Conspiracy for good luck for tomorrow. Rituals that will help attract good luck and luck. Good luck in business and business matters

Not everyone in life comes out easily and simply. Many have to limit themselves for years in everything to buy a car, make a titanic effort to move up the career ladder, or resort to unpleasant methods to achieve recognition.

In this thread:

If everything in life does not turn out the way you would like, and you sadly notice that your peers have achieved much more, you should think about turning to magical techniques. One of them can be a conspiracy for good luck. This type of magic is used on the new moon before sunset.

Conspiracy for the environment

Each conspiracy requires certain conditions that relate to different aspects, including the day of the week. The plot given here should be read exclusively on Wednesdays. You can not miss a single Wednesday for a whole month.

Reviews indicate that positive changes can be noticed quite quickly, in almost a week. They say the words early in the morning, after waking up before washing. You have to say like this:

“Middle-Wednesday, go with a word to the water. I am baptized in the name of Christ. Guardian angel guards me. Angel, have mercy, would you take away all sorrows from me, would you send all happiness and success to me. Sit on your right shoulder, guard and guard me alone. From evil people, from forest animals, from filthy tongues! From court, from reprisals, from gossip and witches' poisons! Lord God, add to my age, make life easy! Amen!"

When the words are spoken, it is necessary to wash. With the help of these simple actions, you can achieve a significant improvement in life. So it is in your interest not to miss a single Wednesday, to do everything calmly and correctly in order to attract good luck.

Bad Luck Protection

To attract good luck, you can not only use some special conspiracy, but also go the other way, protecting yourself from bad luck. Such magic is especially in demand among people who feel that the black streak in life does not go away. On the new moon, you will have to do a few unpleasant things, but otherwise you will not attract good luck. First they go to the cemetery. There you need to find an unmarked grave, on which you put a glass of milk, put a few coins and a piece of cake. Then they stand in front of the grave, bow three times and utter a strong conspiracy that banishes bad luck and attracts good luck:

“If you remembered the dead man, you would take everything bad, dashing forever and endlessly from me! It will be so from now on and forever and ever! Amen!"

The text of the prayer is said 3 times, and then they turn around and leave the cemetery. In no case should you look back - this can lead to unpleasant consequences. Magical powers will begin their work immediately after reading the text of the conspiracy for good luck, but the first results will have to wait 2-3 weeks.

Ritual for good luck before the trip

If your loved one is planning a business trip or just a trip, you can try to protect him with a strong conspiracy for good luck. Of course, even after it, it will not be possible to get rid of anxiety for a loved one, but it will still give confidence, because the words of this spell accumulate positive energy around the person leaving. To carry out the ritual, it is necessary to put the departing person in the central part of the room and make a circle around him and read the following text:

“I am talking to a slave (name) about saving on the road, firmly, firmly on his fate, on his life. Whoever plucks and eats all the grass from the meadow, drinks all the water from the sea and does not get hungry, he would not have overcome my word, my conspiracy has not been terminated. Which of the evil people will slander him, and slander, and slander, and spoil him, then their word would not be in business, but the matter is not in the goal: the knife will break off, the bullet will bypass, the poison will wake up, the fire will not flare up, the water will not destroy, the saber will not hack. Angel with him. The Keeper and Preserver with his wing will close it from all enemies and enemies. Slave (name) has a smooth path, good health in separation from me. I put my slander on him. I testify every word with a church candle. Amen".

Having said these words, it is necessary to put out the candle, and then hide it away, where it will be untouched until the loved one returns back. When he arrives safely from a trip or from a business trip, the candle is lit again, but this time near the icon. This will be your gratitude to God. You have to make sure it burns out completely.

Short but effective conspiracies for good luck

To get lucky in financial matters, you can use a very short good luck spell that is repeated every time someone gives you money. The words are as follows:

“Money is to me like bees to honey. Fly, fly, but don’t fly past me. ”

They are also addressed in cases where any issues related to the material side of life are resolved or when wealth becomes the main goal in life.

When you are dealing with business issues, making a deal, drawing up documents, you can apply a conspiracy for good luck in the business sphere. These words must be pronounced mentally in situations where something serious is at stake:

“I take luck, I leave failure for change.”

There are also special conspiracies for good luck, designed for daily use. They are addressed to normalize their lives, to make it more joyful. It is better to pronounce the words with the left hand resting on the solar plexus:

“Luck is with me, all the troubles are behind me. As I wish, so shall it be."

This small ritual for good luck is used in the morning, after waking up.

When there is a road ahead, you can enlist the support of higher powers by reading, crossing the threshold, such words of a conspiracy for good luck:

“I’m going for luck, I’ll return more beautiful and richer.”

The above rituals are extremely simple, but they all work pretty well. This can be easily verified by referring to any conspiracy. Only it is necessary to observe the main condition - complete faith in success.

Nastasya Filippovna Zaretskaya

Village Magic Specialist. Conspiracies, rituals, love spells.

Articles written

It seems to you that some kind of black streak has come in life? Does everything you're trying to do come out wrong? Tired of fighting windmills, suffering defeats and failures? Everyone has black bars. But very often they become take-offs: the very ones that prepare you for something completely new: new acquaintances, new stories, new people, new surroundings, fresh impressions or vivid trips to other countries ... Often it helps many people to gather strength and attract lady luck folk magic. A well-timed conspiracy for good luck, a ritual performed or a ritual will help to return what you have lost for some reason.

How to conduct a strong conspiracy for good luck?

There are a few key tips to help you deal with a difficult situation and reclaim your good fortune. If you listen and follow them, then the effect of the ritual can be many times better.

  1. Sincere faith in the words that are going to read. Therefore, do not think that your conspiracy is pampering!
  2. The growing moon is a prerequisite for the ritual. As the heavenly body grows, so will your luck. It remains only to take advantage of the necessary moment at the clearly necessary (or planned) time.
  3. When reading a conspiracy or performing a rite, you should be without buttons, belts and other things that can “block” the flow of energy. Ideally, when performing a rite or reading a conspiracy, you should be without clothes.
  4. Conspiracies must be read for yourself (this is a feature of rituals for good luck). Sometimes it is allowed to read conspiracies in favor of relatives and friends, but this does not have much power.
  5. Attracting good luck is one of the most "instant" conspiracies, which begins to act almost immediately. Therefore, it is important for you to be ready for new unexpected turns. But there are situations when it takes a long time to activate the conspiracy, and the magical properties begin to appear only after some time.

IMPORTANT! Luck is a difficult concept to measure. For someone, finding a solid amount of money will be a great success, and for someone, meeting with a chosen one, treating a complex illness, establishing relationships with relatives and relatives. A conspiracy usually helps to realize the most intimate and vivid dream (even if you yourself do not fully understand it, do not realize and do not accept it).

Braided Cord Magic

A well-known talisman that is present on the hands of many people. It is created very simply. Take thick threads and start weaving a pigtail out of them and continue reading the plot for good luck:

“I sit and look at myself. And luck comes to me, happiness brings money!

Pay attention to the color of the threads you have chosen: red speaks of passion and love that is about to appear in your life; green becomes a "harbinger" of wealth and a lot of money; yellow speaks of health, physical strength, endurance; the blue one is “working” on the fulfillment of innermost desires and their embodiment in reality. You can use all 4 colors for a pigtail, you can make it one-color. All in your hands. When you connect the ends of the pigtail together, you get a small charm bracelet. To bring you happiness, attract success and good luck, just attach it to the ankle of your left foot. This inconspicuous but effective decoration promotes favorable trends and new changes in your life.

To make the ritual more powerful and effective, you may need to read a simple plot for good luck:

“As I say these words, I catch luck on the hook! She comes just like that!

The charm of money magic

There is a crisis in the country, and everyone begins to complain about the lack of money, the need to save on necessary purchases, and other “troubles”. A conspiracy for good luck with money will help you quickly and easily cope with temporary financial difficulties, get an important result for you in the shortest possible time. To perform magic, you need a golden gold piece. A new coin must be picked up and placed between the palms. After that, raise your hands to your lips (as you do during prayer) and you need to read the secret words that activate monetary luck:

“I blow off everything that interfered with happiness, and I attract money and good luck!”

After that, take another coin from the wallet, repeat the words. Then take another coin and say a conspiracy. In total, it is necessary to perform the ceremony 3 times.

After that, you will notice that financial well-being has come to you: new sources of income have appeared, existing incomes have increased, funds have begun to come from the most unusual sources.

Fishing luck spell

Candle girlfriend. Or an effective way to attract money and good luck

Fire is considered one of the strongest energy products. It allows you to restore health, bring good luck to the house, improve relations with your loved one, establish friendships, get new business connections, meet talented people and perform a number of other activities. To get the result, play with the shades of the candle:

  • A lit green candle attracts money into the house.
  • Yellow helps to improve shaky health and restore youth.
  • Blue is perfect for eliminating your enemies and making your dreams come true.
  • A purple candle is just right for those cases when you need to make a leap in spiritual development.
  • Red will give a boring life new shades of passion and love.
  • White has tremendous energy, gives you the strength to complete an important matter, when all your strength has long been running out.

It is not necessary to know who makes an amulet of good luck or a bracelet in Chelyabinsk, because every woman is a born fortuneteller, but how to read a verse and a prayer is as clear as the consequences on Wednesdays, and on Wednesday it is best to do love, prosperity, success on the health of a loved one , and profit. This approach is considered the right solution to various problems, and the article offers options that have been tested in practice, so they should be used carefully.

A pin can be used in the variant of the female share, for protection, for signs of the zodiac or to take away good luck, it will help the treasure hunter to money, for merchant luck it is done or victory in a competition, lottery, and also good luck in a career, love affairs and beauty do so.

Read at home a plot for good luck white magic

On the growing moon, put a few coins under the rug at the threshold and say three times:
“I put silver coins, and I’ll take gold!”

Strong conspiracies and rituals for good luck in business, successful trading

Put a coin received from the first buyer under the plate on which change is placed and say: “Money to money!”

Conspiracy or prayer for good luck and prosperity

Say standing on the threshold of your house on the growing moon and wide open the front door:
"I open the doors
I drive away evil and sickness,
but I bring goodness and health.
To be my house a full bowl!”

Simple conspiracies and prayers for good luck and wealth

The simplest and most effective prayer for good luck and wealth is the Our Father prayer. You need to read it "from the heart", thinking it over and believing every word, only then it will not become an empty pastime, but will have a beneficial effect on your life.

An effective conspiracy for money from Vanga for water, raising money from the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova

Even the most powerful and effective conspiracies will become a mere shaking of the air if the one who pronounces the right words is not sincerely sure of the result of their action. Therefore, before you begin to study the conspiracy, listen to your inner voice, whether the words of the ritual will find a response in your soul. Perhaps for you more understandable, and therefore effective, will be the words of the conspiracy not of the famous Vanga or Natalya Stepanova, but the advice of the "grandmother" healer who lives nearby or found on the Internet.

Conspiracies, prayers, rituals for luck in everything, in life, in studies, in court, in business

A universal conspiracy, as they say "for all occasions" does not exist. You can feel the support of God in your life by reading the prayer “Our Father”. But this should be done not only when it “bakes”, begging the Creator for another mercy, but constantly and sincerely.

A strong conspiracy for good luck in work, trade, at a new job, job search, when you get a job, find a successful one and get a job

When crossing the threshold of the building where your proposed or current workplace is located, you should say:
“Your hut, oven and rude,
and my top will be!

An exact plot for good luck in love, relationships

Ignite, Most Holy Theotokos, hearts (say your names) with the spirit of love and harmony. Let us know and find family happiness, for as the Lord said, "it is not good for a man to be alone."

A conspiracy for good luck in life on the full moon, on your birthday, by date of birth, by horoscope

Guardian angel!
Protect me from evil forces
a dashing eye, an abusive word, an unfaithful friend!
May grace and joy descend upon me,
health and youth. Amen!"

A conspiracy for good luck selling land, when selling property, housing

How I loved you (land, housing or property for sale),
so the new owner will love you!
Look to him for joy
and to me in income, as gratitude for the care.
So be it! Amen.

Quick spell for good luck on a pin

Pin a pin in an inconspicuous place, saying:
"Protect, pin,
from the evil eye
and other infections.

A conspiracy for great luck to a loved one, brother, for yourself, husband, son, another person, daughter daily

As the sun has risen and will rise,
so luck will come to (name).
As he (a) wants, so be it!
Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy for good luck in the new year, for the old new year, christmas

Guardian angel, yes the whole heavenly army,
Send me grace.
Give protection
from big water
yes, serious misfortune
from a dashing eye
yes, in vain.
My angel,
be with me!

good luck spell for muslims

Faithful Muslims, in order to protect themselves from the intrigues of the shaitan, after the evening prayer, read the suras of Al-Baqara.
It is also believed that if, like the Prophet Muhammad, eat 7 dates on an empty stomach, then this will serve as protection from evil and bring good luck.

Conspiracy for good luck in the exam, test

On the day of the exam, you need to wash your hair and say:
“As my head is clear, so are my thoughts clear.
I will give correct answers to the questions asked.
Abracadabra. Abracadabra. Abracadabra."

A strong conspiracy for good luck in family, personal life, for life and fulfillment of desires

Come to (your name) whatever you need!
Not today, then tomorrow
Not tomorrow, so the day after tomorrow!
May it be so from this day and forever. Amen.

Spell for good luck on the mirror, in front of the mirror

Take it, mirror
sad to be happy.
Take back all that's gone
and give me what I sighed.

A conspiracy for good luck in a conceived business

Throw a handful of bread crumbs to the birds with the words:
“How I shared bread with you, birds,
so you help me to make my plan come true.

Plot for good luck on the castle

Buy a new padlock. Whisper your wish into the keyhole and lock the lock with the key. Keep the key with you, and hide the lock until all your plans are fulfilled.

Good luck spell on the ring

Putting a ring on your finger in the morning, say:
“Like a ring is round, so let luck spin around me
falls into my hands and does not leave all day.

Spell for Instant Luck

Take a nickel. Throw it up and catch it. Without opening your palm, say:
“Though tails, even an eagle,
my luck is always with me.
Put a coin in your pocket - it will definitely bring good luck.

A person who practices folk magic knows that there are situations when protection is necessary, for example, and the words of the desired conspiracy have flown out of his head. And in general, do you remember all of them? You need to be a true fan to remember thousands of conspiracies, and even at what moments they are supposed to be used. Of course, an ordinary person will not keep such voluminous information in his head.

To provide yourself with magical support, you need to learn just a few universal conspiracies. They are usually short, but quite effective. For example, about the fact that you need to spit in order not to jinx it or knock on wood, most people automatically remember. The same habit can be developed in relation to several small conspiracies. There is little work, but you will attract great strength to your affairs!

Conspiracy for all occasions

“My angel, I believe that she is with me! Lead me with your reliable hand, protect me with your wing, clear the way! Amen!"

These phrases are said when they leave the house, when they are about to start an important business, and when they are afraid of something in the dark. Always! Simple words create incredible protection around a person. Just remember, a conspiracy is not a panacea. If by fate you are supposed to fail or trouble, then they will happen. A conspiracy will help smooth out and minimize losses.

Spell for good luck in life

These are the words spoken to the first star on any given day. It is not necessary to prepare for the ritual. You will see an asterisk, a conspiracy has come to mind, to know it's time to pronounce it. With practice comes understanding and awareness of magic. There is a special feeling. And at first, it is recommended to make it a habit to say several times a month. That is, control yourself until the ritual becomes a habit.

The following words are said to the first star:

“A star lit up in the sky, illuminated my life. You go ahead of me, in the dark night and in broad daylight. Light the way, welcome good luck! Amen!"

Conspiracy for good luck in personal life

Do you often go to work, to the store, to go for a walk? So any walk can be used and good luck. You just need to get out on the "high road". That is, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced in a place where a road opens before you, stretching into the distance, without turns. Stop for a moment, look into the distance and whisper:

“The way of the Lord is not given to us to understand. I will wait and believe that the Lord will measure my happiness! Amen!"

If you do not forget and say these words more often, then you yourself will begin to change inside. After all, personal life is not a grumpy old woman with an impossible character. You don't have to negotiate with her or ask for anything. It will work itself out as soon as you are ready for it. And this simple conspiracy will help to remove all obstacles, begin to radiate attractiveness and positive.

Conspiracy for a happy life

There is such a simple ritual that everyone is recommended to remember and use. After all, it’s good when there are happy and satisfied people around? Everyone loves it. When you see a red flower somewhere, then remember a simple plot. It can be read on living roses or painted ones. Even on jewelry or accessories stylized as flowers. The main thing is that they are red.

Look at the selected magical attribute. Imagine how a ray goes from it to your groin and say:

“Three angels above your head, they collect happiness, they water me with it! Let them fly, they won’t go astray, let them shine, so that I don’t turn away from happiness and joy, so that there are no enemies and filth in my life. Amen!"

Conspiracy for a rich life

People sometimes try to pick up a ritual more serious, so that they can definitely make millions once, then row with a shovel. Do you believe that this happens? In this case, karma exists, limiting opportunities and giving chances. After all, it is important not to call manna from heaven on your head, but to create such conditions when you begin to receive exactly what you are supposed to. For this, it is not necessary to go to monasteries or serve black masses.

There is a simple ritual that is carried out literally every day, or as often as you want. Do you go to the store? There, when paying, say a few words. This will not complicate your life, but it will open the way for money. When you begin to give money, mentally say:

“I don’t give up, but I thank!”

And you will take change, say this:

“All mine remains for me, multiplies and increases!”

You yourself will not notice how your well-being will increase significantly.

Conspiracy for a happy family life

"Father brownie! We are friendly with you! I like you, I like chocolate for you! Let the family bloom and please, and you protect the house and protect love! Just do not forget to really thank Domovoy, do not deceive. In the evening, before going to bed, put a candy in a dark corner (behind the sofa or behind the closet) with the words: “Do not disdain, sovereign Boss!”

And you will find a candy that the brownie did not eat, take it to the yard and give it to the dog. Just make sure that the cat or (God forbid) the child does not get a treat. This is bad. The brownie will take revenge and make scandals for you.

Conspiracy for a bad life

This ritual is not recommended. The fact is that wishing someone evil, you "exceed your authority", as they would now say. That is, take on the role of the Lord. Are you up to it? Think well. Will you bend under such a weight? Will responsibility weigh on you? Do you think that you can overcome everything? Then here are the words of the conspiracy.

They are pronounced in the back of the person who is wished a bad life. This conspiracy works like a corruption. It is difficult to remove it, as it is difficult to figure out where it came from. Speak like this:

"Black crow on your side. Let the liver peck, does not allow to live. Let it cover your eyes, but invite trouble!

After that, spit after the person.

Be sure to immediately turn away and mentally say:

“What was said has stuck, it has come off me! Any trouble past me to the grave! Amen!"

It's all kind of protection. So it won’t come to you if you turn out to be weaker than the one whose life you decided to ruin. Just think many times about whether it is necessary to do this with a person? Maybe let the Lord punish him?

A ritual for good luck can help when the life situation does not add up. When a person is unlucky, he will constantly meet problems on the path of life. And for those who are lucky, they achieve what they want.

In the article:

There are rituals to attract good luck, which is allowed to be done at least every day for luck in any business. Many people don't even think about the importance of luck.

Eat fresh vegetables for breakfast - recite the following spell when you peel a carrot, cucumber or other vegetable:

Kind (the name of a vegetable, for example, garlic), avert any ailment, avert adversity, give more happiness

Eat the vegetable completely after reading the plot.

Before breakfast is the right time for some luck magic. Eggs are the first meal of the day. Do not throw away the shell, and when you eat the egg, hit the shell with a spoon and say:

How many small parts, so many good days for me!

Habitual sandwiches will also help in attracting good luck. Make bread with butter or other "spread" and draw a cross on it with any cutlery. Top it with green onion feathers or other vegetables. Do not use meat for such purposes; sausage and cutlets are not suitable for slandering luck. Focus on goals and desires. Say a spell:

Let the cross open the way for you to fulfill your desire, to visit your guests and always be happy!

And then just eat a good luck sandwich.

To pronounce the following conspiracy when you leave the house - it will help you choose safe roads and meet positive people. Put your left hand on the door before leaving the apartment and say:

Father Lord! God's servant (name) from the blues and misfortune, from lightness and vanity, from the misfortune of a fierce and evil person, save! Where happiness leads me! Amen.

Then go on business. But remember, you can't turn around. It is undesirable to return when you forgot what. I had to return - repeat this simple ritual for luck.

There is a plot that is read every day after waking up when you are lying in bed. He calls for good luck and happiness, works as a protection against unpleasant incidents - theft and accidents. Text:

There is salt, Easter and bread in the house! Give me, guardian angel, a shield from all troubles! Do not let anger in your heart, turn the day into a happy one! Amen. Amen. Amen.

Repeat the words three times.

Morning ritual from Vanga for good luck

The time for gaining good luck is morning, sunrise. Take a cup or glass, pour water into the dish and say to it three times:

Voditsa-voditsa, you let me drink, you let me wash.
So give me, Voditsa, three drops of luck, five drops of luck, and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness.
I close it with a key, wash it with water, according to my word, let everything come true.

After reading the slander, drink water. There are separate .

Knot magic for luck

You will need a brown leather cord. Tie three knots evenly spaced.

When doing the first, say:

So that luck be with me in my deeds and thoughts!

On the second:

So that this is always true and my word is true!

And on the third:

So that the wrong, but the obvious, cannot bring down my luck from me! This will be so!

Put the cord in your wallet or pocket and carry it with you, secretly from other people.

It is carried out on a sunny morning, on an empty stomach. Take a coin of 5 kopecks in your left hand and substitute the rays of the sun and read the plot. Say three times, first in a whisper, then louder and louder for the last time:

There are three dawns. One - clear, red - burns with light, silver with dawn. The second - golden, pure - glows like a stream, warms the soul with warmth, comforts with happiness, like gold. The third dawn is dark, like black water, like a cold night. Let the three dawns converge in a stream, cross into the cold with warmth, go into fire, turn into luck.

The charmed coin is kept throughout life as a talisman for good luck and luck. She will take away from trouble, save the hearth and help in solving problems.

This ritual repels envy, anger and failure and fills the living space with positive energy, which has a positive effect on luck and other aspects of life.

The ceremony is performed on Tuesday before sunrise and facing east. Light three white candles and read the plot seven times:

In the house, the cat caught the mouse, basked, and went to bed.
Another demon lived there, driving away all evil spirits.
In this tower-house the red-haired girl lives,
The servant of God (name) is called by the people.
A girl needs to put on a dress, but go for a walk among people.
That sundress is not simple - as if poured by the sun.
As she goes to the people, a ray will shine from the gate.
He will hold the girl red, does not allow evil to happen.
Let where there is joy and light, the girl will walk
And her holy outfit will drive away everything.
Let it flow like water, but it will fence it off from troubles,
Together with heaven and earth, she will bless her luck.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Extinguish the used candles and use for this ceremony. Repeat it once a week, on Tuesdays. In the text of the plot, we are talking about an outfit made of light. When you read, imagine it on yourself - it repels everything negative.

To bring luck to the house, you need a stone. Take either an ordinary stone that you found during your vacation, or a semi-precious one that you buy for this purpose. In the latter case, the effect of the rite will be better.

Rinse in running water and fumigate with vervain smoke (purchased at a pharmacy). During these processes, repeat:

May good luck come to me, and adversity - disappear away!

Put the stone in the bottom of the sugar bowl you are using. Do not forget that sugar is constantly present in it.

What to do if luck turns away from you?

You can attract luck, but you can. When similar problems are constantly repeated, a black streak has come in life, perform one of the rites to get rid of bad luck. Such rituals are held for seven or thirteen days.

For the ritual of failures, consecrated candles will be required - twenty-one pieces. Choose ones that burn out quickly. The action begins on Friday at, before sunrise. Light three candles and read the plot six times:

If you are gray-haired with gray hair, the last of the extremes, burn, settle down, decayed misfortune, devastation, poverty, bad luck from my body and from enchanting work. Amine.

You can not leave the room when the flame is burning. Therefore, fast-burning candles are needed. Repeat these steps for five more days. On the seventh, Thursday, light the candles at the same time, but don't say anything. Contemplate the flame of the candles and imagine what will happen when the failures go away until the candles burn out completely.