Thanks to all my friends for the congratulations. Thank You Phrases: Saying “thank you” is very simple.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful congratulations, incredible and sensitive wishes, compliments, for all the kind words! I am incredibly pleased for the attention shown and I am glad that I am surrounded by such kind people!

Thank you for your kind and warm congratulations on my birthday. I want to wish you happiness and joy in return. Let every day in life be like a holiday, let every moment be the sunshine of love and goodness. Good luck and thanks again!

My dear, family, friends! Thank you very much for your kind words and bright wishes. Your attention and support, your warmth, your love are valuable to me. My birthday is special because you are by my side. I love everyone, I hug you tightly. Thank you for having me!

Today I received many kind words and warm wishes from you. And I, of course, believe that they will all come true. Thank you, my dear friends, family and colleagues, for your attention, warmth and care with which you surrounded me today. I'm extremely pleased!

I am so pleased that my dear family and friends are next to me! I love you, value you and highly appreciate your attention, your sincerity and the warmth of your feelings and words! So many good and kind things were said about me, they were said so cordially and warmly! Thank you all very much. And accept my wishes in return: peace, kindness, love, success and prosperity, beauty and understanding, joy of being and harmony of the soul! Let us all be very happy people!

It’s incredibly nice to know that there are people in the world who on my birthday give me such priceless gifts as their attention, sensitive words and sincere wishes. Thank you, my dears, for your congratulations and for being in my life.

Thank you very much for your attention and wonderful congratulations on my birthday. Your words made me smile, your bright wishes inspired me, gave me vigor and strength, confidence and determination. Thank you very much, please accept in return my wishes for goodness and happiness, excellent health and unquenchable optimism of the soul.

I sincerely thank you for every congratulation! I was extremely pleased to hear so many compliments and kind words addressed to me! In return, I wish you all these blessings doubly! Let all good and bright things come true, because we were born to be happy people!

Thank you very much for your kind words and wishes! I'm very pleased! I will work hard to make every word you say come true! Thanks again!

Dear friends! Thank you so much for your warm, gentle and sincere congratulations. Even if a hundredth part of what they wished for me comes true, I will have enough health for three lives, and any lucky person will envy my luck. I am lucky to have such wonderful and kind people next to me, thank you for your kind words.

A beautiful holiday greeting always pleases the ear, it creates a good mood and the most positive emotions. It is worth remembering that gratitude for birthday greetings is no less important.

Why is it needed and when should it be said?

A holiday is a responsible event for each of its participants. The birthday boy looks forward to this date, saves money and strives to organize the perfect party. Guests are racking their brains over how to surprise the hero of the occasion with a memorable gift and pleasant words. Gratitude for birthday greetings is necessary in order to please each invited person and say “thank you” for all the trouble.

It is also worth clarifying when and how to pronounce these pleasant words. Gratitude can be presented in the form of prose, poetry, orally, or on a card. It is pronounced at the end of the party for all guests or separately for each invitee after words of congratulations.

Gratitude in poetry

It is best if gratitude for birthday greetings is presented in poetic form. It sounds beautiful and elegant. It is recommended to say it at the end of the party for all the guests who delighted the birthday person on that day.

  • How you surprised me with the kindness of your phrases.
  • I can’t express in one verse how pleased I am.
  • I’m so happy as if it were the first time.
  • I appreciated everyone’s work without a doubt.
  • There is no end to my gratitude to you.
  • Thank you for my birthday.
  • My soul rests so brightly!

You can also say nice words to each guest or choose the person with the best congratulations at the end of the party and dedicate the following lines to him:

  • Thank you for your congratulations.
  • I'm incredibly pleased.
  • I am happy to hear all this on my birthday.
  • Thank you for not forgetting.
  • For me this is doubly valuable.
  • I wish you great luck too.
  • What are you fully worthy of!

Gratitude in prose

What could be better than gratitude for birthday greetings in prose in your own words? Most likely nothing! Only sincere recognition will allow you to reveal real emotions, the human soul and see the response. It might look like this:

  • “Thank you to everyone who was able to find time in their busy schedule and come to the event dedicated to my name day. It is impossible to describe in words how happy I am today with the presence of each of you here. I thank you all for your amazingly beautiful words, good wishes and congratulations. You made this day a happy one, I will never forget it.”
  • "I want to cry. Don’t worry, these are not tears of grief, but of real happiness. Your words touched me to the very core. Thank you for such pleasant emotions, how I wish they would never stop. I’m so pleased that it’s even difficult to find words!”
  • “Dear guests, you can’t count on one hand how many kind words were addressed to me today. First of all, I want to say “thank you.” I also wish you all happiness, love and health!”

Thank you for your birthday in prose in your own words usually has a generalized form, but sometimes it is dedicated to a specific person.

Gratitude to the closest person

On this holiday, I would like to say “thank you,” especially to those people who have always pleased and continue to give positive emotions throughout their lives. For example, gratitude should be expressed for birthday greetings in prose in your own words to your husband.

“My dear, beloved, sweet little man. It was nice to hear these words from you, more than anyone else, today. However, everything I have is largely your merit. Therefore, it is very important to me that you are happy, healthy and successful. If all this is present in you, then it will appear in me too.”

It is equally important to say thank you to your friends for their birthday greetings in prose, as well as to your closest people!

“Dear parents, it’s nice to hear wishes from you, like no one else. And I have no doubt that it is from your lips that they sound truly sincere. Thank you for giving me such a life, and even this holiday is your merit.”

“Dear children, I’m crying in my heart right now, I can’t express in words how much your words touched me. I don't need gifts, awards, success and other joys. I will be sincerely happy only when you are near!”

Thanks for the congratulations.
I'll tell you honestly: I'm pleased!
May everything you wish for me be
The good will return to you a hundredfold!

Your congratulations are wonderful,
I really appreciate them
For your sincerity and attention,
I thank you from my heart!

I say thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful congratulations, good wishes, attention and pleasant words. In return, I wish you peace and goodness, prosperity and light, joy and love, good luck and happiness.

Thank you for your congratulations,
What lifts your spirits
Which I accept with pleasure,
Treating you only with respect!

May everything work out great for you too,
Good luck will increase,
Health with strong strength pleases,
Fate spoils you with a stream of happiness!

A short

Thank you very much for your congratulations,
Sincere, bright, so sincere.
Mutually best wishes to you,
Success and happiness, kindness and attention.

A short

Thank you for everything: for the warm congratulations,
I wish what they wanted in return.
Success, health, love and luck,
Live - at least a long, happy hundred years!

I thank you now
For your congratulations,
You added to my life
Wonderful moments.

And everything you wished for
Let fate increase
Let your goodness be a hundredfold
And he can return to you.

Thank you I say
For wishes of happiness.
I will share it with you,
I'll give everyone a piece.

Thank you for your congratulations,
Believe me, I’m very touched.
May luck follow you too,
Let everything and everywhere be with Hurray!

For your kind words and wishes
Thank you very much, friends.
May your dreams come true too,
Everything will be wonderful, everywhere and always.

Thank you
For your congratulations,
Thank you for your attention
And for respect.

For good wishes
I say thank you
For hundreds of words
You found beautiful ones.

I wish you wishes
Yours I will come true,
And I want in return
Wish you happiness.

Thank you for your congratulations,
They give me inspiration.
Thank you for a joyful holiday
They also added some sweets for me.

Because your heart is filled with happiness.
May your wishes come true!
May everything work out well for you too,
Goodness, love, warmth will multiply!

Thank you very much
For my sincere congratulations.
It was nice to receive
All wishes, instructions!

In response, I want to wish you
Love, and happiness, and good luck.
You deserve them in full.
Let it be this way and not otherwise.

  • Thank you for the birthday greetings status - My dears, thank you very much for your attention and warm congratulations on this day! I really want everything you said today to come true. And I believe it will be so. I am grateful to you for being in my life!
  • Thank you for your wonderful words, Thank you for all your wishes. I wish that all the warmth that you sent me will return to you a hundredfold.
  • How joyful it is to understand that there are friends in the world who do not forget about important dates! Thank you for your congratulations, I feel like the happiest person!
  • I sincerely thank you for your warm congratulations on my birthday, for your kind wishes and pleasant words. May everything be wonderful and prosperous for you. I wish you great happiness and good luck in return.
  • The best and most pleasant thing is to receive congratulations from loved ones. Thank you for your attention and nice words, they warm my heart and give me joy!
  • Thank you all for your congratulations, for surrounding me with warmth. Let these sweet moments Return to you only with kindness.
  • Thank you for your kind words, which showed me how wonderful today is! I appreciate your attention and endlessly rejoice at the thought that there are true friends in life! Love you!
  • Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful congratulations, incredible and sensitive wishes, compliments, for all the kind words! I am incredibly pleased for the attention shown and I am glad that I am surrounded by such kind people!
  • If it weren’t for your words, I wouldn’t even know how pleasant today is! Thank you for rediscovering this holiday for me!
  • I am so pleased to hear so many kind words, I say thank you to everyone for your congratulations. Without you, it would have been a very sad holiday, I hug everyone and sincerely love you!
  • Your wishes are exactly what I need to make my birthday perfect. Thank you, my family, for your attention and sincere congratulations!
  • I am so pleased that my dear family and friends are next to me! I love you, value you and highly appreciate your attention, your sincerity and the warmth of your feelings and words! So many good and kind things were said about me, they were said so cordially and warmly! Thank you all very much. And accept my wishes in return: peace, kindness, love, success and prosperity, beauty and understanding, joy of being and harmony of the soul! Let us all be very happy people!
  • I sincerely thank you for your congratulations and I will not forget these pleasant words. I sincerely say thank you for everything, And let all the good things come back!
  • Thank you for your wonderful congratulations, for the moments of joy that you gave me today, for your attention, which in itself is priceless. Thank you.
  • Thank you for your congratulations, for the beauty of the magic words, I wish you happiness, inspiration, let love reign in life.
  • Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kind words and wishes on my birthday. I am very pleased to know that there are people in this world who love and appreciate me for the person I am. May all the goodness return to you, multiplied by prosperity many times greater than what I receive today. Be happy!
  • You put a small piece of your soul into my birthday. I want you to be happy and find joy in every day.
  • Thank you very much for the pleasant and touching congratulations on my birthday. I value your attention, your wishes and kind words. May everything you said certainly come true, may fate send you great luck and happiness.
  • Guys, thank you very much for your congratulations! Special thanks to the people who called from 6 to 9 am! I won't forget you!
  • Thank you very much for your attention and wonderful congratulations on my birthday. Your words made me smile, your bright wishes inspired me, gave me vigor and strength, confidence and determination. Thank you very much, please accept in return my wishes for goodness and happiness, excellent health and unquenchable optimism of the soul.
  • Thank you all for your congratulations! Everyone who did not congratulate has already been deleted! =)
  • Today I received many kind words and warm wishes from you. And I, of course, believe that they will all come true. Thank you, my dear friends, family and colleagues, for your attention, warmth and care with which you surrounded me today. I'm extremely pleased!
  • A basket of cookies, honey and jam - Here's a treat for my birthday! Thank you all for your congratulations!!!
  • I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your warm congratulations and bright wishes on my birthday. Let everything said really come true. I also wish you sincere joy and spiritual happiness, good health and a wonderful life.
  • Thank you, dear friends, for not staying away. On my birthday they remembered me by sending so many congratulations to me.
  • Thank you so much to everyone for your kind, sincere, warming wishes! I hope that all of them will come true not only for me, but also for you, and that our lives will all be fun, carefree and wonderful!
  • I live for those who need me... I am friends only with those in whom I am confident... I communicate with those who are pleasant... And I am grateful to those who appreciate!!!
  • When else do you learn so many good things about yourself than on your holiday? Thank you for your congratulations, compliments and high marks. Now I have so much health, luck and sincere warmth that it will be easy and simple to realize all my wishes. I am glad that I have you and always smile.
  • Thank you for the birthday greetings status - I will dedicate this status not to my boyfriend, not to my parents and not to myself. I give this heart to my friends, without them the world seems black and white, thank you just for existing!
  • Thank you very much for your congratulations! I also want to express my gratitude for being with me. My true friends, dear family and loved ones. Without your presence in my life, care, attention, advice and support, love and understanding - I would not exist! Thank you for having me!
  • Thank you to my parents for giving me life, to my friends for making it beautiful, and to my beloved for not living it in vain!
  • Thank you for your kind words. They warm my soul and my heart. What happiness when there is family, friends, When relatives congratulate you.
  • Thanks everyone - good plan! =)
  • In return, I wish you the same blessings: Health, love, and happiness. Thank you that on such a wonderful day I have someone to share my personal holiday with!
  • How much I want to say in gratitude and how little status there is for this. I won’t be original and just shout: THANK YOU!
  • I want to say “thank you” to you now. It’s nice to receive priceless attention from you and your golden congratulations on your birthday.