It translates to NPF. List of available options. Instructions for the transition from a state institution to a non-state institution

Since 2010, according to the new pension legislation, the pension of Russian citizens consists of two components - the funded part and the insurance part.

Employers monthly deduct 6% to the funded part, and another 16% to the insurance part.

All the funds that now go to the insurance part are spent on payments to today's pensioners. The remaining 6%, each citizen can dispose of at his discretion.

What part of the allowance can be used

Currently in our country several non-state pension funds. Their activities are controlled and regulated by the state and special laws.

Thus, the control over the work of such organizations is exercised by the Bank of Russia. All main provisions, scope of activities and conditions for its implementation are regulated by Law "On Non-State Pension Funds", adopted on May 7, 1998, and “On Amendments to the Law on NPFs”. These changes took effect on December 28, 2013.

Any NPF must get a license to carry out their activities.

All citizens of our country, who were born, had to decide: to leave the entire part of the deductions made by the employer in the state fund, or entrust 6% funded part management company, which is NPF.

If a citizen has decided to leave all deductions in the state structure, they are indexed annually and over time, he will be formed from them.

Why is this procedure needed?

Non-state pension funds today have the opportunity to invest their clients' funds in shares and other types of securities in order to make a profit.

The income level of NPFs is much higher than that of the state, respectively, the size of the cumulative part also increases citizens' pensions. Therefore, high income is the main argument in favor of transferring your funds to a management company.

In addition to the general increase in income, the transfer of money to a non-state fund allows you to receive an unlimited pension in the future. Payments will depend on what funds you have accumulated during this time, while g state pension is limited to 40% of the average income in the country.

Your retirement in the future, if you entrust the funded part of the NPF, will depend on the level of income, length of service and the time when you apply for payments. Therefore, it is beneficial to transfer funds from the funded part to those citizens who have high wages and long work experience, especially in state organizations. Funds of the funded part can pass on by inheritance . If a citizen did not live up to the moment when it was time to use the savings, these funds can be transferred to his relatives upon preliminary conclusion.

Of course, transferring management of your pension funds to a non-state company has certain risks. At any time, the activities of the fund may be terminated or become unprofitable. However, all client funds are insured, and in this case they must be compensated by the state.


By law, all citizens of our country born after 1967 had to make up their minds and decide on the fate of their funded part of the pension within a certain time frame. Until the end of 2015, it was necessary to decide whether to leave all insurance contributions in the state pension fund or transfer its funded part to a non-state one.

Those who have not been able to choose and have not applied to the offices of the State Pension Fund will have to come to terms with the fact that they have lost their funded part, and in the future they can only count on an insurance pension.

Same, who handed over control with their own funds of a non-governmental organization, interest on their investment will also be accrued, despite the fact that this year payments to the funded part are still not made.

Transfer money to NPF or from one fund to another, including the state one, is possible if the application for this was received by the FIU before December 31. After that, until March 1 of the year following the submission of the application, a change is made to the list of insured persons. Until March 31 of the same year, a notice of these changes to the registry must be created and sent out. Similar notification and there is reason for the funds to be transferred to another management company.

Transfer of funds from a state organization to a non-state organization

You can transfer your funds to NPF in several ways.

First of all, you need to have. With this card you can proceed as follows:

The whole procedure takes a little time, usually all these operations are performed in one day. However, it is worth remembering that this can only be done once a year no later than December 31st. It is most convenient to do translation at the end of the year, then you will not have to wait long for a decision.

From one NPF to another

One of the advantages of non-state funds is the freedom of action of its clients. You can completely refuse the services of these structures and transfer all the money back to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or choose another non-governmental organization for yourself. The reasons may be the unsatisfactory work of NPFs, low profitability or dishonesty.

Transition procedure from one organization to another is similar to the transfer of funds from a state to a non-state fund. It consists of approximately the same steps:

However, the application deadlines possibility of transition are now made not once a year, but once every five years.

In this regard, the transfer of funds can be urgent (once every 5 years) or early (up to 1 year). In case of an urgent transition, all client funds are saved.

If the transition was made ahead of schedule , then the funds, although they will go to the new fund already next year, will be much less: in case of early transfer, the investment part of the payments is not saved. Therefore, before making a decision, it is worth seriously weighing all the possible advantages and disadvantages of such a procedure.

At the same time, the application to the FIU must also be submitted before December 31, and the notification of the decision to come before March 31 of the next year.

How to undo your decision

It happens that once having made a decision to transfer the funded part of the pension to the NPF, a person realizes that this does not suit him. For those who want to return their funds back to the Pension Fund of Russia, you need to write a statement about this before December 31 and submit it to the Pension Fund in any way: in person at the pension department or MFC, on the public services portal or by mail.

When applying to a branch of the Pension Fund or through the MFC, a citizen presents his passport and SNILS, but if the application is sent electronically or by mail, then no documents are required.

If instead of the insured citizen, his representative applies, having a power of attorney certified by a notary, he must present documents proving the identity of the insured and his SNILS, as well as his passport.

Illegal activities

In the past few years, a large number of non-state pension funds have appeared in our country. Their agents agitated citizens to transfer their funds to them, describing the great advantages and benefits of such transactions.

Sometimes unscrupulous people, often without any powers of attorney, worked as such "callers". As a result, the same citizens could have an agreement with several non-governmental organizations at once.

Moreover, PFR offices sometimes receive complaints from citizens who report the illegal transfer of their funds to non-state funds. In these cases, you should write a claim to the NPF itself. Its employees must provide the citizen with his application and an agreement signed personally. If not, you can go to court. Unscrupulous institutions will be held administratively liable and fined, and all the insurer's funds will be transferred to the fund in which they were previously.

For the procedure for transferring the funded part of the pension, see the following video:

According to the new pension reform, citizens can use their savings in the Pension Fund. One option is to send the accumulated funds, which are intended for the payment of pensions, to the NPF. This investment has . Therefore, before deciding whether to switch to NPF or not, you need to consider this issue from different angles and weigh all the pros and cons. It is worth paying attention to reliability and profitability ratings fund, as well as the composition of its founders and the period of existence.

  • Having studied all the information, you can begin to conclude an agreement on the OPS with the selected fund.
  • You should also notify the Pension Fund (PFR) of the transfer by submitting an appropriate application to the branch at the place of residence.

It is worth remembering that in one period of time only one treaty.

If a citizen decides to transfer his savings, he will be able to apply and submit the relevant documents in person or through a representative directly to the FIU. He can also do this through the MFC, through mail or an electronic service on the public services website.

If a citizen at the end of a five-year period has not reached the age of 23, the specified period is extended until December 31 of the year in which he turns 23 years old.

Is it worth transferring the funded part of the pension to the NPF?

To date, NPFs have been empowered, on the basis of which they can maintain and form both compulsory pension insurance (OPS) pensions and non-state client pensions. Among the positive aspects of the transition to NPF are the following:

  • Payments are formed not only from monthly client contributions, but also from the income that is received from investment pension reserves.
  • Financial responsibility for customer deposits lies with NPFs. If the income of an NPF is below the inflation rate, by law the fund must compensate losses to customers at the expense of reserves.
  • NPF can respond to changes in the financial market. Therefore, the annual investment plan can be corrected taking into account trends.

But you need to take into account the disadvantages of switching to NPF:

  • Lack of stable income. This is due to the fact that NPFs certainly cannot be sure that the financial year will turn out well.
  • NPFs may have their license revoked. In this situation, it will be necessary to transfer savings from it, which is associated with some monetary costs.

The procedure for transferring funds

To begin with, a citizen must choose a fund. To choose a reliable organization in all respects, you should carefully learn all about her. First of all, look at the following: the age of the fund, reliability and profitability ratings, founders. It is worth clarifying whether the selected NPF has concluded an agreement on mutual certification of signatures with the FIU. If he concluded, then with a personal appeal to the representative office of the selected NPF with a passport and SNILS, a citizen will be able to sign an agreement on the OPS.

From April next year, a new insurer will manage pension savings.

Choosing a non-state pension fund

When deciding which NPF to conclude an agreement with, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. Degree of reliability. The degree of reliability of the fund consists of several main indicators of the work of NPFs. To do this, you can use the data of the rating agency, for example, as "Expert RA". It is best to choose a fund that has a higher rating. In addition to the rating, it is necessary to pay attention to its stability.
  2. Fund age. The best option is if the fund was created before 1998. The older the NPF, the better, the more experience it has in investing pension savings, reserves, and most likely, it will successfully manage savings funds in unfavorable financial conditions.
  3. Yield. This indicator indicates the success of financial transactions and it should be several percent higher than the inflation rate. The higher the average annual return, the more funds will accumulate in the client's account by the time of retirement. An important point is that you should look at the indicators not for one year, but for the accumulated income for several years (preferably 5 years).
  4. The composition of the founders. Funds created by metallurgical, heat and power companies, organizations that are engaged in the extraction or transportation of minerals are more reliable than funds created by small companies or individuals.
  5. Transparency and openness. When choosing an NPF, you need to pay attention to whether the fund has a website. The website should contain complete and accessible information about the operation of the fund: name, license number, composition of founders, audit reports, financial statements, the number of insured persons, the results of investing pension savings, rules for joining and exiting NPFs, etc. The more information the fund provides, the more competent employees it has, the better.
  6. Foundation reputation. When choosing an NPF, you should not be limited to the information provided by the fund itself. It is worth checking customer reviews posted on other websites and social networks. If there are no reviews about the NPF, perhaps it has been on the market not so long ago and it is not advisable to trust this fund.

Conclusion of an agreement on mandatory pension insurance with NPFs

OPS agreement- a document on the basis of which the insured citizen interacts with the pension fund. Each NPF concludes a standard contract with clients, which approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. And before concluding an agreement with an NPF, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the characteristic features of this document.

The procedure for concluding an OPS agreement between an NPF and an insured citizen is determined by Art. 36.4 of the Federal Law of May 7, 1998 No. 75-FZ (as amended on June 29, 2015) " About non-state pension funds«.

In the same period of time, each insured citizen may be subject to one OPS agreement.

The MPT agreement begins to operate from the moment when the pension savings transferred by the previous insurer are credited to the account of the new insurer.

Deadline for submitting an application to the FIU for the transfer of funded pension

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, after the end of the calendar year, the FIU considers applications for the transfer of funds from the FIU to the NPF or applications for the transfer from one non-state PF to another non-state PF, which were filed until December 31 ended year. And before March 1 of the year following the year of filing the application, makes appropriate changes to the register of insured persons.

  • The FIU sends a notification of the changes made to the unified register of insured persons by March 31 of the year following the year in which the insured citizen submitted an application.
  • This notice serves basis for transfer in NPF savings of a citizen.

Have you extended the transfer of pension savings to NPFs in 2018?

Only citizens who were born after 1967 and made their choice in favor of the funded pension before December 31, 2015, and insured persons for whom pension insurance contributions were transferred for the first time since January 1, 2014 (they choose the security option for 5 years from the date of the first transfer of contributions).

In accordance with the law on the federal budget for 2018 for 3 years, contributions to the funded pension are again frozen, the entire contribution rate will be directed to the insurance pension, the formation of pension savings in 2018-2020. not provided. However, from 2020, the formation of a funded pension should be resumed.

The Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank had a proposal to withdraw savings contributions from the OPS, leaving the solidarity system 22% of the tariff pension contributions. It is proposed to rename the cumulative part to "individual pension capital" . All savings of citizens in NPFs will be automatically transferred to pension capital, and savings "silent" be converted into points of the insurance part, if within 2 years after the start of the reform they do not transfer the accumulated funds to the NPF.

How to transfer the funded part of the pension from the NPF back to the PFR?

To transfer pension savings back to the FIU, a citizen needs to Dec. 31 submit an appropriate application to the FIU. An application can be submitted in the following ways:

  1. Personally (or through a representative) to the PFR authorities or through the MFC.
  2. By mail.
  3. Through the portal of public services in the form of an electronic document.

In addition to the application, you must provide:

  • when applying to the PFR authorities or to the MFC - the passport, SNILS;
  • when the representative of the insured applies to the FIU or the MFC - a passport, SNILS of the insured citizen, documents that certify the identity and authority of the representative;
  • when submitting an application in the form of an electronic document, which is signed with an enhanced electronic qualified signature, no documents not required;
  • when sending an application by mail, an identity document and SNILS not included. In this situation, the identification of the citizen and the authenticity of the signature on the application is carried out by a notary or in the manner prescribed by paragraph 2 of Art. 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The funded part of the pension is a money supply, which is managed by professional market participants in the interests of the insured person (in this case, the pensioner). The funded part of the pension is formed exclusively in financial terms, no points and other systems are used here.

The receipt of funds to the account of the owner is carried out due to the turnover of the above-mentioned financial instruments by professional market players. If we draw an analogy, then the action of these managers can be compared with the activities of the banking system - to take money from citizens for safekeeping and put it into circulation to calculate interest on deposits.

In the finished version, this looks like an amount that is constantly on the account of a future or already retired citizen, and the work of managers and the income from the money turnover is preserved as long as the given citizen is alive.

Regarding the indexation of pensions, you should immediately be prepared for the fact that state statements on raising pension payments will not affect the owner of the savings account. On the one hand, this may seem like a disadvantage. On the other hand, competent managers and a deposit insurance system can bring more income than the state could do.

IMPORTANT! The advantage of the funded part of the pension over the insurance part is that the accumulated funds can be withdrawn immediately upon reaching retirement age, before reaching this age, and can also be transferred as an inheritance.

A non-state pension fund is an organization that has the right to manage finances on behalf of the owner of the pension fund. This is the very professional market participant mentioned above.

Is it obligatory to make a transfer to a non-state pension fund?

This is a rather subjective question and should be answered based on the wishes and needs of the account holder. As such, there is no obligation to transfer the funded part of the pension to the NPF. And if you do not take care of your future savings on your own, then the state will take this issue upon itself and transfer all available funds to a controlled organization, where the capitalization from the turnover of the money supply will be somewhat less.

What happens if you don't translate?

If for some reason a citizen has not transferred his funded pension to the NPF, then this is not a big tragedy. The pension fund will simply send the funded part of the pension to its own structures(As a rule, this is done by Vnesheconombank, the state management company).

You should not believe various sources that claim that all money not transferred to NPFs will burn out.

It is enough to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where a telephone consultant will be able to correctly explain that these are all fictions that you should not pay attention to. The money of future pensioners will not be lost anywhere.

The difference will be in tenths of a percent of the turnover of funds. On the other hand, the insured person receives almost completely guaranteed security of keeping his funds, since this GUK will not be able to either go bankrupt or go bankrupt. The same cannot be said about other market participants.

Is such an investment profitable?

Yes, it's profitable. There is a fairly large number of NPFs that are in close connection with government agencies. The difference, as before, is only in the conditions for calculating the bonus part of the funded pension. Somewhere it will be a little more, somewhere a little less.

Besides, the funded part of the pension can be disposed of independently, and if at the time of the death of the insured there is money in the account, then his relatives will be able to get these funds into their management without any problems. With an insurance pension, this is not possible.

In addition, it is not only profitable, but also safe. All relations between the state, NPFs and clients are regulated by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 424-FZ "On Funded Pension".

If any controversial points suddenly arise, the judicial authorities are more likely to make a positive decision for the client on the basis of the existing regulatory act.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of NPF:

  • It is possible to directly influence the amount of future payments.
  • It is possible to receive income from several sources at once.
  • Future pension is easier to predict.
  • Pension contributions are tax deductible so nothing is lost.
  • All NPFs are closely monitored by special government agencies.
  • Management companies (NPFs) can invest exclusively in assets that have proven their reliability and only in Russia.
  • There is always the possibility of transferring funds from one non-state pension fund to another.

Disadvantages of NPF:

  • Pretty vague future. Even despite all the positive assurances of politicians and economists, depositing money into NPFs will be considered a long-term investment. In addition, experts predict a reduction in key players in this market by about half. The money must be brought in now, but there is no guarantee that it will be paid out as promised.
  • Fraud. Many dubious offices often cover up their illegal activities with the guise of a pension fund, but in reality it turns out that they simply appropriate all the financial resources received from the population and hide, as a rule, abroad. In order to protect yourself from fraudsters, you must carefully choose an organization, check its details through government portals, and ignore the unrealistically high percentage of promised profits.

The funded pension consists of contributions from the employer in the amount of six percent of the monthly salary. The regulation of the procedure for transferring and managing money is agreed upon under Federal Law No. 424 "On Funded Pension".

In this regard, citizens have the right to manage their funds - to invest in non-state structures that have licenses for the right to circulate pension benefits. The transfer can be carried out both from the PF of Russia to a non-state one, and to change one NPF for another or to return cash savings back under state control.

On a note. In 2014, the accumulated part was "frozen", but the management of this amount was retained. Money transfer can be urgent or early.

From a non-state pension fund to the PFR

To transfer your funds to the state pension fund, you must write an application about the action of the translation. To do this, you need to personally contact the PF service at your place of residence or send an application with copies of documents through the post office or courier service.

In another NPF

To make contributions to a non-state pension fund, you will first need to contact the local PF department at the place of residence and write an application for the transfer of funds from the funded part to the NPF. The application can also be sent by postal order or delivery service. Be sure to notarize all documents.

Who can do it?

The contribution of the funded pension can be carried out personally by a citizen or a person who is his legal representative or authorized by application.

Accumulated funds are available to citizens before the year of birth in 1965, the rest of the category independently forms this type of pension or through contributions that are made as part of the State Co-financing Program for Pension Savings, Maternity (Family) Capital.


Consider when you can transfer the funded part of the pension to the NPF. At the legislative level, the terms for the transfer and formation of pension provision were established, the connection to the program was carried out until 2015. In subsequent years, the program was "frozen", but the ability to keep funds in NPFs and transfer them from one structure to another remained.

Citizens who did not apply for co-financing are under question, but the state will provide them with an insurance pension. Program members born in 1967 or younger have the option to transfer, waive, or bequeath their accumulated funds.

Reference. In 2016, the State Duma imposed (extended) a moratorium on the funded part and calculated it for 2017-2019.

In this case, insurance contributions will be transferred to the insurance pension. The “freeze” is designed to ensure that there are no deductions to NPFs and that citizens make a choice in state funds.

Until what year?

If a citizen is the owner of this type of pension, then its transfer could be carried out until 2015, before the “freeze” project. The project has transferred available funds from the PF to contributory pensions. With independent investment, the state does not make deadlines and obstacles to the formation.

How to transfer from one fund to another

Transfer methods:

Types of transfers from one NPF to another:

  • Early- takes one year. For example, the transfer was made in 2017, the money will be transferred only in 2018, which will lead to the loss of investments.
  • Urgent- is done after five years of being in the company. For example, the transfer was made in 2017, the money will be transferred in 2022, the investment will be saved.

The translation is free of charge, for this you need:

  1. apply to the NPF;
  2. write an application for transfer;
  3. collect a package of documents and their photocopies, for electronic appeal you need scanned files - passport, SNILS, account number;
  4. registering an application and receiving a receipt.

Attention! It is necessary to apply before December 31 of each year, otherwise the terms of money transfer will be delayed. The service can be used once a year.

Conclusion of an agreement

It is necessary to conclude an agreement on compulsory pension insurance with the NPF. The procedure for drawing up an agreement is considered in article 36.4 of the Federal Law No. 75 “On Non-State Pension Funds”. The conclusion of the contract is carried out as follows:

When the retirement age comes, the fund's employees will calculate the monthly pension and start paying it, or take a lump sum payment every five years.

What is the deadline to apply?

There is a certain deadline for submitting an application to the FIU for the transfer of a funded pension.

Reference. According to the legislation, at the end of the year, the PF receives applications for the transfer of funds to itself or to the NF. Until March 1 of subsequent years (after the application) changes will be made to the list of insured persons.

Each year, you can consider the application until March 31(while applying last year). The received notification will notify the citizen about the transfer of money.

How to transfer your savings from the PFR to the NPF?

To transfer, you must apply for a transfer to the FIU, then contact the selected company to conclude an agreement (have a passport and SNILS with you):

  1. the name of the pension body is indicated in the header of the application;
  2. passport data, SNILS;
  3. name of the NPF;
  4. grounds for applying for a transfer;
  5. date of application and signature.

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to transfer your pension savings to NPF:


The transfer of the funded part of the pension to a non-state fund has its pros and cons. For those who want to secure a good pension for themselves, this is a great opportunity to invest and then receive not only the collected pension, but also increase it and take profits.

Do you have doubts about where it is better to transfer the funded part of the pension? What rules have been approved and are in effect in 2019?

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and IS FREE!

A modern person is constantly busy and cannot always allocate time to find out information about pension payments in the future.

So you can deprive yourself of the opportunity to choose the option that will provide old age. It is important to understand what is the purpose of transferring funds from the funded part of the pension to the pension fund.

Basic moments

Let's define what is meant by insurance and funded pensions and how, where it is transferred.

What it is

Pension contributions have an insurance and funded component. Insurance funds are transferred to the state PF of the Russian Federation and spent on payments to pensioners.

The part that remains is considered accumulative, and it is fixed on personal personal accounts in the fund, which the citizen chooses himself.

The funded part is the second pension, and it can increase if the income of the managing organization increases.

This part of the pension is formed from contributions that employers pay, as well as insurance transfers.

To receive such a pension, it is worth preparing an application and submitting it to a representative of a state or commercial fund.

Pension contributions amount to 22% of earnings and are made by the management of the company in which the person works. 16% go to the insurance pension, the rest is a funded part.

The amount of the accumulative part of pension accruals is established taking into account the amount that is on the citizen's account and the period during which the payment is expected.

The increase in the funded part is carried out when making a voluntary contribution.

If you yourself replenish the account, government agencies will transfer the same amount to the account, but within the limits of 12 thousand rubles a year. That is, we will talk about the co-financing program.

Withdrawal of money from savings accounts is possible:

  • if the owner of the accounts dies;
  • if a person receives the status of a disabled person;
  • if the family loses a breadwinner.

Urgent payments can be made if there are additional transfers. The funded system is available only to those citizens who were born not earlier than 1967.

If a person does not take care of the transfer of funds, they will automatically be transferred to the insurance part, as a result of which the size of pension payments will increase in the future.

What are the funds (types)

There are such funds:

  • state - budgetary, extrabudgetary;
  • non-state.

Extrabudgetary funds:

  • PF of Russia;

Legal regulation

Information on non-state pension funds is contained in the Federal Law of May 7, 1998 No. 75.

There are a number of other regulations that need to be considered:

Where can I transfer the funded part of the pension

Anyone can entrust their savings to pension funds.

The procedure is as follows:

You can change the organization annually if you send a corresponding request to the Pension Fund branch.

List of available options

How to invest the funded part of the pension:

Don't act at all The money will remain in the state fund, and Vneshkonombank will manage it. Plus - the funds are guaranteed to be returned. But only the state will not promise that old age will be secured
Transfer the funded part to a private company The funds will remain in state structures, but the management is taken over by the organization that invests the pension. The amounts of money will be in securities, bonds, etc., as a result of which the owner of the account will receive a profit
Prefer one of the non-state pension funds In this case, the funded part is sent to the NPF, which will accumulate financial assets

Which fund to choose is up to you. But you should know - if you do not apply to the Pension Fund, then you can not count on a 6 percent amount of deductions to the funded part.

When choosing an organization, you should pay attention to its profitability and reliability.

Where is the best way to transfer money?

Where to transfer your funded part of the pension? Leaving the funded part of the pension in the state pension fund is advisable if you have less than 10 years left until your pension.

In other cases, it is better to choose a non-state fund. Check out these points:

  • Does the company have a license?
  • review financial statements;
  • how many insurers;
  • investment result.

First, they study the history of the fund and are interested in what conditions are offered. No one, of course, will give a guarantee that the pension will be increased in the future, but the risks of losing savings should not be allowed.

So, pay attention to the type of fund:

captive Engaged in the promotion of corporate pension programs of firms. The pension reserve is more savings. These are Welfare, Transneft, Neftegarant, etc.
Corporate Serving the pension programs of the founder. The share of savings increases every year thanks to customers. This is, for example, Norilsk Nickel
Universal Does not depend on the financial group. Both citizens and companies are served. More retirement savings. This is the European PF, Keith Finance
Territorial Operates in one or more areas. Support is provided by the local government. This is, for example, the Khanty-Mansiysk NPF

The main indicators include assets, reserves, savings, the number of people who are insured, the pension reserve, the date the fund was founded, etc.

Consider the following points when choosing:

But not all such organizations are trustworthy, because some offer unfavorable conditions, delay payments, etc.

A number of such inconveniences creates a risk for the insured that they turn to a non-state firm. Therefore, study the rating of each organization, the level of reliability, reviews of people.

The funded part of the pension can be returned to the state pension fund:

  • if there is such a desire;
  • in the event that an event has occurred in which it became necessary to return funds.

But it remains possible, if desired, to redirect funds again to one of the management companies or NPFs. To transfer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you need to write an application. But this should not be done more than once a year.

You will need the following documents:

  • identification;
  • SNILS;
  • other papers that were issued in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The transfer of the funded part of the pension from the NPF to the PFR is mandatory in such cases:

  • NPF is deprived of a license;
  • the face is dead;
  • the term of the contract was terminated, which was concluded under compulsory plan insurance programs;
  • NPF is insolvent and bankruptcy proceedings are open.

Which place is more reliable

You can rely on the following table:

If a person does not make a choice in favor of any organization, 6% of the funded part remains in the pension fund of the Russian Federation. And such funds will be reset to zero from 2019, that is, they will be transferred to the insurance part.

Video: where to transfer the funded part of the pension?

In this case, a person cannot receive any interest, since this money repays the debt of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. A big disadvantage of the insurance pension is that it cannot be inherited.

If you decide that you will transfer funds to NPF:

How to find out where the amount was transferred

In some organizations, an employer that receives agency from insurers may offer employees more than one option for insurance companies.

In these situations, the transfer of the funded part of the pension to a non-state fund is centralized.

The employee must write an application to a specific fund (for example, to the Gazfond) and prepare a sample for authorized persons who will be involved in the transfer of funds.

Employers themselves carry out the registration procedure. In addition, they can receive interest from insurers for each attracted client.

The employees themselves do not always even remember which fund they applied to.

Or they simply want to make sure that the funded part has arrived within the agreed time frame and personal accounts have been created.

Another situation may also arise when a person does not know his NPF, where insurance was carried out. For example, a notice from the organization with which the contract was concluded did not come.

How to find out NPF:

Contact the regional branch of the State Pension Fund of the Russian Federation After all, when making an application, it was also submitted to this fund. So, there you can be provided with information about the transfer of the funded part of the pension
If you cannot come to the branch of the state body Then act like this - contact the accountant of the company where you work. The accounting department makes transfers for compulsory insurance, which means that they have a constant connection with the PF
Go to the website of the State Service and with the introduction of SNILS you can find out the information of interest To do this, you need to register on the portal, confirm the electronic signature, UEC (if any). Then you can go to your personal account and use the services
Contact the bank with which the state PF entered into an agreement This could be Sberbank, UralSib, GazpromBank, etc.