Where to lighten your hair. How to safely lighten hair: folk and cosmetic remedies. hair lightening method

No wonder they say that gentlemen prefer blondes. After all, blonde, beautiful, well-groomed hair is guaranteed attractiveness and sexuality. In pursuit of the color of their dreams, girls try many products, but if you approach it recklessly and chase cheapness, then your hair can be ruined. They will become brittle, overdried, and split. And there can no longer be any question of any attractiveness.

How to lighten hair at home?

How to achieve a beautiful, long-lasting color, and not burnt and dull? In order to protect yourself, you can use folk remedies prepared at home. What should you stock up on? Depending on the effect you want to achieve, you may need different ingredients. The advantages of folk remedies are that they will not only help make your hair three to four shades lighter, but will also nourish your hair.

So, there are several ways to lighten hair using lemon and water, but these methods are suitable for those whose hair is not too brittle and dry by nature. But if you want to get a beautiful golden hue and strengthen your hair, then chamomile infusions are suitable for you. There may be different options: you can take nettle and chamomile, infuse chamomile in vodka, mix it with saffron and lavender essential oil, as well as with rhubarb and tea.

The most gentle masks include kefir ones. This fermented milk product can be used as an independent ingredient, or other components can be added. For example, onion juice, cinnamon, mustard, yeast. We must not forget about such a natural lightener as henna. Many people think that white henna is a plant, but this is not so. Natural henna gives the hair a reddish tint, but if various natural additives are added to it chemically, it becomes white. And then it can be part of various masks for lightening hair.

How to lighten hair with dye at home?

Of course, dyes will give better results than natural products, but how this will affect the quality of hair is another question. It should be remembered that there are two types of paints: some contain ammonia, while others do not. The first ones are more aggressive. They destroy the top layer of hair, then peroxide, penetrating into the inner layer, destroys natural pigments. This will discolor the hair. If the paint does not contain ammonia, then the effect will last about three weeks.

How to prepare your hair for home lightening?

  • Before you take such a step, think carefully about whether your new look will match the color and shape of your face. Returning to the original color later will not be as easy as we would like. And the grown ends will now need to be tinted all the time. It is worth considering the fact that the hair will change its structure.
  • Be careful when choosing a dye if you have had a perm before or if your hair is already very brittle. Start with folk remedies first.
  • Before applying the dye, do a test on a small area of ​​skin. If after fifteen minutes no irritation appears, then you can start staining. Also, salons usually suggest first lightening one strand of hair and checking the effect. You can do the same at home.
  • Light colors will immediately highlight split ends, so you need to trim them first.
  • Three weeks before your procedure, start using a clarifying shampoo. This will help you get rid of the chemicals contained in your hair, the artificial strands should also be removed. Be sure to use a cap in the pool, because the chlorine absorbed into your hair during the lightening process can give out a completely unexpected color. A few days before the procedure, do not use styling products.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with conditioner a day before the procedure; do not lighten freshly washed hair.

Lightening hair with dye

Before the procedure, prepare a towel that you don’t mind, a comb (preferably with sparse teeth) and the lightening mixture itself. Remember that after bleaching you will need to use appropriate shampoos and conditioners. Before applying the mixture, your hair must be combed very well.

If you have never lightened your hair before, but only dyed it, you can assume that here, too, you first need to apply the mixture to the roots of your hair, and after about fifteen minutes along the entire length. But with lightening it won’t work that way. First, distribute the composition over the entire length, very carefully, without missing strands, evenly. Warmth emanates from the head, and therefore the roots can be colored much more intensely, so we apply the mixture to the roots only after the composition has been distributed along the entire length.

Wrap your hair in a towel, follow the time indicated in the instructions (everything will depend on the brand of dye you choose). Then rinse your hair thoroughly and lubricate it with balm, let it absorb and rinse thoroughly with water again. There is no need to use shampoo right away; your hair will need careful care first.

Lightening hair at home with powder

Paints come in cream, oil and powder. The powder is the most effective, but does not have a gentle effect.

  • To get started, read the instructions.
  • Prepare a plastic bowl (do not use tin or aluminum containers), gloves, and an apron if desired.
  • Do not skimp on the amount of mixture: it should cover your entire hair in a dense, even layer, then the color will be beautiful and even. Apply it with a brush.
  • For coarse hair, a larger percentage of oxidizer is used, for soft hair, respectively, a smaller percentage.
  • Do not think that if you leave the powder on your hair longer than the time indicated in the instructions, your hair will lighten better. You can achieve the exact opposite effect and completely ruin your hair.
  • After the procedure, do not forget to use conditioner, let your hair dry on its own, do not damage it with a hairdryer or break it with a towel.

How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide?

  1. Preparation: Hair should be healthy and strong. Shampoos, masks, balms should not contain sulfates. Try to avoid exposing your hair to hot air and avoid using straightening irons or curling irons. Prepare a three percent peroxide solution. A higher percentage will not suit you, because your hair will begin to fall out. You will also need a bottle of some kind of spray (just rinse it thoroughly and pour boiling water over it), cotton pads, hairpins, and a towel. Hair should be washed thoroughly using conditioner. Dirt and grease can negatively affect the lightening process by reacting with peroxide. And wet hair will just help improve the reaction.
  2. Lightening process. Using a cotton swab, apply peroxide to a thin strand of hair and rinse off after half an hour. This way you can understand how much peroxide you will need to achieve the desired result. Dried hair should be divided into sections, securing them with previously prepared hairpins. Gradually you will lighten each strand and secure it with a hairpin. If you want to achieve an amber effect, start lightening from the ends using cotton pads. If you want to completely lighten your hair, then use a spray. After half an hour, rinse your hair with cool water.
  3. Strengthening the effect. Your hair will be lighter and the effect will last longer if you lighten it gradually. Apply the solution every day rather than using the entire bottle at once. Don't wash your hair every day. If your hair quickly becomes oily, then stock up on dry shampoo. Your hair will become a little lighter if you walk in the sun for a while immediately after the procedure. If your hair has become an unpleasant, challenging color (bright yellow or orange), soften it with a special purple shampoo.

How to lighten hair with lemon?

In the East, these very recipes have been used for a long time, and dark-haired beauties know a lot about lightening, because it is very difficult to make their hair lighter.

  1. If you have dry hair, then you will need one quarter cup of conditioner and a glass of lemon juice (usually squeezing 4 lemons is enough). If the hair is normal, then the conditioner can be replaced with warm water. The first mixture can be diluted in a plastic bowl, and the second in a washed bottle of any spray.

For a faster effect, you will need to spend two hours in the sun, so apply sunscreen to your skin in advance. If you want to lighten all your hair, then use a spray or brush (based on conditioner), if only individual strands, then use cotton pads. The next day, repeat the procedure.

  1. Your hair will be moisturized and silky after lightening if you prepare the following mask. Take rhubarb (30 g) and half a liter of vinegar, cook it all over low heat for ten minutes. Then add the juice of two lemons, and twenty grams of chamomile and calendula each, and simmer for another five minutes. After the mixture has infused and cooled, add alcohol (50 g) and two tablespoons of liquid honey. Using a brush, apply the mixture to your hair, tie a warm scarf on your head for fifty minutes.

How to lighten hair with chamomile?

If you need to slightly lighten your hair and at the same time strengthen it, then opt for recipes with chamomile.

  1. In a water bath, simmer chamomile (2 tablespoons) in two glasses of water. Use the strained infusion after each wash as a rinse aid.
  2. For a liter of water, take a tablespoon of chamomile and nettle, and simmer for ten minutes. After rinsing, wrap your hair in a towel and walk like this for half an hour.
  3. Red hair will acquire a pleasant shade and will be restored if you take half a liter of vodka, pour chamomile (150 g) with it and let it brew for two weeks. Then strain and add 10 drops of essential lemon oil and 3% hydrogen peroxide (50 ml) to the infusion. The infusion can be divided into several parts and applied using a spray bottle along the entire length of the hair.
  4. Pour a glass of boiling water over chamomile (2 tbsp) and saffron (literally on the tip of a knife). After half an hour, add the juice of one lemon and 5 drops of lavender essential oil. Apply the mixture to your hair and rinse after half an hour.

How to lighten hair with cinnamon?

After such a mask, they will not only be brightened and moisturized, but they will also have a very pleasant smell. For each mask, use conditioner so that it is easier to wash off and stays evenly on your hair during use. What can you use?

  • Half a glass of conditioner and olive oil, 4 tbsp. cinnamon.
  • Mix 2.5 tbsp. l oil (olive), honey, cinnamon and conditioner.
  • For 2 tbsp. cinnamon, a glass of honey, conditioner and a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • Equal parts conditioner and cinnamon.
  • Beat cinnamon with distilled water to a paste consistency.

The process of preparing the hair and applying the mixture is the same as in the recipes we discussed above. The mixture should be kept on your hair for four hours, and if you have such an opportunity, then leave the mask on your hair all night.

If oil was used in the masks, they are difficult to wash off, so rinse your hair thoroughly for 15-20 minutes. If you want to lighten your hair even more, repeat the procedure every other day. After applying the mixture, you may feel a burning sensation, but it will go away after about twenty minutes (by the way, it is olive oil that helps relieve this burning sensation). Add two yolks to your mask if you have dry hair. Do not rub the mixture into your scalp. It is not recommended for blondes to use this ingredient as it may result in a reddish tint. Avoid contact with face and neck as irritation may occur. The effect will be better if you make a chamomile decoction and rinse your hair with it.

Lightening hair with honey

  • Mix 4/5 cup honey with 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar.
  • A glass of distilled water, 0.5 cups of honey, two tablespoons of cinnamon and olive oil.
  • Add a tablespoon of cardamom and cinnamon and 3 tbsp to the container with hair balm. honey.

Lightening hair with kefir

  1. This nourishing mask will lighten your hair even if you don't want it to, so use kefir with caution on newly colored hair. To the egg yolk, add half a glass of kefir and two tablespoons of cognac (vodka is also suitable), lemon juice (one lemon is enough), and a spoonful of shampoo. The mask can be kept on your hair for two hours.
  2. You don’t have to add any ingredients, just heat the kefir to body temperature. This mask can be used twice a week. After a few uses, your hair will become noticeably lighter.
  3. Beat the heated kefir with the egg, add a spoonful of cocoa. Apply the thoroughly mixed mixture to your hair once a week.

Kefir should be chosen natural (the shelf life cannot exceed five days). Do not use expired product. You can keep the mask overnight, this will only increase the benefits.

Henna for lightening hair

It is necessary to take into account that the red dye will need to be released, and therefore henna must be mixed with citrus juice. Lemon is best, but everything is individual. First, check if you have any allergic reactions to a certain type of juice. Olive oil will not harm your mask. The smell of henna can be neutralized by adding cardamom or ginger (a teaspoon of one or the other is enough). You cannot dilute henna with boiling water. Henna does not wash off easily.

Leave the henna mixed with juice to infuse for a day. If you have waist-length hair, then you will need 500 g of henna, then descending. So, for very short hair, 100 g of henna is enough. There should be no grains or lumps in the mixture, otherwise the coloring will not be uniform. If you simply diluted henna with distilled water, you can leave the mixture overnight (this is suitable for those who want to achieve a spectacular red color). If you used acid, then you should not leave the mask on your hair for more than an hour.

Hair care after home bleaching

  • For a month, refrain from using curling irons and hair dryers.
  • You need to choose the right cosmetics; give preference to leave-in masks.
  • Comb your hair after it dries.
  • To make your hair shimmer and shine, add oils to your shampoo (for example, jojoba or peach).
  • When washing your hair, do not tangle it, but rather, make movements as if you were combing it.
  • For two months, make nourishing and moisturizing masks. You can buy ready-made ones, but homemade masks made from homemade ingredients will be much more effective.
  • After washing, be sure to use balm. This will make your hair easier to comb and its structure will not change further.
  • Pay attention to those products that contain silk proteins and natural oils.

There are few girls who have not tried to change something in their appearance. This is the female nature of impermanence - girls need changes in order to feel alive, desirable, vibrant.

Closer to the topic...

To be more precise, many girls decide to experiment with their hair. Here I remember the very expression that gives at least some hope for correcting the mistake “Hair is not teeth...”.

You know the continuation yourself. But is it really that easy to get your natural hair back after bleaching your hair? We’ll talk about this in this article: what, why and why.

Lighting to the rescue?

A drastic decision made under the immediate desire to become another ash blonde. The trend of the last year is slowly but retreating - dark hair is coming back into fashion, but there are no fewer people wanting to bleach their hair. The most common reason for changing an image can be even a banal unsuccessful paint job. Prosaic, isn't it? But that doesn't make it any less tragic.

If you dye your hair at home, bleaching can be your lifeline if things go wrong. Now there is a very high chance of running into a product of not the best quality in the mass market. An unfortunate failure can be corrected if you have a bleaching agent on hand.

What kind of animal is this?

Lightening or bleaching hair is a procedure for blurring natural or artificial pigment. Therefore, they can be carried out both on natural hair and on dyed hair.

The most important thing here is to choose the right product, since low-quality paint can cause irreparable harm to your curls. The difference between lightening and bleaching is that lightening is done with the expectation of a difference of several shades, while bleaching hair results in an "ash blonde" result.


As for the procedure itself. Firstly, it is worth knowing that bleaching is aimed at lightening the color by 6-7 tones. Moreover, a good master knows how to carry out this procedure without damaging the hair structure. If you notice that after this procedure they have sharply lost their shine, become brittle and, God forbid, begin to fall out, urgently change your hairdresser or beauty salon.

Cons of using hair bleach dye

Before deciding to take such a decisive and sometimes irreversible step, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the possible consequences of staining.

Firstly, the protective scales of the hair can become victims of burns. The thing is that exposure to an alkaline environment affects the special scales that cover the hair in such a way that they have to open up. If you get a burn, it will be almost impossible to return the original state even with high-quality care products and vitamins. This leads to consequences in the form of thin and weakened hair, which looks, to put it mildly, rather unpresentable.

When the protective layer disappears, fragility appears, difficulty combing and severe split ends. There is little pleasure in such results. To restore the hair structure, a girl will need numerous sprays, balms, and conditioners with a restorative effect. But all these remedies will provide only a temporary protective effect.

Another unfavorable consequence of improper hair bleaching technology at home or in a salon can be a decrease in the secretion of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the protective film on the hair follicles disappears, which leads to intense hair loss.

Disappointing results

As it turns out, the wrong approach to hair bleaching can lead to disastrous consequences. If you value your curls, try to use the services of only highly qualified experts at the Expert level, and not at the Beginner level. The right specialist will not only carry out the procedure at the highest level, but will also give useful recommendations on the use of home or professional hair care products.

Which paint is best for bleaching?

First of all, it is worth mentioning that almost any procedure that involves bleaching can be quite painful if the technology is violated. Therefore, if you are not sure that you can cope with this task on your own, trust the professionals.

But if you want to color your hair at home, you can try bleaching your hair using ammonia-free dyes, since the harmful effects of their use are minimized. In addition, their effect is much softer than, for example, that of a salon line of professional products.

According to reviews of hair bleaching, one of these dyes is Garnier. This choice is explained by the fact that the paint contains wheat and jojoba oils, olive oil extract, which provide gentle care. The paint components do an excellent job of protecting against the aggressive effects of an alkaline environment, which is necessary when discoloring.

Color Shine paint, which contains argan oil, is considered a fairly good coloring product. A significant disadvantage compared to other paints is the fact that the lightening will be limited to only a few tones, and the effect will last no more than two to three weeks.

Many consider paint from L’Oreal to be an excellent choice. It covers gray hair perfectly. In addition, the likelihood of being left with yellow straw on your head is practically zero. Due to the presence of the active component collagen, wheat proteins and a complex of essential oils in its composition, the aggressive influence of the alkaline environment is practically neutralized.

The only disadvantage of this product is its relatively high cost. But if you can afford such dye, do not skimp on yourself and take advantage of the best option for preserving your hair. By the way, this dye is universal, which means that you can use it to bleach even dark hair.

Folk remedies

Bleaching your hair at home is also quite possible, but the result will not always correspond to what you want.

If you just want to lighten your hair slightly, then even folk remedies can do the job perfectly, which will additionally have a beneficial effect on the condition of your curls as a whole.

Remedy No. 1 on this list is ordinary chamomile. The use of chamomile is extremely simple: you need to brew 30 grams of flowers in a glass of boiling water. The resulting decoction must be infused before straining, so it is advisable to cover the glass with a lid and leave for half an hour. After this procedure, it is necessary to strain the liquid and pour it into a small amount of warm water, which is used to rinse the curls after washing. By the way, in order to consolidate the effect obtained, you don’t have to rinse the broth off your head.

If you want to dye your hair a golden honey color, you can use turmeric or saffron. To do this, you need to take two spoons of one of the spices, dissolve them in water, put the solution on low heat, bring to a boil, but do not boil.

Next, you need to leave the broth for half an hour, and then thoroughly moisten your hair with it. For convenience, the curls can be twisted into a braid and covered with plastic wrap on top. The mask should be kept on your head for half an hour, then washed off with regular shampoo. But such manipulations will not work with dark hair.

Other bleaching methods

Let's consider other options.

  1. Hair bleaching powder (or lightening powder) lightens the pigment of hair or individual strands. The action of the product provides lightening up to 7-8 tones. Suitable for both natural light brown shades and dyed dark shades. Since this product has a rather aggressive effect on the hair structure, it should not be used at home. Only an experienced master who understands the technique of applying and diluting pigments will carry out coloring taking into account the original shade and condition of the curls.
  2. Hair bleaching cream is often chosen by ladies who love comfort. The product is very easy to apply, there is no need to mix the components, there is no danger of making a mistake in proportions and causing damage to hair and skin. The components of the product act gently without staining everything around. However, it is rarely applied to the hair on the head; many prefer to use it to bleach the hair on the face or arms. Its effect is not so effective - about 1-2 shades - but it does a great job of hiding unwanted body hair.
  3. Hair bleaching with hydrogen peroxide is one of the most affordable ways to “throw off” several tones. When using this product, oxygen combines with the color pigment and triggers a chemical reaction that helps lighten the natural color of the melanin pigment. Lightening hair in this way is usually carried out before coloring to further lighten the shade.

The process of dyeing hair after bleaching is the same as usual. You just have to take into account the fact that your hair will need a little respite due to the aggressive influence of the alkaline environment on each hair.

The best option is to completely stop using cosmetic procedures on your hair for several weeks. An excellent treatment for this period will be the use of homemade masks, which will allow each hair to find a new life. So, you can restore your hair, get rid of lifeless dull color and fragility for a while.

Bleaching your hair is a drastic step that needs to be carefully considered. If you really want to, do it, but don’t forget about the health of your hair.

Light curls are a sign of youth, femininity and beauty, but not everyone wants to completely change the color of their hair. Sometimes bleaching your hair can be much more effective. At the same time, you don’t need to run to the hairdresser, because lightening your hair at home is a completely doable procedure. So, how to lighten your hair at home?

How to lighten your hair at home? Usually, various folk remedies are used, which do not always give good results, but do not harm the hair. Chemical methods are more effective, but the curls need to be restored after them.

You can go to a salon where they will offer the following products:

  • lightening powders (available in jars, bags);
  • products to remove unsightly yellow discoloration;
  • shade correctors;
  • shampoos that give a natural light shade, but they cannot lighten dark hair - here they are almost useless;
  • developers in the form of creams that fix the color and care for the hair.

The amount of the substance depends on the initial shade - for example, black curls will require more product than light ones.

Folk remedies

How to lighten hair without harm? You need to use folk remedies, and the best of them are lemon, hydrogen peroxide, honey, kefir and cinnamon. Below is a list of effective products that you can use to lighten your hair.

Lightening hair with folk remedies is the most harmless way, but it is not always effective.

So, how to lighten hair using folk remedies?

Hydrogen peroxide

Our grandmothers knew about this remedy. Peroxide is an affordable and simple product that everyone can buy.

But it has one drawback: you cannot use it constantly, otherwise your hair will become ugly. The fact is that even a diluted mixture has a negative effect on the follicles, causing them to collapse.

You need to prepare:

  • gloves;
  • an old T-shirt;
  • clips or hairpins;
  • 3% peroxide solution;
  • shampoo, conditioner;
  • bottle, cotton pads.


Peroxide will not lighten your hair in one go, so you will need to do a course of procedures. But then the curls will acquire a real ashy shade, which will be natural.


A less aggressive remedy is lemon. It can not only lighten hair at home, but also heal strands, giving them shine and strength. Can be used on both black and light curls. Does not contain chemicals, therefore completely harmless.

There are two ways to use lemon - adding juice or essential oil to shampoo and using a lemon-based mask.

If your strands are dry and brittle, you should try this method:

  • pour fresh lemon juice into a spray bottle;
  • add water, conditioner and mix thoroughly;
  • using cotton wool, apply the composition to your hair (if the mixture is thick, you can use a brush; if it is liquid, use a spray);
  • treat your head and sit like that for two hours;
  • with shampoo, apply nourishing balm;
  • The next day, repeat the procedure, but this time the action time is 30 minutes.

The result will not appear quickly - it will become noticeable in 2-3 weeks.


This product not only brightens, but also nourishes weakened, brittle hair. Fermented milk products are good for hair and scalp: they accelerate growth, strengthen roots, add shine, strength and silkiness. You can apply either just kefir or masks made from it. But the downside is that kefir is difficult to wash off.

The most commonly used recipe is kefir with cognac.

You need to prepare:

  • 50 ml kefir;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • a teaspoon of hair balm;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac.


  • mix the composition;
  • apply to strands, carefully distribute throughout the head;
  • put on a warm cap or wrap your head in a towel and plastic bag;
  • stay in this position for 7-8 hours (but it is better to go to bed with a mask);
  • rinse with warm water;
  • apply conditioner.

Lightening hair with kefir can also be done on colored hair, but more than one procedure will be required.


The aromatic spice gives a light, natural reddish tint. Perfect for brunettes, as it can get rid of the hated dark color. Lightening strands with cinnamon does not give a quick effect, so you need to be patient.

Masks made from cinnamon and olive oil leave a lot of positive reviews. This recipe contains products that are beneficial for hair.

Have to take:

  • 3 tbsp. spoons of good cinnamon;
  • clean water (1 tbsp);
  • natural liquid honey (2 tablespoons);
  • balm (3 tablespoons);
  • olive oil (3 tablespoons).


  • dissolve honey in boiled water;
  • add cinnamon powder, balm and olive oil;
  • lubricate the strands and leave for 2-3 hours;
  • rinse with water and shampoo, and then apply the balm again.

Lemon juice is added as desired.

Medicinal chamomile

Known for its brightening properties. Lightening your hair at home with chamomile does not spoil your hair, but gives it a delicate golden color, health and beauty.

For a classic recipe, you can mix 30 g of chamomile, 250 ml of water and the juice of half a lemon.

You can pour boiling water over chamomile and let the infusion cool, then filter, wash your hair and rinse your hair with chamomile infusion after washing. This method is not suitable for black hair, but it will highlight a light natural shade well.

How to prepare your head

Lightening your curls at home is not difficult. To achieve a good result, just use some tips.

  1. Do not dye your hair with dye before or after the process.
  2. Constantly use moisturizing soft masks (it is better to prepare them at home).
  3. Do not overuse hair dryers, curlers, curling irons and tongs.
  4. Avoid large amounts of mousses, varnishes and styling gels.
  5. Don't or switch to dry shampoo.

Hairdressers give good advice - if you follow them, you can avoid many mistakes.

You don't have to lighten your entire head - you can just highlight a few strands.

The dream of a radical change in image associated with bleaching curls is typical for many dark-haired beauties. Partly in order to attract men's attention (according to a common stereotype, they like blondes the most) and satisfy the eternal female desire for constant renewal. Here you can find out what dye and how to lighten dark hair.

Since bleaching is a manipulation that damages the hair structure, the choice of dye for lightening it should be treated with extreme caution.

What colors are suitable for lightening hair?

  1. The best compositions for lightening dark strands are paints whose chemical formula contains collagens and essential oils that soften the effect of other aggressive components.
  2. The most destructive dyes for hair are those containing ammonia: they not only damage the cuticle along the entire length of the hair shaft, but also completely destroy the natural melanin pigment contained inside. The duration of the achieved effect is from four to six weeks. Ammonia-free formulations have a milder effect, but their effect is short-lived: after 2-3 weeks, the hair will have to be lightened again.
  3. The best products for lightening dark hair at home are dyes with a creamy consistency. They are perfectly applied to the strands, ensuring high-quality and uniform coloring. Thanks to the restorative and nutritional substances, as well as cosmetic oils included in the cream-dyes, gentle coloring is ensured, causing minimal damage to the health of the hair.

About lightening

In the process of lightening hair, the chemical composition used lifts the scales of the hair cuticle and penetrates into the core of the hair, which contains pigment and the main structures responsible for the elasticity, texture and shape of curls.

As a result of the oxidation reaction, oxygen molecules are released and the pigment molecules responsible for the color of the curls are dissolved. The degree of hair lightening depends on the duration of the oxidative process.

The lightening process always ends with hair damage:

  1. With minimal damage, manifested only in the opening of the cuticle, they become hard and dry.
  2. Moderate damage leads to increased porosity of the strands. Bleached hair becomes dull, brittle and unmanageable. Split ends make them difficult to comb and grow to the desired length.
  3. Severe damage results in brittleness and hair loss, as well as scalp burns.

To ensure that the damage caused to your hair is minimal, it is better to entrust the lightening of strands to a specialist.
Those who decide to bleach at home should choose an ammonia-free composition or paint with a low percentage of hydrogen peroxide.

Stopping hair loss and making it look healthy is actually quite a difficult task and requires a lot of patience. Recipes for masks against hair loss with yeast

To prevent hair lightening from resulting in an unattractive yellow tint, the following rules must be followed:

  • Do not lighten damaged, brittle, or too dry hair. They need mandatory comprehensive treatment, which consists of making homemade nourishing masks, using medicated shampoos, sprays and balms, as well as taking oral multivitamin preparations;
  • Brunettes whose hair color contains warm tones should choose lighteners that give their curls shades of platinum or cool blonde. They are the ones who can drown out the unwanted yellowness of bleached strands. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to.
  • the correct sequence of application of the bleaching composition can also prevent the formation of yellowness. The paint is first applied to the back of the head, then to the crown of the head. After this, the strands on the bangs and temples are lightened. The ends of the hair are dyed last.

High-quality hair dyes and a professional approach to the dyeing process will help you avoid the appearance of yellowness.

Gelatin enjoys well-deserved popularity in home cosmetology. One of the positive effects of this product is the improvement of brittle and split ends. From our article you will learn how to make.

How to paint 2 - 3 tones

This can be done using homemade natural paint. In a glass bowl, mix one cup of conditioner, six dessert spoons of ground cinnamon and a third of a cup of liquid natural honey.

Having thoroughly mixed the composition, begin to apply it to freshly washed and slightly dried curls.

Having divided the hair into separate strands, apply the dye to the entire length of the hair, trying to avoid getting it on the skin of the face. You should also not rub the composition into the skin on your head.

The dyed strands are hidden under an oilcloth cap and insulated with a towel. After half an hour, the towel is removed and you walk around with paint on your head for three to four hours. After this, wash off the composition with plenty of warm water.

This procedure lightens the hair by two shades. If lightening by three tones is needed, not six, but eight dessert spoons of cinnamon are added to the paint.

Read what is included in hair dye and what is the difference between household and professional ones.

Paint forms

  1. Cream paints. The thickeners included in their formula give compositions of this type a thick consistency that does not spread and is evenly distributed on the hair (for example). Uniform application guarantees uniform lightening of the strands. Cream-based paints are the most popular type of brightening agents.
  2. Paste or powder based paints. The content of catalysts and inert substances significantly accelerates and intensifies the process of bleaching strands, so dyes of this type are used when it is necessary to lighten very dark hair. This one is used most often.
  3. Oil based paints. Having the mildest effect due to the sulfonated oils they contain, paints of this type are mixed with catalysts and a fixative. The interaction of all components of the chemical composition leads to the neutralization of unwanted hair shades.

The Italian brand Constant Delight produces oil paints with a large color palette

Nice colors

The range of brightening compounds offered by modern paint manufacturers is unusually wide. In order not to harm your hair, you should give preference to high-quality products from well-known brands.
– sounds quite strange, but it received such a name for a reason. The colorless paint does not contain ammonia, so it can be used even by pregnant women or girls with sensitive scalp.


The lightening compositions of the Russian brand Estelle are very popular among both young beauties and mature women. The reason is that clarifiers of this brand have a number of advantages. They:

  • effectively lighten even very dark strands;
  • easy to apply;
  • contain a minimum amount of aggressive components;
  • do not irritate the scalp;
  • are equipped with a balm that restores the hair structure.

The average cost of a clarifier is 113 rubles.

In case of severe damage during painting, use for restoration.

Julia: I lighten my fairly dark hair only with Estelle dye. Despite the low cost, it gives me the opportunity to feel like a charming blonde. Bleaching, of course, affects the structure of the hair: it becomes dry and hard, but using special shampoos and conditioners from the same brand helps me restore their lost health.


The advantages of Garnier paint brightening compositions include:

  • high speed of hair lightening;
  • absence of an unpleasant yellow tint;
  • big ;
  • gentle effect;
  • duration of the result obtained;
  • preservation of hair structure;
  • pleasant aroma.

Faith: I was satisfied with the Garnier brand dye: my curls acquired exactly the color that I had long dreamed of. I think the only drawback is the small amount of dye contained in the kit. For my thick hair, I needed three packs at once: it's affordable.


L'Oreal Preference brand bleaching paste is rightfully considered one of the best hair lightening products. Its advantages:

  • ammonia-free composition;
  • complete absence of odor;
  • the presence of components that help strengthen hair;
  • no burning sensation when applied;
  • safety for the hair structure.

The price is about 275 rubles.

Svetlana: Lightening paste from L'Oreal is a truly magical product. With it, I was finally able to grow my hair (before it broke off almost at the very roots). It perfectly colors roots and curls along the entire length and has no smell at all.


Video for you: turning a brunette into a blonde at home

At home

Hydrogen peroxide is often used to lighten dark hair on your own.

  1. Hard and very dark strands are treated with an 8-12% solution.
  2. For hair of medium thickness, a solution of 6-8% concentration is suitable.
  3. For fine hair, exposure to a 4-6% solution is sufficient.


Making dark strands light is not that difficult. The main thing is that the process of bleaching them does not harm their beauty and health. If chemical dyes are used, it is necessary to choose formulations containing a minimum of aggressive substances. Reviews about tinted hair dyes are presented.

You can change your hair color at home without causing much harm to your locks.

Looking to tone up your natural color a little or give your dyed locks a lighter shade? Lightening your hair is a great way to update your image, make it brighter and more stylish. Today, lightening curls is not a big problem - you just need to visit any beauty salon, where a professional hairdresser will fulfill any wish of the client. But there are several disadvantages - the high cost of such a procedure, as well as the significant harm that professional lightening causes to hair. That is why the procedure for home hair lightening is becoming increasingly popular. How to lighten your hair - read on.

How to lighten hair at home

Advice! You can replace warm water with a decoction of chamomile flowers - as a result, you can get a delightful sunny blonde.

Also, for harmless lightening of strands at home, you can use kefir, which is applied to the hair in its pure form or mixed with a tablespoon of cognac, lemon juice and egg yolk.

Many girls have heard about the benefits of ginger, but not everyone knows that it can also be used to lighten hair. The recipe is very simple and effective - mix a tablespoon of chopped ginger root with a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice and light beer. Apply the mixture to your hair for several hours.

Bleached hair – reviews from women

On the Internet you can find hundreds of thousands of reviews of girls who have used one of the above methods of home hair lightening.

Olga, 23 years old: “I have naturally dark, thick hair. I wanted to change my usual style a little, but I didn’t dare use chemical hair dye, because it could damage the ends and lead to hair loss. I used cinnamon and honey - I was pleased with the result. My hair became about 3 shades lighter.”

Natalya, 28 years old: “I tried lightening my hair with hydrogen peroxide. Before this, I experimented with chamomile and honey, but did not notice any special results. I decided to radically lighten it with peroxide - my curls acquired a very beautiful caramel-wheat shade. True, peroxide dries out the ends of the hair a little, but regular masks and oils help solve this problem.”

Elena, 32 years old: “I have chocolate brown hair that I wanted to go a little lighter this spring. Not to radically change the color, but to make it a little brighter. A friend advised me to try cinnamon powder with honey. The effect, of course, is very noticeable - the shade of the curls became a little lighter, the hair simply shone. One disadvantage of the procedure is that when held for a long time, the honey begins to flow unpleasantly down the neck, so I had to wrap my neck with a towel.”

Daria, 27 years old: “I have always used kefir to lighten my hair. This is a simple and very useful product that is included in many hair masks. But not everyone knows that kefir can also refresh the hair color by several tones. I apply kefir to my hair 3-4 times a week – the color becomes lighter and the unpleasant yellowness disappears. But, of course, this method is not suitable for girls who dream of turning from a brunette to a blonde in one go.”

Nadezhda, 22 years old: “Recently on one forum I read about a tonic for lightening hair. I decided to try it because I was already pretty tired of my brown hair. But the color turned out to be completely different from what is shown on the bottle - too dark. And then I decided not to wait for the new shade to wash out of my hair, but to try to lighten it myself at home. I alternated lemon, ginger and kefir lightening. And after 6-7 procedures, the shade of my hair became much lighter. In addition, a pleasant shine and silkiness appeared. The only thing to remember is that home procedures need to be repeated regularly.”