How to clean orthopedic leather insoles. How to clean shoes inside: an overview of effective methods. Basic rules for the care of orthopedic insoles

Modern doctors are increasingly resorting to the method of treatment through orthopedic insoles. This is an affordable and generally accepted method of treatment, as well as a prophylactic against flat feet. If you have made the decision to purchase orthopedic products, then you must know how to properly care for them.

In order to prevent an unpleasant odor and rapid wear of the product, so that it cannot lose its original properties and does not turn into an accumulation of harmful and pathogenic bacteria and fungi, it is necessary to follow simple rules of care.

Basic rules for the care of orthopedic insoles

  • It is necessary to take them out of shoes every day and dry them away from sunlight or heating devices.
  • If necessary, as contamination appears, you need to wipe the surface of orthopedic insoles with a soft cloth moistened with a diluted alcohol or soap solution.
  • After processing, it is necessary to dry the insoles. Never dry them in microwave ovens.
  • It is not recommended to use products that have a Leather coating in light-colored shoes, as they can be stained.
  • Please note that all defects resulting from improper care of orthopedic insoles are not covered by the product warranty.

If you follow these simple rules of care, you will provide orthopedic insoles with a long service life, and during this time they will not lose their original properties. Washing in a washing machine is not recommended, as well as drying products on space heating devices, since these actions can lead to deformation and, consequently, to the loss of the therapeutic effect during use of the products.

Individual orthopedic insoles can be invested not only in one shoe, but also alternately in different pairs of shoes. But there is one condition - it is desirable that the size of the shoes match. And it is better if the height of the heels is also the same. If individual orthopedic insoles are displaced in shoes, they must be fixed in shoes with a thin strip of double-sided tape, or you can ask an orthopedic center specialist for help to glue them.

When wearing them, a person should not feel discomfort, so the correction of foot disorders must be done in stages. If necessary, it is necessary to apply additional methods of influencing the damaged feet.

You can buy high-quality goods in the Dobry Orthopedist online store. We have insoles of all sizes and for any footwear. Our consultants will not only help you choose the perfect option, but also tell you about the basic rules of care.

Since the inside of the shoe gets as dirty as the top, many people are wondering how to care for orthopedic insoles so that they last as long as possible. Indeed, in recent years, more and more cases of improperly formed arch of the foot in children. All this contributes to the fact that the foot cannot normally perform its functions, supporting the weight of the patient. In this case, an orthopedic insole with an arch support is not just a therapeutic, but also a preventive measure, which in the future will help to avoid serious violations of the functioning of the musculoskeletal system (musculoskeletal system).

The main materials that are used to create products are:
  • leather;
  • top quality polymers.

Linings from them are durable and hypoallergenic, they have good cushioning and are able to absorb excess moisture.

Silicone is considered a good option for an orthopedic lining - in this case, products made from it spring a little while walking. As a result, the muscles and tendons of the leg relax, which leads to improved blood circulation and reduced fatigue in the lower extremities.

Since this type of lining can be worn every day, it must be comfortable and well ventilated. To properly check the product for quality, you can drop a little water on its surface. If the liquid is instantly absorbed, and does not roll over the surface, then the material of the product is suitable.

Since summer shoes and other shoes are almost completely open, various dirt can easily get on its insole. Also, the cause of contamination of orthopedic insoles and arch support is profuse sweating of the feet, which is often observed in the summer.

In order to cope with this problem, you need to know how to clean the insoles so as not to spoil them. Their manufacturers indicate on their packaging that the service life of this product varies on average from 4 to 6 months, but this is only observed if they are provided with proper care.

The covering of orthopedic insoles in contact with the foot must necessarily consist only of natural material. Equally important is the layer based on activated carbon, as well as the antibacterial coating.

How long orthopedic insoles will last depends on various factors, which include:

  • human gait;
  • his weight;
  • intensity and duration of wear;
  • physical activity during operation.

All this is reflected in the duration of the use of the product. If the frame base of the insole and the elements supporting the foot (arch supports) are not deformed, then the functionality of the product is preserved. That is why proper care of orthopedic insoles is so important, the main goal of which is to preserve all the prescribed properties of the material.

Can the insoles be washed in shoes? This question is of interest to many people who are looking for information on the care of these shoes.

To do everything right and extend the service life of shoes and insoles, you must follow the following rules:
  1. Insoles for shoes and other types of footwear must not be washed under running water, and also subjected to washing and drying in a typewriter.
  2. Before washing various contaminants from the base of the products, it is important to take a light cloth and moisten it with soapy water.
  3. It is worth knowing that high temperatures are contraindicated for orthopedic linings. This means that they should not be dried with a hair dryer, battery or heater, as this will significantly reduce the service life of the product. In addition, wearing them in extreme heat is also not worth it.
  4. If the linings and shoes get wet, then you should not immediately refuse to use them. After all, such a “wash” almost always remains without consequences, because the materials for this product are moisture resistant. To dry the insoles, it is recommended to take them out and dry them naturally. This action is recommended by the product manufacturers to be performed daily.
  5. You can easily clean leather products with a mild alcohol solution, while for other types of material, only a low concentrated soap solution can be used. It is strictly forbidden to use detergents in which many harmful components are observed.

When caring for an orthopedic insole for shoes, it is important to always remember that defects resulting from poor-quality care will soon lead to a complete loss of product quality.

When worn for a long time, shoes tend to get dirty both inside and out. This is especially true of summer sandals. To prolong the life of your favorite shoes, you need to take care of them. How to clean leather insoles for shoes, and at the same time not ruin them, will be described in this article. Leather is a natural material and, therefore, damages quickly appear on it with frequent wear.

When exposed to a humid environment, the material begins to stretch. Wet the skin \u003d + in no case is impossible, the product will immediately lose its shape and will not perform its previous functions. Especially the question concerns summer shoes - slippers and slates, since most of them do not pull out the insoles. When cleaning, consider whether there are other materials on the shoes other than leather.

When choosing cleaning products for leather insoles, many people want to save money and are looking for cheap or folk remedies. However, it should be noted that not all options offered on store shelves are suitable for cleaning leather.

You cannot use the following tools:

  • Various detergents.
  • Soap contains alkali, which leads to changes in products. The skin can become hard or vice versa, soft.
  • Acetone can leave white marks on both the inside and outside of shoes.

The most difficult is cleaning the insoles, which are not removed from the shoes. But even for such cases, there are competent ways to clean slippers or other shoes where the insoles are sewn on.

Here are some options:

  • Hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate solution is applied to a cotton pad. The insole is wiped with a moistened disc.
  • Cleaning can be done with any disinfectant, including alcohol.
  • A good cleaner is a greasy baby cream.
  • A more expensive, but effective option are specialized products sold in the store.

Each of the above methods has both advantages and disadvantages. It all depends on the quality of the leather from which the shoes are made.


Before you start cleaning the insoles, you should get rid of the dirt on it. This can be done by wiping the shoes with a rag or napkin. Then you can start cleaning.

Each tool above has its own subtleties of use:

  • Hydrogen peroxide, a solution of potassium permanganate or a disinfectant is applied to a swab, then the insoles are wiped with it.
  • On a cotton pad, apply a small amount of baby cream, then wipe the insole with it. The product should be absorbed into the product, for this the cream is left on the insole for 2-4 minutes. After that, the composition should be wiped with a cloth or napkin. After a few hours, after drying, the shoes can be used for their intended purpose.
  • A special shoe polish foam is also applied to the insole and then left to absorb. Only it is left not for 2 minutes, but for 10-15 minutes. Most manufacturers produce such products in spray bottles.

Regardless of the method of cleaning leather insoles, after the procedure, the shoes should dry out. To do this, it should be left in a well-ventilated area, at least for a couple of hours.


If properly cared for, shoes can be worn for a long time. It is important to take care of your shoes not only on the outside, but also on the inside. A dirty insole is a source of unpleasant odor and a breeding ground for bacteria. And they, in turn, are the source of nail and foot fungus.

In summer, it is advisable to clean your shoes daily. This does not have to be done with special tools, you can use a regular rag moistened with water. Disinfectant cleansing is recommended every 3-4 days. It is also very important to treat shoes if there is an unpleasant smell in it, or if a person has had a fungus.

Wearing socks under leather shoes, you should use only natural products, since synthetics promote the growth of microbes. Each person chooses the tool that suits him personally, based on his finances and preferences.

Overview (video)

Orthopedic insoles are widely used for the prevention and treatment of flat feet, hallux valgus, heel spurs and other pathologies. This is an effective and quite expensive tool. In order for them to last as long as possible, proper care of orthopedic insoles is necessary. It is also important to keep them clean.

How to care for orthopedic insoles

Among the main care questions is the question of whether orthopedic insoles can be washed. Please note that the care of these products should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the product manufacturer.

In general, the general rules of care are as follows:

  • It is necessary to carry out daily drying of insoles. It should be carried out in natural conditions - you can not place the product under the influence of direct sunlight and near heating devices.
  • Washing and drying of products in the washing machine is not allowed.
  • Do not attempt to wash orthopedic insoles under running water.
  • Exposure to high temperatures on orthopedic products is not allowed.
  • If there is a need to wash the products, then it is necessary to wipe them with a soft cloth moistened with an alcohol or soapy solution.

When we buy insoles, we want them to last as long as possible. According to most manufacturers, the average life of finished orthopedic insoles is about six months. However, with proper care, the product can please more than six months.

What determines the shelf life of orthopedic insoles

It depends primarily on how intensively you will use the insoles: wear them every day or a couple of times a week, in addition, it matters how long you walk: you can run to the nearest store, or you can walk in the park for 5-7 km.

Not the last role is played by the fact how well the insoles were matched to the shoes, whether bends and creases were formed that worsen the functional characteristics of the product.

Well, the impact of factors such as weight and features of gait, too, has not been canceled.

First of all, the top layer suffers, which is usually made of genuine leather or velor, while small abrasions do not prevent the insole from fulfilling its purpose. If the surface is pretty worn out, but the frame base can be serviceable, then it will certainly be inconvenient to use it. Therefore, it makes sense to clean orthopedic insoles regularly to prevent wear of the outer layer.

It is also worth paying attention to the safety of the elements that perform the main corrective role: arch support, metatarsal roller, heel pad.

If they have become unusable due to natural causes or as a result of unusual physical activity, then it does not make sense to continue wearing such orthopedic insoles.

Care rules

Manufacturers recommend taking out the insoles after each wear and letting them dry naturally. This is usually sufficient for average operating conditions. Can orthopedic insoles be washed? There is no definite answer here. The materials from which the insoles are made do not like moisture. They can cope if you get caught in a light rain, but they definitely won’t survive the test of a washing machine. Hand washing, for example, in a basin is also contraindicated for them.

How to wash orthopedic insoles

In the process of wearing the insoles are constantly in contact with sweat. So that the owner does not experience discomfort, the top layer is treated with antibacterial impregnation, this minimizes the appearance of an unpleasant odor. However, pollution is inevitable over time. In order not to violate the integrity of the product, the insoles are cleaned with a soft brush and a cloth dipped in soapy water. The use of aggressive detergents, including washing powder, is not recommended.

Video on how to clean orthopedic insoles with a brush:


After washing the orthopedic insoles in a gentle way, they should be dried properly. Do not leave excess moisture on the surface, blot with a dry towel, and then allow to dry at room temperature. Do not leave them near heaters, in the sun, do not use a hair dryer, microwave oven or electric shoe dryers. Otherwise, the product may lose its shape, warp, become rigid, and lose useful functions.

Now you know how to care for orthopedic insoles so that they last longer. In any case, you should follow the recommendations of the manufacturers, especially if the product cost you a lot. This applies to both individual and ready-made insoles, since the materials used are basically the same.