Holidays and events in Cyprus. Orthodox and secular holidays in Cyprus: what and how do Cypriots celebrate the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord in Cyprus

October pleases guests and residents of the island not only with amazing weather and warm sea, but also with various holidays and festivals.

Holidays in Cyprus in October

AT first day of October Cyprus celebrates Independence Day of Cyprus. In 1960, the island, which had been under the rule of various rulers and states for many centuries, finally gained its long-awaited independence. Cyprus Independence Day is a public holiday, marked by a variety of festive events. Parades and festive processions are held in the capital of the island of Nicosia.

28 of October is another public holiday in Cyprus. Ohi Day is a public holiday in Greece and Cyprus, which is celebrated in memory of the rejection of the ultimatum presented by Italy during the Second World War. On October 28, 1940, Italy demanded from Greece the opportunity to send troops through its territory, but in response they received a decisive "no" or "ooh". On this day, all the streets of the island are decorated with national flags and mass celebrations are held all day long.

Festivals in Cyprus in October

The number of festivals in Cyprus in October may not be as varied as between May and the end of September, but some of them are definitely worth a visit.

In early October, the grape festival continues to be held in the villages.

In late September - early October, wine festivals are held in several villages in Cyprus. Wine villages organize a variety of events dedicated to wine and its processing. Guests grape festival have the opportunity to watch the production of shushukos and paluze, to taste delicacies made from grapes. The festival program also includes competitions, games, folk music, tasting of new vintage wines and entertainment shows.

Visitors can learn about the traditions of Cyprus, visit churches and other village attractions. In 2015, the festival was held in villages such as Vasa, Lofou, Arsos, Kilani and Vouni.

apple festival is held annually in the village of Kyperunda in the first ten days of October. The richest fruit and vegetable market is organized here with a magnificent assortment of fresh seasonal apples, as well as products and delicacies from seasonal fruits, fresh apple juice, apple pie, apple cider vinegar, etc.

During the festival, an apple exhibition is organized, which will present all varieties of apples growing in Cyprus, competitions for the best apple pie are held, traditional music and entertainment shows are held.

Guests can also take a walk in the village and see the local churches and sights.

A weekend in Cyprus is a vacation on an island that, according to legend, is the birthplace of Aphrodite, the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty, and has something to offer every tourist. There are an abundance of superb beaches, beautiful villages surrounded by vineyards, towns with museums, galleries, spas and restaurants, amazing dive sites, mountain hikes and walks around archaeological sites.

At the offices of our travel company, our specialists will help you find the best weekend tour to Cyprus, which will enchant you with a rich mixture of traditions, cuisine and music, shaped by its unique geographical location at the confluence of Asia and the Middle East. The main city of the seductive island - Nicosia is the world's only divided capital of two states at once. This modern metropolis is not only home to government and financial institutions, it also has an Old Center with Venetian houses and a New Town with wide boulevards, museums, designer shops and stylish cafes.

Tours to Cyprus for the weekend provide an opportunity to swim and sunbathe on the well-maintained beaches of the Mediterranean Sea. The Larnaca resort is ideal for families with children, the cosmopolitan Limassol is equally adored by young people and respectable public. It is famous not only for its sandy beaches, but also for the ancient city of Kourion, built after the Trojan War. And the elite resort of Paphos, along with its medieval castles and Greco-Roman mosaics, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In the Troodos mountains you can ski in winter, and in summer the coolness of the forests that cover the mountain slopes will be a great refuge from the heat. In addition, there is a wine-making center here, where Mavro and Xynisteri grapes are grown, from which the famous Kumadaria dessert wine is made, which has a rich aroma, taste and history.

A trip to Cyprus for the weekend will bring pleasure not only to a beach holiday and visiting historical monuments, but also great shopping. You can buy traditional local handmade lace, woven curtains and tablecloths, as well as gold and silver jewelry with handmade filigree as a keepsake.

In addition to many state and religious ones, each city and even village holds its own holidays, carnivals and festivals on certain days of the year. The inhabitants of Cyprus carefully keep their traditions - most of the holidays on the island have been celebrated for more than one century.

The holiday calendar of Cyprus has many days off. During public holidays, life on the island changes its pace. Mostly all banks, services and shops are closed on holidays. The exception is small shops in tourist areas. Cypriots relax, invite guests and have fun, forgetting about everyday problems.

Public holidays and weekends in Cyprus:

New Year / New Years Day

The celebration begins on New Year's Eve with the preparation of the traditional Vasilopitta pie, in which a coin is baked. The head of the family cuts this cake in the presence of all family members. The one who finds a coin in his piece will be the luckiest in the coming year.

The Baptism of the Lord (Theophany, the day of St. Epiphany, or Fota) / Epiphany Day

One of the most important religious holidays of the Greek Orthodox Church. On this day, Christ was baptized in the Jordan River, symbolizing the spiritual rebirth of man. Another name for the holiday - the Day of the Three Wise Men - takes place with the illumination of water in temples. In the towns on the coast, at the end of mass, the festive procession goes to the sea, where the priest lowers the cross into the water, and the participants of the holiday dive after it, which symbolizes the ritual of purification.

Green (clean) Monday / Green Monday

floating date
The holiday is celebrated 50 days before Easter and serves as the beginning of Lent. Cypriots spend this day with family and friends: they have picnics and feasts, fly kites into the sky and play outdoor games

Greek Independence Day (national liberation revolution of 1821 against the Turks) / Greek Independence Day

Cypriots honor their close connection with Greek culture and history, and therefore the holiday is celebrated in Cyprus along with Greece. On this day there are parades of students, scouts and other organizations. Throughout Cyprus, various competitions and events are held in honor of the holiday.

Cyprus National Day

April 1
The day of the beginning of the national liberation struggle against the British colonialists in 1955.

Good Friday (Greek Orthodox Church)

floating date

Friday of Holy Week which is dedicated to the memory of the condemnation to death, suffering on the cross and the death of Jesus Christ, as well as the removal from the cross of his body and burial.

Holy Saturday / Holy Saturday

floating date

Saturday before Easter

Holy Easter

floating date
The most important Orthodox holiday in Cyprus, which ends Great Lent. By tradition, for Easter they bake a flauna cheese pie, paint eggs. On the eve of the holiday, believers go to temples for worship.

Easter Monday / Easter Monday (Greek Orthodox Church)

floating date

Monday after Easter

Easter Tuesday (Greek Orthodox Church)

floating date

International Labor Day / Labor Day

1st of May
As in other countries, on this day there are demonstrations of workers, and after the official part - folk festivals, fun, concerts.

Cataclysmos (Pentecost, Water Festival) / Сataclysmos

floating date
The holiday is associated with the memory of the Flood and the salvation of Noah. Cataclysmos takes place in all cities of Cyprus on a large scale. Folklore performances, games, songs and dances take place one after another. In the coastal cities there is a big fair, competitions in sea sports (traditional regatta), holiday swims with prizes for the winners.

In the evening, the cities are immersed in the bright light of fireworks. People go to exhibitions and concerts.
Assumption Day

August 15
On this day, festive services are held in the monasteries of the island. For Cypriots, this period is the peak of holidays, many prefer to spend their holidays in August, and on the holiday itself they take part in the celebrations. On the night of August 15, a religious procession is arranged, the shroud of the Most Holy Theotokos is taken out.

Cyprus Independence Day

October 1
The holiday is celebrated throughout the country on a grand scale, a military parade is held at the Presidential Palace in the capital of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicosia. Mass festivities, concert programs continue until late at night.

"Oh" day

28 of October
Commemoration of the resistance of the Greeks and Cypriots in 1940 to the ultimatum presented by Italy to the Greek dictator Ioannis Metaxas. The Greek word "όχι" means "no": with this nationwide protest, Greece refused to capitulate. The memory of the rebuff given to the fascist troops is honored both in Greece and in Cyprus.

Christmas / Christmas Day

December 25
In Cyprus, Christmas is celebrated before the New Year. As in other countries, in Cypriot traditions, it is customary to carefully prepare for this day: in the special atmosphere of the holiday
cities and villages sink, holiday shopping is done, gifts are chosen for relatives and friends. In the homes of Cypriots, a generous table is laid, on which there must certainly be meat dishes, a Christmas cake, and sweets.

Christmas time (Boxing Day, Day of the Kik Icon of the Mother of God) / Boxing Day

December 26
The next 12 days from Christmas to the Baptism of the Lord - that is, the holy days, consecrated by the coming of the Savior into the world

Please note that holidays that fall on weekends do not roll over to the next weekday.

In addition to the main ones, Cypriots celebrate about 40 more holidays a year. The most popular among them:

  • Aphrodite Festival in Paphos - an annual classical music festival dedicated to the Goddess of Love Aphrodite
  • Anfestiria is an annual festival of flowers that pays tribute to the extraordinary riches of the island's nature. This is a day to celebrate the arrival of spring with enchanting carnivals and processions.
  • Wine Festival in Limassol is a celebration dedicated to the god of winemaking - Dionysus. During the festival, many wine producers treat guests with their drinks for free.
  • Limassol carnival - takes place in early spring and lasts ten days. This bright and colorful event attracts guests from all over the world.
  • The Larnaca Music Festival is an interesting event that takes place in the city's amphitheater. And also in a theater located in a medieval fort. This festival is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the music and dances of Cyprus. In addition, performances of ancient Greek and modern plays take place during the festival.

Some holidays celebrated in Cyprus are also celebrated in other countries of the world. However, there are also unique ones for the Mediterranean island. Holidays celebrated by any nation can tell a lot about its culture and character. Therefore, those who want to get to know Cyprus as much as possible should visit it during the national holidays!

Cyprus is an island of love and beauty, as well as interesting traditions that have been preserved since ancient times. And all the charm of legends and stories, of course, appears in the holidays of this state. If you are planning a trip to the island, then combine it with one of the Cypriot events - this will help you get to know the Cypriots better and soak up the atmosphere of exotic and ancient Cyprus.

Winter Events In Cyprus

December 25

Christmas is the most family holiday in Cyprus. Pork dishes and the local sweet delicacy christokulura are sure to be on the table. They try to celebrate the Christmas holiday in new clothes or put on at least one unworn element. Faithful Cypriots on Christmas go to the evening service in the church and then gather at the festive table. And in some villages, ancient traditions are still alive: do not lock the door on Christmas night, but leave a cake in the attic - a treat to appease the spirits.

January 1st

Like many other states, the Republic of Cyprus celebrates the New Year on the night of January 1st. At this time, music is booming everywhere, fireworks are flickering, and all people, young and old, are dancing. On the table is a steaming New Year's vasilopita cake, inside of which there is a surprise. On this holiday, St. Basil is revered - he is an analogue of our Santa Claus. They prepare treats for him and await his magical visit with gifts.

January 24

Memorial Day of St. Neophyte. The island even has a historical landmark associated with this person - a monastery. In Cyprus, St. Neophyte is greatly revered and on this feast they make a solemn procession to the cave where, according to legend, he lived.

Spring Events In Cyprus

March 11th

Green Monday. This day marks the start of Lent, when every Cypriot family cleans their house and then has a festive picnic or dinner.

April 1

The national holiday of Cyprus is a tribute to the events that are associated with the liberation struggle against the British colonizers. This is the day of freedom, unity and patriotism of the Cypriot people.

26 April

Good Friday. The government makes sure that believers can carefully prepare for Easter, and therefore this day is a day off in Cyprus. On Friday afternoon, Cypriots cook lentil soup with vinegar, all members of believing families spend time in prayer and fasting. Emotions are moderate, but everyone is in anticipation of great joy - the day of the resurrection of Christ.

April 28

Easter is the most important holiday for Orthodox Cypriots. On the night before Easter, a church service is held, and in the morning celebrations are held, where boiled eggs and Easter cakes are always present on the tables. At this time, a lot of fresh herbs are already growing in Cyprus, so feasts always include a variety of local vegetables.

May 01

Labor Day. This is the time for rallies and demonstrations of workers, as well as various entertainment events, concerts and shows. Live music sounds everywhere, and Cypriots weave and put on wreaths with wild herbs, garlic and wildflowers.

May 06

Anfestiria (flower day) is the most tender and beautiful holiday in Cyprus. This is a way to honor the island's incredible natural beauty. Flower fairs are held in Cyprus, everyone gives each other bouquets. The streets are filled with daisies, alpine violets, anemones, gladioli and wild tulips.

Summer events In Cyprus

June 16

Trinity Feast. This event for believers in Cyprus begins with a morning service in the church and is accompanied by prayers.

August 15

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a day off and a time when it seems that all Cypriots are getting a little kinder. On the night before the holiday, believers make a procession, which is accompanied by the removal of the shroud of the Most Holy Theotokos, and in the morning they go to the solemn service in the temple.

August 30

Wine Festival in Limassol. This is one of the most famous and beloved by travelers Cypriot events, which is a must-see for wine lovers, because this fair brings together the products of wineries from all over the island in one place. The festival is imbued with the spirit of Cyprus, there are a lot of national attributes and local folklore: the bouzouka (national stringed instrument) sounds, craftsmen sing folk songs and dance Cypriot dances. Various competitions are held at the wine fair and guests are fed with national dishes.

Autumn Events In Cyprus

September 14

The Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord is an event that is very significant in Cyprus. On this day, Orthodox Cypriots go to serve in the temple, pray for relatives and friends. During the celebration, the island becomes a gathering place for pilgrims visiting shrines.

October 01

Independence Day of the Republic of Cyprus. This date is celebrated by the Cypriots on a very large scale! Throughout its existence, the island, which has a good strategic position, constantly fell under the possession of one or another country. But the national liberation struggle in 1960 finally led to the fact that Cyprus became a sovereign state. On Independence Day, parades are held on the island, and delicious treats are prepared in the houses and friends and relatives are invited to the feast. Mass festivities on the city streets last until the very night.

28 of October

Ohh Day. This event is connected with the Second World War, when Cyprus rejected Italy's ultimatum of neutrality in military operations and thus became part of the fight against the fascist invaders. This is the day of parades, demonstrations and festivities in Cyprus. Flags of the country are hung on administrative buildings.

For those who are going to spend their holidays in Cyprus, it will be useful to navigate the holidays celebrated by the inhabitants of the island. Among them are secular (New Year, Labor Day), religious (Christmas, Easter and others), as well as native Cypriot ones (Kataklysmos, Cyprus Independence Day and some others). Some traditions, historical events or legends, special dishes are associated with each of the holidays, and some of them, for example, the famous Limassol Carnival, gather lovers of colorful entertainment from all over the world.

New Year

On January 1, in Cyprus, as in many other countries of the world, the New Year begins. This holiday is celebrated on the island on a smaller scale than the previous Christmas, but, nevertheless, in every major city you can see New Year's decorations and garlands, as well as dance and take part in winter games and competitions that are held on the street.

Gifts for children are brought by Agios Vasilis - the local Santa Claus, for whom a traditional Vasilopta pie is left under the tree, inside which a coin is hidden, and sometimes a glass of wine.

Feast of the Epiphany

The Feast of the Epiphany is the final in the series "Christmas - New Year - Epiphany" and the last day off of the Christmas holidays. On January 6, it is customary to perform the sacrament of consecration of water, accompanied by solemn hymns and immersion of the cross in water (Cypriots bring holy water from churches on the eve of the holiday to sprinkle their own homes).

One of the traditions associated with the feast of the Epiphany instructs young people to dive into the water and try to catch up with the cross, which the priests throw into the reservoirs from the shore. It is customary to think that the one who first swims to the cross will receive a special blessing for the whole next year.

Street festivities, dances, songs, contests, gifts and visits are also an integral part of the holiday.

Also on this day in Cyprus, Saint Epiphanius or "Phota" is remembered, who was at the head of the Cypriot Church from 386 to 403.

Day of the Kikk Icon of the Mother of God

This is an Orthodox holiday, which is celebrated in Cyprus on January 8 (there is no public holiday on this day).

There is a tradition according to which the icon was painted by Luke himself. The icon stored in the Kykksky Monastery is closed from the eyes of people by a cover, under which even the monks do not dare to look.

Saint Neophyte's Day

Every year on January 24, Cypriots make a solemn procession to the cave of St. Neophyte the Recluse, on the site of which a monastery was founded. January 24 is the only day of the year when a service is performed in the cave temple.

St. Neophyte's Day is not a public holiday in Cyprus.

Grand Limassol Carnival

A colorful and fun carnival is held annually in Limassol and other coastal cities of Cyprus in early spring. The carnival in Limassol - the largest on the island - lasts 10 days, during which residents and guests of the city can take part in costume parades, dance and music events, as well as visit exhibitions and other cultural events. You can learn more about the history of the festival and the program in 2017 in our.

Green Monday

Green (or Clean) Monday is the first day of the fifty-day Great Lent, which in Cyprus is customary to begin with a general cleaning of the house. After cleaning, the Cypriots with the whole family go on a picnic in the countryside.

Greek National Day in Cyprus (Greek Independence Day)

Greek Independence Day (state holiday) is celebrated on March 25, when the Cypriots remember the heroes of the Revolution of 1821-1829, which resulted in the liberation from the rule of the Ottoman Empire and the proclamation of Greece as an independent state.

On Greek Independence Day, Cyprus hosts various sports and cultural events, processions and festive celebrations in city squares.

Cyprus National Day

The national holiday of Cyprus falls on April 1st. On this day in 1955, a national liberation struggle began on the island against the British colonialists, which a few years later ended in obtaining autonomy. Archbishop Makarios became the President of the proclaimed Independent Republic.

Lazarus Saturday

Lazarus Saturday is the last Saturday before Holy Week, when in Cyprus they remember the Day of the resurrection of St. Lazarus by the Savior. On this day, it is customary to create decorations from gladioli and yellow daisies.


Easter is the most important and long-awaited event for Orthodox Cypriots, the date of which is calculated according to the lunisolar calendar, and therefore changes from year to year. There are many traditions, legends and special dishes associated with this holiday on the island, more about which you can read in our How Easter is celebrated in Cyprus.

Labor Day

Spring and Labor Day in Cyprus is celebrated on May 1st. In addition to songs, dances and other attributes of the holiday, on this day, the inhabitants of the island traditionally take part in demonstrations and rallies aimed at improving working conditions.

Anfestiria is a celebration of flowers, when large-scale flower fairs are held throughout the island, and a carnival is held in Paphos, Limassol and Larnaca: platforms decorated with various colors with elegant Cypriots pass along the main streets of the cities, musical and dance events and concerts are organized for residents and guests of the city .

Traditionally Anfestiria is held on one of the Sundays in May. Historically, the tradition of the flower carnival dates back to the cult of Dionysus, the god of theatrical art and winemaking.

The flower festival is especially important for Cypriots because there are relatively few garden flowers on the island - even for important celebrations, bouquets have to be ordered in advance, as they are often brought from abroad. However, it is customary to give flowers during Anthestiria without any reason.

Kataklysmos is a holiday of water and a day when Cypriots remember the Flood. The day of Cataclysmos coincides with the Feast of the Holy Trinity, which is counted from Easter and falls on June 19 in 2016.

In ancient times, the celebration of the day of water was dedicated to Adonis and Aphrodite and was carried out on a large scale: various sports competitions were held on the coast of the sea or river.

In part, this tradition has been preserved to this day: sailing regattas and swimmers' competitions are invariably held in the coastal cities of Cyprus on the day of the Cataclysmos. In addition, folklore performances are held in Cyprus on this day, music is heard everywhere on the streets, people dance and take part in competitions and carnival processions. The holiday ends with traditional fireworks.

It is noteworthy that Kataklysmos is celebrated only by Cypriots.

Beer Festival in Limassol

The annual Limassol Beer Festival is held in the very heat, in the second half of July (the date of the holiday in 2016 is July 15). The festival lasts three days, during which Limassol hosts performances by musicians and DJs invited from all over the world (concerts are usually held in the open air), as well as a “beer” costumed carnival.

The festival is popular among foreigners, who are given the opportunity to enjoy good weather, learn new music and taste dozens of beers for several days in a row.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on August 15 and is a public holiday and a day off in Cyprus. On the night of the Assumption, a solemn procession of the Cross is held annually, and monasteries dedicated to the Virgin Mary hold a festive service. Most Cypriots on this day tend to get to the monastery of Kykkos.

Church traditions say that the Virgin Mary lived in the house of John the Evangelist in Jerusalem and was a consolation and joy for believers. Three days before her death, Mary met the Archangel Gabriel, who gave her a branch of paradise as a sign of the upcoming ascension, and on the very day of the Assumption, Christ descended to the Mother of God surrounded by angels.

On the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Cyprus, it is customary to decorate icons with flowers, as well as to be kinder and more attentive to loved ones.

Wine Festival in Limassol

The Wine Festival is usually held at the end of August, in 2016 on the 26th. This holiday, which lasts for 10 days, is dedicated to the most famous drink in Cyprus, which has been made on the island for many centuries according to secrets passed down from generation to generation.

During the festival, the city hosts tastings of Cypriot wines (almost every evening you can try wine for several hours for free), concerts and performances by magicians. In addition, festival participants can take part in the preparation of wine themselves, trampling fresh grapes with their feet in special vats, and enjoy the sound of bouzouki melodies.

The festival takes place in the municipal city park of Limassol, the entrance to it is paid.

Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Cyprus

The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Cyprus is celebrated on September 14th. The history of the origin of the holiday refers to the life of Queen Elena and her attempts to find in Jerusalem the very cross on which Christ was crucified. After a long search, the queen found the cross and went with it to Constantinople, but a storm caught her on the way, and the ship was forced to land on the shores of Cyprus. There, Elena had a vision and a sign (a luminous pillar of fire in the sky) indicating the place where a church with a particle of the Cross of the Lord should be built (now the Stavrovouni Monastery).

Republic of Cyprus Independence Day

On October 1, Cyprus celebrates Independence Day, the struggle for which ended in 1960. This is a public holiday and a day off, the main event of which is a solemn military parade in Nicosia (beginning at 11 am).

Also on this day, theatrical performances, concerts, circus performances and mass celebrations are held in major cities of Cyprus.

"Oh" Day

Ohi Day is a Greek national holiday celebrated on October 28th. On this day in 1940, Fascist Italy offered Greece to become its ally in the war and give the Italian troops freedom for air maneuvers. In response to this proposal, Mussolini heard the word "ohi", which is translated from Greek as "no." As a result, the Cypriots and Greeks had to take part in hostilities, which ended in the defeat of Mussolini's troops.

Demonstrations, military parades and festivities are held in Cyprus on Ohi Day.


Our story ends with one of the most beloved holidays by both secular and religious Cypriots - Christmas, which comes on the island on December 25th. You can find out how Christmas is celebrated in Cyprus in our detailed.