Why you can not play a wedding year. Wedding calendar. Wedding rules - what you need to know about them

- key events in the fate of each person. Both celebrations have one common goal - to unite a man and a woman in a marital union. But there are some significant differences between the ceremonies.

First of all, they concern the people of believers. It is important for them to know whether it is possible to register a marriage in Lent, and if not, when is it better to create a solid Orthodox family?

Is it possible to register a marriage in the post?

Registry offices do not adhere to church calendars. They have their own work schedule, which they strictly follow. You can get married or get married in a state institution regardless of fast days.

It is rather the choice of the person himself, whether he wants to have fun and celebrate during the “bright sadness” (this is how priests sometimes call fasting). The Church considers a formal marriage to be the basis for the beginning of family life.

Even if the ceremony at the registry office was not followed by a wedding. Moreover, the priest will agree to marry a married couple only after they provide.

This is done in order to avoid deceit, conflicts, and also to make sure the couple's decision to become spouses is serious. But the so-called "" in Orthodoxy is considered fornication. Such a pair of priests even.

So, we found out that the official marriage and the wedding in the church are interconnected. Now about what their differences are. The main one is that there are dates in the church calendar when it is impossible to get married.

The sacrament of marriage in the church is not performed on such days:

  • Tuesday and Thursday throughout the year. They precede Wednesday and Friday, the days when all Orthodox fast;
  • Saturday. This day is the eve of Sunday, which is considered a small Easter in Orthodoxy;
  • September 11 and 27, as well as the day before these dates. The fact is that this is the time of the strictest one-day fast in honor of the Beheading of John the Baptist and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord;
  • in the days preceding the twelfth feasts;
  • during Easter, as well as during the week after it, which is called the Easter week;
  • on the eve of the patronal holidays. In churches they are celebrated at different times. You need to clarify the dates with the priest of the temple in which the wedding is planned;
  • days of solid weeks;
  • but the most important thing is that it is impossible to formalize the union in the church during the fasts: Great, Petrov, Rozhdestvensky and Assumption.

This restriction is connected with the fact that all kinds of celebrations, celebrations and feasts are inappropriate during fasting. After all, first of all, a person should think about how he lives, think about his neighbor, help him. In addition, family life involves marital intimacy, which will be impossible for those who fast.

There are special circumstances in connection with which you can get married in fasting. But they must be simply exceptional. For example, if the groom is going to.

For such cases, a bishop's blessing is requested. Only after permission received from the Bishop will the priest be allowed to conduct the sacrament.

Conclusion - Lenten days are not intended for weddings. Exceptions are made only in the rarest, even unique cases.

To understand why you should not get married in fasting, you need to get to know its essence better.


One of the most important posts for Christians. A period of spiritual purification and prayer. Fasting lasts 48 days and is considered preparation for the most important Orthodox holiday - Easter..

According to church canons, at this time it is supposed to fast, confess and take communion. Naturally, there can be no talk of any festivities and weddings.

The decision on whether to register a marriage union in the registry office during the days of Great Lent should be made by future newlyweds. Also, they themselves will have to decide how to hold a celebration.

If, nevertheless, there is a desire to adhere to Orthodox rules, then it is better to postpone the wedding date to the days when there is no fast. In the absence of such an opportunity, registration and the holiday itself should be carried out as modestly as possible.

When inviting people to a wedding, you need to take into account that among them there will be those who observe the fast and those who do not keep it. Therefore, there should be lean and modest (non-lean) dishes on the table.

Petrov (Apostolic)

There is no set date for this post. It depends on when Easter and Trinity were celebrated in the current year. The beginning is a week after the Trinity or 50 days after the Easter celebration.

It always ends on July 12 - on the day of the apostles Peter and Paul (hence two more names - Peter and Paul and Apostle). Due to such mobility of dates, it can be very short - 8 days and long - up to 42 days.

Weddings are not held, but it is quite possible to formalize relations in the registry office. But, as in any fast, according to church tradition, it is advisable to avoid luxurious ceremonies and entertainment events. And it’s better to completely postpone the wedding to a date without fasting.

Peter and Paul Lent is not so strict in terms of food. It is allowed to eat fish on all days, excluding Wednesdays and Fridays. If, nevertheless, unbelieving relatives insist on a wedding feast after the civil registration of marriage, then guests can also be treated to fish dishes.


Lent prepares the parishioners of Orthodox churches for the great feast - the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The post has clearly established dates - from 14 to 27 August. Dedicated to the Dormition (death) of the Mother of God.

It is similar in severity to Great Lent. Therefore, marriage with a wedding will have to be postponed. But no one bothers to register a marriage in the registry office. On the contrary, by the end of the Dormition Fast, the bride and groom will already have a marriage certificate in their hands, which is necessary to perform the Sacrament of the Wedding.

At the same time, you can continue to fast, refrain from amusements, which will be a sacrifice that is pleasing to God. Thus, the newlyweds will prepare for the feast of the Assumption, and then for their own main event in their lives - the wedding.


This is the last of the long posts of the year. Its duration is 40 days. Starts in late autumn - 28.11, ends 7.01. It is associated with an important event - Christmas.

Living without feasts and fun, praying and fasting, a person tries to be cleansed of sins and meet the Baby Jesus with a pure heart.

As in the case of Great Lent, church officials do not prohibit the civil registration of the union at the pre-Christmas time, but they do not conduct the Sacrament of Marriage either.

No one prohibits the registration of a family union in the registry office on Christmas Eve. Only witnesses who also adhere to Orthodox traditions can be invited to it. They will understand why a grand celebration is out of place. It is better for other friends and relatives to send out invitations. They will need to indicate the date and place of the wedding, as well as the address of the restaurant or cafe where the celebrations will take place.

Solid weeks

Week is a Church Slavonic term. Means the week from Sunday to Saturday. It is called solid due to the fact that during this week on Wednesday and Friday you can eat fast, non-lean food.

Unlike the four main fasts of Orthodoxy, the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage on the days of continuous weeks is possible, but undesirable.

The Orthodox calendar has several such weeks:

  • Christmas time. Festive period from the day of the Nativity of Christ to 18.02;
  • Publican and Pharisee. It marks the preparation for the Easter fast. Starts two weeks before it;
  • cheese week. The last seven days before Lent. It is called so because at this time it is no longer possible to eat meat, but the ban does not apply to cheese and any dairy products;
  • Troitskaya. The week following the day of the Holy Trinity.

The dates of all moving continuous weeks must be specified in the Orthodox calendar and, if possible, a wedding should be planned outside of these days.

Registration of marriage during Orthodox holidays

You can register a marriage at the registry office during any Orthodox holidays, if they are not designated as public holidays. According to church rules, everything is different.

Great Christian holidays cannot be combined with a wedding. The days they fall on have a different, special purpose.

Therefore, it is better not to schedule a ceremony for the period on the eve of and on the days of the twelve main holidays of Orthodoxy. Their dates can be found in any church calendar.

But there are several other holidays when the wedding is not only not prohibited, but is even considered auspicious. Among them are the days of veneration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (21.07 and 4.11), the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God - 26.10 and Nicholas of the Veshny (Mir Lycian) - 22.05.

Most of the holidays of the Christian Church fall on different dates each year. Before you decide on the day of the ceremony, you need to carefully study the calendar, which indicates fasts, continuous weeks and great holidays.

The task can be simplified - Orthodox websites contain special wedding calendars, which indicate the exact dates when the sacred Sacrament can be performed.

Is it possible to get married in fasting?

As already mentioned, post weddings are not allowed. Finding the right time to be married before God is no easy task. You need to know a lot of orthodox nuances.

There are a few tips to help you choose the date of the event:

  • winter. At this time of the year, it is advisable to plan the ceremony for the period from Epiphany to the beginning of Maslenitsa;
  • Spring. Krasnaya Gorka is one of the most common wedding dates since the times of Ancient Rus'. The first Sunday after Easter has long been considered the best day for a wedding after many days of fasting;
  • summer. You can get married between two posts - Petrovsky and Uspensky;
  • autumn. After the Dormition and before the Advent, any date permitted by the church is chosen.

Regarding whether it is possible to get married in fasting, there is only one answer - no. But to register a marriage in the nearest registry office is not prohibited. This is easy to do at any time when there is a free date in the institution's schedule.

If both the wedding and the marriage are planned for the same day, then the choice of the date must be approached more than responsibly. The church has its own limitations in this regard, which must be taken into account, respected and followed.

Do weddings take place during Orthodox Lent? This is one of the most popular questions on wedding portals. It often happens that future newlyweds, most often far from the church and the Orthodox faith, have already managed to set a wedding date, order photo and video shooting, rent a hall, send out invitations ... and then suddenly a grandmother who lives in another city exclaims during a telephone conversation : “What are you doing! Is it possible to play a wedding in the post?!”. After laughing at the superstitious old woman at first, after a while the bride and groom begin to torment the Internet in secret from each other in order to find out this, because there is no smoke without fire. They are quite understandable, because marriage is a very responsible step, and no one wants to start a married life with some wrong, thoughtless actions.

Why don't weddings take place during Lent? Is this a strict church ordinance or a folk custom, or maybe just a superstition that does not have any serious grounds? As always in doubtful cases, this question should be asked not to a girlfriend or neighbor, but to an Orthodox priest. Let's find out what they answer to this question.

Do weddings play in post - wedding in the Orthodox Church

Oddly enough, but if you ask different priests the question - Is it possible to have a wedding in fasting ?, we can hear a variety of answers. Some priests believe that it is possible to marry during an Orthodox fast under certain conditions, while others believe that it is absolutely impossible. In only one thing they agree in a hundred percent of cases: you can’t get married in fasting. The ban on weddings during the Orthodox Lent is so strict that it does not fall directly within the competence of the priest. In those special cases when the wedding in fasting is a matter of life and death (for example, the groom is going to the army), the request is submitted to the ruling bishop, and only he can give permission to the priest to conduct the sacrament of the wedding in fasting. But these are really exceptional cases.

As for the decision whether to play a wedding in fasting (meaning painting in the registry office and celebrating) or not, here, perhaps, you should listen to your conscience, since there are no clear church instructions on this matter. In any case, if the decision “for” has already been made, then the priests recommend observing an important rule: there should be both modest and lenten dishes on the table so that your fasting relatives do not feel embarrassed. But if possible, then it is better not to play a wedding in a post.

Restrictions on holding a wedding in Orthodox Lent

In order not to get into trouble when setting a wedding date, it is better to look at the Orthodox calendar before that, which lists all Orthodox fasts.

Weddings do not take place during the Great, Christmas, Assumption and Peter fasts, as well as on the following days: on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, on the eve of the great and twelfth church holidays, on the eve of temple holidays (to be specified in the church), on the eve and on the days of the holidays of the Exaltation of the Honest and the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (September 26 and 27) and the Beheading of John the Baptist (September 10 and 11).

In addition to these church fasts, weddings are not played during the festive periods: Christmas time (January 7–19) and Holy Week (the week after Easter). But there is no reason to be upset: the rest of the time you will be happy to get married in any church. Of course, you can violate this church prescription, but is it worth starting family life with violations, especially if you are believers or you have believing parents whom you do not want to upset? After all, a really urgent need to play a wedding during fasting occurs very rarely.

A wedding is an exciting and very important event, so many future newlyweds attach special importance to the date of this event: some look for this day to be prosperous according to the lunar calendar, while others so that the wedding in 2017 does not fall on Lent. In this article, we will talk about the second case.

Is it possible to play a wedding in an Orthodox fast? Unfortunately, this issue is not really important for every couple, but it didn’t even occur to our married ancestors to set a wedding date for days on which, according to the church charter, a wedding cannot be played. They did this because they simply did not have the concepts of secular marriage or civil marriage, and the wedding was always played on the same day as the wedding. In our time, everything has become much more complicated, and sometimes young people themselves do not fully understand what kind of relationship they are in, what can we say about adhering to strict church canons? But those who are going to get married in 2018, and at the same time do not want to start their family life by violating Orthodox rules, definitely should not set a wedding date for the post.

Is it possible to get married in Lent?

If it is important for young people to adhere to the church charter and the traditions of their ancestors, then they definitely should not have a wedding in Lent before Easter. After all, fasting before Easter is spiritual improvement, so a cheerful and noisy celebration, which from time immemorial has been a wedding, is completely inappropriate during this period. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that the wedding date does not fall on Holy Week of Orthodox Lent - is it possible for a Christian to go down the aisle on days when the crucifixion and death of the Son of God is remembered? Weddings are not performed during the preparatory weeks for Great Lent. In 2018, this period covers almost the entire March and April. In addition, Orthodox Christians do not get married in Lent 2018:

  1. Petrov (June 12 - July 11),
  2. Uspensky (August 14 - 27),
  3. Christmas (November 28 - January 6).
  4. It is impossible to appoint a wedding in 2018 for such periods: Bright (Easter) week (April 1 - 8),
  5. Christmas time (January 7 - 19),
  6. and every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

For those who are interested in whether it is possible to have a wedding in fasting, it will be useful to know that strict fast days in the Orthodox Church are also the holidays of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (September 27) and the Beheading of the Head of the Baptist and the Prophet John the Baptist (September 11). Weddings in churches are not performed on the eve of these days.

Why is it impossible to play a wedding in the post of 2018?

These Orthodox Christians always complicate everything - the newlyweds will be indignant. Why can't we schedule a wedding day in 2017 for the post? The reason is not only the ban on entertainment and entertainment, which, of course, is any wedding, but also for another reason. The fact is that during fasting and fasting days, the Orthodox Church recommends refraining from marital relations, which, of course, will be completely impossible for those who have just married. Even those newlyweds who have been living together for several years are advised by priests to refrain from relationships during fasting, since according to church canons, such cohabitation is a sin of fornication, and not to play a wedding in Lent 2018, but postpone it to a more suitable date. Such abstinence, they say, can simultaneously become both a test of feelings and a kind of sacrifice to God. In order to learn more about suitable wedding dates and fasts in 2018, you should buy an Orthodox wedding calendar.

Beginning of fasting before Easter in 2018 - February 19

  1. The date of the Easter holiday in 2018 is April 08
  2. The date of the celebration of Easter in 2019 is April 28

Did you get a marriage proposal? Congratulations! Then it's time to choose the month for the wedding! And here, many newlyweds start to feel dizzy, because there are so many things to take into account: from the workload of banquet halls and the employment of specialists to personal preferences and will accept. The Wedding.ws portal will tell you about the latter, telling you about favorable days by months and dates for holding a wedding in accordance with folk signs and other factors.

Folk signs for a wedding by months

Let's look at the main signs regarding choosing a date for a wedding by months to find out what time of the year promises spouses a long and happy life!

Wedding signs for months "assert" that a family union, concluded in the winter season, will be doomed to overspending the family budget. But this is only a general sign, each of the cold months has its own meaning:

  • wedding in december promises young strong and lasting love, which will grow stronger and intensify every year.
  • January wedding- not the best choice, because according to signs, such a marriage will end with the early loss of one of the spouses, most likely the husband. Or such a marriage will often be on the verge of divorce.
  • February wedding promises the newlyweds a long family life filled with happiness and joy.

In Rus', winter marriages just happened at the end of February - the time of Maslenitsa, because this promised the young that they would “ride like cheese in butter”! And if it was snowing on the wedding day, then prosperity and happiness for the young are definitely guaranteed! In addition, engagements were often concluded at this time, and the wedding itself was held on Krasnaya Gorka, beloved by all the newlyweds.

The celebration, held during the awakening of nature from winter sleep, promised the young couple a marriage in which love would always live, and a house filled with fun. But there are more accurate signs in which spring month it is worth or not to play a wedding:

  • March wedding portends young people life in a foreign country or away from home.
  • April wedding- unstable family life: happiness in marriage will be changeable and fickle.
  • May wedding promises young betrayal of one of the spouses and mutual distrust. In addition, as the signs say, marriage this month can lead to the fact that spouses will suffer all their lives.

The most favorable day for a wedding in spring is Krasnaya Gorka (1st Sunday after Easter), which promises young people a strong and long union.

A wedding organized by a sultry time portends a young life in joy and "warmth". And if you go over the months specifically, you can find out that each of them has its own interesting meaning:

June is great for binding hearts with a sacred union. Harmony and happiness will reign in the family, and spouses will love each other immensely

  • June wedding turn marriage into an ongoing honeymoon. Happiness, harmony and love will always reign in the family.
  • July wedding has a twofold interpretation: the family will be "visited" by both joy and sorrow, all equally.
  • wedding in august promises a friendly family life filled with romance and tenderness.

A beautiful autumn time can be a great time for a celebration (except October!), This “golden” wedding will sometimes mark the beginning of a strong and long marriage. And if we talk specifically by month, then there are such signs:

  • September wedding portends spouses a quiet and calm life, filled with harmony and mutual respect.
  • wedding in october- not the best choice, because she threatens spouses with various difficulties in family relationships.
  • November wedding“give” young people happiness and peace in family life, as well as prosperity and financial independence.

Now you know what the month you have chosen for your wedding means and how it can affect the fate of your union. If you already fully believe the signs regarding the choice of the day for the wedding, then you should also pay attention not only to the month, but also to the date in this month. Auspicious days for a wedding in accordance with folk examples are presented in the following photo, in which the dates for the wedding are indicated by months in blue.

Astrological meaning of weddings by month

When choosing a month for a wedding, pay attention not only to signs, but also to the astrological forecast in order to choose a favorable date for the celebration in accordance with the lunar cycle:

  • Auspicious days for a wedding are 10, 11, 17, 21, 26, 27 days of the lunar cycle.
  • Unfavorable - 3-5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 19.

In addition, the fate of the marriage union will be influenced by the zodiac sign under which a new family was formed:

  • If you schedule a wedding on dates under the signs of the elements of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), then your life will be full of passion and love, optimism and striving for the best.
  • If on dates under the signs of the elements of Air (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini), then you are destined to build easy and comfortable family relationships filled with harmony and trust.
  • If on dates under the signs of the elements of the Earth (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus), then your life will be measured and calm.
  • If on dates under the signs of the elements of Water (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer), then your family relationships will never lose sensuality and sharpness, and you will always treat each other gently and attentively.

church calendar

In addition to personal preferences and current wedding signs, you should also pay attention to the church calendar, because not all days are suitable for marriage. When choosing a wedding month and a specific date, you should definitely take into account the following recommendations of the church:

  • January: do not marry during Advent (January 1-6). Unfavorable dates this month for a wedding are from 7 to 9.
  • February: you should not appoint a wedding for the meeting of the Lord - February 15th. In addition, unfavorable dates are February 17-23.
  • March: in this month, a wedding cannot be held at all, and unfavorable dates for concluding a marriage union are March 3-19.
  • April: it is better to refuse to hold a wedding on Easter or the Annunciation, but Krasnaya Gorka (7 days after Easter) is an ideal choice.
  • May: you can’t get married on the Ascension of the Lord and the day before it (39th and 40th days after Easter).
  • June: you should not schedule a wedding for the second half of the month, in particular, on Trinity, Trinity Saturday and Petrov Post.
  • July: only after the 12th you will be able to get permission for the wedding.
  • August: You can hold a celebration only until the Dormition Fast, which begins on the 14th.
  • September: favorable dates for concluding an alliance before God are September 5, 12 and 19, but on 21 (Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary) and 27 (Exaltation of the Holy Cross) this event should not be scheduled.
  • October: a more favorable time for a wedding is the second half of the month.
  • November: you should not play a wedding on the 1st and 2nd numbers, because these dates are memorial days.
  • December: it is forbidden to get married on Advent.

The following table lists some church holidays and dates on which a wedding celebration should not be scheduled.

The wedding day is a very important date in the life of future spouses. Preparation for the holiday is always shrouded in a mass of superstitions. Of course, it will not be possible to plan your fate for the rest of your life, the life path of two people is always quite thorny. And yet, most brides, not even superstitious ones, hide the dress from the groom before the wedding, do not sign in May, buy only new wedding rings. The very date of the wedding, the future bride and groom are most often set for Friday-Saturday, so that all relatives and friends can come to the wedding feast. This is done for convenience. But are these days good for marriage? What day of the week is the happiest for a wedding? What day is better to plan a wedding in order to live a long married life together? What day of the week is best to get married? For these questions, it is best to turn to astrology.

Each day of the week in astrology has its own planet. On this day, the planet manifests its qualities more strongly and influences certain events in one direction or another. Consider now the influence of the planets on the days of marriages.


The patron of Monday is the Moon. The moon governs household chores, children, family, so creating a marriage on Monday is a very good decision. The first day of the week symbolizes the beginning, a new countdown, a new life.

But not everyone thinks so. Jews, for example, are forbidden to marry on Mondays. Although this day is associated with the beginning of the creation of the world, however, the Lord never said “good” about this day, as on other days.

The moon creates a very subtle emotional connection between people, attracts them and firmly connects them. But we must remember that the moon has two sides, it is very changeable and capricious. And this suggests that married life will be bright, stormy, with moments of calm and outbursts of emotions. It will not be monotonous and routine. Spouses will never experience indifference to each other. Thanks to its fluctuations, the Moon, throughout life, will fuel the mutual interest of lovers.

If the wedding day is still in doubt, then Monday is a great start for a new lasting union.


This day is ruled by aggressive, militant Mars. Many astrologers strongly discourage young couples from using this day to get married.

It is believed that the uncompromising, quick-tempered Mars will “give” a new couple a lot of quarrels, conflicts, misunderstandings, aggression, irritability. Mars cannot be “negotiated” or appeased. This planet patronizes wars and bloodshed. No warmth and harmony, no peace and cordiality. Only intransigence and power.

Sometimes marriages concluded under the protection of such a planet are dynamic and very passionate, but, alas, short-lived. Almost all couples who get married on Tuesday break up. Mars is a destroyer, he is not a supporter of unification.

A wedding on Tuesday is suitable for those who are ready to turn their family life into an arena for battles with their soulmate.


The third, middle day of the week is ruled by Mercury. A planet famous for frivolity, cheerful disposition, communication. Mercury is changeable, so any turn can be expected from a marriage created on this day.

The environment is certainly suitable for the union of two hearts inclined to communicate. For such a couple, it is very important to have common interests, a large circle of mutual friends. This is a springboard for family life. Inside such a family, coolness and alienation will reign. Such couples, who build relationships more on friendship and positive communication with the outside world, usually easily make compromises and concessions to each other. Joint entertainment is of great importance, the value of family relationships is not so important.

Relationships these days are pretty fragile. After some time, one of the couple will want more stability and privacy. It is very difficult to remain a family with different interests and lifestyles. The likelihood that both of them will want to “go down to earth” at once is negligible.

Wedding on Wednesday for freedom-loving people who are ready to fly together in the wind without overshadowing each other.


Thursday is ruled by Jupiter. Astrologers consider this day one of the best for marriage. Jupiter is the leading planet in charge of legal affairs, administers justice and helps financially.

The downside may be the fact that any petty quarrel will be considered in the family with all the scrupulousness of the criminal case. But this helps to put everything in its place, and not to return to this topic anymore, which is not so bad, unlike families where they remember and recall things long past a hundred times.

And, here, Orthodoxy, on the contrary, does not consider Thursday to be successful for a wedding. Weddings on Thursday are prohibited. Folk signs support the church in this matter. It is believed that Thursday will bring big problems to the family.

Marriages on Thursday are for people with leadership qualities, self-confident, firmly on their feet, knowing the value of themselves and their partner. The decision to marry must be firm and deliberate.


Friday is the best day for a wedding according to astrologers. Venus, the patroness of love and passion, has an entirely positive effect on the creation of a family.

The Orthodox Church here supports astrologers and most weddings take place on Friday. Many couples who decide on this ceremony perform it on this day, even if the wedding is scheduled for another. On Friday, weddings are played by both Muslims and Hindus.

Many couples have a question about Friday the 13th. This date is shrouded in a mass of rumors and rumors, and the majority tries to bypass this day. According to statistics in Russia on Friday the 13th there are 80% fewer paintings than on any other. Nevertheless, couples who get married on this day are considered the strongest.

Venus is the planet of romance and feelings. Therefore, in order for the bonds of marriage to be strong and durable, one must not forget about romantic pranks and whims.

Getting married on Friday is for people who sincerely love each other, ready to give in for the sake of the other half. And then Venus will present harmony and mutual understanding as a wedding gift.


Saturday is an extremely unlucky day for painting, both according to astrological forecasts and according to church canons. Saturn, ruling over Saturday, the planet is dry and callous in terms of emotional stress.

Marriages entered into on this day are marked by stability and prudence. They can be achieved by renouncing personal interests, their own self-realization. Saturn is the planet of self-sacrifice.

From a marriage concluded under the auspices of Saturn, one should not expect spiritual intimacy, some kind of intellectual conversations, special harmony. One cannot say “soul to soul” about such a family, however, for example, for a marriage of convenience, Saturday is just right. The foundations of marriage contracts are stability, reliability, confidence.

A wedding on Saturday is suitable for people for whom stability and reliability are much more important than ordinary worldly happiness.


Sunny day. Starting a family on a day ruled by the Sun means always being warmed by love and joy. The Sun, like Venus, contributes to the harmonious development of the family and warm relationships. Marriages concluded on Sunday practically do not break up, the Sun protects its wards from discord, gossip, misunderstanding. In such families there are always children (if not, they will soon appear).

The most successful of solar marriages will be those where one person takes on the role of head of the family. In such marriages, one of the spouses is “like behind a stone wall”, while the other “always has a reliable rear”. This is the most durable and happy family model.

People who love each other, understand and strive to live a long, happy life together need to get married on Sunday.

Astrology is a very good science, of course. Many listen to her advice on various life situations. But still, one should not forget that love, mutual respect and work are the three pillars on which the institution of marriage rests.

All girls dream of a wedding. White dress, veil, flowers, camera flashes, attention from all sides and sighs of admiration. But when it really comes time to get married, many people think whether it is worth playing a wedding? After all, this is not a cheap pleasure, and common sense argues with the heart, they say, it is more logical to spend money on a trip or buy something for an apartment. Technology, for example. And the wedding ... This day will pass and everything will be forgotten, the wedding dress will take up half a closet and it is not clear where to put it. Yes, and the groom insists just to sign and go on a honeymoon. What to do?

One can go on and on about how impractical it is to spend so much money on a ritual. You can also say that it is stupid to spend money on guests who should be invited more out of a sense of duty than on their own. But in fact, in the wedding ritual lies the power that can save a family in difficult times! And it does not depend at all on whether you believe in customs, omens or not.

So, what power lies in the wedding ritual? Perhaps it is necessary to start with the blessing of the parents. When the parents of the bride and groom bless this marriage, the newlyweds have access to the tribal power of both parties. What does it mean? And the fact that their family will be protected by their own ancestors. Generic force is the most powerful, with healing energy. (You can read more about this in the article ""). Therefore, if one of the parents is against the wedding, then it will be much more difficult for the newly baked family to remain united in difficult times. And there will definitely be crises in relationships, more than one marriage has not done without it.

Further, it should be said that the more guests from the bottom of their hearts wish the newlyweds happiness, love, procreation, the more blessed energy the young will receive. After all, wishes are not empty words, but words endowed with power. It is not for nothing that spouses, when faced with difficulties in conceiving a child or financial problems, go and collect blessings. The more people sincerely wish them what they want, the more likely it will happen.

And finally, the event itself has considerable power. A woman on this day feels the happiest in the world, the most beautiful and desirable for her husband. He looks at her admiringly, carries her in his arms, circles in dances. He holds her hand, carefully helping her out of the car, and gently kisses her in front of all those close to her. He gives her an oath and repeats the words of love in her ear. All this will be imprinted in the memory of the bride for many, many years. And in moments of the same crises, when she is offended by her husband, when the family is on the verge of collapse, this day will again and again rise before her eyes. And along with the memories, the feelings that she experienced that day will also come flooding back. She will remember all the good things that happened between them. And this good will give her hope and give her strength.

Time will pass and the turning point in the family will pass, the crisis will recede, but it is the wedding played once that will help her believe in the best and be patient.

Believe me, wearing a white dress is not a waste of money, as modern girls think. This is a ritual that makes sense. And besides, this is her dream, a little girl, which has the right to be fulfilled. Otherwise, all other childhood dreams can be buried in adult logical reasoning “should not be”.

Therefore, if you are thinking whether it is worth playing a wedding, do not hesitate - it is worth it!