How to make paper kunai. Master class on making paper weapons. How to make a paper knife: description, photo How to make a dagger out of paper

To play with a child who is passionate about knightly battles, or as a theatrical prop, a sword may be needed. Of course, a wooden saber or blade looks more impressive, but the process of making such a weapon will take quite a long time. It is much faster and easier to make a sword out of paper or cardboard, especially since playing with it will be much safer for a child.

We glue a voluminous sword from paper

To make a paper sword we need:

  • thick sheet (preferably paper or cardboard);
  • glue (it can be replaced with a stapler or tape);
  • stationery (pencil, scissors and ruler);
  • colored paper or foil to decorate the finished sword.

Scheme for making paper weapons

  1. Main part. The thicker the paper, the stronger the sword will be. So that the finished product does not bend, it must be made embossed; for this, the part on the cut must come out diamond-shaped. We fold a rectangular sheet of the desired width and length along the accordion to get 8-9 longitudinal strips of equal width. Eight of them are folded into each other, and the ninth will serve as a fixation. Having smeared 4 ribs with glue, we fold the sheet with a bend to bend.
  1. Fixing details. In order for the main figure not to unfold and be stronger, it is necessary to make fixing parts. To do this, make a drawing, as shown in the figure, while the side of the face of the main part must be equal to the length of the side of the fixing part (a1 = a2). You need to make two such rhombuses in order to fix them at both ends of the main workpiece.

  1. The edge of the sword. We make it from a separately prepared pyramid with a rhombus at the base, guided by the drawings. We will glue it to the fixing rhombus on one side of the future sword.

  1. We connect the details. We connect the main part of the sword with two rhombuses, gluing them on both sides of the workpiece, and the tip with glue.

  1. Sword handle. We wrap a square sheet of paper, the length of which is 4 * a1 (see Fig. 1), according to the drawings, to make a corner. We glue one edge, try it on to the main blank of the sword, making cuts at the tip of the corner along the fold lines. We wrap the edges outward, and, having smeared them with glue from the inside, we fix them on the main figure.

  1. Decoration. We wrap the blade of the finished sword with foil, carefully wrapping its edges at the tip of the tip. Align the edges, glue the joints. We decorate the handle of the sword with colored paper or make an applique.

So we made a beautiful voluminous sword with our own hands using paper.

How to make a paper sword from Minecraft?

Following the simple instructions presented in the next video, you can make a paper sword from Minecraft in a slightly different way, spending very little time. We assure you that this spectacular voluminous paper product, copying the diamond sword from the game, will cause a storm of positive emotions for both very young and adult Minecraft fans.

We design a sword in the technique of origami

You can also make a sword using the origami technique. To do this, we need a sheet of square paper.

  1. Alternately bend the sheet first horizontally, then vertically and along both diagonals. We fold the square horizontally, then vertically, after which we get a double square with a diagonal deflection. We bend the side parts of the resulting square to the middle.

  1. We straighten the folded parts of the figure, and then open the top layer by pulling the bottom corner. Along the inflection lines, fold the sides of the rhombus inward.

  1. We bend the side corners of the rhombus to the middle of the figure and turn it over with the back side. We fold the corners of the square, as shown in the figure.

  1. We lay out the corners in the initial position, tucking them inward along the lines of the resulting folds.

  1. Turn over the part again. We form the blade of the future sword by folding the side corners of the extreme layer parallel to the axis towards the center, while the corners should be aligned with the axis line. Turn the part over again and fold the wedges to the center.

  1. We turn the workpiece over and straighten the wedges pressed at the center. Taking the lower corner to the right, we reveal the detail. We combine the lower part of the resulting triangle with the vertical axis of the part.

  1. Along the inflection lines, we fold a shape resembling a rabbit ear, lay it down and form a similar detail on the left side.

  1. To highlight the handle, move the lower corner of the part to the right, bending it along diagonal lines.

  1. Having done similar actions on both sides, we get the fence of the handle from the blade of the sword. Flip the item.

  1. We fold the lower corners of the product to the center, bend the rays of the fence, bending their ends upwards.

  1. Paper samurai sword is ready.

The same sequence of steps for making a samurai sword can be seen in the video:

The simplest diagram of a children's sword made of cardboard

There is a very quick way for which you will need a cardboard sheet, a pencil and scissors.

  1. Draw on cardboard the outline of the future sword in 4 copies.
  2. Cut out the templates and glue them together to make the product thicker.
  3. For decoration, you can use colored paper or felt-tip pens.

Ready! You can start playing pirates!

Ninjato sword like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

To make a ninja sword out of paper, you need to prepare:

  • half a sheet of yellow colored paper;
  • half a sheet of colored brown paper.

We make the product according to the following algorithm:

  1. Fold the yellow leaf in half to determine its middle. After that, again straightening a sheet of paper, we fold its sides three times to the middle deflection. Fold the resulting workpiece in half again.

  1. We make the handle from a brown sheet, which we cut in a ratio of 2: 1.

  1. We bend most of the cut from both ends: on the left - up, on the right - inward. The width of the fold should not exceed 1 cm.

  1. We wrap the previously folded sheet around one of the edges of the yellow blade and glue it together. We also form the handle from the remaining small part of the sheet, twisting it around the opposite edge of the yellow blank.

  1. We cut out a small rectangle from brown paper, 2-3 times as wide as the width of the blade. We make a slot and put the blade itself through it. It turned out a hand guard - a guard.

  1. The ninja sword (ninjato) like Leonardo's turtle is ready!

Hidden cardboard blade for games in the style of Assassin's Creed

For making props for a children's game of assassins, the following video will be useful. Using the scheme presented in it, you can easily and quickly make a hidden assassin's blade made of cardboard for a child, similar to that used in the Assassin's Creed computer game.

If you are planning a fun fight, then you can’t do without a weapon. Let's learn how to make an origami paper sword. It's simple, fast and interesting. By the way, they can still come in handy in battle, they can also be made of paper.

For such a sword, pick up gold or silver paper to give it a natural look. It will look great in any color though. And if you need a large sword, take A3 paper or even A2 if you have it on hand.

How to make a paper sword - diagram:

1. We take the usual first steps in the origami technique. We turn one corner and cut off the excess part of the paper so that we get a square.

2. Now let's draw a line on the other side by folding the other corner to the corner.

3. Expand the square and fold two opposite corners to the center line. Then we flip the shape.

4. On the other side, bend the two opposite sides to the center line.

5. Bend the central corners from above and below. We wrap these corners to the center.

6. Bend the right sharp corner as shown in the picture, to the left corner of the second white rhombus.

7. Then we bend the right side of the paper, along the marked line from the bottom of the figure.

7. And again, fold the right side of the paper, dividing our intended segment in half.

8. Expand the figure. It turned out like an accordion. You need to make the right folds for this harmonica. The folds marked with a red dotted line should be at the top. The folds marked with a white dotted line should be at the bottom. The center crease should be straight.

9. It will turn out as in the picture. Now the right and left folds need to be bent to the centrally marked line, between them.

10. Bend the top and bottom sides to the center of the figure.

11. It's time to give our paper sword a cross shape. To do this, you need to part the right and left parts of the folds alternately to the sides. At the same time, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fold, form and smooth out triangular pockets.

12. Right sharp corner, wrap as shown.

13. The paper sword is ready. But it is quite fragile in this version. The boys and I strengthened it with adhesive tape, gluing the sword to the cent with it. So the center seam will not open.

12.Now you know how to make a paper sword with your own hands, so you will not be left in a comic battle without a weapon.

Children, when playing, very often want to have toys on hand that imitate real objects. Boys prefer dangerous games with weapons and, of course, no normal parent will put a real knife in the hands of a child. The toy must be believable, but safe! Paper origami comes to the aid of parents and children - weapons, knives and other toys from this material can be made easily and quickly. How to do this, read below.

How to make a ninja dagger?

Many boys are passionate about ninjas and their fighting techniques. Every self-respecting ninja has a knife called a kunai. How to make a ninja knife out of paper?

  1. Take a square sheet of paper and fold it diagonally.
  2. Fold the resulting triangle again.
  3. Now return the figure to its original position and bend the corners so that their edge coincides with the center.
  4. Fold the shape in half in the center.
  5. Make the tip of the weapon - on one side, tuck the remaining ends into the "pockets".
  6. Roll the next sheet into a thin tube and push it three-quarters into the “pocket”.
  7. Smooth out the free end of the tube and bend it at a 90° angle.
  8. Bend the end of the tube three more times at a right angle - this will form the handle.
  9. Tuck the end of the tube into the "pocket". The ninja knife is ready!

How to make a folding knife

How to make a knife out of paper that will also fold? It's not difficult at all, the main thing is to follow the instructions!

  1. Fold a square sheet of paper twice diagonally.
  2. Align the bottom sides with the center line. Bend the top corners and align exactly.
  3. Bend the side strips so that they are vertical, then turn the paper over and fold the strips back.
  4. Bend the lower and upper corner of the future knife.
  5. Make a blade by folding two edges of the paper. The paper knife is ready!

How to make a butterfly knife?

A knife with a retractable blade can be made by first cutting out parts of it from paper. These will be 4 long narrow rectangles, 4 narrow strips and 2 short strips along the length and width of the rectangles. Cut out of white cardboard and a blade. Now start the main work.

  1. Take two rectangles and glue them with strips of cardboard, leaving the inner sides free (this is the future pocket for the blade).
  2. Glue the lid on top - the two remaining cardboard rectangles.
  3. Start working on the blade - pierce it with a toothpick, the edges of which should not be more than 2 cm on both sides.
  4. Now insert the blade into the knife body, close the knife and pierce with toothpicks on both sides.
  5. For the durability of the knife, fix the toothpicks with any glue.

How to make an assassin's knife out of paper?

Many boys are addicted to computer games and dream of having an assassin's blade at their disposal. You can make it out of paper very quickly, take only 8 sheets of paper and tape.

  1. Place 4 sheets of paper on top of each other and fold in half twice.
  2. On one side, cut a strip about 1 cm wide.
  3. Make a sharp blade by cutting off the corners on both sides.
  4. Tape the blade with tape so that it does not crumble into pieces.
  5. Now take 4 sheets of paper to make the case. Also lay them on top of each other and bend twice.
  6. Cut out the central part of two sheets, secure the rectangular pieces of paper with adhesive tape.
  7. Make a ledge-limiter out of paper, it will prevent the knife from falling out of the case. Insert the knife into the case.
  8. Now put a sheet of paper on the case, it should recede from the limiter quite a bit.
  9. Wrap the sheet around the case, leaving a small gap. Secure the ends of the sheet with tape. Now you know how to make an assassin's knife out of paper that pops out of the case with a sharp wave of the owner's hand!

Every parent will have peace of mind knowing that their child's toys are safe.

Japanese kunai knife - looks quite interesting, like a real weapon. And if you use silver (metal-like) instead of white paper for work, then the end result will turn out to be generally very formidable.

What it is?

The answer to this question is given in this article. A kunai is a kind of knife that was made of metal or iron and resembled a fish in shape. It was widely used by the Japanese in the household. Sometimes the owners of the knife used it as a throwing edged weapon. Peasants in Japan have practiced the art of self-defense since ancient times, and their auxiliary tools helped them in this. One of these agricultural devices, which gradually developed into a means for self-defense, was the kunai knife.

Combat ninja weapon

Usually in everyday life this tool was used as a hammer or a shovel, because it does not have sharpened sharp edges. But the ninja used it in their arsenal along with shurikens in combat, striking with a heavy handle on the enemy. By tying a strong rope to the ring of the knife, it could be used as a climbing aid to climb an impregnable wall or a tall tree.

Weapon Popularity

This master class will help you figure out how to make a kunai out of paper using the origami technique. To make the final product seem voluminous and more like a real knife, you will need to put in a little effort, patience and accuracy.

This is the weapon used by the ninja in the famous anime "Naruto". Almost all boys love this Japanese cartoon, but none of them really know how to make kunai out of paper with their own hands. If you have a desire to surprise and please your child, then get to work right now. You can even do this origami with four hands, along with your baby.

And it's not hard at all

This craft is very easy to do. So, we begin to make origami from Kunai paper. The scheme of work is described below.

We take several sheets of white A4. We bend the first sheet in half along the entire length.

Fold all corners inward to the fold line. Now we turn the sheet vertically, and fold the upper two corners inward to the fold axis twice and then outward. After such manipulations, the upper part of the craft already becomes like a pointed blade.

Let's do the following with the lower part. Along the edge, which was formed by the addition of the sides, we cut off the excess. As a result, we got a sharp blade. By the same principle, we make another of the same part.

Making a handle

A few more steps and you will know how to make paper kunai. Next, we move on to the design of the handle of the future knife. To do this, take a standard sheet, fold it diagonally and twist it into a flat tube. We insert the finished handle inside one of the pointed parts. We fold the side parts of the blade inward and glue it with paper glue or adhesive tape.

Now we put the part with the handle into the second same part, we also bend the corners of the craft and fix them. The final touch on how to make a kunai out of paper will be the formation of a ring on the knife handle. To do this, take a strip of paper of medium width. From it we make a tube, which we compress into a flat strip. Gently with frequent folds we form a ring out of it. We connect it and glue it to the base of the handle.


Here is the craft and ready! Now you know how to make a paper kunai in just a matter of minutes, without resorting to outside help. And you can please your baby with a safe toy.