Physical and emotional development of a nine-month-old baby. The development of a nine-month-old baby - skills, habits and abilities The development of a child of 9 months what he can

During the first year of a child's life, individual features of his development are manifested both in the activity of his movements and in what he can do, and therefore it is difficult to say exactly at what point a turning point in his development should occur. It should not be forgotten that when we talk about a nine-month-old child, we mean many children of this age, but by no means all. For all, a certain sequence in the development of any one area is preserved. For example, a child will first learn to stand, and only then will he walk. First, he will "rake" the small objects he likes into his fist, and only then he will learn to grab them with the characteristic movement of the thumb and forefinger. Regardless of the level of development of a nine-month-old child, one can notice a curious change, which is expressed in the speed of his movements, whether playing or traveling around the house - the baby becomes more skillful and energetic. At about the same age, the child remembers current events better and copes with simple problems quite successfully. Try to offer him a food he doesn't like, he will immediately push the spoon away. If you put some toy under his sweater, he will immediately lift the bottom edge of it, and the toy will fall out.

motor skills

By nine months, most babies crawl well. Most often using their hands and knees, children successfully overcome obstacles and maneuver on various surfaces. Other kids prefer the fifth point as the main means of transportation. Some make one leg jog and move with peculiar jumps. There are children who mainly rely on their hands, first pushing them forward, and then pulling the whole body. There are specimens moving on all fours with straightened knees, resembling newborn foals on still unstable legs. While many children noticeably develop new motor skills at nine months - the ability to stand, move, climb steps, get off the sofa - others seem to have frozen in their development. In this regard, all children have their peaks and relative declines. For a while, kids quickly learn new things, then they need to practice and consolidate their achievements, and then learn something else. However, it often happens that in some respect the development of the child seems to have not progressed at all, while in another area he has made interesting achievements. Nine months is an important age for the development of various muscle groups. Some children expend a lot of energy trying to get up as soon as possible, while others "work" more with their hands, all the time trying to take something, explore, turn and this and that. Spoons are of particular importance here. Children begin to understand that a spoon exists not only to beat it on some surface, but is also used as a tool with which food enters the mouth. And although your baby may turn the spoon over before it reaches his mouth, he still understands that food is first put on the spoon, and only then sent to his mouth.

Learning to walk

We anticipate your questions: Why learn to walk? Is it dangerous to learn to walk? Will the child's legs and spine be bent? All the same, after all, it will go, is it necessary to speed up this process? ..

We ourselves are absolutely sure that an UNPREPARED child should not be forced to walk, lift him to the wall of the bed and watch him tremble like a reed in the wind. In order for the child to learn to get up, stand, walk, you have to do a lot with him. Then it will be an easy, painless, completely natural process that cannot harm the child.

As soon as you feel that the child stands easily (leaning on his hands, straightens his legs, or crawls to the grate and rises from his knees), you can begin to intensively teach him to walk. If you have been busy with your child since birth, this moment may come at four months (the age, according to previous ideas, is absolutely incredible). What to start learning?

Stand without support, with your back to the support. The soft surface makes it fun to fall.

Many times a day, independently climb and stand up, holding on to horizontal bars.

We narrow the width of the bed with an additional wall, which we strengthen only at the time of the lesson, or with a thick rail. This helps the child at four months to make attempts to move along a narrow corridor. Having placed such a wall, you will immediately see that the child has got the opportunity to alternately raise his legs, squat. It is convenient for him to hold his hands on the “railing” on the sides, and not in front of him.

Walking on the bed behind the moving axis back and forth, back and forth: even if it is not very thick, so that the child confidently clamps it with his hand (we described it in the “Sports Corner” chapter). In the first month, you can not fix it, just drive it along the sides (without weights at the edges). Twist the stick if the child's fingers slip off.

You need to walk a lot on the floor, holding the child by both hands and taking part of the weight on your hands, so that it is walking, although with a load, but not necessarily the maximum.

For a child who has been walking along the bed and holding hands for 1-2 months, you can come up with a “leash” that widely captures the stomach and shoulders. You hold it from behind and on top, ready to insure falls. Such a leash can be made from an old shirt by cutting holes for the child's arms, and you will hold him by the empty sleeves while walking.

By five months, we begin to practice walking in a walker, introducing it in short portions. When you start the walker, check for any wires dangling somewhere, otherwise the lamps will suddenly fall to the floor. Make sure that newspapers, for example, are not lying on the sofa, because they will certainly be put in your mouth ... Instead, hang interesting and harmless objects, such as jingling balls, boxes, shiny lids, so that they are worth going around the apartment for. Already two or three days of walking in a walker completely transform the child, incredible progress is felt. Very soon, he already begins to control the direction of movement and gets where he wants (we are talking about the age of 4.5 months!). It would be nice if only he could not get to the stove - do not forget about it.

Doman writes that it is not necessary to teach a child to walk by the hand, so that the child's vestibular apparatus would rely only on itself. But this does not apply in any way to the age of four, five, six months, when you need to try to walk a lot on the floor (it would be nice if you were barefoot - we don’t want to hear the word “cold”!). There is no hurry for you, the vestibular apparatus will still have time to learn everything if your child goes to six and a half to seven months. It seems to us that this is the optimal age at which a trained “Domanovsky” child should take his first independent steps.

In order to provoke these first steps, we narrow the width of the bed (using a movable wall) to exactly the size of the outstretched arms, so that the child can move to any of the walls at will. After that, we fix some new very interesting toy on one of the walls of the bed and begin to increase the width of this space by millimeters. So the child needs to stretch, then take a half step and stretch, and at some point tear off his arms and take the first step without support. Remember to soften all corners in the bed, remember to protect the forehead and the back of the head. A few days of such activities lead you to victory: the child understands that it is possible to let go of hands.

We repeat once again that the exercises, when he stands with his back to the support, does not hold on, but only feels the support with his back and the back of his head, and is not afraid to fall forward on a soft one - they greatly speed up the first step.

WALKING DRAFTLY INCREASES A CHILD'S MOTOR INTELLIGENCE. And besides, you have an active ally. He himself now performs the most complex movements, having begun to walk at an age when civilized humanity has barely begun to crawl. Happy childhood is over. In the next chapters, we will start doing sports.

Undoubtedly, this is a real miracle of the world, when a child takes his first independent step - you can’t get used to it.

Ability to see, hear, feel

Many babies at nine months already choose their favorite toy or blanket. A dirty teddy bear thrown into the morning wash can create a crisis situation in the family. Despite the problems that the "favorite toy" can cause, this early attachment seems to us to be an important event in the development of the child. It testifies to the ability of the baby to distinguish objects perfectly. A new teddy bear is violently rejected if the child is tried to comfort him in the absence of an old "friend", because the baby already remembers what his favorite toy looks like, even when it is not around. The child's ability to distinguish sounds manifests itself at this age as noticeably as the ability to distinguish objects by their appearance. The baby is especially attentive to sounds that help him understand what is happening: the buzzing of a razor means that dad has woken up, the door of the refrigerator slammed - breakfast is ready, tapping on the window glass says - it's raining. At nine months, the child not only distinguishes objects and sounds well, but partly already knows how to "plan" his actions. This ability is especially evident when the baby is faced with a task with two actions. If a “barrier” in the form of another toy is placed in front of his favorite truck, the child will push the obstacle aside and get the car. Moving the flowers to the other edge of the coffee table - away from the child, you will see that this will not stop his curiosity, the baby will crawl around the table and get to the object that interests him. In such situations, the child demonstrates the ability to coordinate two actions. In essence, he uses one action as a means to carry out another. Something similar to action planning is also shown in the way the child holds familiar things in his hands. Just two months ago, any object, once in the hands of a baby, went through a certain stage of childhood experiences: it was examined, shaken, beaten, taken in the mouth, etc. Now, when the child takes something in his hands, his actions are purposeful. and he knows the purpose of the objects. He shakes the rattle because that's what it's there for. He raises the cup to his mouth, crumples a piece of foil, rings a bell, as if he is aware that objects serve different purposes, and he performs certain actions in order to achieve a certain goal. At nine months, the child has another hobby. Putting the toy in the box, the kid immediately overturns this box, puts the toy back in, and the story repeats itself. Such repetitive actions can be seen as a kind of hide-and-seek game. The child checks whether the toy hidden in the box continues to exist. Now, when the baby is aware of the constancy of objects, he is attracted to a wide variety of "hide and seek" options. Seeing that you have a small toy in your fist, the child will try to open your fist. The kid invents his own games - he likes to open kitchen cabinets, get out all sorts of pots and pans and scatter them around the house. Alas, there is practically no hope that this game will soon lose interest for the child.

We understand our child

A nine-month-old child understands the meaning of words every day better. When they ask him: "Where is mom?", "Where is dad?" He looks from one parent to the other. The kid is already following simple commands and, having heard: “Give mom a spoon”, will give mom a spoon. However, it would be better if the mother reinforces her request with an outstretched hand or make a request while he is looking at the spoon. For a kid, this is an interesting game, and if he once understood what needs to be done, he will be happy to play again and again. Starting to connect the sound of words with their meaning, the baby builds his figurative dictionary. And while most of his babble may be just a sound game, he is already beginning to say some of the words in the appropriate context. He will say "daddy" when he sees that a male guest has appeared in the house. The first words of the child most likely will not be those that indicate requirements (such as "give"), usually he seeks to name close people, pets, or pronounces words that mother accompanies habitual actions. At this very early "conversational" stage, the parents play a major role. If mom and dad react to a child’s successful attempt to say a word with noisy enthusiasm and increased attention to their “talking miracle”, the child begins to understand that using the word correctly is fun and pleasant. When the baby fulfills a verbal request and his quick wit is noted by parental enthusiasm, he will try even harder. At nine months, the child continues to enjoy playing back and forth games. One of the most favorite activities of children is to remove glasses from their parents. The game "I'll eat you" is almost as popular - the baby puts his hand in his father's mouth, and dad pretends that he is going to bite it off, then the child pulls out his hand and laughs victoriously. A variant of such a game is the game "the horned goat is coming", when the father "attacks" the baby's tummy, and he "defends" from the attack. A more relaxed version of the game "back and forth" can be considered a game of "telephone". Take a toy or real device (of course, the real one must be turned off from the network) and take turns speaking into the phone with the child. Mom imitates a call, picks up the phone and comes up with some short phrases, like: "Hi, how are you? Are you having breakfast?" Then she hands the phone to the child and says, "Now it's your turn." Soon the baby will get used to the phone and will definitely mutter some of his "phrases" before hanging up. If a child often plays with his peers and he has a constant "buddy", you can observe how the children themselves play a similar game, albeit in a more primitive form. Your toddler passes a stuffed toy to a peer, who hands it back to your child, and then everything starts all over again. At the same time, the children smile, they are quite satisfied, and it is quite clear that this is just a game, and there is no conflict at all.

Activities with a child

A nine-month-old child does not take the word "no" seriously - for him the whole house seems like a big magical game. He wants to explore and touch everything, so you, given this, before the children's invasion, you need to check all the contents of the house for stability. Any room in which the child may be alone or with parents busy with other things should be carefully "combed". It is necessary to think not only about what the child can do "now", but also about what he will learn to do in a month: what lockers and drawers he will try to open, what wires he will pull, what trinkets he will want to explore and throw on the floor, where they will naturally break As you go around your house looking for dangerous places, at the same time think about what things can be useful for children to play Arrange so that in every room where you and your child will spend time, there would be for him a supply of toys or other items suitable for play.Parents often provide their baby with a low-lying shelf in the kitchen, a drawer in their bedroom, and a basket in the living room filled with things that the child will be interested in and which he will not be able to break. If you have time to sit quietly and play with your child, be sure to give him the opportunity to start the game himself.If the baby finds that there are many new and interesting items in the basket available: key chi, video cassettes, dried fruits, curlers, etc., this may make him want to play - give you some thing to get it back right away.

Game time

New discoveries Ring the bell Give the child a bell and show them how to ring it. "Tactile" game Give your little one a box filled with different pieces of fabric that he or she will be interested in touching. Be sure to put there shreds of coarse, hard matter and smooth, silky. A well-chosen set can include a small square of linoleum, a playing card, a large cork, a piece of velvet or satin, and a sponge. Taking pieces of these objects out of the box and putting them back in there, the child begins to distinguish materials by touch. flip toys Arrange toys in front of the child, turning them upside down (for example, a teddy bear will be standing on its head, etc.). See if the kid will fix the "position" of his friends. Sticky tape Stick a piece of sticky tape to the back of a child's hand. The child will be interested in tearing off this tape. Hat on a child's head When the baby sits in front of the mirror, put a hat on his head. He will enjoy watching his reflection take off his hat. Improved coordination Play patty with your child Play patty with your child. Help him clap his hands, and then hide a hundred hands under the covers. The kid will watch with interest how his hands disappear and reappear. Roll the ball Roll the ball to the child and when the child returns it to you, send the ball back to him. Invite other family members to join you. A soft ball works best for this purpose. How to sit on the floor If the child has learned to pull himself up and rise to his feet, holding on to something, but still does not know how to sit back down, help your baby hold out the end of a towel or some kind of stick; This will make it easier for your child to return to a sitting position. Give your child a "pyramid" If a child puts the “ring” on the pyramid rod at least once, he will do it again and again. The game can be made even more interesting if the rod is rocked from side to side. Toys in a transparent box Put the toys in a transparent plastic box. Let the baby try to remove the lid. If he fails, open the lid yourself and give the child a box again - let him continue his efforts. Upside down saucepan Turn the saucepan upside down and give it to the child. See if he can figure out how to turn it over. Your child already knows a lot about how objects should be placed. Play "give me a toy" Put three different toys in the box. Name one of the toys and ask the child to give it to you. If he does it right, fake a noisy delight. Pulling Scarves Take some colored scarves and tie them together. Pass the scarves at one end into a cardboard tube, let the baby drag all the scarves through it. See if the child can stuff the scarves back into the tube.
Food for development The process of cooking is interesting for children of all ages, and even a very young child can be involved in it. Give your baby a saucepan, a lid and a spoon, or some empty box or bag. Copying your actions, he will shake an empty rice bag over the saucepan, and then interfere with the spoon there and hit the saucepan with this spoon. Dressing time How to dress a fidget Changing diapers for a nine-month-old baby is not an easy task. As a rule, it is easier for you to catch a baby crawling away than to keep him in place for changing clothes. This repetitive process can be speeded up a little by distracting the child's attention with some song "for the occasion." How to catch a child You can organize this process differently, turning it into fun. When a child tries to crawl away from you, grab him by the legs and drag him back: "I caught you!" Play this a few times. This will be a fun game for the baby, and besides, he will get tired, and you will have some time at your disposal, enough to calmly change his clothes. Down jacket for powder When changing your baby, give him a clean down jacket or cotton ball and show him how to rub his tummy, arms, nose or cheeks. This activity will give the child pleasure, and he will behave calmer. In addition, you will have the opportunity to talk with the baby about the parts of the body ("where we have a nose", "where we have eyes", etc.). Spider, spider The former "kindred" feelings will acquire a new shade if, to some live melody, the "spider" runs along the child's leg, and then along the zhvoti-ku. With the "spider" the baby will burst into laughter, as well as during a fun game. Bath time Have the child wash themselves Give your baby a bathing cloth and towel to dry off. Show him how to wash himself and how to dry himself with a towel. Of course, the preparation for "self-washing" and the "washing" itself will require more time. Op-op Children love to follow commands. Support your "bouncing" baby and command him "oops!" When the child stops "jumping", stop saying "oops!" A whole funny series of stops and movements can come out of this game. The child is already beginning to enjoy words, and at the same time, this is a useful training for him. Rest time Look at a book with your child

In this article:

The development of a nine-month-old baby opens up wide opportunities for parents to play and engage with him. The baby becomes more independent, attentive, observant. With him you can visit, go on a trip. At this age, kids learn a lot of new things, gradually get used to the menu of an almost adult table, sleep less and move more.

While awake, it is very important for a 9-month-old baby to have the opportunity for cognitive activities and games, so parents will need to think about how to keep the baby safe without forcibly restricting his movement around the house or for a walk.

Features of the physical development of the baby

For a 9-month-old child, whose development goes on as usual, the following indicators are considered normal: height - from 72 to 74 cm, weight - from 8900 to 9300 g. Naturally, deviations from the norm in one direction or another are possible, which may be due to with the characteristics of the baby, his genetic predisposition, nutrition and a number of other factors.

At 9 months, the baby already knows a lot and continues to consolidate previously acquired skills. So, for example, almost all children at this time are able to sit confidently, and sit down they independently from different positions - both standing and lying down. In addition, the ability to crawl is considered the norm for a 9-month-old child.

As a rule, the muscular corset and the spine are already strong enough at this time to withstand loads not only during crawling, but also during the baby's attempts to stand up and take the first steps.

It is usually quite normal for a 9-month-old child, whose physical development is appropriate for his age, to explore the territory in all ways available to him most of the time during his waking hours.

Toddlers try to crawl, periodically getting up and moving for short distances along the walls, descending to pick up the toy, often falling due to not yet perfect coordination.

Parents will need to take care to keep the baby busy at such moments, directing his inexhaustible energy in the right direction.

Baby routine at 9 months

Compared to last month, there are no significant changes in the regimen of a 9-month-old baby. The baby still gets up early, around 7 am, and goes to bed in the evening no later than 10 pm. The baby is on five meals a day, continues to sleep several times during the day for 1.5-2 hours.

Parents, when planning a daily routine for a 9-month-old child, should take into account his individual characteristics, not forcing him to go to bed in the evening earlier than he
will be ready for this, and not insisting on three naps a day, if two times is enough for the crumbs.

The development of the baby at this age allows him to stay awake for several hours, and sometimes more. During wakefulness, the baby does not act up and does not cry. He plays with pleasure, explores the territory of the apartment, communicates with his parents, listens to music and even dances! To captivate the baby at this time, parents can try to do gymnastics or educational games with him.

For a 9-month-old baby, it is very important to be outside several times a day. The best option is a walk before lunch and after sleep in the evening. During walks, kids watch with great pleasure everything that surrounds them, make attempts to walk hand in hand with their parents, and contact other children.

You can bathe babies at this age not every day if it's cool outside, but every day if it's summer and heat outside. In order for the baby to fall asleep better in the evening, you can come up with some special ritual that will help him tune in to sleep. It can be a lullaby, a fairy tale, a light massage, or even rocking.

Baby food at 9 months

At 9 months, babies eat 5 times a day, and many still breastfeed before bed. In the diet of a 9-month-old baby
there are more and more new products, due to which the dishes become more diverse. The baby receives porridge:

  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • oatmeal;
  • corn.

The vegetable menu is replenished with healthy and tasty vegetables:

  • carrots;
  • pumpkin;
  • cabbage;
  • green peas;
  • zucchini;
  • lettuce;
  • spinach;
  • potatoes.

You need to cook vegetables in such a way as to preserve their beneficial properties as much as possible, that is, steamed or in the oven. It is better not to use salt and spices - instead, you can add flavor to food with the help of fresh herbs.

For a 9-month-old baby who already has a few teeth that need a certain load, it is quite normal to chew food, so a blender is better to use in extreme cases, trying to knead the food with a fork and leaving small pieces.

At this stage of development, children with great pleasure try to eat on their own. Parents should encourage toddlers to try to use a spoon without their help, even though they may not be able to do it right at first. Over time, the baby will learn and be able to eat neatly and quickly.

Approximate menu for a 9-month-old baby:

  • first breakfast - breast milk or milk formula;
  • second breakfast - porridge in milk with butter and fruits;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, steamed cutlet, egg yolk, compote or juice;
  • dinner - cottage cheese, cookies, juice;
  • the second dinner is breast milk or formula.

This is just an example. Each baby has his own tastes and preferences, so parents can create a menu for him taking into account them, adjusting to the daily routine of the crumbs.

Psychological development of a child at 10 months of age

At 9 months, the development of the nervous system continues, so the baby's mood is unstable. Parents should show understanding and try to be close to the child every time he feels lonely or unhappy. It is important to support the baby, surrounding him with care, while not indulging his weaknesses too much, making it clear that parents can also have their own affairs.

Often, capriciously, the baby tries to say that he is hungry, tired, or that he is bored. Having solved the problem, parents will cheer up the crumbs. And if everything is clear with the problem of hunger and fatigue, it will be enough to feed the baby and help him fall asleep,
then you can fight boredom with the help of developing activities and exciting games.

You can read to the kid, work with him on studying cards with images of animals, birds, etc. At this age, children are already able to perceive this kind of information and with pleasure, following their parents, they try to imitate the sounds uttered by these animals and birds.

There are many options for playing with children at 9 months old. It is desirable that all of them be aimed at the development of general and fine motor skills, speech and thinking. Read more about ways to entertain kids below.

Features of cognitive development

Nine-month-old babies are very inquisitive and mobile. They observe everything that happens around them, and the manipulations of adults are of particular interest to them. The baby already sees that mom or dad is talking on the phone, and tries
repeat the same thing using your own toys and improvised items.

With great pleasure, the baby plays with toys, extracting sounds from them. For example, a child may intentionally throw toys out of a playpen or crib, only to hear them fall. No less joy for kids will be the opportunity to knock toys, rustle or even tear, for example, old newspapers and magazines.

The motor development of a child at 9 months allows him to use a tweezer grip. This skill really pleases the baby, who tries to pick up small objects with two fingers, examines them, performs various kinds of manipulations with them.

Emotional and social development of the baby

9 months is just the period when the baby begins to actively establish social contacts. The baby consciously chooses his favorite toys for himself, plays with them for some time without the participation of adults. The kid rejoices at his own successes and gets upset because of his failures. So, for example, if you give the baby the opportunity to play with a pyramid, first showing how
remove the rings, he will definitely try to repeat the actions of adults and will be delighted if everything works out.

For a 9-month-old baby, it is very important to feel the participation of parents in his life. Kids support any of their initiative regarding new games. The face of a child at this age can already express a whole bunch of emotions, ranging from interest and joy to discontent and resentment.

Features of speech development

At 9 months, the baby already knows his name and responds if you call him. The baby is happy to perform simple tasks, looks for toys on demand, points with his finger at the named object. This means that in the child's passive vocabulary there are already
a lot of words, not only nouns, but also verbs.

The kid clearly understands what they want from him when they offer to “knock”, “throw” or “get up”. At this age, the baby consciously observes the movement of the mouth of adults, trying to remember the movements of the lips.

As for active speech, at 9 months the baby already knows how to not only babble, but also pronounce individual syllables, as well as imitate the voices of animals, “meowing”, “barking” and so on.

How to teach a child to play?

A nine-month-old baby can already be taught to play using simple stories. You can play with dolls, with cars, with soft toys, offering the baby different scenarios, voicing the main characters, copying the behavior of people. It is important that in
During the game, the child learned to empathize with the characters, to show concern.

With a crumb, you can play with a small ball. The game is sure to amuse the baby and help accelerate the development of his coordination. Also at this time, you can introduce the baby to reading books, which must be in hardcover.

During the game, make sure that the child is not distracted and shows interest. If this does not happen, then it would be more correct to switch his attention to something else, postponing classes to a later date.

Games for the development of fine motor skills

Fine motor skills are the flexibility and dexterity of the baby's fingers and hands. The more developed the hands are, the better the child will be able to master writing skills, the faster he will learn to cope with such simple things as shirt buttons, shoe laces, and a number of other everyday problems.

A great option for developing fine motor skills at 9 months is fun with kinetic sand, plasticine or clay. Kinetic sand - environmentally friendly, easy to collect, can be painted in bright colors. They can fill up a whole mini-sandbox for the house, where the baby can spend time building towers and the first Easter cakes.

A crumb can be taught to roll balls and sausages made of plasticine or clay, or, if he is not yet able to do this, be given the opportunity to crush the material with his fingers, dividing it into pieces.

To develop tactile skills with the baby, you can play with objects made of different materials. So, for example, the baby will definitely pay attention to the difference between a piece of natural fur and rough foil. Invite him to touch tissue samples of different types, touching his arms and cheeks, describing the sensations experienced by the baby.

To develop speech with a child, you can play on the phone, using, for example, a handset from an old device. The essence of the game is that adults, addressing the child, pronounce simple syllables or words into the tube, changing intonations, and offer him to repeat them already with his tube.

Of course, regular communication with the child at home and on a walk with commenting on everything that he sees and does will contribute to the development of speech and development in general. Do not forget about finger games, with the help of which it will be possible to stimulate the development of fine motor skills and speech of the child.

A very interesting period in the life of babies is 9 months. Some children at this age already manage to take their first steps on their own, pronounce their first words. And others are just silently studying the world. In this case, parents should not be upset. This is not yet an indicator of the poor development of the crumbs, he simply accumulates knowledge. Each child develops skills individually. Some at this age are already walking, while others are just getting up. Many young parents are interested in proper nutrition and development of the child at 9 months. After all, such a mobile and curious baby requires constant attention.

What can a baby do at 9 months?

By nine months, the baby changes dramatically. Mom no longer sees him as a clumsy fat man. A curious baby asks all the time on the floor and requires communication. This is a very important period when the child's body is preparing for upright posture. Well, let's follow the development and nutrition of the child at 9 months, his main abilities.

Holding on to the support, the baby manages to stand and step over. He can crawl in different directions, climbs on all fours to elevations. The child can easily sit up and lie down on his own. Holding on to a support, he can not only stand, but also bounce. The baby can stand holding the hand of the parents. He easily repeats the movements of adults: raises, lowers his hands, claps his hands. What can a baby do at 9 months? By this age, he has formed many sensory, intellectual and social knowledge:

  1. Sensory-motor dexterity. If a baby at this age is given a toy, he calmly picks it up. Can slowly bring to itself, consider. He manages to pick up small objects with one hand. Often plays with two toys at once. While crawling, he is able to hold an additional item in his hand. The kid claps his hands very well. Able to crawl backwards.
  2. Intellectual abilities. A 9-month-old baby loves interesting games where you need to repeat simple actions several times. He easily recalls the game he learned the day before. I especially like to hide behind the palms in the game "Where are you?". With pleasure he shows with his hands how big he is. The kid is able to fulfill simple requests: nod his head, wave his hand. The child easily repeats simple words after the parents: give, am, mom, dad. Often the baby has a fear of volumetric space and height.
  3. Social skills. A 9-month-old child is very attached to his parents, loves to play next to them. He manages to copy the emotions and gestures of other people. He reacts to laughter with a smile, to crying with tears. Baby no longer plays with all the toys in a row, he carefully chooses them. At the request of the parents can sneeze or laugh. Sometimes the baby himself takes the initiative to start a new game. If mommy asks him to repeat something, he will do it with pleasure.

Features of mental development

The 9-month-old miracle is constantly exploring space. He is interested in everything: how the doors open and close, why the furniture stands still. There are a lot of new things in the mental development and nutrition of a 9-month-old child. In a conversation, the baby changes his intonation, reacts to his name. If you call him, he immediately turns with a smile on his face. Emotions at this age are gaining certainty. The kid expresses joy, resentment, anger, anger.

It is very interesting to observe how the child points with his finger at the objects he needs and asks him to get them. Often he wants to climb into a locker or refrigerator. Pockets are a favorite place where he needs to find something. Agree and denial can be shown by nodding the head. Dressing a 9-month-old baby is getting easier: he puts his hands into the sleeves, puts his foot in the trouser leg, takes off his hat. The child determines by voice or rustle where the adults are. He still does not know how to handle toys correctly, throws them or knocks them.

Speech abilities of a 9-month-old baby

At 9 months, having heard his name, the baby can not only turn around, but also crawl. If you ask him the question "Where is that (or that)?", he immediately looks for the right person or object with his eyes. At the request of an adult, he can already choose the right toy among several others. When asked to give some object, she hands it to her mother. A child at 9 months responds well to the words quit, you can’t, give, on, get up, lie down. The baby has formed knowledge of many objects: bottles, cups, spoons, combs. The baby is already carefully listening to the conversations of adults, watching their lips.

At this age, the child begins to actively reproduce various speech sounds. These can be individual syllables or imitation sounds. The baby can specifically sneeze, snort, buzz, meow, bark. One pleasure for him is babbling or mumbling.

Weight and height of a nine-month-old baby

A lot of attention is paid to the development and nutrition of a child at 9 months, because his motor activity increases. As a result, weight gain is reduced. A baby adds only 300-500 g per month and grows by 1-2 cm. What is the weight of a child at 9 months old? A lot also depends on the gender of the baby. At this age, boys weigh between 7.9 kg and 10.5 kg. Girls have from 7.5 kg to 9.7 kg.

Many are interested not only in the weight of the child at 9 months, but also in the increase in size. Boys at this age are from 67.5 to 76.5 cm tall. Girls stretch from 65.3 to 75 cm.

Feeding the baby

Breast milk is still in the diet of a 9-month-old baby. But this is no longer the main element of the diet. It is worth accustoming the baby to new foods and dishes. What is the diet of a child at 9 months? Daily it should include milk porridge, mashed vegetables, meat, boiled yolk, cottage cheese. Fruit puree and juices will be an excellent addition to the diet. Instead of mother's milk, a highly adapted milk mixture can be used.

During this period, many practice minced meatballs. Cottage cheese is diluted a little with kefir. From cereals, wheat and oatmeal are suitable. Semolina porridge is still difficult to digest by the baby's stomach, it is better to wait up to a year. Since the baby can already eat from a spoon, you can practice soup for a 9-month-old baby. It's worth experimenting with new flavors and foods. The main thing is to observe the composition and consistency of the dishes. At this age, the baby should not be given an ordinary soup, but a puree soup made from steamed or boiled ingredients. Here is the recipe for the simplest puree soup:

  • potatoes, cabbage, carrots:
  • a little greenery, finely chopped;
  • a small bay leaf;
  • 1/2 teaspoon butter or vegetable oil;
  • a little bit of salt.

In addition to the above vegetables, you can use cauliflower, broccoli, green peas, pumpkin, zucchini. It is better to use filtered water for making soup. After the vegetables are boiled, they are chopped with a blender to a puree consistency. In such a soup, you can already add meatballs, cereals, small pasta.

An important place in the diet of crumbs is occupied by cereals. Barley, rice, buckwheat are first boiled in water. After the cereal is cooked, it is passed through a strainer. After that, milk is added to the mass and brought to a boil.

Gradually introduce fish into the diet of a 9-month-old baby. It is better to use low-fat varieties: hake, cod, pollock, pike perch.

What fruits can you feed?

Fragrant and sweet berries and fruits are not just a treat for kids. It is a supplier of all kinds of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The very first fruit that is allowed for kids is an apple. They often feed children from 5-6 months. And what fruits can be given to a child of 9 months, except for apples? At this age, chopped raisins, dates, bananas, pears are suitable. You can make a mix of several fruits, for example, a pear or an apple with a banana.

Don't forget the berries. You do not know what to give a child at 9 months? At this age, chopped currants, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, gooseberries are allowed. The main thing - for the first time, offer the little one a little bit of new food.

baby day routine

At 9 months of age, babies themselves can already influence the mode of wakefulness and sleep. The fact is that they are already beginning to recognize the difference between night and daytime. They are starting to enjoy playing during the day more and more. But still, the basic rules remain: 2 sleeps during the day for 2 hours, night sleep up to 11 hours. One of the daytime naps is better in the fresh air.

It is important to remember the air temperature in the children's room. It should be at a level of +20 ° С. Don't forget to ventilate the room regularly. Regular daily walks with the baby should become the norm. The duration of walks, in general, should be up to 3 hours.

Bathing for the crumbs is already becoming a pleasure, it can be done every other day. The baby already loves to splash, dive and swim. Teach your child to wear pajamas and socks at night, because he can open up at night. Do not forget to sing lullabies to him at night.

Gymnastics for children 9 months

It is very important for a 9-month-old peanut to do gymnastics and massage him. The following exercises should be included in the combination of gymnastics and massage:

  • swing your arms in a circle;
  • bending and straightening the legs together and alternately;
  • light massage movements on the back;
  • crawl stimulation;
  • belly massage;
  • squats;
  • sliding steps.

Each exercise should be done daily 5-7 times for 10 minutes.

The Importance of Games for Development

At this age, communication in games is very important for a child. Provide the baby with the necessary number of toys and items for his favorite activity. Toddlers often themselves suggest what games they want to play. Let the baby start the game on his own, so he will learn to be independent. Teach your child about educational toys. At this age, you can already learn to build a pyramid or a tower of cubes.

Diagnostics of the development of the baby

If you decide to check how your 9-month-old baby is developed, use the following test:

  1. Sitting without support, trying to get up, crawling for toys, holding a cup in two hands?
  2. When seated, does he turn and pick up objects from the side or from behind?
  3. Repeats your gestures and actions, performs some of your simple tasks?
  4. When you try to take away a toy from him, does it prevent this?
  5. Babbles repeated syllables?
  6. Responds to his name, distinguishes between his own and others?

If all these questions are answered yes, then everything is in order with the development of your baby.

Make every effort not only for the physical, but also for the mental development of a 9-month-old baby. Continue to take him in your arms, show your love. Talk to the little one, develop his speech. To do this, show him picture books, read poems and nursery rhymes with repeated words. Ask the child to point to something in the picture with his finger. Make sure you teach him to crawl. It is also important to introduce the child to a spoon, a cup and falling asleep without motion sickness.

A nine-month-old baby undergoes dramatic changes in appearance and development. He is very active, shows curiosity, and does not like to be left alone in his crib for a long time. The baby's favorite pastime is playing on the floor with her toys. Therefore, the mother has more and more free time, and her task is to monitor the baby and communicate with him.

At 9 months, the child's skeletal and muscular systems develop especially actively, as preparation for upright posture begins. When a child is 9 months old, his development and nutrition change somewhat.

Norm of height and weight

Since the baby begins to move more actively, his weight gain is much slower than before. During this month, he can gain from 300 to 550 grams and grow by 1-2 centimeters. Thus, a nine-month-old baby by the beginning of the 10th month has a weight that is 8.5 or 9.5 kilograms and a height of 69 to 73 centimeters.

Pediatricians use special tables that indicate the average statistical parameters characteristic of a given age, including the weight and height of a 9-month-old child. However, about one toddler in ten of his peers will not meet the specified intervals, nor should this be considered a pathology.

A number of factors influence body weight, its length and girth of the head, and they cannot be ignored. Most often, these are hereditary characteristics and the nationality of the parents. In addition, male babies have slightly more weight and height. When the height and weight of a child is measured at 9 months, the norm for male babies is slightly larger than for girls.

Normal daily routine at 9 months

The daily routine of a nine-month-old baby is almost the same as that of an eight-month-old baby. However, it should be noted that some changes are taking place in his diet, and the number of games for development is expanding.

Therefore, the daily routine of a 9-month-old baby by the hour looks approximately as follows:

  1. Around 6 or 7 in the morning, the baby wakes up and receives the first feeding.
  2. From 6.30 to 8.30 he is awake, and at this time, the mother conducts mandatory hygiene procedures, air baths and massages.
  3. From 8.30 to 10 o'clock in the morning (or according to other sources from 9.30 to 11) you should sleep, and it is advisable to spend it in the fresh air.
  4. At 10 or 11 o'clock the second feeding is carried out.
  5. After that, the little one spends two hours actively exploring the world, doing exercises with his mother, playing.
  6. Around 2 p.m., the next feeding begins.
  7. After eating, you can take a second walk at this time the baby should sleep.
  8. At 16 00 to 18.00 educational games and exercises are held.
  9. At 6 or 7 pm it's time to eat again.
  10. After eating, you can take a walk with the baby for a couple of hours, it is very good if other family members are also present.
  11. At about 9 pm, you can spend communication with the child and quiet games, as well as bathing. During this period, preparation for sleep takes place.
  12. At 10:00 the child eats for the last time and goes to bed.

Such an approximate schedule should be followed, but always taking into account what individual physiological needs the baby has. The most important thing in the schedule is to maintain 4-hour intervals between feedings and walk at least twice a day. And in the rest of the time that the child spends actively, perform physical exercises with him, perform hygiene procedures, engage in educational games.

Sleeping mode

How to put a baby to sleep at 9 months? Usually now it is not difficult if the child is not hungry and feels fine. It is important at the same time to continue to observe a certain regimen and not to tire him too much with games. Babies can still wake up at night and beg for food, but not because they are hungry. In this way, they satisfy their psychological need for closeness with their mother. For some babies, these awakenings continue until the end of breastfeeding.

There are certain norms of sleep at 9 months. At this age, you should sleep twice a day for two hours and ten hours at night. The mode of daytime sleep may change somewhat, since at night a small person already sleeps much longer than before and wakes up later. Although for some children, the sleep schedule does not change compared to last month.

Features of feeding

Feeding includes breast milk or formula, as well as the introduction of new foods. Milk should make up about a quarter of a baby's total daily diet at nine months of age.

Here is a table of an approximate diet for a child at 9 months:

  • juice from fruits and vegetables about 80 grams;
  • wheat bread 5 grams;
  • butter and vegetable oil, 5 grams;
  • cottage cheese or kefir about 40 grams;
  • cereals from cereals up to 180 grams;
  • half the yolk twice a week;
  • meat 50 grams;
  • vegetable puree up to 180 grams;
  • fruit puree up to 80 grams.

It is best to give cottage cheese along with kefir during evening feeding before bedtime. In addition, at 9 months, lean fish, steam meatballs from meat should be gradually introduced into complementary foods. For puree, you can use several vegetables with the addition of a small amount of greens. Porridge should be boiled from a mixture of cereals, provided there is no intolerance. But it is not recommended to use semolina porridge at this age, since up to one year it will be difficult for a baby to digest it, and problems with the intestines may occur.

From the above diet, it becomes clear that at nine months, the baby gradually begins to get used to ordinary adult food. At this time, his jaws are intensively developing and teeth begin to appear, so the little one feels the need for constant chewing. To increase the chewing load, it is recommended from time to time to give him solid pieces of food - an apple, a carrot, a cracker.

The 9-month-old breastfeeding regimen is not too different from the artificial one, except that the first one receives breast milk twice a day, and the second - an adapted formula.


Many mothers may have a question about how to develop a child at 9 months? Before answering it, consider what he should already be able to do at this age:

  • a child of 9 months should be able to sit down and lie down, and in this position to get toys;
  • hold toys in both hands, prefer one and ignore the other;
  • move around in a walker for 10 minutes without signs of fatigue, while jumping and squatting;
  • walk, leaning on the back of a chair and moving it;
  • it’s good to crawl on the bellies, and some children can already move freely on all fours;
  • take objects with two fingers, gently touch them, tear paper;
  • hold certain objects confidently in his hands, but at the same time he opens his fingers with great difficulty, so it is rather difficult to take a toy from him;

The mental development of the baby also changes:

  • he knows how to name syllables and associate them with certain people or objects;
  • begins to show character and express his attitude to what is happening by changing intonation;
  • knows his name well and responds to it, turns around, smiles;
  • may laugh, be offended or angry;
  • points a finger at an object that is hidden in a closet and asks to get it;
  • begins to realize himself as a separate person, examines his reflection in the mirror with interest;
  • understands simple requests well, knows how to nod his head, as if saying “yes” or “no”;
  • can imitate some sounds (“sneeze”, “meow”, “bark”);
  • when his mother dresses him, he already puts his hands in his sleeves and takes off his hat on his own;
  • while playing hide and seek, he can find a person, not only when he sees him, but also by sound;
  • actively replenishes the lexical smell, and remembers some points, therefore, during this period, adults should carefully monitor their behavior and words spoken in his presence;
  • often uses toys to hit them one into another or throw them up, watching how they fall.

Games and activities for development

Games with a baby at 9 months should be not only entertaining, but also educational. During this period, it is recommended that the mother continue to carry it in her arms, as this has a beneficial effect on the child's psyche.

To develop speech skills, you need to have constant conversations with him, as with an adult, look at pictures and comment on what is drawn. It is advisable to try to discuss, showing them to the little one.

In order for the baby to start learning to crawl, you can make a simple device. To do this, take a blanket or a large towel, roll it into a roll, and pass it under the baby's chest. Then put a toy or an object of interest to him nearby and help him crawl to him, holding the ends of the blanket. If he tries to get on all fours, then you need to prop up his legs in turn.

Of great interest to the baby will be a house with a tunnel through which he can move. It should be purchased at the store, or made independently using unnecessary boxes.

Educational games for a 9-month-old child consist in his participation in the construction of structures - pyramids or turrets. At that age, he still does it poorly, therefore, if the baby was able to successfully place a cube or ring on top, then he should be praised for this. It is necessary to allow him to destroy what has already been built, since at the moment he really likes to watch how objects fall.

A regular roll of toilet paper will help train fine motor skills. It should be given to a child for unwinding and tearing paper into shreds. Such an activity is not only delightful, but also a good workout for the fingers.

The first acquaintance with the structure of the human body takes place with the help of a doll. She is at this age needed by both the boy and the girl. The ideal option in this case is a toy that is as similar as possible to the little one. Putting her opposite, you should tell and show where her arms, legs, nose, and so on. After the baby, at the behest of the mother, should show it himself.

In the bath, it is useful to take two plastic cups, and teach the child to pour water from one to the other to develop coordination.

Fine motor skills become better when a container of cereal is taken and small objects or toys are buried there. The task of the baby is to find them there and pull them to the surface.

It is useful to play "patty" like in the video above, clap your hands to the beat of some fun music, or to the rhythm of a children's song.

When a child is 9 months old, the development and nutrition of the baby are completely dependent on his parents, it is especially important that the mother does everything right.

It is simply impossible not to notice how your baby is growing. Baby 9 months until recently, he was a tiny lump that made his parents happy with his appearance, and after a certain time, which is just around the corner, he will celebrate his first birthday. Exactly at 9 months baby development it reaches certain indicators, where the once still helpless baby before our eyes turns into an independent, independent and sometimes even wayward person, striving to do everything herself.

Physical development of children 9 months

The mass of the baby during the whole month at the usual pace increases by an average of 500 g, and can already weigh 9-9.5 kg (if the baby weighed 3-3.5 kg at birth). Growth also increases by 2.5-3cm. 9 month old baby routine designed to help both adults and of course the baby. After all, only a sensitive and caring mother, observing the behavior of the crumbs, can always catch the mood of the baby and be sure to hold him. Usually at this age, babies sleep 2 more times a day for up to 2.5 hours. From that how much does a 9 month old baby sleep and will depend on the period of active wakefulness. On average, it is 3-3.5 hours.

How do we eat

Baby menu at 9 months practically does not differ from the menu of an eight-month-old baby. Meat can be replaced a couple of times a week with fish, but just make sure that it is not greasy. When preparing milk porridge, in addition to rice, buckwheat and oatmeal, you can already in baby food 9 months old introduce barley and barley. The baby should also already be given vegetable oil, especially if he has a tendency to display exudative diathesis. Since the oil is rich in polyunsaturated vitamins and acids, it increases the body's defenses and improves skin condition. Pay attention to the content in products, it is harmful. Also, keep in mind that baby food at 9 months should not only contain a certain range of products, but also gradually replenished with new dishes. The child can already be given to try salads from boiled pureed vegetables, vinaigrettes. And cook vegetable soup not in the form of mashed potatoes, but with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes, carrots, fish and meat in the form of meatballs, steam cutlets, and so on.
Moreover, soon your baby will learn to eat with a spoon, and will independently try pieces of tender food with his hands. At this time, it is more pronounced and emotional. This also applies to food intake. In the case when he is full or the food you offer does not please him, he will indulge or even cover his mouth with his hands. It is advisable not to turn the process of eating into a playful activity, but to try to make it clear to the baby that you will certainly do this after you eat.

Nine months is quite an interesting age for a baby. He is interested in everything around. Baby 9 months Interested in almost everything he can get his hands on. After all, it is children in the first year of life that serves as a certain basis for the formation of all areas of child development. During this period, it is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to the safety of the child. Remove sharp, glass and heavy objects from the baby's reach. It is also worth removing medicines and other things that are dangerous for him.

A nine-month-old baby can already boast of the following achievements:

Able to speak some words, or rather individual syllables. For him, they denote certain objects. is still uncoordinated, consists of fragments of words. The first words for children of this age are like gestures. And it depends only on the baby when he starts talking, in this matter everything is individual;
- the baby becomes more independent, he can already play alone with toys;
- he takes small objects no longer with his fingers, but with “big” two hands;
- easy to unfold while crawling;
- looks for the necessary objects with a glance;
- holding on to a support, can already walk for a long time;
- imitates the behavior of an older child;
- studies the capacity of items and other boxes;
- a little fidget is trying to climb onto a chair or sofa;
- plays with several objects at once;
- understands the meaning of the word "sit", "go", etc.
The baby develops personal qualities, he already begins to declare his interests. During this period of the child’s formation, it is important to find and explain to him the meanings of the words “can” and “impossible”.

Games and speech

By this age, the child is already actively playing with adults, games are a tool for communication. The games "patties", "magpie-crow" (tested by time) help the child to imitate adults. If baby 9 months not yet playing these games, then be sure to teach your baby. You will see how he will clap with great pleasure along with you. Teach the baby to play with as well, show how to put them on top of each other.
The kid studies the properties of things, getting an idea of ​​their shape, size and texture (smooth and rough objects). At this age, the child understands that there are edible and inedible objects. And he is convinced of this only on his own experience. Because he still puts everything in his mouth. Be especially careful: put all sharp, small and fragile objects somewhere far away. Of course, don't forget that toys for children 9 months should be according to your child's age. For the development of speech, such 9 month old baby like rollovers. The baby begins to pronounce the words, the mother repeats after him, pronouncing everything slowly and clearly, gradually adding new syllables. The kid has already learned to demand. If he needs something, then he will scream at the top of his voice. The baby begins to speak in parallel with the general development. Usually, if a child is physically weak, suffers from infectious diseases, then he most likely lags behind in speech development. The speech development of the child, no matter how paradoxical it may seem, is also affected by gastrointestinal diseases that disrupt the nutrition of the cerebral cortex. Thus, good nutrition is the basis for the harmonious development of the baby.

With new forces - to new discoveries

Cognitive development of the child this age is becoming more active every day. The kid with extraordinary perseverance and perseverance is drawn to everything new. If he wants to, he will tell you about it. To increase the horizons of your child, add additional items to his everyday life. In order not to purchase new toys, dream up and transform those already purchased. Pay attention to every little thing. At nine months, the baby constantly throws, rolls, hits various objects on the floor. He wants to see what happens to them. From the outside, it seems like random movements, but in fact, the baby, in this way, learns the world.

Psychological development of a child 9 months

Baby 9 months already confidently uses the so-called "pinch grip", i.e. takes objects with the help of the index finger and thumb. This is very important, because in the future it is with these two fingers that he will hold a pencil and a pen. So pay special attention to this moment, do not forget to praise your child after he managed to fix the object in this way.
During this period, he tastes everything he sees, and a couple of seconds is enough for the baby to grab some tiny thing from the floor and put it in his mouth. Such actions must be stopped immediately. The ban must be firm.
It should be easy to explain to the child what is possible and what is not. There comes a time when every day he becomes more independent. Baby 9 months already knows how, without distracting you from household chores, to sit quietly and play independently, to study the surrounding reality. The mental development of the child also makes itself felt. At the age of nine months, the baby can independently insert the rod into the hole, fold or throw objects into the box. And opening the closet and throwing out all the neatly folded things is a toddler’s favorite pastime.

What we love

The child enjoys taking water procedures. He likes to beat his hands on the water, play with ducks and boats. He pushes the toys together, creating a large amount of splashes.
The kid loves to hear how he is praised. However, it is necessary from this age to make it clear to the child that if he behaves in an inappropriate way, he will be punished. In no case do not succumb to the whims of a little blackmailer, do not follow his lead. A child as early as 9 months should learn to behave well.

When teeth erupt

The time when the baby begins to erupt the first tooth, parents are waiting with particular impatience. This is a kind of stage in growing up crumbs. By the beginning of the ninth month of life, most children already have a couple of teeth, usually the two lower teeth, although everything is individual. No need to worry if your baby's gums are still smooth. The difference in terms of eruption of the first teeth depends on many factors. First of all, the heredity of the baby affects this. Ask your grandmothers at what age you and your spouse appeared.
A very important factor is proper child nutrition. During this period, the basis of permanent teeth is laid in the gums of the crumbs, so food should be rich in calcium. Same 9 month old baby diet should contain fiber in the right amount. So fiber, contained in vegetables and fruits, perfectly copes with the role of a toothbrush. But the baby’s erupted teeth also need a load, and, consequently, the food should contain small pieces of meat, fish, bread, and cookies. It is necessary that the baby chew them. As soon as the food enters the baby's mouth, he instinctively begins to move it with his tongue closer to the gums and chew. If baby 9 months does not know how to chew food with the gums, then he tries to move the food closer to the existing teeth with his tongue and tries to chew with them.

creative workshop

Peculiarities of this age make it possible to introduce them to games, which in the future will turn into appliqué, drawing, modeling, etc. Show your child how to draw with a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen on a large sheet of paper. And, dipping the baby’s tiny fingers in finger paints specially designed for this, by all means give the little “artist” the opportunity to smear them over a piece of fabric, a sheet, and even his own body (then you can wash it off with warm showers). You can make a cake out of clay or any dough and put your baby on your knees and try to stick pebbles, beans, curly pasta into it. And your inquisitive little one will pick them out with great pleasure and surprise. Be sure to unscrew the lids, put chopped soup vegetables together in a saucepan, sort through large multi-colored buttons, throw cotton balls or walnuts into the basket. All these activities not only develop small fingers very well, give a certain direction to the child, but also quickly captivate the child, while giving him a lot of positive emotions.