analysis of accidents with children, conducted by the State Traffic Inspectorate, shows, injuries occur due to carelessness, irresponsible attitude on the part of adults to their behavior on the street, due to the negligence of children, due to non-compliance or ignorance of traffic rules. The most common mistakes that children make are: unexpected exit to the roadway in an unspecified place, exit due to standing vehicles, disobedience to traffic lights, violation of the rules of cycling, etc., the carelessness of children on the roads depends on adults, on low level of their culture of behavior. And the price of this is a child's life. In order to protect children from danger, it is necessary to start preparing them as early as possible for a meeting with the street, city traffic, accustom them to turn to their elders for help, and also to respond correctly and in a timely manner to the current situation. The sooner it is possible to acquaint the child with the rules of the road, to form in him the skills of a culture of behavior in transport, on the street, the less likely it is that he will have undesirable accidents on the road. An important role in the prevention of children's road traffic injuries belongs to the preschool institution. It is teachers who should become the first teachers of the child in educating him as a disciplined pedestrian.

Therefore, in our preschool educational institution, we decided to pay great attention to traffic rules on safety issues. Having studied the problem of familiarizing children with the rules of the road and seeing the relevance of this problem at the present stage, we have developed a manual on traffic rules for preschool children.

The methodological manual is aimed at forming the foundations for the safe behavior of preschool children on the streets of the city through the introduction of didactic games, literature, games in the classroom, presentations, etc.

The purpose of the manual: the creation of effective conditions for the organization of work on the formation of children's skills of proper behavior on the road.

To expand children's knowledge about the rules of the road, about the rules of behavior for pedestrians; to consolidate knowledge about road signs, about traffic lights, their purpose.

To educate a competent pedestrian in a child.

Teach children how to build a whole from parts. Develop fine motor skills, memory, thinking.

Create a positive emotional state in children.

To acquaint preschoolers with the rules and norms of safe behavior for the acquisition of social experience.

To form the ability of children to navigate the street with symbolic means of traffic.

The ability to plan the stages of their actions, to argue their choice.

Develop road safety skills.

To bring to the consciousness of children the importance of observing the Rules of the road.

Poems about traffic rules


Traffic lights have three colors.

They are clear to the driver:

Red color - no way.

Yellow - get ready to go

And the green light - roll!

V. Mostovoy

Traffic light

If the light turns red

So it's dangerous to move

Light green says:

"Come in, the way is open!"

Yellow light - warning:

Wait for the signal to move.

S. Mikhalkov


At any intersection

We are met by a traffic light

And starts very easy.

Conversation with a pedestrian:

The light is green - come on!

Yellow - better wait.

If the light turns red -

So it's dangerous to move!


Let the tram pass.

Be patient,

Learn and respect

Traffic rules.

R. Farhadi

Three wonderful colors

To help you pass the dangerous path,

We burn both day and night, green, yellow, red.

Our house is a traffic light - we are three brothers,

We have been shining for a long time, on the road to all the guys.

We are three wonderful colors, you often see us,

But sometimes you don't listen to our advice.

The most severe is red. If it's on: Stop!

So that you calmly cross, listen to our advice:

Wait! You will soon see the yellow color in the middle!

And behind him the green color will flash ahead

He will say: there are no obstacles - boldly go on the path.

If you follow the traffic lights without a dispute.

You will get home and school, of course, very soon!

A. Severny

This is my street

Look, the guard stood on our pavement,

He quickly extended his hand, deftly waved his wand.

Did you see? Did you see?

All cars immediately stood up! Together stood in three rows

And they don't go anywhere.

People are not worried - they are walking across the street.

And he stands at the pavement, like a sentinel magician.

All machines obey him alone.

Ya. Pishumov

Pedestrian crossing sign

A pedestrian! A pedestrian!

Remember about the transition!

underground, aboveground,


Know that only the transition

It will save you from cars.


Where there is a noisy intersection,

It's not so easy to go

If you don't know the rules

Let the children remember firmly:

He does the right thing,

Who only by the green light

It's coming across the street!

N. Sorokina


You have to listen without argument.

Traffic light indications.

Need traffic rules

Perform without objection.

This will confirm all of you

Good Doctor Aibolit!

S. Yakovlev

My street

Here, on duty, anytime

Dexterous watchman on duty,

He manages all at once

Who is in front of him on the pavement.

No one in the world can do that

With one hand

Stop the flow of passers-by

And skip the trucks.

S. Mikhalkov


We are important signs

Road signs.

We stand guard.

you know the rules

And keep them

And we will hurry to help you.

In black and white stripes

The man walks boldly.

Knows: where he goes, -

Crosswalk! (Sign "Pedestrian crossing")

Neither in the yard, nor in the alley,

Not in the empty alley

Do not drive here -

This sign will not allow.

Remember! It means:

"No cars allowed". (Sign "Entrance to cars is prohibited")

To help you

The path is dangerous

Burning day and night

Green, yellow, red.(Sign "Traffic regulation")

Remember the sign, friends,

Both parents and children:

Where it hangs, it is impossible

Ride a bike!(Sign "Movement on bicycles is prohibited")

Here is the road work

No drive, no pass.

This place is for pedestrians.

It's better to just walk around!(Sign "Road works")

Hey driver, be careful!

It's impossible to go fast.

People know everything in the world -

Children go to this place.(Sign "Children")

The kids sign warns

Protects from misfortune:

Moving! Look with might and main

Follow the barrier!(Sign "Railway crossing")

The city is full of pedestrians

On any day and at any hour -

We go to kindergarten and school,

Returning home:

The road teaches us to walk

And she won't let you down!

Let each rank receive

Exemplary pedestrian!


Traffic Laws

What kind of sign is this?
"Stop" - he tells the cars ...

Pedestrian, go boldly
Along the tracks in black and white.

Football is a good game
Let everyone practice
In stadiums, in courtyards,
But not on the streets.

(Living sector)

You can find a sign like this
On the fast road
Where is the big hole
And it's dangerous to walk straight
Where the district is being built,
School, house or stadium.

You did not wash your hands on the road,
Ate fruits, vegetables,
It's good that the point is nearby

(medical care)

Roman's stomach hurt
Don't get him home.
In a situation like this
Need a sign like this?

(Point of medical assistance)

Hey driver, be careful
It's impossible to go fast
People know everything in the world -
This place goes...


You are painted on it, but this is not a portrait.
He always hangs on a pole and guards us, but this is not a traffic light.
He tells all the adults that we are nearby, but this is not a teacher.
It is triangular and has a red stripe around the edges.

(Beware, kids!)

Everyone knows stripes
Children know, adults know
Leads to the other side - (Pedestrian crossing)

At the transition strip
On the side of the road
Beast three-eyed one-legged
An unknown breed
With multicolored eyes
Talks to us.

(Traffic light)

You can find a sign like this
On the fast road
Where is the big hole
And it's dangerous to walk straight
Where the area is being built
School, house or stadium.

(Road repair)

Here is a fork, here is a spoon,
Refueled a little
We fed the dog...
We say "thank you" sign.

(Point of supply)

If you are tired on the road
If you go far
Get some rest driver
The place is allotted here.


There is a sign on the road
Speaks in a stern tone
Cars can't drive here
It is forbidden to pass!

(Road up)

Leads down from the sidewalk
There is a long entrance under the road.
There is no door or gate

(Underground crossing)

What should I do?
Need to call urgently
Both you and he should know
In this place


If you are with a friend
To the zoo or to the cinema
Make friends with this sign
You'll have to anyway
He will drive you quickly, deftly

(Bus stop)

The house is walking down the street

Everyone is lucky to work.

Not on thin chicken legs,

And rubber boots.


This horse does not eat oats

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Get on top and ride it.

Just better drive!


What a miracle this house

The windows are lit up.

Wears rubber shoes

And it feeds on gasoline.


Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet go down the road

And two wheels are running.

The riddle has an answer.

This is my...


Small houses run along the street.

Boys and girls are taken to houses.


Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz

The beetle runs down the street.

And burn in the eyes of the beetle

Two shiny embers.


Two wheels in a row

They twist their legs

And upside down

The owner himself crocheted.


Early in the morning behind the window

Knock, and ringing, and confusion.

On straight steel tracks

There are red houses.


Runs and shoots

Grumbles quickly.

The tram can't keep up

Behind this chatterbox.


At the transition strip

On the side of the road

Beast three-eyed one-legged

An unknown breed

With multicolored eyes

Talks to us.

(Traffic light)

Zebra ran to the corner

And lay down on the pavement.

And left her stripes

Forever lie at the crossroads.

(Zebra crossing)

He is both polite and strict.

He is known throughout the world.

He is on the wide street

The most important commander.

To help you

The path is dangerous.

Burning day and night

Green, yellow, red.

(Traffic light)

The Story of the Truck…

In one small town lived a variety of cars. And almost all the inhabitants of this town lived together and happily: they were polite and kind, they knew all the rules of the road and respected the road signs and the great teacher of the Traffic Light very much. Why all residents? Yes, because one naughty Truck lived in this fabulous town, who was not friends with anyone, did not listen to anyone and did not want to learn the rules of the road. Many times because of this Truck, there were almost accidents on the roads of the city. But the cars-residents were so kind and polite that they did not punish the Truck for his unbearable behavior.

One day, the inhabitants of the town decided to build a garage for a large fire engine. The excavator dug a huge hole for the construction of a garage. Uncle Svetofor put an attendant near the pit - the sign "Entry is prohibited" so that the cars-residents do not accidentally gape and fall into this huge pit. And everything would be fine, but only our fidget Truck (as we have already said) did not know the rules of the road at all and did not respect road signs. And therefore, one evening, when the Truck was having fun on the street, he drove very close to a dangerous pit, despite all the warnings of the duty sign, and, of course, fell into this pit.

The inhabitants of the town were very frightened and hurried to help our hero - the klutz. Uncle Crane pulled the Truck out of the pit, kind Aunt Ambulance began to heal dents and scratches, and small cars began to treat him with warm engine oil. I saw the Truck how all the inhabitants of the town were taking care of him and he felt so ashamed that he cried and of course all the cars began to calm our hero and forgave him.

And as soon as our Truck recovered, he immediately went to school with Uncle Traffic Light and began to learn the rules of the road and traffic signs. Since then, all the inhabitants of this wonderful town began to live together and happily.

sharp turn

This story happened to a little Fox cub who lived in the forest not far from the road. Very often, the animals ran across this road to the neighboring forest to visit friends, while violating the Rules of the Road, since no one taught them how to cross the road. Once the Hare fell under the wheel of a car and broke his leg, and then the parents of the animals decided to conduct a lesson on the Rules of the Road at the animal school. All the animals listened very carefully, studied the signs. Now they knew that the road can be crossed slowly, at a right angle, making sure of safety, and it is best to reach the pedestrian crossing. Only Little Fox dabbled in the lessons and interfered with others. He said that he was not interested, bored, that he already knew everything, and he didn’t need any signs.

On Fox’s birthday, dad gave a beautiful scooter and said: “You can ride a scooter only in a wide clearing and along forest paths. On the road - not a foot! You are only seven years old. Yes, there is a lot of traffic there. But Little Fox really wanted to rush at high speed along a smooth asphalt road, and he went to her.

The road climbed steeply, and then there was a long winding descent. It was from him that the Little Fox wanted to roll. As he walked, he met three road signs on the way. One sign indicated a steep ascent, the other a descent. And the third sign is that there will be a dangerous turn ahead on the descent and you need to drive very carefully, at low speed. But Little Fox did not know these signs, so he did not understand anything.

The magpie, which flew everywhere, knew everything, strictly followed everything that was happening in the forest. It was she who saw where the Fox Cub was going, wanted to stop him, but it wasn’t there, the Fox Cub didn’t even listen to her. Then Soroka flew to Fox's father and told him everything. Papa Fox was very scared for his son and rushed to the road in order to have time to stop the naughty kid, but he was already rushing down the mountain. Then Fox ran to the turn, hoping that he could help his son.

The fox cub was rushing at such a speed that he himself was frightened, but he could not stop (the scooter has no brakes). Papa Fox spread his paws, caught his son and flew with him into the bushes, but the scooter did not fit into the turn and fell into a deep ravine. “You see what you have done. It’s good that I arrived in time, otherwise you would have fallen into the ravine along with the scooter, ”said Papa Fox. The little fox, scratching his bruised knee, lowered his head low and said: “Forgive me, dad, I will never drive on the road again, and I will definitely learn the signs.” Dad took pity on the baby, stroked his head and said: “Good. I believe you. I'll make you a new scooter, but you'll ride only when you learn the Rules, and only in the clearing. Remember that the road is not a place for games and entertainment!”

Adventures of Baba Yaga

Once Baba Yaga was flying in a mortar over the city. Her stupa broke, and she had to walk home to the forest through the city. Baba Yaga tried to cross the road in the wrong place, but her policeman stopped her: “Aren't you ashamed, grandmother! An accident could happen because of you. Don't you know that you need to cross the road at the intersection, where there is a traffic light, or along the "Zebra"? Baba Yaga did not know anything about the rules of the road, she was frightened: “How is it on a zebra? What is an intersection? The policeman was surprised at such illiteracy and led her to the crossroads.

At this time, a red light came on at the traffic light, and Baba Yaga began to cross the road. There was a squeal of brakes, Baba Yaga was almost hit by a car. Then the policeman decided to fine the grandmother, and Baba Yaga said in a plaintive voice: “Yes, my granddaughters, I don’t know these Rules of the road, I’m illiterate, and this is my first time in your city.” Then the policeman decided to take my grandmother to the kindergarten to the guys, they are smart, they study the rules of behavior on the road.

The children in kindergarten told her about how pedestrians should behave, what a traffic light is and how it works, what the word “zebra” means, why only cross the road along it, and not anywhere.

After such lessons, Baba Yaga began to cross the road correctly, quickly got to her house and told the forest dwellers about the Rules of the Road, just in case they accidentally get into the city.

That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever knows and follows the rules, well done!

K. Malevannaya

Who is more important than everyone on the street

Katya was fast asleep. And she had a dream. As if she was walking down the street, and cars were passing nearby - cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, scooters. Even a bicycle passed by, and all without drivers. Well, just like in a fairy tale! And suddenly Katya heard that the machines were talking to each other. Yes, even in a real human voice.

“Disperse! Skip!" - shouted a car with checkers hurrying somewhere - a taxi.

"Here's another! I don’t have time either,” muttered a truck loaded with bricks.

“Whoever is in a hurry, it’s me,” said the bus that stopped at the bus stop. “I am the most important. I drive people to and from work.

“And I am spreading letters and telegrams,” a passing motorcycle squeaked. "Isn't that important?"

“Important, important, but let me through,” said a motor scooter with a cab on which was written “Sausages”. Me to school. The kids are there waiting for breakfast.”

Everyone is important, everyone is important! Suddenly, a traffic light clicked at the crossroads. “But let’s go in order, according to the rules.”

And he looked at them with an angry red eye.

All the cars at once stopped at the traffic lights and fell silent. And the traffic light blinked a yellow eye, and then said: “Please go!” - and lit a green eye. The cars have gone.

“That's how it is. Everyone is important, but obey the traffic light. It turns out, - thought Katya, - as the traffic light said, the most important thing is order on the street.

What do you guys think?


Traffic light

We stopped and all the other cars stopped and the bus stopped. I asked why?

Mom explained: “There, you see, a red flashlight? It's a traffic light."

I saw a flashlight on a wire above the street. It glowed red.

"And how long will we stand?"

"No. Now they will pass, who needs to move across the street, and we will go.

And everyone looked at the red flashlight.

Suddenly it turned yellow, and then green.

And we went.

Then, once again, a red light was on in the street.

"Uncle, stop! Red fire!"

The driver stopped the car, looked around and said: “And you are a good fellow!”

We stopped again, and there was no light at all. Only I saw a tall policeman in a white cap and white jacket. He raised his hand. When he waved his hand, we drove off. As a policeman raises his hand, everyone will stand up: cars, buses.

E. Zhitkov

TALE "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

(in a new way)

Narrator: There is a house in the meadow. He is not low, not high. And the cat and his friend Cockerel live in that house. Here the cat goes into the forest for firewood. And the Cockerel gives another lesson.

Cat: Yesterday you, Petya, turned ten years old. I gave you a new bike. You are on it, Petya ride around the yard. Practice driving a bike. Outside the gate, not a foot, there is movement by the river! To drive a car, you must know the rules. And if the fox comes, don't open the gate, don't let the fox into the yard.

Cockerel: And if the fox calls for a walk?

Cat: You, Petenka, do not listen to the Fox, you will get into trouble with her again. And I'll be far away and I won't help you!

Narrator: The cat ordered and left.

And the Cockerel says to himself:The cat forbids me to go out the gate and play with Lisonka. Although the fox is cunning, she is a naughty one. And I got into trouble, and I was in a saucepan. I just have fun with her, it's interesting.

Narrator: He only managed to say it, and the Fox was right there. And the Cockerel beckons with him.

A fox: Petya, Petenka, my friend! Red-scarlet scallop! Get out, Petya, on your bike. On the road, but on the tracks we will ride with you.

Cockerel: No, Lisa, I won't go.

A fox: Petenka, come with me, you're bored alone in your big house.

Cockerel: No, Lisa, do not persuade. The cat forbade me to leave the yard. There is traffic by the river on the pavement road.

A fox: How so, Petya. I found a field of peas, not far from the forest here. Are you coming with me?

Cockerel: Maybe we can go on foot?

A fox: What are you, Petya, you and I cannot carry a bag on foot. And peas are sweet, fragrant, large, golden. Narrator: Petya couldn't resist. And he rode a bike. The two of them got on the bike and rode to the road. There are two signs in front of them. Directly sign - "Movement on bicycles is prohibited", on the right - "Bicycle path".

Cockerel: What are the signs? They are similar to each other. Where can we go?

A fox: And why should they know, both are round, both have a bicycle painted on them, so we will go under the sign that we like. Look, this sign has a red border, like your comb. The sign is beautiful, bright, and the road here is wider, paved, we will get there faster.

Narrator: Before they had time to get on the bike, guys in uniform appeared in front of them from the UID detachment.

1st child: What, you don't know the rules?

A fox: You don't know, but we all know.

2nd child: Tell me then, what are these signs called?

A fox: How? Is it just a BIKE?

1st child: There is no such sign!

2nd child: I would put you in a corner for not knowing the rules of the road. Since you have already sat behind the wheel, in such a serious matter you need to know very firmly how to control the movement.

1st child: All sorts of signs are needed, all kinds of signs are important. There are prescriptive and there are prohibitive ones (they show signs and explain their meaning). Only cars drive here. Tires flash threateningly. Do you have a bike? So - stop! There is no road!

Cockerel: It was you, Fox, who lured me, but you don’t know the rules yourself, you break the movement and teach me this. I want to improve, I will memorize these traffic rules.

2nd child: Not only do you not know the signs, but you also break the rules. At what age is it legal to ride a bike on the roads? (Fox and Cockerel lower their heads). Do not know?! And it is allowed to drive a bicycle only from the age of fourteen, and only one driver, passengers cannot be transported.

1st child: See how many violations you have! I'll have to pick up the bike. The perpetrators will be fined.

Narrator: At this time, the cat was returning from the forest. And he sees the Rooster saddened. Ran up to him.

Cat: What's happened? What happened, what happened to you? Lisa again? So trouble again! You look sad, can you tell me where it hurts?

2nd child: You do not scold the Cockerel, he needs to be taught the rules, and the Fox needs to be taught a lesson.

A fox: Forgive me, it's my fault. Teach me these rules of the road. I will be a literate Fox, and treat them with respect!

Cockerel and Fox together:And of course, we will observe them everywhere and everywhere!

Narrator: Since then, the Fox, the Cockerel and the Cat have been living together, chewing gingerbread. Learn the rules and don't break them at all!

Remember that the road is not a place for games and entertainment!

TALE "How Dunno studied the Rules of the Road."

Once, Dunno decided that it was time for him to go to school, like other kids in the Sunny City. And in order to reach the school, it was necessary to cross the road, but Dunno was too lazy to study the Rules of the Road, so he did not know them. But Znayka warned him that every kid needs to learn the rules. He could not admit this Znayka, he was ashamed, and he went to his friend Donut. Donut also went to Dunno, and along the way they met.

Donut, Dunno exclaimed, do you know the Rules of the Road? And then I was going to go to school, but I don’t know how to cross the road.

I know a few rules, - Donut answered. - For example, this sign, - Donut drew it on the sand, - means "Pedestrian path", it is only for us, people, cars and bicycles are not allowed to ride here.

Then Donut drew another sign and said:

And such a sign stands near the school and is called “Children”, it was put up for drivers so that they drive more quietly, otherwise smart people like you may suddenly appear on the road.

So why are you laughing at me? I'm smart, and you're slow, so it's also dangerous for drivers, - Dunno said.

Meanwhile, Donut has already drawn another road sign.

And when you see this sign, you can cross the road, it allows pedestrians to cross the roadway only in that place,” Donut said authoritatively.

So it’s possible for pedestrians, but I ... - Dunno did not have time to finish, Donut laughed again:

You are not quick-witted, Dunno, all the people who walk along the street are called pedestrians, and so are you. And the sign is called "Pedestrian crossing."

It's great to be a pedestrian! There are so many good signs for us! Well, now you can go to school, ”Dunno exclaimed.

Dunno hurried, but Donut stopped him:

Wait, take your time, you can still cross the road at the intersection where there is a traffic light, but only on a green signal and only when all the cars stop, let's go, I'll show you.

They approached the intersection, the traffic light was red, then yellow.

You see, Dunno, - said Donut, - no one goes to red or yellow, everyone is waiting. Suddenly the green light turned on, and Dunno was delighted:

Well, now you can go! Thank you, friend Donut, I remember everything.

Carefully looking around, he confidently walked across the road, and only on the other side did he turn and wave goodbye to Donut. Dunno was not late for school.

TALE "How children taught Baba Yaga the rules of the road."

Once Baba Yaga was flying in a mortar over the city. Her mortar broke, and she had to walk home through the city into the forest. Baba Yaga tried to cross the road in the wrong place, but the policeman stopped her: “Aren't you ashamed, grandmother! An accident could happen because of you. Don't you know that you need to cross the road at an intersection, where there is a traffic light, or along a zebra crossing. Baba Yaga did not know anything about the rules, she was frightened: “How is it for a zebra? What is an intersection? The policeman was surprised at such illiteracy and led her to the crossroads.

At this time, a red light came on at the traffic light, and Baba Yaga began to cross the road. There was a squeal of brakes, Baba Yaga was almost hit by a car. Then the policeman decided to fine the grandmother, and Baba Yaga said in a plaintive voice: “Yes, my granddaughters, I don’t know these traffic rules, I’m illiterate, and this is my first time in your city.” Then the policeman decided to take my grandmother to the kindergarten to the guys, they are smart, they study the rules of behavior on the road.

The children in kindergarten told her about how pedestrians should behave, what a traffic light is and how it works, what the word “zebra” means, why you can only cross the road along it, and not anywhere.

After such lessons, Baba Yaga began to cross the road correctly, quickly reached her house and told the forest dwellers about the rules of the road, just in case they accidentally get into the city.

That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever knows and follows the rules, he WELL DONE!!!


In one beautiful old town, three lights met at the crossroads: red, yellow and green. A dispute ensued between them, which of the lights is the most important?

Boasting red:

  • I am red, the most important is the color of a fire, a fire. When people see me, they know that there is anxiety and danger ahead.

The yellow color is trying to convince him:

  • No, I'm yellow, more important. My color is the color of the sun. And it can be both a friend and an enemy, so I warn you: “Be careful! Attention! Do not rush!"

Green gets in the fight:

  • Light friends, stop arguing, because I am undoubtedly the most important - the color of grass, forest, leaves. It reminds everyone of safety and tranquility.

And so the dispute of cherished lights would have continued at the crossroads of the city, if the lone hero, sadly standing by the side of the road, had not intervened. He had three eyes, but they had no color.

  • Friends, your argument is meaningless, each of you is a very bright color and each has a very important meaning and meaning. Let's be friends and help everyone.

The joy of the cherished lights was indescribable, finally they found a great use for themselves. And since then, at the crossroads of the big old city, the cherished friends of the lights and the other traffic light have been managing motor transport and pedestrians.

The red eye looks at us:

Stop! - says his order.

Yellow looks at us:

Carefully! Stop now!

And green: "Well, go ahead,

Pedestrian, - to the transition!

That carries on his conversation

Silent traffic light.

  • And in our city live local traffic lights with their lights.

Didactic games according to the rules trafficpreschool age

"Basics of safety in the yard and on the street"

Target: without precepts and moralizing to introduce children to the right (safe) and wrong (dangerous) behavior on the street in all seasons of the year. Teach children safe behavior in the elevator, on the playground of the yard and by the road.

Material: 8 large cards with plots of the correct (safe) behavior of the heroes and three empty "windows" for substituting cards with their incorrect (dangerous) behavior. 24 small cards depicting the dangerous behavior of the characters.

Game progress.

Option 1 The facilitator lays out all the large game cards with positive situations face up. Together they consider situations where the characters are safe. An adult comments on the correct behavior of the characters on the top of the cards. Then, the facilitator shows the children one small card each, and the children explain what is happening to the characters in the picture and why their behavior can be life-threatening. The “solved” card closes the corresponding empty window.

Option 2 The game can be played by 2 to 8 players. They are equally dealt large cards. Small cards are placed face down on the table. One of the players begins to “walk”, i.e., draw one small card from the common pile. Having drawn a card, the player puts it face up, and all players look to see who has an empty cell on the card corresponding to the positive situation depicted at the top of his sheet. If the player "learned" the situation, he closes the empty window at the bottom of his game sheet with a small picture. The player must comment on his actions with the words: what the hero in the picture does that is dangerous for his life. The turn then passes to the next player. The winner is the one who first closes all the empty boxes on their game sheets.

"Attention! Road!"

Target: learn, consolidate and teach to recognize the most important road signs for small pedestrians on the street.

Material: 12 small traffic situation cards, 3 oval traffic sign cards, 12 large traffic situation cards, 24 traffic sign cards.

Game progress.

Option 1. Play 2 - 4 children and an adult. There are 12 small cards with traffic situations and 3 oval cards. According to the “lotto” type of game, children pick up 4 small cards with the corresponding traffic situations for each oval card with road signs. If the cards are matched correctly, the images of the signs on them will match. You can ask the children to explain why this particular sign is on this card.

Option 2. Play 2 - 3 people and the leader. Children receive 2-3 cards with situations (large). Road signs - at the leader. The leader shows one road sign. The one whose turn it is to answer calls him. If he called correctly, he puts the sign on his card. If not, the next player answers. The game ends when one of the players has collected 6 symbols on his card. He is a winner.

Complication: the host does not show the signs, but describes them.

“Stop! Go!"

Target: reinforce the rules of the road with children; exercise in their implementation, taking a walk along the drawn street.

Material: playing field, a cube with a number of points from 1 to 3, four chips, questions in pictures, traffic lights - red, yellow, green circles.

Game progress.

Option 1 From 2 to 4 people can participate in the game. Separately, Svetofor Svetoforych is selected - a connoisseur of a road letter. Moves are made in sequence. When throwing a die, each pedestrian moves as many squares as there are points on the top face of the die.

In those places where pedestrians must cross the streets, traffic lights are drawn. You have to stop in front of them, no matter how many points are rolled on the die. Immediately after the pedestrian stops, the cube is thrown by Svetofor Svetoforych. If 1 point falls out, a red circle is set at the traffic light - the command “Stop!”. In this case, the pedestrian skips the next turn. 2 points - yellow circle. The pedestrian remains where he is. 3 points - a green circle corresponding to the command "Go!". The pedestrian can cross the street.

Option 2 At five checkpoints, which are marked on the playing field with traffic police posts, numbered from 1 to 5, Svetofor Svetoforych will offer pedestrians the questions corresponding to these numbers in pictures. The pedestrian must choose one of the three pictures, which shows how to behave on the street. If the answer is correct, the pedestrian has the right to make an additional move by three cells. If the answer is wrong, he remains in place. The pedestrian who first walks all the way through the city wins.

"Road alphabet"

Target: in a situational form, teach children to navigate the streets and squares, on the carriageway, intersections, sidewalks, stops and public transport.

Game progress.

Behind each rule there is a certain situation. The child must delve into this situation in order to understand this or that rule. The cards are distributed equally among the players, and they take turns explaining the rules of the road or the signs behind the situation.

"Dominoes with Road Signs"

Target: learn to distinguish and name road signs, what they mean.

Material: dominoes with the image of road signs.

Game progress: children take turns making a move, while naming the attached road sign. The winner is the one who quickly gets rid of the dominoes.

"Road signs"

Target: to acquaint children with road signs, traffic control devices and identification marks of vehicles.

Material: 20 cards divided into 2 elements using puzzle technology. On one halves of the cards road signs are depicted, on the other - the traffic situations corresponding to them.

Game progress.

Two or more participants play. All halves of the cards with signs are divided equally among the children. Elements with traffic situations are mixed and placed face down in the center of the playing table. The right of the first move is determined by a lot or a counting rhyme. The player who received the move takes one of the puzzles from the table and keeps it if he has a half with the corresponding sign. If there is no suitable half, then the element is again mixed with those remaining on the table, and the next player gets the right to move.

The first person to find matching halves for all their cards wins.

"Traffic light"

Target: Consolidate knowledge of traffic signals, develop attention.

Material: traffic light layout.

Game progress.

When the leader “turns on” the green light, the children must walk in place. When the yellow light is on, clap your hands. With a red light - freeze and be silent.

"Traffic Rules for Little Ones"

Target: teach children how to behave on the road, introduce road signs.

Material: playing field, chips, cube, cards with road signs.

Game progress.

Can be played by 2 to 6 people.

Having received the right to move, the player rolls the die. Then he moves the chip by a number of circles equal to the number of dots on the top side of the die, following the direction of the yellow arrow. When a chip falls on a marked section of the field, the player must find a card suitable for this section, put it on the field and name the traffic signs drawn on it. If a player answers incorrectly, he misses a turn.

When a player enters an area where a card is already located, he must name the sign depicted on this card. If a player answers incorrectly, he misses a turn.

When a player hits a red circle with an arrow, he makes his next move in the direction of the red arrow. If a player hits the "hatch" icon, he misses 2 turns.

The player who comes first to the "end of the road" circle wins.

"Excellent Pedestrian"

Target: reinforce knowledge of the rules of the road.

Material: playing field, 2 chips, a die with numbers from 1 to 6.

Game progress.

Two are playing. The first pedestrian leaves the house number 1, the second - from the house number 2. Players take turns rolling the dice and making moves, but you need to carefully look at the pictures.

If a red light is on in the picture at the traffic light, it means that the pedestrian cannot jump to the circle that is after the traffic light. He must stop at a traffic light and wait for the next move.

Drawn car- You can't cross the road. Wait!

The traffic light is green- boldly move the chip as many circles as the cube shows.

Yellow traffic light– the pedestrian can stop on the picture itself.

Pedestrian crossing, traffic controller, underpass- feel free to step forward!

Sign "Railway crossing with a barrier"- stop, movement is prohibited!

Whoever comes to school first, without violating the rules of the road, wins.

"Journey by car"

Target: help children to better remember road signs and rules of safe behavior on the street.

Material: playing field, chips, cube.

Game progress.

If the chip is on a yellow cell - you have to skip a move, on a red one - you can greatly shorten the route, and blue means going back.

The player who first gets from the city to the forest wins.

"Pedestrians and Vehicles"

Target: practically master the rules of the road.

Game task:pass or pass without violations.

Rules of the game: move and stop on a signal, skillfully regulate traffic.

Material: emblems depicting various types of urban transport, traffic lights, driver coupons, business cards for pedestrians, whistle, road signs.

Game progress.

Children are divided into pedestrians, drivers and passengers. In addition, children are chosen - traffic lights and traffic controllers.

At the signal of the leader (whistle), the movement of vehicles and passengers begins, and the traffic controllers monitor compliance with traffic rules. If a pedestrian or a driver has broken a rule, the traffic controller stops the traffic, makes a puncture in the driver's ticket, and offers the pedestrian to become a passenger, or even just sit on a bench in order to learn the rules of the road from the outside. In addition, the traffic controller makes a mark on the pedestrian's business card. Wins those who have no violations.

In the next round, the children switch roles.

"Traffic light"

Target: consolidate knowledge of traffic signals, develop attention.

Material: traffic light cards with three opening windows.

Game progress.

The teacher reads a poem from O. Bedarev's "ABC of Safety", and the children open a circle of the desired color on their traffic lights, corresponding to the traffic light signal for pedestrians.

There are traffic lights

Obey them without argument.

Seething in motion pavement -

Cars are running, trams are hurrying.

Say the correct answer:

What light is on for pedestrians?

(Children open a red circle on their traffic light cards).


The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerously! The path is closed!

Special Light - Warning!

Wait for the signal to move.

Say the correct answer:

What kind of light is on?

(Children open the yellow circle).

Right! Yellow light - warning!

Wait for the signal to move.

Walk straight! You know the order.

You won't get hurt on the pavement!

Say the correct answer:

What kind of light is on?

(Children show a green circle).


Green light opened the way:

Guys can move.


Target: familiarize yourself with road signs; learn to navigate the path.

Material: 1. Road signs drawn on separate cards.

2. Playing fields, each of which depicts a system of roads with five road signs: two are located at the intersection and indicate the direction of movement, three are signs of points to be visited. You can use one sheet, but with the help of signs to change the "traffic situation".

3. Small toy car.

Game progress.

The teacher first gives explanations: “These are signs for drivers. Some of them show where you can go, where you can not. All drivers are required to follow them. (Clarify that the signs are installed on the right side of the road along which the car is moving). Other signs show the location of a gas station, a car repair shop, a hospital.”

The teacher lays out the first version of the playing field with signs in front of the children, gives one of the children a car and explains the rules of the game: “You are the driver. You need to visit three points: a gas station, a car repair station and a hospital, and then return to the garage. You choose the order in which you visit the points. At the same time, be sure to look at the road signs and “obey them”.

The child rolls the car along the paths of the playing field, and the other children watch his actions. If he violates the instructions of the sign or, having not visited all the destinations, returns to the garage, an adult explains to him the mistakes made, and the move is transferred to another child. When winning, the child is offered the next playing field.

"Each sign in its place"


Material: road signs according to the number of children and pictures with images of the places where they are installed.

Game progress.

Children are given road signs. Pictures with images of a school, a hospital, a pedestrian crossing, etc. are laid out on the tables.

Children with signs move around the group. At the signal: “Sign! Find your place! ”, The children should stand near the picture where their road sign should be.

"Find the right answer"

Target: learn to choose the correct answer from several options; develop intelligence, attention, memory, logical thinking.

Game progress.

The facilitator asks a question and gives 3-4 answers to it. Children choose the right one.

For example: - What should every driver have in a car? (hospital, first aid kit, clinic).

What is installed at railroad crossings? (fence, barrier, bridge).

"Traffic light"

Traffic rules for little pedestrians and future drivers

Target: teach children where and how to cross the road; introduce the main, most common road signs; learn to always follow the rules of the road.

Option 1: lotto "Road signs"

Material: cards with poems about road signs and cards of the signs themselves.

Game progress.

The facilitator distributes small sign cards equally to all players. Then he opens the top card from his pile, but does not show it to the players, but reads the name of the sign and the verse about it. After that, each of the players should carefully look at their cards, and those who have the desired sign or signs give them to the leader. If the player gives the host the wrong sign, then the adult must explain to the player his mistake.

The first player to give their cards to the leader wins.

Option 2: Domino "Road"

Material: cards with the image of sections of the road - 36 pieces.

Game progress.

Shuffle the cards, distribute 6 to each player. Place the rest of the cards face down in a pile. The player who has a crossroad among the cards starts walking first.

The player to whom the move has passed must find among his cards a suitable road to continue in any of the possible directions. At the same time, the laid out card should not be superimposed on the already laid out cards or adjoin them, violating the rules of docking. If the player does not have a suitable card, then he takes one card from the pile on the same turn. If it does not fit, then the turn passes to the next player. If the cards in the stack are over, then the player skips a turn.

The first player to put all their cards on the field wins.

"Find the right sign"

Target: to teach children to distinguish and understand what some road signs mean, in what places they are installed.

Material: pictures depicting a school, a pedestrian crossing, a railway crossing, etc., road signs.

Game progress.

To match each picture depicting a traffic situation with the necessary road sign installed in a given place.

Lotto "Transport"

Target: to exercise children in distinguishing between different types of transport, its purpose.

Material: 6 large cards and 48 small pictures (chips) depicting different types of transport.

Game progress.

The game can be played by 2 to 6 people. Players are equally dealt large cards. The host takes the chips out of the bag one at a time, and the players cover the matching pictures on their cards with them.

The first person to cover all their cards with chips wins.

"Find Your Stop"

Target: to acquaint children with road signs: “Bus and (or) trolley bus stop”, “Tram stop”, exercise in distinguishing them.

Material: pictures depicting buses, trolleybuses, trams, passenger taxis; road signs: "Tram stop place", "Trolleybus stop place", "Bus stop place", "Passenger taxi parking place".

Game progress.

Children are given pictures of buses, trolleybuses, trams, taxis. Children move freely in the group. On a signal: “Find your stop!”, they must “drive up” each to their stop, indicated by road signs.

"Traffic Laws"

Target: to consolidate the rules of behavior on the road, to teach children to determine the correct and incorrect behavior in a traffic situation. Develop logical thinking, attention, memory.

Material: big curly cards - 5 pieces, small curly cards - 10 pieces.

Game progress.

To a large card with a plot, you need to pick up two small ones, one of which depicts the correct behavior in this situation, the second - the wrong one.

If the cards are chosen correctly, then when added, one of the five figures should be obtained.

"Collect a car"

Target: develop attention, logical thinking.

Material: pictures with the image of cars, cut like "puzzle".

Game progress.

Children, at the command of the teacher, begin to collect each of their own picture. The first child to complete their task wins.

Mysterious lotto "On the road"

Target: to consolidate children's ideas about types of urban transport, streets and roads, road signs, etc. Exercise in guessing riddles.

Material: 24 small cards with riddles and 4 large cards with clues (each with 6 clues). The serial number on the card with the riddle matches the number of the riddle.

Game progress.

Before the start of the game, cards with guessing pictures are shuffled and distributed to the players depending on the number of players. 2, 3, 4 people can play.

The facilitator shuffles the cards with riddles and puts them face down. Then he takes a card of his choice and reads the riddle. If the riddle is guessed correctly, its number must match the number of the riddle.

The winner is the player who first fills out his card with guessing drawings.

"Answer the traffic light"

Target: to fix with children the rules of behavior on the street and in transport.

Game progress.

All questions can only be answered with “yes” or “no”.

Fast in the city is a very ride. Do you know the rules of the movement? ...

There is a red light at the traffic light. Can you walk across the street? …

Well, the green light is on. So then you can go across the street? …

I got on the tram, but did not take a ticket. Is that how it's supposed to be done? …

Will you give up your seat on the tram to an old woman at a very advanced age? …

"Come to Kindergarten"

Target: teach children to find a safe way to school, using traffic lights and without breaking the rule: you can only go on a green light.

Material: a labyrinth drawn on a sheet of streets on which traffic lights are located.

Game progress.

The child chooses a safe route to school by following the traffic lights.

"Cross the Street"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge of traffic signals, develop attention, competitive spirit.

Material: traffic light layout.

Game progress.

Two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 7-10 steps. This is the street. Children stand behind the line in a row.

The host opens the greentraffic light signalThe children take one step forward. Red - one step back. Yellow -remain in place. If the facilitator opens the signal more than once, this means that so many steps must be taken by the players. Anyone who makes a mistake is immediately out of the game.

The winner is the one who first crosses the street without violating traffic rules.

"It's me, it's me..."

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road, to develop attention.

Game progress.

The teacher asks questions, and the children, if they agree with him, say: “It's me! It's me! These are all my friends!" Well, if you don't agree, just keep silent.

Which one of you is moving forward?

Where is the transition?

- Who runs forward so soon,

What does not see a traffic light?

- Who knows what the red light is

Does that mean there is no move?

- Which of you is in a close tram

Did you give up your seat to the old lady?

- Which of you, going home,

Keeps the path on the pavement?

- Who is near the roadway

Having fun chasing a ball?

- Who will answer without delay,

That yellow light is a warning?

- Who bothers the driver with questions,

Does it distract from the road?

- Who knows that the green light means:

On the road, let everyone boldly walk?

"Do you know the road signs?"

Target:to repeat the studied road signs, to consolidate the ability to navigate in a traffic situation according to road signs.

Game progress.

Children are invited to find out which traffic sign is referred to in the poem.

1. Borya is grief and does not dream:

He rushes along the slippery leaves ...

The sign was not hung in vain:

"Carefully! It's dangerous here!"

2. This sign is of this kind:

He is guarding the pedestrian.

Let's go with the doll together

We are the road to this place!

3. Don't make noise, musicians,

Even if you are talented:

Signaling is not good here -

Near school and hospital.

4. That's the sign!

I don't believe my eyes.

What is the battery for?

Does it help the movement

Steam heating?

5. Rushing in a circle, I and Squirrel,

As the arrow shows.

Waving us a flag Gvozdika:

"Come on, Squirrel, catch up!"

6. I want to ask about the sign,

It's drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running with all their might.

7. We went home from school,

We see - a sign over the pavement:

Circle, inside the bike,

There is nothing else.

Card file of didactic games according to traffic rules

"Guess what sign?"

Goals:To teach children to distinguish road signs, to consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road; develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Material:Cubes with traffic signs pasted on them: warning, prohibition, index and service signs.
Game progress:
1st option.The host invites in turn to the table where the cubes lie. The child takes the cube, calls the sign and approaches the children who already have the signs of this group.

2nd option.The leader shows a sign. Children find this sign on their cubes, show it and tell what it means.

3rd option.The players are given dice. Children carefully study them. Then each child talks about his sign, without naming it, and the rest guess this sign from the description.

"Traffic light"

Target:Familiarize children with the rules for crossing (moving) an intersection regulated by a traffic light.

Material:Red, yellow, and green circles, cars, children's figures.

Game progress:

One of the players sets certain colors of the traffic light (by overlaying red, yellow or green circles), cars and figures of children walking in different directions. The second leads cars through the intersection (along the roadway) or figures of children (along footpaths) in accordance with the rules of the road. Then the players switch roles. Various situations are considered, determined by the colors of the traffic light and the position of cars and pedestrians. The player who accurately solves all the problems that have arisen during the game or makes fewer mistakes (gaining fewer penalty points) is considered the winner.


Goals:Teach children the rules of the road; develop thinking and spatial orientation.

Material:Several playing fields, car, toys.

Game progress:

Several options for simple playing fields are being prepared in advance. Each field is a drawing of an extensive system of roads with road signs. This will make it possible to change the traffic situation. For example: “You are a car driver, you need to take the bunny to the hospital, collect gasoline and fix the car. The drawing of the car indicates the garage where you left and where you must return. Think and say in what order you need to visit all these points so as not to violate the rules of the road. And then the two of us will see if you have chosen the right path.

"Who is an excellent pedestrian?"

Goals:To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road (traffic signals, pedestrian crossing); cultivate perseverance, attention.

Materials:2 chips and a die with numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6. Playing field.

Game progress:

The first pedestrian leaves the house number 1, the second - from the house number 2. They roll the dice in turn until the first dice shows the number 1, the second - the number 2. And the dice are thrown again. In this case, you need to carefully look at the multi-colored pictures. In the first picture, the traffic light is red. This means that a pedestrian cannot jump to the circle that stands after the traffic light. He patiently stands still. The second picture is a car. You can't cross the road, you have to wait. On the third - a green signal at the traffic light. You can move the chip as many circles as the cube shows. In the fourth picture - a motorcyclist. You have to skip it, stop. In the sixth picture, a yellow light is on at the traffic light. And the pedestrian can stop right on the picture itself. In the seventh picture - the traffic controller. It's safe with him, you can go straight to grandma's house. Whoever first, without violating the rules of the road, will come to his grandmother, he won.

"Journey by car"

Target:To consolidate with children knowledge of road signs and rules of behavior on the streets.

Material:Playing field, chips.

Game progress:

On the playing field, children begin to play. Passing by road signs, stop, talking about each of them. The one who reaches the sea first wins.

"On the way to"

Goals:To consolidate knowledge about various modes of transport; train attention, memory.

Material:Pictures of trucks, cars, chips.

Game progress:

Before the trip, agree with the children who will collect what type of transport (for clarity, you can distribute pictures of trucks and cars, you can also take specialized vehicles: police, firefighters, ambulance, etc.). On the way, children pay attention to the cars, naming them and getting chips for it. Whoever collects the most wins.

"Find the right sign"

Target:Continue to consolidate knowledge of road signs, means of traffic control.

Material:20 cardboard cards (puzzles). On one halves of the cards road signs are depicted, on the other - the traffic situations corresponding to them.

Game progress:

1st option.The host selects cards with signs of one type (or several types, if they are few in number). The leader distributes the halves of the cards with the image of the traffic situation to the children, and lays out the elements with signs on the table face up. Then he names the type of road signs and talks about their general meaning. After that, the facilitator invites the children to find common external features of this type of signs (color, shape, etc.). Children must find among the elements they have a suitable half of the card.

2nd option.Children share all halves of cards with signs equally. Elements with travel situations are mixed and placed face down in the center of the table. Children take turns picking cards and matching them to their own. The first person to find matching halves for all their cards wins.

"Learning road signs"

Target:Continue to consolidate children's knowledge of road signs, traffic lights.

Material:Cards large and small with signs.

Game progress:The big cards are divided equally among the players. The host takes turns showing cards with road signs, the one to whom it suits, takes the sign, puts it in the upper right corner and tells what this sign is called, in what situations it is used. The winner is the one who correctly selects the signs for the situations and can explain it.

"Traffic Laws"

Goals:To consolidate the basics of a road letter; introduce the main road signs, their classification, purpose; promote the development of attention, memory, thinking.

Game progress:The teacher takes on the role of a traffic police inspector. Participants move around the playing field with the help of a cube. Green color fell out - movement is allowed, yellow - attention, red - stop - the player skips the move. If the chip stops on the field with the image of a road sign, the participant needs to find a sign from this group in the “common bank”. The one who scores the most points wins. 1 card - one point.

"Laws of streets and roads"

Target:Instill rules of conduct on the roads. Ability to navigate in space.

Material:The playing field, large cards - 8 pieces, figures of people and signs.

Game progress:The game is divided into several options: “Hello, city!”, “How to get there, how to get through?”, “What kind of sign?”, “You go quieter - you will continue.”

"Talking Signs"

Target:To consolidate knowledge of road signs, their classification.

Material:73 cards depicting road signs, 73 cards describing the meaning of each sign and the positions of the traffic controller.

Game progress:

The facilitator shuffles the cards with drawings and distributes them to the players. Keeps the cards with the text. Then the facilitator takes one card and reads the text. The player who has a card with a road sign corresponding to the read text puts it in the middle of the table. If the numbers match, the player takes the cards. The winner receives a card with a driver's license.

"Driving School No. 1"

Target:To consolidate in children the knowledge of the rules for crossing streets, the importance of road signs.

Material:Playing field, chips, cards with signs.

Game progress:Players take turns throwing a die and moving around the playing field, on the yellow circle in front of the pedestrian crossing, you must stop and pass the move to another participant in the route. The stop is needed so that the pedestrian can first look, to the left, and then to the right - whether the transport interferes with crossing the street. The one who did not stop at the yellow circle and took a few steps forward must return to the place where he started the last move.

"True False"

Target:To fix with children the rules of safe behavior on the streets and traffic signs.

Material:Playing field, traffic signs.

Game progress:Children distribute the characters in the picture, and each tells about who is doing what - right or wrong. The winner is the one who more fully and correctly describes the behavior of the selected character.

"We are passengers"

Goals:Clarify children's knowledge that we are all passengers; fix the rules for boarding and disembarking transport.

Material:Pictures with road situations.

Game progress:Children take one picture at a time and tell what is drawn on them, explaining how to act in a given situation.

"Road alphabet"

Target:To consolidate knowledge of road signs, the ability to correctly navigate them, classify by type: prohibitive, prescriptive, warning, informational and indicative.

Material:Cards with road situations, road signs.

Game progress:

Children choose cards for themselves, the leader has road signs, he shows the signs in turn, the one who has the right card takes the sign and justifies his choice.

"Traffic Light and Traffic Controller"

Goals:Clarify children's knowledge about the work of traffic police officers (regulator); explain the meaning of his gestures; to teach children to correlate the gestures of the traffic controller with the color of the traffic light.

Material:Traffic controller, traffic controller stick, traffic light signs.

Game progress:After the teacher's explanation, the children take turns acting as the traffic controller, showing his gestures, the rest, depending on the position of the "regulator", show the desired traffic signal.

"Road signs"

Goals:To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of behavior on the street; recall famous road signs; introduce new concepts: "railway train without a barrier", "safety island".

Material:Road signs

Game progress:

"Know and follow the rules of the road"

Target:To fix the rules of the street with children; repeat the traffic lights.

Material:City street illustrations.

Game progress:Children are asked a riddle about a traffic light, a discussion is held about the meaning of the colors of a traffic light, an analysis of situations on the road and the correct behavior of the characters.

"Rules of behavior"

Goals:To fix the rules of behavior with children; discuss various dangerous situations that may arise when playing in the courtyard of the house, on the street; teach the necessary precautions.

Material:Cut pictures.

Game progress:

On the board are pictures of people in different situations. The teacher invites the children to consider them. Children look at these pictures, choose any and tell, remembering the rules of the road, what cannot be done and what should be done.

"Pedestrians and Vehicles"

Target:To consolidate with children the rules of the road, the rules of safe behavior on the streets.

Material:Cube, playing field, chips.

Game progress:The playing field shows a road along which players move with the help of chips, they have obstacles in the form of signs in their way.

Getting on these obstacles, the player comes back. Once on the "pedestrian crossing", the player moves forward along the red arrow. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

"Big Walk"

Target:To acquaint children with road signs necessary for a motorist.

Material:Playing field, chips, road signs.

Game progress:Children on token cars drive through the streets of the city, observing the rules of the road, collecting photos of friends and returning to their homes. Whoever comes back first, breaking the fewest rules, wins.

"Observe the rules of the road"

Goals:To teach children to navigate by road signs, to follow the rules of the road, to cultivate the ability to be polite, attentive to each other.

Material:Game canvas, road signs, cars, figures of people.

Game progress:Children choose cars and figures of people for themselves, guided by the situation drawn, guide their characters across the playing field

"Talking Road Signs"

Target:Teach children to navigate by road signs, follow the rules of the road, be attentive to each other.

Material:Each playing field is a drawing of an extensive system of roads with road signs. Cars, game characters.

Game progress:

Each child has a field in front of them, each task: after driving across the field, following all the rules, without missing a single sign, drive to the named point.

"Cut Signs"

Goals:Develop the ability to distinguish road signs; fix the name of road signs; develop logical thinking in children, an eye.

Material:cut marks; sign samples.

Game progress:The child is first offered to remember what traffic signs he knows, and then, according to the model, they are asked to collect cut signs. If the child can easily cope, then he is offered to collect signs from memory.

"Pick up a sign"

Goals:Teach children to compare road signs by value; develop observation skills in children.

Material:Cards showing samples of signs that differ in shape, color; road signs of various meanings and types.

Game progress:Before each child there is a card on which a sample of the sign is depicted, the child needs to select other signs corresponding in shape and color to the sample, then it is necessary to explain the meaning of the signs on the card.

"I'm a smart walker"

Goals:Teach children to analyze situations on the road; to consolidate children's skills of safe behavior on the streets of the city; develop thinking, attention, observation.

Material:Two sets of cards with situations, road signs.

Game progress:The child is invited to first consider the dangerous situations that can happen on the road; if the child answers correctly, then he is invited to independently find the desired sign in accordance with the situation on the card.

"Road Lotto"

Target:To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road; learn to find the right road signs depending on the situation on the road; develop logical thinking, memory, attention, observation.

Material:Cards with situations on the road, road signs.

Game progress:

Each child is given a card that depicts the traffic situation, the children are asked to find the right sign that matches the situation on the road.

"Find the right sign"

Goals:To consolidate the knowledge of the road alphabet in children; learn to recognize traffic signs necessary for pedestrian safety on the road.

Material:A cardboard sheet, on which a car is depicted in the corner, and a person in another; Velcro road signs.

Game progress:

The child is offered a field on which, in the corners, cars are depicted, and another person; the child needs to choose from the proposed signs the ones necessary for the driver and for the person.

Board game "Road to Grandma"

Goals:To develop attention, memory, observation in preschool children; promote road literacy.

Material:A field depicting the path to Grandma with various road signs; chips; cube.

Game progress:Two or three children are offered to race to get to their grandmother's house, while observing the rules of the road.

"What the traffic controller is signaling about"

Goals:To develop observation in children (on the example of observing the work of a traffic controller); learn to find the right traffic signal depending on the position of the traffic controller; develop children's memory, attention.

Material:Three cards with different images of the traffic controller, which correspond to traffic signals, on the back of each traffic light card without signals.

Game progress:

The child needs to pick up a traffic light signal from memory for each card with the position of the traffic controller.

Ekaterina Kholodenina

With the development of technology in our country, as well as throughout the world, the number of traffic accidents is increasing: according to statistics, every tenth victim in them is a child. More often it associated with non-compliance with the rules of the road: after all, it is difficult for a child to understand what a stopping distance, driver reaction time or traffic flow is. Children often suffer from a lack of understanding of the danger posed by a car.

It is known that habits fixed in childhood remain for life, so one of the important problems in ensuring road safety is the prevention of child road injuries in preschool institutions. The study of the Rules of the road is one of the main tasks today, because it is at preschool age that the foundation of life orientations in the environment is laid, and everything that a child learns in kindergarten will remain with him forever.

Given the special significance of work in this direction, and the fact that kindergarten is the very first step in the system of continuous education, our kindergarten and group are constantly working on the topic: "Safety of children through familiarization with the rules of the road."

We try to teach children the rules of safe behavior on the roads through didactic games and exercises, outdoor games, role-playing games according to traffic rules, entertainment, excursions, creativity.

I express my deep gratitude to the creators of the MAAM portal for the opportunity to share their ideas and developments. Also to talented colleagues for their imagination and creativity. All of these are of great help.

I would like to bring to your attention some moments of work on this topic, and first of all, to bring to your attention the game "Collect a traffic light", which appeared thanks to the MAAM portal.

The guys have circles on the tables: red, yellow and green - they are made from old plastic napkins and pasted over with a self-adhesive film, which makes them flexible and easy to process. With their help, you can solve didactic problems and organize an outdoor game.

Mobile game "Collect a traffic light" - educates children's attention, concentration, observation, forms orientation in space, teaches them to act on a signal, develops dexterity.

Game progress: The circles are laid out on a table (mat, the children move freely throughout the site, depicting transport, at the "TRAFFIC LIGHT" signal, quickly take the circles and make up a traffic light. Children can be given an installation for whom the red circle stops by lifting the circle up, the rest complete the traffic light. (Variants of the game can be varied)

Learning road signs with a didactic game

A model of the city on the veranda that helps children through game to learn the rules of the road

This wonderful traffic police inspector came to our kindergarten for sports entertainment, which was organized by our wonderful colleagues - physical. head Lukyanenko Elena Ivanovna; music directors Oleinik Tatyana Alexandrovna and Zaliskaya Victoria Viktorovna

The group also created a layout of the city, it is easily transformed and not only boys, but also girls play there with pleasure

City tours are a great way to explore this topic.

We consolidate the acquired knowledge through creativity

Actors of the theater "Smile", who were invited by the administration of our garden, showed the guys a wonderful performance: "Well, wait a traffic light!"

The wolf showed in practice what a stopping distance is!

And what happens to those who do not follow the traffic

Related publications:

"Leisure activities as a means of effective assistance in learning the rules of the road" Roads, transport - the realities of today's life.

Tournament of connoisseurs of the rules of the road state budgetary educational institution of the Samara region, secondary school No. 14 named after the full cavalier.

Leisure "Connoisseurs of the rules of the road" Leisure according to traffic rules in the compensatory group: "Experts on the rules of the road" Purpose: to form the basics of safety in children.

Purpose: - to consolidate the knowledge and ideas of children about road safety; - continue to acquaint children with the rules of the road;

There are so many of our movements on the streets, There are so many all kinds of cars everywhere, But don't get lost, don't be afraid of the road, And hurry to learn these rules.

The manual is made with your own hands from an old table and a wooden town constructor. We use it in the classroom, in group work, in independent.

Road safety.

When crossing the street, you should always look first to the left, and when you reach the middle of the road - to the right.
- You can only cross the street at pedestrian crossings. They are marked with a special sign "Pedestrian crossing"
- If there is no underpass, you must use the underpass with traffic lights.
- Outside built-up areas, children are allowed to walk only with adults along the edge towards cars.
- If your parents have forgotten which side to bypass the bus, tram, you can remind them that it is dangerous to bypass these vehicles both in front and behind. You need to walk to the nearest pedestrian crossing and cross the street along it.
- Under no circumstances should you run out onto the road. You have to stop before the road.
- You can not play on the carriageway and on the sidewalk.
- It is safest to cross the street with a group of pedestrians.

When driving on the sidewalk:

Keep to the right side of the sidewalk
- do not lead the child along the edge of the sidewalk: an adult should be on the side of the roadway.

Getting ready to cross the road:

Stop or slow down, inspect the roadway;
- involve the child in observing the situation on the road;
- Emphasize your movements: turn your head to look at the street, stop to look at the road, stop to let cars pass;
- teach your child to distinguish between approaching vehicles;
- do not stand with the child on the edge of the sidewalk, as when driving the vehicle can hook, knock down, run over by the rear wheels;
- repeatedly show the child how the vehicle stops at the crossing, how it moves by inertia.

When leaving home:

Immediately draw the attention of the child to the movement of vehicles at the entrance and together see if a car, motorcycle, moped, bicycle is approaching you;
- if there are vehicles at the entrance or trees grow that block the view, stop your movement and look around for danger behind the obstacle.

While waiting for public transport:

Stay with your children only on the landing areas, and if there are none, on the sidewalk or shoulder.

When crossing the road:

Cross the road only at pedestrian crossings or at intersections along the marked zebra line, otherwise the child will get used to crossing where necessary;
- do not rush and do not run; always cross the road with a measured step;
do not cross the road obliquely; emphasize, show and tell the child every time that you are going strictly across the street, that this is done for better observation of auto and motor vehicles;
- do not rush to cross the road, if you see friends, relatives, acquaintances on the other side, do not rush and do not run to them, inspire the child that it is dangerous;
- do not start to cross the street, which rarely passes traffic without looking around;
- explain to the child that cars can suddenly leave the alley, from the courtyard of the house.

When boarding and disembarking from public transport:

Get out in front of the child, as the baby may fall, and an older child may run out of the standing transport onto the roadway;
- come to the door of the vehicle only after a complete stop: a child, like an adult, can stumble and get under the wheels;
- do not get into public transport at the last moment when it departs; the front door is especially dangerous, as you can get under the wheels of the vehicle;
- teach your child to be careful in the stop zone, a particularly dangerous place for him: a standing bus reduces the view of the road in this zone.

When driving a car:

Teach children to sit in the car only in the back seat; do not allow to sit next to the driver if the front seat is not equipped with a child seat;
- do not allow a young child to stand in the back seat while driving: in a collision or sudden stop, he may fly over the back of the seat and hit the front glass;
- do not allow children to be in the car without supervision.

How to teach children the rules of behavior on the road.

Systematic personal example.

You need to start teaching your child first of all with yourself. Your personal example will definitely be deposited in the children's head. Every time you walk with your child, go to the clinic or visit, and approach the pedestrian crossing, do not forget that your behavior is an example for your baby. Speak out each of your actions, concentrating on it: “Let's turn our heads to the left - a car is coming, so you need to stop and skip it « or “Here is a traffic light, now the green light is on, so you can cross the road” and so on.

Fairy tale, poetry.

Tell your child a personalized story about a traffic light, poems about the rules of the road. The educational impact of such fairy tales and poems is quite large.


Have regular conversations with your child about the rules of the road. The main thing here is not a moralizing, but a trusting tone. Tell your child how scared you were recently when a car sped past you at high speed. Or some other case. It all depends on the age of your baby. The main thing is not to intimidate him.

Make a craft, a road layout from plasticine, from various improvised materials: paper, fabric, all kinds of boxes, colored tape, etc. Draw a traffic light, houses, a zebra and little men, etc. Along the way, repeat what they are for, remember the above rules or tell a fairy tale. Alternatively, write a story with your child.

Pick up a special educational cartoon on the topic of traffic rules (fortunately - there are quite a lot of them now). Watch the cartoon with your child, comment on it, talk, find out how the child would act in the place of the cartoon character.

The game.

Play different traffic situations with your child. For example, with the help of cars and dolls. Let's say dolls Masha and Petya are returning home from school. Lay out a “road” on the floor, identify a “zebra” - a pedestrian crossing, conditionally designate it or draw it on paper and lay out the drawing on the floor. To designate a traffic light, you can cut out red, yellow and green circles from colored paper, with their help change the “traffic situation”. Toy cars, I think, there are also girls.

"Play and dare!"

Tasks: develop mental abilities and visual perception; to learn to correlate the speech form of the description of road signs with their graphic representation; to cultivate independence, speed of reaction, ingenuity.

Rules: the image of the road sign is closed only after listening to information about it. The winner is the one who first correctly closes all the images that sounded in riddles or verses.

4-6 children participate in the game, in front of which there are tables with road signs and empty cards.

The principle of the game is loto. The teacher reads riddles (poems) about road signs, the children cover their images on the table with cards.

Hey driver, be careful!
It's impossible to go fast.
People know everything in the world -
Children go to this place.

(Sign "Children".)

Here is the road work
No drive, no pass.
This place is for pedestrians.
It's better to just bypass.

(Sign "Roadworks".)

Will never let you down
Us underground passage:
Pedestrian road
It is always free.

(Sign "Underpass".)

This zebra on the road
I'm not at all afraid.
If everything is all right,
I'll go on the road along the stripes.

(Pedestrian crossing sign.)

I didn't wash my hands on the road
I ate fruits and vegetables.
Got sick and see the item
medical assistance.

(Sign "Point of First Aid".)

He stands in the red circle
He talks about the ban.

It has two wheels and a saddle on the frame
There are two pedals at the bottom, twist them with your feet.
He stands in the red circle
He talks about the ban.

(No cycling sign.)

This sign at the crossing -
In a difficult place, mind you.
There is no barrier here
The steam locomotive smokes with might and main.
He's already picked up speed.
So beware.

(Sign "Railway crossingwithout barrier.)

"Think - Guess"

Tasks: activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; clarify the idea of ​​​​transport and traffic rules; cultivate ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Rules: it is necessary to give the correct individual answer, and not shout it out in unison. The one with the most points for correct answers wins.

The players sit in a semicircle.

Adult: I will ask you questions, whoever knows the correct answer must answer. Whoever answers correctly first gets a token. At the end of the game, we will count the chips and find out the winner. Whoever has the most chips wins.

How many wheels does a car have?(Four.)
How many people can ride on one bike?(One.)
- Who walks on the sidewalk?(A pedestrian.)
- Who drives the car?(Driver.)
What is the name of the intersection of two roads?(Crossroad.)
What is the roadway for?(For traffic.)
On which side of the road is the vehicle moving?(On the right.)
- What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates traffic rules?(Accident or traffic accident.)
- What is the upper light on the traffic light?(Red.)
- How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have?(Two.)
- How many signals does a traffic light have?(Three.)
What animal does the crosswalk look like?(On the zebra.)
- How can a pedestrian get into the underpass?(Down the stairs.)
- If there is no sidewalk, where can pedestrians move?(On the side of the road on the left, towards the traffic.)
- Which machines are equipped with special sound and light signals?("Ambulance", fire and police cars.)
What signal does the car give when turning right?(Blinks the right small light.)
- Where should you play so as not to be in danger?(In the yard, on the playground.)

And many other questions you can think of for the game yourself.

"What happens if…"

Tasks: find out why traffic rules are needed, why it is important for both drivers and pedestrians to follow them; to teach to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships and relationships; develop logical thinking.

Rules: listen carefully and respond. Supplement answers as necessary.

An adult reads a poem to children O. Bedareva "If ..."

Walking down the street alone
Quite a strange citizen.
He is given good advice:
“The traffic light is red.
There is no way for a pedestrian.
You can't go now!"
"I don't care about red lights!" —
Said a citizen in response.
He walks across the street
Not where the inscription "Transition",
Throwing rough on the go:
“Wherever I want, I will go there!”
The driver looks into his eyes:
Razin ahead!
Hit the brakes quick
Have mercy on me!..
And suddenly the driver would say:
"I don't care about traffic lights!"
And just like that, I started driving.
The guard would have left his post.
The tram would run as it wanted.
Everyone would go as best they could.
Yes ... where the street was,
Where are you used to walking?
Incredible deeds
It would happen instantly!
Signals, shouts then know:
Car straight to the tram
The tram hit the car
The car crashed into a window...
But no: standing on the pavement
Hanging three-eyed traffic light.
And the driver knows the rules.

An adult offers to think and answer, why do we need traffic rules, why is it important for all private road users to follow them?

Now let's play a game "What happens if…" . I will give you questions and you will answer them.

What happens if pedestrians start crossing the street wherever they please?
Children.The driver will not have time to slow down, and the pedestrian can get under the wheels.
What will happen if all road signs are removed from the road?
Children.The driver will not know what awaits him ahead, and may lose control.
- What happens if the driver does not know the traffic lights?
Children.The driver will run a red light and hit a pedestrian.
- What happens if the driver drives on the left side of the roadway?
Children.His car will collide with another car that is moving correctly - on the right side.
Now think up the situations “What will happen if…” and give the answer yourself.

You can ask different questions, the main thing is that the child learns the most important rules for himself. For example,

Where should pedestrians walk?
- Where should cars drive?
- What is an intersection? Where and how to cross the street?
How is a pedestrian crossing marked?
How is traffic on the street regulated?
What traffic lights do you know?
- What road signs are there on our street? What are they for?
- Why do we need passenger transport? Where are people waiting for it?
How should you behave on the bus?
- Can I play outside?