Almond oil - how to use it correctly? The benefits of almond oil for the face: reviews, best and original recipes for use The effect of almond oil on the skin of the face

Almond oil can do wonders for your face, body, hair, and overall health. Almonds are rich in antioxidants, contain a high concentration of vitamin E, fat and protein, essential nutrients. Daily use of oil will help in the treatment of diseases and solve almost any issue related to the beauty of the hair, face and body.

Cosmetic almond oil for the face is obtained from a pressed nut. Its use dates back to biblical times when it was mixed with fragrant herbs to create traditional ointments. Now it is the most popular oil, which is in great demand among those who have already discovered the wonderful world of natural sources of beauty and health.

Entire product lines for the face and body have been created based on the amazing properties of almond oil: a series of anti-aging moisturizers and serums, anti-wrinkle products, shower gels and oil bath tiles, shampoos, conditioners and other products to maintain the beauty of the skin of the face, hair and body. The active substances of almond oil allow you to reduce the proportion of chemical ingredients in cosmetics in order to bring it as close to natural as possible.

The oil is a product of completely natural origin, ideal for nourishing and revitalizing the skin. Easily absorbed, does not clog pores, promotes beautiful, soft, healthy facial skin.

Almond oil is a universal product, it does not have strict restrictions on its use. It is equally suitable for any skin type and age. Therefore, you should not worry that you may receive harm or an undesirable effect from the application.

Benefits of using almond oil for face:

  1. Improves the tone of the face, gives a glowing effect.
  2. Deeply and well moisturizes.
  3. Soothes irritation, relieves inflammation.
  4. Delays aging and wilting of the skin.
  5. Lightens dark circles & age spots.
  6. Prevents peeling and itching.
  7. Nourishes. The skin acquires elasticity, softness and smoothness.
  8. Treats chapped lips.

Using almond oil around the eyes

Almond oil around the eyes is used to prevent the formation of dark circles. It nourishes the skin well, moisturizes and makes it more resistant to active facial expressions. Apply a little almond oil to clean skin under the eyes before going to bed. And let it "work" while you sleep. Optimally, to achieve the result, you need to apply almond oil around the eyes for about 2 weeks. After a course of application, crow's feet will decrease, the skin of the eyelids will brighten and the darkness under the eyes will disappear.

Almond oil perfectly prevents the signs of aging by renewing cells and smoothing out wrinkles. You get young, fresh, toned and radiant skin with regular use. Choose for yourself, use almond oil for wrinkles every other day or twice a week, it doesn’t matter, only the speed with which the desired result will come will depend on it. It is more important to apply this great product to clean skin after washing or showering.

Facial cleansing and exfoliation

The skin takes on a dull appearance due to the accumulation of dead cells on the surface of the dermis. The layer is formed under the influence of external factors: polluted air, dust, sebum, cosmetics, sweat, etc.

You can remove dead cells and improve skin condition by preparing a scrub:

  • 4-5 finely crushed almond kernels;
  • 1 teaspoon of milk;
  • 5-6 drops of lemon juice;
  • a little flour to thicken the mass.

Apply the mixture on the face with soft and gentle circular motions. Keep the composition on the skin for at least 30 minutes. A simpler, but no less effective scrub is made from 1 tbsp. spoons of almond oil and 1 teaspoon of fine sugar. It is necessary to distribute and rub the composition very carefully so as not to damage the skin, but to get rid of dead cells and blackheads.

Almond oil for acne

Almonds contain fatty acids that dissolve sebum, which is the cause of acne and blackheads. This property of his perfectly "works" to prevent and destroy acne and inflammation.

Wash your hands and face. Pour a little oil into the palms of your hands and rub it into your skin, preferably before bed.

Almond oil eye cream

Almond oil nourishes well, perfectly and quickly removes swelling, restores a fresh look to the skin. You only need to apply 1-2 drops of almond oil around the eyes and spread it easily with your fingers.

Make-up removal

Almond oil for the face is also used as a make-up remover, it makes the skin healthy and beautiful. Massage is carried out gently with a cotton swab to thoroughly remove makeup from the eyes. Almond oil effectively removes impurities around the eyes and removes waterproof mascara.

Almond oil for eyelashes

Any natural oil nourishes the hair. Needless to say, when it comes to using almond oil for eyelashes and eyebrows, which has so many benefits. Apply it as often as possible and soon you will be amazed at how your eyelashes have changed. They will acquire shine, density and will grow much faster.

The benefits of almond oil are undeniable, thousands of years ago it was widely used as an effective cosmetic and therapeutic agent.

Composition and useful properties of almond oil.
Almonds are commonly called a nut, but it is more correct to call it the almond seed, which is extracted from the fruit of a green shrub plant. In comparison with other stone fruits, almonds hold the record for the level of oil content in it (up to sixty percent or more). Vegetable almond oil is extracted from the kernels of sweet and bitter almonds, for which the cold pressing technique is used. Sweet almond seed oil is used for food and used in the preparation of cosmetics, while bitter almond seed oil is used exclusively for technical and cosmetic purposes.

In finished form, almond oil is a liquid with a yellow tint, without any special smell, with pleasant taste. It contains an unimaginable amount of linolenic acid glyceride, polyunsaturated fatty acids, tocosterol, phytosterol, amygdalin and other active and beneficial substances. In addition, it is rich in vitamins, in particular vitamins E, F, A, group B, thanks to which the oil has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, as a result of which this product is wildly popular in the cosmetic industry. Sweet Almond Oil has a light texture that absorbs quickly. It is universal, therefore it is recommended for use by owners of any skin type. However, the most beneficial oil will bring sluggish, aging and excessive dry skin. In addition, it can be used in the care of the delicate and sensitive area around the eyes, as well as the décolleté area. This is due to its nourishing, moisturizing, softening, rejuvenating, regenerative, soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Regular use of almond oil in skin care significantly inhibits the natural aging process of skin cells, and also acts as a kind of protective barrier against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. The optimally balanced composition of the oil regulates the amount of secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands, preventing the expansion of pores (oily and combination skin), eliminates inflammation and various irritations (sensitive and problematic skin), and also serves as a good preventive measure for peeling, loss of tone and elasticity.

It is impossible not to mention the benefits of almond oil for hair, it helps to strengthen hair follicles, increases their elasticity, nourishes and stimulates growth, restores natural shine.

Almond oil has a healing effect. Due to its composition, it is an effective tool that reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, as well as lowering the acidity of the stomach. It also perfectly fights spider veins on the skin, treats herpes, various types of damage and microtrauma, eczema and dermatitis, and is effective against burns, including sunburn. Thanks to its warming and analgesic effect, almond oil is great for treating earaches.

Almond oil has practically no contraindications (except perhaps individual intolerance), it can be used even for children, for example, as a mild laxative for flatulence.

Application of almond oil.

In addition to skin care for the face and body, hair, almond oil is used in the field of medicine, pharmaceuticals and the perfume industry. It is used as a solvent for camphor used for various injections, as well as for the preparation of emollient and anti-inflammatory ointments.

Almond kernels also find their uses in cooking, as well as as a spice. The almond shell is used in the production of horseradish, wines, liquor as a color and flavor enhancer. In addition, activated carbon is produced from it.

The use of almond oil in skin care.
This vegetable oil is ideal for face skin care (including the skin around the eyes) and body (arms, legs, décolleté). You can apply it undiluted, you can enrich it with essential oils, depending on the need to eliminate a particular skin problem, add it to ready-made cosmetic formulations for the skin (two drops will be needed for one use), and also prepare face masks based on it. Just before use, the oil should be slightly warmed up, this will improve its penetration into the skin and increase the effect. You should also know that sweet almond oil can retain moisture, so it is better to apply it in its pure form on pre-moistened skin, for which you can use herbal infusions, herbal tonics, still mineral water. Application should be carried out with light massaging movements with fingertips. It is very useful to completely replace the finished skin care products with oil in the winter, just be sure to remove the excess from the skin so that there is no oily sheen. Almond oil, with regular use, makes the complexion noticeably better, gives the skin a velvety texture, eliminates uneven skin relief, improves tone and elasticity, makes wrinkles less noticeable, having a generally rejuvenating effect.

Like all vegetable oils, almond oil can be used to cleanse the skin of impurities, as well as to remove makeup from the eyes.

On the basis of almond oil, massage mixtures are prepared, which serve as an excellent means of combating and preventing cellulite. The anti-cellulite effect is due to its ability to penetrate the skin at a deep level, while stimulating blood and lymph circulation. Against this background, the body begins to actively remove toxins and toxins, and the skin acquires tone and elasticity, noticeably tightening. To increase effectiveness, sweet almond oil is usually mixed with essential oils of citrus, geranium, rosemary and patchouli (15 ml, one drop of each or five drops if one variant of the essential component is taken).

Application of almond oil for hair.
The use of almond oil for hair strengthens them, stimulates growth, restores elasticity and shine. Suitable for absolutely any type of hair. For oily hair, forty minutes before washing, this oil should be rubbed into the roots and distributed over the entire length. Cedar, lemon or bergamot essential oil (two drops) can be added to the oil. Wrap with polyethylene and a thick towel on top, rinse as usual. If the hair is dry, then the procedure must be done on clean, damp hair, only combine almond oil with ylang-ylang or patchouli oil (two drops each). The duration of the procedure is from forty minutes to an hour.

You can comb your hair with similar oil mixtures (two or three times a day), this will provide your hair with the necessary substances, moisturize it, making it obedient and silky.

Application of almond oil for nails.
The benefits of this natural product have found their application in nail care. With brittle exfoliating nails, it is useful to rub warm almond oil into the nail plate and cuticle, and if you combine it with citrus oils, the effect will increase several times. Your nails will be strong, healthy, and most importantly, always look like after visiting the master.

Treatment with almond oil.
Almond oil has medicinal properties, therefore it is effective in the treatment of many diseases. It effectively relieves dry dermatitis, herpes, softens and moisturizes rough skin. Lubricate the affected areas three to five times during the day with a mixture of almond oil (one teaspoon) and tea tree oil (two to three drops). Gives positive results in the treatment of eczema, skin irritations, as it controls the state of water and lipid balance. Its regular use favorably affects the condition of the kidneys, the cardiovascular system, as well as the organs of vision. In addition, it perfectly eliminates the problems of hair and scalp, in particular, stops hair loss. In addition, sweet almond oil is an excellent laxative, including in children, it is recommended for bronchitis, heartburn, cough, kidney and bladder diseases. It is also an excellent pain reliever, effectively relieves muscle pain, as well as ear pain (five drops of warm oil are instilled into the ear).

Let me also remind you of the anti-inflammatory properties of the oil, which are used in the treatment of problematic and oily skin, the removal of unpleasant symptoms of itching and burning in sensitive facial skin. Direct application to damaged areas of the skin accelerates the healing of wounds, abrasions, cuts, bruises, etc. Take two drops of tea tree oil for one tablespoon of almond oil.

Almond oil is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, just a teaspoon twice a day. It is also recommended to take it in case of peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis with high acidity (a teaspoon a day, in the morning on an empty stomach).

With chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, throat diseases, dry cough, pneumonia, it is recommended to drink oil three times a day in a teaspoon. A noticeable improvement occurs already on the third day of application.

It should be noted that this product is effective for sprains and various injuries in sports. In this case, it is necessary to apply napkins soaked in almond oil to the damaged areas. The procedure is carried out three times a day for half an hour, it relieves pain well, providing an anti-inflammatory effect.

In case of swelling of the legs in pregnant women and back pain, massage with almond oil (100 ml) in combination with lavender (seven drops), sandalwood and neroli oil, taken three drops each, will help.

With severe pain on the eve of menstruation and during it, it is recommended to apply this oil (70 ml) to the lower abdomen with massaging movements in combination with St. John's wort (30 ml), grapefruit (5 drops), ylang-ylang (3 drops), clary sage (2 drops) and jasmine (drop).

In the case of female inflammation, it is recommended to use tampons soaked in almond oil in combination with tea tree oil (two drops per teaspoon). Change tampons every four hours. Relief comes on the second day.

There are a huge number of recipes for using almond oil. Even if nothing bothers you, use it as a preventive measure.

Widely used in the cosmetic industry. Almond oil can be found in the composition of nourishing creams, cosmetic milk, various masks, including those for strengthening hair.

Essential acids, vitamins F and E, phytosterols and other useful components of almond oil, allow us to talk about a beneficial effect on the skin, hair, eyelashes and the body as a whole.

Preparations and various products containing almond oil help slow down cell aging, have a protective, anti-inflammatory, tonic, regenerating, nourishing and softening effect on hair and skin.

Almond oil is perfectly absorbed by the skin, helps to accelerate cell regeneration, regulates the water balance of the skin, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Almond oil is used as an independent remedy, and in combination with other cosmetics, including for the preparation of masks and creams.

Almond oil for face

Almond oil is used for skin care. The constant or complex use of almond oil can slow down the aging process and withering of the skin.

Since the oil has nourishing, softening and rejuvenating properties, it can be used for any skin type.

Almond oil for the skin around the eyes. In its pure form, it can be used daily, applying a thin layer to the skin around the eyes. Also, you can add a few drops of oil to the products that you already use. This procedure will help eliminate light wrinkles and lighten circles under the eyes.

Almond oil for lips. The nourishing properties of the oil make it an indispensable assistant for lip care. Just apply the oil on your lips several times a week. If your lips are chapped and flaky, use the oil every night until your lips are back to normal.

Almond oil for sensitive and problem skin. The oil helps to relieve inflammation and irritation of the skin, which is indispensable when working with problem skin.

Mask, with almond oil, for problem skin, leave on the skin for 15 minutes, you can do a light massage. The acids contained in almond oil are able to dissolve excess sebum, which leads to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, which, in turn, helps to reduce acne on the skin.

Mask for problem skin : 1.5 tablespoons of almond oil, 1 teaspoon of alcohol tincture of St. John's wort or calendula, half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix everything and apply on face, rinse with warm water.

Almond oil for moisturizing and nourishing the skin. The emollient and nourishing properties of the oil allow you to remove the peeling of the skin. The oil can be used alone or in combination with tonics. This application is described in more detail in the section on almond oil for stretch marks.

Mask for moisturizing and nourishing the skin : 1 teaspoon almond oil, 2 teaspoons cottage cheese. Mix everything, apply on the skin for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Almond oil for skin protection. Exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin has a negative effect on its condition. The use of almond oil as a sunscreen, including in combination with other protective agents, is justified, since it can protect the skin not only from the harmful effects of rays, but, at the same time, nourish and moisturize it. Excess oil can be removed with a tissue by simply blotting your face.

Almond oil for combination skin. The use of oil on problem areas, such as the nose, forehead, chin, allows you to locally solve the problem of enlarged pores, while simultaneously eliminating oily sheen.

Mixed skin type may be characterized by the presence of dry patches of skin. How to moisturize and nourish the skin with almond oil has been described above. Mask for combination skin: take two equal parts of almond oil and honey, apply on face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Almond Body Butter

Almond oil for nails. Almond oil has proven to be excellent as a nail care product. The oil can be used both in pure form and as a mixture with other oils and components.

The simplest and most affordable composition: half a teaspoon of almond oil, two drops of ylang-ylang oil, two drops of lemon juice. This composition is applied to the nails and the skin around them. This tool can be used every day, it will help strengthen nails. In the future, you can reduce the frequency of use and use this recipe only for prevention.

Almond oil for massage. Almond oil for massage is considered traditional. In addition to its tonic, nourishing, anti-inflammatory and softening properties, the oil also has an excellent aromatherapeutic effect. Regular massage sessions, using almond oil, can restore physical and spiritual health.

Almond oil for hands. Hands most often come into contact with the environment, including coloring fruits and vegetables, and detergents. That is why hands often give out age.

Almond oil for hand skin care is an indispensable tool. It can be used as an independent tool, just apply a thin layer on the hands. Regular use of oil will allow the skin of the hands to quickly recover, look well-groomed.

You can also add almond oil to your hand creams. Just combine a few drops of oil and a base cream in your palm. Use the resulting composition as you would normally use a hand cream.

Almond oil for elbows. Since the oil is well absorbed, it can quickly get rid of peeling and dry skin on the knees and elbows. And the use of almond oil in a course will soften the rough skin on the elbows and knees.

Almond oil for neck and décolleté. The neck and décolleté area is most in need of nutrition, since in this area the content of the sebaceous glands is minimal. The use of almond oil can tighten the skin in the neck, décolleté, and forearms. Use the oil periodically as an independent remedy or in combination with a course of massages, several sessions will be enough.

Almond oil for eyelashes

Eyelashes, like any other part of the body, also need care. Homemade eyelash care is very easy, just apply almond oil to your eyelashes. You can perform this procedure in the evening, armed with a cotton swab or a clean brush. The oil stimulates the growth of eyelashes, preventing their loss. Before the procedure, eyelashes must be cleaned of mascara residue.

Almond oil for stretch marks

Body care with the use of almond oil provides a set of procedures. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups. The first is the prevention and prevention of stretch marks. The second is work with existing stretch marks.

Most often, stretch marks appear during pregnancy. To prevent this process, it is necessary to apply oil several times a week to the intended stretch marks. This procedure can be carried out every other day.

Stretch marks can also be prevented by avoiding loose skin. To do this, it is necessary to prevent dehydration of the body, it is necessary to observe the diet and the intake of water in the body.

Cosmetic elimination of lethargy and flabbiness of the skin consists in the parallel use of almond oil and cosmetic water (or tonic). On problem areas, including places of alleged stretch marks, apply cosmetic water or tonic, then apply almond oil. This procedure will increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Stretch marks that have already appeared are the hardest to get rid of. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures. These include, in addition to the use of almond oil, physical education, wrapping and massage.

In some cases, you can get rid of stretch marks only by radical methods, some of which are described in the figure correction section.

Almond hair oil

The use of almond oil for hair can restore their strength and shine, strengthen the hair follicle and prevent hair loss. Massage of the scalp, using almond oil, reduces the cross-section of the hair and prevents their fragility.

Almond oil is in great demand in the cosmetics industry, and in aromatherapy, it occupies a leading position. This amazing product with excellent emollient properties is indispensable in the care of any type of skin. With systematic use, almond oil restores firmness and elasticity to the skin, stops the natural processes of skin aging, forming a protective barrier against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and other external factors.

The composition of almond oil is absolutely natural, because it is extracted from peeled almond kernels through cold pressing. Due to its exceptionally positive effect on the skin, this most valuable product is widely used for cosmetic purposes (in the care of hair, nails, face and body skin). The product owes such popularity to its composition, and, accordingly, to its properties. It contains the most important vitamins for skin cells (E, F, A, group B, etc.), trace elements and simply useful substances. It is their ideal combination in oil that has a moisturizing, softening, nourishing, protective, rejuvenating and soothing effect on the skin, in addition, its regular use for cosmetic purposes helps to normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands, thereby preventing the expansion of pores. The amazing effect of using almond oil for the face is due to its ability to penetrate into the skin cells located in the deeper layers, thereby activating the lymph and blood circulation. As a result, the processes of removing excess fluid and toxins from the skin are accelerated, which contributes to further natural strengthening and tightening of the skin.

Many cosmetologists especially recommend almond oil in the care of owners of lethargic, dry and aging skin with signs of aging. This product is very effective in caring for the delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes and lips. Daily application of it to this area moisturizes it, nourishes and smoothes wrinkles, as a result, the look becomes younger and fresher. Also, its use significantly improves complexion and evens out skin texture. In addition, almond oil for the face is known for its medicinal properties, in particular, it controls the water lipid balance of the skin, it perfectly copes with irritation and redness of sensitive skin, as well as inflammation of oily skin, eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of burning and itching, and also accelerates the regenerative functions of the skin, stimulating healing processes of its injuries. Thanks to these properties, almond oil can cope with herpes, eczema, dermatitis and spider veins on the skin. It also softens rough and dry skin, eliminates peeling, saturates it with nutrients, restoring elasticity and velvety, while maintaining tone. It is hypoallergenic, so the likelihood of developing allergic reactions is practically reduced to zero (with the exception of individual intolerance to the components of the product).

In addition to skin care, almond oil is the number one ingredient in various beauty products. It goes well with essential and cosmetic oils, it can be enriched with ready-made creams and masks and, of course, used as an independent remedy. It should be noted that this product, unique in its essence, has a light consistency, which explains its excellent absorption into the skin. The light consistency and nutritional value of the product make it possible to use it as an eye make-up remover and cleansing the skin surface from impurities.

How to use almond oil for face.
Almond oil is very useful for the skin of the face, it can even be simply applied warm instead of a night remedy, including on the area around the eyes, left overnight, after blotting the excess with a napkin. You can add this universal remedy to ready-made skin care products, including special creams for the eye area. For one serving of cream or lotion, it is enough to take two or three drops of oil. Also, almond oil is used as a means of cleansing the skin from the remnants of cosmetics and other impurities. Soak two cotton swabs in warm oil, place one under the lash line, the other on top. Gently remove the mascara from the eyes. Then moisten another cotton swab and rub it with light, non-stretching movements on the skin of the face, following the direction along the massage lines.

Recipes for homemade face masks with almond oil.
This recipe is ideal for cleansing and toning any skin type. To prepare the mask, you must first grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Take a tablespoon of the oatmeal obtained as a result of the manipulation and pour it with a small amount of warm water to make a paste-like mass. Then pour two teaspoons of sweet almond oil into the mass and add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix everything well until smooth and spread on the face (pre-steamed using steam baths). After twenty minutes, rinse everything with water at room temperature. Some clarification should be made: if you have oily skin, then for such a mask it is preferable to use wheat flour or starch, and it is better to dilute with cool water.

If you want to tone or support your skin, in the previous recipe, instead of lemon juice, add another drop of rose, lemon and sandalwood or patchouli, rosewood and orange essential oils to the oatmeal-oil mixture. The composition is also kept on the face for fifteen minutes, then removed by washing with cool water.

To soothe overly sensitive skin, as well as relieve inflammation from oily and problem skin with acne and other problems, effectively use the following mask: grind raw egg white with two teaspoons of almond oil and inject a tablespoon of St. John's wort tincture on alcohol. Apply the composition on the face and soak for fifteen minutes, then rinse with cool water.

For the same purposes, you can use another recipe: mash boiled potatoes (one piece), add two teaspoons of almond oil, a tablespoon of calendula tincture and two teaspoons of lemon juice to the mass. Mix thoroughly and refrigerate. Then put it on your face, and after fifteen minutes, rinse with cool water.

For dry, normal, aging skin and the area around the eyes, this mask is suitable. After its application, the skin tone increases, the complexion improves, its surface is leveled. For this mask, you should pour a tablespoon of cocoa powder into a bowl and add a little warm milk to obtain a mass of medium density. Next, add two teaspoons of almond oil and a teaspoon of liquid honey to this mass. Apply the composition for twenty minutes (if the area around the eyes is ten minutes), rinse with slightly warm water.

The following mask is ideal for dry, combination and normal skin care. It has a moisturizing effect, softens and tones the skin. To prepare it, a tablespoon of fatty cottage cheese should be rubbed with a tablespoon of kiwi pulp (avocado, grapes, apples), after which two teaspoons of almond oil should be added to the mass. Leave the composition on the face for fifteen minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.

To nourish dry and aging skin, you can make a mask from a mixture of egg yolk, honey and almond oil, taken in two teaspoons. Hold the mask for ten minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

To eliminate inflammation, peeling and irritation of the skin, it is effective to do oil applications based on almond oil several times a day. To do this, make gauze napkins with slits for the eyes, nose and mouth. Soak in the oil mixture and apply for half an hour. Can be enriched with essential oils (two drops per 10 g of cosmetic oil). For the same purpose, you can apply a mixture of a teaspoon of almond oil and four drops of one of the following oils to the skin: vetiver, lavender, neroli, rose.

If you do this procedure in a slightly different way, you can increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, reduce the manifestations of age-related changes. Moisten a napkin first in hot water, then in almond oil or a mixture with essential oils (limetta, roses and sandalwood), apply to the face, and cover with a towel on top. This procedure can be done once a week, and in the future, as the skin condition improves, once a month for prevention.

To smooth the skin around the eyes, it is effective to make a mask on this area daily at night from a mixture of 5 ml of almond oil and one drop of sandalwood oil.

Facial massage with almond oil once a week will keep your skin young and firm for years to come. For a massage mixture, mix almond oil with sandalwood, neroli and rose oil, taken one drop at a time.

With the help of this miracle of nature, you can also get rid of freckles, since it still has a brightening effect. To a teaspoon of sweet almond oil, add two drops of grapefruit oil. This mixture should be rubbed on the freckled area daily. The effect is noticeable after two weeks of regular use.

Almond is a tree that originally grew on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. To date, the largest number of these plants is located in the United States. The fruits have a strong shell, and inside there is a stone or nut. Almonds are used to obtain valuable oil. It is often used for cosmetic purposes.

  • monounsaturated oleic and polyunsaturated linoleic acid - protect the skin from harmful environmental influences, fight inflammation and prevent the destruction of collagen;
  • carotenes - have antioxidant properties, are effective against skin diseases;
  • bioflavonoids - antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory;
  • proteins - moisturize, nourish, rejuvenate;
  • minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium) - a deficiency of these substances disrupts cellular metabolism and regeneration processes;
  • vitamins A, E and F - give the oil antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.

Almond oil contains fatty acids, bioflavonoids, minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances

Properties of almond oil

Benefits of almond oil include:

  • slowing down the natural aging of cells;
  • creation of a barrier to ultraviolet radiation (protection from the sun);
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • return of skin elasticity, elasticity;
  • fight against dryness and peeling;
  • strengthening hair follicles;
  • increased hair growth;
  • treatment of skin diseases and herpes;
  • regenerative and anti-inflammatory action;
  • fight against vascular pattern.

Video: properties of almond oil

The use of almond oil in cosmetology

Almond oil is the base. It is used for and skin.

Facial skin care

Self-massage of the face should be carried out along the massage lines to avoid stretching the skin

Use in its purest form

Pure almond oil can be used for any skin type. It normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, nourishes, relieves peeling and soothes. The product is applied at night 2-3 times a week.yu on a wet face along the massage lines instead of a cream. Do not take it in large quantities, 10-20 drops are enough.

Adding to finished cosmetics

Almond oil is an excellent nutritional component, so you can enrich your usual products with it: a mask or cream. To do this, add 4 drops per serving, and over time, seeing the reaction of the skin, you can reduce or increase the amount of oil.

Almond oil can be added to conventional cosmetics

Face masks

Almond oil is used as an ingredient in making homemade face masks.

Table: face masks with almond oil for different skin types

skin typeMask #1Mask number 2Mask #3holding timeApplication frequencyCourse duration
Dry or fading1 tsp mix warm milk with 1 tsp. cocoa powder, 2 tsp almond oil and 1 tsp. honey.Mash the pulp of half a small kiwi, add 2 tsp. fatty cottage cheese and 2 tsp. almond oil.1 tsp fat sour cream mixed with 1 tsp. grated apple and 2 tsp. almond oil.20 minutes2 times per week3 months
Oily or problematic1 st. l. ground oatmeal mixed with 1 tsp. almond oil and 3 drops of lemon essential oil.Boil a small potato in its skin, crush and cool. Then add 1 tsp to the puree. almond oil and 0.5 tsp. pharmacy tincture of calendula.Mix 1 egg white with 1 tsp. almond oil, 1 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal and 0.5 tsp. pharmacy tincture of St. John's wort.10–15 minutes2 times per week1 month
sensitive1 st. l. ground oatmeal mixed with 1 tsp. almond oil and 1 tsp. chamomile decoction.1 st. l. corn starch mixed with 1 tsp. green tea and 1 tsp. almond oil.1 st. l. ground oatmeal mixed with 1 tsp. almond oil, 1 tsp. green tea and 2 tsp. grated cucumber.10 minutes2 times per week3 months

Body care

For body skin care, almond oil can be used both in its pure form and to enrich the cream. The tool is used for self-massage, the prevention of the appearance of stretch marks and the fight against them.

Oil body massage

For self-massage, the body is conditionally divided into 3 zones:

  1. Head and body to the level of the pelvis. On the front side of the body, movements should go from top to bottom, and on the back - from bottom to top along the spine.
  2. From the pelvis to the feet. It is necessary to massage smoothly and evenly from top to bottom, moving from the waist to the tips of the toes.
  3. From collarbones to hands. Movements go from the collarbone to the fingertips.

Massage is performed with smooth movements without pressure with a sufficient amount of almond oil. Hands should gently slide over the skin. If desired, you can add your favorite esters to the product. Self-massage is performed 2-3 times a week. In the morning, he will help to cheer up and tune in to the working mood, and in the evening, on the contrary, he will relax and prepare for sleep.

In Ayurveda, oil massage of the whole body is called "abhiyanga", it also includes lubrication of the scalp, face, palms and feet.

Oil self-massage of the body should be "soft", no movements are allowed that cause at least a little pain.

Contraindications for oil self-massage include:

  • heat;
  • constipation;
  • vomit;
  • taking laxatives.

Stretch marks prevention and treatment

During pregnancy and under the influence of other factors (low skin elasticity, malnutrition, etc.), stretch marks may appear on the body. They are white, pink or purple streaks on the skin that are made up of connective tissue. The production of collagen and elastin in these areas does not occur. To get rid of stretch marks or prevent their appearance, almond oil is used, which is one of the most effective remedies for this problem.

Almond oil is an effective remedy for stretch marks

Table: recipes with almond oil to combat stretch marks and prevent

Hand, foot and nail care

Hands, nails and feet, like the rest of the body, require constant care. To nourish and moisturize the skin, many women use almond oil. In addition, the remedy is considered especially beneficial for nails and cuticles.

Table: hand and foot care recipes with almond oil

ZoneRecipeHow to useApplication frequencyWellthe effect
HandsAdd 6-10 drops of almond oil to one serving of your favorite hand cream.Rub with massage movements into the hands.DailyNo restrictionsSoft and nourished hand skin.
Nails3 art. l. almond oil mixed with 20 drops of lavender essential oil and 10 drops of lemon essential oil.Rub with massage movements into the nails and cuticles for about half a minute.DailyNo restrictionsStrong white nail plate without delamination and soft thin cuticle.
In 300 ml of warm water, add 2 tbsp. l. almond oil.Take a nail bath until the water cools down.Daily2–4 weeksStrengthening nails, restoring their natural color and enhanced growth.
LegsAdd 6-10 drops of almond oil to one serving of your favorite foot cream.Rub with massage movements into the feet and heels.3-4 times a weekNo restrictionsLack of peeling, calluses and corns on the legs.

Video: using almond oil

Baby care

Basic cosmetic oils are successfully used in the care of the delicate skin of a child, as they do not contain artificial fragrances and petroleum products.

In addition to the basic function - moisturizing - almond oil is used to combat diaper rash, abrasions and dermatitis. It is recommended to use it in its pure form. It is enough to apply a slightly warm agent with light massage movements once a day until the symptoms disappear.

Almond oil is also suitable for baby care