New Year's congratulations on the new year to the team. Official congratulations on the new year in prose for the school Congratulate the director of the school on the new year briefly

Dear colleagues, students!
Dear parents and friends of our school!
The long-awaited and joyful holiday of childhood is coming - the meeting of the New Year. The smell of tangerines and spruce branches, the beauty of a frosty morning and softly falling fluffy snow fills us with a touching state of expectation of a miracle. And even the most severe hearts are filled with the expectation of a fairy tale.

The year 2018 is fading away, but the experience, achievements and victories that it brought remain with us.
On the eve of this wonderful holiday, I would like to sincerely express my deep gratitude. After all, we were together the whole past year, a bright, dynamic, complex year, full of events, meeting new people. Much of what was conceived has become a reality. Our achievements are based on purposefulness and diligence, responsibility and high professionalism of the entire school staff, students and their parents.
We have been working hard all year. And this work was crowned with excellent results!
The school is proud of its students, who achieve high success in studies, sports and creativity. 16 students became winners and prize-winners of municipal subject Olympiads, 150 children became winners of Olympiads of various levels; more than 50 students have achieved high results in sports, about 450 children are laureates of creative competitions. The school has scholarship holders of the Head of the municipality of the Orenburg region: Gubaidulin Danil (11th grade), Zainutdinova Alina (9a grade), Fayzullina Yulia (9a grade).
The past year was different for everyone, but it is coming to an end, and the fate of the new year is in the hands of each of us.
I sincerely thank you, dear colleagues, for your work, high professionalism, for your love for children, your profession and devotion to your native school.
Dear parents! Thank you for being our allies, because only together we can successfully solve the most daring and serious tasks, despite the difficulties that time sometimes brings us. Thank you very much for your trust, support and understanding of the importance of the family-school connection.
Dear Guys! I would like to wish that every year of your stay at the school was a year of interesting, fruitful work. I am convinced that you will make every effort to become educated and spiritually developed people. A person is truly rich only in his knowledge, spiritual values, internal culture, readiness for self-giving and self-development. We have every reason to believe in you. The future of our great country of Russia is in your hands.
Dear friends! May the upcoming New Year, which is on the threshold, bring you as many ambitious plans and decisions as possible for their implementation, give you joy and health, cheerfulness and optimism, fulfillment of desires and new significant goals!
Let every family have a small magical world where an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, mutual love, and hope reigns. It is in our power to make life bright and colorful, full of happiness, peace, and goodness. I want 2019 to bring peace and good luck to every family, and that our common school family achieve new high results, maintain an atmosphere of trust, goodwill and respect in relations with each other.
Happy New Year 2019!

Would you like to wish Happy New Year to the principal of the school? Then visit us! The Fani-Khani website presents a large selection of beautiful congratulations in verse and prose for the New Year. This holiday is celebrated annually in all schools of the country. Choose exactly the congratulation that you like and send it in SMS. Or you can congratulate yourself by writing a poem on a postcard. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year to the principal of the school!


Being a director is not an easy task.
The whole school is on you and worries are full.
I wish you great luck on your holiday,
So that everything is sure to succeed.

Let the year open this new page
Great happiness and bright hopes,
Let there be more smart kids
And there are fewer mischief-makers, fools and ignoramuses.


For school success
You are ready for anything!
The tree glows like stars
Santa Claus just delivered
For the director, the decree -
Be happy without jewelry!
Be healthy, don't get sick
Dance, love and sing
In a team of respect
Understanding, promotion!


To you on this bright New Year
We wish you happy moments
May he bring you success
And many new achievements!

May all dreams come true
And life will be full of luck
We want to smile more often
So that the mood tends to rise!


happy new year, happy new year,
Our dear director!
Straight from the center of our school
We are reporting.

By your wise guidance
The school is famous for a long time
Even our ministry
They are already conquered.

And so we wish
So that this New Year
New great success to you
Santa Claus will send in a bag!


Happy New Year! May this year be easy and carefree for school and for your family. Everywhere, wherever you appear, there is a good mood and positive emotions. I want to reach career heights.

Beautiful poems and wishes for the New Year to the headmaster


Our school is the best!
And we know who's to blame
So today, taking this opportunity,
On this holiday, we are ready to congratulate.

Let him give only good luck
Let everything keep its positions,
Lots of joy, light and happiness
May the New Year bring you.


Happy New Year Dear Director,
We wish you interesting days
Good deeds, and wonderful students,
Lots of new plans and ideas.


Happy New Year
We are you, school director,
We wish in every class
New honors for you.

We wish that students
Strive for knowledge
In the corridors, in the classrooms
Glasses so as not to fight.

good luck and success
Let the New Year bring
Our native school
Let it be exemplary.


You are a great school leader,
And a responsible science servant.
Under a quiet creak with a snowy course,
We congratulate you on the New Year.

Always be active
Move forward new generations.
Let everything turn out deftly, skillfully,
With full knowledge of the business.


Our school principal, congratulations
You in this wonderful glorious New Year!
We wish you good health and vigor,
May every business flourish with success.

And the mood will be chic
Let the soul fill with sincere peace.
And students of any generation
Let you only be happy with yourself.


Happy New Year, wonderful director of the best school. May the coming year give you a lot of opportunities and good ideas, may only good news and happy events await you in the new year. I wish you health and abundance in the family, respect and success at school, well-being and good luck in life.


Accept congratulations,
Our school principal.
Become bright and successful
The coming new year.

Strength, patience and health,
Happiness, joy, good luck.
Let the school flourish
Let everything be solved.


Dear Director, Happy New Year
Congratulations to the school team!
Let life be under happiness
Shine like a brilliant diamond.

May health become stronger
Let the cherished dreams come true.
Let the sadness not hurt the soul,
Let the heart warm the sea of ​​warmth.


May wishes come true
This magical New Year!
We wish you only prosperity,
May the school bring you joy!

Kindness, love, warmth, prosperity,
A lot of health, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bstrength,
In everything we want only order,
May every day be successful!


We wish you a New Year
Was full of happiness and success!
May joy come this night
May there be lots of laughter!

We want to wish you all the best,
Let the school be all right
Let all things go to "five",
Live in peace and prosperity!


With the most important holiday on the planet,
Adults and children are looking forward to it.
Happy New Year to you, director, congratulations,
With all my heart, of course, we wish you.

We wish you a lot of joy in the year,
So that you don't feel tired at all.
And let the office be decorated with bouquets of flowers,
You hear a lot of grateful words.


You are the fate of children's proofreader,
Great school principal
We hasten to congratulate you on the New Year,
We tell you from the bottom of our hearts and souls.

Teach all children with love,
For good health.
Give correct advice
Keep our secrets close.


Happy New Year
Be happy, be successful
We wish you much joy
And healthy, of course!

Let your income grow
On this glorious New Year!
Everything that the heart desires
This night will happen!

Similar congratulations

Popular congratulations

Dear colleagues, students and their parents!!!

New Year is one of our favorite holidays, this is the time when we all remember the past year, in which, of course, there were different things: happiness and disappointment, joy and sadness, discoveries and losses. Each one has their own. And we will remember them.

In general, the year was successful in all our affairs. Many children have achieved good results in their studies. Korsak Lisa, Kalinina Masha, Buchneva Dasha became the winners of the XXII city scientific (educational) research conference "The Future of Petrozavodsk" (the girls still have many victories in competitions of various levels), Senev Vadim is a diploma winner of the 1st degree of the scientific environmental conference of schoolchildren and students in St. Petersburg, Grebneva Varvara, Kharchenko Sofya, Baskov Yaroslav, Ilyukhin Danila, Senyurina Maria - the absolute winners of the interregional creative competition on forest ecology and nature protection "Berendey", Mikhailov Alexei - the winner in the city and the region of the international competition "Kangaroo", students of 10-a class - winners of the city grant competition of social projects "Youth Project Conveyor", etc. etc. You can continue for a very long time, but the news of the last minutes: the winners of the city education system in 2017 were two of our students - Bogdanov Yura in the nomination "Creative Achievements" and Senev Vadim in the nomination "Achievements in Intellectual Activity".

School teachers were and are examples for our children. Tibureva N. V., Artemyeva N. V., Trashchenkova M. A. became worthy participants in the city competition "Teacher of the Year". Natalya Viktorovna was recognized as the winner in the competition for the best representation of a professional position on the Internet, later she became the winner of the city competition of professional skills of teachers “My best lesson”, she is also the winner of the city education system in 2017. Ignatieva S. L. - 1st degree diploma student I International competition "Teacher's Master Class" in the nomination "Spiritual and moral education". Klinova E.I. became the winner of the priority national project "Education of Russia" and the winner of the All-Russian competition in Moscow "History in School: Traditions and Innovations".

The school continues to grow. The grand opening of educational workshops was timed to coincide with the Teacher's Day, the dining room became bright and comfortable, students and teachers come to the assembly hall with pleasure, some classrooms and the Internet were updated.

On the eve of the New Year, I want to wish all colleagues, students and their parents all the best. Let's try with almost childish naivety to believe that it is in the New Year that all our most secret dreams will come true and incredible miracles will happen. And miracles most often happen when people believe in them.

There are many bright holidays ahead. May the new year 2018 be for you and your loved ones a year of joyful events, prosperity and personal happiness. May all your desires be fulfilled, all grievances be forgotten, and those who are in a quarrel reconcile. May there be health and well-being in every family. Good people nearby, warmth in the house, at school. I wish you all support and understanding, true friends and colleagues. May the New Year bring you new meetings and interesting acquaintances! Let there be no hardships and losses in the New Year, but only happiness and smiles!

Your director Pepitaev Igor Borisovich

Happy New Year holiday
We are happy, the mood is good,
Around smiles, jokes, laughter,
Everyone hopes for success in the New Year.
School principal, congratulations to you,
We sincerely wish you infinite happiness,
May the New Year fulfill all desires,
May your life be filled with good luck.

Happy New Year, our school God,
For all of us, you just guarded,
We always live happily at school,
You give your heart and soul to us in full.
May all your dreams come true
Let fate smile on you
May the New Year bring you good luck
And infinite happiness in addition.

We appreciate the principal of the school, we respect,
We support him in everything and understand
On the New Year we send endless congratulations,
The most sincere and most cordial.
Let the snowflakes of goodness shower you
Let the green light always burn on the way,

Year of happiness, hope, love.

What is New Year?
This is a holiday of childhood
We naively believe in magic
And we're not getting anywhere from this.
We send greetings to our beloved director,
May our school prosper for many years,
May the New Year bring health to you,
May happiness and luck certainly offer you.

A wonderful New Year's holiday
He gives us a lot of pleasant troubles,
With hope we make wishes,
May they surely come true.
School principal, congratulations,
Let the holiday bring you mood
May it relieve you of worries,
May love and happiness bring you.

In the carnival, the New Year will swirl us,
He will bring us joy and hope,
Open doors wider
Invite the New Year to your home.
Congratulations to the principal of the school,
We sincerely wish you all the best,
May all your dreams come true on New Year's Eve
May everything turn out great in life.

January frosty powder,
Let it freeze any trouble
We sincerely wish you all the best,
In the coming new year.
May the year be generous for our director,
Let him not skimp on luck
Let the holiday come to you in time,
To make all wishes come true.

The school principal is wise, sensitive,
In work, he teaches to achieve victories,
Thanks to you, the school is thriving,
For many, many years now.
Happy New Year to you,
And so we want Santa Claus,
All failures and sorrows
He took away from you to the kingdom of snow.

Our school principal is just a class,
All the years of study takes care of us,
Creates comfort and coziness for us,
The students have a fun school life.
May the New Year bring you
Lots of fun things to do
Let the work be for the soul
But not for money at all.

The head of the school as the head of the family
We listen to his advice
The school welcomes us with warmth and comfort,
Comfortable, beautiful, like home.
It's already twelve o'clock
Don't slow down the shooter
Please accept our congratulations,
We drink for you, for the New Year.

Strict but fair boss
A serious but positive man
Happy New Year to the team!
We wish the whole company great weather.

Your personal happiness is great and lasting.
So that money flows like water from a source.
Enough in abundance and strength and health,
The family warmed with warmth and love.

Let luck pursue
And the insidious crisis runs away.
Let there be happiness in your personal life
The business is growing and flourishing.

You rallied our team
And your fighting positive
Always encouraged our team
The working atmosphere of the gang.

Our boss, our brave captain!
From the bottom of my heart Happy New Year!
Only with you we will conquer the ocean,
The weather won't get in our way.

Let well-being not worry
Let the atmosphere of the world warm you!
Any future deals worth it:
So that our office is up to its neck in money!

It’s only worth at work that we reach a dead end,
To the aid of a stick and a carrot right there,
Our office is like a powerful armored car,
Paves the business route.

We wish you amazing events,
Good health and loyal friends!
In all matters of the most interesting developments,
In life, meet the people you need!

With the same spade
Magical, we row so much money.
In your address with kind words, we are rich,
And everyone in the company is happy to congratulate you.

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year!
We wish you sincere love and magic!
Let the crisis lack oxygen,
To go off scale the power of skill!

Let there be a warm atmosphere in the house,
Beautiful, interesting, captivating!
And bright shades in the life album
Settle forever thoroughly!

Accept congratulations,
Because the collision
Two years already,
It will happen for all of us!

May this New Year
Will come to you with gifts.
Pud of health and fun,
Will bring without delay!

We wish you dearly
To become not forgotten
coming new year,
For everything to take off.

Joy, money and career!
This is the size
Not to reach the limit
For no matter what.

So that you will be surprised more than once
Let there be something to strive for!
May you be lucky in life
In the upcoming new year!

Dear my students,
Today is a special holiday, and everyone is happy about it,
I wish you all success in your studies,
You deserve the rewards.

Let there be less cloudy days
You don't get bad marks
Every day, become only friendly,
And do not doubt your strength.

Today I congratulate you
Knowledge Day is a very important holiday.
May your studies be successful
After all, everyone should learn.

Always appreciate teachers
And respect, because they
A piece of soul was invested in you,
May your days be happy.

September opened the door on the day of knowledge,
The cover on the notebook rustles.
For babies, everything is the first time,
For high school students, it's understandable.

Clocks are moving in circles
There are kids to replace the elders.
After all, the school is the common home of children,
For all girls and boys!

Our dear students,
First graders and graduates
Today I congratulate you on the day of knowledge,
I wish you quality in your studies.

Don't be lazy, work hard
Do some creativity
To go through life not to be shy
And worthy to look into her eyes!

Parents, colleagues and students
Happy Knowledge Day, I congratulate you all,
Let the diaries shine in fives,
May it be a fruitful year for us.

May the school year bring a lot of knowledge,
Parents - peace and strength,
Let the teacher give the maximum
So that children respect and teach.

Colleagues! Children! Happy knowledge day to you
I want to congratulate sincerely!
students and teachers,
I thank you immensely!

The first call of autumn
Calling to class today
And again with the Day of Knowledge, children,
I congratulate you.

You rested during the summer
Gained new strength
I wish you successful
It was a school year.

All teachers and students
Today I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
May the day of knowledge bring good luck
Well, sadness and grief will not leave!

The school year is off to a good start
And the learning process will bring joy,
I, as a director, am glad to see you all,
Let's remember this magical moment.

students and teachers,
I want to congratulate you all
Happy Knowledge Day, a wonderful holiday,
Let the matter be on the shoulder!

Learn, enjoy, teach
Bring warmth and light into the world,
I, as a director, confess to you
There is nothing better than you in the world.

Let's start the school year
I welcome you, friends.
Opens school doors
again at the beginning of September.

Wish I want marks
You are excellent, children, I.
Let there be lessons in joy
Loyal friends around.

My good friend - I congratulate you,
Let there also be a lot of fire in the eyes.
You're only thirty - so little, believe me
You are in life, my friend, never be shy.

I wish you happiness and a lot of luck,
Try to solve all the problems in life,
We will pour a glass for your health,
May everything come true in your life!

You are flawless today
Everyone admires you.
You are the most beautiful in the world:
You are blinded by beauty.

In the circle of family, relatives, friends
We celebrate your anniversary.
You are thirty-five today
And we want to tell you:

You are a man in your prime
Smart, handsome, damn cute.
We can't count all of your victories,
And there is business acumen.

Practical in all matters
You can always rely on
And if you don't know fear,
You always strive for your dreams.

And on your special day, I wish you well
Success, warmth, inspiration,
Tolik, I wish you never to be sad,
Lightness, brightness, of course luck.

Congratulations to Mark today!
I wish you everything you want
I want to be strong and brave.
Let dreams come true.

I want a lot, a lot of money
Health, happiness, kindness.
I wish you good luck
In everything you aspire to.

You do not take seriousness and yet,
Give us a smile Herman today.
Let the world be like a fairy tale,
Be happy and chase your dreams.

Let your talents not drown in trifles,
Go through life, up with your head up.
And know you'll never be alone
After all, we live in this world with you.

Ivan! Let everyone in the neighborhood hear
That this toast is just for you.
That there is no better friend in the world,
Let me hug you love!

Taisia ​​is inquisitive, reasonable,
Good-natured, contact and smart,
Independent and trustworthy
She is a fantasy.

We wish you a wonderful life
Saturated, bright, interesting,
Self-realization, beautiful love,
And a sea of ​​days of happiness ahead!

The principal of the school is not an easy burden,
After all, you are leading a platoon of teachers.
And only the golden autumn comes,
In the academic new year, go back to battle.

And on this World Teacher's Day
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We are in a complex administrative business
We wish you success without barriers on the way!

Happy Teacher's Day, I congratulate you
I wish you patience and good luck in everything.
Let your team be friendly
Let each class please you with excellent study.

Dear school principal
We are just praying for you.
They did so much for the school
Why not recognize her now.

You have put in a lot of effort
To keep the team happy.
And with this we congratulate you,
After all, this is your direct success!

Congratulations to the School Principals
With this important day in the profession,
On Teacher's Day, we wish him
Joy, luck in everything!

In the work of success, good health,
Always be just as fair
Destiny to be always happy
So that failures never meet!

Dear Director,
You are an example for us in everything,
learning architect,
School knowledge pioneer,

On Teacher's Day, we wish
Good luck and good luck to you
Congratulations to the team
Right from the morning!

Thank you school principal
From our friendly class
For being strict, cheerful,
And I tried to be fair.

For being with us, like dad,
Kind, serious and honest,
Taught us at the start of life
Do everything with conscience and honor.

Spending twice as much energy
Knowledge to us, reading the code.
We wish you good health
And lucky to be all year round!

You are a very important person
You are a people's deputy
You came from the people
But not on your table.

We have chicken liver
You only have foie gras
We put chicken on the table
You have an entrecote with an elk!

But in the morning, the first, everything is the same
In a plate with Olivier lie,
Who plows hard at the factory
And who is the people's deputy!

He counts money all day
And give change all day long
In the morning he comes to replace
And he doesn't get tired all day long.

Always greets you warmly
Discount can offer you,
And when money is not enough,
He doesn't even curse you.

Such are our cashiers,
And we wish you a Happy New Year
So that you are very lucky
And income increased!

School principal on New Year's Eve
Dress up as a goat
And he will go to apartments
See how students live.

After all, they do not want to take to school,
On curtains, baseboard and gym,
They shout that everyone lives so poorly,
What would be better for them, at least someone would pass.

He is shocked by what he sees.
The principal of the school was stunned
There are leaks on their ceilings
The renovation is long overdue.

And from January now to school
Nobody gives a penny
Let the deputies be ashamed
Let the district give money!

I will send Santa Claus
Let him congratulate you
I will find mimosa in the New Year
And I will give you love.

After all, you save people's lives,
After all, you are not just a nurse,
You serve devotedly to the fatherland,
You are God sent to people.

****** Be happy always Full of life and fire!

In the New Year, we congratulate
Helmet to the head of the mountain:
Laughter, money, inspiration,
Sandwiches with caviar.

Stay healthy, leader.
Smile in the New Year.
You are a winner in life.
Live in a world without hassle.

Santa Claus gifts for you
He will bring it in his bag.
Let the new year be bright!
We'll sing together!

We hereby testify to you our deep respect and ask you to accept the warmest and most sincere congratulations from the team on the occasion of the New Year!

I wish you and the whole team the implementation of the most daring projects and the embodiment of bright ideas! Good luck, great success, new discoveries and wise decisions, inexhaustible energy and eternal optimism!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the New Year! We sincerely wish you and your loved ones health, happiness, love and warmth.

May all your plans come true in the coming year, and new victories will bring you well-being and prosperity.

We really appreciate you as a reliable partner and thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to continuing it in the coming year!

Posted on Updated on

Dear students and pupils! Dear colleagues, employees, parents!

Dear friends! I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! Do you know why we celebrate the New Year in winter? White snow is a white sheet on which we write down our plans and dreams, hopes and expectations. I wish that all problems and sorrows remain in the draft of the old year, and in the coming year we would write a new interesting chapter of our lives.

May the coming New Year bring you joy and health, cheerfulness and optimism, fulfillment of desires and new significant goals! May you have seven good evenings every week, thirty or thirty-one wonderful mornings every month (in February 2016, so be it, twenty-nine). Well, if this is not enough, I wish you three hundred and sixty-six happy days in the coming year!
They say that miracles happen on New Year's Eve. But a more reliable way: make a wish and purposefully go to it all year. Then all the magic happens. Dear friends! May the New Year enter your homes with faith in goodness, with hope for peace and prosperity, may it bring happiness, give energy, optimism and good mood.