What do children understand at 3 years old? "Don't want! I won't! No need! I myself!” — three-year-old crisis: signs of a crisis and how to overcome it

Children love to explore the world and demand attention every minute. But what if mom is busy with housework and dad is at work? What to do with a 3 year old child? After all, classes should be useful and develop memory, attention, and motor skills.

“No” to watching cartoons for a long time

Dr. Komarovsky said in an interview: “A tablet will not teach a child to jump, run, fight or fall. It will only create the illusion of these skills.”

Indeed, gadgets are confidently turning into their worst enemies every year. Children sit for hours in front of the TV or computer, watching cartoons and various “useful” programs. What does this lead to? Vision deteriorates, there are no communication skills with peers, logic, attention and memory do not develop.

Natalya, mother of Veronica, 3.5 years old: “When examined by an ophthalmologist before going to kindergarten at 2.5 years old, there were no deviations. And at an examination at 3.5, it turned out that her vision was deteriorating. The doctor forbade playing on the phone and tablet, and only watching TV for 15 minutes a day!”

What to do with a 3 year old child at home?

The child constantly wants to do something, but parents cannot entertain him every minute. Often it is necessary to distract the baby with something in order to do urgent housework.

Properly selected games will help develop logical thinking, observation, imagination and memory.

Activities that will benefit you:

Finding the right toy

Ask to find 2 bunnies, a ball, a drum. There is a high probability that the baby will be carried away by looking at his treasures and will entertain himself for some time.

Toy hide and seek

Hide your favorite toy or sweet in the house. Say: “Let's play pirates!” Somewhere in the house there is a real treasure buried - your favorite chocolates. Start looking in the bedroom to see if they are there?

Developing fine motor skills of the hands

A 3-year-old child can easily help in the kitchen. Are you preparing something from dough? Give your baby a piece. Let him sculpt pies and make figures of various animals. This activity perfectly develops speech and logical thinking.

Pour large pasta, beans, peas into a deep pan and stir. Say, “I want to make pasta for lunch, but I have everything mixed together. Choose only pasta for me and put it on this plate.” Working in the kitchen can be turned into a fun game, you just need to show a little imagination.

Help around the house

Are you ironing clothes? Ask your son or daughter to carefully fold their things or choose their tights, underwear, or sweater from a mountain of laundry. A three-year-old child can easily wipe dust from surfaces, sweep up large debris from the floor - really help clean the house.

Role-playing games

Tell them your favorite toy is sick. Let her put her to bed, treat her (for example, give her cold compresses). Depending on the character and preferences of the baby, you can offer him to do the doll’s hair, fix the car, or prepare dinner for the animals.

Safe football

A balloon is a great substitute for a soccer ball, but not as heavy and safe for cabinets and glass. Let the baby happily kick it into the gate, which can become a doorway.


Turn on the music, give your baby a scarf or ribbon. Let him dance!


Cover a regular table with a blanket, place toys and pillows under the table. The child will want to spend more than one minute in his shelter!

Irina, mother of 3-year-old Sasha: “Sasha has a toy tent, but his favorite game is when I cover the clothes dryer with a blanket and give him toys and a flashlight. He sits there for at least half an hour, playing.”

Making crafts

You can make real masterpieces from improvised materials. The child will be interested in creating, and the mother will be able to calmly go about her business.


Cover an ordinary glass (glass, glass or plastic bottle) with a thin layer of PVA glue and invite the little artist to make a gift for dad (grandmother, sister). Place some rice, buckwheat, coffee beans, peas nearby, and show how to make a beautiful vase, for example.

Cut it out

Give your child an unnecessary magazine and special scissors with rounded ends, and let him cut out the cars or dresses he likes. And then you will make a collage of these images together and give it to your dad or grandma.


Prepare colored paper, scissors, glue, cardboard. Let the child cut out figures from colored paper and make appliqués.

Modeling from plasticine

Plasticine is an indispensable assistant. Just give it to the baby. He will tear off a piece, cut it with a knife, and sculpt it.

Kinetic sand

Playing with kinetic or live sand can keep a 3-year-old child occupied for a very long time. This sand is specially designed for use at home: it does not get dirty or crumble. And the benefits for the development of fine motor skills and imagination are enormous.

What to do with a 3 year old child outside?


This is a wonderful old game. Ideal, of course, if the child has a running partner, but you can play alone. Invite your child to run first to a large stone, then to a fence (tree, puddle, cat).


An outdoor sandbox is a real salvation for parents. Give your child different shapes (for example, empty plastic cans) and let him make Easter cakes, build a castle or a road.

Ball game

The ball is another faithful assistant for active games in the fresh air. Why not play football, Knockout?


Make a unique collection with your own hands. Allow your child to collect fallen leaves, branches, stones, and put these treasures in a box or bag.

Looking at the clouds

If the weather permits, you can sit on a bench near the house and look at the clouds. Explain what they are and why they appear. Ask what this or that cloud looks like, compose an interesting story, for example, “Where do the clouds go?” This game is great for developing imagination!

“Who walks like this?”

Let the child demonstrate how a plane flies, a hare jumps, and a clumsy bear walks.

What to do with a 3 year old child at the dacha?

The main condition for spending useful time at the dacha is not to sit cooped up, but to walk in the fresh air.

Trough or inflatable pool

It's a win-win. Is the weather sunny and warm? Pour water and let the child splash around until the evening.


Give your baby a small watering can and place a bucket of water nearby. Let him help - water the plants.


If the weather is quite windy and there are no tall trees nearby, fly a kite.

Drawing with crayons

If your dacha has asphalt or the paths in the garden are paved with slabs, allow your child to draw with chalk on the asphalt. And then wash off the creativity together using a watering can.

Drawing outdoors

Spread an old white tablecloth or wallpaper on the ground and declare “Creativity Without Borders Day!” Give your child paints, markers, and pens. It is advisable that the child wear a minimum of clothing to make it easier to wash later.

Paper boats

Make some paper boats and let your child launch them in the water.

Painting the fence

Give your child a regular paint brush and a bucket of water. Today he has an important task - to paint the fence or all the trees on the site. Water will make old paint brighter, but not for long.

Build a garden scarecrow

Take 2 thick sticks (this will be the torso and arms), make the head from a bag filled with straw. Ask the young artist to draw eyes, mouth, hair.


Why not make a fire and burn garden waste? A three-year-old child can collect branches for a fire.

Be sure to explain what fire is and what harm it can cause. The child must remain in sight!

In the evening you can bake potatoes over the fire, listen to the sounds of nature and watch the stars.

Activities in kindergarten

In kindergarten they make appliqués, read fairy tales, and play role-playing games. The teacher should have in his arsenal a dozen entertainments that will keep children occupied in the group and on the street. If the child has nothing to do, tears, screams, fights, and taking away toys begin.

Ball games

Outdoor games with a ball perfectly develop coordination and dexterity. Let's play "Edible or inedible?"

Games on earth

Children love to poke around in the ground. Why not replant flowers while walking? You can also look for beetles, worms, butterflies, while talking about the benefits of insects

"Catch it if you can"

The three most dexterous kids make a circle with their hands and catch the rest of the kids with them.

"Caught a fish"

Children stand in a circle, with one leader in the center with a thick rope in his hands. The leader's task is to try to touch the feet of other players. The children jump so that the rope does not hit them.


The teacher digs small holes in the ground, about a meter apart from each other. The children's task is to take turns throwing pebbles into the holes, trying to hit the target directly.

"The sea is agitated once"

A fun and very useful game that develops attention. The presenter recites everyone’s favorite counting rhyme, and after the word “Freeze,” the rest of the players must depict something related to the sea, for example. It could be a seagull, a fish, an anchor, a ship. The presenter approaches each individual player and “turns on” him. He begins to show his figure, and the presenter tries to guess what it is.

Children in the car. What to do?

In life, there is often a need to go on a long trip by car - a trip to the sea, to the dacha, or to visit. The child begins to get bored and capricious as soon as the car has driven a kilometer. What to do? Play!

"Look out the window"

Who will find the red car, green bush, yellow roof faster? Did you see? We say loudly “Yes!”

Just look out the window and name the objects you see.

Let's do the math

Watching the clouds

Say: “I see a cloud, it looks like a swan. What do you see?

Bag of surprises

Place various items in a regular bag in advance - buttons, toys, pencils. Ask your child to guess what's inside. You can give a hint: “There is something soft, red in this bag, you press it, it starts to make sounds.” A three-year-old child will quickly realize that this is his chicken!

Word games

For example, you say: “This is Nastya,” the child continues, “Nastya loves candy,” etc. You can say anything, as long as the sentence is short.

Game "Yes or no"

You state “The cat barks”, “You have 4 legs”, “Our car is blue”, the child gives the answer: “Yes or no”. A 3-year-old child will quickly understand the essence of the game and begin to invent funny tales himself.

Sing songs

Read poems by heart, tell fairy tales, sing your favorite songs.

What useful things can a child do on a train?

Is a 3-year-old child going to spend several hours on a train? To make time fly by, it is important to come up with exciting games in advance.

Mirror game

Give your baby a small mirror, let him catch sunbeams, make faces, and carry out your tasks (close his right eye, stick out his tongue).


Sketchbooks, coloring books, felt-tip pens, stickers, magnetic boards, and coloring books can keep a 3-year-old child occupied for a long time.

Magic bag

Before the trip, sew a very ordinary bag from an old sheet and fill it with treasures - ribbons, cheap jewelry, Velcro, laces, boxes. Invite your child to see what's inside.

Shadow play

Don't forget a flashlight and create a shadow theater along the way. There are special children's projector flashlights with interesting pictures on sale.


Give your child a wet napkin and ask him to wipe the table, seats, and doors.

Hide and seek

Hide your baby's favorite toy and let him look for it. The game of hide and seek is one of the most exciting games.

Let's fly by plane!

The first seats in the side rows are ideal for flying with a 3-year-old child. He will have more space, he will be able to stand up and jump. What to do with a three-year-old child on a plane?

Look carefully at everything around you, let us touch it, walk around the salon. It is important for the child to understand that the situation is calm and nothing bad will happen.

Get to know the cushion, the seat, the belt, the porthole.

Opening and putting the table in place is happiness for every three-year-old. Just make sure he doesn't pinch his finger.


Purchase magnetic puzzles in advance. They are specially created for such a trip, and will not get lost in the cabin of the plane.

Games on the road

There are many special travel games on sale now. It is not recommended to use them in a car, but on an airplane your eyes will not get tired. The set includes cards with tasks for the development of logical and creative thinking.

Finger games

Finger games and nursery rhymes (“The magpie-crow was cooking porridge” or “The horned goat is coming”) calm you down and lift your spirits.

New toy

It's a win-win. A construction set, a puzzle, or a book with bright pictures can keep your fidget busy for a long time.

We tear up newspapers

Stock up on newspapers or old magazines and a large bag. It will be interesting to tear them or crumple them and put them in an improvised bag.

Calendar age does not always correspond to the psychological development of a child. If your baby doesn’t know how to hold markers in his hand, eats plasticine or scatters cereals around the kitchen, he may still be able to play these games. He will definitely master them too, but only a little later.
It is also worth making sure that when traveling by car the baby does not interfere with the driver (for example, when playing with the same flashlight), and on the train and plane - with other passengers.

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Your baby is 3 years old. He has already learned a lot and continues to develop and learn about the world around him. What success should a child achieve by the age of three and what else does he need to learn? How to behave with a little person who already considers himself completely grown up?

Physiological parameters of a 3-year-old child

Average height, cm 94-99 93,5 – 98
Average weight, kg 13,8-16,3 13,6 – 16,1
Chest circumference, cm 50,5- 55 49,7 – 54

These tables have average values, so don’t be upset if your baby has different parameters.

Products necessary for the normal development of a 3 year old baby

The daily diet of a three-year-old child should consist of the following foods:

  1. Lean meat animals or birds - from 80 to 100 grams.
  2. Dairy and fermented milk products – up to 550 ml.
  3. As animal fats – sour cream and butter, 15 and 20 grams each.
  4. Vegetable (sunflower, olive or corn) oil up to 6-7 years
  5. Fish products should be 20-25 grams.
  6. Cereal products in the form of milk porridges or side dishes - 200-220 grams every other day.
  7. Sweets (including tea, juice or compote) should not exceed 40-45 grams.
  8. Flour products – up to 100-110 grams.
  9. Daily ration must contain at least 250 grams of vegetables and the same amount of fruits.

In total, the child must consume at least 1550 kcal per day, which should preferably be distributed in the following proportion:

  • 25% - breakfast
  • 35% - dinner
  • 15% - afternoon snack
  • 25% - dinner.

How a baby develops at 3 years old - the baby’s abilities and skills

Research by psychologists has proven that the age of three is a key stage in a child’s development and predetermines his future success.

A three-year-old child should receive multifaceted education, the stages of which were best described by the famous teacher Maria Mantessori:

Practical development At 3 years old, the baby should master basic practical self-care skills. At this age, this is especially true, since most children begin to attend.

Therefore, the baby should:

  • On one's own wash your face, brush your teeth, wash your hands and comb your hair
  • Know how to use cutlery and eating independently
  • Clean up after yourself toys and things
  • Get dressed and put on shoes with simple clasp without assistance
  • enjoy handkerchief and napkin
  • Wipe your feet upon entering the premises.
Sensory development The sense of touch, hearing, smell, taste and vision in 3-year-old children develops especially quickly. Sensory development contributes to the formation in children of their own ideas about the properties of objects - their shape, size and other qualities, as well as their location. It lays the foundation for a child's mental development and helps to fully perceive the world around us.

The importance of sensory perception is that:

  • It serves as the foundation intellectual development
  • Puts things in order in the chaotic knowledge of the baby in contact with the environment
  • Develops observation and imagination
  • Expands lexicon
  • Develops all types of memory - visual, auditory, motor and figurative.

To develop sensory perception, allow your little one to explore different objects, while paying attention to their properties (ice - cold, candy - sweet, grass - green, etc.).

Development of mathematical abilities By the age of three, the emphasis is on developing numeracy skills and becoming familiar with numbers. This develops curiosity, activity and independence in the child .

At 3 years old, a child should learn:

  • Divide objects into groups, arranging them, for example, by size, color or shape
  • Find in the surrounding space one or more identical objects
  • Distinguish shapes (circle, square, triangle)
  • Understand quantitative ratio of objects - where there is more, where there is less
  • Distinguish concepts short – long, wide – narrow.
Development of fine motor skills and speech The ability to manipulate one's hands well is important for a baby's development. The better motor skills are developed, the more confident the child feels - he draws, sculpts, leafs through the pages of a book or uses cutlery. Scientists have proven that the development of fine motor skills is closely related to the development of speech .

By the age of 3, a child’s vocabulary increases like a snowball. He starts asking endless questions, and expects to receive complete answers to them. Karapuz uses the pronouns “I” and “you” in speech, uses verbs, adjectives and nouns when constructing sentences, and uses prepositions correctly.

Physical, creative and spiritual development A three-year-old toddler learns to manage his feelings and gets to know himself through understanding what is happening around him. Him qualities such as perseverance, attention, perseverance in achieving goals are manifested, imaginative thinking develops .

To develop a multifaceted personality, parents should:

  • Show to your baby the beauty and diversity of the world around him, enriching him with colorful images and new knowledge
  • Explain processes that occur around the baby
  • Vaccinate aesthetic taste
  • Buy toys for role-playing games - figurines of animals and people, a set of a hairdresser, a doctor, etc.
  • Equip a sports corner for your baby where he can jump, climb, swing or run. Buy your child roller skates, skis, skates, a scooter or a bicycle. If possible, visit the pool with your child
  • Tell to the child about the traditions of our people and their moral values.

Developmental activities for a three-year-old child

In order for a child to safely pass the crisis of three years of age, without tormenting adults with endless whims, he needs to be occupied with educational games. They will distract the baby from the manifestations of his own “I” and help him grow a full-fledged personality.

Advice! If you are studying colors with your baby, use objects of the same shape and size. When studying shape, take objects of the same color and size with different configurations.

1. Color

To make it easier for your little one to navigate the color palette, come up with associative standards for him, for example, strawberries are red, grass is green. If your request to bring a red ball confuses your child, ask him to take a ball the same color as the strawberry .

Several tasks for the baby:

  • Arranging toys by color.
  • A choice of several toy items that differ in color.
  • Assembling, for example, a yellow house with a green roof from a construction set, building a garage of the same color for a blue car, etc.
  • In the domestic sphere, you can ask to match the laces to the color of the shoes, set the table, matching plates and cups by color.

2. Shape

If your child is unfamiliar with the configuration of objects, start lessons with the simplest shapes - a square, circle or triangle. As a rule, by the age of three, children are already familiar with the basic forms.

Explain the properties of shapes to your baby . The ball has no corners, so it can roll. The pyramid has a sharp top on which it cannot stand; the corners and edges prevent the cube from rolling. Support your explanations with clear examples.

Important! When analyzing shapes, do not confuse concepts such as circle and ball, square and cube. In one case the figures are flat, in the other they are three-dimensional.

When studying shapes, use sets from children's construction sets, which have many different shapes - cones, pyramids, cylinders. To consolidate the knowledge gained, ask your child what shape this or that object in the apartment has .

Size 3

When studying the concepts of “big” and “small”, remember the relativity of objects. Compared to its mother, the child is small, but compared to the kitten, it is big. In order not to confuse the baby, use concepts such as “more than” or “less than” .

Active games

Three-year-old children cannot sit still for long, doing one thing.

Therefore, both on a walk and at home, you need to devote more time to active games:

  1. At home, offer a game like "Don't Drop the Ball" . To do this, place a table tennis ball in a tablespoon. Ask your child to carry the spoon around the house without dropping the ball. After a while, give the baby a smaller spoon.
  2. Developing balance . Place a narrow strip of fabric on the floor and invite your baby to walk along it. Over time, the tightrope walker's path becomes narrower and more winding.
  3. Kids enjoy playing the game “Hot and Cold” or hide and seek .
  4. Blowing soap bubbles or balloons In addition to play, it promotes the development of the child’s lungs.

Overcoming the 3-year crisis with the help of games

The often heard statement “I myself,” which is a manifestation of the crisis stage, can be smoothed out with role-playing games.

To do this, you need to direct the baby’s actions in the right direction:

  1. Let's play store , where the baby is given the role of a seller, and adults and older children are given the role of buyers. If your child throws tantrums in the store, play out this situation at home by starting a small scandal. Let the baby see how his whims look from the outside.
  2. Ztreat your little one with “important matters” , for example, cooking dinner for dolls or building a house. Let your child do everything on his own, without your advice.
  3. Let your favorite toy misbehave (does not sleep, is capricious). Let the baby take care of her upbringing. Discuss with the baby the wrong actions of his pet, let the little one think about his behavior.
  4. Kids love to fantasize , invite him to come up with his own fairy tale.

If a child feels loved and cared for, he will grow up calm and easily overcome the crisis period.

The three-year-old baby has successfully passed the toddler age and is now a junior preschooler. This is a completely independent little person who has a bright personality, has his own opinion on many things and can show real intelligence and perseverance in realizing his ideas. This is the time when parents no longer need to be nearby every minute to control their son or daughter. You just need to know what to do with a 3-year-old child at home and create the appropriate conditions for him. At this age, he can easily occupy himself while his mother is busy with her own affairs.

The main feature of a three-year-old baby is his increasing independence, but this should not frighten parents. If earlier he needed the help of adults, at three years old the child tries to do everything on his own, and you should not interfere with him in this. If you start to take care of your son or daughter, most likely they will grow up to be weak and insecure people. Therefore, to the best of our ability, it is necessary to encourage such a desire for self-expression, and not to crush it with the authority of a senior.

In addition, you can look at this with different eyes - by occasionally checking what the precious child is doing, dad and mom can allow themselves to rest or go about their business. The main thing is to guide the child in the right direction, to captivate him with something interesting.

The life of a three-year-old child still follows a certain schedule, and this should be so that he feels comfortable. Based on the fact that walking takes about four hours, the child spends most of the day at home, where his main activity is games, through which he continues his cognitive activity.

Despite the fact that the three-year-old already confidently walks and even runs, he spends most of his time on the floor, where he can play role-playing games, cars, or do creative work. This is quite normal, and it is not at all necessary to force him to sit at the table or on the sofa in order for him to do his business there. It is important that he feels free, both physically and mentally.

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And you will have to pay more attention to his hobbies in order to offer something new and useful. It wouldn’t hurt to consider all types of games that can have a beneficial effect not only on the comprehensive development of a child, but also on his personal character traits.

According to the experience of parents, the most exciting activities for three-year-old children are:

  • drawing;
  • modeling;
  • applications;
  • assembly of construction sets, puzzles and mosaics;
  • story games against the backdrop of homemade scenery.

By providing your child with a room and some things, you can help the child create his own fairy-tale world, make him experience new unfamiliar feelings, develop his imagination and logic.

Of course, many adults are interested in what activities a three-year-old child needs and what games he can play on his own. After all, the baby is already beginning to observe his peers, learning to play by the rules, and role-playing games are increasingly becoming part of his life, at the same time he is also interested in building his own city from construction kit parts or creating picturesque canvases on paper.

Educational games at home: video

Playing together with a 3-year-old child at home

First of all, parents need to understand that play is necessary for a child - thus, he learns and involuntarily models real events, and independent play is needed to learn to cope with difficulties, which, of course, will be in the future life, and one must be able to cope with them . In this case, the games must be appropriate for the child’s age. What can you offer a three-year-old child?

Below we will look at options for keeping a three-year-old child occupied at home.

Home theater

All children love fairy tales and very often enjoy performing entire performances using various toys and even household items. You can support this theme and create your own home theater. You can also make characters with your own hands together with your child - sew dolls from colored scraps, cut them out of cardboard and paint them. Or opt for finger characters by sewing small figures that can be put on your finger. It will also be interesting for your child to make dolls out of cardboard and dress them up in paper clothes (see how to make paper dolls with clothes + templates for cutting).

In order for everything to look like on a real stage, you will have to make a curtain. For the plot, you can choose your child’s favorite fairy tale or come up with something yourself. To begin with, two or three characters will be enough. The prepared performance is shown to the household or to dad.

Fashion show

Girls - future fashionistas - can be invited to play a fashion show. To do this, the mother will have to get a lot of different things - it is better to choose simpler ones, such as skirts, capes, interesting headdresses - the daughter will definitely find a use for them, and can flaunt them in front of the mirror for quite a long time. Some children play to such an extent that they are even ready to create their own unique outfits, and here you have to be careful not to use scissors.

Role-playing games

To entertain a three-year-old child, sometimes it is enough to offer him one of the role-playing games that he likes most, because children so often imitate adults. A girl can choose traditional mother-daughter games, playing Doctor, Hairdresser or Salesman. The boy will probably want to become an Astronaut, Builder or Superhero. Of course, this requires suitable props, and this should be taken care of in advance, knowing the inclinations of the baby.


An excellent option is a children's disco. Good, rhythmic music will help your child dance from the heart and have a lot of fun. It's good if other children come to visit. In the same way, you can organize karaoke or even a music competition in which adults and children will participate. You should definitely consider special rewards for children - small toy souvenirs or candy are quite suitable.

Modeling from plasticine

For little sculptors, a joint modeling. You need to buy a high-quality set of good plasticine with a large number of colors. You can show a child how to sculpt a simple figurine, a cat or a bunny; they usually start with the simplest figures - let the son or daughter make a round ball, then make a pancake out of it; several lessons will definitely end with the creation of a children’s masterpiece, which must be displayed in the most prominent place.

Kinetic sand games

Games with kinetic sand (we wrote about how to make it yourself) can captivate a child for a long time while he builds sand castles and watches how it pours from hand to hand (see even more ideas for educational games with kinetic sand).

Application made of colored paper

Children aged 3 are very interested in creating crafts with their own hands. For example, you can create beautiful applications together from colored paper and cardboard. On our website you can see examples with step-by-step photo instructions: , .

Lessons based on educational books

Classes based on educational books with interesting tasks. There are a lot of such books on sale now, but we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the books in the “School of the 7 Dwarfs” series, the annual course of which can be downloaded for free for review. You choose the age of your baby and work on development every day.


An activity with a child can be not only entertaining, but also useful, and drawing is one of the favorite hobbies of three-year-old children. There are several types of drawing that are suitable for a son or daughter at this age:

  • prints of feet, hands and fingers evoke positive emotions in all children without exception (homemade finger paints are suitable for this);
  • adding details to my mother’s drawings: flowers for a vase, fruit for a basket, pipes for a house and much more;
  • coloring special books with scenes from cartoons or fairy tales.

New Year's crafts

If the time is approaching the New Year, and parents do not know what to do with a 3-year-old child at home, then you can’t think of a better way to decorate the apartment together with homemade garlands (read about how to make garlands from paper). Making such a decoration is not particularly difficult, but the baby will get real pleasure by participating in this important and exciting process. Adults will need to cut multi-colored strips in advance, and then join them with the baby, gluing them into rings. Some children by this age are already excellent at handling safety children's scissors and can help mom and dad with this.

Also in the winter season you can do it together, or.

What to do with a 3-year-old child at home while mom is busy: independent games for kids

Of course, we are not talking about getting rid of the child so that the adults can rest. The question is somewhat different. If a three-year-old child is so independent, why sometimes he doesn’t want to play on his own, without adult guidance. Probably, this will also have to be taught to him first, and so that he does not have the idea that he is a burden.

Considering that during this period of life his idea of ​​the real world is intensively formed, in addition, he experiences an irresistible craving for any creative activity and his vocabulary is quite expanded, a variety of games and activities are suitable for the child. At the age of three, children are often enrolled in various developmental groups, foreign language lessons, sports clubs and dance classes. At home, you can also successfully engage with them in a playful way, and the most attractive activity for them can absorb them entirely, forcing them to be diligent and attentive.

Of course, first of all, these are various board (floor) games:


Construction sets are one of the most favorite toys for children of any age, and three-year-olds are no exception. Having instilled in the baby a love for this useful entertainment, fathers and mothers can be calm about the mental development of their children and about their leisure time, even without their own presence. In the first place, of course, is Lego; this game has no analogues, and even some adults are addicted to it.

For three-year-old girls, such series as Princess junior, Lego Friends are suitable, for boys - Ninjago, Magformers magnetic construction set, City. A domestic similar game, City of Masters, is no worse than the famous Lego, and is also designed for boys and girls. There are other interesting games in this category - Mega Bloks, Meccano or Connoisseur construction kits, which introduce young technicians to the basics of electronics.


Puzzles for three-year-old children are no less fascinating, for example, “My Farm”, “Who Lives Where” - 3D Puzzles, “Ludattica City”, “Larsen Dragons”, “Larsen Dinosaurs of the Jurassic Period”.


Mosaics are also indispensable for their benefits, as they contribute to the development of fine motor skills, artistic taste and perseverance. All kinds of collages and applications can be included in this category. In addition, the mosaic is not necessarily laid out according to a pattern, and the child can create a new pattern himself, feeling like a real creator. For three years old, use regular games with a field on legs, magnetic boards or a plane with holes for inserting chips.

Judging by the reviews of parents, these educational games are so beloved by children that they can actually leave parents unattended, at least for a while.

Learning letters

Of course, you can keep your baby busy with something else. Many boys and girls at the age of three are already keenly interested in letters and numbers (see how to teach letters with a three-year-old child while playing), so they can choose educational games with a mathematical focus, or buy a special musical alphabet, which the child will learn while playing . Accordingly, children who are interested in music purchase musical instruments or even CDs with musical works to listen to; their hearing can be developed by regular playing with a metallophone.

How to teach a three year old to play independently

But the question still remains open: what is needed for a child to play independently? It turns out that the answer is quite prosaic. There are some requirements that parents can quickly teach their child to do:

  • so that the child does not cling to his mother’s skirt every five minutes, and does not run to his father with every question, parents must give him enough of their time, care, and a real manifestation of affection and love, which even an older baby desperately needs;
  • Before expecting concentrated play and attention from a child, parents must make sure that he understands the rules and knows how to play;
  • if necessary, the adult should have the opportunity to contact the baby, because he may need help;
  • Dad and mom need to encourage the child’s desire to play independently, and this, first of all, is praise.

We must not forget that the play space of the son and daughter should be comfortable and specially equipped, in addition, children should feel, on the one hand, protected, and on the other, absolutely free.

The skills of spending time independently are very important; in the future, this model of behavior will make the child self-sufficient and ready for any life conflicts. The main thing is that all family members act according to these rules, and then the baby will not only learn to manage his desires, actions and time, but will also sincerely please his loved ones with successes and achievements.

3 more ideas for keeping a three-year-old child occupied: video

Understanding what to do with a 3-year-old child at home, the father and mother give the child the opportunity to overcome the necessary obstacles on his own, manage his emotions, and correctly organize his actions in any, sometimes difficult, life situations.

Good day to you, dear readers! Today my daughter turned 3.5 years old. We also do this, so I teach the children at home myself. And here I will share my experience: how to develop a child at 3 years old? What to pay attention to at this age?

I won’t be able to give a clear recipe for what exactly and how much you need to do with your baby. Unfortunately, such recipes do not exist. Parents should try different options, observe their child, study his inclinations and find what is right for him.

One of the disadvantages of an ordinary kindergarten is the lack of an individual approach to the child. This is simply impossible in a group of 15-20 people. But if the baby works with his mother, he can get the maximum benefit from these activities.

Where did it all start for us?

When my daughter turned 3 years old, I thought: “We definitely need to find suitable clubs and sections for her.” At this age, most children begin to go to kindergarten, and there was a certain stamp in my mind that I had to somehow compensate for the lack of kindergarten for our daughter.

Fortunately, we live in Moscow, and we have a very, very wide variety of activities at our disposal. For every taste and budget.

We tried several options. My daughter liked everything. New impressions, a new environment, a society of peers... But after a while I began to notice that this was only harmful to my child. That 40 minutes of class is a very heavy load for her.

Whatever the group was doing, it was hard for her to keep her attention on the teacher for so long. Be it handicrafts, or even dancing... Everything requires concentration, you can’t relax, just run or change the environment. And at the end we regularly had hysterics.

Moreover, after attending many classes, I wondered, does all this make sense at 3 years old? Yes, if the child tolerates such circles well, then why not? But does a toddler really need developmental activities and sports clubs?

I often got the feeling that classes were necessary for parents (to calm down about things) and teachers (to earn their living). For children, this is, at best, fun entertainment. And they might as well go to the children's room at the shopping center.

However, all children are different. And here you should focus only on your child. Perhaps your child really needs a group art lesson or regular round dances. I ask only one thing: discard the idea “the child must be actively developed, otherwise he will grow up undeveloped” and take a sober look at your child.

There are very sociable children. Those who need this kind of group work (or maybe they just need to organize more communication with their peers?). Perhaps there are children who, already at the age of 3, want to learn dancing so much (namely, to learn, and not just jump!) that they definitely need to be sent to the appropriate section... What exactly does your baby need?

Exercises at home

At about 3.3 years old we gave up our clubs. Now my daughter’s nervous system has become much stronger, I’m sure she could withstand any activity without overstimulation. But we are not in a hurry to return anywhere yet.
Most teachers I trust say that it makes sense to go to sports clubs and other activities no earlier than 5 years old. Or even 7. And at 3-4 years it’s a waste of money.

Each mother will decide this question for herself, but we decided to wait until at least 4 years.

In this regard, the question arises: what to do with your child at home? While studying this topic, I came to the following conclusions:

  1. The main thing that should develop in 3-4 years is. However, in a healthy child living in society, speech develops on its own, without any effort on your part. As a rule, the three-year miracle does not stop talking for a minute.
  2. Until the age of 5-7 years, the toddler develops in play. And all he needs is to play as much as possible. And if you want to spend time with your child, it’s better to just play.
  3. If a child at 5-7 years old does not know letters, numbers, or the names of trees and has not completed a single “developmental book”, it is not a problem. He will learn all this perfectly at the age of 5-7 years. Moreover, he will learn much faster than at the age of four.
  4. Until the age of 5, a child really needs his mother’s attention. And also in acceptance, love and approval. It's too early to force him to study. It’s too early to demand any knowledge and skills.
  5. The basis of educational activities for preschoolers is mutual interest and pleasure. That is, if mother and child like to learn letters, study to your heart’s content! But only as long as everyone enjoys it.
  6. A child under 5 years old cannot be spoiled by attention and lack of difficulties. Believe me, he will still learn to overcome obstacles. Work on yourself. Be patient and responsible. But everything has its time. Until the age of 5-7, most children are not ready for this.

What are we doing?

I work with my daughter every day during my youngest son's nap. As a rule, we sit together and read books. Sometimes we draw or sculpt. Sometimes, at my daughter’s request, we study numbers and letters (without focusing on the result).

Recently we started studying according to the program " Three-year schools". But I repeat, there is no great need for this! Personally, I really like this program - it is research-based, unusual, incredibly interesting and varied. Perhaps one day I will write a review on it.

The good thing about the program is that it has a lot of ideas that are interesting to a three-year-old. This is presented in the form of a game, affecting all areas - speech, creativity, rhythms, and exploration of the world... My daughter delightedly studied shadows with a flashlight in a dark room, mastered ink drawing, conducted experiments with shadow theater, etc. .

You can try taking an open free school class. Perhaps you will like it too. Probably no. Everything here is very individual, it is important to find your own approach.

But in any case, it is important to remember only one thing about the development of children at 3 years old: the baby needs play and communication with his mother. The rest is secondary.

Video about speech development:

How does a child develop at 3 years old? Parents observe many external changes in a three-year-old child. But transformations in mental, emotional, intellectual, and speech development are also noticeable. How to help a child get through a crisis period in life?

The three-year-old is a jack of all trades. He knows how to dress and undress independently, drink and eat, wash his hands with soap and dry them with a towel. Skillfully builds a tower from cubes, puts together a mosaic, digs sand with a shovel, can draw circles, lines and a primitive man, recognizes geometric shapes, colors, names of animals, vehicles and does many other useful and important things in life. In addition, the three-year-old can masterfully be capricious and even throw tantrums. Why is this happening?

General physical development of a 3-year-old child

What motor skills does a three-year-old child master? How does his body develop?

  • Gross and fine motor skills. At 3 years old, a child confidently runs, jumps, stands on one leg, changes direction, easily overcomes obstacles, rides a tricycle, catches a ball, climbs and descends steps without support. Hands also become dexterous: the baby is able to independently unbutton buttons, take off Velcro shoes, confidently wield a spoon, drink carefully from a cup, hold a pencil with his index finger and thumb, and masterfully unwrap sweets.
  • Brain and nervous system. The number of nerve cells and connections between them is increasing, but the nervous system is still immature. Brain activity improves. The brain also increases in volume. A three-year-old child begins to develop symmetrically the right and left hemispheres, as well as the connections between them. The right hemisphere is responsible for spatial-visual perception, motor activity, emotions, feelings, imagination, creative thinking. The left is associated with logic, analytical, rational thinking, speech, and the ability to master writing and reading. Some researchers believe that a girl's left hemisphere develops faster at 3 years old, so she can start speaking earlier. And a boy at this age may have a more developed right hemisphere - he is better oriented in space, moves faster.
  • Body proportions. What changes in the body can be observed? The head no longer seems too big because other parts of the body are enlarged. The neck lengthens, the shoulders become wider, the stomach still protrudes forward, and the shoulder blades are convex. The baby's legs and arms noticeably stretch out, his figure becomes more proportional. An important feature of this age is the formation of natural curves of the spine.
  • Height. The growth indicators of a child at 3 years old largely depend on heredity, quality of nutrition, environmental conditions, and gender. The average height of boys of this age is from 92 to 100 cm. The average height of girls of this age is from 90 to 98 cm.
  • Weight. Three-year-old children have less adipose tissue and are replaced by muscle tissue, and boys have more of it. Weight gain is stable, but it is no longer as intense as in the first and second years of life. The average weight of boys of this age is from 14 to 16 kg. The average weight of girls of this age is from 13.5 to 15.5 kg.
  • Dream. The general sleep norm is 12 hours. It’s good if 10 hours are allotted for night sleep, and 2 hours for daytime sleep. It happens that at 3 years old children stop sleeping during the day, then you need to increase the nightly norm. Lack of sleep at this age has a negative impact on the overall development of the baby, primarily on the nervous system.

In the development of a three-year-old child, environment, education and upbringing play a greater role than heredity. Therefore, the primary pedagogical task of parents is to create favorable conditions for the formation of a full-fledged and healthy personality. Three years is a crisis age, with whims and negativism. This is a difficult period in the life of the baby and his parents. It is important to realize: in most cases, a child’s behavior depends on the attitudes and emotional state of adults.

Psycho-emotional and intellectual development

How to develop a child at 3 years old? Are the skills and abilities that he acquires in everyday life during communication and play enough for him? Or do you need any additional classes on early development methods?

Early development schools: a brief overview of methods

  • Zaitsev's technique. The main goal is to teach early reading, clarity of speech, and competent command of the native language. The system was developed by teacher N.A. Zaitsev. In his opinion, the unit of language construction is the syllable. The most famous teaching aid is “Zaitsev’s cubes”. Syllables are written on their edges, from which children learn to form words. The technique can be used from 2 years of age. Also N.A. Zaitsev developed a methodology for teaching Russian, Ukrainian, English grammar and mathematics.
  • Glen Doman's method. The system for early learning to read was developed by an American physiologist. The technique is to teach the child to perceive words not syllable by syllable, but as a whole. It is enough for a child to look at a written word several times to remember it and then recognize it in the text. This technique can be used from the first year of life. You need to write the words in large letters on separate cards and show them to the child. You can also sign the names of objects that surround your baby in everyday life, then change the cards.
  • Waldorf pedagogy. Developed at the beginning of the twentieth century by the German philosopher Rudolf Steiner. What are the features of this education system? Attention is paid to the development of creative abilities, aesthetic and artistic taste, and independent skills. And no early reading, mathematics, foreign languages! The goal of the system is to give and prolong real childhood. Waldorf schools do not have newfangled educational toys or teaching aids. Here it is customary to make toys with your own hands from scrap materials, fabric, clay, wood. The external simplicity of the system helps the child to rely not on the delights of civilization, but on his own abilities and natural capabilities. It is also customary to take care of animals here; gardens and schools always have a living corner.
  • Montessori method. Maria Montessori, an Italian teacher and doctor, founded a world-famous pedagogical system. What are the features of this author's technique? The main task is to support the child’s initiative, give him the opportunity to complete tasks independently, go from simple to complex, and gradually master new skills. Adults in this situation are just observers who are ready to support, but help only at the child’s request. In Montessori schools, active social adaptation is taking place. Here it is customary for children of different ages to be gathered in one group, and the younger ones learn from the older ones, and not from the adults. Children are not forced to play and learn. There are many play methods at school that children choose according to their desires and abilities.
  • Nikitin's technique. The author's methodology of the spouses Elena and Boris Nikitin, who raised their children according to a special program, which differed from the pedagogical principles adopted in the Soviet Union. The Nikitins paid great attention to the physical and intellectual development of children. Teachers believed that it was necessary to avoid two extremes in education: excessive care and unlimited freedom. Educational games developed by the Nikitins are still used today. The attitude towards this technique is ambiguous. Some psychologists believe that the Nikitins had too harsh an approach to children who grew up in Spartan conditions. It was then difficult for their children to adapt to society, since they were brought up in a closed environment.

Pros of early development

  • The baby has the opportunity to communicate with peers and “strangers” adults.
  • Children learn information much faster in a learning and play environment in a group, rather than in a home atmosphere.
  • Good physical fitness and the opportunity to play new outdoor games.
  • A variety of educational games and toys, books, teaching aids.
  • A change of scenery.
  • Development of creative potential: singing, dancing, drawing, modeling.
  • Formation of independence skills.

What should you pay attention to?

  • It is advisable to develop a child using one method and not overload him with information.
  • It is important to choose not the methodology itself, but the teacher who presents it.
  • The prestige and popularity of a technique does not mean that it is suitable for a particular child.
  • In a group, it is easy to catch ARVI, influenza or a flying viral infection; the child may often get sick (although this is an inevitable stage).
  • It is better to choose a school that is close to home.

Outdoor games

The development of a 3-year-old child cannot be imagined without physical activity. Outdoor games at this age should be understandable, with some kind of simple plot, transformation into animals, birds, fairy-tale characters. Outdoor games not only provide good physical training, but also teach the child to think logically, analyze situations, and fantasize. At this age, children are not yet aware of team spirit, but they are already able to interact with peers. To organize outdoor games, you can use sports equipment: balls, jump ropes, hoops, skittles, ropes, poles, etc. Active games can be played indoors and outdoors.

Educational games and toys

How to keep a 3-year-old child occupied and at the same time develop his memory, attention, imagination, logic, and creativity? There are educational games and toys for this. These include puzzles, mosaics, coloring books, cubes, construction sets, lotto, insert frames, nesting dolls, and composite pictures. At this age, the child is able to distinguish and name colors, geometric shapes, recognize various characteristics of objects, and classify them. What toys are interesting to kids of this age? All types of transport, soft toys, dolls, dishes, musical toys, water and sand equipment. I also like dynamic toys in which individual parts can rotate, be removed, and rearranged. You can’t do without paints, pencils, plasticine, and modeling materials at this age.

Role-playing games

The main goal of role-playing games is to introduce the child to social roles and adaptation outside the family, to simulate various life situations, to develop communication skills, and to introduce professions. At this age, children do not know how to play role-playing games on their own; adults still help them. What are your favorite games? “Mothers and Daughters”, “Shop”, “Doctor’s Treatment”, “Family”, “Walk”, “Birthday Invitation”, “Zoo”, “Building a House”, “Vegetable Garden”, “Transport Trip” " and many others. Often such games arise spontaneously.

Speech development

Communication with peers

Children of this age show a keen interest in their peers. Children can play joint active, role-playing games. But they don’t yet know how to organize the game on their own. Some children may watch other children but will stand aside. At this age, the baby is already able to single out someone from the group, show sympathy and empathy. But he also often shows aggression, especially if the game goes against his rules or someone took the toy. Children of this age benefit from being in a group. These are the first steps towards social adaptation. If a child is afraid to communicate with peers, you should not force him to be with children. You can take the position of observers and comment to your child on the actions of other children.

Crisis 3 years

The psychological crisis of 3 years passes under the loud motto: “I want! I myself! In a poetic version, it sounds something like this: “Oh, give me, give me freedom!”

  • Protest, negativism and the desire to be independent. The baby demands freedom, but does not know what to do with it. The only way to express yourself as an individual is to protest. The picture of the world is expanding, emotions and feelings are overwhelming, but the child is not yet able to control, realize and integrate his states. Psychologists point out: it is important to live through the crisis without suppressing freedom, but at the same time clearly set parental personal boundaries. Otherwise, as the common people say, the child will sit on his head.
  • Mirroring adults' emotions. Children connect to the feelings of the adult and the general emotional atmosphere in the family. The reasons for a child’s inappropriate behavior often lie in family relationships. The strongest emotional connection at this age is between a child and his mother. If a woman is depressed, depressed, unable to express any emotions, then the child will try to piss her off in order to “revive” her, shake her up, and show at least some negativity. Of course, the child provokes the mother unconsciously.
  • Aggression. Aggression is a natural biological reaction of our psyche. It cannot be suppressed or denied; it is also not recommended to respond to aggression with aggression. At this age, it is still difficult for a child to be aware of his own emotions, but he needs to be accustomed to this process. Many parents ask: is it worth giving back if someone offends and pushes you on the playground? Psychologists recommend teaching your child to give “verbal surrender”: that is, to voice his indignation and talk about his rejection of aggression. But in most cases, behavioral tactics depend on the parent’s opinion, which does not always coincide with the point of view of the psychologist. This is especially true for raising a boy: “hit back, are you a man or not?”
  • Hysterics. At the age of three, tantrums are a normal occurrence; you need to be mentally prepared for them. During a crisis period, hysterics can happen 2 times a week. But they should not be repeated too often and become a habit. What should you do if your baby throws tantrums every day several times over a long period of time? First, we need to reconsider our educational methods. They must be agreed upon with grandparents so that there are no disagreements. Secondly, consult with a neurologist and psychologist.
  • Manifestation of temperament. At the age of three, the type of nervous system is already clearly visible. Hysterics do not happen except in calm and calm phlegmatic children. Choleric people start up half-turned. Sanguine people are easy-going and easier to negotiate with. Melancholic people suffer silently and for a long time, quietly shed tears and accumulate resentment. It is important to find an approach to each type of temperament. Not all methods are equally good.
  • Overexcitability of the nervous system. During a crisis period, it is important to adhere to a daily routine: good sleep, balanced nutrition, mandatory walks in the fresh air. Active, outdoor games should be in the first half of the day. Before going to bed, you can read books, listen to calm music, or sing lullabies to your child. Every effort must be made to calm the nervous system and not overload it. It is also worth asking questions: what cartoons does the child watch, what kind of adults and children surround him, what games does he play?

What to do with whims and hysterics

It is important what state the mother is in when the baby is hysterical. It is necessary to stop the child’s inappropriate actions with firmness, but also with love and understanding of the child’s condition. His nervous system does not yet have “safeties”; the structure of the nerve cells is inert and does not yet inhibit hysteria.

  • Demanding and prohibitions. It is important to formulate prohibitions from early childhood that relate to health and life safety. Also, the baby should already be aware of the value of certain items and basic ethical standards of behavior. But the demands should be appropriate to the age, and there should not be too many prohibitions. To prohibit everything all the time means to take away from the child his curiosity, initiative, and desire for knowledge. It is also important that the prohibitions are consistent.
  • Containing your child's anger and resistance. This strategy is not to directly say, “Shut up! Shut up!" and so on. Direct suppression of anger can lead to self-injury and guilt. Containing a child’s negative emotions lies in the ability to switch the child to positive emotions and constructive dialogue. It is important to remain balanced and calm, not to raise your tone, not to shout, that is, not to mirror it.