Hanging paper crafts for the new year. Paper crafts for the new year. Bump after bump

If spending on New Year's paraphernalia is not included in your plans, then do-it-yourself New Year's paper toys will be your way out. In addition, such an original gift for the Christmas tree will be remembered for a long time.

The sacramental meaning of the New Year and Christmas is in the rapprochement of family members. And what brings people together better than joint creative work?! Making New Year's toys with your own hands in the company of household members is an exciting activity in itself, not to mention its results - original New Year's decorations that can be hung on Christmas tree.

If you make toys with your own hands from glass, porcelain, beads, then it will take a lot of time and require certain skills. Against this background, paper toys are a simple option that you can make with your child and put on the Christmas tree. Here are step-by-step diagrams and videos of master classes - 2017 making such crafts with your own hands.

Christmas paper balls 2016

To make this Christmas tree decoration with your own hands, you will need a minimum of materials. The main thing here is patience and sleight of hand. Do not be discouraged if you do not immediately get a toy, as in the photo - such decorations require some skill, which will come with time. Therefore, immediately tune in that the first toys will not turn out to be the most accurate. But the result will exceed all expectations and justify your efforts!

Christmas paper balls 2016: making stencils

So, in order to make this christmas ball on the Christmas tree, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • Print the stencil on the printer. We suggest using the following drawings:
  • Then take thick sheets of colored paper and circle the stencil with a pencil.

Advice! If the printer allows, stencils can be printed immediately on colored paper. This will save time and effort.

  • Carefully cut out the details of the future toy.
  • Arrange the resulting blanks in the shape of a flower. Fasten the center with a circle cut out of colored paper, firmly gluing it, as shown in the photo.

New Year paper balls-2016: main work

To carry out further work will require sleight of hand.

  • The most responsible and interesting step is weaving. To do this, successively weave one strip into another, as shown in the photo.

Advice! Use paper of different colors to make the toy more interesting and colorful. And so that the toy does not fall apart when weaving, use clothespins.

  • When you are almost done weaving, then glue the ends of the paper ribbons.
  • In the part of the ball where you glued the circle (see step one), make a small cut in the form of a line. Insert a beautiful ribbon into it and stick it with glue. P It is better to singe it beforehand so that it retains its original appearance.

The original New Year paper toys of the new 2017 are ready! Using different stencils and colors, you can create a variety of balls. Another interesting version of the 2017 ball with your own hands can be seen in the video:

Interesting New Year's paper toys for the celebration of 2017 can also be made in the form of lanterns. This version of New Year's decoration came to us from our grandmothers and was popular in those days when toys were hard to find on sale. The flashlight is even easier to make than the previous toy. Even a child can be involved in the process of its creation. An interesting version of crafts in the form of a flashlight can be seen in this video:

magic lamps

Lamps for the new 2017 can be made from improvised materials. To do this, you only need scissors, glue and colored paper or cardboard packaging:

  1. Take two sheets: one is yellow, the second is a contrasting one, for example, purple. Cut out two rectangles. Yellow - 100x180 in size, purple - 120x180 (with millimeters).
  2. Take the yellow rectangle and glue its edges into a tube shape. Next, set it aside and proceed to the purple part. You should fold the sheet in half and make cuts with scissors, leaving room at the edges. We also glue it in the form of a tube, like a yellow sheet of paper or cardboard. The photo shows how to make a red flashlight. The sequence of actions is similar.
  3. If you cut everything carefully, then the yellow tube should go into the purple one. At the same time, it must not be pushed through to the end. Its edge must be smeared with glue, and only then insert the resulting yellow flashlight into the purple tube completely. The same must be done on the other side. Slightly pull up the purple part to release the yellow. Coat it with glue. This will fix the yellow leaf in purple.
  4. To make the flashlight more realistic, you should make a handle. To do this, cut a narrow strip of purple paper or cardboard and glue it to the flashlight.
  5. Your magic flashlight is ready. This is one of the easiest crafts, even a child can handle it.

How to make a flashlight with your own hands for the celebration of 2017, you can see in this video:

Asterisk 3D made of paper

Another popular Christmas tree toy for 2017 is the star. Rare tree does without it. This toy is both spectacular and easy to make. To do this, you will need the same materials as in the manufacture of the previous decoration. It remains to add only a thread. Read the master class or watch the video.

  • From colored paper, you need to cut out two squares measuring 10x10. You can use your imagination to the fullest: your stars do not have to be yellow. Use purple, red, blue, pink colors! And your Christmas tree will sparkle with different colors.
  • On a sheet of colored paper, fold in half twice, and then two folds diagonally.
  • Make small cuts on the edges of the paper and fold into the corners (as shown in the photo).
  • Glue the corners in the center, leaving the rest of them free (this will give the future star volume). You should get some kind of rays.

Advice! Hold the corners while gluing with your finger. That way they stick better.

  • Repeat the above procedure with the second sheet of colored paper.
  • We glue the two halves of the star into one. Do not forget to put the edge of the ribbon between them, for which you will hang the star on the Christmas tree.
  • Give the star time to dry. This will take approximately 20 minutes.

The New Year approaches imperceptibly and inexorably, like a snow leopard, on soft white paws. However, unlike a beautiful but predatory animal, a cheerful winter holiday gives us positive, joyful emotions. Every hostess wants her house to sparkle for the New Year not only with cleanliness, but also with beautiful, stylish home decor.

In stores there is a huge selection of all kinds of decorations for the house or apartment. But you can decorate your home before the New Year and Christmas holidays with your own hands! For example, paper decorations for the New Year 2019 will transform your home and finally prepare it for a meeting of a cheerful magical holiday.

Do-it-yourself New Year's voluminous vytynanka

In fact, it is quite simple to create a great New Year's mood, both for yourself and your loved ones. It is enough just to have a desire and some items necessary for this.

Such openwork products as will decorate the room favorably, as well as a voluminous vytynanka or a composition of many of these can be presented to grandparents, colleagues, friends. Just a few hours of your time and a real winter fairy tale can appear on the window.

To create a volumetric vytynanka you will need:

  • printouts of a drawing for a vytynanka;
  • stationery sharp knife and cutting stand (you can take a regular cutting board;
  • glue.

Step 1. First of all, you need to print the selected template, of which there are just a dime a dozen on the Internet, on paper in two copies for each drawing.

Step 2 Put the printout on the board and, using a clerical knife, carefully cut out all the drawings along the contour of the future “holes”, leaving a little space for the “fastener” below the drawings.

Step 3 When all the drawings are cut out, make paper “fasteners” at the base of the models and fix them with glue as shown in the photo.

Step 4 From above, two parts of one paper craft just need to be glued together.

DIY Christmas paper snowflakes

There is probably no adult in the world who has never cut a snow-white snowflake out of paper in his life to decorate a window or a Christmas tree at home, a classroom or an assembly hall at school. And, indeed, do-it-yourself snowflakes are a quick, cheap and incredibly beautiful way to dress up a room for the New Year.

Our site has collected for you a small archive with templates for New Year's snowflakes, which you can safely use and, if desired, make your own adjustments to the finished design. Snowflakes in the blink of an eye can create a fabulous New Year's atmosphere at home!

To create snowflakes you will need:

  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • fishing line or thread to hang (glue or tape to stick a snowflake to a wall or window glass).

Step 1. First, you need to cut a square out of paper. To do this, fold a sheet of any format diagonally so that the edges of the resulting triangle are perfectly connected to each other. Trim off the excess. Your snowflake will be the size of this square.

Step 2 To make a snowflake, the square must be folded diagonally, and the triangle in half several times. The more folds of the triangle, the more rays the snowflake will have. But, at the same time, the more times the triangle is bent, the more difficult it will be to cut out, due to the multi-layeredness of not too thin paper.

Step 3 Now transfer the drawing from the template (or your own drawing, relying on imagination and creativity) onto paper.

Step 4 Take sharp scissors and carefully cut out the pattern along the contour.

Step 5 Expand the snowflake and admire the result. You can hang!

Multi-colored paper garland for the nursery

A very unusual and original can be made with your own hands from colored paper of the brightest shades. If you use templates of geometric shapes, you can create wonderful layouts, from which you can then easily and simply assemble a garland.

This interesting decoration will bring liveliness and colors to both the nursery and the common room, because the funny garland will lift the mood of both children and adults. Also, the garland can be hung on the Christmas tree as Christmas tree beads.

To make a paper garland you will need:

  • colored paper or colored cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Step 1. Download templates of geometric shapes and print them on colored paper, or, armed with a ruler and a simple pencil (preferably with an eraser), make a drawing of three-dimensional geometric shapes, again, on colored paper or colored cardboard.

Step 2 With the help of scissors, you need to cut out each future geometric figure along the contour.

Step 3 Now glue the figures, not forgetting to stretch the thread in time so that when assembled, the garland thread remains inside the figure. The garland is ready!

The main guests of the holiday - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden made of paper

What New Year is complete without the kind wizard Grandfather Frost and his beautiful Snow Maiden? Even if you already have worthy figurines of these heroes of the winter holidays, which you put under the Christmas tree every year, hand-made symbols of the New Year will seem to you a much better solution. If there are no figures at all - there is nothing to think about, arm yourself with the necessary tools, materials, a bit of imagination and diligence, and go - create beauty!

To create New Year's heroes you will need:

  • white paper;
  • red and blue cardboard;
  • compass;
  • rod from the handle;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • markers.

Father Frost

Step 1. Draw a circle on red cardstock and cut it out.

Step 2 Bend the circle in half and cut off half, and roll the cone from the semicircle and glue the edges.

Step 3 White paper should be cut into strips, which, in turn, you will need to cut with a fringe on one side, a little more than half a strip.

Step 4 Give the fringe a "curl" look by wrapping it around the refill of a ballpoint pen.

Step 5 Cut out a small oval from white paper and draw the face of Santa Claus on it, then glue the oval just above the middle of the cone. If the quality of the paints allows you to draw directly on the figure, it will be even better.

Step 6 Now, with the help of chopped and twisted fringe, make Santa Claus a fur coat (by gluing the fringe to the base of the cone - this is the hem of grandfather's robe), beard, eyebrows and hat edge.

Step 7 Draw mittens, a hat for Santa Claus with paints and decorate a fur coat with a pattern. The fairy tale wizard that all children love is ready!

Snow Maiden

Step 1. Make a blue cardboard cone, using a semicircle slightly smaller than for Santa Claus, and, in addition, cut out a small semicircle for the kokoshnik.

Step 2 On a small semicircle, you need to make a small cut and bend the edges in different directions so that you can “put on” the kokoshnik on the Snow Maiden. Make the top of the future kokoshnik with scissors slightly similar to a church dome.

Step 3 Now glue the kokoshnik to the cone.

Step 4 Draw your beautiful face (you can directly on the cone, or you can also on a small oval of white paper), also draw a bang, and a braid in the back.

Step 5 Make curly fringes from white paper and, like Santa Claus, decorate a fur coat, decorate the collar and make snow-covered cilia.

Step 6 Paint the Snow Maiden with mittens and patterns for a fur coat and kokoshnik at your discretion. Granddaughter is ready!

Simple Christmas paper crafts and decorations are great because you can make them with your kids. Agree, very often we forget to devote time to our relatives in the pre-holiday commotion and constant household chores.

And then the holiday is approaching, so it's time to get together and start creating paper decorations: these are Christmas tree decorations made of paper, and lanterns, and paper garlands.

DIY paper Christmas tree

Small Christmas tree, example one

A decoration for a real Christmas tree in the form of a voluminous hanging Christmas tree can be made from ordinary cardboard.

To create we need:

  • multi-colored cardboard;
  • glue;
  • awl;
  • threads;
  • scissors.

We draw the most primitive children's Christmas tree with splayed branches, the main thing is to observe symmetry, cut it out, then circle the exact same Christmas tree on another sheet of cardboard and get the second blank. We bend the workpiece along vertical symmetry and glue it together. You can decorate our paper toy with rhinestones. Then we pierce a hole in the upper part with an awl and thread the thread. The decoration is ready.

A cardboard craft that you can either put on your desktop or hang on a Christmas tree.

Another Christmas tree, option number 2

Another example of paper crafts. At the heart of such a Christmas tree - cardboard cone. To create we need:

  • multi-colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scotch;
  • scissors.

Production order:

  1. We cut out a large number of strips of the same length and width from colored paper. We glue each strip with glue so that it looks like a loop, then we glue all the loops on adhesive tape.
  2. On a cardboard cone we put layers of adhesive tape, to which our strips are glued.
    This is the tree we got:

A bright Christmas tree can brighten up any room.

Christmas tree from a magazine

Unusual but very easy origami. In every house there is sure to be an unnecessary magazine - here you can make an original Christmas tree out of it.

In the magazine, we bend each page like this: the upper right corner towards us at forty-five degrees, then we bend the sheet diagonally in half.

The bottom corner has gone beyond the boundaries of the magazine, we tuck it up.

We fold all the pages like this.

Here is such an original craft turned out. As you can see, nothing complicated, but a lot of fun because you were able to make it with your own hands.

Christmas paper lanterns

We made a Christmas tree, now the next step is do-it-yourself paper lanterns. Consider a few simple options for how to make paper lanterns with your own hands.

Striped lantern

To create such a flashlight, you need to cut strips of colored paper of the same width and length: the longer the strip, the larger the flashlight will be. The average length of the strip will be 15 cm.

Your kid will love to create unusual crafts with you.

We fold the strips and pierce holes at both ends. We fix the end of the lace on one side and fasten it so that the lace does not pop out. Then we thread the lace into another hole and pull it. The strips will bend in a semicircle.

We straighten the flashlight so that the strips form the shape of a ball. The flashlight is ready.

Chinese lantern

How to make a Chinese paper lantern with your own hands? To create such a craft you will need:

  • scissors;
  • strips of colored paper (18 pieces);
  • glue;
  • two paper circles with a diameter of 4 cm;
  • needle with thread.

Fold the strips in half. With the help of a needle, we first string a circle onto a thread, then one side of the strips, then the second and last circle. It will look like a spiral.

DIY Chinese lantern, photo

We tighten the thread so that the strips form a ball, and straighten. Top and bottom can be decorated with beads. Glue the loop. Our Chinese paper lantern is ready, it can be hung on a fluffy beauty - a Christmas tree.

sky lattern

How to make a sky lantern out of paper with your own hands? To create crafts, you need to take a sheet of colored paper measuring 24x60cm. We bend the sheet in half, then fold it with an accordion.
We unfold the sheet and make triangular creases along the central fold on all the folds of our triangular accordion.

Sky lanterns can be made colorful

We make the same creases along the lower and upper edges of the sheet. Glue into a cylinder. Sew a loop on top.

Advice. Such a flashlight can be glued from any paper, but preferably bright and saturated colors. Abstract drawings or oriental motifs will look very good. You can pre-paint the paper to your taste before creating such a craft.

paper garland

How to make a paper garland with your own hands? We propose to fulfill paper ball decoration.

Photo of a paper garland of homemade colorful balls

To make such a garland, we need stripes of the same length and width. In order to make it more convenient to fasten them with adhesive tape, we make the upper and lower parts pointed. For one ball you will need 4 strips, preferably if they are of different colors.

We braid the strips into a pigtail until they form into a ball.

We take two strips, glue them with tape and start weave a pigtail. As you weave, the pigtail will twist and turn into a ball. When the ball is ready, you will need to hide the free ends between weaving. It's worth doing this until the ball is completely formed.

For creating long garland you will need to twist a lot of balls.

Then we string each ball on a colored thread. A garland of paper balls is ready: you can decorate both the Christmas tree and the room with it.

Volumetric paper toy for the Christmas tree

Our next craft is. What should be done?

It looks like a finished voluminous asterisk made of paper

Christmas ball is ready!

New Year's angel from napkins

Such an angel can decorate a table, a Christmas tree or make a gift for relatives. To create you will need: scissors, glue, thread and ordinary table napkins.

Angel is ready!

Christmas snowflake

Let's make beautiful paper snowflakes for the new year. How to cut a beautiful voluminous snowflake? A paper snowflake can be cut according to a pattern or made using the quilling technique. The instructions for making paper snowflakes are simple: prepare paper blanks and make a finished snowflake out of them. Glue the pieces together.

This paper snowflake is made in the origami technique.

To create such delicate and airy crafts, you only need office paper. Twisted in a special way, they look like real snowflakes. First we will prepare the strips of paper. To create a curl, a strip of paper must be tightly twisted on a skewer. After you have wound it, we correct the curl of the paper and remove the “washer”.

Snowflake blanks

We need to come up with a pattern for our snowflake. The number of rows can be from one to four. The main thing is that the patterns allow all the details to be glued together.

First row- on the sides we glue six "drops";
Second row- six "arrows";
Third row- six "squares";
And here is a sample of a snowflake:

You can dream up and make a variety of applications on glass or thread a shiny thread into a snowflake and hang it on a Christmas tree.

As you can see, you can make a great variety of Christmas paper decorations with your own hands. We have shown you only a small part of what can be made from paper. These Christmas crafts, paper decorations, toys and origami snowflakes will perfectly emphasize the festive New Year decoration of both the Christmas tree and the interior.

Everyone loves the New Year holiday because of the fun, delicious food, weekends, communication, dances, songs, competitions ... And it all starts with creating a festive atmosphere that will give joyful emotions and impressions. In this article we will tell you how to decorate your home for the New Year in an original, creative and enchanting way.

The most common decoration of the house for the New Year is a garland. Consider a few ideas and master classes for its manufacture.

You will need: colored paper, scissors, a simple pencil.

Master Class

Garland "Santa's Socks"

You will need: bright large socks, red rope or satin ribbon, clothespins or eyelets.

Master Class

  1. Attach the string to the desired location.
  2. Hang the socks on the rope following the thematic color scheme.
  3. Pin each sock.

Garland "Circles of felt"

You will need: pieces of felt of bright colors, scissors, glue, thread.

Master Class

  1. Cut out circles from felt. Circles should be about 50 pieces. The more circles, the longer the garland.
  2. Glue the circles to the thread.
  3. Attach a garland.

You will need: skin from an orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon (you can choose one option, or you can make an assortment), scissors, a needle and thread.

Master Class

Such a creative garland will not only decorate your home and surprise your guests, but also give a wonderful citrus aroma filled with vitamin C, which is so necessary in the winter.

Garland "Natural composition"

You will need: cinnamon sticks, dried tangerine slices, cones, Christmas balls, thick thread and a needle.

Master Class

  1. String a cinnamon stick, a dried tangerine slice, a cone on a thread with a needle.
  2. Repeat the first step until the desired size of the garland.
  3. Decorate with Christmas balls.
  4. Attach a garland.

Decorating the house with a wreath for the New Year is a very original idea! It can be hung on the wall or door. A festive Christmas wreath can be made from clothespins, buttons, twigs, and even wine corks. Consider master classes and learn how to make wreaths for the New Year.

You will need: aluminum hanger or wire (for the frame), clothespins, beads and ribbon (for decoration)

Master Class

  1. Unroll the hanger and make a round frame, or create a wire frame.
  2. String a clothespin and a bead.
  3. Repeat step #2 until the wreath is full.
  4. Hang the wreath on a wall or door.

You will need: cardboard, scissors, glue, ribbon and bright buttons.

Master Class

  1. Cut out the frame of the wreath from round cardboard.
  2. Glue the buttons to the frame.
  3. Make a ribbon bow at the top.

You will need: base for the frame, many wine corks, beads for decoration, satin ribbon, glue gun.

Master Class

If you have a question, where do you get so many corks? - the answer is simple. Wine corks can be ordered from an online store at an affordable price, or purchased at a specialized store with interior goods in your city. From wine corks, you can make not only a wreath, but also a huge number of different crafts about which it is written in this article: “Crafts from corks from wine bottles with your own hands.”

You will need: sprigs of pine needles or a fir broom, threads, beads and a ribbon for decoration.

Master Class

Window decorations, glass and mirrors for the New Year

You will need: snowflake template, toothpaste and brush, glass half filled with water.

Master Class

You will need: pieces of felt, scissors, glue, sequins, thread.

Master Class

  1. Cut out snowflakes or stars from felt.
  2. Glue sequins to the center of each snowflake.
  3. Glue all the snowflakes to the thread.
  4. Decorate cornices and baseboards.

Decoration of the walls of the house for the New Year

Such bright snowflakes on the walls look very creative. Making them is easy enough, you only need to have at least 24 identical wooden popsicle sticks. You can collect them or order them in the online store at a very affordable price.

You will need: ice cream sticks, red gouache, newspaper, glue and ribbon.

Master Class

You will need: dense threads, an inflatable ball or a ball, PVA glue, scissors, a needle, a candle in a tin box, a glass.

Master Class

Now we will look at the enchanting ideas for decorating the ceiling. Helium balloons will look very festive, which themselves fly to the ceiling, decorating it. The more of them, the better, brighter and more beautiful!

Snowflakes on strings attached to the ceiling fill the whole room with snow and it doesn't get cold from such snow! Get together in a big company, cut out a huge number of snowflakes and turn an ordinary room into a whole masterpiece!

Decorating your home with New Year's paraphernalia is an exciting, creative and enjoyable activity. Literally in a matter of hours, you can turn your ordinary home into a wonderful place filled with a fabulous atmosphere of the upcoming winter holidays. The only negative - themed home decor is one of the most expensive items of expenditure before the New Year. However, you can always make Christmas decorations with your own hands from paper or other improvised materials. For example, a budget and at the same time original option is stencils for windows in the form of snowflakes, Christmas trees, snowmen and other New Year paraphernalia. Next, you will find step-by-step master classes with photos and videos of New Year's decor for your home with your own hands. We are sure that they will help you meet the New Year 2017 in a festive atmosphere!

Original Christmas decoration made of paper with your own hands, a master class with a photo

The easiest and most affordable material for creating original DIY Christmas decorations is plain white paper. Most often, snowflakes and stencils are made from it to decorate windows with winter patterns. An original do-it-yourself Christmas paper decoration, a master class of which you will find below, can be used both for interior decoration and for decorating a Christmas tree.

Necessary materials for DIY paper Christmas decorations

  • A4 paper
  • saucer or glass
  • coin
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • beads and fishing line

Instructions on how to make an original paper decoration for the New Year 2017 with your own hands

  1. We attach a saucer or glass to the paper and circle the outer edge with a pencil. On one side of A4 paper we make 4 identical blanks.
  2. In the center of each circle we lay out a large coin and circle it with a simple pencil on the outside.
  3. Cut out all the circles. Then we arrange each circle in half three times, as shown in the next photo.
  4. Expand the circles and see that folds have formed. We pass with scissors along these marks, without cutting the inner circle.
  5. We put a pencil or felt-tip pen inside each sector, bend the edges inward and fix it with glue.
  6. Let the workpiece dry completely. For one paper decor you will need 4 blanks.
  7. We take the workpiece and attach another one to it (with the inside). We also connect the two remaining blanks together.
  8. Then, using a thick needle, we make a hole in the middle of the blanks and thread a thin fishing line with beads.
  9. The original paper decor for the New Year 2017 is ready! It remains only to decorate with their help a room or a Christmas tree.

A simple do-it-yourself decoration for the New Year 2017 from improvised materials, step by step

A simple but very unusual do-it-yourself decoration for the New Year 2017 is quite simple to create from improvised materials with a little imagination. For example, in our next master class, you will learn how to use small shreds of fabric to transform a simple garland into a spectacular New Year's decor. Such a simple decoration for the New Year 2017 with your own hands from improvised materials is sure to attract the attention of guests and will delight you with a festive atmosphere.

Necessary materials for DIY Christmas decorations from improvised means

  • garland
  • loose fabric of different colors, such as canvas
  • scissors

Instructions on how to make a simple decoration for the New Year 2017 from improvised materials

  1. First you need to decide on the color palette for decorating the garland. It is best to take the traditional New Year and Christmas colors. Since the upcoming 2017 will be held under the sign of the Fire Rooster, it is advisable to use bright colors, such as red or orange.
  2. Having decided on the color, we proceed to the design. To do this, we cut narrow strips of 6-7 cm long from the fabric. The number of strips depends on the length of the garland. Prepare so many blanks that for every 2 bulbs there is 1 fabric strip.
  3. Take a strip and tie it into a knot between two light bulbs. We alternate different colors if we use several shades.
  4. We use all the blanks, filling the garland with fabric "bows" along the entire length. Ready!

Do-it-yourself Christmas decorations for the house from cans, a master class with a photo

Candles not only create coziness in the house, but also contribute to relaxation, improve mood and relieve stress. Isn't it so important to feel when you return home after an exhausting chase for New Year's sales? From the next master class with a photo, you will learn how to create beautiful Christmas decorations for your home with your own hands from ordinary cans. Such decorated jars can serve as excellent candlesticks, which is especially important on the eve of the New Year 2017. In addition, New Year's decorations for the house from cans are good in and of themselves.

Necessary materials for DIY Christmas decorations from jars for the home

  • glass jars
  • lace
  • twine
  • scissors
  • artificial snow or foam
  • cones
  • candles

Instructions on how to make Christmas decorations for the house from cans

  1. We take beautiful lace and wrap around the neck of the jar. We fix with twine wound in several layers, as in the photo below.
  2. We tie the ends of the twine, which can be replaced with a decorative cord, a bow. Glue small bumps near the bow. You can also add sprigs of spruce, arborvitae, a rowan branch and other natural materials.
  3. We make cones with the help of artificial snow. If there is no such snow, then you can take the usual foam and grate it. Attach the resulting crumb to the cones with glue.
  4. Inside the jar is also filled with snow, about 1/4 of its volume. Carefully insert the candle inside. You can use culinary tongs.
  5. It remains only to arrange spectacular candlestick jars around the house and light candles. Ready!

Christmas paper stencils for window decorations, templates

When time is short for home improvement for the winter holidays, and financial opportunities are limited, New Year's paper stencils for decorating windows come to the rescue. This is perhaps the easiest and fastest way to transform an ordinary room into a fabulous place in a matter of minutes. And given that different New Year's templates and stencils for windows can be made in just 10 minutes, then ignoring such decor is simply a crime. Before proceeding with the review of the most relevant paper stencil decorations for the New Year 2017, let's look at how to make them at home. In order to give windows, mirrors, furniture or walls a frosty decor, you will need the following materials:

  • paper
  • scotch
  • scissors
  • pencil and ruler
  • artificial snow

The first step is to make a sketch of the New Year's drawing with which you want to decorate your house. The easiest way to make a sketch of a snowflake is with a simple pencil and ruler. If drawing lessons at school passed you by, then just print out the ready-made templates from our selection below. Then carefully cut out the silhouette of the pattern along the lines. Fix the resulting stencil on the desired surface, for example, glass, with adhesive tape. Take a can of artificial snow and fill the drawing. If there is no snow, then use a budget remedy - slightly diluted toothpaste and a brush. You can also take acrylic paint and apply it with a kitchen sponge. Let the pattern set and remove the template. Ready!

How to make spectacular Christmas decorations for the house, video

As you can see, it’s not difficult to make original Christmas decorations for your home with your own hands. The main thing is to apply a little imagination and then even such a simple improvised material as paper can turn into a unique decor. Next, you will find several video tutorials on making interesting decorations for the New Year with your own hands. We hope that they, like the step-by-step master classes from the photo above, will inspire you for New Year's creativity. And you, in turn, will learn how to make spectacular holiday decorations for your home quickly and easily!