Clean feet. How a resident of Kiev made a business on manual shoe cleaning. How much income can a shoe shine machine bring to the owner? Design features and the principle of operation of machines

The use of vending machines that are designed for cleaning shoes is quite a promising and relevant direction. You can start it from scratch, just like starting your business as a snapshot project or a machine that dispenses disposable shoe covers. So, what are the advantages of a shoe shine machine in terms of organizing your own business?

There is a whole list of financial privileges that the business organizer himself can easily use, while saving a decent amount of money. For example:

  • The process of selling shoeshine services is fully automated through the use of computer technology, modern solutions from the field of electronics.
  • Income from daily sales of services is stable.
  • Renting a place does not require large financial investments from the entrepreneur, and sometimes there is no payment for the installation place at all.
  • The size of the starting capital is also quite real.

Where to start your business?

Actually, you don't need much here. As mentioned earlier, this type of business is developed by an entrepreneur from scratch. More specifically, you just need to buy vending machines. A few pieces will be enough, since it makes no sense to buy and install dozens of them at different objects. Thus, it will be necessary to allocate initial capital for the purchase of devices, in the amount of about 100 thousand rubles. Used devices can be bought much cheaper, which will save your start-up capital.

Photo of shoe polishing machines.

Where should you install a shoe shine machine to get the most profit? Here we will be guided by life experience and ordinary logic.. We need places where dirty shoes are simply not allowed to enter. It can be office and business centers, hotels, theaters, embassies, and so on. The installation of the machine usually requires one square meter of free space. For beginner businessmen in this field, this price is quite acceptable, even if the rent in the premises is expensive. However, it is not always possible to install such a machine in any open place, since a power source is required for its successful operation.

How to choose shoe polishing equipment?

First of all, the client, who is going to use the vending shoe shine machine, must choose the service that will be provided. Typically, these devices perform three types of cleaning:

  1. for combined shoes that combine different colors;
  2. for shoes, boots, boots, which are made of suede, genuine leather, as well as leather substitute;
  3. shoe soles.

At first, you also do not need to hire a special worker who will monitor the condition of the device, as well as perform its maintenance. You can do all this yourself, because there is nothing complicated here. So, for the operation of the device, it is only necessary to periodically replace the cleaning mat, as well as replenish the volume of shoe cream, which is intended for use when cleaning various types of shoes.

Similarly, at this time you can collect the proceeds. That is, to combine what is said, pleasant with useful. You don't need to worry about the fact that the proceeds can be stolen: vending machines are equipped with reliable security systems from the very beginning, which help protect them from unauthorized attempts to steal cash. The instructions that come with each device will tell you about this in more detail.

The mechanism of the machines

Shoe-shine machines, after selecting the required service and paying for it, perform all the necessary actions, fixing in memory the amount received and information about the materials used. The device requires an area of ​​​​about 1 sq. meters and power supply 220V.

Your task is to replenish the supplies of consumables in a timely manner and collect the proceeds. It is better to do this yourself at the initial stage of business development, but in the future, when the number of devices begins to increase, you can hire reliable assistants.

Pay attention to the fact that this business is not yet developed in many regions of our country. The one who first occupies a free niche will skim the “cream” in the form of a decent profit and gratitude from customers. This is a great opportunity for entrepreneurial citizens to increase the revenue side of their budget.

How much can you earn cleaning shoes?

As a rule, when organizing this kind of business, additional attendants are not required, since you can monitor the device yourself. Periodic replenishment of containers with cream and replacing the mat with a new one is all that is required. Moreover, if a volunteer is found directly in the shopping center in the form of a local service employee who will do this work for you for a small fee, then transportation costs will also disappear by themselves from the overall project estimate. The only thing that you still have to do regularly and yourself is to extract revenue from the apparatus, which will be constantly collected there.

Shoe Shine Vending Machine

Now you need to find out the general situation for this type of business and understand how profitable this project is and what it will take to launch it at full capacity. The approximate economic calculations of costs and expected profit presented in the table are as follows.

The table does not contain the amount of expenses for related materials and funds, since everything here depends on the owner of the machine. It is still preferable to use high-quality products from the manufacturer, since customers' shoes can be very whimsical. Well, no one needs the troubles that may be associated with causing damage to shoes, so you should give preference to shoe products from a particular company, then any claims will be automatically redirected to another addressee, and not to you.

Thus, from preliminary calculations it can be seen that this type of service business is very cost-effective and profitable. It is worth noting that all income depends on how well the machine will be located, on the effectiveness of your advertising and what customer reviews will be. Do not forget that the network of points where new machines will be installed must be constantly expanded and try to occupy this business niche completely.

The fact is that so far, shoe vending machines are not particularly common in Russia, and the idea of ​​a business itself does not yet know competition. Therefore, it is not worth wasting time, but it is important to join the general flow of implementing interesting ideas in time to open your own business, which will make a profit and also provide a stable income every day.

List of required documents

In order for you not to have problems with representatives of state regulatory authorities, it is necessary, even before installing the devices, to take care of the execution of the following documents:

  1. Standard package of securities of an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  2. Certificates of conformity for shoe-shine machines.
  3. A lease agreement with an individual / legal entity that provided you with an area for installing the device.
  4. Acts of withdrawal of funds, which are compiled by the operator after performing this procedure.

Experienced entrepreneurs, for this business, recommend registering as an individual entrepreneur. They are not subject to such strict requirements from the tax authorities, individuals do not need to worry about observing cash discipline, and if you decide that business is not your element, then you can simply close the IP.

Registering an LLC only to work with vending machines is not a rational decision. But there are situations when registration of documents of a legal entity is the only possible option. For example, if several people are involved in the project (all of them want to have the status of official founders) or you are not sure that the business will be profitable, then you really need to register an LLC.

Choosing a taxation system

Given the fact that shoe shine is OKVED for the provision of personal services, then for this area of ​​​​commercial activity such a taxation regime as UTII is allowed. But, to clarify this issue, you need to contact the tax office at the place of registration of your business. Local authorities, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, have fairly broad powers in terms of regulating taxation regimes.

In addition to UTII, you have the right to write an application (do not forget to do this at the stage of business registration!) About choosing a simplified taxation system. As a rule, shoe shine owners prefer to pay 6% of the total revenue, but it is possible that 15% of the difference between revenue and confirmed expenses will be a better option for you.

Line of business under consideration does not require additional permits or licenses. Some unscrupulous lawyers, providing intermediary services for business registration, "write" on their check "obtaining permission." This is a lie! Be sure to check all the items for which you are required to pay.

It is difficult to argue with the general opinion that in a big city there are many opportunities for business and in order to find your client, the buyer. But do not forget that now all market niches are occupied, divided and well developed, and it is increasingly difficult for a small business to find its potential consumer.

The shoe shine business in a new format, as an idea for a business in a big city in Russia, will be discussed in this article, as a good example of the fact that sometimes old ideas can bring good income.

A bit of history

The profession of a shoe shiner, despite the fact that people did not walk barefoot for thousands of years before, appeared only in the middle of the 19th century. This was due to the fashion for a new style of clothing and footwear, which more and more corresponded to the new capitalist way of life in European countries. In addition, the emergence of new technologies for processing leather, the appearance of leather substitutes led to the entry into the market of skin care products. So the appearance of shoe polish, the first truly cleaning product for shoes, was due to the fact that there was a need to clean shaped shoes made of genuine leather.

The first shoe cleaners appeared in the UK, France and other European countries, who served their customers on the streets of large cities. By the way, it was the shoe shiner named Gavroche who was the symbol of the French Revolution of the 19th century. Cleaners worked most often in the so-called public places, that is, in the central part of the city, where offices, offices, and banks were usually located.

In addition, the fashion for visiting various theater and music salons, and later cinemas, required the observance of special etiquette and, first of all, clean shoes. The business of shoe cleaners received a rapid development in America (in the USA), where they even had their own trade unions. It was in America that shoe-shine machines were first made. It is worth, for example, recalling the footage from the Soviet film “Chief of Chukotka”, when the main character of the film ended up in San Francisco (it happened in the 1920s) and for the first time encountered the wonders of the capitalist economy - a shoe-shine machine standing right on the street.

With the growth of mass production of shoes, the change in fashion priorities in particular, the predominance of light sports style, the demand for shoeshine services gradually faded in Europe and America. Nevertheless, this type of service is quite well developed in Latin American countries, especially in the countries of the Middle East (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq,) and in India, where almost on every corner of cities and towns you can meet a shoe shiner, where the profession is a bootbreaker considered to be honorary.

How to open a bootbroker business and where to start

The success of a shoe shine business as an outdoor business idea largely depends on several important factors such as:

  1. Target customer segment. The basis of this segment of consumers will be people in one way or another connected with business, with work in the civil service or in commercial institutions where business is required, and clean shoes are not the last in it. Also, the target segment of customers can include all those who visit public places associated with cultural events, which also require a certain seasoned strict dress code. These are cinemas, theater salons, exhibitions or conference rooms, as well as some educational institutions, for example, military schools, where the appearance of a cadet in dirty shoes is simply unthinkable.
  2. Location. Based on the fact that the target audience is associated with visiting offices and institutions, banks, then the priority location for a shoe shine point or machine installation will be the business center of the city or places where there is the highest concentration of cultural institutions. Also, bus stations, railway stations, airports, where clean shoes are no less in demand than when visiting the Hermitage, the local opera house or a bank, can be a place to cover the largest traffic of customers.
  3. Price policy. The price of the services provided, on which the income of the entrepreneur depends, is formed by the way the shoes are cleaned. So, manual cleaning is in the price range from 200 to 1500 rubles, depending on the type of shoes - whether they are simple boots of a civil servant or they are model suede shoes of a society lady attending a premiere at the theater. If you use automatic shoe cleaning, then the price of services will be in the range from 30 to 50 rubles.

In addition, you can use the installation of cleaning machines directly in institutions as one of the formats for such a business.

The main advantages of the shoe polish business include the following:

  • mobility - you can refocus on any client group almost instantly, replacing only cleaning products. You can also use a mobile mobile version of the point, accompanying any mass events, for example, some kind of concerts, exhibitions or official meetings.
  • absence of competitors. This is an important advantage, since now few people would think that you can earn anything at all from cleaning shoes.
  • You can work in this business both on your own and by attracting hired workers.
  • no need to obtain permits and licenses to conduct this kind of entrepreneurial activity.

Opening cost

In order to finally calculate the entire business - a plan to open a shoe shine business, it is necessary to take into account all the initial costs.
Based on the available preliminary analysis of the experience of running a similar business format, the start-up costs (investment) should include:

  • IP registration and tax registration - 10,000 rubles.
  • consumables - creams, polishes, pastes, cleaning cloths, brushes - at the rate of 3,000 rubles for every 50 - 60 clients.
  • the purchase of a workplace - that is, a special chair for the client - 10 - 20,000 rubles.
  • advertising expenses (monthly) - from 5000 rubles.
  • transportation costs in the case of organizing a mobile point - 3000 rubles. per month.

Thus, the amount of initial investment plus the cost of the first month of work can be on the order of 31000 rubles minimum.

If it is planned to install an automatic shoe-cleaning system, such as, for example, Harder (Germany) or domestic firms AMIDA, Eco Line, then another amount of 40-50 thousand rubles should be provided.

As for how and where to purchase such a set of materials and equipment, all this can be bought through online stores, and the entire delivery will cost no more than 3-5 thousand rubles.

An approximate calculation of a business plan

For a complete idea of ​​how much you can earn in the shoe shine business, you need to make a preliminary calculation.

First you need the initial data:

  • the price of a manual shoe cleaning service is on average 300 rubles.
  • the number of clients during the day, taking into account the average traffic in the business part of the city - 30 (the average time for servicing one client is 10 - 15 minutes, i.e., net work is about 5 - 5.5 hours per working day).
  • we take into account the seasonality factor and the weather factor - 30%, which affects the decrease in revenue.

Thus, we get the first estimate of gross revenue, which will be: 300 rubles (average check) x 30 customers per day = 9,000 rubles per day.

Taking into account the adjustment of the seasonality factor, we obtain the final amount of daily revenue of 6,000 rubles per day.

If we assume that only 20 working days (working schedule of offices and institutions) will be used during the month, then the gross revenue per month will be 120,000 rubles.

  • consumables at the rate of 3,000 rubles for every 50 people with a number of clients per month of 600 (30 people per day x 20 days = 600) will amount to 36,000 rubles.
  • transport - 3000 rubles.
  • advertising - 5000 rubles.
  • taxes (with the simplified tax system - 6%) - no more than 6,000 rubles per month.
  • personnel costs (if hiring is envisaged) - 25,000 rubles.

Total monthly expenses - 76,000 rubles.

It is now possible to deduce the final amount of potential profit per month from the shoe shine business.

Profit \u003d Revenue - expenses \u003d 120,000 - 71,000 \u003d 44,000 rubles per month.

You can already focus on this figure in order to choose your business strategy. True, additional local factors will have to be taken into account, but this should already be done with a more detailed analysis for a particular city.

Marketing Campaign

Among the marketing tools that are most suitable for this kind of business, like shoe shine, such as:

  1. advertising campaign directly at the service point with the distribution of business cards and small booklets.
  2. mailing or posting ads in offices and other institutions of the city.
  3. advertising through the website, Instagram profile and other social media. networks.

In many ways, marketing methods depend on which client the business will be oriented towards - a group of stable clients of some institutions, or mass client traffic, with one-time service.

Possible risks

In addition to the benefits of a shoe shine business, there are also risks to consider. These include:

  • seasonal factor. Naturally, the most profitable seasons for the cleaner are the seasons associated with mud and snow - these are spring and autumn. And in the summer season, you will have to provide services to clients who mainly attend any cultural or strictly official events.
  • the risk that many establishments may start installing shoe-shine machines themselves, which will somewhat reduce the size of the market.

Despite the fact that the bootbreaker market is uncompetitive and even somewhat exotic for our time, however, it is worth fearing that as the business grows and makes good profits, some will want to repeat such a successful business model. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the market.

An example of a business plan for opening a dry cleaners in a small town with a population of 120 thousand inhabitants.

Business Outlook

The crisis phenomena of the 1990s led to the fact that dry-cleaning enterprises under state care fell into disrepair: the equipment became obsolete, there was an outflow of qualified personnel, and the quality of the services provided sharply decreased.

Ultimately, the provision of dry cleaning services for products was practically discontinued. However, the demand for such services remains high. It is much cheaper for the consumer to restore the original appearance of the product with the help of dry cleaning than to buy a new thing.

Therefore, the opening of an enterprise for the provision of dry cleaning services in modern conditions is considered a very promising project.

How much money do you need to open a dry cleaners from scratch

According to the business plan, the opening of a small dry cleaner will require at least 3,220,000 rubles:

What taxation system to choose for the enterprise

The organizational form of the enterprise will be individual entrepreneurship. It is planned to use a single tax on imputed income (UTII) as a taxation system.

Under such a system, the tax would be fixed and would be paid quarterly. A license for such activities is not required.

Our dry cleaners will provide cleaning services for clothes from different materials and groups:

  • suits,
  • coat,
  • dresses,
  • textile,
  • Leather Products,
  • fur,
  • carpet cleaning,
  • as well as manual cleaning of shoes, bags and suede.

For the urgency of the order (within 24 hours), an additional payment will be charged - 50% of the price list.

Technology of dry cleaning services

  1. Reception of products
  2. Sorting products by type and degree of contamination
  3. Removal of specific contaminants, stain removal
  4. Cleaning products
  5. Treatment with organic solvents
  6. Impregnation of products
  7. Wet heat treatment
  8. Checking the quality of work

Marketing and Advertising

The first point of the marketing business plan is to determine the capacity of the dry cleaning services market. According to some data, the average resident of Russia uses dry cleaning services on average once every 2 years.

The size of the population of our city is 120 thousand inhabitants. Of these, the number of economically active people (potential customers) is 60 thousand people. By simple calculations we get: 60,000 people. / 730 days = 82. It turns out that about 82 people need dry cleaning services every day.

There are two organizations that provide dry cleaning services in our city. These are quite well-known and well-established organizations that have been operating in the market for such services for more than a year. However, the speed of customer service and the quality of their services is not so great.

We believe that the opening of our enterprise with modern high-class equipment and trained personnel will attract the lion's share of customers. The average check of the service according to preliminary calculations will be 1050 rubles.

According to the most conservative estimates, an average of 12 clients will visit the dry-cleaner daily (excluding time for business promotion). On weekdays, the flow will be slightly higher than on weekends. This will allow you to receive an average daily income of 12,600 rubles, respectively, a monthly income of 378,000 rubles.

Download dry cleaning business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee.

Production plan

When choosing a room for dry cleaning, all the requirements of the SES will be met, including the distance from residential buildings, which must be at least 50 meters. The size of the leased premises will be 85 sq. m. with a monthly rent equal to 42,500 rubles (500 rubles / m2).

The issue of acceptance of products for cleaning will also be resolved. The city will operate two clothing collection points in the most densely populated areas. One will be located in the same building as the equipment, the second will be a separate room (15 sq. m.) in a residential area of ​​the city.

What equipment to choose for dry cleaning

At least 2,500,000 rubles will be spent on the purchase of professional equipment. The line will include:

  • Suprema LC 24 dry cleaning machine.
  • Paromaneken universal with built-in boiler.
  • Spotting table.
  • Professional ironing table.
  • The packaging machine is vertical.

Dry cleaning staff

The following will be employed as personnel: a technologist, ironers (2 people), workers (2 people), an administrator and a driver. Accounting services are planned to be outsourced. The permanent staff of the organization will include 6 people. The monthly wage fund will be 96,000 rubles.

Calendar plan

Starting a project involves the following sequential steps:

  1. Search for sources of project financing
  2. Registration of a business with the tax authority
  3. Search for premises and conclusion of a lease agreement
  4. Repair and design of the premises
  5. Purchase and installation of professional equipment
  6. Certification, approval of the project with the state. authorities
  7. Staff employment
  8. Enterprise launch


Business risks

Opening a dry cleaner is associated with the following risks:

  • High level of competition in the market.
  • High dependence on the successful location of the enterprise.
  • Lack of highly qualified personnel in this area.
  • Long payback period.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Dry cleaning business plan (36 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Tailoring studio business plan (32 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Cleaning company business plan (41 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Financial plan

Let's proceed to the calculation of the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the business. Fixed monthly expenses:

  • Rent - 42,500 rubles.
  • Salary - 96,000 rubles.
  • Insurance deductions - 28,800 rubles.
  • Utility payments - 30,000 rubles.
  • Consumables (powders, solvents, etc.) - 25,000 rubles.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 6,000 rubles.
  • Accounting - 8,000 rubles.
  • Transportation costs - 10,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Total - 261,300 rubles.

How much can you earn on dry cleaning services

The net profit of the organization according to the business plan will be 116,700 rubles per month. The profitability of dry cleaning is 44%. With such indicators, the project pays off in 30 - 35 months of work (taking into account the period for business promotion).

1. Privacy

3. Stages of project implementation

4. Characteristics of the object

5. Marketing plan

6. Technical and economic data of the equipment

7. Financial plan

8. Risk assessment

9. Financial and economic justification of investments

A shoe dry cleaning studio is a less expensive project than regular dry cleaning. At the same time, the capacity of the shoe dry-cleaning market is huge. The market is an unplowed field and, with proper investment, the funds spent on opening a dry-cleaning shoe. come back quickly and very efficiently.

The shoe shine studio is a profitable business. Using the example of the Two Brothers studio, which specializes in dry-cleaning shoes, you can see that the business model of a shoe-cleaning studio works great not only in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other million-plus cities, but also in the provinces.

Headquartered in Yaroslavl, dry-cleaning shoe “Two Brothers” successfully sells its franchise in various cities of Russia. Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Kostroma. Not the richest cities.

There is an opinion that the shoe-shine service will be in demand "in Moscow, where shoes are expensive, but here no one will hand them over."

Look at the number of shoe-shine studios and change your mind.

A great example is Kazbek Friev from Krasnodar. In 2016, he started an ironing service and really wanted to open his own dry cleaners. And I advised him to look in the direction of dry-cleaning shoes. Kazbek figured out the technology of cleaning and began to work and gain experience and fill his hand. Today, Kazbek receives shoes in boxes from different cities of Russia. He cleans and restores various products and shares his work on social networks.

Why are dry cleaning studios popular?

The reason for the popularity of shoe-shine studios is fashion. The main volume of products entering the cleaning is sneakers and sneakers in various variations. Here you can find the legendary sneakers Nike, Adidas Original, Converse, designer Prada, Louis Vuitton, Lacoste and other variety of stylish, practical and informal shoes.

Often there are combinations of incongruous - natural and synthetic fibers, polymer fabrics and leather. All this is enhanced by the sole and the hidden part of the shoe. Not every pair of shoes can be tidied up at home.

Shoes are a little more complicated than clothes, and the manufacturers of laundry detergents that clean all kinds of dirt have not yet got to shoes.

Although already selected. You can find "specialized and professional cleaning products" for shoe care in sports stores and shops selling branded shoes. So shoe dry cleaners have already experienced the delights of cleaning products that have been cleaned using folk methods and household products.

What are shoe cleaning studios?

Depending on which products prevail and what the dry-cleaning studio is focused on, the main options can be distinguished:

Dry cleaning of sneakers (sneaker cleaning, sneaker cleaning)

Do not confuse with the name of a chocolate bar. Sneaker is a general name for sports style shoes. This includes sports sneakers, and running shoes, and shoes for the gym, and sneakers.

an example of the most common shoe model, called the word "sneaker" (sneaker)

Such shoes are often produced from combined materials and some models of sneakers can be safely washed in a washing machine. Leather goods and combined products are cleaned by hand.

When it comes to washing, the main thing here is not to overdo it with the temperature, otherwise the sole may peel off during washing.

Dry cleaning of sneakers is focused on the younger generation and most often the main task is to revive your favorite sneakers and return them to their presentation.

Dry cleaning sneakers not only provides cleaning services, but also restores colors and whitens the soles.

More often than not, the sneaker dry cleaning business model involves the sale of specialized sneaker care products.

If you type something like “sneaker cleaner” into Google search engine, then the search results will consist of companies Angelus, (, Jason Markk (, RESHOEVN8R (https:/ /, Sneakerser ( and other manufacturers of preparations for home cleaning of sneakers.

This is what they do in Russia - they buy any drug from the listed or not listed manufacturers, stuff their hand on it. At best, they order their own stickers for bottles and tubes and sell them in their studios.

I will write the pros and cons of this model in the next article.

Cleaning formal shoes

Formal shoes - the entire range of classic men's and women's shoes. Shoes of all names and variations in leather, nubuck and suede. Shoe restoration operations are more common here - applying liquid leather, smoothing creases on leather shoes, painting, repainting, restoring the varnish coating.

Such studios are well linked with the English word polisher - shoe polishing.

This includes cleaning shoes from chemicals, specific contaminants, removing the effects of water exposure to shoes, restoring the surface and minor repairs.

All operations are carried out using professional shoe care products, which can also be offered as shoe care kits.

Dry cleaning UGG and Timberland

Cozy felt boots from Australia called UGG are rapidly gaining popularity in Russia. And every owner of these boots knows the problem of cleaning UGG.

There are several ways to clean UGG, the easiest of which is. Dry cleaners have been doing UGG wet cleaning for a long time and the results are very, very good. After wet cleaning, the ugg boots are dried in a special way and then the pile is lifted with the help of brushes.

UGG is also cleaned by hand - salt stains and dirt are removed, dried and piled. It all depends on the conditions and capabilities of the shoe-shine studio. There is a water cleaning machine and drying equipment - great. And if not, then the way out of the situation can be the simplest and most effective. For example, like this.

Yellow Timberland boots are also frequent dry cleaners. The nubuck surface of the boots quickly ceases to resist de-icing reagents. Here are traces of ingrained dirt, specific stains. Cleaning Timberland boots at home is not an easy task.

Most often, a shoe-shine studio combines specializations. Although in some cases, a narrowly focused specialization depends on the market, and if there is demand and demand, you can do what you have more soul for and what is more often brought in for cleaning.

Where can I find shoe polishing technology?

Each type of footwear needs its own technology. Features of the combined materials and pollution affect which shoe cleaning technology to use in a particular case.

There is no escape from the basic principles of cleaning technology. Alkaline stain remover, acid neutralization and softening. How and in what way you will do this is a question for the technologist. For starters, you should refer to the textbook. In the textbook, you can find food for thought about your future technology. And our technologist can provide you with training and advice on various shoe cleaning technologies.

What are the technologies for cleaning and caring for shoes?

The use of household products and folk methods

Specialized shoe polish products sold in shoe stores

Professional products and preparations for cleaning shoes

Technology for restoring the color of suede products

Technology for the restoration of leather goods

Material on the technology of shoe cleaning will be posted in this entry constantly and as it is prepared. You can subscribe to new blog posts to be notified when this information is posted here. For the impatient, there is, with which you can ask your questions about shoe cleaning technology and opening a shoe cleaning studio.

Turnkey Shoe Cleaning Solutions

When it comes to shoe cleaning, one cannot ignore ready-made solutions from Europe and Asia. Ready-made shoe cleaning solutions come from car dry cleaning. Vacuum cleaners, steam guns and foam generators are all familiar to those who work with car dry cleaning or dry cleaning of upholstered furniture.

Revitapoint shoe cleaning and restoration technology

ScarpaVapor Shoe Shine Technology Bieffe Farinelli

Tune in for a long read and stay on the wave of the publication on how to open a dry-cleaning studio and you will find out the answers to the questions:

How much does it cost to open a shoe cleaner?

The amount of investment required to open a dry cleaning shoe depends on the concept of the studio and the chosen technology used for cleaning shoes.

The concept of "taking all the best and at once"

You can immediately buy equipment, such as Revitapoint, purchase auxiliary equipment and a huge amount of consumables that no one will use later, necessary for the most difficult and special cases.

This includes interior refurbishment and refurbishment, engineered stone client counters and LCD screens wherever possible.

Such a studio will cost from 800 thousand to 1.2 million rubles.

As-needed concept

To do this, a plan for the development of the enterprise is outlined, based on what is already in demand among customers and what can be done best.

For example, my friend decided to open a sneaker dry cleaner. He collected everything he could from his friends and acquaintances and for two weeks he cleaned his sneakers and stuffed his hand. For cleaning, he used various means and methods and managed with a minimum set of any equipment. In two weeks, he got his hands on sneakers and came to the conclusion what equipment he needed in order to facilitate the process. He taught this technology to his first master - showed, explained and passed on his knowledge to him.

That was enough to get started and make money for everything else. The next stage of its development was the cleaning of ugg.

If you correctly approach the issue of selection and do not buy unnecessary equipment, opening a shoe dry cleaning studio will cost 150-200 thousand rubles. With this money you will buy racks, furniture, equipment and supplies and will be able to start working and earn money in order to buy additional equipment.

You can immediately swell 2 million rubles into the opening of a dry-cleaning studio and hang on yourself the burden of paying off the project.

What do you need to dry-clean shoes?

Shoe cleaners need customers. Until the opening of the studio, you need traffic of clients who will be waiting for your opening and provide work from the opening.

Start taking shoes for cleaning while repairs are underway, equipment is being supplied and technology is being fine-tuned. All you need to get started is the desire to work.

A friend of mine took sneakers for three months on an island in a supermarket and took them to the garage, where he washed them in an activator washing machine. He dried his wet sneakers with a heat gun. There was a whole action.

He developed his own shoe-shine technology step by step. Then he bought himself a foam generator, an airbrush, a steam generator and some other equipment, but from working capital.

How to train staff to work with shoes?

To teach cleaners you need to understand the basic principles of soil removal, the mechanics of soil transition, the chemistry of washing and cleaning, understand in materials science. There is no specialized literature, as well as training centers on the technology of dry-cleaning shoes. You can download the Dry Cleaning Technology book from my website. The textbook is also useful for dry-cleaning shoes. He quickly fell in love with the owners of car dry cleaners and cleaning companies.

Training in shoe cleaning technology

There is Elena, a shoe dry cleaner who has dedicated 5 years of her life out of more than 20 years of dry cleaning experience to setting up the dry cleaning technology for shoes, bags and accessories in a large chain dry cleaner in Moscow, and she is ready to work with you.

There is a course "Training in dry cleaning and shoe dyeing"

How much will a shoe shine studio pay for?

The answer to this question lies in the investments made in the project. When about 1.5 million rubles are invested in a studio, such a studio pays off in about 11-14 months. If more, then something is wrong here and it's time to see a doctor urgently to determine the cause.

A good result for a shoe-shine studio is 8 months. It all comes down to how much was spent. The investment of 750,000 rubles returned after 8 months of hard work and a lot of work.

The model of a shoe-shine studio with an island in a shopping center and production in a garage paid off in a month and is consistently profitable - about 70,000 rubles in the hands of the owner.

How many shoes do you need to shine for the studio to be profitable?

Opening a textbook on economics, reading about profitability and not understanding how many shoes you need to clean a day in order for the studio to be profitable? Then collect in one column all the costs for the month (and do not forget your salary as a manager) and divide by 30 days.

Capital costs must also be taken into account and taken into account. In the calculation, use the figure from the payback period that you set for yourself.

Oh wow, this is very complicated. Calculate how many shoes you need to clean.

Then take it as an axiom that you need to take and clean 20 pairs of shoes per day. For a shoe shine business to be a business and not self-employed, you need to clean 20 pairs of shoes every day.

You, as the owner of a shoe-shine studio, have a simple and understandable task - to ensure the flow of 20 pairs of shoes every day to your studio.

Just take this number and go!

Where to take clients to shine shoes?

To provide yourself with good traffic from clients, work with those who already have this traffic.
It is done like this. Go to a dry cleaner where people donate clothes and make an appointment with the dry cleaner to take your shoes for cleaning. You give her your price list and a discount off that price list. You can give more freedom and work with her at your own price list, and the dry cleaner will sell the service at their own prices.

A friend of mine cleans baby car seats and strollers for about 30 dry cleaners in Moscow. He is always provided with orders and works calmly, knowing that he already has bread for bread. And he earns on butter with caviar by selling his service on his own.

And here is an interesting case. He sells the service to dry cleaners for X-Y% rubles, dry cleaners sell this service for X rubles. Largely. And some dry cleaners sell this service for X*K rubles. And this coefficient K varies from 1.2 to 5.

Do you understand? If someone sells better than you, then let him sell, but buy from you.

Here's how to agree and how you feel comfortable.

Advantages of working on your own price list:
You can talk openly about partnerships and thereby additionally advertise yourself.
True, there is a minus here - the first time customers will hand over their shoes to a partner dry cleaner, and the second time they will carry things to you. Dry cleaning is unlikely to be happy with this ...
You can use your own promotional materials when you work with partners on your own price list. You teach the receptionist how to work to your standards, how to make upsells, and so on. Thus, you work out your scripting and business process formation skills. This will make life easier for you when you want to franchise.

But there is a minus here too - it’s not a fact that the dry cleaning administration wants to do it the way you advise it.

In addition to dry cleaning, there are also shoe stores. You come up with a way to get the store interested in advertising your shoe shine studio and the store becomes your partner.
The shoe shops are also worth a look - people bring shoes there, so take them warm and offer your services. How to negotiate with a shoe workshop - tell the heart.

Clients from the street

Customers "from the street" should not be dismissed either. If the studio is located in a place with high traffic and there is a clear sign about what you are doing here, then customers from the street will go. Then it's a matter of technology - not to lose customers and be able to work with them at all stages of your relationship.

Be sure to collect a client base and transfer it online. Send emails, take surveys, praise yourself, and talk about good reviews. It will be very helpful.
Learn how to work with a sales funnel and think about how to turn the funnel into a sales tunnel.

What chemicals should be used to clean shoes?

Information about preparations used for dry-cleaning shoes will appear here in the near future. Stay tuned.

What are the space requirements for a shoe shine studio?

Is it possible to open a dry-cleaner for shoes in a residential building?

There are no requirements for shoe-shine studios, as long as you don't write "shoe cleaning" on the sign. Can shoe repair shops be opened in residential buildings? Here you open it.

But as soon as you write that you have “dry cleaning of shoes” here, you can wait for delegations from Rospotrebnadzor sent to you by the residents of the house. Residents of apartment buildings love to complain about the neighborhood with small businesses.

Electrical Requirements

Dry cleaning of shoes does not imply any powerful installations or devices. A normal household 220 V network will provide your studio with light and energy.

For drying chambers or heat guns, it is better to provide separate lines and protective devices. Machine guns, ouzo - do it separately for guns and dryers.

Ventilation Requirements

The preparations used for dry cleaning have a pungent odor and contain toxic substances.

Therefore, to work with chemistry, it is necessary to provide hoods and the like of dyeing chambers, where it will be possible to work with paints.

Ideally, you need a separate ventilation that will work independently of the house ventilation. But this is an expensive pleasure.

Water supply and sewerage

For the operation of the enterprise, hot and cold water for domestic needs is needed. A normal water system will do.

For drainage, 100 mm of sewage will be sufficient. The preparations used for cleaning shoes are disposed of as domestic waste, so there are no special requirements for sewage. The main thing is to get a document about drains.

How many meters do you need for a shoe shine studio?

The production part of the studio should ensure the comfortable work of the master, the placement of consumables, the storage of products coming in for cleaning. Clean and ready-to-dispense products can be stored in the client area - on racks and shelves.

It will be enough to allocate 10-15 square meters for the client area. It all depends on the configuration of the room and on the flight of fancy.

The production part of the shoe-shine studio requires about 30 square meters of space.

If there is no time to wait, and questions do not let you sleep, fill out the feedback form or write comments. Registration is not required for this.

Shoe polisher 3D Polisher - innovative automatic devices that allow you to quickly and conveniently clean almost any closed shoe from dust and dirt and rub it to a shine with a special cream. While a person is cleaning shoes in a vending machine in a public place, he will look directly at the LCD display with video advertising, he cannot help but pay attention to the broadcast advertising video content.

Price (new): 65 000 rub.

Price (used): 42 000 rub.

Rent (1 month): 2 900 rub.

We provide these devices for rent for a period of 3 months. All used machines come with a 1 month warranty. During this time the service is free. In the event of a malfunction, we will refund your money!

Characteristics of the shoe polish machine model:

  • Content is played from a standard USB flash drive or SD card
  • The machines are designed for operation at a temperature of 15-30 C
  • Standard coin acceptors are installed in the machines
  • Electricity consumption energy - 160 W/h
  • 3D Polishers are equipped with 32-inch (40x70 cm)
  • Dimensions, H x W x D, cm - 119x35x45

Description of models of shoe polishing machines with advertising

Shoeshine machines have been known for a long time. The most widespread in the USA. In our country, they have not received particularly wide recognition. This is due to the fact that the models consisted of one or more horizontal brushes and did not provide adequate quality. Most often, such devices were installed in hotels, public buildings.

We offer an innovative product that was patented in 2013 and has revolutionized the traditional idea of ​​shoeshine machines.

How it works?

With our patented brush pattern, our bill acceptor shoe shine machine delivers an unrivaled polishing experience. The device has five brushes. Four on the side and one on the front. Just step with one foot on the platform. The brushes will start rotating automatically. At first, the brushes do not move, rotating in place. This helps to effectively remove visible dirt. After a few seconds, all the brushes begin to move back and forth without stopping to rotate.

Due to this amplitude, the cream is evenly distributed over the shoe. Your shoes will be perfectly cleaned and polished.

Positioned on the side, the brushes are discs that have bristles of different lengths, which guarantee even higher quality. With these brushes, you will not only clean the sides of the shoes, but also bring the side strip of the sole into perfect condition. All brushes can be easily replaced when worn. The shoe shine machine with bill acceptor is suitable for cleaning all closed shoes except suede and nubuck.

5 competitive advantages

  1. Patented technology for cleaning and polishing any closed shoes, except for nubuck and suede.
  2. A unique cleaning and polishing system that delivers amazing quality.
  3. Possibility to install various types of coin acceptors.
  4. Opportunity to earn money by broadcasting ads.
  5. Appearance that attracts attention.

How and how much you can earn

Our vending machine is equipped with a fully automatic coin acceptor. This made it possible to simplify and fully automate the payment process as much as possible.

In addition to cleaning shoes, a shoe-shine machine with a bill acceptor allows you to earn money from advertising. While the client is cleaning his shoes, advertising content will be broadcast to him. The effectiveness of such advertising is 4-5 times higher than traditional media. The user's attention is focused on the shoe shine machine. This means that he simply physically cannot but pay attention to advertising.

In addition, people passing by will also pay attention to the content being broadcast, as such machines have not yet had time to get bored. They attract attention with their novelty and arouse curiosity.

If you have at least five machines with a bill acceptor in the most accessible places in Moscow, such as railway stations, airports, etc., you become of interest to large operators and advertising agencies. And this is serious money.

What models are the most popular?

4 most popular models:

  1. officestar. It does not allow you to earn money, because. does not have a bill acceptor and media system. Ideal for installation in office, restaurant, hotel.
  2. Basic. The top part is made of especially strong sheet steel. The bottom is impact-resistant plastic. The model allows you to earn both on advertising and on cleaning shoes. Only a stationary advertising poster can be placed.
  3. BasicLCD. It differs from the previous one in the presence of a 19” LCD display. Allows you to broadcast commercials from portable media. Has a built-in sound system.
  4. media station. Both parts are made of steel. The machine is a full-fledged multimedia station. It has a 32" LCD display. Allows you to enable the broadcast of advertisements regardless of the shoe shine functions. Selling ads with this model will bring the maximum income.

Which models will bring the most profit?

Obviously, you will have to choose a model for earning from the last three. The Basic model works only as a stationary billboard. This means that you can advertise the products of only one customer. More advanced devices allow you to dismantle from three to five different rollers in an interactive mode. In addition, such advertising is less annoying. For advertisers, MediaStation is of the greatest interest. The wide screen allows you to effectively capture the attention of the client.

It turns out that if you are going to make money only by shining shoes, you can completely install the Basic model. If advertising is planned as the main source of your income, use MediaStation. Its higher cost will be fully justified. Just remember that in order to have a decent profit, you need at least five such devices. The place of installation will also play a key role in success. This is the basis for any vending business.

Why buy from us?

  1. The most optimal purchase prices in Moscow.
  2. You can buy a shoe-shine machine with a bill acceptor, cream, spare parts in one place.
  3. We will install and configure for free.
  4. We will train your staff.
  5. Our engineers will carry out all the necessary maintenance.