Stamping for manicure how to use. Stamping on nails: all the secrets of technology at home! Instructions for applying stamping on shellac

The art of modern nail art does not stand still. Thanks to constant innovations, you can easily create a beautiful and high-quality manicure without resorting to the services of a specialist. One of these innovations is a technology called "stamping", which has gained a huge share of popularity among lovers of original and fashionable manicure. It should be noted that the usual manicure is radically transformed through the use of stamping. This method is quite easy to use, since it does not require any special skills, which is why its popularity is increasing every day.

What it is

The concept of "stamping" in translation from English means "stamping". This is the printing of drawings by copying patterns from a special plate. In general, beautiful and original drawings are created thanks to a stamping design kit in the form of a plate, scraper, stamp, varnishes and a fixer. The printing of drawings is carried out as follows: the stamp transfers the pattern from the plate, after which the picture is reproduced on the nail. Stamping design technology using stamping allows you to easily transfer different images with the smallest details.

To learn how to make clear drawings, you need to practice, so most girls prefer to make their first creations in stamping on gel polish, which makes it possible to remove damaged drawings in the future without fear for the main coating.

Patterns transferred from the plate can be tried to be transferred as many times as necessary to achieve the desired result, because the gel cannot be erased with simple acetone. But thanks to him, you can remove the image, which is performed using ordinary nail polish. Thus, thanks to the gel coating used as a background, you can gain experience for quickly printing images. With a good mastery of this technology, you can start doing a manicure using absolutely any varnishes, both for drawings and for the background.

The set for stamping with gel polish includes:

  1. Stamp;
  2. Scraper (scraper);
  3. Plate with engraved images;
  4. Drawing fixer;
  5. Thick varnish or acrylic paints;
  6. Gel polish applied for background image.

Design examples

A variety of drawings with stamping can please even the most fastidious persons. After all, the patterns that are engraved on the plates can be easily selected for each image. Changing drawings on gel polish is not difficult, since the background coating of the nail in the form of a gel cannot be erased with acetone, but requires special methods to remove the gel coating. Therefore, the printing of patterns can be changed at least every day, while the background of the nail will remain unchanged for about two weeks.

Ornaments on the disks are in the form of patterns, lines, geometric shapes, inscriptions, flowers and various animals.

You can find designs on the New Year theme. Disks with emoticons are very popular.

Most often, dark shades of varnishes are used for printing drawings, for example, burgundy, black and blue. But in this case, it all depends on personal preferences, since a manicure, first of all, should be pleasant for its owner, which means that even the most daring decisions can be created, because all innovations are born in this way.

How to do a manicure

With the help of stamping, you can create a variety of patterns in a matter of seconds, even without special drawing skills. The technology of stamping with gel polish is practically the same as applying drawings using conventional ones. The main thing is to take into account the specifics of the gels in the work, and then a stunning result in the form of a beautiful manicure will not be long in coming. Before you start applying stamping, you need to follow a simple instruction.

  1. First you need apply a colorless gel polish to the prepared nails and dry it thoroughly under the rays of an ultraviolet lamp.
  2. Further it is necessary paint your nails in two layers of the color you want to use for the background and dry after each application.
  3. Then cover your nails fixer or top and use the drying lamp again.
  4. Next, remove the sticky layer from the top coat using a regular cotton pad pre-moistened in the solution.
  5. To move on to the drawing process, it is important to prepare a set for stamping and wipe each item with nail polish remover. This will help the pattern print more clearly.
  6. The next step involves applying a decorative varnish. on a plate with a pattern. The tool is evenly distributed over the surface of the pattern, and the excess is removed with a quick and sharp movement of the hand with a scraper.
  7. Finally, copy the pattern from the plate to the stamp with a light and rolling motion. and try to quickly transfer it to the nail. All minor flaws can be easily removed with nail polish remover without damaging the base coat of the nail at all, because, as mentioned earlier, acetone does not affect gel polish.
  8. In the event that the ornament turned out as it was intended, then you can safely apply an additional layer of fixative. This method will help the drawing to remain intact for as long as possible and delight with its beauty and grace.

Such a design with stamping on gel polish can last up to two weeks, which will allow you not to worry about the appearance of the manicure and enjoy its original patterns.

An important point in working with stamping: the steps must be quick, and after creating a pattern on each nail, you must use nail polish remover and thoroughly wipe all items to create stamping.

Most people naively believe that gel polish can be used in stamping when printing drawings. This opinion is deeply erroneous, because for stamping technology, you can use the gel as a background for the nail, and not for printing patterns. The thing is that gel polish is not designed to perform such tasks. Its consistency does not allow the tool to be imprinted on the stamp, which means that it is beyond its power to transfer the pattern from the plate to the nail.

The most suitable option for creating beautiful and truly high-quality drawings using stamping are traditional viscous varnishes and special acrylic varnishes. With their help, you can create real masterpieces. A little practice and a bit of imagination will help every girl to easily translate her ideas into reality. With acrylic paints, all the small outlines of the pattern are quite well preserved. All its thin lines and details pass from the plate to the nail. A dense shade of varnish will help create a colorful pattern that will look gorgeous on the nails of its owner.

By the way, a manicure looks quite impressive when the stamping is applied only to the ring fingers, and a monochromatic gel polish remains on the rest of the nails.

Master classes

Stamping fashion trends do not stand still, because this unique method has become one of the most sought-after nail designs among most girls. Women of fashion, who perfectly mastered this technique, did not stop at the achieved results and rapidly improved in these matters. Such experiments were not in vain, because today a new type of stamping has appeared, which is called "reverse". Until relatively recently, this technology was familiar to few, but today it is the main trend in nail art.

Reverse stamping is a color manicure design, which is initially created not on the surface of the nail, but on stamping.

The painted pattern should harden well, and only after that should the resulting film with the ornament be removed and carefully glued to the nail. This method is translated from English as "reverse". This name turned out for a reason, but because the film with the pattern lies on the wrong side of the nail. For a more detailed consideration of this issue, a step-by-step study is needed.

The technique for transferring drawings to nails is quite specific and differs markedly from the usual printing of images with stamps. Application technology requires accuracy and perseverance at all stages of creating this unique manicure. How to use reverse stamping, you can learn from the following instructions.

  1. To start you need to apply on the nails that shade of varnish that will go well with the pattern.
  2. Next, you need to apply acrylic varnish on a plate with patterns. Having chosen the drawing you like, you should fill it with paint.
  3. Then with a scraper you need to remove excess varnish, evenly distributing the paint over the pattern.
  4. Now you need to transfer the drawing to the stamp. With a smooth movement, you need to touch the disk with an ornament and lightly press it with a stamp.
  5. Further actions will be performed only on the stamp itself. Having opened colored varnishes for coloring patterns, apply two drops of each such paint on any flat surface.
  6. Using a brush, you need to paint over the entire drawing, smoothly filling in all the details of the picture.
  7. After drawing the pattern, it is necessary to apply a transparent varnish thick enough layer.
  8. To understand that everything is done really right, you need to wait until the varnish dries well. Carefully lifting the formed film with a pattern with tweezers, you can judge the state of the image.
  9. In the event that the varnish is dry, carefully separate it from the stamp. This is done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the film with the pattern. It should be borne in mind that it is quite fragile and can break with sudden movements. The transfer should be smooth and accurate.
  10. The finished slider is transferred to the nail. The varnish on the nails themselves must be fresh so that the film can adhere well. In case of drying of the varnish on the nails, you need to paint it again with a colorless agent. The film will not be able to stick to a dry base. The resulting sticker must be carefully smoothed so that it fits well on the nail.
  11. While the film is firmly on the nail, you can use scissors to cut off the excess edges. Often, many girls use a brush dipped in nail polish remover instead of scissors. This method will also allow you to get rid of excess varnish along the edges of the nail. In this case, everyone stops their choice on the option that is the most suitable.
  12. At the end of the reverse stamping, apply a fixer to the resulting pattern.

Reverse stamping is quite difficult to perform, so you must follow all the rules for its implementation.

Lessons for beginners will be a great help at the beginning of learning this difficult technology for creating a manicure. Such a manicure is perfect for creative people who love to create this kind of masterpiece. The technique of applying a reverse stamping design will give unforgettable emotions from an interesting creative process, and a manicure will not go unnoticed by others.

You will learn more about the technology of applying stamping on gel polish from the following video.

Stamping (stamping translated from English: embossing or stamping)- a unique nail art technique for quickly applying drawings and patterns of a chosen theme to the nail coating using special tools. This technique will help you make a beautiful nail design yourself at home, which visually will not differ much from artistic painting with thin brushes. A careful study of simple master classes with photos and step-by-step video tutorials that are posted in this material will help beginners master the stamping technique in a couple of hours. You can make any manicure and decorate your nails with a luxurious pattern, saving time and money on visiting a beauty salon.


List of accessories that we need for work:

▪ Large rectangular plate or disc with engraved prints. Several discs with drawings or patterns are included in the starter set (Konad, MoYou London) . But to complete your chosen nail design, buy a separate plate with prints of a suitable theme. It is very convenient to use stamping discs fixed in a special holder;

▪ Silicone or rubber stamp. Especially popular now are stamps with a transparent pad, through which the pattern is clearly visible at the time of transfer from the plate to the nail. It is convenient to apply several fragments of the composition on the nail with such a tool, carefully combining them relative to each other;

▪ Scraper (scraper) for removing varnish residues from the plate. There may be a metal scraper in the kit, it can leave noticeable scratches on the surface of the plate. It's best to use a plastic scraper or some kind of waste plastic card;

▪ Thick, highly pigmented varnish. For stamping, it is best to use special varnishes from well-known brands. But it is quite possible to get by with ordinary varnishes of thick consistency and matte texture. Gel polish is not suitable for making prints with a stamp (only as a background coating);

▪ Nail polish remover and lint-free wipes. Stamping tools (stamp, plate, scraper) must be wiped with liquid every time after transferring the imprint to the nail.

Step by step master class:

❶ We prepare the nail plates using trimmed or unedged manicure. Give the free edge of each nail the desired shape (for decor, it is best to choose an oval or almond-shaped shape for extended nails and a square one with rounded edges for short nails) with manicure files, buff the surface of the nail plates with a buff, remove the keratinized layer of the cuticle;

❷ We apply a base layer with a base coat (or a base for gel polish, dry it in a UV lamp), and then a thin layer of a background coat;

❸ Now take a plate with engraved prints (preferably fixed in the holder) and apply stamping varnish on the desired print with a brush;

❹ Take a scraper or plastic card and with a quick movement with light pressure remove the remaining varnish from the plate, holding the tool at an angle of approximately 45°;

❺ Now we will transfer the print from the plate to the nail. With the rolling motion of the stamp, we “remove” the imprint from the print tinted with varnish. Do not press hard on the stamp, the movement is performed once in one direction;

❻ Look at the die pad. If extra lines or dots are noticeable on the print, then carefully correct it with an orange stick or a toothpick;

❼ With a confident rolling motion, we transfer the imprint of a drawing or pattern to the background coating of the nail. If the design turned out to be unsatisfactory, then you can easily remove the print with a sticky layer of adhesive tape or a clothes cleaning roller;

❽ To protect the decor, cover the nail with a finishing layer, moving the brush in one direction. Make sure the print on the finish is completely dry before applying the top coat;

❾ When moving on to the next nail, be sure to remove the remaining polish from each tool with a lint-free cloth soaked in nail polish remover.

Fashionable manicure with a pattern is ready!


☛ Before doing nail design using the stamping technique, practice transferring prints onto artificial templates. Try to ensure that all movements are confident, fast and at the same time accurate. Highly pigmented varnish dries rather quickly and all manipulations must be performed on time;

☛ Before using a new disc or plate in the form of a tile, carefully remove the protective film and carefully wipe the plate with a lint-free cloth moistened with a dehydrator;

☛ The silicone pad of a new silicone stamp is usually very smooth, the pattern is poorly imprinted when transferred to the nail. Before using the stamp, lightly work the pad with a buff or nail file with a fine abrasive;

☛ If you plan to use a regular varnish, and not branded products (Konad, Moyou, Born Pretty, Bundle Monster, ENAS), then choose a thick, viscous varnish with a rich, dense consistency;

☛ Make sure the previous coat is completely dry before applying the next one. Apply a protective coating in a thin layer once after the pattern print has dried;

☛ The varnish applied to the plate print is used only once. Thoroughly wipe all stamping tools with nail polish remover after each use;

☛ The stamp is pressed against the engraving for a few seconds and the imprint is applied to the nail by rolling. Extra elements can be removed with a toothpick, and individual lines of decor can be easily distinguished with dots and smaller details with a thin needle;

☛ The pressure of the stamp on the nail should not be too strong, as the imprint of the pattern may turn out to be distorted and blurry. But if the pressure is too minimal, then the print will turn out pale and indistinct;

☛ The pressure of the scraper on the plate should also be moderate, since with strong pressure it is possible to remove almost all varnish from the engraving, and with light pressure, varnish will remain around the engraved print;

☛ It is advisable to apply a special protective cream on the cuticle and periungual ridges before transferring the imprint to the nail so that the highly pigmented varnish is not absorbed into the skin. A great option is skin defender, which can be easily removed after the procedure.


In the photo: interesting design ideas for your manicure


Manicure with a pattern has long been an essential accessory for any lady. For a creative nature, nail decoration is a long and pleasant process of creating nails-masterpieces; for busy beauties, the fashion industry has provided an easy and quick option - nail stamping.

What is nail stamping

The stamping technique is a modern discovery for girls. With its appearance, the need to contact the master to apply beautiful drawings on the nails disappeared. This technique involves a neat and accurate image of small details. A bonus for those who have started stamping is a unique opportunity to decorate phones, postcards, pendants, earrings, watches and other items. You can even decorate furniture or a refrigerator if you wish. With stamping technology, it is possible to change the image daily.

What is included in the stamping kit

The advantage of stamps for nails is saving on visiting the salon. In addition, thanks to stamping, you can create interesting drawings. This technique is easy to master on your own, although it is necessary to develop a skill for a successful undertaking. A special set will help in carrying out the stamping technology. The kit usually contains the following items:

  • Scraper - a plastic scraper equipped with a comfortable handle, helps to remove excess paint. This tool has no sharp parts, only notches.
  • Metal discs for stamping - special plates, stencils for nails with carved patterns. On one product, 7 engravings can be located at once. Plates for stamping can be chosen at your discretion.
  • Manicure stamps that look like prints. Their main purpose is to move images from disk to nails.
  • Special paints that are needed directly for work. They tend to come in bottles that resemble regular nail polishes, but have a thicker consistency. These funds will not spread, so the drawings will be clear.
  • In a set, you can sometimes find a special stamping printer that allows you to print a picture.

Stamp technology uses special stencils for nail design or disks on which various patterns are engraved. These patterns, when applied with a stamp, can become an excellent decoration. Depending on how many pictures are on the discs, they can be produced in different variations. As a rule, stencils for painting nails have from 4 to 7 different patterns. On request, you can order large rectangular plates with an engraved design that includes at least 10 different ornaments.


The most important tools for stamping are nail stamps, which help to recreate different patterns: from cobwebs to checkerboard, from flowers to asymmetrical divorces. Stamps are original (Konad, Enas, Born, etc.) and non-original. According to the material, they can be silicone and rubber. Rubber is hard and it is not always able to repeat the shape of the nail, so it is difficult to use such products for drawing a picture. Silicone can easily change its appearance. Stamps can also be single-sided or double-sided.


Ordinary decorative varnish is not suitable for stamping. Also, stamping for gel polish will not always work out, because. this tool flows strongly and the picture is fuzzy. Therefore, it is necessary to buy special color coatings with high pigmentation, in connection with this, the pattern will turn out to be bright, voluminous, and clear. Mandatory requirements for stamping varnish:

  • Density, so that when transferring the pattern, it does not spread.
  • Good pigmentation, high color density, so that the pattern is even, not transparent.
  • Colour. Choose bright colors that will stand out from the background of the main coating.
  • It is better that the stamping varnish be matte, otherwise the pattern will be translucent.

How to use a nail stamp

When creating a manicure using the stamping technique, the following procedure must be followed:

  • We remove the cuticle and give the nails the desired shape with a nail file.
  • Degrease nails with nail polish remover.
  • Apply base coat first, then base coat.
  • If the disc is new, then you should remove the film from it,
  • We decide on the engraving and cover it with paint.
  • With a light, gentle movement of the scraper, we remove all excess varnish.
  • We press the stamp to the image and hold it in this position for several seconds.
  • We transfer the drawing to the nail plate.
  • Cover with fixative.
  • After finishing work, clean the tools with a solvent.


On average, the price of stamps in Moscow varies from 120 rubles for a simple set to 3,000 for quality products. It is difficult to find a professional series in the shops of the city; it is often ordered through online stores: aliexpress and planet nails. A beginner's set from Konad will cost you around 1000 rubles. In addition, you can buy stamps, stencils, stamping kits in salons that sell everything for nail manicure.


Photo of nail design with stamping

Painting nails at home is currently becoming popular among the fairer sex. To make a beautiful drawing, you will need a special stamping kit, some free time and a great desire to make your fingers unusual and unique. Check out the different designs created with photo stamping.

The nail industry is constantly evolving. Every season, experts invent practical and quick ways to create a pattern on the nails. One of the interesting devices is the stamp. It allows you to transfer the pattern to the plate in a minimum time, while maintaining the clarity and structure of the ornament. Despite their popularity, many girls do not know how to use a nail stamp. To properly carry out the procedure, you must adhere to the basic rules and follow the instructions clearly.

Choosing a nail stamp

  1. The process of transferring a pattern to a nail using a special stamp is called “stamping”. The technology originates in South Korea, it was the local craftsmen of the Konad company that began to supply decor accessories to the shelves.
  2. Today, stores are filled with a large number of sets, so choosing the right one is not difficult. Higher quality copies are more expensive.
  3. At the time of purchase, study the price range. Devices made in China are much cheaper. However, their quality leaves much to be desired. If you need a stamp for 1 time, you can buy a similar model.
  4. Remove the metal disk with pictures from the package. Pay attention to the contour of the ornament, in good fixtures it is clearly visible. At the same time, the embossing itself has sufficient depth for the penetration of varnish.
  5. The picture disc must be free of visible defects, scratches and other damage. Chinese manufacturers make low-quality plates with patterns. Their edges are not sharpened, so there is a chance of injuring your hand.
  6. Examine the stamp itself. Its surface is usually smooth, dense and elastic. Too "loose" specimens will not ensure uniform transfer of the pattern from the plate to the nail. As a rule, when using low-quality fixtures, the contour is blurred.
  7. The kit also includes a scraper that removes excess varnish from the patterned plate. If the free edge of the scraper is notched, you will damage the disc, making further decoration impossible.

Tools for decorating nails with a stamp

  1. The stamp comes with a metal disc. As a rule, it has 4-8 prints. You will need a plate on which the drawings correspond to the existing idea for nail decor.
  2. In the process of work, you need to remove the varnish from this disc. Manipulations are carried out by means of a special scraper - scrubber. It is included in the kit, so the device does not need to be bought for an additional fee.
  3. You will need the stamp itself. The head of the main tool should be moderately dense and elastic.
  4. You will also need a base for base layers (colorless varnish), a finish, a base varnish and a contrasting varnish. If possible, choose acrylic varnishes designed for stamp decoration.

  1. First of all, you need to prepare your nails for subsequent manipulations. To do this, prepare a chamomile-based bath, add a little baking soda and sea salt. Dip your fingers into the composition, wait a third of an hour.
  2. After the specified time has passed, wipe your hands with a towel. Push back the cuticle to the base of the nail bed. Cut it off with tweezers or a trimmer. Give the nails the required size, adjust the shape with a glass file.
  3. Remove the old varnish with a special liquid. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap, treat them with an antiseptic (peroxide, alcohol, vodka, etc.). Wait until your nails are completely dry.
  4. Apply the first layer of the base under the varnish, such a move will prevent damage to the plate. Now distribute the main color over the nails, on which an ornament of a contrasting shade will be depicted in the future.
  5. Prepare a disc for work, it comes with a stamp. Choose the pattern you want to transfer to your nails. Spread the second varnish over the drawing (contrasting tone). Wait until the entire cavity is saturated.
  6. Take a scraper (scraper), walk it over a metal disk, collecting the remnants of varnish. You will see that some of the pigment has been retained in the cavity of the plate.
  7. Carry out manipulations carefully, the scraper blade should be directed towards the disc at an angle of 40-45 degrees. If you do not have a scraper, you can manipulate an old plastic card (discount, debit, etc.) in the same way.
  8. Some kits require a disc holder included. The device fixes the plate, so when using the scraper, the disc does not go from side to side. This feature allows you to achieve the desired result, excluding damage to the plate.
  9. Take a stamp, make sure of the hardness of your own hand. With one clear movement, press the head of the fixture to the selected pattern. Wait 3-5 seconds for the varnish to transfer to the instrument. Evaluate the result, the picture should be printed clearly and brightly.
  10. If everything is in order, start transferring the ornament to the plate. Press the stamp to the surface of the nail in an overlapping motion (first the first edge, then the middle, the second edge). All manipulations are carried out slowly, in one step.
  11. Wait some more time. Take a cotton swab and soak it in nail polish remover. Wipe the periungual fold if you get it dirty. Now wipe the stamp, scraper and plate with acetone, removing the pigment.
  12. Similarly, make a design on other nails, including on the legs (optional). You can combine drawings with each other by wiping the stamp after each ornament transferred to the nail. When all the fingers are decorated, cover the nails with one layer of finish, dry.

  1. Choose a thick and rich varnish to fill the disc cavity. You need to transfer the drawing from the first time. The composition should not be too liquid, otherwise it will flow out of the stencil, smearing over the stamp. Also, the varnish should not be too thick. In this case, it will not fill the engraving cavity, leaving gaps in the drawing.
  2. Use the scraper very quickly. If the pigment dries, it will leave bulges in the drawing. After covering with a finish, the end result will look ugly.
  3. When you begin to transfer the design to the nail, hold the stamp in an upright position. Position the jig perpendicular to the plate surface, then apply pressure. In the process of transferring, slightly rotate the stamp with a pendulum motion.
  4. Before buying, evaluate the quality of the rubber stamp head. It should not be too hard or, on the contrary, soft. The first option will provide only a partial transfer. The second tool will smear the ornament.

Choose a good nail stamp. The kit should include a metal plate with patterns you like, as well as a scraper to remove varnish residue from the engraving cavity. Before decorating, prepare your nails, do a manicure. Hold the stamp vertically, make sure your hand does not shake before applying the pattern.

Video: how to use stamping

The hands of a woman are an indicator of her femininity and grooming. What can make women's hands more graceful is, of course, a manicure, and a beautiful, original pattern will convey the uniqueness of a woman's personality. Now there are many varieties of nail design. One of the new trends in decorating the nail plate is stamping manicure. With it, any girl can find an elegant pattern on her nails, while not spending a lot of time.

Composition of the stamping kit, requirements for it

Stamping is a type of nail art that requires special plates, stamps for printing. This type is used mainly at home. It is convenient for those who do not have drawing skills, it takes little time to complete it, resulting in an excellent manicure design with stamping.

To create such a nail design, you need to purchase a special kit. It includes discs with special patterns; a convenient stamp, with which an ornament is applied to the plate, a sharp scraper, with which excess paint is removed, and multi-colored varnishes themselves. There should be three types of them: base coat, varnish for applying the selected plot, fixing a colorless coating.

An important role in its implementation is played by the quality of enamel, its color schemes. To get a good result, the base coat and paint should be in contrasting colors, then the applied pattern will be clear and stand out against the background of the base coat.

Another important factor is that the varnish should not have a very liquid or thick consistency so that the ornament does not spread and is well applied.

At this time, you can purchase a stamping kit, which includes varnishes designed specifically for transferring a stencil.

Rules for stamping

The stamping process is not complicated, it takes little time, but you need to carefully prepare for it. For convenience, it is necessary to lay out the entire special set nearby on the table so as not to be distracted from the process.

How to use nail stamping can be found in the instructions from the kit or watch a video tutorial on the Internet. The pattern is transferred to the already processed nail surfaces, that is, initially you need to do a classic manicure, covering the surface with a base, preferably transparent.

If you take a color scheme for coating, then the applied pattern will not stand out clearly and clearly, which will reduce its quality. After the base dries, choose a disk with a pattern that you would like to see on your nails from the set.

You can use several discs, putting pictures on top of each other, while experimenting with color combinations. This will allow you to achieve an individual design. It takes skill to achieve a perfect and sharp image, you should not expect everything to turn out smoothly on the first try, without errors.

Stages of design execution

Stamping has several stages. After applying the base layer, a varnish of the selected color scheme is applied to the selected stencil for manicure. It should be borne in mind that it dries longer on the nails than on the disc, so you need to work quickly, preventing drying. Excess is removed from the stencil instantly with a scraper so that the paint remains in the recesses.

Then you need to press the stamp from the set, made of rubber or silicone, with the prepared pattern to the nail plate, rolling it over the surface from one edge to the other. The pattern is easily transferred to the nail plate. At the end, cover the nail with the applied image with a final layer of a transparent coating.

If the plot is not transferred with high quality, there is no clarity or not completely, this indicates that the varnish has dried up in the process or the surface of the plate has remained greasy, poorly processed.

The main principle of this type is ideal and clear lines. Stamping must be applied in a room where drafts, air conditioning or just very hot are excluded. Under such conditions, the paint dries even faster and of high quality, with smooth, not blurry edges, the drawing will not work.

Auto Stamping Method

Stamping can be done not only manually. Now manufacturers offer a special machine for its application. The principle of its operation is simple: a stamping disc already covered with paint is inserted into the device, a finger is inserted into the hole located on the opposite side, where you want to apply a drawing, you press a button - the picture is automatically transferred to the nail plate.

Having mastered the execution technique, you spend your time economically, save on expensive manicure in the salon.

Applying a stamp on gel polish, its advantages

Nails with stamping are used not only on the classic version, but also on gel polish. Transferring the stamp to such a coating has its advantages. If it turned out wrong, you are not satisfied with the applied image, then you can easily change it by removing it with a napkin soaked in nail polish remover that does not contain acetone. This can be done many times, achieving the desired result, which cannot be done on a decorative coating. Therefore, it is better to learn how to apply it on gel-coated nails.

Using gel polish as a base, you can change the design daily without damaging the base. Patterns are applied to such a coating using ordinary enamel, as long as it is thick.

As in the usual classic manicure, before applying the pattern, the nails are prepared according to the technology, they must be degreased, and a base layer designed for this type of enamel is applied. At the same time, it should be thin, dried with a UV lamp.

After that, no more than two layers are covered with colored shellac, each of which is dried, the sticky layer is removed, and only then the pattern is applied from the disc. Stamping is transferred to an already fully prepared nail, which is covered with a fixative, which will allow you to change boring ornaments to new ones in the future without damaging the varnish itself.

There is one drawback here - in this case, they will not hold firmly enough, which will require more frequent correction. It is recommended to apply a top coat on top of an already completed drawing. If you do not dare to buy a stamping kit, then you need to do it with the help of a specialist in the salon.

Photo stamping for nails