Is it possible to tattoo eyebrows? Eyebrow tattooing: advantages and disadvantages of permanent permanent coloring. How is eyebrow tattooing done?

Some women are proud of the beautiful natural line of their eyebrows, while others have to carefully pluck, fill in, and adjust the length and width. You can give the desired shape using an alternative method - a temporary tattoo applied with special paint. This procedure is known as eyebrow tattooing, and is considered the most permanent type of permanent makeup.

Due to its significant benefits, it is preferred by many women. A beautiful tattoo allows you to save time on applying daily makeup, and is also more durable than simple cosmetics. But not every woman decides to carry it out, since the sad experience of some ladies she knows can be frightening in the absence of reliable information. How to properly tattoo eyebrows to avoid mistakes? What contraindications or side effects are possible? Let's look at everything in more detail.

Types of eyebrow tattoo

There are two main types of eyebrow tattooing based on the tasks facing the artist and the methods of performing them. This is a soft shading and hair tattoo of the eyebrows. If everything is more or less clear about the first, then the latter is also divided into two varieties - European and Eastern. In the oriental style, hairs are drawn from root to tip at different intervals. Recently, the natural look of eyebrows is the most popular, but only high-class specialists can “draw” eyebrows in this way.

Hairs of different lengths are directed in different directions. This arrangement is better suited for women of the oriental type, with dark thick hair. Correction is carried out to enhance the color. According to the European method, the hairs are drawn at the same length, pointing them upward and tilting them towards the ponytail. With properly performed European eyebrow tattooing, the interval of strokes is almost the same, but after the procedure, about a month later, correction is also required.

Eyebrow tattoo inks

Despite the fact that the tattoo procedure is equated to permanent makeup, it would be more correct to call it “semi-permanent”, since its effect lasts only a few years. The dyes used do not stain fabrics, but only act on the skin.

Microimplants of natural origin begin to fade within a couple of years as a result of cell regeneration, and then disappear altogether. Need to know: Tattoo inks and tattoo inks are different from each other. Be sure to check what type of paint the artist uses, since tattoo inks are much cheaper, and unscrupulous artists can take advantage of this. You shouldn’t settle for “eternal” makeup for the sake of saving money.

If you or the artist, with your consent, decide to save on paints, you can very soon end up with brown eyebrows, which can then acquire a greenish tint. Sometimes the paint is mixed, for example, a red tint for lip tattoos with black for arrows and tattoos. This is absolutely impossible to do, otherwise, in addition to the uneven color, you will also get a different structure of the lines, a violation of the dimensions due to uneven washing off of the paint.

Eyebrow tattoo procedure

The face should be carefully prepared - cleaned of cosmetics and dirt with antibacterial soap or other aseptic agent. Then comes the most important stage - choosing the shape of the eyebrows. Pull your hair back and open your neck, assessing the shape of your face. Typically, eyebrow tattoo artists are highly qualified makeup artists who are able to choose the right shape and coordinate it with the client. Revise the form together before you approve the final version. If you cannot find a common language with the master, it is better not to start the procedure, but to look for another specialist.

Stages of eyebrow tattooing

Stage 1:
- a drawing of a low-intensity color is performed
- the tone is added little by little so as not to make the eyebrows too rich;
— the skin in chipped areas is disinfected;
— a layer of wound-healing cream is applied to protect the wounds from dust.

Stage 2:
- Eyebrow correction. The exact depth of the puncture the first time is almost impossible, due to the different structure of the skin, immunity, and metabolism. The tattoo is adjusted after the scab comes off.

Eyebrow tattoo: contraindications

Before the procedure, you should definitely consult your doctor. The main contraindication is considered to be poor blood clotting, as well as diabetes. You should not drink alcohol for several days before and after the procedure, as it reduces blood clotting. Pay attention to the use of medications - analgesics and aspirin also reduce blood clotting. Also, do not plan this event during menstruation.

It is worth paying attention to tattoo machines - they should have disposable parts for contact with the skin. The master must print the needle in the presence of the client. Another “forbidden” feature of the body is the tendency to form keloid scars. If the scars after any scratches are too noticeable, beautiful “artificial” eyebrows are also taboo for you, you will have to look for other methods, for example, cosmetics. If you act carelessly, complications may occur - prolonged healing of the injured area. In addition, the following diseases are absolute contraindications: epilepsy, cancer, mental disorders.

Is it possible to remove a tattoo?

The answer to this question is rather positive. Removal is carried out with a laser, in approximately the same way as when working with tattoos, only with a lower power. With the correct distribution of paints, the pigment is located almost under the surface of the skin; it can be destroyed by several procedures. True, the discoloration will be about 80%, however, this is a very high result. The entire pattern is removed in 5 procedures. Laser removal is painless, leaves no scars, and the skin heals completely within two weeks.

Eyebrow tattooing - common questions and answers

1. Does eyebrow tattooing hurt?
— During the procedure, anesthesia is performed at the client’s request; a large number of anesthetics to choose from are used. The procedure is performed with a special apparatus. Without pain relief it will be painful, but tolerable.

2. Should I completely remove eyebrows with a razor?
— No, they are corrected by a specialist using tweezers, and only where hair growth does not coincide with the new line.

3. Does hair growth change after tattooing?
- No, it doesn’t. Since the effect is carried out only on the stratum corneum of the skin and epidermis, the hair follicles are not damaged, since they are located much deeper. Hair grows too.

4. How long does the tattoo last?
— The timing is influenced by skin type and metabolic rate in the body. This happens differently for everyone, on average, from 2 to 5 years.

5. How long after the procedure can I take a shower or perform other water procedures?
- Not earlier than in two hours. You need to do this carefully for several days until the wound is completely healed. A dark crust will remain on the tattooed area for some time, which should not be scratched or torn off. It disappears on its own after complete healing. You can rinse it carefully.

6. Is it possible to sunbathe after eyebrow tattooing?
– No, and this is very important! Until. Until the crust falls off, you should refrain from going to the sauna, solarium, beach or pool.

7. How long does it take for the scab to heal and how to care for it?
— Complete healing will take from 4 to 10 days, but it is almost not noticeable on the eyebrows. Antiseptic and moisturizing creams, for example, “Rescuer” or “Nivea” moisturizing cream, should be applied to the tattoo site. Do not apply lightening cream or scrub to the eyebrow area.

8. How many days can swelling last?
— There is no swelling during this procedure, only slight redness, which goes away after 2 hours.

9. Is it possible to get an eyebrow tattoo (more durable)?
— Experts do not recommend doing this; this is confirmed by numerous reviews: “eternal” tattoos turn yellow over time and acquire an unnatural greenish color.

Eyebrows are the most creative component of female beauty. It is beautiful eyebrows that emphasize the geometry of the face and reflect individuality. Be original and beautiful!

Eyebrow tattoo photo

Permanent makeup (or tattooing) reduces the time it takes to get your appearance in the best shape every day. But it also needs to be updated and adjusted, and the procedure may occur on critical days. What results will tattooing give during menstruation? Isn’t it better to wait until the period is over?

Read in this article

Permanent makeup: what can be corrected

With the help of tattooing, you can practically “paint” a new face. And although its proportions do not change, its appearance becomes more expressive. After all, modern cosmetology makes it possible to correct natural features and imperfections:

  • Lip. Permanent makeup is used to increase them if you make a contour, slightly retreating from the natural line. The color of your lips can be changed to make them brighter. The asymmetry of this part of the face is also corrected.
  • Eyebrows. If they are not thick enough or you don’t like their shape, tattooing will make the lines clearer and more expressive. There will be no effect of drawn eyebrows; the method allows you to improve them without depriving them of naturalness. It is possible to restore this part of the face even in the absence of your own hair.
  • Eye. A tattooed line on the upper eyelid along the eyelashes will help make them larger and more expressive. Sometimes, to enlarge the eyes, an “arrow” is drawn on the lower one. Tattooing can also change their shape and make the absence of eyelashes invisible to others.
  • Soskov. Sometimes this area of ​​the body needs correction. Tattooing can enlarge the areolas, make their color brighter, and eliminate asymmetry.
  • Minor but noticeable skin defects. Using tattooing, it is not difficult to get rid of small scars, spots, or draw a mole or freckles on your face.

How to do permanent makeup

To understand whether it is possible to get tattooed during menstruation, you should know how the procedure is done. The effect is achieved by introducing microparticles of paint under the skin. Their penetration occurs by piercing living tissue with a special device. To relieve the salon client from the painful sensations that inevitably arise during this process, local anesthesia is used.

The matter is not limited to one procedure. After a month or a month and a half, correction is required, since the colors do not look so bright as they heal, and inaccuracies and defects in the tattoo may be discovered.

The resulting result lasts up to several years. And besides, it’s difficult to disguise it with decorative cosmetics if you don’t like something. Therefore, the quality that is achieved by the thoroughness of the craftsman’s work is very important. This means that all manipulations will take a lot of time. Lip and eyebrow tattooing can last up to 2 hours.

Why is it better to reschedule your salon visit?

Having understood how the procedure works, some will understand without explanation why tattooing should not be done during menstruation. But in order to convince self-confident and impatient girls to postpone the procedure until they are finished, it is worth talking about the reasons for the ban:

  • The pain during the procedure on menstrual days can be unbearable. Hormonal changes make any sensation more acute. This is caused by an increase in the concentration of prostaglandins. Substances are produced by the body to stimulate uterine contractions so that the organ is freed from the previous layer of endometrium. But prostaglandins also have an effect on pain receptors, overstimulating them. Sensitivity increases. Especially if you get lip tattooing during your period. There are a lot of pain receptors in this area; it is one of the most sensitive. If you damage the delicate skin of the lips on critical days, and even for 2 hours, this can lead to tears, fainting and prolonged loss of consciousness. The sensations when tattooing eyebrows are less intense, since there are fewer pain receptors here. But there are other reasons to do this procedure later.
  • On critical days, rashes may appear on the face. Before this period, the amount of progesterone in the blood increases. The hormone is not only responsible for the second phase of the cycle, but also affects the condition of the skin. It activates the sebaceous and sweat glands, resulting in increased production of fat and secretory fluid. The pores become clogged and when they become inflamed, pimples appear. If they are found in the area where permanent makeup is supposed to be done, you will have to postpone it. Inflammation is a contraindication to the procedure. This is another reason to doubt whether it is possible to get a tattoo before your period. Pimples do not always heal in 2-3 days, so correction of appearance will have to be postponed until the end of menstruation.
  • Anesthesia may not be helpful. Typically, tattooing uses anesthetic gels applied to the surface of the skin. But because changes in the balance of hormones alter other chemical reactions in the body, the drug may not have any effect on it.
  • The effect of introducing paints under the skin will not be what is needed. Due to the low content of sex hormones in the tissues, characteristic of this period, the body reacts differently to substances. And the color of the area being corrected will turn out to be too bright or, on the contrary, dull. Tattooing your eyebrows during your period can turn them into two fat, jet-black caterpillars. A similar result cannot be excluded with permanent makeup of the lips and eyelids. Allergies to paint are also more likely on menstruation days. With them, the body produces more histamine.
  • Bleeding is more likely. Tattooing is impossible without damaging the microvessels of the skin. And the ability of blood to clot during critical days decreases. The feature may cause other problems. After all, prolonged bleeding, which is possible in this case, will not only prolong the period of tissue healing, but will also affect the external effect. And harmless correction of eyebrow tattooing during menstruation can result in skin irritation, the appearance of scabs and dents after they fall off.
  • The result of the procedure may be inflammation. Immunity naturally decreases during menstrual periods. All resources are aimed at ensuring the process of updating the reproductive system and its protection. The body is not able to resist bacteria as actively as on other days. Therefore, their penetration into damaged tissues is facilitated by a reduced number of immune cells.
  • Permanent makeup defects are more likely. Menstruation is often accompanied by swelling. For some women, they are the first. Excess fluid is localized not only in the fingers, legs, and mammary glands, but also in the face area. This can lead to asymmetry, an erroneous assessment of the resulting shade, the thickness of the lines and their naturalness. Uniform distribution of paint due to swelling is also problematic. And this will lead to spotty coloring, which is unlikely to suit the salon client. Whether it is possible to tattoo the eyes during menstruation, among other reasons, is also determined by the severity of swelling. If the eyelids are swollen due to excess fluid, there is a risk of getting too thick or uneven “arrows” that are incorrectly directed. It will be difficult or even impossible to correct this later.

General contraindications to the procedure

Tattooing, in addition to critical days, has other contraindications, even more serious:

  • increased temperature (also happens during menstruation);
  • acute period of chronic malaise (not uncommon on critical days);
  • problems with blood clotting (one of the features of menstruation);
  • severe stage of diabetes;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • moles in the area being tattooed;
  • epilepsy;
  • skin diseases, signs of which are detected in the work area;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • herpes on the lips;
  • conjunctivitis, if tattooing of eyelids and eyebrows is planned;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • , HIV infection;
  • period of treatment with antibiotics, corticosteroids, anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents, vitamins, dietary supplements;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

Permanent makeup is a cosmetic procedure, but it requires medical sterility and high professionalism of the artist. A good specialist will not perform it on a client with menstruation, since during this period the procedure can have not only bad consequences for appearance. Pain and stress will interfere with the functioning of the reproductive system too. Therefore, permanent makeup should be done no earlier than a couple of days after the end of your period.

Probably, each of us has a friend or acquaintance who likes to experiment with her appearance, keeps up with the times and experiences almost all the latest fashion trends. I also have such a friend Katya. Sometimes she manages to persuade me to try something new on myself, sometimes she doesn’t. Unlike her, I do not conduct experiments without first studying the product or service and reading reviews.

This time, the idea of ​​getting an eyebrow tattoo came into her blond head. Before that, she got tattoos on her shoulder and ankle.

I refused the tattoo right away, because I categorically do not like tattoos and consider them vulgar. Especially on a woman's body. But her body is her business. And so she calls me and happily tells me about the delights of eyebrow tattooing: how convenient it is (like you don’t have to pluck every week), beautiful, practical, and most importantly, long lasting . A friend of hers did it and was very pleased. Well, Katka couldn’t help but try, and was very determined, but I, as usual, doubted and began to collect information about this procedure.

How is eyebrow tattoo done?

Let me start with the fact that there are several techniques for tattooing (coloring) eyebrows: shading, shoting, hair (European and Asian style), 3D volume and manual reconstruction. I will not describe each technique in detail, but will only describe the principle of this procedure. And those who still decide to get a tattoo will study each technique on their own and choose the appropriate one.

Skin coloring is carried out by a tattoo artist or cosmetologist who has the appropriate skills and has undergone special training to carry out this procedure. During the procedure, a specialist uses a pen to pierce the top layer of skin and injects a coloring pigment inside with a needle. The procedure takes about 1.5 hours. The procedure is quite painful, judging by the reviews. Although local anesthetics are used. After it, you need to go through a rehabilitation period and carefully care for the treated area. .

In 99 percent of cases, correction will be required after a short period of time to give the ideal shape to your eyebrows.

The choice of the artist who will do the tattoo is extremely important. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with his portfolio, if available. . Or go to the master on a recommendation from friends he already had.

Pros and cons of eyebrow tattooing

Eyebrow tattooing, like any other procedure, has its pros and cons. Let's figure it out, these advantages are so significant.

The advantages include:

  1. Save time on makeup.
  2. Save on various eyebrow products.
  3. Save money on visiting salons to get your eyebrows tinted.
  4. Tattooing is permanent.
  5. Tattooed eyebrows are noticeable.
  6. The ability to correct natural eyebrow asymmetry.
  7. Tattooed eyebrows will not let you down in the sauna, pool or on the beach, since the paint will not flow from them during any water procedures.

Cons of eyebrow tattoo:

  • Tattooed eyebrows are noticeable.
  • Going out of fashion.
  • The coloring pigment may change color over time; which means that black eyebrows can turn blue, brown eyebrows can turn brick or pink; some pigments can produce a green or purple tint. The saddest thing is that this unwanted tint on the skin can persist for years.
  • Tattooing will become a problem if you change your hair color or want to change the shape of your eyebrows.
  • Might get boring.
  • Over the years it can “float”, that is, sink along with the tissues of the face
  • Risk of infection.
  • Adds age.
  • It's no longer fashionable.
  • The only way to get rid of it is with a laser.
  • There is a high probability of getting an unsatisfactory result.
  • The high price of this procedure (and further regular corrections).

In my opinion, the listed advantages are rather dubious, with the possible exception of the last two points.

If your eyebrows are naturally extremely bad, then perhaps it’s worth correcting them. Although, in my opinion, this can be done in a more gentle way than tattooing. As for saving on salons and funds, then allow me: what kind of savings is this if the procedure itself is not cheap at all, plus the same expensive regular corrections. In addition, after the procedure there is a rehabilitation period, during which you will also need to spend money to restore the damaged skin. I don’t think that all of the above will be cheaper than buying an eyebrow pencil or tinting your eyebrows in a salon.

On average, the price for high-quality tattooing varies between 20,000 rubles per procedure. Correction within the range – 8000-10000. If you are offered an eyebrow tattoo for 5,000 rubles, the risk of getting a poor-quality result increases significantly.

You were probably surprised that I considered the point “tattooed eyebrows are noticeable” to be both a plus and a minus. Let me explain. Noticeable bright eyebrows suggest bright eyes, otherwise it will look comical. And the statement that eyebrow tattooing will help save time on makeup is definitely false. In my opinion, just the opposite, tattooed eyebrows require you to wear makeup regularly and you are unlikely to be able to run out without makeup . Well, unless, of course, you plan to scare or make your work colleagues laugh.

Contraindications for eyebrow tattooing

There are contraindications for this procedure.

  • Diabetes.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Predisposition to the formation of keloid scars.

Never hide the presence of diseases from a specialist. This is dangerous not only for your beauty, but also for your health in general!

My friend's personal experience

Now about the results of the tattoo, which I observed personally and am sincerely glad that I did not give in to Katerina’s persuasion. I can only speak about the procedure itself from the words of a friend: it turned out to be very painful. And the result was simply terrible.

I don’t know who recommended this “specialist” to her, but they made her eyebrows very wide. I then measured the width of the eyebrows - 7 mm. Katya is a very petite girl and has a small face, but those eyebrows looked like a real disaster on her face. She cried for a very long time both from the result and from what then began to happen to her eyebrows.

For the first two weeks, my eyebrows were crusty and itchy terribly. They had to be treated with special means that are prescribed individually (that’s what the master said). After all the crusts had come off, the result became clearly visible, and it was frankly unsuccessful . Katya went to the master so that he could evaluate his work himself. The master was pleased and said that everything looks great, but in some places it needs to be adjusted. I made an appointment for correction: again crust, itching, treatment, tears.

Now Katya is saving money to remove these terrible eyebrows from her face with a laser, but in the meantime she has to disguise them with special means and draw new eyebrows on top. This was such an unsuccessful experiment.

What do cosmetologists say about eyebrow tattooing?

You will be surprised, but cosmetologists unanimously say that if there is no special need, then it is better to refuse it.

There are only a couple of exceptions: obvious natural asymmetry and scars.

All other arguments, according to cosmetologists, are not convincing. In addition, they offer a completely reasonable solution for those who still do not want to paint their eyebrows every day - this is henna.

An absolutely natural and harmless method. And the color range is quite wide: from golden to dark brown. In addition, when tinting your eyebrows with henna, you will not only give them color, but also strengthen them thanks to the beneficial properties of henna.

During pregnancy, a woman is surrounded by many taboos - you can’t do this, you can’t do that. Over the course of nine long months, the static image becomes so boring that after giving birth you want almost radical changes in appearance, starting with a change of hairstyle and ending with a new style of clothing. What about tattooing, which adds expressiveness to the face and saves such scarce time? Is it possible to do it while breastfeeding, when prohibitions and restrictions continue?

Reasons why artists refuse to do tattooing

The issue of compatibility between breastfeeding and tattooing, which many include permanent makeup, in other words, tattooing, has not been studied from a scientific point of view either here or abroad. For example, in the USA, the Academy of Pediatrics, the College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Association of Family Physicians are inclined to believe that tattooing does not affect breastfeeding.

At the same time, tattoo ink is classified as a cosmetic product, but none of it is approved for injection under the skin, and in several states the activities of tattoo parlors are prohibited.

In general, professional tattoo artists on both sides of the border often refuse to perform such a procedure on pregnant and nursing mothers. They justify their refusal by the fact that, firstly:

  • components of the coloring pigment can enter the milk of a nursing mother through the bloodstream and it is unknown how this will affect the child;
  • secondly, different people have different pain sensitivity thresholds. And despite the use of local painkillers that are safe for a nursing woman and her baby, pain can be felt, and quite severe. This entails serious stress and you can easily say goodbye to lactation;
  • Thirdly, due to a slightly different hormonal background in a nursing mother, tattooing may not turn out well due to the fact that the pigment does not adhere correctly and the result will be a completely unexpected color and appearance of the eyebrows, eyes or lips.

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You can approach these statements in different ways - take them on faith or reject them. For the most part, artists play it safe, because in the event of undesirable consequences, even unrelated to tattooing, suspicion may fall on their shoulders. And with them comes the whole burden of responsibility.

So a tattoo artist who undertakes to do permanent makeup for a nursing woman is either a professional with extensive experience in this particular area, or an amateur, a grabber and a grabber.

If you are lucky and have found such a professional, then the decision to do or not to tattoo eyebrows, eyes or lips is ultimately yours. We will tell you what permanent makeup is and consider the validity of the above reasons why artists most often refuse nursing mothers.

What is tattooing and what not to do?

Permanent makeup differs from tattooing in the depth of introduction of pigment under the skin. It is performed in the upper layers of the epidermis. And if the tattoo remains for life, then the tattoo fades over time, usually within 3-4 years.

It is better for breastfeeding women to avoid permanent lip makeup. If only because when it is performed, herpetic reactions often appear and it is necessary to take antiherpetic drugs before and after the procedure for 1-2 weeks.

Such medications are incompatible with breastfeeding.

The most popular type of tattoo today is eyebrow micropigmentation. With its help, you can add expressiveness to your look and even visually look younger, just by raising your eyebrows to the top using paint and a needle. Currently, the most popular types are shoting, hair tattooing and their combination - 3D tattooing. All of them allow you to achieve maximum naturalness.

Healing and acquisition of the final color after tattooing occurs within 2-3 weeks, during which it is necessary to treat the injured skin with healing and antiseptic agents. There are many such drugs available that have a non-systemic effect on the body, so they will not cause harm during breastfeeding.

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How do dye components affect breastfeeding?

In a good salon, before the procedure, you will definitely be offered a test injection of the dye used under the skin to check the body’s reaction. After all, an allergic reaction on the face and accelerated pigment rejection are unlikely to beautify and please the owner of the tattoo.

The dye consists of a mineral, synthetic or plant pigment and a hydroalcoholic or creamy gel base - glycerin or sorbitol. In addition, glycols, alcohol and distilled water can be added to the composition to increase blood clotting.

Plant pigment, in the absence of an allergy to it, and the glycerin base are not dangerous during breastfeeding, but they also last much less than mineral or synthetic ones. Some paint components can be toxic and pass into the bloodstream, and therefore into breast milk. Therefore, when choosing a artist and a salon, first inquire about the composition of the tattoo dye used.

Is there a connection between pain and cessation of lactation?

The amount of milk produced is directly dependent on the frequency of the baby's attachment to the breast. If you feed on demand, and not according to a schedule, then signals are sent through the nerve channels from the breast to the brain for the synthesis of the hormone prolactin, which in turn stimulates the production of a sufficient volume of milk for the baby. Apart from this, nothing affects milk production.

Another thing is with the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for pushing milk from the milk lobes through the milk ducts to the nipple. When painful sensations occur, its production decreases. During tattooing, as well as a short time after, it may be difficult to release milk.

So the connection between pain and complete cessation of lactation is untenable.

Does hormonal background affect the quality of tattooing?

Prolactin, the level of which is increased during breastfeeding, affects water-salt metabolism, accelerates metabolism in the body, and has an immunoregulatory effect. Thanks to these features, you can really get an unexpected tattoo color and quickly “wash it out.”

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Immune cells recognize the introduced pigment as foreign in any person and begin working to get rid of them, which affects the final color.

But if in a normal case an experienced master knows what color should be the result of such a struggle, then in the case of lactation such a forecast becomes impossible.

Tattooing made with high-quality materials tested for toxicity and allergenicity does not have a harmful effect on the child. The same cannot be said about mom. The result, due to its unpredictability, can be either stunning or catastrophic. Think about whether you are ready to take a risk now or is it better to wait?

In the field of cosmetology, tattooing is a safe procedure, so many girls do not pay attention to contraindications before the session. However, the service during menstruation is one of the restrictions on tattooing; this point has an ambiguous opinion among experts.

Permanent eyebrow makeup

Eyebrow tattooing is a procedure in cosmetology that is aimed at changing the appearance of a female representative. In this case, you can change the shape of the eyebrows: curve, tail, thickness, number of hairs.

The procedure is common in cosmetology. It is done for various reasons:

  1. I don't like the shape of my eyebrows.
  2. The girl wants to increase the thickness of her hair by painting it with pigment.
  3. To avoid having to wear makeup every day, you can do permanent makeup. This saves the time it took to apply cosmetics.
  4. Hide congenital facial imperfections.

There may be other reasons why women decide to provide services.

There are two types of procedures: powder eyebrows (painting the entire area with dye) and the hair method (drawing hairs), other techniques depart from these basic types.

There are contraindications for tattooing, one of which is that it should not be done during menstruation.

What do menstruation affect?

Critical days for girls are a cycle, during which the body cleanses itself of unnecessary substances contained in the body that have accumulated during the month.

During menstruation, changes occur that affect eyebrow tattooing:

  1. Skin sensitivity increases. This point is practically the main reason why it is not recommended to do permanent eyebrow makeup at this time. Eyebrow tattooing is not a pleasant procedure, since the anesthetic does not completely cover the pain for everyone. If you sign up for a service during your period, the pain will be felt more strongly, which will result in unpleasant sensations from eyebrow tattooing, and due to tension in the facial muscles, it will be difficult for the artist to inject pigment under the epidermis.
  2. The speed of the recovery period during menstruation decreases. Due to hormonal fluctuations, the immune system suffers, so after the service there is a risk that the scab will take a long time to heal. If the rehabilitation of the skin lasts longer than usual, complications or side effects may occur that will affect the result and appearance of the eyebrows.
  3. The immune system deteriorates during menstruation, so there is a risk of infection in the body. The reason for this may be the use of low-quality consumables when working in cosmetology, or improper handling of the protective layer during the rehabilitation period of the epidermis. Infection in the bloodstream threatens to change the shape of the eyebrow, the applied pattern and the quality of the tattoo in general.
  4. Due to hormonal changes during menstruation, the body may not normally accept the introduction of a foreign substance (that is, pigment). This affects its appearance, the result of the tattoo. The result will be an unsuitable shade, partial coloring of the eyebrows, or excessive brightness or dullness of the color of the dye.

Taking into account all the effects on the body during menstruation, one can draw a conclusion whether it is worth applying it. In this case, you need to take into account your individual health status.

Is it possible to tattoo eyebrows during menstruation: the opinion of experts

Specialists who study the issue of menstruation are divided into two types: doctors and cosmetologists. But both sides have a common opinion, which they adhere to and advise clients.

Based on the restructuring of the body and the influence of menstruation, we can conclude that the presence of menstruation is not a complete contraindication for the procedure. Critical days are a limitation that you can heed, based on possible side effects due to the influence of menstruation.

Cosmetologists believe that tattooing can be applied if menstruation does not cause severe discomfort to the girl. In this case, it is enough to increase the amount of anesthesia, since menstruation greatly affects the sensitivity of the skin.

This answer is uniform and widespread among masters. But if possible, reschedule the session for a good time.

The standard limitation is menstruation, three days before and after it. Since the body first prepares for blood loss, and then recovers.

Before the session, consult with a cosmetologist to clarify your individual indications for permanent makeup. If your pain threshold is low, it is better to reschedule your visit to cosmetology.

General contraindications

To ensure that eyebrow tattooing does not cause unpleasant consequences for a woman, before it you need to coordinate your health with a list of restrictions.

  1. AIDS.
  2. Cancer diseases. Oncology affects the entire body of a female representative, so you need to be careful with this point. During the development of the disease, it is prohibited to perform the procedure, as this will negatively affect the client’s health and effect. If desired, the service can be performed when the client is recovering. This will require a doctor's permission.
  3. Poor blood clotting. If there is a point during tattooing, when blood comes to the surface, it will be difficult for the specialist to stop it. This will interfere with the work of the master; moreover, it will prematurely wash away the pigment that has just got under the epidermis.
  4. Pregnancy, breastfeeding. You can’t get a tattoo in the first trimester, since at this time the baby’s organs are being formed and its development is taking place, so it’s dangerous to lose it or get a developmental defect. As during menstruation, during pregnancy you can do the procedure in the second or third trimester if the pregnancy is progressing well.
  5. Diabetes. Regardless of the form of diabetes, the entire body is affected, so this point should not be neglected.

If you don’t have any matches with the list, you can get a tattoo without worrying about the result, if you have chosen a good salon and artist.