Step-by-step weaving of a fish tail. How to weave a fishtail: a description of the techniques, examples with photos and a guide with all the subtleties. Iroquois with Dutch weave

Of all the types of braids, the fishtail is considered the most popular because it is easy to make at home even for yourself, it looks great, captures all the hair and is suitable for both everyday wear and evening events. The name comes from the resemblance to fish fins. Therefore, the Little Mermaid could very well be with such weaving.

Unfortunately, a fishtail hairstyle will not work on short hair, but styling in the center or on the side will decorate any other length. Especially if you add a stylish accessory to your hair.

Step-by-step instructions: how to weave a fishtail

Women's braids always attract male attention. Even simple weaving, which you can do yourself, magically captivates and makes the image unforgettable.

The fact that the girl knows how to do different weaves shows that she takes care of herself and can easily pass on the skills to her little daughter. Therefore, even if you have short hair, it is important to learn how to weave a fish tailso that your child is the best in kindergarten or school.

For weaving, you will need a massage comb with bristles made of natural material, a fixing accessory (hairpin, elastic band, ribbon, hairpins), water or hair spray for easy combing of the strands.

  1. Before weaving, the hair must be carefully combed. So that they do not fluff and become electrified, it is important not to forget to treat the strands with water, mousse or spray. Moisturizing will also give your hair shine and radiance.
  2. All hair must be combed back and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach temple, select one strand, no more than 2.5 cm thick.
  3. The strands that were chosen in the temporal zone must be crossed among themselves at the back of the head, placing the right one on top of the left one.
  4. The crossed strands must be left in one hand, and in the meantime, with the other, select the next strand, the same size. The new left strand must be crossed with the previous right strand so that it is on top, and press the entire structure with your hand to the head.
  5. With your free hand, select a new strand from the opposite side and cross it from above with an already braided strand.
  6. Continue manipulation, adding new strands from opposite sides to the end of the braid.
  7. Secure the fishtail with a hairpin or rubber band.

Advice! To make the hairstyle look neat and not disheveled, the hair must be moistened with water or mousse before weaving. When choosing special preparations, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the effect of a “dirty head” may turn out.

Who suits this hairstyle?

Despite the fact that the fishtail hairstyle is considered universal and suitable for any event, there are still some limitations. For example, girls with short hair simply cannot do weaving because there is not enough length.

Owners of chic curly curls will have to straighten the strands with an iron to get a graceful beautiful braid. If you do not want to spoil your hair by exposure to hot temperatures, it is better to choose a different styling option.

Weaving looks great on streaked hair. It looks voluminous and chic. Schoolgirls can be offered an option with colored special crayons that will decorate the braid and make it lively and bright.

Hair drawn back does not color a girl who has indistinct cheekbones on a narrow, angular face. In this case, it is better to choose loose volumetric styling. It is also recommended to hide ugly ears behind thick hair.

If the girl has thin hair, it is better not to focus on this. Having collected them in the tail, it is immediately clear that the strands are hard and thin. This does not add to the image of attractiveness, but resembles the main character of the book Pippi Longstocking.

A round and slightly square face shape is ideal for a fish tail. Hair should be long, straight, thick and slightly coarse.

When choosing a hairstyle, you can follow the example of the stars. For example, a fishtail is better to start with a ponytail. If you tighten it very tight, you get a Croydon lift. It allows you to quickly correct the oval of the face without surgical intervention. Kate Moss often resorts to such a trick.

Advice! To emphasize femininity, always experiment with hairstyles. Men are attracted to beautiful, well-groomed hair with different styles.

How to weave yourself: instructions

It is very difficult to braid a fishtail on your own, starting from the top of your head. Therefore, it is better to choose a simplified version, when weaving starts from the beginning of a pre-assembled ponytail. For a hairstyle, you need to prepare a comb, an elastic band and a mirror (preferably two).

Before weaving, the hair must be carefully combed. They don't have to be clean. If you washed your hair yesterday, it's even better. So the hair is more obedient, easy to style and straighten. It is better to straighten curls with an iron, because it will be difficult to braid them into a neat braid. To make the styling look neat, stylists recommend spraying your hair with thermal water or a moisturizing spray.

After the preparatory procedures, weaving can begin. For him, you need to divide all the hair into two identical parts and separate the bundle of hair from the outer edge of the left strand, transfer it from above the main part to the middle and connect it with the right strand.

Next, the same manipulation is done in mirror image with the right strand. A small curl is separated from the outer edge of the right strand, transferred to the center through the top and added to the left side of the hair. Weaving is repeated identically until the fishtail ends.

At the end, the braid is secured with an elastic band or a hairpin. For accuracy and durability of the hairstyle, it is fixed with varnish, but first they straighten and straighten all the strands.

Advice! You can decorate a fish tail and emphasize your femininity with any stylish accessory. In 2016, it is fashionable to use chains, various options for zippers, ribbons and even feathers. The main thing is not to be afraid experiment.

The easiest version of the fishtail for self-weaving is the side. It is suitable for long and medium hair for daily wear. For example, for going to school, university, office - a great option.

To braid the braid on the side, you need to prepare a comb and an elastic band. For the original design, any accessories, even a bezel, are suitable.

  1. Step one. It is necessary to comb the washed dry hair well, and decide on which side the braid will be located. For training, we will take the right side, but in general the location does not play a role. Comb the hair to the right and pick up the strands on the left, twisting them up so that the free side looks beautiful.
  2. Step two. Along the back of the head, you need to twist the hair into a flagellum to get the fringing of the styling and one of the strands for the side fish tail. On the right side, starting from the temple, you also need to twist the side strands into flagella. As a result, twisted strands will appear on both sides of the head, ready for weaving.
  3. Step three. After the design of the occipital zone, you need to start weaving the braid. To do this, a thin strand stands out on the right side and spreads to the left. Then vice versa, left to right. Manipulations continue until the end of the braid. The same width of strands is the key to success.
  4. Step four. Secure the fishtail with an elastic band and decorate the braid with hairpins, sequins, flowers and other accessories after pulling and straightening the strands to get volume.

Advice! When performing the classic version of the fishtail, it is important to monitor the size of the strand. Only the same thickness allows you to create the desired effect. It is also important that the goat is braided freely in the upper part, and compacted downwards and ends tightly.

Classic fishtail: a new vision

Fishtail is a hairstyle that has been relevant for decades. Therefore, fashionistas stylized her classic version and use the weaving technique to create new beautiful hairstyles. Here are some options:

  • The fish tail around the head in the form of a wreath is perfectly combined with the image of the Greek goddess. The main thing is not to tighten the strands too much. They need to look naughty and eccentric. Weaving should start from the temple of one side and finish on the other so that the braid completely wraps around the face.

  • You can create a romantic playful look with the help of two braids braided using the fishtail technique. To create a hairstyle, you need to make an even parting and make two identical captivity on both sides of the head. When they meet, they can be combined into one or both can be left to fall over the shoulders.
  • A fishtail looks very harmonious and natural with mock negligence. To do this, you need to make a pile before weaving, and then do not tighten the strands tightly. Volume guaranteed.

  • Curly girls are recommended to weave two fish tails from the temples and connect at the back of the head into one. The strands need to be pulled out a little to get the effect of lace. A great option for a wedding hairstyle, if it is decorated with rhinestones or delicate flowers.
  • The fishtail with constrictions looks spectacular. To do this, you need to start weaving a braid from the crown, not capturing all the hair, but only the central curls. And from the side strands that remain, choose free tails at certain intervals and weave them in. Suitable for long hair, as the constrictions look more beautiful if there are several of them.

Advice! If you have a lot of patience and free time, experiment. After all, you can braid not only 1-2 fish tails. From 5-10 weaves, you can create unique inimitable hairstyles.

Braided hairstyles

When you have learned how to quickly braid a fishtail on your own and even several, you can start creating more complex designs. Hairstyles with weaves are even more in demand than braids separately. It is difficult for yourself to complete them without help, but you can create masterpieces on the head of your daughter, mother or girlfriend who will not forget to thank you.

A fishtail braid is braided from several strands at the temple and woven into ponytails. Step 3-4

Among the hairstyles with a fishtail, we highlight the following options:

  • Zigzag braid. Diagonal weaving begins from the temple, in the center of the back of the head it sharply changes the trajectory and weaves in the opposite direction.
  • Two braids woven at the temples must be intertwined and fastened in the form of a ball at the back of the head. Get the original flower. If you relax the strands, the lace will look like petals at all.

Fishtail with loose hair. Step 3-4 Variation of the fishtail fishtail. Step 1-2
A variation of the Malvinka with an oblique fishtail. Step 3-4 Two braids are woven into a ponytail
  • Unusual and texture adds hair highlights .
  • By connecting a classic French braid with a fishtail, you get the wrong side of our weaving, which also looks quite interesting and not ordinary.

Advice! The classic fishtail goes well with any style of clothing, image. It can be created for any event. The main thing is not to forget about accessories. They will add sophistication, romance or lightness and playfulness to the hairstyle.

Hairstyles with a fishtail weave look extraordinary and are quite suitable for both a business or a ceremonial meeting, as well as for spending time in an informal setting.

You can braid one or two fishtail pigtails on your own, with some patience and accuracy.

Fishtail - a way to emphasize beauty

The best "material" for a braid is thick and silky hair. However, braids will look no less attractive on wavy and devoid of volume hair, moreover, weaving a fishtail braid will allow you to transform thin liquid hair, visually adding to their size.

Pigtails are appropriate both at an informal meeting and at a formal event, coupled with a business suit. Depending on the number of braids, the method of weaving them and accessories, the resulting image will be romantic, strict or even outrageous, appropriate for glamorous photo shoots.

How to hide imperfections with a fishtail braid? To visually stretch a round face, start weaving as high as possible. A triangular face will be decorated with two braids and thick bangs, and to transform your own hair, make the braids lush and long, you should add a few overhead strands to the weave. Particularly interesting are the woven overhead strands of bright juicy shades or simply contrasting with the native hair color.

Side braided fishtail

Video - step by step guide to weaving a fishtail braid

Braiding a fishtail braid on the side is very simple. It is on this option that it is most convenient to practice self-weaving.

First of all, you should carefully comb and smooth your hair with an iron. And so that the hairs are not knocked out and are not subjected to static electricity, we apply a little tonic or spray the hair with water from a spray bottle.

We divide the hair into a parting. We throw the whole mass of hair on one shoulder and divide it into two equal parts - right and left.

From the outer edge of the right side of the hair, select a thin strand and transfer it to the left thick strand, closer to the middle. Now, from the left thick strand, select a thin strand and shift it to the right, closer to the center. As you weave the entire braid, you should smooth the hair with a massage brush and lightly spray with varnish for the perfect smoothness of the braid. Thin strands will intersect to form a weave similar to a fish skeleton - thick at the base and thinner towards the end of the braid. The key to beautiful weaving is accuracy and the same thickness of the separated strands.

Weaving a fishtail braid

Tie the end with a rubber band or ribbon. The base of the braid can be decorated with a live flower or a small hairpin.

To soften the strict image, add a drop of negligence and carelessness, we alternately pull out the openwork loops from the weave. The braid will become more magnificent and attractive.

Fishtail at the back of the head

Video - how to weave a fishtail braid at the back of the head

Another simple option for braiding a fishtail is to comb your hair smoothly from the forehead to the back of the head, intercept it with an elastic band and do the hairstyle in the same way as the first method. To hide the elastic, before weaving, a strand should be separated from the tail and wrapped around the base of the braid, secured with hairpins.

How to do a fishtail braid at the back of your head

For a cocktail party or even going to work, decorate the fishtail at the back of your head with a ribbon (or thin silk scarf). The option is good for long hair. We collect the whole mass of hair in a ponytail, drag it with an elastic band. We braid the braid, the tip of which is tightly intercepted with a ribbon. We take out the openwork strands from the braid. We turn the braid inward, bending it in half. The tip of the braid and ribbon should be under the elastic. We wrap the ribbon around the elastic band two or three times and tie a beautiful bow.

To braid a fishtail from the back of the head, but without collecting hair in a ponytail, you will have to apply all your patience and accuracy.

A little wax can be applied to the hair before weaving, this will add smoothness and shine to the hairstyle.

Smoothly comb the hair in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head.

On the right and left on the temporal zones, we separate one strand of hair. It is desirable that the thickness does not exceed two centimeters.

We cross the separated strands in the back of the head. Holding two strands with our hands, we separate the third, of the same thickness, from the left temporal zone. Add a new strand to the first (right). We select a strand from the right temporal zone and shift it into weaving to the left strand. Thus, up to the very hairline, thin strands should be singled out and evenly crossed. Then we continue weaving in the same way, grabbing thin strands from the right and then from the left and crossing them. We intercept the tip of the braid with an elastic band or hairpin.

Video - how to weave a fishtail braid in the French style

To start weaving from the forehead itself, you should highlight two thick strands at the hairline, cross them, and then add new thin strands from the forehead, from the temples, from the area behind the ears and below, to the very neck. When all the hair is collected, we braid the ends into a classic fishtail and tie with an elastic band.

Such a hairstyle looks very beautiful and neat if the braid is not just tied with an elastic band, but fluffed up and wrapped in a spiral at the back of the head. It is necessary to fix it with stealth and decorative pins.

Evening option

This hairstyle is appropriate for a business meeting or for a festive evening. If the length or volume of the hair is not enough, use overhead strands on the hairpins, adding them to the weave.

We straighten the hair and divide it into two equal parts with a parting in the center of the head. Separate a strand of hair from the forehead.

We start weaving. We capture thin strands from the parting and from the hairline.

Don't pull the braid too tight. The braid should be as embossed as possible. Uses hairspray for strength as you weave.

After weaving has reached the back of the head, we braid the rest of the hair into a fishtail.

To make the braid even more fluffy, grab a couple of hairs at the tip and pull the whole weave up with your hand.

We repeat the procedure on the other side. We now have two beautiful braids, artistically tousled and waiting to be styled.

Now we lay both braids beautifully on the back of the head, wrapping them in spirals and fixing them with invisibility and hairpins. We straighten the loops with our hands, closing the hairpins with them.

For decoration, decorative hairpins or tiny flowers are suitable.

Such a hairstyle based on a fishtail braid will require outside help or special skill.

Separate the V-shaped strand from the forehead line. We comb it, smooth it well and tighten it with a thin elastic band. Tie a ribbon over the elastic.

Using a comb with a thin tip, we pull out the air loops. We tie a second bow.

We make the third V-shaped parting from the ears to the back of the head. We intercept the separated hair and pigtail with an elastic band.

We collect the rest of the hair, tie it with an elastic band and pull out the air loops again.

Depending on the length of your hair, there can be an infinite number of alternating fishtail braids and air loop sections. Be sure to fix the result with styling products and the hairstyle will not lose shape throughout the day.

"Fishtail", which looks like a real fish, looks stylish and very cute. He was already appreciated not only by ordinary girls, but also by representatives of the starry world. So why don't we learn how to weave a fishtail?!

Who is the fishtail for?

The best model for this braid will be a girl with perfect hair - straight, hard, thick and long enough. But this does not mean that medium length strands or light curls are not suitable for this beautiful hairstyle.

On them, the hairstyle will look even more interesting, however, as well as on highlighted or colored strands. Moreover, girls with thin and thin hair can also take a closer look at the “fish” braid, because it will hide these nuances in the best possible way.

Getting ready to braid

Hairstyle fishtail does not require complex tools and fixtures. Everything you need can be found in the closet of each of you. This:

  • Thin elastic bands of any colors;
  • massage brush;
  • Varnish, mousse or any other means for fixing hairstyles;
  • Elements for decor - flowers, ribbons and other decorations;
  • Mirror - preferably two.

Learning to weave a braid

A simple but very fashionable fishtail exists in at least three versions. Consider them in our detailed master class.

Option 1

  1. We put mirrors opposite each other. You should be able to see the reflection of the back of the head.
  2. Comb the hair well with a brush and divide it in half.
  3. On each side, select one thin strand (about 2-3 cm wide).
  4. We cross them with each other.
  5. Holding the weave with one hand, with the other, select the same strand on one side and cross it with the upper strand of the braid.
  6. We change hands and separate the strand on the other side. We cross it with the previous one.
  7. We carry out the braid to the desired length, alternating sides and crossing the strands.
  8. We tie the end of the braid with an elastic band or fasten it with a hairpin.

Option 2

1. We wash our hair, lubricate the strands with mousse to add volume and dry them with a hairdryer.

2. Comb the hair well with a brush and collect it in a ponytail.

3. We carry out weaving according to the scheme known to you.

4. Tie the end of the braid with an elastic band or fasten it with a hairpin.

Option 3

  1. We wash our hair, lubricate the strands with mousse to give volume and dry them with a hairdryer.
  2. Brush your hair well.
  3. We select the first thin and symmetrical strands from the temples.
  4. We cross them at the back of the head.
  5. Holding the weave with your free hand, with the other we separate another strand from the left temple.
  6. We cross it from the top.
  7. We change hands and separate the same strand, but on the right.
  8. We cross it with the previous one.
  9. We carry out a pigtail to the desired length.
  10. We tie the end of the braid with a beautiful elastic band.

The location of the braid is entirely up to your tastes. Run it down the center, braid it to the side, or zigzag all over your head. Or you can completely braid two braids, if the density of the hair allows you to go for it.

Decorate the fishtail

Now you know how to braid a fishtail braid in three ways at once. It remains to decorate the hairstyle with fresh flowers or hairpins with decor. Suitable for these purposes are various ribbons, laces, chains, rhinestones and feathers woven into a braid along with hair. The pigtail itself can be both very tight and neat, and free-romantic. In the latter case, you need to stretch the segments of the braid a little, thereby giving it an openwork look.

Knowing how to braid a fishtail correctly, you will be irresistible both on holidays and on weekdays. Dare and stay in fashion trend!

Are you tired of doing the usual ponytail on your hair? We offer you several interesting options how to braid a tail and get very original hairstyles with only the simplest accessories at hand.

Why is the ponytail hairstyle so popular? You don’t have to go far for an answer - any girl can make a low or high tail on her head in 2 minutes with a comb and an elastic band at hand. Making a ponytail braid is also easy. This is much easier than braiding loose hair, especially if you are braiding yourself, because all the hair is already fixed and you just have to slowly braid it. And here's how to interweave them, we'll tell you.

Of course, the easiest option is on the back of the head, securing it with the first elastic band. Then braid it into a regular braid of three strands, fix the end of the pigtail with a second elastic band. Use either two identical discreet elastic bands, or one (at the base or at the end) with a decorative element, such as a flower. Two elastic bands with decorations will look too pretentious.

How to braid the tail into a beautiful tourniquet:

  • We collect all the hair in a low tail on one side, fixing it with a thin elastic band, leaving a small strand outside the tail.
  • We wrap this strand with an elastic band to completely hide it. We stab the end of the strand with an invisibility.
  • We divide the tail into two equal parts, each of which we twist. The strands need to be twisted in different directions.
  • Weave twisted strands into jute. Secure with an elastic band at the end.

Our first hairstyle is ready in a few minutes!

How to braid a ponytail into a 4-strand braid:

  • As in the previous case, we collect the hair in a low ponytail on one side (use an elastic band in the color of the hair to fix it).
  • We twist the tail. To do this, divide the hair in front of the elastic band with your finger in half, part it a little and stretch the entire tail through the hole formed from top to bottom.
  • We divide the hair into 4 equal parts. We start weaving a braid of 4 strands (see our article - "how to braid a braid of 4 strands" or "").

If it is difficult for you to master such weaving, you can also make an ordinary three-strand pigtail.

How to braid a ponytail with a ribbon:

create a more romantic image, and a ribbon matched to the color of clothes or accessories will make the image more harmonious.
  • We collect the hair in a high ponytail, securing it with a good elastic band (so that the tail does not begin to “slide” over time).
  • We take a thin satin ribbon, fold it in half and pass it under the elastic band under the tail.
  • Divide your hair into two halves. We will weave a braid from 4 strands (see above). The hair divided in half will serve as two strands, and the two ends of the tape will serve as two more.
  • When weaving a braid, pay attention that the strips of the woven tape are always on the same vertical line. Continue weaving to the end of the tail. Secure the braid with an elastic band, and wrap it with tape a couple of times over it.

The braid can be left as it is, and if the length allows, then you can collect it into a "steering wheel" by passing the tape under the base of the tail, thus connecting and tying the beginning and end of the braid. This option is ideal for summer holidays, when long hair is well fixed and does not interfere.

A fishtail is not your usual two-strand braid. It has a rather interesting shape and will not leave indifferent any lover of braids. It can be both tight, rather strict, and disheveled with slight notes of negligence, which are now at the peak of popularity among young people. Learn to weave such a miracle according to the strength of each. A fishtail braid is even easier than a regular braid. The most important thing is patience, because the smaller the strands you take, the more beautiful the end result will be.

The easiest way to weave a fishtail

    • We comb the hair on its side, divide it with our hands into two equal parts;

    • From one of the strands, we separate a small part of the hair from the far edge and transfer it to the second strand;

    • Now we do the same manipulations with the second strand: we separate part of the hair from the far edge and transfer it to the first strand;

    • We continue in the same spirit to the end;

    • Having reached the edge, we fix the tip with a thin rubber band.

Try to separate strands of the same size, then the braid will be more harmonious.

Fishtail braid from crown

This option is also quite possible to weave on your own, but it will initially be easier for beginners to practice on someone else.

    • We carefully comb the hair, separate a small part of the hair at the crown and divide it by sex;

    • On the right side of the right side, we separate a thin strand and shift it to the left side;

    • We do the same on the left side;

    • Next, we separate again a thin strand on the right, supplement it with a strand of the remaining free hair and shift it to the adjacent side;

    • We do the same on the left side;

    • We continue these manipulations on both sides alternately up to the back of the head. When all the loose hair is woven, we continue weaving in an elementary way, shifting the extreme strands of both parts alternately to each other. We fasten the end of weaving with an elastic band.

The braid can be left tight. And you can loosen it a little by gently pulling the strands from the bottom to the top with your fingers.

Video lesson weaving fishtail braids

A fishtail can be both a hairstyle for every day and a great addition to an elegant look. It is often used even by brides for wedding hairstyles. Having mastered the principles and mastered the technique of weaving a fishtail, you can translate the most unusual ideas into reality. Let's say you can make such a braid on its side, or braid two, or make a beautiful headband out of it, in general, it will fit for anything.