Congratulations on the children's matinee. Scenario of the New Year's party “Magical New Year. Options for the best congratulations in your own words and in verses for the New Year for parents

In the heart of every person, a special place is occupied by parents - beloved mom and dad. On the eve of the New 2019 Year of the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar), I would like to beautifully congratulate the closest and dearest on the upcoming holiday, wish good luck, happiness and health. Sincere and touching, funny and funny - we have collected the best New Year's greetings to parents in verse and prose from little daughters and sons, adult children, kindergarten teachers and school teachers.

New Year is the most sincere, kind and family holiday. By tradition, on New Year's Eve, everyone gathers at the festive table, has fun, exchanges congratulations and best wishes. Beautiful New Year's greetings to parents from children in verse and prose from our selection can be learned by heart or given in the form of a postcard. It will also be nice to hear such touching words for mom and dad, grandparents - at the New Year's party in kindergarten.

A selection of beautiful congratulations for parents on the New Year 2019 of the Pig from children

Mom, dad, dear!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
May a wonderful New Year
Will bring you gifts!

I ask only one thing -
Bring health to the house!
They will come to us with health
And prosperity, and comfort,

Let's live and have fun
And everything glows with happiness
It will be joyful around
The house will be a full bowl!

Mom, dear, Happy New Year!

May he be happy for you

May it bring you a lot of health

More happiness and kindness.

To your beautiful smile

Shine every day of the year

To forgive me for mistakes

After all, I love you very much!

Happy New Year my wonderful parents. I wish you a wonderful and happy year in which you will be able to do everything that you have planned. I wish you good health, family comfort and warmth, constant mutual understanding, prosperity and prosperity.

Grandmother and grandfather,
Dear, dear,
I wish you in the New Year
To be healthy.

Let them help you in life
Humor, joy and enthusiasm,
Let the frost draw you
Happiness on glass pattern.

Our dear, beloved, irreplaceable grandmother and grandfather! We are confident that the coming year will definitely be a happy one! And that there are many more happy years ahead of you. The first thing we want to wish you both is health. Be full of strength and optimism! We kiss you hard and love you more than anyone!

The best congratulations to parents - from adult children Happy New Year 2019, video

Childhood flies by unnoticed, daughters and sons grow up and leave their father's house. As adults, it is important not to forget about your parents - to take care, share warmth, and congratulate you on the holidays. The best congratulations to parents on the New Year from adult children will delight and move their beloved mom and dad to tears. The video shows options for beautiful congratulations on the New Year of the Pig (Boar) for parents from their daughter and son - on the upcoming or upcoming holiday.

Options for the best congratulations in your own words and in verses for the New Year for parents

Health, joy and happiness

We wish you a Happy New Year.

So that neither anxiety nor misfortune

They didn't guard at the gate.

So that the sun gently shines

Everything that the heart is waiting for came true

And just to be gratifying

All your life, like this year!

The best gift for moms and dads
With beloved children, life is always inseparable!
We will make a wish in the New Year,
And congratulations to you, dear children!

Let Santa Claus give you gifts under the tree
Will leave in the night when the hugs are frying!
And the New Year will fulfill all desires,
And the heart will fill with joy to the brim!

Daddy! My wonderful man!
On the magical holiday of the New Year,
I wish you to be successful for a whole century,
Knowing the routes of happiness in advance!

Let the smile on your face shine -
Bypassing all the difficulties, hardships!
And it lifts our spirits every day!
Happy New Year Dad!

Happy New Year Mom!
Happy new year, honey!
The most beautiful,
The most beloved!

Good luck, mommy!
new year joys,
Fireworks roar,
Sweet oranges!

Will surely come true
Let your wishes!
No long delay
No reminder!

New Year at your door
Quietly picking up
For you beloved
Mommy is trying!

New Year is a wonderful holiday because today I can say how much I love you. You walk with me all my life, and it's worth a lot. Therefore, I wish you all earthly blessings and long life. Be always surrounded by attention, love, happiness, luck, success. May there always be a lot of strength, hopes, energy, ideas, goals. Happy New Year my loves!

Video with sincere congratulations to parents for the New Year 2019 from adult children

Funny New Year's greetings to parents - from kindergarten teachers

Every year in kindergartens, a traditional New Year's party is held with the invitation of parents, grandparents. Well-dressed guys recite poems, sing, dance, demonstrate their acting talents in festive productions. According to the script, funny funny congratulations on the New Year are heard from the kindergarten teachers - to the parents of little pupils. We offer to learn some funny funny congratulations in verse and prose, which will give the atmosphere of a children's holiday a special touch of humor.

How cool to congratulate parents from kindergarten teachers on the New Year of the Pig

Happy New Year, dear parents of our beloved pranksters. We wish you brave strength, good health, family well-being and vivid imagination, like your children. Be successful and happy, and the joy of your heart will be given to you by our pupils - your wonderful children.

Parents, Happy New Year!
Let you, the kids will be all right.
Let incomes grow rapidly,
And every moment becomes brighter.

As educators, we are pleased to tell you
That your children are the best in the world.
So what else to add, wish?
So that your world is magically bright.

Thank you for your kids
For this super-useful stress!
You do not spare them sweets,
And let diathesis rage:
With wonderful little people
Our kindergarten is invincible!
And moms and dads, we are Happy New Year
We sincerely want to congratulate you!

Accept from educators
On a magical holiday, congratulations,
Let your children give you
Only positivity and inspiration.

We wish you health in the body,
And nerves strong as a rope,
Great happiness and love
Let the children's eyes light up.

Santa Claus came to us
Brought instructions:
Children so as not to be offended,
And loved, pampered!

Didn't get sick, didn't get bored
Yes, they did not notice all the troubles.
Educators in response
They promised, no doubt:

Give all your care
Sincerely love children
Put your whole soul into the business,
And teach them everything!

Congratulations on the New Year
He is still transmitting.
To all parents of success,
Happiness, joy and laughter!

Sincere congratulations on the New Year of the Pig to parents of students - from teachers

On the eve of the New Year of the Pig 2019, many schools will be visited by Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden to have fun with the guys at the traditional matinee. We have collected the most sincere congratulations on the New Year to parents of students - on behalf of all school teachers.

Examples of New Year's greetings from teachers for parents of students

Dear parents of our wonderful students, our hopes and talents, we wish you a Happy New Year. We wish the new year to be kind and calm, happy and successful. May your children delight you with their victories and achievements, may none of us have problems either at school or in life. May the new year bring good health and prosperity.

Great team of parents
I congratulate you all on the New Year!
Let happiness, goodness, positive surround
Let the love of your children warm.

All your students are very, very good,
Let them rest in peace during the holidays.
I congratulate you sincerely and from the bottom of my heart!
I have unlimited respect for all of you.

Parents, Happy New Year to you,
Peace to you and patience,
Let our class be friendly
Have a good mood!

Let the children be obedient
And rejoice more often with success,
Be kind to them
Health and more laughter to you!

Dear Parents,
Happy New Year, cheers!
To raise children
I wish you warmth.

And a little patience
And pleasant victories
Kindness and inspiration -
Here's a good luck secret.

More new discoveries
Every moment, day and hour
Doors to knowledge are open -
For children and for you!

Happy New Year! Let your life become brighter and better, gifts and surprises from a kind grandfather await you and your children. Let happiness come to the house, and luck accompanies in all matters.

So, here you are presented with the most beautiful New Year's greetings to parents in verse and prose - from young children, adult daughters and sons, kindergarten teachers, school teachers. In our collection you will find the best sincere, funny funny words to congratulate mom and dad, grandparents on the upcoming New Year 2019 of the Pig (Boar).

The scenario of the New Year's party "Magic New Year"

The date of the: December 27, 2013

Location: school hall.




Snow Maiden

Father Frost

Cheerful New Year's music sounds, to the applause of their parents, pupils of the mini-center enter the festive hall and sit down in their places.

Leading: Let's start, let's start

Christmas tree holiday! Good time!

There will be fairy tales, there will be dances

And gifts for all of us.

We invited guests here

We got up in a friendly round dance,

So that in this bright room

Celebrate the New Year together!

Leading: Good afternoon, dear friends, dear mothers, fathers, grandparents, and also our dear children! Well, very soon the new year will come - the most beloved, most cheerful, best holiday for everyone! And this means that in these last days of the outgoing year we will have fun, play, dance and rejoice, because the New Year 2014 will bring happiness to all of us in every home, in every heart!

A wonderful winter brought us a holiday,

The green Christmas tree came to the guys.

She was dressed up, toys were hung,

Everyone will have a lot of fun at the Christmas tree!

We give the floor for congratulations to the director _______________

Leading: The New Year is coming - a time of joyful worries.

Time for good news, time for fabulous guests.

Quiet music sounds, the first guest is in a hurry here.

Music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year,

Let the fun come to you!

I wish you happiness, joy

To all children and guests!

I am the granddaughter of Santa Claus

I bring joy to everyone.

I came to you for a holiday

I will invite you all to the fairy tale.

- We will welcome the Snow Maiden, we will meet her with a winter song!

Children sing the song "White Snowflakes".

1White snowflakes are spinning in the morning,
Snowdrifts have grown in the middle of the yard.
The street became brighter from snowflakes,
You just need to dress warmly.
2It is simply impossible not to love winter,
Soon we will sculpt a snow woman.
If on a walk in the snow we fall,
Let's get up, dust ourselves off and go again.
3 They will bring a Christmas tree from the forest to kindergarten,
Santa Claus will congratulate the children on the holiday.
Ten times a week we count the days
To ignite more bright lights.

The guests all came to the holiday,

The tree is here, but here is the question:

Where does our cheerful roam,

Crazy Santa Claus?

The music is playing again

So, someone is in a hurry to us.

Maybe grandpa is coming

And brings us gifts?

Music sounds, the Fox enters the hall and looks around everyone.

Fox: I was in a hurry from the forest to the Christmas tree,

Look at me - how I dressed up!

The fox looks at the tree.

Fox: What kind of tree? Just shame!

Look - toys here and there!

Everything sparkles with lights!

Phew, what a mess!

Snow Maiden: Why did you come to the tree

Kohl herself too painfully evil?

Fox: I'm not bad at all

In vain they repeat among the people.

I even dress up for holidays.

After the latest fashion.

I am the best in the world

Don't be afraid of me, children.

I'll sit here with you

I'll take a look at your holiday!

Snow Maiden: Oh, it hurts me to tears!

Where is Santa Claus?

He should have come a long time ago

Can't find us

Guys, let's shout to Santa Claus "Au, ay"

Children: Ay, ay!

Snow Maiden: No…. We scream weakly. Come on, all together, guys! Let's call him seriously, Let's shout: "Grandfather Frost!"

Children: Santa Claus!

Music sounds, Santa Claus enters the hall.

Father Frost: I finally got there!

Hello my friends!

happy new year, happy new year

Congratulations to all children!

happy new year, happy new year

Congratulations to all guests!

How many faces around friends

How many of my friends are here.

It's good for me here, like at home,

Among the forest trees.

Our Christmas tree lit up -

Here is the beginning of the holiday!

Leading: Santa Claus walked for a long time

Farther road.

Sit by our Christmas tree

Get some rest!

And the guys will show you their numbers!

Children go out and read poems under the Christmas tree.

Under the beautiful Christmas tree

We lead a round dance

A joyful holiday has come to us,

Happy New Year! Victoria

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree

Lit the lights on her

And needles shine on it

And snow on the branches! Yaroslav

Why are we visiting
Tree in bright lights.
Because it's coming to us
Winter holiday New Year. Arseniy

At the Christmas tree

Green needles.

And from top to bottom,

Beautiful toys Ahmed

Bright in the gold of lights

Balls sparkle.

Happy New Year to all guests

Children congratulate. Stas M

The round dance began

The songs are loud.

It means New Year!

It means tree! Sasha

new year, new year,

New Years is soon

Santa Claus, Santa Claus

Will come to visit us. Samira

new year, new year,

New Years is soon

We are about him, we are about him

Let's sing a song! Ksenia

Happy new year, happy new year.
Hello Dedushka Moroz.
He's out of the woods in passing
The Christmas tree has already been brought to us. Alina

The Christmas tree is dressed up for the holiday
It lit up with lights.
How they burn, sparkle,
Everyone is invited to the feast. Julia

Santa Claus, Santa Claus

Santa Claus

Show me, show me

What did you bring us? Azat

We have a happy holiday

Winter has brought

Green tree to us

Came to visit. Eve

Tree, tree, what a marvel!
How beautifully decorated.
Lots of cones, lanterns.
Santa Claus sits under it. Ulyana

Lots of joy today
New Year brought us all
Dancing on New Year's holiday,
Santa Claus is with us. Darina

It's snowing, it's snowing

So it's New Year's Eve!

Santa Claus will come to us

Bring gifts to everyone. Stas G

We are you, elegant,

Let's take it to our circle

funny about you

Let's sing a song. Zhanik

Everyone's New Year

And we have a New Year!

Near the green Christmas tree

Round dance, round dance! Nikita

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Here she is
Slender, beautiful,
Bright, big. margarita

Leading: Santa Claus, but we not only know how to recite poems, but also sing and dance!

Children sing a song: “Festive round dance”

1. White, white in December, in December,

Christmas trees, Christmas trees in the yard, in the yard,

2. Slippery, slippery in December, in December,

Gorochki, gorochki in the yard, in the yard,

Spinning and spinning and singing and singing

Festive, festive round dance, round dance.

3. Voiced, voiced in December, in December.

Songs, songs in the yard, in the yard,

Spinning and spinning and singing and singing

Festive, festive round dance, round dance.

Dance “Waltz of the Snowflakes”

Fox: Well you sang songs, read poems and danced beautifully!

So the evil is gone!

I became kind, and now

I will do a lot of good

For everyone: both adults and children.

How about we play snowballs together?

Game: "Snowballs"

4 people play, 2 boys, 2 girls. Girls collect snowballs and give them to the Snow Maiden, boys collect snowballs and give them to Santa Claus. Whoever collects the most wins!

Children sing the song "Snow-snow"

1. Snow-snow, snow-snow

Creeps along the path

Snow-snow, snow-snow

White blizzard.


Snow-snow, snow-snow,

snow covered paths,

Snow-snow, snow-snow

Melts on the palm.

2. We are warm in the yard,

Ears are not cold.

We roll snow

In a big white ball

3. We will stick snowballs,

Let's play together.

And each other snowballs

Let's have fun!

Father Frost: Now you can light the lights on the Christmas tree.
Presenter: We guys are here to help!
For Santa Claus, repeat the words.
Father Frost: Come on, tree, one-two-three!
Burn with the light of joy!

(The Christmas tree does not light up)

Leading: Something won't light up!
Let's shout together again:
One two Three! Shine Christmas tree!

(Everyone screams. The tree is on fire)

Leading: We have not tried in vain with you,
The tree burst into flames!

Children sing a song: “Little Christmas Tree”

1. Little Christmas tree, cold in winter,

We took a Christmas tree home from the forest,

2. They hung the beads, stood in a round dance,

Have fun, have fun, let's celebrate the new year!

3. How many colored balls are on the Christmas tree,

Pink gingerbread, gold cones.

4. Little Christmas tree, cold in winter,

We took a Christmas tree home from the forest

Children dance the dance jingle Bells »

Father Frost: And now I'm all, friends,
I invite you to the round dance.
To have fun and together
Celebrate the New Year!

Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Father Frost: Before we say goodbye
I must, children, confess to you:
I have a surprise for you!
Where - find out now,
Turn around: one - two - three! -
Take every surprise!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden distribute gifts to the sound of cheerful music.

Father Frost:
Here are some gifts for you guys!
Well, it's time for us to go!
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,
Let the New Year be celebrated together,
Both adults and kids.

Snow Maiden: I wish you success in the New Year!
More cheerful ringing laughter!
Happy new year, congratulations,
Have fun, everyone!

Leading: Thank you all for your attention
For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter.
Now it's time to say goodbye
We say to you: "Goodbye!
Until we meet again!"

Tatyana Frolova
The scenario of the New Year's party for children of the preparatory school group "New Year's greetings"


« New Year's greetings»

In the center of the hall is a decorated Christmas tree; on the walls - the image of snow-covered Christmas trees and animals. In the corner stands the house of the Snow Maiden.

To the music, children enter the hall, stand around the Christmas tree.

Leading. Happy New Year congratulations We wish you happiness with all your heart!

So that you live this year without sorrow and worries.

So that you work with success, and have fun on the holiday.

And good luck in your business, and smiles on your lips!

Leading. Elegant Christmas tree in the hall today,

There will be fun ringing, there will be laughter,

And on a wonderful, big holiday, New Year

Congratulate Happy New Year to all of you!

Christmas tree, children, go around, be sure to find everything.

At the top, as always, is a bright red star.

Children go around the Christmas tree, examine the toys on it.

Leading. The past year is leaving, and hasty time does not wait.

The last calendar leaf has been torn off, the New Year is walking towards us.

1 child. Time has flown by and a year has flown by

But there is no need to be sad, the New Year will come.

2 child. He brings with him joy, the laughter of friends,

Because with them it is better and warmer.

3 child. Today we have fun - we celebrate the new year!

And all who came to us now, cordially congratulations!

4 child. How I love the New Year, an elegant Christmas tree,

We will stand together in a round dance, we will please all the guests.

5 child. A frequent forest, a blizzard field, a winter holiday is coming to us,

So let's say it together...

All. Hello, hello New Year!

round dance "Hello New Year" sit down on chairs.

Leading. On this winter starry evening, the old year goes away.

The New Year is coming to meet us with gifts.

You can enter the fairy tale along the magical path.

But where is the magic path? How can we look into the fairy tale?

The music will now be heard, we will be able to get into a fairy tale.

Screensaver sounds "Visiting a fairy tale"

dramatization« New Year's greetings»

The hall is decorated in the form of a forest clearing. Belka runs out from behind the tree.

Squirrel. I got up early today, went around the whole clearing.

I combed the snow with a comb, lit the lights all around!

And I found it on a branch right with an invitation telegram:

"We invite everyone to the ball, new year carnival

I will invite my friends with me, it will be more fun with them!

Rings the bell. Bear, Wolf and Fox run out.

Bear. Who rang the bell and woke up the bear?

Wolf. I was chasing a white hare, I was left without lunch!

Squirrel. I beg you - do not make noise! Read the telegram aloud!

Wolf (is reading). We invite everyone to the ball new year carnival!

Fox. New Year's ball! I'm glad! You need to comb your ponytail

Powder your nose, make sponges, and quickly run to the ball!

Squirrel. Don't rush, wait! And the question is decide:

What to give the guys to surprise them all?

Bear. I will teach them to yawn, and sleep sweetly all winter!

Fox. I tell you for sure: I will give all the girls cunning and laziness,

So that, without fear, they do harm to all the boys!

Squirrel. The offers are stupid, there is no gift!

Wolf. I walked through the forest at night and found a bag in the snow ...

He rattles, rings, hiccups, and growls, and barks loudly!

The wolf opens the bag, takes out musical instruments from it, distributes them to Squirrel, Bear, Fox.

Wolf. This is a tambourine, but here is a maracas, there will be an orchestra - just class!

Animals perform New Year's a melody on musical instruments, children play along with the little animals on musical instruments to lose.

Fox. Ah, what a success! Hooray! We are waiting for the children's holiday.

Get into the sleigh quickly, rush to the clearing to the children!

Squirrel, Bear, Wolf and Fox run behind the Christmas tree.

To the music in an impromptu sleigh, the animals enter the music hall.

Animals perform New Year's ditties.

Together. Happy New Year congratulations We wish you happiness and joy!

Prick up your ears, we will sing ditties for you!

Squirrel. Santa Claus knocks on the door, at 12 o'clock it beats.

Hello, the most long-awaited and cheerful New Year!

Bear. Why does the bear not sleep and does not snore in the den?

Like all forest people, I celebrate the New Year!

Wolf. I am the kindest today, and do not laugh at me!

Do not tremble, cowardly hare, dance with me soon!

Fox. One, 2,3,4,5 - let's dance!

Together, fun, we will celebrate the New Year together!

"Circle Dance at the Christmas Tree"

Leading. Thank you, little animals, for the story. Stay with us for the holidays.

Time moves forward, when will Santa Claus come?

Leshy and Kikimora enter the hall to a Russian folk melody.

Goblin, Kikimora. Hello! And here we are! Not late?

Leading. No. But who are you?

Kikimora. I am Swamp Kikimora.

Goblin. I am a forest dweller on foot, the people call Leshy.

I am engaged in physical education and I am fond of poetry.

Kikimora. And you read your poems. Let them appreciate your poetic talent.

Goblin. Talent, that is. Yes, that's what bad luck: I can’t find a rhyme for my poems.

Leading. Do not be shy, Goblin, read poetry, and our children will pick up rhymes for you.

Goblin. If you want to be slim, do it... (physical education).

Who swims, plays, that old age is not (knows).

Broader shoulders, higher legs, away, weakling, from my (roads).

Look, Kikimora, how well they know how to compose poetry.

Kikimora. They write poetry well. But they won’t be able to measure their strength with you, Leshy, they will be afraid, because you are invincible with us!

Goblin. True, true, I'm invincible.

Leading. So invincible! Let's see how smart you are. You do not compete with our children, but show your prowess in a competition with a hare - try to catch up with him.

A game "Chase the Bunny"

Leading. You see, Goblin, you never have to brag. The hare runs faster than you.

Goblin (offended). Think faster! (goes to the house of the Snow Maiden, looks out the window). Kikimora, my joy, look, the Snow Maiden is not in the house.

Kikimora. Gone, go, somewhere.

Goblin. Come on, Kikimora, hide in the hut. Santa Claus will come, but the granddaughter is not at home. You will be with us for the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost. Hello kids, girls and boys!

Hello viewers, dear parents! Thank you for pulling me out of the snowdrift.

Peace and happiness to all nations! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

I visited you a year ago, I am glad to see everyone again.

They grew up, they became big. And did you recognize me?

I'm still the same gray-haired, but just like a young one.

Father Frost. Hey, forest animals, bears, mischievous squirrels!

Meet the kids soon, songs, dances, start!

Beasts (together). Let's tell all the forest people:

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Father Frost (looks at tree). And here is the Christmas tree - beauty, so elegant and magnificent!

Fox. It's time to celebrate the New Year, we need to light the Christmas tree!

Bear. Oh, well, this is nonsense, give me matches here!

Wolf. What are you, Misha, is it possible to bring matches to the Christmas tree?

After all, it is not difficult to start a fire - it is very difficult to put it out!

Bear. Well, candles with a lighter ...

Squirrel. No, then trouble again

Fox. Here Santa Claus needs magic words.

Father Frost. Yes, for the guests, for the kids, I will light the lights on the Christmas tree.

I'll touch the staff: one two Three…

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, burn! (repeat words with children).

The lights on the tree light up.

Father Frost. Holy holiday New Year we meet every year.

Who wants to have fun, become a round dance.

1 child. Look, in our hall there is a Christmas tree for the night blossomed:

All in a golden outfit, and on the dome is a star.

2 child. Our tree is just wonder: green, slim, beautiful.

All hung with balloons and sparklers.

3 child. Here are beads, and crackers, and garlands, and toys,

Multi-colored serpentine wrapped around her entire outfit.

4 child. Oh, yes, Christmas tree, look! Colored threads of beads are twisted,

Rain, stars, serpentine! You won't find a better Christmas tree!

5 child. We have been waiting for the holiday for a whole year, as we dreamed of a Christmas tree!

And now in the circle of friends we will dance in front of her!

round dance "Two Christmas Trees"

Leading. Grandpa, how do your arms bend?

Father Frost (bends and unbends arms at the elbows). They bend.

Leading. How about the legs? Stomp?

Father Frost (stomps feet). Yes, everything seems to be in order!

Leading. Let's check it out!

The song is being performed - a joke "Teaser"

Father Frost. Oh you rascals! Jokes on Grandpa! (jokingly). Now I'll freeze you!

Leading. And our children are not afraid of you, Santa Claus!

Father Frost. How are they not afraid of me, Frost? It can not be!

Child. That Frost is not afraid, who knows how to have fun!

Are playing the game "Oh what a people". Next, Santa Claus escorts children on chairs.

Father Frost. And where is my granddaughter, the Snow Maiden? (Goes to the house, knocks on the door). Snow Maiden, come out!

Kikimora comes out of the house.

Kikimora. Here I am! Hello, Grandpa!

Father Frost (backs away). God! Holy! Holy! Holy! Are you my Snow Maiden?

Kikimora. Yes, you, grandfather, wipe your eyes! Why am I not a Snow Maiden? My house? My! My goat? My! So, I am a Snow Maiden!

Father Frost. Well, I already said - Snow Maiden! Why don't I know my granddaughter?

Goblin. You, Grandfather, do not argue with the Snow Maiden, otherwise, if she gets angry, she becomes so harmful.

Father Frost. That you scare me, even threw me into a fever. Guys, blow on me, otherwise I'll melt!

Children blow on Santa Claus. He turns one side, then the other, speaks: “Blow harder! Even stronger!

Father Frost. Something doesn't help. I was so nervous that the heat from me was radiating.

Leading. You, Grandfather, call ice floes - cold ones. They are cold, they will cool you down quickly.

Father Frost. Ice cubes - cold ones, fly to me,

Spin, dance in the forest silence!

"Dance of Ice"

Father Frost. It got a little cooler. But it's still hot! (Wraps hands).

Kikimora. (Hands out a ladle to Santa Claus). Here, Grandfather, drink some ice-cold water, you will immediately feel better.

Santa Claus drinks from a bucket. Disturbing music sounds. Frost runs around the Christmas tree several times. The light goes out. At this time, a screen appears in front of the Christmas tree and on it is a little Santa Claus.

Little Santa Claus. Oh what's wrong with me? Why did I become small?

Kikimora. You didn’t recognize me as the Snow Maiden, so I gave you water to drink from the swamp, bewitched by the way.

Goblin. I'm for you, Santa Claus, said: do not mess with her, she can be harmful.

Little Santa Claus. But what to do now?

Goblin. Let's call the real Snow Maiden to help.

Children scream: "Snow Maiden!"

The Snow Maiden enters the hall to the music.

Snow Maiden. I came to you from a winter fairy tale, I am all of snow, silver.

My friends are frost and hoarfrost, I love everyone, I am kind to everyone.

I know a lot of songs, I love cheerful sonorous laughter

And in New Year's took the road with them laughter!

Grandpa, where are you? (Notices little Santa Claus.) Oh what happened to you?

Little Santa Claus. Snow Maiden, help me to disenchant!

Snow Maiden. Who is you so?

Little Santa Claus. Kikimora swamp.

Kikimora. Yes, yes, it's me!

Snow Maiden. Please, Kikimora, give Santa Claus a drink of living water. Without it, after all, the New Year will not come.

Kikimora. What do I benefit from New Year? Whether business Old year! I will be very happy to live again in the old year. He was so wonderful.

Snow Maiden. I wonder what was so great about him?

Kikimora. And Baba Yaga taught me to dance. Would you like to see?

Kikimora dances comically.

Snow Maiden (laughs). Yes, you can dance!

Kikimora. Are you laughing? But you teach me to dance, then I will disenchant your Frost!

Leading. And our guys will teach you now!

Children do a pair dance "Springs"

Snow Maiden. You see, Kikimora, how children in kindergarten dance! Disenchant Santa Claus!

Little Santa Claus. Yes, really, disenchant!

Kikimora. And I don't think so!

Snow Maiden. Doesn't agree! You have to scare her. Come on, thugs, get out!

Robber. We are robbers - murderers, that's what big darlings are.

Robbers. Amba - caramba - compass! Now you are afraid of us!

"Dance of the Robbers"

kikimora (shaking in fear). Everyone, I give up, I give up! Here, Santa Claus, drink living water! Leshy, pour it!

Goblin takes out a flask, pours from it into a ladle "live" water. The light in the hall goes out, little Santa Claus runs behind the Christmas tree, and Santa Claus goes to the Christmas tree, examines himself from all sides.

Father Frost. Oh no, I've grown up again. And you, ugly, I will freeze.

Santa Claus touches Kikimore and Leshem with his staff. They freeze in place.

Snow Maiden. Unfreeze them, grandpa. There is no need for someone to feel bad at the holiday.

Father Frost. So be it.

Santa Claus hits the floor three times with his staff. Kikimora and the goblin unfreeze and, trembling, run away from the hall.

Father Frost. The Christmas tree is shining, sparkling, let's, children, have fun!

1 child. Oh, Frost - Red nose, we don't know you,

And, you, Santa Claus, we joyfully meet.

2 child. Oh, Frost - Red nose, we sing a song,

And we invite you to a round dance to the children.

3 child. Oh, Frost - Red nose, beat harder in your palms,

And our legs will dance more cheerfully.

round dance "Father Frost"

The phone rings. The Snow Maiden takes out the phone and listens.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, the phone is ringing, but only the wind howls in it.

Father Frost. Bring it here quickly, it's blizzards and blizzards! (Listen)

That's what the guys said They: down the street to us, bypassing the lights,

A strange horse stomps, clatters loudly with its hooves,

And the blizzard tells me: She's headed over here.

The tree is flashing with lights. A horse enters, covered with a blanket, walks around the Christmas tree, loudly "neighs", "kicks". Kikimora's face is covered by a horse mask.

Father Frost. Here, Horse, eat grass! (Holds out a bunch of grass to the horse; she shakes her head). Well, try, at least oats! (holds out a bowl of oats to the horse; she backs away). I don't trust this mask. The horse came for a reason!

There is someone in this horse, I will make it appear here!

I will famously jump on a horse and jump around the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus is trying to climb the horse, it falls. Kikimora and Goblin appear from under the blankets.

Father Frost. Wow, you got caught again, you made your way to us under a mask!

Kikimora, Leshy. Please forgive us! Don't freeze, let go!

Snow Maiden. Good Grandfather Frost, I cannot see tears.

Maybe we can forgive them?

kikimora (prompts) And we'll treat you to candy!

Father Frost. You must atone for guilt, try good create:

This thick log under the tree has been lying for a long time.

You should cut it and surprise all the guys with it.

Kikimora. Goblin, roll up your sleeves! Hold the saw!

Kikimora and Leshy "saw" log.

Goblin. And one, and two!

We sawed a log, but it, and it! All gifts are full!

Father Frost. That gifts for children, for fun preschool children.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka distribute gifts to children.

Kikimora. Do we have gifts?

Father Frost. For your pranks, I would not give you gifts, but today is the New Year, it will be the other way around! To you, Kikimora, the biggest green bow, you will be the first beauty in your swamp. And you, Goblin, warm boots.

Kikimora and Leshy (in order). Thank you, Santa Claus! So pleased, so pleased!

Kikimora. Goblin, let's go home. I'll show off my bow to Vodyany.

Goblin. And now my feet will always be warm!

Kikimora and Leshy. Goodbye! Bye! Happy New Year, kids! (Leave)

Father Frost. You have a good Christmas tree in the garden, but many are waiting for Frost now.

Snow Maiden. So be healthy! Goodbye guys!

Father Frost. Bearded Frost wishes you happiness!

Bylinkina Svetlana
New Year's party in the preparatory group.


(To the song, the children run into the hall, perform movements)


Baba Yaga

Father Frost-

Happy New Year

Both big and small.

Good luck to everyone, we wish you well

And frosty clear days!

Let it sound today in the hall

Your cheerful, sonorous laugh.

Happy New Year

With new happiness

Everyone, everyone, everyone!

1 child:

Opens the New Year

fairy doors,

Let him enter this room

The one who believes in fairy tales.

2 child:

Let him come into this house

The one who is friends with the song.

Let's start the winter holiday

There is none more wonderful!

3 child:

Beautiful hall glitters tonight

It sparkles with many lights.

And a bright, big tree

Calls affably children

4 child:

Our tree to the top

They dressed up everything.

Here are the toys and crackers,

Here are the balls hanging on it.

5 child:

Hello dear guest!

You are smart and bright

We've been waiting for you all year

Finally, you have arrived!

6 child:

Let's dance merrily

Let's sing songs

For the tree to want

Come visit us again.


Vedas. New Year is coming -

Time of joyful worries,

good time news,

Time for fabulous guests!

Music sounds

Exactly at midnight - ding dong!

There is a quiet sound.

This fairy tale comes to the house,

Round dances quietly leads.

Unless you're sleeping

You will notice everything peek...

Now shut up and shut up...

The story is coming to us.

Zimushka comes out.

Winter: Hello, here I am

Zimushka is my name!

I mark the paths

I pour snow on your palms,

I am Winter, my bright home,

Covered with fabulous carpet.

I am a magic needle

I draw Christmas trees on the carpet

I cover them with snow

The whole earth is like a white house!

We are glad to meet the winter,

Play and dance with her!

We guys stand together

Let's take care of our guest.


Vedas. Zimushka, tell us

What's the story ahead?

Winter:Fairy tale unknown-

But very interesting!

Light up the lights on the Christmas tree

Let's get right into the story.

Vedas. Do you all want to be in a fairy tale?

Why sit quietly

There are magic words

Repeat, kids

Miracle, miracle, appear ....

Fairy tale, fairy tale answer.

Our Christmas tree is on fire.

Children repeat 3 times

Magical music sounds, the Christmas tree lights up and Baba Yaga appears dressed as a Snow Maiden.

Vedas. Here is the fairy tale! Who is this?

Can't find an answer...

Baba Yaga: It's me, Snow Maiden,

Wow, what a figurine!

And a braid, and a hat,

Wow, what a cutie!

Vedas. And we have a doubt

There are inconsistencies!

Baba Yaga: What are you, my dear,

I must doubt!

and decide thoroughly

To whom to give gifts.

Vedas. Here's how? Very interesting,

We will test you with a song.

Baba Yaga: Here it stuck like a splinter!

I'm like a granddaughter - MOROZA!

And although - let's, Sing, check!


"Tell me, Snow Maiden ..."

Children: Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?

Tell me, honey, how are you?

Baba Yaga: The stupa broke by January,

I flew on a broom, oh

What am I drinking! (covers mouth).


Children: Come on, come on, tell us the truth

Baba Yaga: I'm a Snow Maiden, I'm a Snow Maiden,

Trust me, kids!

Children: Where do you live, Snow Maiden, tell me.

Our crystal house

Baba Yaga: my crystal castle


Chorus: same

Vedas. Who, guys came to us,

Who found the path to us?

Let's say together it's not melting, it's ...

Children. Grandma Yaga!

Vedas. We recognized you, Yaga.

Would say hello to us.

Baba Yaga: Say hello? Well then

It's very possible.

Hello tree,

Barbed needle.

Hello, viewers-parents,

Their children are tormentors.

Hello baby,

Delicious guys.

Vedas: You came to the children's party,

Like the last ugly

You wave your broom,

You will scare all the children.

Stop hosting here

Stop messing around!

Baba Yaga: You look quite conceited

And I was not afraid.

Forgotten on New Year's Eve

They weren't invited to the Christmas tree.

I won't forgive you

I'll put out your tree!

(Music sounds, Yaga begins to conjure, flies around the tree on a broomstick, the lights on the tree go out)

Baba Yaga: I stole the lights,

Your holiday has bewitched.

Everything will be black - black,

Settled sadness and evil.

I complete your holiday

All goodbye, I'm flying away

(To the music, flies away on a broomstick from the hall)

Vedas. Who will help us now?

What are we to do at this hour?

We need to collect the lights

And the Christmas tree will light up again!

And only then will Santa Claus come to us

He will bring joy and gifts to everyone.

Fairy comes out to the music

Fairy:Hello my friends,

I came to you from a fairy tale!

I'm a Dream Fairy, I live in a kingdom

Where there is no place for anger, sadness, anxiety

I always fulfill desires, dreams,

People in the world should be kind.

Oh, how I love to ride on a cloud, on a pink one,

Having fulfilled all desires, you smile from the sky,

Everyone dreams on New Year's Eve, And somehow it happens,

That all cherished dreams, Children come true.

Vedas. Hello Fairy Wishes, Dreams

We are very glad that you came to us,

IN bright new year holiday,

Children dream of receiving gifts

After all, they say, on New Year's Eve,

What you don't want

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true!

Fairy:Yes Yes Yes! All this is true!

New Year, magical, bright.

Vedas. But we got in trouble

Yaga came to us

Lights all dragged away,

She extinguished our tree.

And now Santa Claus will not come,

And our New Year's holiday is gone!

Fairy: Very sad, but where is she

Could you hide the lights from the Christmas tree?

I think that's what guys

We need to hit the road

Collect all the lights according to fairy tales,

And then call Santa Claus.

I'm sure we can handle you

Our tree will shine with lights!

Vedas. What's on the way!

Is everyone ready to go?

Children: We can all find the lights!

A song is being performed « New Year's disco»

Then the children sit down

Fairy: Here we are in a wonderful fairy tale,

Unusual, interesting.

What is it that glows in the snow?

I still can't understand

Quietly the snow is falling

Sparkle, silver.

And falls like Christmas trees on long eyelashes.

Christmas trees need your help

Get out here quick!

The trees are coming out.

1 Christmas tree:Christmas trees are green

forest decoration,

In fancy dresses

Like princesses.

2 herringbone:herringbone fragrant

And all the people know:

If it smells of tar -

That means New Year!

3 herringbone: Cones silvery

Hanging on the Christmas tree

They have delicious nuts.

For birds and squirrels.

4 herringbone: Dress up Christmas trees

Beads and balls

The dance is beautiful

Dance for the kids.


All Christmas trees:Here's a beautiful light for you

Green like summer

And if you need blue

Then to the stars in the sky.

Fairy: Thank you my Christmas trees

Your spark is beautiful

And children on a holiday

It will only bring joy.

The Christmas trees run away, the fairy looks at the sky

Stars shine, shine bright

Lights where the magic know

We'll sit quietly now

Let's see how they dance.

Performing the Dance of the Stars

After the dance, bring out the gnomes

1 star: In the dark sky a month,

Silver horn.

Gathered girlfriends stars

On New Year's Eve in a circle.

2 asterisk: They dance and spin

And everyone is looking at them

And the clouds admire

And the wind is suddenly quiet.

3 asterisk: We are wonderful stars,

In the sky we shine

And on holiday New Year

We help all children.

4 asterisk: We will shine very strongly,

The lights are playing blue.

If there is no miraculous power

The color will become silver.

5 asterisk: Starlight will help you,

After all, there is nothing more beautiful!

Take our lights

Go to the gnomes, friends.

Asterisks give lights and run away

Fairy: Thank you stars,

For your lights

Silver, blue,

There are no more beautiful ones in the world.

Where can you find gnomes?

Oh, I hear something...

Yes, it's gnomes on their way

I see them with flashlights.

Gnomes come out to the music

1 gnome: We are gnomes from a fairy tale

We live in a dense forest

We love dancing

And a beautiful Christmas tree.

2 gnome: We are funny gnomes

We are always joking.

And we don't get discouraged

Nowhere and never.

3 gnome:The lanterns are wonderful

The month lights up for us

And their beautiful yellow light

Helps us along the way.

4 gnome:We love to have fun

And sing songs.

We want you to dance

Show today.

DANCE Dwarves

5 dwarf: We heard from the stars

What lights are needed

We will gladly give you

Let them help.

Fairy:Ah, gnomes, ah, gnomes

You are wonderful people

What a wonderful, yellow,

You gave a spark!

Time to rest on the road

Shall we play children?

Children: Yes!

The game is being played.

After the game for the Christmas tree are displayed

Who will we meet on the way?

Oh, how everything sparkled here

Or did I dream it?

Who lit a fire in the forest?

I still don't understand?

Performing the dance of the robbers

ROBBER: And whoever sees us, let him immediately gasp,

For some, it may smell like fried.

After all, we all have such a stern look,

Anyone who sees - immediately run away!

2 robber:

Who sat by the fire at least once

He certainly knows us

Colored sparks are burning

Shine brilliantly

3robber: When we dance over the fire

Everyone has fun

Like a small fireworks

It flies up in sheaves!

4 robber:Today we will surprise you

We'll give you our lights

Take it don't be shy

And go to the tree.

5 robber: Let your Christmas tree glow with lights

And we will say goodbye to you children.

May this glorious New Year

It will bring you laughter and joy!

Fairy: We are not afraid of the machinations of the evil Baba Yaga,

We have already found a lot of lights.

We just need to disenchant the Christmas tree

And Santa Claus together to call the hall.

Rovnenko all sat down, And closed their eyes

We're back guys

From a wonderful fairy tale.

Sounds like magic music

Here, guys, we are in the garden,

I will quietly approach the tree,

I'll hang the lights in a row

Let the Christmas tree burn

Well, you scream out loud

Light up our tree.

1-2-3 Christmas tree burn!

We shout 3 times - the tree lights up

Fairy: Our tree shone

The lights are playing

And of course Santa Claus

Everyone welcomes you!

Children scream Santa Claus's song sounds.

Santa Claus comes. ,

Father Frost: Hey guys.

Girls and boys.

funny, funny,

The kids are very nice.

Congratulations on your happy holiday!

Low bow to all of you

(to parents) And (to children)... pranksters!

Fairy:Grandfather! Well, what kind of pranksters?

At our happy holiday?

Father Frost: And that there are no Pranksters among these guys?

Children: No!

Father Frost: Are there no bad guys?

Children: No!

Father Frost: And the mischief-makers?

Children: No!

Father Frost: And the rascals?

Children: No!

Father Frost: And the beautiful guys?

Children: Yes!

Father Frost: Well, I'm very happy!

Fairy: The fairy tale turned into a magic bird,

Scattering miracles, waving a wing,

Will spin in a round dance, startle

To fill our home with joy.

Father Frost: So let it be in a round dance

At this holiday New Year

Happy eyes sparkle!


Father Frost: Well, you are funny people!

It's our turn to play.

And we just start

From my game "Morozko"

A GAME "We'll Hang Balloons"

FATHER FROST: The Christmas tree glows, sparkles!

Let's have fun, kids.

Santa Claus is calling you all

IN New Year's round dance


Fairy: The children sang and played,

I see you are a bit tired.

What will make you guys happy?

Everyone will be happy with gifts!

Father Frost: Oh, I will make the children happy

Oh, I'll sleep better for them.


Fairy: Grandfather got tired, tired

So he danced merrily

Let the tree rest

Who will read poetry to him?

1REB. Lace fabric

You threw on the glass

You have frozen the lakes

Forest decorated with silver

Snow poured on the porch,

Ruined my face.

But why are you, Santa Claus,

Did you paint your own nose?

2 REB. How long have we been waiting for you

Good Santa Claus.

Decorated the Christmas tree together

The one you brought for us.

Beat louder with us,

Start round dances

And please more

You don't leave us!

3 REB:Hello Dedushka Moroz,

We all know you

This holiday is the New Year!

We gladly meet.

Santa Claus, Santa Claus

Children love you!

The kindest grandfather

You are in the white world.

You light the Christmas tree for us

The lights are sparkling

And save gifts

Everyone dreams of them.

4REB: Good Santa Claus,

Did you recognize me?

This is my letter to you

He wrote in the winter forest.

It's good that you came

We've been waiting for you!

After all, desires for a long time

We all guessed!

FAIRY: Grandfather Frost, have you brought gifts?

Father Frost: Yes, I put it behind the door,

So as not to disturb the kids in the hall.

Music of Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga runs into the hall with a bag in her hands

Baba Yaga: Here comes my victory,

I won't go away now!

The New Year has not arrived.

Wait bag got me tired!

Father Frost: What is this miracle?

And where did it come from?

Baba Yaga: You yourself are a miracle! I'm a beauty

Why don't you like my look?

Fairy: What to do, help,

How to pick up gifts from Yagi?

Father Frost: I have a plan guys

You walk like soldiers!

And fire your gun:

Bang da bang, hold on, Yaga!

(Children are training, Yaga is alert)

Well, the mothers buzzed,

It's like the planes are coming.

(Moms are exercising, B. I get nervous, hold the bag tightly and startle)

Like tigers from a dense thicket,

Our mighty dads will buzz!

Three, four, start

Grandma - Ezhka drive away!

All together begin to growl, buzz and shoot. Baba Yaga gets scared and runs away.

Father Frost: That's how, guys, it happens in the world.

In fairy tales, good always wins.

Friendship will help anyone in trouble,

With a devoted friend, nowhere is scary.

Everyone for the New Year

Your gift is now waiting!

(distributing gifts with the fairy)

Father Frost: So be healthy!

Farewell guys!

Wishing you happiness

Bearded Frost!

I promise to come to you

But only next year!

Children scream "Thank you"

The host ends the party

Dear our parents! We wish you a happy and joyful New Year! May there always be love, kindness and peace in your families. May you and your children always be healthy. And let you always have time to communicate with your children, because only they can give real joy and the most sincere emotions. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, dear parents of wonderful children - our wonderful pupils. We wish you joyfully and cheerfully meet the new year with your mischievous people, meet each new day with smiles and good hopes. We wish your families health, prosperity and peace, as well as mutual understanding, prosperity and love!

Happy New Year,
Moms and dads!
You are happy parents
And your children are sweethearts.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Health and patience.
And let the native kids
They will give you fun!

Let them give light of smiles
Embrace caress, tenderness of a look.
After all, children are a fragile gem
And the decoration of the kindergarten!

Our dear parents!
Happy New Year, Happy Holidays to you all!
On this beautiful winter day
We wish you all now
To be healthy, wise, necessary,
You do not know trouble or grief.
So that the children grow up obedient,
We will help you with this.
May there be peace and prosperity in the family,
Warmth in the soul and in the heart.
We want the kids to be happy
And your house was surrounded by kindness.

New Year is knocking on the door
They want to launch.
The holiday is fabulous, wonderful,
It will be interesting for everyone!
Thank you for the kids
They are obedient to you
Capricious only from lack of sleep,
That's what quiet time is for!
Happy New Year to you,
And we wish your families:
Smiles, happiness and love,
May God protect from all adversity.
So that your children do not start to get sick,
And kindergarten was not missed!

For parents today
A lot of kind words
On this New Year's holiday
Let love reign in the houses
May your comfort be strong
Trouble will pass by
And the kids will be healthy
To please you always!

Moms, dads of our children,
Happy New Year!
Let every day be important
We wish you joy in life.

Let success rejoice
Your daughters and sons.
Children will become your echo
God bless their faithful little steps.

We wish you patience
To the children of great love,
In the life of an important skill
Be a good example for them.

Dear moms, dads,
We wish you a Happy New Year -
Happiness is a lot of armfuls
Let him bring home.

And so that joy settles
In every house for centuries
Everything that was planned turned out,
And the family was strong!

Congratulations kindergarten
All our lovely guys
And parents of children
Dear, good rascals!

Let your children grow
well behaved
Never get sick
Just always happy.

Let them go to our kindergarten
Always with a smile
Let them laugh brightly, loudly,
And their eyes shine!

We are in the New Year to you from the heart
We wish to live always in abundance,
Good luck bright and big,
Good to be all right!

Let your kids give you
Great happiness every day!
There are no cuter and more beautiful guys,
We give them our whole soul!