Sincere feelings of a man: how to understand? Feelings after breaking up: evidence of ex-boyfriend's love


You have been talking with a guy for a long time, you are connected, but he still does not tell you about love. Or maybe he never will. Not because he doesn’t love, but because, in the opinion of men, “everyone” is not serious. He knows that you are dear to him, and that's enough!

Therefore, the behavior and attitude of a man towards you is easier to decipher by his actions.

In every man with whom the girl's life paths intersect, she sees a potential partner. But not everything is so simple, full-fledged relationships are possible only where mutual love, understanding, patience and respect live. When, he idolizes her, protects her from disappointments, protects, every minute to be near and touch this perfection. If you are a member, the man simply rejoices at the meeting, there is not that twinkle in his eyes. If he sees in you only a lover, then he expresses only a certain desire.

A man can decide which of the women he has a feeling of love for, but for this he needs too long a time. He thinks, checks his feelings, wins the object of his attention, realizes the fact that he can no longer imagine life without this woman.

How to determine the attitude of a man towards me

There are a lot of ways to understand what you really mean to a particular man. We list some of them:

Other women.

Terminating relationships with other ladies, a man makes it clear that you are the only one for him who can claim his attention.

Family and friends.

Did your man introduce you to his friends and then to his parents? This is great news! You are on your way to becoming his life partner for years to come. Of course, if the phrase does not sound: "Meet me, it's just my girlfriend." A man will never introduce a girl to his parents if he does not truly love her.


Not a single woman has yet complained that her. This natural ability of women is often ridiculed by men. And in vain! A woman always understands how a guy treats her, she just needs words as evidence. Remember the saying that women love with their ears? This is exactly what we are talking about now.

Therefore, turn on the paranormal "I", and monitor the behavior of your man. To tell you about his love, he must:

hug you often;
Kiss with rapture;
To delve into the ups and downs of your life, and participate in it.

Some argue that love texts are necessary as proof of feelings, but this is doubtful. If a man does not know how to write such letters, it turns out that he does not love?

Ask for advice from a woman you trust - friends, mothers, sisters. Listen to the opinion of someone who can see your relationship from the outside. Do not rely on the fact that the adviser will give an accurate description of your relationship. But visible from the side. If a young man behaves indecently towards you, it is noticeable to others.

A loving man does not need to look for a reason for a gift. He will not wait for a reminder that you love daisies. These same daisies will be waiting for you every day in the office, in the front door handle, etc.

Watch how a man looks at you. In his eyes you will read the answers to your questions. If his gaze lingers on you for a long time, the man looks inquisitively and piercingly - he reads reciprocal feelings in your eyes. Otherwise, the shifty eyes of the guy, who strive to “look” under the passing skirts, are a sign that the man did not choose anyone.

Affectionate "names".

As a rule, men do not like to express feelings in public. However, in private, some of them do not think it is shameful. Therefore, "seals", "bunnies", "fish" are not representatives of the fauna of your house, but an expression of his love for you.

Your opinion.

If you are dear to a man, he listens to your opinion. Try to hint to the man that you are not, and offer help in choosing a new one. If he happily agrees, it means that it is important for him to know what you think of him and he wants to get help from you in a matter that he does not understand.

A loving man takes care of you. He is not indifferent to how warmly you are dressed today, whether you ate at lunch or not, whether you have a temperature or you have already recovered. He will definitely take part in correcting the situation:

Will bring you a sandwich and coffee if you haven't had time to eat;
Throw a jacket over his shoulders on a cool evening;
Pour hot tea with raspberries.

He will never bring you to tears, he loves you too much for that. Will not allow anyone around. Will come to your defense even if you are wrong.

The appearance of a man.

It's no secret that a man in love tries to show his best side.

At the same time, he is proud of himself, and tries to please you.

Love or love.

Love arises from falling in love and feeling affection for a dear person. There are three stages of falling in love: the state of being in love, the official status of the couple, and true love. So, without going through these stages, a true feeling will not arise. If you are in the third period of a relationship, then, as a rule, you are married.

If you see that a man is giving you signs of attention, and you do not reciprocate, he will stop insisting. Men also react to the manifestation of feelings about themselves. It is also important for them to know whether you like it or not.

March 1, 2014, 15:27

Very often there are questions like how to understand if there are feelings between you and any person. Someone talks about some girl, someone starts talking about a guy or a man. In any case, certain knowledge is needed to accurately answer the question of whether there are any feelings between you and what they can lead to.

The first question under consideration is how to understand that a man has feelings for a woman. Everything is extremely simple and clear. There may be several options for what feelings can be:

  • Feelings of love when a man really wants to be with you. They appear at the time when you are talked about in any company. If, speaking about you, a man glows and shines with joy, you are probably not indifferent to him. And not only during a conversation, but at the time of meeting with a girl or woman he likes, a man will behave in a special way. His attention and care will belong only to her and no one else.
  • Feelings of simple desire. This is when a man wants only sexual relations from you. The variant is not some kind of exception or the embodiment of that rare case. Very often, men tend to be with a girl for one reason only. All this can be seen in relation to the fair sex. When a man pays attention to her at certain favorable moments for him, this clearly indicates the absence of any feelings.

Only two such options have been considered. It is important to understand in time whether a man wants to be with you and whether he loves you. If so, you can safely go on the offensive and seek to reunite.

Feelings of a former person

Someone said that for a person there are no former people. Everyone came into life for a reason, but with the aim of teaching some lesson and giving something. Perhaps it is about life advice or something else.

The first question is how to understand the feelings of the former? Why might it occur? Sometimes, even after parting, a person cannot forget someone, or rather his soul mate. That is why he is interested in whether it is possible that they will be able to reunite again. For example, if we talk about a girl and a guy, the fair sex can think about whether the guy loves her?

  • The first moment that will let you know if there are any feelings is communication. If the guy stopped talking to you, most likely, he simply doesn’t need you anymore. Although in some cases, things can be a little different. In order to fully verify everything, write or call the guy, arrange a meeting.
  • Now the second moment, it is impossible to reach it without passing the first stage. In short, when meeting, pay attention to how the guy looks at you. Here you will answer the question of how to understand if an ex-boyfriend has feelings.
  • The third point is behavior. If he began to worry when he met you, then you are not indifferent to him. However, if the guy turned out to be cold-blooded and nothing happened to him, most likely, there are no feelings.

A little advice will allow you to answer yourself the question of how to understand whether the ex-boyfriend or man still has feelings. There is nothing complicated, it is only important to be more attentive and observant. Then you can easily determine whether it is possible to renew relations with one or another male representative.

Ex-girlfriend: do you still have feelings?

Another popular question is how to understand the feelings of an ex-girlfriend. It is not so easy to do this, sometimes these female representatives can turn out to be insidious and very mysterious. In general, the main point is that in order to understand the feelings of a girl, you need to meet her and talk somewhere. You will immediately see if she has any feelings for you or if the meeting has become an event for her that only takes time and effort.

Think quickly and if you understand that there are no feelings, you can just forget about your girlfriend. If it turns out that she still loves you, there is a chance to restore everything to its previous state:

  1. Invite your loved one to some interesting place. It can be a theater or cinema, a restaurant or a cafe. In a word, create a cozy atmosphere in which you can somehow get closer to each other.
  2. Make a nice gift. When you have already dealt with the question of how to understand if a girl has feelings, you can freely go on the attack and start winning her heart. A small gift in the form of perfume or some kind of jewelry will be a great solution. So you show your attentiveness and make some gesture of attention. A girl or woman will not remain indifferent to such a gesture and will definitely reciprocate.
  3. Start a conversation and start talking about the future. You definitely need to discuss this, because this is the only way to build a happy and strong family.

If you look at it, you can see that there is nothing complicated. The main thing is to show a desire and persistently go towards your goal. Then you will definitely be with your soulmate.

And if we consider the question of how to understand that a guy has feelings, everything is much simpler. Someone who really loves you very much will, at a minimum, show an insane desire to just see you, hear and feel you. By the way, the touch of a guy in love will also be special. He will always be gentle and sensitive, you will definitely notice this.

Feelings of a man

But how to understand if a man has feelings? To do this, you just need to take a closer look at it. If you still love some male representative, it is very easy to understand whether he loves you or is it just an illusion.

Just talk to him. Making an appointment in the modern world is not a problem. When you start to communicate, watch the behavior of the man. If he is calm and shows his indifference, most likely, you will no longer be able to become the one who delights and admires him, in this case, all that remains is to continue the search for a new man.

How to understand if there are feelings for a person? Another way for men is to check their look. The lover will examine the girl from head to toe, trying to fully capture her beautiful appearance. You will definitely understand that a man still loves you, this will be just an obvious phenomenon.

In a relationship with a man, it is important to build everything gradually. If you understand that he still loves you, do not rush to throw yourself on his neck. First, just talk about something, arrange a new meeting. So you gradually merge into one whole and can continue to build strong relationships.

The moment has already been considered, how to understand that the former has feelings. There is nothing difficult in this. All you need is just attentiveness. Every little thing can be a clear sign that the guy is already indifferent to you or still loves her very much.

It was also talked about how to understand if there are feelings for a guy. It is important here not to lie to yourself, because otherwise you will have to build a relationship with someone you do not like. Real feelings when, upon meeting, you have an irresistible desire to simply hug a person and never let him go again. If you don’t experience anything like that, think carefully about whether you need that relationship.

A clear sign that he is still interested in you is his unexpected phone call. If he did it for no particular reason, but only comes up with excuses for his call, then you still have a chance to return him. Often, an ex-boyfriend calls to hear your voice, masking it with various fabrications.

On the contrary, if he called you only once and only then to agree on how he can take his things from you, this is a bad sign. This behavior is a sign that he feels uncomfortable in your presence or is trying to dot the “and” in a relationship in this way.

Although it may seem strange, some men call their ex-girlfriends to let them know that they have met someone else. When your runaway lover behaves in this way, it may mean that he is trying to get a reaction from you. He may be interested to know how much you are jealous of him. It also speaks to his uncertainty about the decision to break up with you.

A good sign that your former lover is still interested in you is if he asks about your opinion on this or that subject.

Banal things are no reason to call, but when you are missed, any means are good.

His behavior in your presence

The friendly behavior of the guy after the breakup indicates that he is trying to smooth things over. This attitude can be seen as a sign that he is trying to mend the old relationship. He seems to be probing the soil, trying to find out if everything can be returned to normal. At the same time, he can just be amiable without much intention.

A clear sign of deep feelings is that the ex-boyfriend cannot look you in the eye. This shyness indicates that he has strong feelings for you. He is in conflict with himself. He tries to find the best words to start a conversation with you, or just regrets what happened.

Very often, men try not to show themselves if there is a quarrel. This is due to the fact that strong feelings are very difficult to overcome, and he prefers to forget about the pain alone.

If you continue to communicate after parting, when meeting with you, he may either rejoice or frown. In the first case, this may mean that he overestimates your relationship. In the second case, he may just be upset that you broke up.

A telltale sign that an ex still views you in a romantic light is his flirting with you. On the other hand, flirting, he may just be looking for an intimate relationship with you.

Question to the psychologist:

Hello! My name is Alexandra. I had a boyfriend who loved me a lot for 3 years. In the beginning, we just talked for a year and a half, and then we began to walk, it all started. I'm so used to it that I can't imagine life without it. He did everything for me, always hugged me, said that only he needed me. He even said that he wants to get married in the future, although we are both 20 years old. But my character is complex, very nervous and emotional, so I often staged scenes of jealousy, and in general we often quarreled. But they reconciled almost immediately. I probably just did not appreciate him, did not appreciate his concern for me, I was too selfish, I thought that he would not go anywhere. I was such a fool, now I understand it. As I said, we quarreled, then reconciled, but at one moment something happened and he said that I didn’t change at all, that he didn’t need someone like me, said that I never do anything good. I've never actually hugged him or done anything like that. I didn't know he wanted it that much. He's just a creative person and it must have been very important for him. Well, after that, serious quarrels began, he constantly blocked me on social networks, and I made a terrible mistake, I constantly wrote to him, called him. I know that it was impossible to do this, I should have given him time, but I could not do anything. He didn't want to talk to me, ever. This went on for 3 months. I was very afraid and afraid of losing him. I try to change, but then I explode again and write nonsense to him. He told me so many nasty things, constantly wrote "fuck off." But I still can not live without him, I feel my guilt before him. Now he does not want to communicate with me at all, and if I write, he answers very coldly and rudely. I can't believe he's lost his feelings, I don't want to believe it. How can I know if he still loves me, cherishes me or no longer? Maybe he just doesn't understand it. Maybe there is some kind of psychological trick to figure it out, so that he himself understands what he feels. I've already thought about so many things. I even thought about going to the hospital to check. In general, help me, please. It was the best time for me when I was with him. Can you tell me if I can get it back?

The psychologist Bogutskaya Olesya Anatolyevna answers the question.

Alexandra, hello.

Most likely, my answer will not be what you expect.

You don't need psychological tricks to understand the simple truth - sometimes people leave and never come back. It's not his problem to realize that he loves you. It's your problem to let him go, since you love him as much as you write. You have a sick attachment to him, based on the awareness of your own mistakes and feelings of guilt before him. You're trying to get him back to fix all of this. To lighten your burden in the end.

But there is another way of relief - deep awareness. You say that you start to change, and then you "break down." This is because there is no deep awareness of the situation and their wrong actions. You can work on this issue with a psychologist if you wish. This will bring relief and will not repeat this scenario in the future. Otherwise, if you do not work through these issues now, they may be repeated in the future, already with other men, in other ways. You and other people will try to cut the knots of these unfinished relationships. And it will bring a lot of trouble to everyone.

Go to the hospital? So that he would know that you feel bad and rush to save and support you, because he still loves inside? So? Do you think he does not realize that now he personally hurts you? Why doesn't this pain prompt him to save himself? Ask yourself this question.

As for the question - can I return it? I have a counter question - in what ways are you going to do this? Everything depends on it.

When we like a man, it is hard to understand his true attitude towards our feelings, objectivity disappears somewhere, and it is replaced by dumb adoration and hope for reciprocity. How to correctly interpret the signals of love if he is dumb like a fish? Perhaps his sympathy is just a hallucination of his imagination, and it's time to run to the store for a bar of comforting chocolate? Let's figure it out.

7 Signs a Man Loves a Woman

1. Interest in personal life

Remember, a man will never become interested in a woman who is indifferent to him. If he listens with interest to your stories about how the weekend went, asks about plans for the week, then he is not indifferent. Interested in marital status, trying to find out about the former men in your life? The case reeks of mutual sympathy. A similar option, when in a conversation he becomes too frank, is interested in your opinion, asks for advice - here, too, a serious interest slips through. And, of course, he likes you if he is generous with compliments, actively praises your work and smiles a lot in your presence.

2. Gesture semantics and body language

Another thing to pay attention to when communicating is eye contact. When talking to you, does he look directly into your eyes or wanders absently around the room? A man interested in a woman will try to maintain eye contact. Next, pay attention to the gestures. Free and uninhibited movements testify to the openness of the partner. If he often touches your arm, shoulder, back, or even tightens the “friendly” hugs longer than expected, this is a direct signal of interest. Also evaluate the place of its deployment when you are in a large company. Does he try to be closer to you, or does he stay away somewhere all the time?

3. Involvement in the conversation

The most obvious sign that a man likes a woman is a constant attempt to tease her a little, to tease her, to make a good joke on her in order to provoke her to “flirt”. In a large company, a man will not shy away from you, on the contrary, he will show direct and lively participation, will gladly set the topic of conversation, will listen to every word, even if he has been waiting for him in another team. Another marker for sympathy is a man's attempt to be more polite than usual (restraining rude words, vulgar jokes in your presence). Well, if the chosen one does not support attempts to start a conversation, is constantly distracted from the topic of conversation - there is clearly no interest.

4. The manner of communication in social networks

Think about whether a man is active in correspondence? If he answers in detail to each of your messages, tries to write competently and interestingly, makes attempts to somehow extend the time of communication - this is a good sign. The person who is interested in you will try to keep your attention, amuse you in every possible way and translate topics into something personal. Regular comments on the wall, liking photos, dropping funny pictures throughout the day are good markers to meet. If you also call up during the day, pay attention to whether the interlocutor is worried during the conversation. After all, only lovers are afraid to get into a mess, because they often look ridiculous.

5. Support and assistance in business

They just hinted that they didn’t have time to have breakfast, how did he bring your favorite donuts to tea? Wake up, a man will not take care of a woman who is indifferent. Take a closer look at the behavior, it is more eloquent than all the words of the world. Lovers try their best to help the lady of the heart - they drive her from work by car, help move furniture, look for the addresses of lost friends and, as if by chance, drop in with medicines while you are sick. They also often call, asking about business, help solve problems and pick up your children from kindergarten. Because they are serious, although they do not show it.

6. Relationships with other girls

There are ladies' guys who collect women like a trophy. In order not to confuse feigned interest with genuine, try to evaluate his relationship with other girls. Does a man flirt with every skirt, not embarrassed to take care of several beauties at once, while behaving in an aggressively brutal manner? This is not your option, you are needed for entertainment, to raise his self-esteem. A truly in love partner in your presence will not be interested in any other woman, and inquiries about the former will lead him to confusion.

7. Shared time

A sure way to find out the true intentions of a man is to evaluate the places you visit together. For example, if in addition to you he invited a dozen friends, and then you went to McDonald's, he is unlikely to have serious intentions. Or he always drags you to the cinema to see thrillers and horror films that he loves, but you can't stand - the guy simply has no one to go with. But if cafes and cinemas are selected according to your taste, this is serious. Calling for a walk in a place where there are only couples? The man clearly hints at the desire to be not just a friend. And if he introduced you to his friends and significant relatives to the whole list, the guy is definitely ready for a serious relationship, it's up to you.

How to understand if a man likes you? His body language will speak for itself. He will be interested in your life, thoughts, aspirations, he will try to be there when you need help, he will definitely show generosity and participation, he will shower you with compliments. All this you already have? Then hold on.