Factors of social maladjustment of adolescent children. Theoretical foundations of social maladaptation of children. It is in adolescence that a tendency towards personal development begins to appear, when the minor himself, reflecting on himself, makes efforts to

Because the social adaptation - is the inclusion of an individual or group in the social environment, their adaptation to the relevant rules, system of norms and values, practices and culture of the organization, then social maladaptation - it violation of the process of social development of the individual. Signs of child and adolescent social maladaptation : violation of the norms of morality and law, antisocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of value orientations, loss of social ties with family and school, a sharp deterioration in neuropsychic health, early adolescent alcoholism, suicidal tendencies.

The research literature lists several factors that influence the process of maladjustment of adolescents: heredity (psychophysical, social), psychological and pedagogical factor (defects in school and family education), social factor (social and socio-economic conditions in society), social activity of the individual himself, those. active-selective attitude to the norms and values ​​of one's environment, its impact, as well as personal value orientations and the ability to self-regulate one's environment 2 .

In the conditions of school, family, public education, certain forms of child maladjustment are perceived by teachers and parents as "difficulty in education". "Difficulty in education, characterized by social deviations and social maladaptation, is accompanied by deformation of social ties and alienation of adolescents from the main institutions of socialization and, above all, family and school."

In this case, difficult education manifests itself in crisis periods of psychophysiological development, which are characterized by qualitatively new psychological formations, which requires a restructuring of the nature of relations between adults, parents, educators, teachers with a child, a teenager, as well as changes in the entire system of educational measures and influences, the social situation of development.

L. S. Vygotsky, one of the first in Russian psychology, who developed the problem of periodization of mental development, singled out crises of newborn, one year, three, seven, thirteen years. The crisis of a newborn is associated with a change in the social and biological environment, a crisis of one year - with the development of upright posture by a child, three years - with mastery of speech, seven years - with a change in the social situation of development (going to school) and thirteen years - a crisis of adolescence age. The crisis of adolescence is one of the most difficult experiences a child experiences in the process of his mental development. During this period of transition from childhood to adulthood, as noted above, serious changes occur both in the body, psyche, and in the nature of the relationship of a teenager with others, adults and peers.

Depending on the nature, nature and degree of maladjustment, one can distinguish pathogenic, psychosocial and social maladaptation of children and adolescents.

pathogenic maladjustment is caused by deviations, pathologies of mental development and neuropsychiatric diseases, which are based on functional organic lesions of the central nervous system. In turn, pathogenic maladjustment, in terms of the degree and depth of its manifestation, can be of a stable, chronic nature (psychosis, psychopathy, organic brain damage, mental retardation, analyzer defects, which are based on serious organic damage).

There is also the so-called psychogenic maladaptation (phobias, obsessive bad habits, enuresis, etc.), which can be caused by an unfavorable social, school, family situation. According to experts, 15-20% of school-age children suffer from some form of psychogenic maladaptation and need comprehensive medical and pedagogical assistance.

In total, according to the research of A. I. Zakharov , up to 42% of preschool children attending kindergartens suffer from certain psychosomatic problems and need the help of pediatricians, psychoneurologists and psychotherapists. The lack of timely assistance leads to deeper and more serious forms of social maladaptation, to the consolidation of stable psychopathic and pathopsychological manifestations. 2

In solving this problem, great importance is given to preventive measures, which are measures of a medical-pedagogical, health-improving and rehabilitation nature, which should be carried out both in general education educational institutions (kindergartens, schools) and in special medical and educational rehabilitation institutions. 3

Psychosocial maladaptation associated with the age and sex and individually - psychological characteristics of the child, adolescent, which determine their certain non-standard, difficult education, requiring an individual pedagogical approach and, in some cases, special psychological and pedagogical correctional programs that can be implemented in general education educational institutions.

Stable forms of psychosocial maladjustment include character accentuations, which are expressed in a noticeable specific originality of the character of a child, adolescent, require an individual pedagogical approach in the family, school, and in some cases, psychotherapeutic and psycho-corrective programs, various adverse and individual psychological features of the emotional-volitional, motivational-cognitive sphere, including such defects as a decrease in empathy, low cognitive activity, a sharp contrast in the sphere of cognitive activity, defects in the volitional sphere (lack of will, susceptibility to other people's influence, impulsiveness, disinhibition, unjustified stubbornness, etc. ).

Temporary unstable forms of psychosocial maladaptation can, first of all, include the psychophysiological age and sex characteristics of individual crisis periods in the development of a child or adolescent.

Social maladaptation manifests itself in violation of the norms of morality and law, in asocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, social attitudes.

In fact, with social maladjustment, we are talking about a violation of the process of social development, the socialization of an individual, when there is a violation of both the functional and the content side of socialization. At the same time, socialization disorders can be caused both by direct desocializing influences, when the immediate environment demonstrates samples of asocial, antisocial behavior, attitudes, attitudes, and indirect desocializing influences, when there is a decrease in the referential significance of the leading institutions of socialization, which for the student, in particular, are family, school.

Allocate two stages of social maladaptation in school-age children: pedagogically neglected and socially neglected students.

The first stage of disadaptation is represented by pedagogically neglected students. Both at the level of the content and functional aspects of socialization, the main deformations are associated with the school educational process, attitudes towards educational activities, teachers, school life and school routine.

Pedagogical neglect is characterized by a chronic lag in a number of subjects of the school curriculum, resistance to pedagogical influences, impudence with teachers, a negative attitude to learning, social maladjustment and various asocial manifestations (foul language, smoking, hooligan acts, skipping lessons, conflict relations with teachers, classmates).

At the same time, despite the lag in their studies, a significant part of the pedagogically neglected students is diligent, has fairly clear professional intentions, possesses various labor skills, strives to obtain a working profession, to economic independence, which can serve as a support in their re-education. Overcoming the educational difficulties of pedagogically neglected students involves the establishment of trusting relationships with them by teachers and educators, control and assistance in educational activities; advancement of trust in the school by teachers and classmates; organization of leisure, expansion of the sphere of interests; reliance on the best qualities of character; formation of professional plans and life aspirations; instilling the skills of introspection" self-education; assistance in improving the conditions of family education.

The second stage is socially neglected students. They not only study poorly, have a chronic backlog in the subjects of the curriculum and resist pedagogical influences, but, unlike the pedagogically neglected ones, they are not professionally oriented, they have not formed useful skills and abilities, and their sphere of interests is narrowed.

They are characterized by deep alienation from the family and school, their formation and social development is mainly under the influence of asocial, criminogenic adolescent groups, the assimilation of group norms and values ​​leads to a deformation of consciousness, value orientations and social attitudes of minors. Socially neglected adolescents are characterized by various serious social deviations (vagrancy, drug addiction, drunkenness, alcoholism, delinquency, immoral behavior, etc.).

In relations with such difficult-to-educate adolescents, special measures of social support and resocialization are needed, which should be carried out by special preventive services and resocialization centers. In the case when special educational and preventive influences are insufficient, adolescents with a high degree of social neglect, who regularly commit offenses and other gross social deviations, are placed for re-education in special closed educational institutions.

There are the following the main causes of social maladaptation minors:

1. Dysfunctionality of the family.

There are many possible causes leading to family dysfunction, and all of them inevitably affect children.

  • · Economic reasons: a large number of families have subsistence levels below the poverty line due to excessive dependency burden per working member. Need deforms everything
  • The system of family functions, curtails their implementation to complete inactivity.
  • · Asocial reasons: alcoholism or drug addiction of the family or one of its members, illegal behavior, prostitution, low cultural level. As a rule, children from such families more often than others fall into criminal companies.
  • · Psychological reasons: cruelty, aggressiveness, conflict, jealousy, adultery, selfishness, greed, imbalance of characters.
  • · Medical reasons: chronic infectious (for example, tuberculosis) and venereal diseases, mental and sexual deviations, impotence.
  • · Incomplete families: The number of single mothers and their children is growing. According to the State Statistics Committee, 500,000-600,000 marriages break up every year, resulting in an increase in children from "risk families" 1 .

Currently, an increasing number of families need the help of specialists - psychologists, psychotherapists. But the low level of psychological and pedagogical literacy makes the services of psychologists inaccessible to most families. In each dysfunctional family, in the course of its existence, rigid protective and compensatory mechanisms are formed, aimed at maintaining the existing balance.

Dysfunctionality of the family is usually reflected in all areas of the child's life: school performance is reduced, the street company becomes a substitute for the authority of parents, in which the child receives recognition. All this, in turn, leads to a violation of the personal sphere, sometimes to mental deviations. And then there are natural consequences: the use of psychoactive substances, offenses, which only become a reason for attention from state structures.

2. Personal characteristics of the child.

By themselves, the personality characteristics of the child often become the cause of social maladaptation. So, even a disabled child can be quite socially adapted, provided that parents and the social environment have a competent attitude towards his status. But quite often, the characterological features, temperament, restlessness of the child cause inadequate reactions in the parents. The idea of ​​a “good” child as a comfortable, obedient one collides with the features of a real child that do not correspond to this idea. The alteration begins, the "adjustment" of the child to the general "standard", the struggle against his individuality. The result of this struggle may be different, but the disruption of the functioning of the family is inevitable. The child, feeling rejected, may give up, and the conflict will be transferred inside him, may leave the family and find recognition in another environment, in other forms. Most often, the aggravation of such contradictions occurs in adolescence, when the child has a real opportunity to find other forms of self-realization, when his self-awareness grows, when peers become an authority, and the opinion of adults ceases to be the only correct one.

Parents in such families, under certain conditions, could successfully fulfill their parental duty. But the deviation of the real situation from their ideas and expectations, and the negativity to accept the child as he is, leads to conflict and, often, to the dysfunction of this family as a whole.

What has been said about the family often turns out to be true when teaching a “non-standard” child at school. Unfortunately, teachers are not always ready to take into account the individual characteristics of the student. This circumstance is one of the reasons for another phenomenon - school maladaptation.

3. School factor.

It's no secret that schools are going through hard times these days. The overcrowding of classes, the lack of specialists, often their low professional level, lead to an increase in the number of conflicts between the teacher and students. The school has practically abandoned the educational function and most often uses repressive measures of influence, pursuing the goal of maintaining discipline by any available means, of which there are not so few left. Often a student's progress in a subject is directly dependent on the teacher's attitude towards him. Unscrupulousness, elementary rudeness and bias of teachers, their psychological and pedagogical helplessness, many other big and small mistakes cause family conflicts, contribute to the emergence of alienation and the development of family dysfunction.

Pupils of social protection institutions attend a nearby school, regular classes. Having large gaps in knowledge and low social status in the classroom, they try to skip classes, which is the reason for the conflict between the school and the institution, the reason for running away 1 .

4. Impact of antisocial informal environment.

This factor is often credited with an inappropriately large impact on minors. And this can be understood - "informals" of various directions stand out noticeably on the streets, just "hangouts" of idly staggering youth. But not all groups are truly asocial.

Being under the influence of groupings, the number of family conflicts increases between a teenager and parents as a result of a value mismatch.

Many parents are unable to accept the existence of values ​​other than those that guided them in their lives. As a result, they reject not only the really low, tasteless, vulgar, but also the positive component of the life of their children: freedom of self-expression, self-realization, the value of the individual, etc. The teenager's reaction to this is the desire for everything that is rejected by the parents, including the negative. At the same time, leaving for “informals” is usually only a consequence of the relationships that have developed in the family.

5. The underdevelopment of the system for the prevention of deviant behavior of children and adolescents in a family, school, late detection of neglect and delinquency of children and adolescents.

Indeed, more and more often children and adolescents in a socially neglected form, who use toxic substances, alcohol, with pathologies in intellectual development, with stable forms of deviant behavior, get into the institutions of social protection of the population.

Socially neglected children and adolescents with deviant behavior most often do not adapt to institutional conditions. They force the weaker ones to earn money, beg, drink alcohol, use toxic substances, and strive to dominate among children.

Insufficient qualifications of specialists working with children, the inability to find an approach to them lead to the escape of minors, the desire of older children to impose a criminal culture of relations in the children's team is not monitored or weakly suppressed.

Thus, in order to prevent the maladjustment of children and adolescents, it is necessary to radically change the educational work with them in all those areas in which the formation of the personality and socialization of children and adolescents is carried out: family, school, leisure, employment, health. And it is necessary to start with the family, since it is here that the main values ​​\u200b\u200band orientation and life orientation are laid.

One of the activities of a social pedagogue is the prevention of maladaptive behavior and SPD with maladjusted adolescents.

Maladaptation - a relatively short-term situational state, which is a consequence of the impact of new, unusual stimuli of the changed environment and signals an imbalance between mental activity and the requirements of the environment.

Maladaptation can be defined as a difficulty complicated by any factors of adaptation to changing conditions, expressed in inadequate response and behavior of the individual.

There are the following types of maladaptation:

1. In educational institutions, a social pedagogue most often encounters the so-called school maladaptation, which usually precedes the social.

School maladjustment - this is a discrepancy between the psychophysical and socio-psychological state of the child with the requirements of schooling, in which the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities becomes difficult, in extreme cases - impossible.

2. Social maladaptation in the pedagogical aspect - a special type of behavior of a minor, which does not correspond to the basic principles of behavior recognized universally as obligatory for children and adolescents. It manifests itself:

in violation of the norms of morality and law,

in antisocial behavior

in the deformation of the value system, internal self-regulation, social attitudes;

alienation from the main institutions of socialization (family, school);

a sharp deterioration in neuropsychic health;

An increase in teenage alcoholism, a tendency to suicide.

Social maladjustment - a deeper degree of maladjustment than school. She is characterized by antisocial manifestations (foul language, smoking, drinking alcohol, daring antics) and alienation from family and school, which leads to:

to a decrease or loss of motivation for learning, cognitive activity,

difficulties in professional definition;

lowering the level of moral and value ideas;

decrease in the ability of adequate self-esteem.

Depending on the degree of depth, the deformation of socialization can be distinguished two stages of maladjustment:

1 stage social maladjustment is represented by pedagogically neglected students

2 stage represented by socially neglected teenagers. Social neglect is characterized by deep alienation from family and school as the main institutions of socialization. The formation of such children is under the influence of asocial and criminogenic groups. Children are characterized by vagrancy, neglect, drug addiction; they are not professionally oriented, they have a negative attitude towards work.

In the literature, there are several factors that influence the process of maladaptation of adolescents:

heredity (psychophysical, social, sociocultural);

psychological and pedagogical factor (defects in school and family education)

social factor (social and socio-economic conditions for the functioning of society);

deformation of society itself

the social activity of the individual himself, i.e. active-selective attitude to the norms and values ​​of one's environment, its impact;

social deprivation experienced by children and adolescents;

personal value orientations and the ability to self-regulate their environment.

In addition to social maladjustment, there are also:

2.. Pathogenic maladaptation - caused by deviations, pathologies of mental development and neuropsychiatric diseases, which are based on functional-organic lesions of the nervous system (oligophrenia, mental retardation, etc.).

3. Psychosocial maladaptation It is caused by the age and sex and individual psychological characteristics of the child, which determine their certain non-standard, difficult education, requiring an individual approach and special psychosocial and psychological-pedagogical correctional programs.



Snezhana Ivanova

Social maladaptation is usually understood as the complete or partial inability of the individual to the conditions of the surrounding reality.

This term has firmly entered the life of modern man. Surprisingly, with the development of information technology, many people feel lonely and unadapted to the external conditions of reality. Some get lost in completely ordinary situations and do not know how best to act in this or that case. Currently, cases of depression in young people have become more frequent. It would seem that there is a whole life ahead, but not everyone wants to act actively in it, to overcome difficulties. It turns out that an adult has to re-learn to enjoy life, because he is rapidly losing this skill. The same applies to those who have maladaptation. Today, teenagers prefer to realize their communication needs on the Internet. Computer games and social networks partly replace normal human interaction.

Social maladaptation is usually understood as the complete or partial inability of the individual to the conditions of the surrounding reality. A person suffering from maladjustment cannot interact effectively with other people. He either constantly avoids all kinds of contact, or demonstrates aggressive behavior. Social maladaptation is characterized by increased irritability, inability to understand another and accept someone else's point of view.

Social maladjustment occurs when a particular person stops noticing what is happening in the outside world and completely immerses himself in a fictional reality, partially replacing his relationship with people. Agree, you can’t completely focus only on yourself. In this case, the possibility of personal growth is lost, since there will be nowhere to draw inspiration, share your joys and sorrows with others.

Causes of social maladaptation

Any phenomenon always has a weighty reason. Social disadaptation also has its reasons. When everything is good inside a person, he is unlikely to avoid communication with his own kind. So maladjustment in one way or another, but always indicates some social disadvantage of the individual. Among the main causes of social maladaptation, the following most common ones should be singled out.

Pedagogical neglect

Another reason is the demands of society, which a particular individual cannot justify in any way. Social maladaptation in most cases appears where it takes place inattentive attitude towards the child, lack of proper care and concern. Pedagogical neglect implies that little attention is paid to children, and therefore they can withdraw into themselves, feel unwanted by adults. Having become older, such a person will surely withdraw into himself, go into his inner world, close the door and will not let anyone in. Disadaptation, of course, like any other phenomenon, is formed gradually, over several years, and not instantly. Children who experience a subjective sense of worthlessness at an early age will later suffer from the fact that they are not understood by others. Social maladaptation deprives a person of moral strength, takes away faith in himself and his own abilities. The reason must be sought in the environment. If a child has a pedagogical neglect, it is highly likely that, as an adult, he will experience enormous difficulties with self-determination and in order to find his place in life.

Loss of familiar team

Conflict with the environment

It happens that a particular individual challenges the whole society. In this case, he feels insecure and vulnerable. The reason is that additional experiences fall on the psyche. This state comes as a result of maladjustment. Conflict with others incredibly exhausting, keeps a person at a distance from everyone. Suspicion, distrust are formed, in general, the character worsens, a completely natural feeling of helplessness arises. Social maladaptation is only a consequence of a person’s wrong attitude to the world, the inability to build trusting and harmonious relationships. Speaking of maladaptation, we should not forget about the personal choice that each of us makes every day.

Types of social maladaptation

Disadaptation, fortunately, does not happen to a person at lightning speed. It takes time for self-doubt to develop, for significant doubts to settle in the head about appearance and the activities performed. There are two main stages or types of maladaptation: partial and complete. The first type is characterized by the beginning of the process of falling out of public life. For example, a person as a result of an illness stops going to work, is not interested in ongoing events. However, he keeps in touch with relatives and possibly friends. The second type of maladjustment is characterized by a loss of self-confidence, a strong distrust of people, a loss of interest in life, any of its manifestations. Such a person does not know how to behave in society, does not represent its norms and laws. He has the impression that he is constantly doing something wrong. Often, both types of social maladaptation suffer people who have some kind of addiction. Any addiction implies separation from society, erasing the usual boundaries. Deviant behavior is always, to one degree or another, associated with social maladaptation. A person simply cannot remain the same when his inner world is destroyed. This means that long-term relationships built with people are being destroyed: relatives, friends, inner circle. It is important to prevent the development of maladaptation in any form.

Features of social maladaptation

Speaking of social maladaptation, one should keep in mind the fact that there are some features that are not as easy to defeat as it might seem at first glance.


A person who has undergone social maladjustment cannot quickly enter the team again, even with a strong desire. He needs time to build his own perspectives, accumulate positive impressions, form a positive picture of the world. The feeling of uselessness and the subjective feeling of being cut off from society are the main features of maladaptation. They will pursue for a long time, not let go of themselves. Maladaptation actually causes a lot of pain to the individual, because it does not allow her to grow, move forward, and believe in the possibilities.

Focus on yourself

Another feature of social maladjustment is a feeling of isolation and emptiness. A person who has a complete or partial maladjustment is always extremely concentrated on his own experiences. These subjective fears form a feeling of uselessness and some detachment from society. A person begins to be afraid to be among people, to make certain plans for the future. Social maladjustment suggests that the personality is gradually destroyed and loses all ties with its immediate environment. Then it becomes difficult to communicate with any people, you want to run away somewhere, hide, dissolve in the crowd.

Signs of social maladaptation

By what signs can one understand that a person has maladjustment? There are characteristic signs indicating that a person is socially isolated, experiencing some trouble.


The most striking sign of maladaptation is the manifestation of negative feelings. Aggressive behavior is characteristic of social maladaptation. Since people are outside any team, they eventually lose the skill of communication. A person ceases to strive for mutual understanding, it becomes much easier for her to get what she wants through manipulation. Aggression is dangerous not only for the surrounding people, but also for the person from whom it comes. The fact is that by constantly showing discontent, we destroy our inner world, impoverish it to such an extent that everything begins to seem tasteless and faded, devoid of meaning.

Self care

Another sign of a person's maladjustment to external conditions is pronounced isolation. A person stops communicating, relying on the help of other people. It becomes much easier for him to demand something than to decide to ask for a favor. Social maladaptation is characterized by the absence of well-established connections, relationships and aspirations to make new acquaintances. A person can be alone for a long time, and the longer this goes on, the more difficult it becomes for him to return to the team, to be able to restore broken connections. Withdrawal allows the individual to avoid unnecessary confrontations that could negatively affect mood. Gradually, a person gets used to hiding from people in his usual environment and does not want to change anything. Social maladjustment is insidious in that at first it is not noticed by the individual. When a person himself begins to realize that something is wrong with him, it becomes too late.

social phobia

It is the result of a wrong attitude to life and almost always characterizes any maladjustment. A person ceases to build social ties and over time he does not have close people who would be interested in his internal state. The society never forgives the personality of dissent, the desire to live only for its own sake. The more we tend to focus on our problem, the more difficult it subsequently becomes to leave our cozy and familiar little world, which is already functioning, it would seem, according to our laws. Sociophobia is a reflection of the internal way of life of a person who has undergone social maladjustment. Fear of people, new acquaintances is due to the need to change the attitude towards the surrounding reality. This is a sign of self-doubt and that a person has maladaptation.

Unwillingness to obey the demands of society

Social maladaptation gradually turns a person into a slave of himself, who is afraid to go beyond his own world. Such a person has a huge number of restrictions that prevent him from feeling like a full-fledged happy person. Disadaptation makes you avoid all contact with people, and not just build a serious relationship with them. Sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity: you have to go somewhere, but a person is afraid to go out into the street and comes up with various excuses for himself just not to leave a safe place. This also happens because society dictates its requirements to the individual. Disadaptation forces to avoid such situations. It becomes important for a person only to protect his inner world from possible encroachments by other people. Otherwise, he begins to feel extremely uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Correction of social maladaptation

The problem of maladjustment must be worked on. Otherwise, it will only increase rapidly and more and more hinder the development of man. The fact is that maladjustment in itself destroys the personality, makes it experience its negative manifestations of certain situations. Correction of social maladjustment consists in the ability to work through internal fears and doubts, to bring out the painful thoughts of a person.

Social contacts

As long as the maladaptation has not gone too far, you should start acting as soon as possible. If you have lost all contact with people, start getting to know each other again. You can communicate everywhere, with everyone and about anything. Don't be afraid to appear stupid or weak, just be yourself. Get yourself a hobby, start attending various trainings, courses that interest you. There is a high probability that it is there that you will meet like-minded people and people who are close in spirit. There is nothing to fear, let things unfold naturally. To constantly be in the team, get a permanent job. It is difficult to live without society, and colleagues will help you solve various work issues.

Dealing with fears and doubts

Someone who suffers from maladjustment necessarily has a whole set of unresolved issues. As a rule, they concern the personality itself. In such a delicate matter, a competent specialist - a psychologist will help. Disadaptation should not be allowed to take its course, it is necessary to control its condition. A psychologist will help you deal with your inner fears, see the world around you from a different angle, and make sure of your own safety. You will not even notice how the problem will leave you.

Prevention of social exclusion

It is better not to take it to extremes and prevent the development of maladaptation. The sooner active measures are taken, the better and calmer you will begin to feel. Disadaptation is too serious to be trifled with. There is always a possibility that a person, having gone into himself, will never return to normal communication. Prevention of social maladjustment consists in the systematic filling of oneself with positive emotions. You should interact with other people as much as possible in order to remain an adequate and harmonious personality.

Thus, social maladaptation is a complex problem that requires close attention. A person who avoids society necessarily needs help. He needs support all the more, the more he feels lonely and unnecessary.

Social maladaptation as a psychological phenomenon

Relatively recently, in the domestic, mostly psychological literature, the term "disadaptation" appeared, denoting a violation of the processes of human interaction with the environment. Its use is rather ambiguous, which is found, first of all, in assessing the role and place of states of maladaptation in relation to the categories of "norm" and "pathology". Hence, the interpretation of disadaptation as a process that occurs outside of pathology and is associated with weaning from some familiar living conditions and, accordingly, getting used to others, note T.G. Dichev and K.E. Tarasov.

Yu.A.Aleksandrovsky defines maladaptation as a "breakdown" in the mechanisms of mental adjustment in acute or chronic emotional stress, which activates the system of compensatory defensive reactions.

In a broad sense, social maladjustment refers to the process of loss of socially significant qualities that impede the successful adaptation of an individual to the conditions of the social environment.

For a deeper understanding of the problem, it is important to consider the relationship between the concepts of social adaptation and social maladaptation. The concept of social adaptation reflects the phenomena of inclusion of interaction and integration with the community and self-determination in it, and the social adaptation of the individual consists in the optimal realization of the internal capabilities of a person and his personal potential in socially significant activities, in the ability, while maintaining himself as a person, to interact with the surrounding society in specific conditions of existence.

The concept of social maladaptation is considered by most authors: B.N. Almazov, S.A. Belicheva, T.G. Dichev, S. Rutter as a process of disturbing the homeostatic balance of the individual and the environment, as a violation of the adaptation of the individual due to the action of various reasons; as a violation caused by a discrepancy between the innate needs of the individual and the limiting requirement of the social environment; as the inability of the individual to adapt to his own needs and claims.

Social maladaptation is a process of loss of socially significant qualities that prevent the individual from successfully adapting to the conditions of the social environment.

In the process of social adaptation, the inner world of a person also changes: new ideas appear, knowledge about the activities in which he is engaged, as a result of which self-correction and self-determination of the personality occur. Undergo changes and self-esteem of the individual, which is associated with the new activity of the subject, its goals and objectives, difficulties and requirements; level of claims, the image of "I", reflection, "I-concept", self-assessment in comparison with others. Based on these grounds, there is a change in the attitude towards self-affirmation, the individual acquires the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. All this determines the essence of his social adaptation to society, the success of its course.

An interesting position is A.V. Petrovsky, who determines the process of social adaptation as a type of interaction between the individual and the environment, during which the expectations of its participants are also coordinated.

At the same time, the author emphasizes that the most important component of adaptation is the coordination of self-assessments and claims of the subject with his capabilities and the reality of the social environment, which includes both the real level and potential opportunities for the development of the environment and the subject, highlighting the individuality of the individual in the process of individualization and integration in this specific social environment through the acquisition of social status and the ability of the individual to adapt to this environment.

The contradiction between the goal and the result, as V.A. Petrovsky suggests, is inevitable, but it is the source of the dynamics of the individual, his existence and development. So, if the goal is not achieved, it encourages to continue activity in a given direction. “What is born in communication turns out to be inevitably different from the intentions and motives of communicating people. If those who enter into communication take an egocentric position, then this is an obvious prerequisite for the breakdown of communication, ”note A.V. Petrovsky and V.V. Nepalinsky.

Considering the disadaptation of the personality at the socio-psychological level, R.B. Berezin and A.A. Nalgadzhyan distinguish three main varieties of personality disadaptation):

a) stable situational maladjustment, which occurs when a person does not find ways and means of adaptation in certain social situations (for example, as part of certain small groups), although he makes such attempts - this state can be correlated with the state of ineffective adaptation;

b) temporary maladjustment, which is eliminated with the help of adequate adaptive measures, social and intra-psychic actions, which corresponds to unstable adaptation.

c) general stable maladjustment, which is a state of frustration, the presence of which activates the formation of pathological defense mechanisms.

The result of social maladaptation is the state of maladaptation of the individual.

The basis of maladjusted behavior is the conflict, and under its influence, an inadequate response to the conditions and requirements of the environment is gradually formed in the form of various deviations in behavior as a reaction to systematic, constantly provoking factors that the child cannot cope with. The beginning is the disorientation of the child: he is lost, does not know what to do in this situation, to fulfill this overwhelming demand, and he either does not react in any way, or reacts in the first way that comes across. Thus, at the initial stage, the child is, as it were, destabilized. After a while, this confusion will pass and he will calm down; if such manifestations of destabilization are repeated quite often, then this leads the child to the emergence of a persistent internal (dissatisfaction with himself, his position) and external (in relation to the environment) conflict, which leads to stable psychological discomfort and, as a result of such a state, to maladaptive behavior.

This point of view is shared by many domestic psychologists (B.N. Almazov, M.A. Ammaskin, M.S. Pevzner, I.A. Nevsky, A.S. Belkin, K.S. Lebedinskaya and others). The authors determine deviations in behavior through the prism of the psychological complex of the subject's environmental alienation, and, therefore, not being able to change the environment, the stay in which is painful for him, the awareness of his incompetence prompts the subject to switch to protective forms of behavior, create semantic and emotional barriers in relation to others, lowering the level of claims and self-esteem.

These studies underlie the theory that considers the compensatory capabilities of the body, where social maladaptation is understood as a psychological state caused by the functioning of the psyche at the limit of its regulatory and compensatory capabilities, expressed in the lack of activity of the individual, in the difficulty of realizing his basic social needs (the need for communication, recognition , self-expression), in violation of self-affirmation and free expression of one's creative abilities, in inadequate orientation in a communication situation, in a distortion of the social status of a maladjusted child.

Social maladaptation is manifested in a wide range of deviations in the behavior of a teenager: dromomania (vagrancy), early alcoholism, substance abuse and drug addiction, venereal diseases, illegal actions, violations of morality. Adolescents experience painful growing up - the gap between adult and childhood - a certain void is created that needs to be filled with something.

Social maladaptation in adolescence leads to the formation of poorly educated people who do not have the skills to work, create a family, and be good parents. They easily cross the border of moral and legal norms. Accordingly, social maladaptation is manifested in antisocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, social attitudes.

Numerous manifestations of personality maladaptation in society are mistakenly perceived by many as defects in education or mental development. Knowing the true causes, types, manifestations, methods of correcting this negative personal deviation will allow you to take timely measures. The process of correction of decapitation is quite complex and lengthy, therefore, qualified specialists - psychologists and social educators - should deal with this problem.

Psychological adaptation and maladaptation

Throughout life, a person learns the norms and rules of the society of which he becomes a member at birth or change of place of residence, study, work. That is, he accepts these norms and rules as his own, follows them, and as a result becomes a full member of a particular social group.

The definition of adaptation (lat. Adaptatio) in psychology is the psychological and physical adaptation of a person to a changed environment. Coming to the team, any person (child or adult) wants to realize their own needs for recognition and respect. But he faces the same demands on himself from the members of the new group. Far from always, this process occurs painlessly for both parties and without the intervention of management or psychologists.

Disadaptation refers to the psychophysiological inconsistency of the individual with the requirements of new living conditions. It is characterized by behavior that is atypical for a child or an adult in a particular communication environment, which does not correspond to his age-related psychophysiological norms and is accompanied by emotional, physiological and behavioral deviations.

Deviations from the generally accepted rules of behavior entail quite serious consequences for the individual: deterioration in health, abilities for self-realization, training, work. Members of society make attempts to re-educate, adapt to their own norms and rules.

Psychologists consider personality maladjustment to be a serious problem that requires consistent and sometimes long-term, multifaceted corrective work both with a maladjusted personality and with its environment. The result of psychosocial methods of influence is the readaptation of the personality - the restoration of adaptive capabilities, adaptation to the changing requirements of the environment and the speedy socialization in a new society. Here it is important to observe two conditions: the desire of the person himself to quickly adapt to the changed conditions, environment and the professionalism of specialists dealing with his problem.

The most favorable result of the work of specialists with a maladjusted personality and its environment is co-adaptation, that is, their mutual adaptation to each other, patient mutual respect, conscious consideration of peculiarities, creation of maximum mental and physical comfort.

Causes, types and states of maladaptation

Throughout life, a person more than once finds himself in a new environment, forcing him to radically change not only his behavior, but also his own views and habits. Sometimes this happens abruptly, painfully for the individual, causes protest actions in relation to others and requires patience and understanding from them, and sometimes coercive measures of influence if a person refuses to follow reasonable conditions for coexistence with the environment.

The reasons for the maladjustment of the personality are numerous and lie both in the features of its psychological, mental, moral, physical, social development, and in the features of the new environment in which it falls. The environment is prosperous or dysfunctional, based on generally accepted human values ​​or on contradictions with them, putting forward feasible or exorbitant demands on the beginner, controlled by the relevant services or uncontrolled.

Of the adverse factors contributing to the development of disadaptation, four main ones can be distinguished:

  1. 1. transitional age in schoolchildren and adolescents;
  2. 2. mental weakness, in which the demands of society seem too high for the individual;
  3. 3. traumatic events in a person's life, protracted stress;
  4. 4. mental disorders and illnesses.

The main types of maladaptation include:

  • mental (or psychosocial). It occurs during the period of puberty of the personality, when sharp fluctuations in the emotional-volitional sphere, negative manifestations of character accentuations, peculiarities of upbringing and mental development are possible. At this time, a teenager becomes especially sensitive to criticism, demands and influences from the family, the school team, and peers. The reaction can be outwardly stormy or, conversely, internal, hidden, but giving him a lot of negative experiences and pushing him to rash acts.
  • Social. It is characterized by behavior that deviates from generally accepted norms and a demonstrative violation of the rules of morality and laws, evasion from useful activities, the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. Such behavior is the result of improper upbringing, lack of respect and attention to the essential vital and spiritual needs of the individual on the part of significant people for him. In advanced cases, social maladjustment is expressed in criminal acts, participation in criminal groups, when moral and ethical norms and concepts specific to this environment are formed.
  • Pathogenic. This is the result of congenital or acquired disorders in the psychophysiological development of the personality itself, which include various phobias, neuropsychiatric diseases, disorders in the development of the brain and analyzers (especially visual and auditory), enuresis.
  • Psychological. Internal, personal violations of self-esteem (significantly overestimated or underestimated), values.

In most of the cases studied, there is a combination of different types of maladaptation with the predominance of one of them. The inability to achieve some ideal or goal leads to conflicts with oneself and others, to despair, disappointment, loss of vitality, contemptuous and vengeful behavior both towards oneself and towards other people. Hidden psychological maladjustment does not appear outwardly, but gives a person internal acute experiences and suffering. Traumatic external situations, such as family conflict, exacerbate the negative state of a person and can lead to psychogenic depression and disorganization of behavior.

Desaptation correction

Working with a maladjusted client should begin with the establishment of a trusting relationship. The psychologist helps him to understand the essence and causes of his problems, to find opportunities and ways to overcome them. It is necessary to convince a person that he has enough internal strength to solve personal problems and will definitely find appropriate ways. The client must understand what communication skills he lacks, realize his own mistakes in establishing connections with other people.

At the next stage, the psychologist and the client consider a plan and ways to overcome those difficulties that prevent him from entering society. It is possible that the work of a specialist with others who negatively or positively influence the well-being and behavior of a maladjusted person (family members, friends, members of an educational or work team, etc.) will be envisaged.

At the end of each stage of the planned plan, a joint analysis is carried out of whether a positive result has been achieved by the specific actions of the psychologist or the client, what mistakes have been made. The client must make sure that without his own purposeful efforts he will not be able to achieve the desired result. The psychologist acts as an interested assistant and consultant, verbally stimulates further steps towards the readaptation of the personality.