In classmates statuses are beautifully said. Set the status in classmates. The best statuses for Odnoklassniki about vacation

Setting your entry as a profile status on the Odnoklassniki website is quite simple and does not take much time. Any user will be able to cope with this task.

Step 1: Adding Records

First you need on the personal profile page in the tab "Ribbon" start adding a new entry on your behalf. This is done by clicking on the line labeled "What do you think about". We click on this inscription, the next window opens, in which we need to work.

Step 2: Setting the Status

In addition to all these actions, you can add various photos, polls, audio recordings, and videos to the recording. It is possible to change the background color, add links and addresses. All this is done very simply and intuitively, by pressing a button with the appropriate name.

Step 3: Refresh the page

Now we need to refresh the page to see the status on it. We do this by simply pressing a key on the keyboard. "F5". After that, we can see our newly set status in the feed. Other users can comment on it, leave "Classes" and put it on your page.

So, quite simply, we added an entry to our profile page, which we made a status with one click. If you have any questions or additions on this topic, then write them in the comments, we will be happy to read and answer.

In this article you will find a selection of "fresh" statuses for every day.

About life: the best statuses for Odnoklassniki and Kontakt

  • Winnie the Pooh lives well in the world! I would have his problems, I would also live well ...
  • I read the news and don’t know how to react: it seems like it’s time to cry, but it pulls me to laugh. Nervous, probably.
  • If you don't tell me what to do, I won't tell you where to go.
  • Sometimes things change. Your attitude to people, things, events... It's neither bad nor good. It's just life.
  • A Brighter Future reminds me of Scarlett O'Hara. Instead of finally coming, it decides to "think about it tomorrow."
  • Everyone is actively losing weight, doing fitness, at worst half-dance, learning Chinese and mastering a new type of extreme cross-stitching, and I ... I fry cutlets for my husband in the most primitive frying pan and am quite satisfied with life. Happiness is in the little things.
  • I don't swear at my mom. I use profanity to constructively express hidden emotions.

About relationships

The best statuses in Odnoklassniki, of course, are about love and relationships. For example, these:

  • Looking for a prince. Horses please do not apply.
  • If my status is “actively searching”, it means that I am lying on the couch and waiting for the dream men to fall from the ceiling.
  • If a guy has the status “in active search”, this does not exclude the presence of a couple of ladies of the heart who consider themselves “the one and only”.

  • Broke up yesterday. Today - in tears. Tomorrow I will go to conquer new heights.
  • If a girl calls first, it's not because she has no one else to call. She likes you, damn it.
  • You need to strive not for her to change her status in Odnoklassniki to “in love”, but for her to be happy with you.
  • Love is not when you look beautiful together, but when you cannot live without each other.
  • When I see your message, I smile. Even without knowing what's inside. Just because you remember me.
  • There is no such thing as “comfortable” in love. It can be comfortable with music and books. And "your" person should cause a storm of emotions. Otherwise, this is not love, but a profitable existence, like "you - to me, I - to you."

About work

If you are interested in the best statuses in Odnoklassniki about work, read this small selection.

  • In the morning he wants to sleep, in the afternoon - to eat, in the evening - to go away. And when to work?
  • The work itself will not work. Stop sleeping, go plow!

  • I work like in a fairy tale: the boss is Koschey the Immortal, his deputy is Baba Yaga, the team is swan geese, and I am a hybrid of Ivanushka the Fool and Mary the Artificer.
  • The most effective alarm clock is the call of the boss: “Where are you, anyway?”
  • I love Thursday. Because Friday is followed by Saturday. The main thing is to start thinking about it on Wednesday, and that's it - the week was a success!

And let's add a few more to the collection "The best statuses in Odnoklassniki":

  • If you don't like your job, it's time to change something: either your job or your attitude towards it.
  • Chief's catchphrase: "There are no irreplaceable ones!" Until it comes to vacation. Then you realize that you are the only one.

About friends

  • Happiness is when there is a person in your life whom you call in a deep depression, and you hang up with a smile from ear to ear.
  • Friends are people too. And they have the right to privacy. Yours, not someone else's.
  • Friendship does not tolerate subjunctive moods.

  • If a friend talks about his problems, it does not mean that he is complaining. He just trusts you.
  • Don't worry if you don't have friends. It's scary if they are envious and corrupt.
  • A friend is not someone who does stupid things with you. And the one who keeps them away.

The best statuses for Odnoklassniki about vacation

  • Even my bag travels more often than I do.
  • Summer, sea, sun, beach...
    This is clearly not about us.
    Summer, rain, garden -
    The people are having fun.
  • Egypt, Turkey, Maldives... It's good where we are not... Vegetable garden, potatoes, weeding - that's the harsh reality.
  • When you go on vacation, do not forget to tell everyone that you are roaming. Those who want to be called to work will decrease.

  • After such a vacation, you need another one - to relax.
  • Do you want to get pumped up and tanned in a couple of weeks? Go on vacation to the country!
  • Chief, make me happy! Send me... on vacation!
  • To have a good rest, you need to work hard.
  • Vacation is two weeks of blissful doing nothing.

The modern world is so arranged that we get up with the Internet and fall asleep with it. Millions of users surf the Internet around the clock every day. Communication flows like a river, people get to know each other, and then, perhaps, they meet. And how to convey your mood or understand what it is like now with friends? We are here to help in this best statuses for classmates. Which only they do not exist, for any mood, any state of mind. They are suitable for pranksters and philosophers, playboys and couch potatoes.

If the seeds are sent - by Russian mail -, then you can get a bush.

Leave - Stay alone. You will howl quietly into the cold. This is apparently the price of love for someone else's husband.

The main rule of the first step: -DO NOT RIDE!-

I will give 20 kg of excess weight in good hands - Well, be people! Take at least for a while!

Men, don't leave your kids. The highest stupidity is to create a masterpiece, and then refuse authorship.

It's good where there is no me- But it's okay, I'll get there too!

The bee, having stuck its sting, does not understand that it has disappeared - that's how fools, letting poison, do not know what they are doing.

I tell myself that I'm calm. I'm so calm already that I'm starting to get nervous because I'm calm.

Do I run in the morning??? CERTAINLY! In addition, with cries of bl * d, I overslept !!!

If you have no problems, then you are dead.

I'll probably never get married, because sleeping diagonally, alone is fucking awesome.

Not only did the neighbor celebrate his birthday until four in the morning - today at seven in the morning it turned out that some pid @ race gave him a drill!

No foreign language could master me!

What do you like more - women or wine? - It all depends on the year of manufacture -

Men be careful: scratches from one woman on the back can easily turn into scratches on the face from another.

Fuck smart stuff. I'm supposed to do stupid things because of my age.

Someday I will write in the status of “happy”, I will drop a few photos of my son and will never come here again.

Remember, all people come into your life for a reason - Some bring us happiness, while others bring experience and a tempered character -

I really care what you live and how you breathe. You take care of yourself there. Take care, do you hear?

Monday. 09.00. 67 friends on the site. So everyone is at work. Well done!

Are you saying I'm stupid, little girl? Of course!!! A wise, adult woman would not look at you.

Self-esteem is everything! How will you be, who will you be and with whom. Even for how long.

A man takes care of a woman for about a year, and a woman takes care of a man for the rest of his life -

Sometimes you really want to express everything that has accumulated in your soul - And then you look at a person and think: “Okay, live.”

When you cry, having heard the last call, you understand - CHILDHOOD IS GONE!!! And in your heart you still feel like a girl

There are no impregnable women - there are indecisive attacks)))

The unwillingness to understand that a person can look at the world differently, from the point of view of his worldview - gives rise to claims that sooner or later will destroy any relationship -

The problem is, you still need it.

I know you still love him, but you'll tell your friends again that you don't give a fuck.

Letting go gets easier each time. There are no more children's tears and tantrums. If you don't like it, leave. And don't come back.

A man, in order to drag a woman into bed, can do the most incredible things. But only a woman who has firmly decided to get married can surpass him!

You consider it a problem that there is no right person nearby, but remember the expression - "no person - no problems." And if there is a problem, then such a person exists!

Such an awkward moment when you meet someone for the second time in a day and do not understand whether you need to say hello again.

It was raining heavily in the morning, I didn't go to the institute. If it hadn't rained, I wouldn't have gone to the institute for some other reason.

OH: will you cook food for me until death do us part???

SHE: if I cook food for you, then death will separate us very soon-

Expensive! I have two news for you - good and bad. Let's start with the bad! I spent all your money! And the good one: I even like the beggars!

Husbands leave good wives, thinking that the other will be better, but they don’t leave bad wives at all, because they are afraid that they will get worse! :)))

No need to climb into my life without an invitation! The righteous are not welcome here, but the sinners will get bored- I'm just happy!

Don't be afraid to live. Life is too short to spend it on fears and doubts -

You know, I live very well without this “only”, “forever”, “I won’t give it to anyone”!

The coolest thing is to hear from that person who really likes: Well, will we meet tomorrow?))))

New love has nothing to do with old love, love is always new.

A person will be able to understand what he really is only when they begin to accept him, the way he is.

May your eyes always shine from love and affection!

To offend a woman is so simple and easy. Just a word or a careless gesture. But better let her reach the clouds. And it can also be done in one word ...

Love and gentleness are the main weapons of the gentle sex. It is known that in the Universe there is no power greater than the power of Love. This energy can change anything. Therefore, the most loving can be called the strongest.

And my man will definitely be with me. They all come back - sooner or later.

His thoughts smelled of vanilla and orange peel, and his world was filled with beautiful rhyming words. And he knew for sure that love was about to touch his heart.

Happiness is where love is, and the fewer words, the stronger the feelings will be.

The past is not clothes, it cannot be bought, and it is difficult to throw it away.


Everything has changed: the look and the looks. And, may we be in a thousand networks, God grant us that we are glad. Always love your children. I know true happiness. I know what matters most. Oh my God! From all misfortunes, keep my child!

When the heart of a man and a woman is overflowing with love, one more heart-heart of a child is needed ...

Law of Nature: Everything beautiful is very dangerous! Oh, I wonder why they're afraid of me!)))

You say I'm your dream, but that doesn't mean I'm going to come true.

Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to go to the edge of the abyss and pluck it.

Under the same sky... in the same city... we break each other's hearts with a smile...

You can call me your girlfriend. I will call you My little world.

Don't hug anyone. Not everything is good that comes easily.

Now I'm with you forever... Kiss you hard, YOUR PAIN!!!

If your mind and your heart are in constant motion, then why are you worried about it? After all, only those who have stopped making mistakes and stopped loving can bury themselves alive.

First you took the whole world away from me and replaced it with yourself, and then you took yourself away...

For the sake of some people, sometimes ready to go for broke ...

Often when we fall in love, we forget about our friends. It doesn't need to be done. True friends help us to understand who we really are, and we especially need them in moments of joy and sorrow.

Men walk not because they are males and bastards, but because ALL WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL

The sky drops your name with drops, your name whispers the music of rain... Only the sky, only the rain understands how my heart misses you...

If you want someone to stay in your life - never be indifferent to him ...

Try to become the most important reason to live in someone's spring!!!

The World Health Organization recognized love as a mental disorder and assigned it the international code F63.9. But, perhaps, this is the only disease that everyone needs to get sick :)

It is better to work with love than to make love with difficulty.

Men who appreciate their woman, but do not notice everyone else, do not exist.

As long as a butterfly can fly, it doesn't matter how worn out its wings are...

In search of the best, you can skip the present, which is probably the best (((

New statuses for classmates
I came home today, I’m crying just inconsolably ... they left me ..., poured a glass of wine, sat down in front of the mirror, looked at my reflection - NO, I DID NOT LEFT ME, I LOST ...)))

They say the power is on the side of the one who doesn’t give a damn… How I wish that this power was on my side…

And I am happy. But, I'm only happy when I have some hope. Hope for love, for the fulfillment of my desires. For reciprocity. Then all the signs of falling in love are on the face: the eyes shine, the heart beats faster ...


The child is the truth of love.

She was beautiful… The trail of her perfume made me follow her! He fell in love... BUT then she opened her mouth!

Life is a flower ... And love is nectar ... All on courses to the bees)))

A bachelor is a person who has a table and a sofa, and the history of the sofa is much richer))))

I don't know myself without you. Without you it's all the same without myself. I can't imagine myself without you. So save yourself for me!!!

We cannot do great things - but only small things with great love.

How did it all start? ... How was it? ... Everything is simple - plus to minus and sparkling ...

Do not stir up the ashes of the past... otherwise it will circle in the light air, getting into my eyes... calling for my tears...

I am like the ocean - she loves to swim in it, but she is afraid to swim far ...

Locking up feelings means dooming yourself to misfortune!

Do not chase happiness: it is always in yourself. A man is happy when his soul becomes good. It is impossible to be happy alone: ​​happiness is a matter of two.

What a woman says to a loving man is written in the wind and fast flowing water.

I don't need words to tell you that you are all I want...

Friendship between a man and a woman does not honor a man and deprives a woman of honor.

Fate once told us: I found you, I tied you up! Do not expect my other gifts! What is holy save yourself !!!

I miss you, I miss you, I miss you... But I won't call you. The logic is missing, but so true.

While hearts are beating - fight for your life to the end !!!

If you have good intentions, you get just wonderful things.

The most interesting thing about him was my sympathy. Now so, nothing special, the same as everyone else ...

Eyes saw boobs of the fifth size, my head was spinning, my heart was pounding, it became cramped in my trousers ... And only the wallet trembled with fear and hid ...

Only for you my love, only about you I see dreams! And every time, again and again, I say: - I need you!

Invite me to a Japanese restaurant and I'll be your geisha for a while...

Don't give up. Happiness is in the hands, krivorukov.

A bird may love a fish, but where can they live?

Who needs teary eyes now? A crumpled soul? A fake smile? Broken heart? No one is going to fix this...

There is no better monument to a father on earth than his son.

The most unbearable torments inflict the prolongation of the most intense pleasures.

New statuses for classmates
I love expensive cars, nice shoes, silk underwear, headbands, cute dogs and kittens... Come on, I love everything. Just not to love you...

I can’t understand with whom it’s better - who do you love with your soul or who do you love with your body?

People are like windows. Some are closed, others are open. Some have transparent glass, others are curtained. Some are forever broken, others reflect bright lights

Previously, for me, YOU and I were the meaning of life, but now it's just a combination of letters !!!

A man in love seeks peace, not war. Nothing irritates a man like an aggressive woman.

Treat yourself ... And the rest will definitely treat you ...)))

Delete me everywhere - I'll still dream ...

To condemn people is not for sincere feelings, but for insincerity towards relatives and friends ...

Do not shout at the one you love, you will not win with a cry of love, you will only receive hatred.

You know, my love for you is the size of a sparrow's tear... It may not seem enough to you, but don't forget that sparrows die when they cry...

To see the truth is possible only with the heart; essence is that which is invisible to the eye.

We all live in deep hiding of our true desires. And only cats have the courage to live for their own pleasure.

You can't please everyone and not be a hypocrite.

When you can’t influence something, influence what you can influence.

I'm fine. I have nothing to please you.

Don't spoil what you have by wanting what you don't have!!!

The world is certainly small, but this does not mean that you need to crush each other.

He who feeds the hungry feeds his own soul.

In our turbulent age, the ability to enjoy every moment of life for many, alas, has become an unaffordable luxury.

Sometimes, it is better to leave those habits that you are already used to than to change to worse ones.

New statuses for classmates

Still, some people surprise me. It seems to be much dumber, but somehow they succeed ... 11

Girl, what is your username and password? I can not enter... 21

I'm like a button. I'm constantly off! 11

If my computer could dream, it would only dream of one thing. About vacation... 8

I am nettle. Because ZGU! 11

I do not care! The future depends on me! 10

All day, I dream about you, and this is not a lie ... Hurry to you, hurry to you ... my favorite sofa! 17

The most arrogant creatures in the world are men! From where they came out, they climb there. 12

In my life, except for the sofa, nothing adds up! 18

It doesn't matter what they say behind your back. The main thing is that when you turn around, everyone is silent. 27

Sometimes I want to become a child... Because now I understand that broken knees heal faster than a broken heart. 20

Our meeting is not good - said the neck to the ax. 15

Love is when a girl puts the name of the person she loves as all her passwords. Great love - when all passwords are different. 11

Do you know the name of the place in the cemetery where the watchman sits? Pets' corner. 11

If the world were a good place, we wouldn't cry at birth. 12

Parents' home - All Inclusive. 10

(function (w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function () ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -132683-1", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-132683-1", horizontalAlign: false, async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script "); s.type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this, this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

Smile at a stranger - let him dream! 11

All NAH, for NAH, though, FSUs. 15

The worst drug is the ass. Absolutely everyone sits on it. 11

Dreams do come true... At a certain moment... Most often this moment is called "Never mind anymore" 11

Beautiful women will drive us all crazy... (one of the best status for guys) 10

If you undress a girl and see her wearing a bra and panties of the same color, then this is definitely her initiative. 8

The most popular plan for solving problems - well, we'll figure it out there. 7

ɐwʎ ɔ vǝmоɔ diw ɐʚonɔ 11

The art of fucking your own brain is called conscience. 12

The inscription on the package with seeds - shorten life by one hour. 9

I don't know where childhood goes, but I know exactly where it plays... 3

If you look at the minuses in life through a raised middle finger, they become pluses. 8

Few people know that tall people have cleaner air, a more beautiful view, and the “connection” always catches! 13

The girl (guy) and the dog are gone, the reward for the dog! 10

I didn't care (wanted) the black and white stripes of life. I'm walking on my... purple! 11

Become a boomerang. They throw you, and you throw them back in the face! 9

I'm not lazy. I save energy (hit status for ICQ) 9

The law of meanness: the worse the situation, the less charging in the phone... 12

The phrase after which the oblivion spell begins to work: "The main thing is not to forget!" 15

Sexuality is something that cannot be hidden, not something that they try hard to show. 9

Looking soberly at some things, you understand - you need to drink ... 6

The body is the temple of the soul only in youth. In old age, it is more like a pre-trial detention center. 13