Physical education and health work in kindergarten. Presentation - Physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions as a means of strengthening the health of preschoolers. Cooperation with social institutions for childhood

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 198" Leninsky district of Saratov

Workshop for teachers

Social and health work in preschool educational institutions"

Date: 10/20/2017

Goal: use of health-saving technologies to improve the physical and mental health of children.

The “Expectation Tree” method»

Goal: participants independently form their expectations from the seminar, learn about the expectations of other participants, and see their progress throughout the seminar.

Material: finished wood, green apple patterns.

Procedure: Participants write their expectations from the seminar on pre-prepared apple templates and place them on the tree.

Exercise "Balloon"

(about the value of health for humans)

Draw a hot air balloon that flies above the ground. Draw the little man in the balloon basket. It is you. The sun is shining brightly around you, the sky is blue. Write which 9 values ​​are so important to you that you would take them with you on a trip (for example, money, health, family, work, love, etc.). Now imagine that your balloon has begun to descend and is threatening to fall soon. You need to get rid of ballast to go up. Dump the ballast, that is, cross out 3 (and then 3 more) words from the list. What did you leave on the list?

Everyone reads out their life values ​​in a circle. The presenter writes them down on the board. If the words are repeated, then the senior teacher gives pluses. Then the ranking of life values ​​is determined by the number of advantages and importance for those present. For example, 1st place – health, 2nd place – family, etc. (depending on the choice, you need to summarize in your own words the importance of health in people’s lives)

The problem of health and its preservation in modern society is very acute. Such phrases as “health-saving technologies” and “formation of a healthy lifestyle” have taken a strong place in conversations with parents and children, in the plans of educational work of all preschool teachers. The problem of children's health is not a problem of one day and one person, but a purposeful and systematically planned work of the entire team of our institution for a long time.

The Constitution of the World Health Organization states that health is not only the absence of disease or infirmity, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being.

Health conservation is the activity of people aimed at improving and maintaining health, as well as the consistency and unity of all levels of human life.

Technology (from the Greek words “techne” - art, skill and “logos” - teaching, science) is a set of knowledge and methods of activity.

Thus, “Health-saving technology” is a system of measures that includes the interrelation and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of the child at all stages of his learning and development.

The goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills, and habits for a healthy lifestyle, and to teach him to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

FTZs are used in various types of activities.There are three groups health-saving technologies: technologies for maintaining and promoting health, technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle, correctional technologies

"Rain of Health"

Dear teachers, here is a set of different words. We need to turn all this chaos into three groups of health-saving technologies. From every cloud comes a healing rain of health. Each cloud has its own name - a type of technology. You need to distribute technologies into groups.

Let's check . 1. Technologies for preserving and stimulating health: stretching, rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, breathing gymnastics, invigorating gymnastics, corrective gymnastics, orthopedic gymnastics, minutes of entering the day and minutes of pranks, kinesiological exercises.

2. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle: physical education, problem-game situations (game therapy), communicative games, conversations from the “Health” series, self-massage.

3. Corrective technologies: art therapy, musical influence technologies, fairy tale therapy, color influence technologies, behavior correction technologies, psycho-gymnastics, phonetic and speech therapy rhythms.

"Meeting in ties." I suggest you wear ties (green, black, yellow). Green ties belong to innovators who show technology. Black tie for pessimists who highlight the negative aspects of technology. Wearing yellow ties are optimists who highlight everything positive.

Natalya Anatolyevna will introduce you to art therapy technology, isotherapy direction

Pedagogical art therapy is a magical land. There the child will learn to be himself, begin to understand the feelings of others, and use emotions as a means of communication. Magic, humor and a fair attitude towards good and evil living in fairy tales, the bewitching and amazing sounds of music, as well as the wealth of images and colors of the works of great artists and the kids themselves will help us cope with difficulties. It is important to find a special key to the soul of every child. Filling the child’s inner world with vivid impressions, helping him master a variety of techniques and drawing techniques, I rejoice at every new success with him. All children love to draw. In their small masterpieces they convey their attitude towards the world around them and give the opportunity to express their “I”.

Isotherapy has an individual correctional and developmental focus, and is successfully used for children with problems of social adaptation, emotional-volitional instability, low self-esteem, low performance, and behavioral disorders. The use of art as a therapeutic factor in education is accessible to educators, and no special medical knowledge is required.

Drawing with a ball

Goals: increasing the self-esteem of children with the symptom “I can’t draw”, development

creativity. The technique can be used both individually and in groups


Materials needed: a ball of thread or rope. Progress of work: the teacher must unwind the ball of thread and show the children how

create patterns or paintings on the floor or table. Then each person takes the ball in turn

the child and, unwinding it, creates a composition. Tearing off the thread, it passes the ball

to the next one. Once all the compositions have been created, you can discuss what


Corrective technologies Art therapy. Treatment with art and creativity captivates children, distracts them from unpleasant emotions, and activates the body’s emotional reserves. Working with natural materials - clay, sand, water, paints. Art therapy techniques that help relieve nervous tension and connect the internal reserves of the child’s body, such as: colorful painting with fingers, colorful painting with feet, painting with fingers on sand, cereals (semolina, oatmeal, peas, etc.), prints hands on cool, warm sand.. Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve tension, increase emotional mood, etc. regular musical breaks during classes. The music of Mozart, his contemporaries, and Baroque music with a rhythmic meter of 60 - 64 beats per minute has a positive effect on the development of creative abilities and health.Fairy tale therapy . Fairy tales are a favorite genre for children. It carries within itself the important psychological content of “love, goodness and happiness”, which passes from one generation to another and does not lose its meaning over time. It gives the child his first ideas about the sublime and the base, the beautiful and the ugly, the moral and the immoral. A fairy tale transforms the hero, turning the weak into the strong, the little into the adult, the naive into the wise, thereby opening up the prospects for the child’s own growth. A fairy tale gives hope and dreams - a foretaste of the future. It becomes a kind of spiritual talisman of childhood.. It is necessary to pay special attention to the color scheme of the interiors of preschool educational institutions. Correctly selected colors relieve tension and increase the emotional state of the child Behavior correction technologies. They are carried out using special methods in small groups of 6-8 people. Groups are not formed according to one criterion - children with different problems study in the same group. Classes are conducted in a playful wayPsycho-gymnastics. Sometimes it takes us great efforts to control our emotions, to restrain ourselves, to hide them from strangers. To teach your child to restrain and control his emotions, let him feel this “control” and how it “works” in a playful way. In difficult times, these exercises for relaxation, relieving tension, and creating a game situation may come in handy. Relieving emotional stress. Exercise children in the ability to expressively and emotionally portray individual emotions, movements, correction of mood and individual character traits, teaching self-relaxation. First of all, such classes are indicated for children with excessive fatigue, exhaustion, restlessness, hot-tempered, withdrawn, with neuroses, character disorders, mild mental retardations and other neuropsychic disorders that are on the border of health and illness.Psychogymnastics, first of all, is aimed at teaching the elements of the technique of expressive movements, the use of expressive movements in the education of emotions and higher feelings, and the acquisition of skills in self-relaxation. Psycho-gymnastics helps children overcome barriers in communication, better understand themselves and others, relieve mental stress, and provides the opportunity for self-expression. Phonetic rhythm. Classes are recommended for children with hearing problems or for preventive purposes. The goal of the classes is phonetic literate speech without movements. Thus, it is very important that each of the technologies considered has a health-improving orientation, and that health-saving activities used in a complex would ultimately form a strong motivation in the child for a healthy lifestyle, full and uncomplicated development.

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle:

Morning exercises carried out daily for 6-8 minutes. with musical accompaniment. Music accompanies every exercise. At the same time, children develop rhythmic skills.

Physical education classes are carried out 3 times a week for 20-25 minutes. in accordance with the program under which the preschool educational institution operates (traditional, plot-game, integrated recreational). They are aimed at teaching motor skills and abilities. Regular physical exercise strengthens the body and improves immunity. And the presence of music in classes helps to improve the psychological and physiological state of the child’s body.

A series of game classes “The ABC of Health”. Classes are held once a week in the form of group work. I have developed a system of valeological education for preschoolers and the formation of children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle. The introduction of developed activities using non-traditional methods and techniques made it possible to increase the child’s interest in acquiring valeological knowledge and captivate them with the game plot and unusual content. Children easily develop the concept that every person should take care of themselves and their health. The understanding of how to take care of maintaining health is expanding.

Self-massage . Self-massage is a massage performed by the child himself. It improves blood circulation, helps normalize the functioning of internal organs, and improve posture. It contributes not only to the physical strengthening of a person, but also to the improvement of his psyche. For children, self-massage is a prevention of scoliosis, colds, and vegetative dystonia. It promotes psycho-emotional stability to physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, and tones the entire body. Self-massage is carried out in a playful way every day in the form of a five-minute lesson or in the form of a dynamic pause in class. Funny poems, vivid images depicting massage movements, their simplicity, accessibility, and the ability to use in different settings and at any time contribute to changing the child’s position from an object to a subject of pedagogical influence, and this is a guarantee of the success of rehabilitation, correctional and developmental work.

Leisure (physical education leisure, physical education holiday, musical leisure, “Health Day”). When spending leisure time and holidays, all children are involved in direct participation in various competitions, competitions, and enthusiastically perform motor tasks, while children behave more relaxed than in physical education classes, and this allows them to move without much stress. At the same time, those motor skills and abilities that they have already firmly mastered are used, so children display a kind of artistry and aesthetics in their movements. Physical education holidays and leisure activities are necessarily accompanied by music: this has a beneficial effect on the development of children’s sense of beauty, strengthens the ability to move to music, understand the nature of a musical work, and develops an ear for music and memory.

The kindergarten site has sports equipment that allows children to achieve maximum physical activity during a walk.

"A Minute of Mischief" “Minutes of Mischief” awaken motor imagination – the basis of creative, meaningful motor skills, which ensures the animation of children’s movements. By imitating various movements, the child naturally “transforms”

Minutes of pranks refer to technologies for the preservation and health of preschool children, used in educational activities.

Let's start the discussion.

What else relates to the technology of stimulating and maintaining health.


Stretching (from Latin stretch) is a set of exercises for stretching certain muscles, ligaments and tendons, useful and necessary for everyone, regardless of age and degree of development of flexibility, used in massage and physical therapy. Stretching increases motor activity, endurance, reduces emotional and mental stress, improves mood, creates a feeling of comfort and calm, and develops the body's natural resistance to various diseases. Elements of game stretching are used in educational activities.

Dynamic breaks, physical education minutes, health minutes

They are carried out during educational activities for 2-5 minutes, as children become tired, and perform the following functions: entertaining, relaxation, communicative, educational, training, developmental, correctional, therapeutic and preventive.


Relaxation - (from Latin relaxatio) is a state of peace, relaxation that occurs as a result of relieving tension after strong experiences or physical effort. This is especially true in the modern educational process, when children experience active mental activity and accompanying emotional experiences. Harmonies. By relaxing, excited, restless children become more balanced, attentive and patient. Children who are inhibited, constrained, lethargic and timid acquire confidence, cheerfulness, and freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts.

Finger gymnastics

Helps develop fine motor skills. Helps develop speech. Increases the performance of the cerebral cortex. Develops mental processes in a child: thinking, attention, memory, imagination. Relieves anxiety. No child of any preschool age remains indifferent to finger gymnastics.

Breathing exercises

An important place in the physical education of preschoolers is occupied by special breathing exercises, which provide complete drainage of the bronchi, cleanse the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, and strengthen the respiratory muscles. The child’s health, physical and mental activity largely depend on breathing.

Breathing exercises play a huge role in hardening children.

In educational activities, individual accessible exercises are used that are organically woven into the educational process. Basically, these exercises are based on nasal breathing. Unfortunately, some children breathe through their mouth. If children do not breathe through their nose, they will not receive enough mental development, since nasal breathing stimulates the nerve endings of all organs located in the nasopharynx.

Gymnastics for the eyes

The eyes are the most important organ that must be protected from early childhood. In modern conditions this is very difficult. A TV, a computer, and in older preschool age a mobile phone are all an integral part of a preschooler’s life. We, teachers, understand that it is absolutely impossible to protect a preschooler from this, so we try to adapt to the current circumstances. It is in such conditions that it is necessary to learn to protect your eyesight.

Regular gymnastics for the eyes, the so-called physical exercise, allows you to give the necessary rest to the eyes, increases the performance of vision, improves blood circulation, prevents the development of certain eye diseases, and is a prevention of myopia and farsightedness. In addition, any educational material is absorbed more effectively.

Exercises should be performed 2-3 times a day for a few minutes. The gymnastics complex is compiled taking into account the age of the child and is carried out in a playful way. Children from the age of 2 should be taught various eye exercises, turning them into games, and then into the habit of playing them.

Gymnastics for the eyes can be carried out with objects (for example, working with cards located on the walls). Children perform a number of tasks: look for pictures on the walls that are the answer to a riddle; find images of objects whose names contain the desired sound, etc. Special fields can be used, for example, images of any colored shapes (oval, figure eight, wave, spiral, rhombus, etc.) or intricately crossed lines of different colors 1 cm thick. This poster is placed above eye level in any convenient place. Children begin to “run” their eyes along a given trajectory. At the same time, it is advisable to give each exercise a playful or creative character. You can attach a butterfly or a character on the topic to the tip of the pointer and go on a journey.

There are specialized electronic programs aimed at relieving stress and correcting vision.

Kinesiological exercises

A set of movements that allows you to activate interhemispheric interaction, when the hemispheres exchange information, their work is synchronized. During the systematic use of kinesiological exercises, the child develops interhemispheric connections, memory and concentration improves, and significant progress is observed in managing his emotions. In cases where children face intense workload, the teacher can start working with kinesiological exercises.

Stretching with fairy tale therapy.

"The Greedy Emperor"

Today I will tell you a fairy tale about a greedy emperor (I begin to tell the fairy tale while acting it out):

A long time ago, there lived an emperor across the ocean. He was very greedy and loved gold more than anything in the world. All over the country, exhausted and hungry people mined gold and carried it to the emperor on elephants (walking normally, hands on the belt, then on the outside of the foot), on camels (on the heels), carried it in bags (semi-crouching) and put it in high barns ( on toes, hands up).

There was so much gold that the emperor ordered the construction of a luxurious palace made of pure gold. All rooms in the palace were decorated with gold. The golden ones were: the floor, the ceiling (hands on your belt. Feet shoulder-width apart. Tilt down, raise your head up), walls (stretch your right hand to the right, then your left hand to the left. Look at your fingers), mirrors (rise on your toes. Hands across sides up, shake your hands, lower your hands with a slight bow). Golden bells rang from the gusts of wind (Rise on your toes. Arms up to your sides. Shake your hands, lower your arms with a slight bow).

The emperor wore a brocade robe embroidered with gold (right hand on the left shoulder, turn to the left. Left hand on the right shoulder, turn to the right). Golden hat (circular rotation of the head to the right, then to the left). Even the soles of his shoes were cast from gold (Hands on the belt. Legs shoulder-width apart. Place the right foot on the heel, on the toe. The same with the left foot). The dishes from which the emperor ate were gold. Servants carried sweets on golden trays (Jumping on two legs while moving forward. Hands in front of you, palms up. Jumping around you).

The emperor's greed reached such a point that he ordered four healthy teeth to be pulled out and gold ones inserted instead (to sit cross-legged and rest after jumping). But this was not enough for the emperor. He saw that a lot of gold was spent on the construction of the palace and several barns were empty (Stand up. Feet together, arms along the body. Raise your arms up, stretch without lifting your heels from the floor). He shouted a cry throughout the country: “Whoever knows how to turn various things into gold, let him come to the palace.” And then an old man with a long white beard appeared. He took the emperor by the hands, tapped each of his fingers with a small black stick and disappeared.

The emperor jumped up from his throne (Feet together, hands on the belt. Sit down, hands forward, stand up) and ran into the garden to test the power of magic. He runs and touches his hands here and there (Sit down, arms to the sides, stand up). And so... delicate fragrant flowers and fresh green leaves turned into dead gold.

The emperor considered himself the happiest man on earth. He ran to the pool with fish (Lie on your stomach, arms along your body, legs together. Bend back, arms forward - to the sides. Legs alternately up and down). And as soon as he extended his hand, the murmuring transparent water turned into gold and the fish also became golden. The emperor caught a butterfly, and it became a golden brooch (Sit cross-legged, legs end to end, clasp your feet with your fingers. Move your knees up and down). But the dragonflies managed to fly away from the emperor and remained alive (Kneel down, arms along your body, legs together. Raise your arms to shoulder level and wave up and down).

Finally he wanted to eat and returned to the palace (Sitting on the floor, spread straight legs, hands on the belt. Bend towards the right leg, reach for the toe with your hands, straighten up. Same for the left leg). But as soon as he brought the milk to his lips, it turned into gold. The emperor extended his hand for the pie. But the pie immediately became golden, hard as stone (Lying on your stomach, support your head with your hands. Bend and straighten your legs alternately at the knee). Desperate to satisfy his hunger, the emperor went to bed. But as soon as he lay down on the bed, the feather bed and pillow turned to gold and became hard. He covered himself with a blanket, but it also became cold. Like ice. This is how the emperor was punished for his greed.

Did you like the fairy tale? What kind of emperor was he? Is greed bad or good? Are there any greedy people among you?

Reflection. Let's continue working with our tree. If you liked today's seminar and took something from it for yourself, hang a red apple on the tree; if you were already familiar with all this, you will not need it, hang a yellow apple. This concludes our meeting in ties. Thank you for your attention.

Health-saving technologies

1. Technologies for preserving and promoting health


Not earlier than in 30 minutes. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age in physical education or music halls or in a group room, in a well-ventilated area

beware of disproportionate stress on the muscles


Not earlier than in 30 minutes. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age

Pay attention to the artistic value, the amount of physical activity and its proportionality to the age of the child

Dynamic pauses

During classes,

2-5 minutes, as children get tired

Outdoor and sports games

As part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - small with an average degree of mobility. Daily for all age groups

Games are selected according to the age of the child, the place and time of the game. In preschool educational institutions we use only elements of sports games


In any suitable room. Depending on the condition of the children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. For all age groups

You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature

Aesthetic technologies

Implemented in artistic and aesthetic classes, when visiting museums, theaters, exhibitions, etc., decorating premises for holidays, etc. For all age groups

It is carried out in classes according to the preschool educational program, as well as according to a specially planned schedule of events. Of particular importance is working with families, instilling aesthetic taste in children

Finger gymnastics

From a young age, individually or with a subgroup daily

Gymnastics for the eyes

Every day for 3-5 minutes. at any free time; depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age

Breathing exercises

Ensure the room is ventilated and the teacher give children instructions on mandatory nasal hygiene before the procedure.

Invigorating gymnastics

Every day after nap, 5-10 min.

The form of implementation is different: exercises on beds, extensive washing; walking on ribbed planks; easy running from the bedroom to a group with a difference in temperature in the rooms and others depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution

Corrective gymnastics

In various forms of physical education and health work

The form of implementation depends on the task and the number of children

Lessons from the “Health” series


Acupressure self-massage

Conducted on the eve of epidemics, in the autumn and spring periods at any time convenient for the teacher from an older age

It is carried out strictly according to a special technique. Indicated for children with frequent colds and diseases of the ENT organs. Visual material is used

2. Corrective technologies

Art therapy

Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 30-35 minutes. from middle group

Classes are conducted in subgroups of 10-13 people, the program has diagnostic tools and includes training protocols

Music influence technologies

In various forms of physical education and health work; or separate classes 2-4 times a month depending on your goals

Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc.

Fairy tale therapy

2-4 lessons per month for 30 minutes. from an older age

Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developmental work. A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children

Color influence technologies

As a special lesson 2-4 times a month depending on the tasks

It is necessary to pay special attention to the color scheme of the interiors of preschool educational institutions. Properly selected colors relieve tension and increase a child’s emotional mood.

Behavior correction technologies

Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 25-30 minutes. from an older age

They are carried out using special methods in small groups of 6-8 people. Groups are not formed according to one criterion - children with different problems study in the same group. Classes are conducted in a playful manner, have diagnostic tools and training protocols


1-2 times a week from older age for 25-30 minutes.

Classes are conducted using special methods

Phonetic rhythm

2 times a week from a young age, no earlier than every 30 minutes. after eating. In the physical education or music halls. Jr. Age - 15 minutes, older age - 30 minutes.

3. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle

Physical education lesson

2-3 times a week in the gym or music hall. Early age - in a group room, 10 min. Younger age - 15-20 minutes, middle age - 20-25 minutes, older age - 25-30 minutes.

Classes are conducted in accordance with the program according to which the preschool educational institution operates. Before class, the room must be well ventilated.

Problem-based game situations (game training and game therapy)

In your free time, maybe in the afternoon. Time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher

The lesson can be organized unnoticed by the child by including the teacher in the process of play activities

Communication games

1-2 times a week for 30 minutes. from an older age

Classes are structured according to a specific scheme and consist of several parts. They include conversations, sketches and games of varying degrees of mobility, drawing, modeling, etc.

Lessons from the “Health” series

Once a week for 30 minutes. from Art. age

Can be included in the lesson schedule as cognitive development


Depending on the goals set by the teacher, sessions or in various forms of physical education and health work

It is necessary to explain to the child the seriousness of the procedure and give children basic knowledge of how not to harm their body

We consider preserving and strengthening the health of students to be one of the most important areas of pedagogical activity. Having analyzed the statistical data on the incidence of morbidity in preschool children, as well as having studied the medical recommendations of children entering preschool educational institutions, we concluded that at the stage of preschool childhood, work is necessary to preserve and strengthen the health of the younger generation. It is in preschool childhood that, as a result of targeted pedagogical influence, the child’s health is strengthened, the physiological functions of the body are trained, and motor skills and physical qualities are intensively developed.

We believe that the problem of improving the health of children is not a one-day campaign and the activity of more than one person, but purposeful, systematically planned work of the entire staff of an educational institution for a long time. Pupils should leave the walls of a preschool institution not only with a wealth of knowledge and skills, but also healthy, independent, responsible people who have the skills to maintain their health. Therefore, the urgency of searching for new means of preserving and strengthening children’s health has arisen. As a result, the preschool educational institution developed the “Healthy” program, which we are successfully implementing.

The development of this program led the team to rethink the work with preschoolers and parents in matters of attitude to the child’s health, the need to update the attention of educators in equipping parents with the basics of psychological and pedagogical knowledge. The role of the teacher is to organize the pedagogical process that preserves the child’s health and instills a value-based attitude towards one’s health.

The following people participated in the development of the program: the head, senior teacher, physical education instructor, educational psychologist, and medical worker.

Purpose of the program:

maintaining and strengthening the mental and physical health of children through qualitative improvement of work to improve the health of pupils and the formation of healthy lifestyle habits; design and implementation of a comprehensive health conservation model in the educational space of preschool educational institutions.


  • - improve the health indicators of pupils by qualitatively improving the work to improve children’s health;
  • - provide conditions for preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children in accordance with their age characteristics.

The work is carried out with all participants in the educational process: teachers, students and parents.

Work with students is presented:

Work with teachers is represented by organizing a flexible regime for the stay of pupils in preschool educational institutions, carrying out preventive medical measures, organizing and carrying out activities to create comfortable conditions and the psychological well-being of the child in kindergarten.

Work with parents is represented by organizing work to promote a healthy lifestyle and active participation in joint events (Health Days, sports events and leisure activities).

An interim analysis of the effectiveness of work under the “Healthy” program indicates the systematic and systematic work of the team in this area. The morbidity rate in children tends to decrease, the level of physical development is 87%. Teachers use health-saving technologies when working with children. Parents began to show greater interest and activity.

System and content of health-improving activities of MDOU specialists



Job Objectives

Forms of work, areas of activity

Physical education instructor

1.Health objectives:

Protecting the lives and strengthening the physical and mental health of children; comprehensive improvement of body functions; increasing performance and hardening the body.

2. Educational objectives:

Formation of motor skills; development of physical qualities; children acquiring basic knowledge about their body, the role of physical exercise in its life, and ways to improve health.

3. Educational tasks:

Developing in students the ability to creatively use acquired knowledge and skills in motor activity, showing activity, independence, intelligence, ingenuity, and resourcefulness.

1. Monitoring.

2. Conducting organized educational activities.

3. Carrying out morning exercises.

4.Individual working with children with physical development delays

5. Organizing sports events and entertainment.

6.Consultations for teachers and parents.


1. Raising a healthy child through the organization and implementation of the entire system of physical education and health activities.

2. Involving parents in organizing cooperation on issues of healing and strengthening the child’s body.

1. Maintaining an adjusted daily routine

2. Conducting invigorating, general developmental, breathing and other gymnastics (finger exercises, for the eyes)

3. Carrying out health-improving hardening.

4.Working with parents.

5. Interaction with a physical education instructor, head nurse, and educational psychologist.

Teacher speech therapist

1. Studying the level of speech, cognitive, social, personal, physical development and individual typological characteristics of children in need of speech therapy support, determining the main directions and content of work with each of them.

2. Systematic implementation of the necessary preventive and speech correction work with children in accordance with their individual programs.

3. Formation of information readiness for speech therapy work among the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions and parents, providing them with assistance in organizing a full-fledged speech environment.

4. Coordination of the efforts of teachers and parents, quality control of speech work with children.

1.Individual and subgroup lessons with children.

2. Monitoring.

3.Advisory assistance to teachers and parents.

Educational psychologist

1. Preserving the psychological health of children.

2.Diagnostic examination of the emotional and cognitive sphere to identify disorders

3. Consultative work with parents and teachers.

4.Psychological support for children during the adaptation period.

5.Psychological support for children in the preparatory group, preparation for school, development monitoring.

Psychodiagnostic work

WITH children in the following areas: diagnostic observations during the period of adaptation of the child to the conditions of the preschool educational institution; diagnostics of mental development of children; diagnostics of children's psychological readiness for school.

WITH parents: diagnostics of the characteristics of family upbringing, parental attitudes (questionnaires, conversations); study of intrafamily relationships.

WITHteachers: diagnostics of individual personality characteristics and their professional orientation; sociometric research of the team; diagnostics according to individual requests.

Psychoprophylactic work

With kids: monitoring compliance in groups with an optimal psychological microclimate, preventing psychological overload in children (individual play therapy: active, educational games, water games, role-playing games; psycho-gymnastics.

With parents: psychological education through speeches at parent meetings, visual materials, individual reminders and booklets.

Psychocorrectional work

With kids: individual and subgroup developmental classes for future first-graders.

WITH parents : psychological preparation of parents of future first-graders (conversations, consultations); individual lessons to teach effective communication skills with a child.

WITH teachers: individual work to overcome personal problems.

Consulting work

With kids: psychological support for children who find themselves in difficult life situations.

With parents: group counseling on issues and problems of the upbringing and development of children in different age groups; Individual consultation upon request.

With teachers: group counseling on issues and problems of the upbringing and development of children in different age groups; individual counseling upon request on problems of relationships in a team, personal growth, relationships with parents of students.

Head nurse

Implementation of primary prevention

Monitoring sanitary and hygienic conditions in the institution.

Catering control

Monitoring the state of calorie intake and analysis of nutrition quality.

Monitoring compliance with natural standards.

Monitoring the sanitary and hygienic condition of the catering unit.

Menu creation.

Rejection of finished products.

Control of physical education

Distribution of pupils into medical groups for physical education.

Analysis of the effectiveness of physical education with assessment of children's physical fitness.

Monitoring the organization of physical education and hardening activities.

Hygienic education in children's groups

Organization of measures to prevent myopia, poor posture, flat feet.

Control of hygiene education.


Vaccination planning and analysis.

Examination of children before vaccination.

Health monitoring after vaccination.

Measures to ensure favorable adaptation of children to preschool educational institutions

Monitoring the course of adaptation and carrying out medical and pedagogical correction.

Work in the PHC service for accompanying children.

Organization of vitamin therapy

Fortification of 3 dishes with vitamin “C” (ascorbic acid)

Fortification with multivitamins (Revit, ascorbic acid)

Teas with lemon,

Introduction to the menu of cranberry drinks, onions, garlic

Health analysis

Clinical examination

Analysis of the health status of pupils, development of medical and pedagogical measures.

Conducting preventive medical examinations.

System of physical education and health activities


age group



Determination of the level of physical development.

all groups

2 times per year

(September, May)

Art. nurse,

Adaptation of a child to the conditions of a preschool educational institution

early age group

at the end of the adaptation period

Art. nurse,


Determination of the level of physical fitness. (manual by N.V. Poltavtsev, N.A. Gordov.)

preschool age groups

2 times per year

(September, May)

Art. nurse,

in. in physics

Carrying out plantography for early diagnosis of musculoskeletal disorders (flat feet)

older age groups

1 time per year

Art. nurse


early age group

preschool groups


2 times per year

Art. nurse

Clinical examination

older age groups

1 time per year

specialists from the children's clinic,

Art. nurse,

Physical activity

Morning exercises

all groups


educators, in. in physics

Physical Culture

(in the hall, on a walk)

all groups

3 times a week

(2 times in the hall,

1 time on a walk)

in. in physics

Outdoor games

all groups



Sport exercises

all groups



Awakening gymnastics

all groups



Sport games

senior, preparatory

2 times per week


Physical education

preschool age groups

1 time per month

in. in physics


Physical education holidays

preschool age groups

2 times per year

in. in physics


Health days

preschool age groups

1 time per quarter

in. in physics


Preventive actions

Carrying out scheduled preventive examinations

all groups

according to the medical work plan. services

Art. nurse

Pre-vaccination examination and reaction monitoring

all groups

according to the medical work plan. services

Art. nurse

Examination of children after illness

all groups


Art. nurse

Compliance with sanitary requirements

all groups


Art. nurse

Carrying out anti-epidemic measures

all groups


Art. nurse

Conducting health education work with parents

all groups


Art. nurse

Vitamin therapy

all groups


from 30.09 to 30.04

Art. nurse

Iodine prophylaxis

all groups

Art. nurse

“C” - fortification of the third course

all groups


Art. nurse

Phytoncidotherapy (adding onions and garlic to food)

preschool age groups


from October to February

Art. nurse,


Music therapy

all groups

the use of musical accompaniment in direct educational activities, during sensitive moments

musical director, art. nurse, teacher

Motor mode model

Form of physical activity

Features of the organization

Sports and recreational activities

Morning exercises

daily outdoors or in the hall, duration 5-10 minutes.

Motor warm-up

daily during a break between classes (with a predominance of static poses),

duration 7-10 minutes.

Physical education minute

daily, as needed, depending on the type and content of classes,

duration 2-3 minutes.

Outdoor games and exercise while walking

every day, while walking,

duration 20-25 min

Individual work on movement development

every day, while walking,

duration 12-15 minutes.

Awakening gymnastics

every day as the children wake up,

duration 3 - 5 minutes.

Finger gymnastics

daily, 2-3 times a day for 2-3 minutes.

Breathing exercises

daily, 3-4 times a day for 1-2 minutes.

Articulation gymnastics

daily, 2-3 times a day for 3-5 minutes.

Direct educational activities

GCD physical culture of all types:




Integrated with other activities

Holidays and entertainment .

three times a week (2 times in the gym, 1 time for a walk),

duration 15-30 minutes.

Independent activity

Independent motor activity in a group and on a walk


The duration depends on the individual characteristics of the children.

Sports and mass events

Physical education

1 time per month,

duration 20-40 minutes.

Physical education holidays

2 times per year,

duration 20-60 minutes.

Health days

1 time per quarter

duration 20-40 minutes.

Joint physical education and health work of preschool educational institutions and families

GCD physical education together with parents in a preschool institution.

at the request of parents, teachers and children.

Participation of parents in physical education, recreation, and public events of the kindergarten.

during preparation and conduct of physical education and holidays.

System of hardening measures

hardening form

hardening effect

Morning reception on the street

Morning exercises

(in warm weather - outside)

air bath

Keeping a child in lightweight clothing at a comfortable room temperature

air bath


air bath

Outdoor, sports games, physical exercises and other types of physical activity

(on a walk)

air bath with physical exercises

Daytime nap with access to fresh air

air bath taking into account the season of the year, weather conditions and individual characteristics of the child

Awakening gymnastics (exercises after a nap)

combination of air bath with physical exercises

(contrast air bath)

Washing with cool water throughout the day (hands, face, neck)

water procedures

Pouring feet with cool water

water procedures


What is the flu and what is its danger?

Fluis an infectious disease that anyone can get. The causative agent of influenza is a virus that passes from infected people into the nasopharynx of others. Most people only get the flu for a few days, but some become more seriously ill, possibly with severe illness and even death. Influenza worsens existing chronic diseases; in addition, the flu has an extensive list of possible complications:

§ Pulmonary complications (pneumonia, bronchitis). Pneumonia is responsible for most deaths from influenza.

§ Complications from the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs (otitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, tracheitis).

§ Complications from the cardiovascular system (myocarditis, pericarditis).

§ Complications from the nervous system (meningitis, meningoencephalitis, encephalitis, neuralgia, polyradiculoneuritis).

To avoid possible complications, it is important to promptly prevent influenza and properly treat the disease itself.

The flu usually comes on suddenly. The causative agents of influenza, viruses of types A and B, are characterized by aggressiveness and an exceptionally high reproduction rate, therefore, within a matter of hours after infection, the virus leads to deep damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, opening up opportunities for bacteria to penetrate into it.

Flu symptoms include fever, temperature 37.5–39 °C, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, chills, fatigue, cough, runny or stuffy nose, pain and sore throat.

Influenza can be confused with other diseases, so a doctor must make a clear diagnosis and prescribe treatment tactics.

What to do if you have the flu?

At the first symptoms, the patient himself needs to stay at home, so as not only not to infect others, but also to begin treatment in time, for which it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. To prevent further spread of infection, the sick person must be isolated from healthy people, preferably in a separate room.


Parents! Under no circumstances send sick children to kindergarten, school, or cultural events. When you have the flu, it is extremely important to maintain bed rest, since the disease increases the load on the cardiovascular, immune and other systems of the body.

Self-medication for the flu is unacceptable, and it is the doctor who must make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment appropriate to the patient’s condition and age.

For proper treatment, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor and take medications in a timely manner. In addition, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids - this can be hot tea, cranberry or lingonberry juice, alkaline mineral waters. You need to drink more often and as much as possible.


§ At a temperature of 38 - 39°C, call your local doctor at home or an ambulance.

§ When coughing and sneezing, the patient should cover his mouth and nose with a tissue or tissue.

§ The room where the patient is located must be regularly ventilated and wet cleaning carried out as often as possible, preferably using disinfectants that act on viruses.

§ Communication with someone who has the flu should be limited, and when caring for them, use a medical mask or gauze bandage.

How to protect yourself from the flu?

According to the position of the World Health Organization, the most effective remedy against influenza is vaccination, because it is the vaccine that provides protection against those types of influenza virus that are most relevant in a given epidemiological season and are part of it.

The introduction of a vaccine into the body cannot cause disease, but by producing protective antibodies, it stimulates the immune system to fight infection. The effectiveness of the flu vaccine is incomparably higher than all non-specific medications that can be taken during the winter months, such as immunomodulators, vitamins, homeopathic remedies, “traditional medicine” and so on.

Vaccination is recommended for all groups of the population, but is especially indicated for children starting from 6 months, people suffering from chronic diseases, pregnant women, as well as people from occupational risk groups - medical workers, teachers, students, service and transport workers.

Vaccination should be carried out 2-3 weeks before the start of an increase in incidence; vaccination can only be done in a medical institution by specially trained medical personnel, and a doctor’s examination is required before vaccination.

There are few contraindications to influenza vaccination. The flu vaccine should not be given in acute febrile conditions, during exacerbation of chronic diseases, or in cases of increased sensitivity of the body to egg white (if it is part of the vaccine).

By getting a flu shot, you protect your body from the attack of the most dangerous viruses - influenza viruses, but there are still more than 200 types of viruses that are less dangerous to humans, but can also cause ARVI. Therefore, during the period of epidemic rise in the incidence of ARVI and influenza, it is recommended to take nonspecific preventive measures.

Flu prevention rules:

§ Get a flu shot before the flu season starts.

§ Reduce the time you spend in crowded places and public transport.

§ Use a mask in crowded places.

§ Avoid close contact with people who have signs of illness, such as sneezing or coughing.

§ Regularly wash your hands thoroughly with soap, especially after going outside or using public transport.

§ Rinse your nasal cavity, especially after going outside or using public transport.

§ Regularly ventilate the room you are in.

§ Regularly do wet cleaning of the room you are in.

§ Humidify the air in the room you are in.

§ Eat as many foods as possible that contain vitamin C (cranberries, lingonberries, lemon, etc.).

§ Eat as many dishes as possible with garlic and onions added.

§ If there are cases of flu in your family or work team, start taking antiviral drugs for preventive purposes (in consultation with your doctor, taking into account contraindications and according to the instructions for use of the drug).

§ Lead a healthy lifestyle, get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

“Organization of recreational work in preschool educational institutions”

In the conditions of the modern natural, social and environmental situation, the problem of children's health is becoming global in nature. A variety of medical, sociological, demographic and other data indicate that only 14% of Russian children can be considered practically healthy, 50% have certain health problems, and 35% are chronically ill.Therefore, one of the main tasks of the kindergarten is to protect the lives and strengthen the physical and mental health of pupils, to form a culture, the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

Presenters goals of health workin kindergarten - creating favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, forming the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society. Improving conditions for ensuring the physical and mental health of children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education and Sanitary Regulations. An integrated approach and implementation of physical education and health activities in contact with all participants in the pedagogical process (teachers, medical workers, parents, children).All work on the physical education of children is carried out taking into account their health status by a physical education instructor and group teachers with regular monitoring fromnurse and preschool administration.In the kindergarten, instructions have been developed for protecting the life and health of pupils, and a list of conversations has been compiled on protecting the life and health of pupils. Each age group has folders with these materials.

In our kindergarten, all types of health-saving technologies are performed: medical and preventive; physical education and recreation; technologies to ensure the socio-psychological well-being of the child; health savingpreschool teachers; parent education; health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten.

Elements of medical and preventive technology

· organization of health monitoring of preschool children,

· organization and control of children's nutritionpreschool age,

· physical development of preschool children,

· hardening,

· organization of preventive measures in kindergarten,

· organization of control and assistance in meeting SanPiN requirements,

· organization of a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions.

Elements physical education and health technology

· development of physical qualities, motor activity

· formation of physical culture of preschool children,

· prevention of flat feet and formation of correct posture,

· developing habits of daily physical activity and health care

· rhythm

For a child, as for an adult, an emotionally favorable environment in a group or educational institution is necessary.

Psychological and pedagogical support for the child is provided by a psychologist. A child with any developmental problem receivesassistance aimed at individual development.

Material and technical equipment and equipment, the spatial organization of the preschool environment is brought to compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements,and provide physical education and recreational activities. The kindergarten has a sports and music room. For the full physical development of children and to meet their needs for movement, the following conditions have been created in the preschool educational institution:

· various sports equipment: (gymnastic mats, gymnastic balls, etc.);

· sports ground for outdoor and sports games;

· physical education corners (in all groups);

· medical professional's office;

· quartz lamps;

· P selection and labeling of furniture according to the physiological characteristics of children.

In order to reduce morbidity in kindergarten, a specially organized system of hardening activities has been developed and is successfully used in everyday life. All natural factors are used: water, air, sun. Hardening activities are carried out all year round, but their type and methodology vary depending on the season and weather.

Preventative workincludes:

Lightweight clothes for children in kindergarten

Compliance with seasonal clothing for children when walking, taking into account their individual health status.

Maintaining temperature during the day

Compliance with ventilation regime

- gymnastics after sleep

Washing hands with cool water

Proper organization of the walk and its duration

Nonspecific prevention of respiratory diseases (fortification of third courses, aromatherapy - onions, garlic).

One of the most effective hardening procedures in everyday life is a walk. In order for it to really have an effect, it is necessary to change the sequence of children’s activities during a walk, depending on the nature of the previous activity and weather conditions.

Most of the time in a preschool institution, a child is in a group, so the preservation and strengthening of their health depends on how competently the teacher’s activities in organizing the children’s routine are structured. Morning exercises and physical education classes include corrective exercises to prevent scoliosis, poor posture, and flat feet. During organized educational activities, motor and recreational aspects are carried out: exercises and tasks for the development of small muscles of the hand, tasks for the development of facial expressions and articulation, etc.

After a nap, it is important to improve the mood and muscle tone of each child, as well as take care of the prevention of posture and foot problems. This is facilitated by the complexgymnastics after nap, which is variable in nature, depending on this, its duration will also change (gymnastics of a game nature consists of 2-3 exercises such as “Pulls”, “Cogs”, “Athletes”;warm-up in bed - children gradually wake up to the sounds of melodic music, while lying in bed they perform 4-5 general developmental exercises; children perform arbitrary dance musical-rhythmic movements to the music.

Throughout the year, monthly,at production meetings,At teachers' councils, an analysis of morbidity and attendance is carried out.

Adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten takes place in a calm manner.In 93% of children it occurs in mild to moderate severity.

During the adaptation period, a gentle regime is created for children:

Shortened day for baby

Presence of mother in the group

Increased attention from group staff.

The effectiveness of physical education and health work in a preschool institution largely depends on the interaction of teachers with a nurse. Compiled work plan for a year, including consultations for teachers, parents,speeches at pedagogical councils and meetings. The nurse teaches teachers to identify signs of fatigue in children by changes in skin color, facial expression, breathing rate, and the appearance of sweating and promptly regulate the nature of their activity, switching to a calmer one or, conversely, intense. All medical services within the scope of functional duties are provided continuously. Vaccinations: Mantoux reaction, preventive vaccinations according to age DPT, polio, RV measles, RV mumps, BCG for children in the preparatory school group, against influenza.Scheduled medical examinations of children are carried out regularly with the involvement of specialistsclinics. The results of the examination are taken into account by the nurse, teachers, and specialists in working with children. Children with violations are referred for consultation with specialists. The nurse pays special attention to the adaptation period when children enter kindergarten.

In the system of physical education and health work in kindergartens, a strong place is occupied byphysical education holidays, sports leisure. Interestingcontent, humor, music, games, competitions, and a joyful atmosphere contribute to the activation of motor activity. When organizing active recreation, teachers take into account climatic conditions, seasonal characteristics and natural factors. The themes of the holidays are very diverse: “We are athletes”, “Fun starts”, “Winter-winter”, “Neptune’s Holiday”, etc. The greatest benefits for the health and strengthening of children come from physical education events organized in the open air.

Already traditional in preschool educational institutions are carried out health week.The entire team takes part in these events; the plan for each day is carefully thought out, taking into account the time of year and weather conditions. When organizing work with children, we include various types of activities, rich in both calm and intense movements. These are games and play exercises,sports competitions, tourist walks and hikes in a nearby park.In a theatrical or playful form, motor skills and hygienic knowledge are more easily acquired. When organizing active recreation, educators colorfully decorate the venue (group, sports ground) in accordance with the intended content of the activities, and also use musical accompaniment. All events are heldin the presence of mothers and fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers.Parents are satisfied with such events and express their wishes to hold them more often.

The system of working with children involves various forms, means and methods of forming ideas about a healthy lifestyle. The main forms of our work are organized activities, routine moments, sports competitions, and leisure activities, during which we provide children with new information and consolidate previously received ideas. In the process of familiarizationwith the surrounding world forms ideas about a person as a living being, his body and health; about lifestyle and the dependence of health on lifestyle. In environmental classes, we form children’s ideas about the conditions necessary for a person to live; about the relationship between human health and the environment.
When developing cultural and hygienic skills, we form the habit correctly: washing, wiping, caring for the oral cavity, using a handkerchief, and behaving correctly when coughing and sneezing. We expand our understanding of a healthy lifestyle through: role-playing games “Hospital”, “Pharmacy”, “ Family”, reading fiction: “The Tale of Nails”, Dirty Vitya” by I. Gubina, “Tari the Bird”, “Zubik-Zznayka”, “The Tale of the Three Little Pigs in a New Way”, learning riddles about body parts, proverbs about health . We continue to introduce children to the rules of maintaining their health and caring for it. To broaden the horizons of children and consolidate previously acquired skills, we use board and didactic games (“Ascorbinka and her friends”, “Parts of the body”, “Fold the picture”, “What comes first, what then, etc.) We believe that by the time of graduation children to school they receive the necessary ideas about healthy lifestyle and
have strong skills and habits to maintain their health.

A healthy lifestyle is unthinkable without a rational, varied diet. Nutrition, as is known, is one of the factors that ensures the normal development of a child and a sufficiently high level of resistance of his body to diseases.In our preschool institution, the following principles of rational healthy nutrition for children are followed: regularity, nutrition, variety, by observing the diet, food consumption standards and an individual approach to children during meals. We include fruits, juices, drinks, lemon tea, and milk in the menu. To prevent acute respiratory diseases, green onions and garlic are included in children’s diets, which allows for a certain reduction in morbidity. The basic principles of organizing rational nutrition are to ensure the supply of all essential nutrients in quantities that meet the physiological needs of the child’s body:

· Compliance with the rules of cooking technology;

· Compliance with the diet (food according to sanitary standards);

· Introduction of second breakfast;

· C-fortification of dishes;

· Replacement of products for children with allergies;

· Organization of drinking regime;

· Table setting;

One of the mandatory conditions for developing a culture of child health is a culture of family health. When working with families to develop the need for a healthy lifestyle in children, we usesuch forms of work as health information corners “Healthy Children”, “How I Grow”, consultations are held, parent meetings with the involvement of physical education and medical workers, and surveys. Parents are regular participants in all competitions held at the preschool educational institution.

The kindergarten maintains a continuous connection with Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2. Excursions, sports and recreational activitiesare aimed at developing in preschoolers and primary schoolchildren basic ideas about the usefulness and appropriateness of physical activity and personal hygiene. Kindergarten graduates, upon entering school, attend various sports sections: volleyball, basketball, dancing, and boxing school. And in the future it is planned to systematize the work on the continuity of the kindergarten with the school and other public organizations in matters of raising a healthy generation.

Use at work has a positive effect on strengthening the physical health of children.non-traditional forms of healing such as: breathing exercises, relaxation, music therapy, color therapy, finger exercises, musical outdoor games, musical rhythmic movements,psychogymnastics,Andgroplastics, travel games.

Thus, we can say that only a year-round, systematic approach to the organization of physical education, health, treatment and preventive activities will effectively contribute to the strengthening and preservation of the health of pupils, will give positive dynamics to the health of the child’s body, and will allow achieving positive results: increasing the level of physical fitness, increasing the index children's health, positive dynamics in the distribution of health groups, prevention and correction of deviations in the physical development of pupils. The competent organization of a health-preserving environment, as well as the use of health-saving technologies, the introduction of a model of children's health, helped us to minimize the static component in the daily routine of our pupils, and also contributed to the increase in the motor activity of each child and his comprehensive psychophysical development.

Children have become more flexible and resilient. Quality in the technique of performing movements and expressiveness in motor skills appeared. Children have an emotional response to physical activity, sports passion, interest, and excitement. Teachers began to notice that they had increased endurance in various types of activities, increased mental capacity, perseverance, they became more self-possessed and more attentive. And the most important thing is that the emotional and motor sphere of the child has improved. Children have a proud posture, freedom and ease in their movements, naturalness and variety in gestures and poses, a direct, open, interested look, a joyful, bright, meaningful facial expression, lively, expressive facial expressions, speech becomes intelligible and melodic.

The results convince us of the correctness and effectiveness of the measures we have chosen to improve physical culture and health work. However, we do not stop at the achieved level. Our creative search continues today.

Methodical work .

Target: improve the level of knowledge of teachers in organizing physical education and health work, study program requirements for physical development in each age group under the program “From birth to school”; encourage to take an active part in improving physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions with children.


Analysis of program requirements for physical development in each age group according to the program “From birth to school”; (work according to the program)

Presentation of a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions;

Features of conducting physical development classes;

Practical task: creating “training paths” routes in 2 ml, medium gr.; group work

Presentation of homework: card index of hiking routes by age groups 2 ml. - senior group;

card index of physical complexes for young children.

One of the main tasks defined by the Law of Ukraine “On Preschool Education” is the preservation and strengthening of the physical, mental and spiritual health of the child.

Indicators of a child’s physical health are the level of morphophysiological development (normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body, their growth and development), which are determined and confirmed by age-related anthropometric and biometric indicators (length, body weight, chest volume, heart function, respiration, musculoskeletal motor system, posture, skin condition, visual acuity, smell, hearing, taste, etc.).

Indicators of mental health - the level of development of mental processes (feelings, perception, attention, memory, representation, thinking, speech, will), the emotional sphere, balanced mental states, the ability to meaningfully guide one’s behavior, adequately respond to external and internal stimuli, regulate relationships from social, natural and objective environment and one’s own “I”.

Indicators of spiritual health are balanced communication with peers and other children and adults, quick adaptation in the environment, focus on socially useful work, a culture of using material goods.

The conditions for the holistic development of a child is the use of health-saving and health-forming technologies in preschool educational institutions, which are implemented comprehensively through the creation of a safe space, comprehensive medical care, nutrition, optimization of motor mode, a systematic approach to the formation in children of a value-based attitude towards their own health and motivation towards to a healthy lifestyle, maintaining harmonious, friendly relationships between teacher and student, and the children themselves.

In the process of life activity of children in preschool educational institutions, a complex of different means is used: physical exercises (gymnastics, games, elements of sports and tourism), the natural environment (air, sun, water), hygienic factors (diet, sleep, activities and rest, clothing hygiene and shoes, equipment, etc.). Along with traditional means of physical education and health improvement for preschoolers, others find a place in the practice of preschool institutions,

It is an undeniable fact that the health of a child is the basic basis of his upbringing, learning and development. That is why the principle of health-improving orientation of the educational process stands out as one of the strategic ones in the modern preschool education system. Thus, an absolute necessity is the need to monitor the condition of children using various life processes of children in kindergarten.

For the purpose of full physical development, a preschool educational institution provides a systematic approach to the organization of physical education and health work, namely: organizing physical activity in everyday life and conducting physical education classes.

Physical education and health work can include the following forms: morning exercises, exercises after a nap, exercise minutes, pauses, hardening procedures.

Physical activity in everyday life is provided by outdoor games, physical exercise on walks, trips outside the preschool (children's tourism), physical education holidays and entertainment, independent physical activity, days and weeks of health, individual work on physical education.

Physical education classes are considered as a purposeful and standardized form of organized educational and cognitive activity, which sets the goal of optimizing the motor regime, forming and consolidating motor skills, developing physical qualities, and providing children with special knowledge in physical education.

Physical education and health work.

Morning exercises are an obligatory component of organizing the life activities of children in a preschool educational institution. It promotes deepening of breathing, increased blood circulation, metabolism, development of different muscle groups, correct posture, disinhibition of the nervous system after sleep, and evokes positive emotions.

The main requirement for gymnastics in the summer is to conduct it in the fresh air, and in the winter - in a well-ventilated room. To increase the body's resistance to unfavorable climatic conditions, clothing should be light during exercise.

The selection of exercises for the complexes is determined taking into account the age capabilities and health status of children, as well as their individual characteristics. Exercises should be simple and easy to perform; it is advisable to include running, walking, jumping, and other exercises for different muscle groups.

Duration of morning exercises: for young children - 4-5 minutes, for younger preschool age - from 6 to 9 minutes. Complexes of morning gymnastics are learned in physical education classes, last 2 weeks with complication in the second.

Throughout the year, already familiar complexes are periodically repeated, the load increases due to the variety of exercises, increasing the intensity of execution.

Exercising after a nap carried out after the children have gradually risen in the bedroom, group rooms or hall. The complex of such gymnastics includes general developmental exercises for different muscle groups with changes in starting positions and special exercises for shaping the foot and figure. Duration from 6 to 9 minutes depending on the age of the children.

Physical education breaks (dynamic changes) are carried out during a break between sedentary activities and organized classes in order to relieve children's fatigue through the use of simple motor exercises. Their duration is 5-10 minutes.

Physical education minutes are carried out during organized classes in the form of short-term sets of physical exercises, which makes it possible to reduce the fatigue of children and restore their ability to work for further successful work. The complexes of physical training minutes include 3-4 exercises, each of which is repeated 4-6 times. Their duration is 1-2 minutes.

Hardening procedures – a system of measures aimed at increasing the resistance of children’s bodies, developing their ability to quickly adapt to changes in environmental conditions without compromising their health.

In preschool educational institutions, two types of hardening activities are used: daily and special. Daily ones include: appropriate temperature conditions, the use of wide aeration, the use of cool water for washing hands, face, rinsing the mouth and throat.

Special hardening procedures - air and sun baths, various water procedures (for example: dry and wet wiping of the body with a terry mitten, dousing the legs, body), sleeping with open windows and others. When using water procedures, the water temperature gradually decreases according to established standards.

Other hardening procedures are also carried out (walking barefoot on dewy grass, clay, stones, wet sand, etc.) and special treatment and preventive procedures (herbal medicine, aromatherapy, physical therapy, massage, physiotherapeutic procedures, etc.), which are included in the health system as prescribed by a doctor and with the consent of parents, taking into account individual indicators of the health and well-being of children.

Teachers of a preschool educational institution should encourage children to engage in physical activity, regulate their activity, encourage attempts to demonstrate independence, and volitional efforts. At the same time, it is important to take into account the motor experience of each child, their inherent pace, level of mobility, natural capabilities and abilities.

Within the framework of the mobile motor regime, the daily volume of physical activity ranges from 3 hours for young children, 3-4 hours for primary preschool age, 4-5 hours for older preschoolers.

Let's rememberforms of organization of motor activity in everyday life.

(table) teachers work.

An important component of children’s life isWALK. A prerequisite for their implementation is that adults balance the program requirements with the desires of the students.Contents of work during the walk??? depends on the weather, educational objectives, the general atmosphere in the group, the mood and interests of the children, etc.

During a walk, the duration of exercises and outdoor games for young children is 20–35 minutes, younger children – 35-45 minutes, older children – 45-60 minutes. Children's physical activity should be reduced at the end of the walk (10-15 minutes) before its end to ensure a calm transition to another routine moment.

Considering the leading role of play activity in the personal growth of children, a significant place during the organization of the motor regime is given toOUTDOOR GAMES. When selecting them, the following indicators are taken into account: the age of the children, time of year, weather and natural conditions, place of play during the day, availability of the necessary physical education equipment and inventory.

Outdoor games included indifferent forms of working with children (classes, holidays, entertainment, hikes, etc.) after they have been previously learned.

They are carried out in all age groups daily:during the morning reception (one or two games of low and medium mobility),on walks (two or three games of low, medium and high mobility),In the evening One or two games of medium and low mobility are offered. In total, throughout the dayfive six outdoor games, and in the summer -six seven.

Throughout the day you shoulddifferent types of outdoor games: plot-based and plotless, competitive type games, with elements of sports games (basketball, football, gorodki, badminton, table tennis, bandy and ice hockey) and sports exercises (cycling, sledding, skating, skiing), entertainment (surso, ring throw, skittles) other. The elements of most sports games and exercises of a sports nature are taught in physical education classes, and reinforced during walks.

PHYSICAL EXERCISE ON WALKS – one of the main means of children’s physical development. Thanks to them, the skills of vital movements are formed (walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing, etc.), and physical qualities are developed (strength, speed, agility, endurance, coordination of movements, flexibility).

Physical exercises are also widely used in various organizational forms (morning exercises, physical education classes, outdoor games, etc.).

TRIPS OUTSIDE PRESCHOOL (CHILDREN'S TOURISM) are carried out with children starting from early preschool age. The teacher must carefully prepare for their implementation: think over the route and method of movement, determine and learn places to stop and rest, taking into account all the natural conditions for carrying out exercises to improve motor skills (the presence of streams, slides, fallen trees, etc.). Children can go to their destination freely, grouping according to their desires; formation in pairs is used when crossing streets and highways.

The duration of the one-way transition (from preschool to the final stop) is 15-20 minutes for children of 4 years of age, 20-25 minutes for children of the fifth year of life, 25-30 minutes for children of the sixth year.

During transitions, exercises with basic movements, outdoor games using small physical education equipment and natural conditions are used, and observations in nature and the surrounding reality, elementary conversations, short stories of natural history, environmental direction, didactic games and more are provided. It is impossible to replace trips outside the preschool institution with targeted walks and excursions - they occupy an independent place in the educational process as a form of familiarizing children with the natural, subject and social environment. The main goal of children's tourism in a preschool setting is to improve the health of children, prevent physical inactivity, optimize motor mode, and improve motor skills.

PHYSICAL HOLIDAYS are held twice a year, starting from early preschool age. The optimal duration of the activity for children of this age is 40-50 minutes, for older ages – 50-60 minutes. Physical education holidays are organized in the first or second half of the day, in the music or physical education hall, on the playground, in the swimming pool, etc. If the holidays are held indoors, you need to take care of organizing a full walk on this day.

PHYSICAL ENTERTAINMENT are carried out starting from an early age (3rd year of life) once or twice a month, usually in the afternoon. The duration of physical education for young children is 15-20 minutes, younger children - 20-30 minutes, older children - 35-40 minutes. The venue can be a physical education or music hall, a group room, a physical education or playground, a forest or park lawn, the shore of a reservoir, etc. Every child must participate in the fun.HEALTH DAYS are organized once a month, starting from the 3rd year of life. This day is full of various forms: hardening and therapeutic and preventive procedures, children's tourism, physical education holidays or entertainment, outdoor games on walks, physical education classes, and more. Most of them are preferably carried out outdoors.

On Health Day, all educational work is associated with the topic of health and a healthy lifestyle (conversations, reading fiction, gaming, educational, work, independent artistic activities, etc.). The health day program includes both general ones for the entire preschool institution and those designed for a separate age group.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION WEEKS are organized in the same way as health days and are held quarterly. The program lasts several days.

INDEPENDENT MOTOR ACTIVITY as a form of organizing the motor regime, it is carried out with children every day during morning reception, afternoon and evening walks, etc. It can be deployed both indoors and on the site. When organizing independent motor activity, one should take into account the individual health characteristics and physical development, functional capabilities of the body of a particular child.

Necessary conditions: systematic preliminary work with children in order to develop the necessary motor experience in them, taking into account the level of physical fitness, awareness of the technique of performing movements, the rules of outdoor games and methods of interaction between participants, the appointment and use of physical education and sports equipment, equipment, etc.; creating an objective environment that would attract children to active activities, specify its content, and ensure a dynamic change in independent exercises and games depending on the interest, desires, and plans of the students. It is advisable to periodically change the proposed set of equipment and inventory, introduce new components into the subject environment, provide children with the opportunity to freely access selected items and use them in independent motor activities without interfering with other children.

INDIVIDUAL WORK ON PHYSICAL EDUCATION is carried out in free time allocated for children’s independent activities, individually or in subgroups of two to four children. The goal is familiarization, in-depth learning or consolidation of skills to perform them, eliminating delays in the development of physical qualities. Taking into account the health status, physical development, preparedness and interests of the children, the teacher determines the purpose of individual work and the selection of the necessary equipment and inventory.

The proposed model of physical activity in preschool educational institutions also has a dosage for each age group. (add.1)


An important condition for ensuring the full development of children is the creation of a subject-based play environment. It should be developmental, rationally equipped, to a certain extent rich and not only serve as a background for episodic motor actions, but be a stimulus, contribute to the development and activation of children's motor activity (organized by the teacher and independently).

In each group room, it is advisable to create a center for physical education and recreational activity (gymnastic wall, stairs, gymnastic bench, cubes, balls, hoops, dry pool, “health track”, phyto-pillows, various toys - cars, carts, etc.). The placement of equipment should provide easy access to it and promote physical activity of children, consolidating their acquired skills and abilities.

Much attention is paid to creating conditions for children’s physical activity on the territory of the kindergarten..

A health path has been created.


Classes are considered as a purposeful and standardized form of organized educational activities in physical culture and the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. They provide an opportunity to systematically, consistently form, consolidate and improve motor skills, develop physical qualities, give children special knowledge, and develop the need for everyday physical education, optimize motor activity.

What are the features of physical education classes? What should the activity be like to make it interesting for children? (teachers' answers)

I will focus on one of the types of classes.

Circular training provides the highest possible motor density - in older groups up to 85 - 90%. Due to the fact that circuit training involves performing exercises or basic movements one at a time, moving from one “station” to another, you must adhere to the following requirements:

    choose simple exercises to perform with movements that children have already mastered;

    rational use of the area of ​​the hall or sports ground and motor “stations”;

    provide for the convenience of transition from “station” to “station”;

    determine the teacher’s place - next to those children who perform exercises that require insurance;

    think over a sequence of exercises that would provide consistent load on all major muscle groups;

    regulate loads, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

Circuit training provides a systemic effect on the child’s body:

    Activates the work of all body systems

    Promotes the development of physical qualities - speed, agility, flexibility, strength, endurance

    It has a positive effect on the development of basic personality traits in children - independence, discipline, perseverance.

Another form of increasing children’s physical activity is the use of training tracks, which contain various types of movements depending on the age of the children. The route of the track is drawn up on a card, which can be used as part of planning a physical lesson, morning exercises, and other types of exercise.

Show sample. Association 2 gr. Completing a practical task.

“Creating a training track for 2ml. and middle group. (15-20 min).

Presentation of your projects.


    Education and training of young children. Edited by L.N. Pavlova - Moscow “Enlightenment”

    Young children in preschool institutions. K.L. Pechora, G.V. Pantyukhina, L.G. Golubeva - Moscow “Enlightenment”

    Preschool education No. 6 2006

    For the sake of children's health. R.V. Tonkova-Yampolskaya, T.Ya. Chertok - Moscow “Enlightenment”

    Child in kindergarten - No. 5, 6 2002

    Strengthen children's health. E.N. Vavilova - Moscow “Enlightenment”

Annex 1.

Model of motor activity of preschool educational institution

middle group

senior group

Morning exercises (daily)

6 - 8 min.

8-10 min.


Phys. indoor activity
(2 times per week)

20 minutes.

25 min.

30 min.

Phys. outdoor activity
(once a week)

20 minutes.

25 min.

30 min.

Physical exercises (daily)

2 minutes.

2 minutes.


Outdoor games (at least 2-4 times daily)

6 -10 min.

10 -15 min.

15-20 min.

Sport exercises
(once a week)

10 min.

15 minutes.

20 minutes.

Game exercises while walking (daily)

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

Invigorating gymnastics (daily)


5 -10 min.

5-10 min.


Hiking (once a week)

25 min.

30 min.


Individual work (daily)

5 minutes.

up to 7-8 min.

up to 10 min.


Health games (2 times a week)

10 min.

10 min.

15 minutes.


Sports games (1 time per week)

15 minutes.

20 minutes.


Independent motor activity (1 time per week)

15 minutes.

20 minutes.

25 min.


Sports entertainment
(1 time per month)

20 minutes.

30 min.

30 min.


Sports holidays (2 times a year)

20 minutes.

40 min.

60–90 min.


Health Day

2 times per year

Appendix 2.


Organized classes in the form of physical education classes are carried out starting from the third year of life. The duration of classes for young children is 15-20 minutes, for younger children - 20-30 minutes, for older children - 30-40 minutes.

The duration of the parts of the lesson (introductory, preparatory, main and final) and the volume of material are not constant, they change depending on the educational objectives and conditions of the lessons.

Mandatory conditions for conducting physical education classes: wet cleaning of the hall, ventilation of the room, preparation of physical education equipment and inventory. Equipment and supplies must be safe to use, aesthetically attractive and appropriate for the age of the pupils in size, weight, etc. Children's clothing and shoes are selected taking into account the location of classes and the time of year.

According to educational objectives, the ratio of new and familiar program material, physical education classes are divided into:

-mixed (new motor material is supplied and previously acquired skills are consolidated); the ratio of familiar to new material in such classes is 3:1 or 4:1);

- lessons for consolidation and improvement motor skills and abilities, or training (based on more or less familiar exercises);

- control (conducted, if necessary, at the end of a month or quarter, half a year in order to check the level of formation of motor skills and abilities, special knowledge, development of physical qualities, etc.).

Bymotor content tasks and methods of implementation are distinguished:

Complex, or integrated, mixed (include drill, general developmental exercises, basic movements, outdoor games and other physical exercises; carried out using a set of visual, verbal, practical methods and teaching techniques depending on the age of the children);

-plot e (as a rule, they are built according to a standard structure, but in the form of a “motor story”, where all motor tasks are connected by a common plot and are performed in interesting game situations, simulations, etc.);

-game (all educational tasks are solved only with the help of games (3-5): first, 2-3 games of low and medium mobility are held, then 1-2 games of high mobility, at the end - a sedentary game; games are selected so that in terms of motor content they corresponded to the content of all structural parts of a typical lesson; carried out to consolidate acquired motor skills or for control purposes);

-dominant (aimed at the implementation of certain educational objectives, the use of certain methods of physical development, others, for example: an activity to develop fast - strength qualities, or to master the elements of a sports game or exercise, with the predominant use of a certain type of physical education equipment, inventory, etc.).

Physical education classes shouldbe daily:

Twice a week they are held at a designated time in the gym or on the playground (weather permitting, from April to October);

On other days of the week, two outdoor physical exercise classes are held (at all times of the year under appropriate weather conditions) and once a week there is a hike outside the preschool, if there are appropriate natural conditions for organizing children's tourism.

Outdoor classes are conducted by a group teacher or physical education instructor with the help of a teacher. The music director and assistant teacher may be involved in their conduct, as well as in the classes in the hall.

All outdoor classes have the same duration as indoor classes. However, if they are carried out in cold weather or with an emphasis on mastering elements of sports games or exercises, their duration may increase slightly (up to 5 minutes). Since such classes are carried out during a walk, it is important to choose the right period for them: in cold weather, it is advisable to organize them at the end of the children’s stay in the air in order to avoid hypothermia of the body after receiving physical activity; in warm weather, such activities should begin 10-15 (up to 20) minutes after entering the playground, so that children have time to adapt to weather conditions and so that physiological indicators - heart rate and breathing - reach a level appropriate for active motor activity.

Special attention of teachers and medical personnel is required to ensureoptimal overall loads on children during physical education classes.

a combination of physical, mental and emotional stress on children during physical education classes.

– the magnitude of the influence of physical exercises performed during classes on the functional activity of all organs and systems of the child’s body. The peak of such loads should fall on mobile activity in the main part of the lesson.

To regulate (increase or decrease) physical activity, you can include more complex or simpler exercises in the content of the lesson (the work of large rather than small muscle groups provides the greatest load on the body); change their quantity and dosage, pace of execution, amplitude, quantitative parameters of movement (height, length, etc.) and equipment (size or size of objects). It is important to monitor the degree of muscle tension when performing; reduce pauses between exercises, children’s idle time due to preliminary preparation of markings, equipment and thinking through ways of operational arrangement (cleaning equipment, distribution) collection of equipment, rational arrangement of children while performing movements, expedient selection of methods and techniques for working with students.

Mental stress – the influence of physical exercises during classes on the psyche of children: attention, memory, thinking, perception, imagination, will, etc. The greatest mental load should fall at the beginning of the main part of the lesson, when new ones are learned or exercises on basic movements that are more complex in technique and not sufficiently mastered by the children are performed.

The following will help regulate the level of mental stress and prevent overload of children's memory, thinking, and ideas: rational combination of new and familiar, well and insufficiently learned program material; periodic change or update of the situation, environment, location of the lesson (equipment, attributes and inventory; transfer of classes from the hall to the site, to natural conditions); the saturation of classes with a number of practical methods and game techniques corresponding to the set educational objectives; activation of cognitive and mental activity of children.

determined by the magnitude of the influence of physical exercise on the emotional state and mood of children. The maximum emotional load, as a rule, falls on outdoor play in the main part of the lesson.

The regulation of emotional stress during physical education classes will be helped by a cheerful, business-like and friendly tone and activity of the teacher; it is appropriate and pedagogically justified to involve children in movements; aesthetically attractive, varied aids in sufficient quantities), but too many of them in class lead to mental fatigue); musical accompaniment of certain parts of the lesson; children's favorite exercises and games, etc.

The optimal combination of all loads ensures a higher performance of the child’s body and does not cause overwork in children. Moderate fatigue activates renewal processes in the body, revives themes and improves physical development indicators.

Teachers should monitor external signs of children’s reaction to the general load offered to them, such as: facial skin color, sweating of the forehead, cheeks, head, back, method and rhythm of breathing (through the nose or mouth, the appearance of shortness of breath), quality of movements, state of posture, discipline, level of children's attention, interest, low activity or high mobility, etc. At the first signs of overwork or premature fatigue, ways to prevent it and maintain healthy tone should be taken; make changes to the content of the lesson, the methodology of its implementation, the dosage of exercises, introduce additional pauses for rest, etc., in relation to all groups, subgroups, individual children. The main indicator of the body's response to a general load is heart rate. When performing pulsometry in children, one should take into account the following approximate dynamics of changes in heart rate compared to the resting state: during the introductory part of the lesson it increases by 10-15%, the preparatory part - by 20-25%, at the end of the main part - by 60-80%, in the final part decreases approximately to the introductory level, and returns to normal after 3-5 minutes of completion of the lesson.

The general and motor density of physical education activities are closely related to load regulation.

Total class density – this is the ratio of justified pedagogical time to the duration of the entire lesson. Pedagogically justified is the time determined by the teacher for explanation and clarification, demonstration of actions, instructions, comments, encouragement, evaluations, additional actions (building and rearranging children, distributing and collecting attributes, installing and assembling equipment), direct performance of exercises by children, etc. Time spent talking with colleagues, inappropriate explanations and teachings, long conversations, analysis of children’s actions and behavior, long waits for their turn when doing exercises or preparing the place of classes, equipment and inventory, unnecessary changes in formation, turns, etc., is pedagogically unjustified and when determining the total load, classes are not taken into account. Therefore, all key aspects of organizing and conducting classes should be carefully thought through so that the class time is pedagogically justified, and this will bring the total load of the class closer to 100%.

Motor density is considered as the ratio of the time spent by children in movement to the duration of the lesson. It is determined by the method of individual timing and has age-oriented norms: for children of the 4th year of life - 55-60 (up to 65)%, 5th year of life - 60-65 (up to 70)%, 6th year of life - 65- 70 (up to 75)%, for the 7th year of life – 70-75 (up to 80)%. These indicators can fluctuate within certain limits, since they depend on a number of reasons: the type of activity (for example, the motor density of mixed activities is less than a training activity), the complexity of the movements, the degree of their assimilation, the level of motor readiness, the organization of children, and more.

There are different ways to regulate the motor density of an activity, namely:

Choosing rational ways to organize children to perform movements and expediently combining different methods of organization throughout the lesson. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the frontal method of organization provides motor density at the level of 75-88%, group - 66-76%, continuous - 62-70%, mixed - 58-66%, circuit training method - 72-84%, and individual – 18-24%;

Combining exercises from basic movements into complexes-ligaments (especially convenient with in-line, shift, and sometimes with individual, group methods of organization;

Filling pauses while children wait for their turn when changing equipment with simple additional movements that do not require close adult supervision;

Placement and maximum (possibly multi-purpose) use of large and small equipment in the classroom;

Providing a sufficient number of aids and equipment, the use of equipment convenient for children to simultaneously perform the same movements (this makes it possible to avoid long waits for children to take their turn);

The use of verbal and visual techniques (primarily explanations, demonstrations, assessments, etc.) is pedagogically justified;

Organizing the execution of movements with counting or musical accompaniment (we are talking about movements that can be performed in a general rhythm and tempo, for example: walking, running, jumping, general developmental exercises).

In addition to physical education classes, in preschool educational institutions where there are swimming pools, swimming classes are held, which is a unique means of influencing the child’s body, improving movements, developing physical endurance, independence, and more.

The work of a preschool educational institution as a whole should be aimed at maintaining, preserving and developing a healthy lifestyle for preschool children, and creating motivation for a healthy lifestyle. Children need to be introduced to the concepts of body hygiene, hygiene of activity; health and illness, appearance, body, major organs, as well as sexual identification and differentiation, development of the body, safety of the body and activity. At the same time, it is important to adhere to the principles of consistency, systematicity, and individual approach. Such work is carried out throughout the entire life activity of children in a preschool educational institution.

Lesson is the main organizational form of physical exercise training. Conducted every day for a long time. calendar year Types of classes: by content: comprehensive; with an emphasis on a certain type of educational material. According to the assigned tasks: to study new material (for-e-motor, education, shows, insures, evaluates); on consolidating the learned functional skills (formation of UiN.); mixed type (consolidation, improvement); control classes. Types of physical education classes by content and objectives: educational and training; story-based physical education classes; gaming activities based on outdoor games; physical education and educational activities (integrated); thematic classes (dedicated to 1 sport); control classes; I practice elements (hatha yoga, wushu, etc.). Structure and content of the lesson. Contents: educational material of the program; activities of a teacher; children's activities. Lesson structure (constant).

Preparatory part: Goal: create a cheerful mood, motivation, form and consolidate correct posture, develop motor skills, drill exercises. Physiological significance: achieving the body’s readiness to perform more complex movements. Contents: drill exercises; normal and simulated walking; various types of running; jumps; spatial orientation exercises; dance exercises and outdoor switchgear complex. Duration – 7-12 minutes. Methodology: the teacher lines up the children in a column or line, gives clear instructions and orders.

Main part. The goal is to improve the basic movements. Contents: exercises of a sports nature. Jr. gr. – 2-3 basic movements. Average gr. – 3-4 basic movements. St. gr. – 3-5 basic movements. Each movement is repeated at least 5-8 times. The explanation of the movements must be clear and understandable. An outdoor game should not duplicate movements that were learned in class. The game is repeated 3-5 times. Duration – 12-15 minutes.

Final part. The goal is to ensure a gradual transition of children from excitement to calmness. Can be done with sedentary activity. game, walking at a slow pace or exercise. for breathing. Starting from the middle group, the teacher sums up the lesson. Duration – 1-5 minutes.

Total duration of the lesson: Junior gr. – 20-25 min. – up to 30 min. St. gr. – up to 35 minutes. Increased attention during the lesson is paid to children with abnormal health conditions, developmental delays, and those who are often ill. Individual approach for those who came after illness. It is important to maintain sanitary and hygienic conditions.

The total density of the lesson is the ratio of the teacher’s justified time to the entire duration of the lesson, multiplied by 100%. Pedagogically justified time - exercises, communication of goals and objectives, help, insurance, consultations. Pedagogically unjustified time is talking with other people, going for equipment. Motor density is the ratio of the time spent performing physical exercises. control for the entire duration of the lesson, * 100%.

Ways to organize children in class: individual way - performing movements by one child. Frontal method - movements are performed by all children. Predominantly high motor density. The flow method is performing the same movement in turn, often in a column. group method - children in each subgroup have their own tasks (2-4 subgroups). interchangeable method - movements are performed simultaneously by several children (3-5), and the rest wait their turn. circuit training - children are divided into 4-5 subgroups. Each of them performs the main exercise in the allotted time. The equipment is distributed in such a way that it occupies almost the entire area of ​​the hall and the children move in a circle. More often used in the older group.

Outdoor physical exercise. 3 times a week in winter and off-season. A significant part of the time of outdoor activities consists of intensive exercises, throwing, general developmental exercises for the arms and torso can be performed while walking, using the equipment of the area, and children must be in appropriate clothing. An outdoor activity can be structured: as a combination of basic movements (such as an obstacle course); game-type activities; exercises or games of a sporting nature; hiking or activity with elements of tourism.

Peculiarities of conducting classes in different age groups Working in a different age group requires the teacher to have knowledge of the program and the ability to quickly navigate in choosing ways to solve the same problems in relation to children of different ages and levels of exposure. Education in such a group is organized in the form of classes of three types: 1) with all children in one section of training, but with different program content for age subgroups; 2) with all children in different sections of education); 3) with one age subgroup (the other plays independently at this time). With the frontal method of organization, children perform exercises of the same type, but their complexity is different for each subgroup. In this case, the children are placed so that the teacher can directly help the kids. For example, a balance exercise is walking on a bench: length 4 m, height 30-40 cm - for older people; length 2 m, height 20-25 cm - for younger ones. With the group method of organization, children are divided into subgroups (2-3), each of which performs its own task. But if in a same-age group the subgroups change places after some time, then in a different-age group this does not happen. Kids make up the first subgroup, which operates under the direct guidance of the teacher. A subgroup (2nd and 3rd) of older children performs the exercises relatively independently. In other words, the teacher’s control over older children is predominantly visual. Therefore, the exercises should be familiar to children and not require insurance. It is important that they have the nature of specific tasks and contribute to the development in children of the ability to plan and evaluate their actions. The use of an individual method of organization has various motives and is consistent with frontal and group organization.1 (3 years) Focus on the frontal method of organization. Children should do the exercises with pleasure. Classes are conducted in subgroups. And in the second half of the year with the whole group. ORU - simulation. 3-4 exercises are included in the complex. Repeat 4-5 times, jumps – 8-10. Learn 2 basic movements. Ends with an active game; the game is repeated 3-4 times. Duration 15-20 minutes.

Consultation “Organization of recreational work in preschool educational institutions”

Prepared by: Mikhneva I.N. - senior teacher

Currently, the problem of children's health is very relevant. An analysis of the health status of pupils in preschool educational institutions shows that only 26% of children are practically healthy, 67% have certain health problems, and 7% are chronically ill.The presented figures indicate that not all children are absolutely healthy, almost every child has somatic diseases, for reasons that are understandable to all: ecology, nutrition, decreased vitality, immunity, low physical activity, insufficient exposure of children to the fresh air, preference for television and video programs etc., which are objective in nature. In this regard, the tasks of strengthening and maintaining the health of pupils,including their emotional well-beingare especially relevant. In the new educational situation it iscompulsory requirement for preschool education.

the main objective health-improving work in kindergarten - creating favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, forming the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society.

Main tasks in this direction:

Strengthening the health of pupils,

Fostering the need for a healthy lifestyle,

Development of physical qualities and ensuring a normal level of physical fitness in accordance with the capabilities and state of health of the child,

Creating conditions for realizing the need for physical activity in everyday life,

Identifying the needs, inclinations and abilities of children through the system of sports and recreational work, introducing children to sports.

The success of solving problems in this direction is determined by the health-preserving environment of the preschool educational institution, including:

Material and technical equipment,

Organization of motor mode,

health work,

Corrective work

A system of measures to create conditions for the formation of healthy lifestyle skills.

Material and technical equipment includes the necessary conditions in a preschool educational institution for the physical development and health improvement of preschool children: a gym, playground, sports equipment and equipment, organizational, methodological and psychological-pedagogical support.

The basic principles of building a health-preserving environment are:

  • Individual and differentiated approach:

The child's motor potential

Level of physical development,

Preference depending on gender.

  • Stability and dynamism of the developing motor environment:

Propulsion equipment, taking into account the possibilities of use.

  • Emotionality and aesthetics:

The equipment fits into the overall aesthetic environment of the group.

  • Taking into account cultural and national traditions:

Equipment for folk games and national sports.

  • The motor environment of preschool educational institutions as a whole:

Physical education equipment,

Wellness centers in groups (physical training corners).

Physical education and health work is based on monitoring physical development (determining the level of physical development, physical fitness, medical examination), taking into account the physical fitness of children and existing deviations in health and covers all areas of development: cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic, social and communicative .

The model of physical education and health work is represented by a set of activities:

Motor mode,

Preventive actions,

Various forms of healing,

Hardening activities,

Interaction with families of pupils.

The system of treatment and preventive work includes:

Compliance with the regime

Proper organization of sleep,

Walks in the open air,





Prevention (colds - oxaline ointment, etc.),

Individual preventive measures,

Environmental Safety.

In therapeutic, health-improving and preventive work with preschool children, a significant role belongs to hardening measures.

The systematic implementation of the hardening system in early and preschool childhood provides the basis for normal physical and psychological development. Lays the foundation for a conscious and active attitude towards physical education. In kindergarten, several types of hardening are practiced, making it possible to reach a larger number of children: walking barefoot, contrasting air hardening.

One of the most effective hardening procedures in everyday life is a walk. To increase its effectiveness, much attention should be paid to entertaining motor activities (traditional and non-traditional) that bring the child not only muscular, but also emotional joy.

When organizing recreational activities, it is necessary to comply with a system for ensuring safe life activities, which involves studying traffic rules and safety precautions in classes and in joint activities. The issues of teaching children safe behavior skills are relevant for our preschool institution and require special attention. Starting from the middle group, work to form the foundations of safe life is carried out in five areas:

- “The child and his health” (formation of healthy lifestyle values”;

- “Child at home” (fire safety and safety at home);

- “Child and the road” (traffic rules);

- “Child and nature” (skills for safe behavior in nature);

- “Child and other people” (personal safety skills)

Cycles of health and safety lessons have been compiled for children of primary, secondary, senior and pre-school groups. Theoretical and practical material selected in this area allows educators to give children 3-7 years old valeological knowledge, cultivate an interest in improving their own body, develop skills for leading a healthy lifestyle, and form the foundations of safe life activities.

Work on improving the health of children may also include the work of a psychologist to develop communication skills and correct problems of the child’s emotional development (fears, anxiety, aggressiveness)

An important role in strengthening and preserving the health of pupils is given to the motor regime, aimed at satisfying the natural need of children to move.

According to data, modern children move half as much as is provided for by age norm. Insufficient physical activity - physical inactivity is observed not only in children With older preschool age, but also in children. Therefore, the organization of the motorregime for preschoolers is relevant and occupies an important place in the preschool education system. Concept« motor activity" includes the sum of all movements performed by a person in the process of life.

YES contributes

Increasing the body's resistance to various diseases

Increased physical performance

Normalization of the activities of individual organs and functional systems

Formation of personal qualities

Improvement of psychological and emotional state

Strengthening mental health

And etc

Children who regularly engage in physical activity have advantages over sedentary : They look better, are mentally healthier, less stressed and tense, sleep better, and have fewer health problems.

Experts have proven that the main causes of neuropsychic and somatic diseases in preschool children are intellectual overload and decreased motor activity.both in volume and intensity. One of the important problems of modern society is a sedentary lifestyle.

Physical activity is a type of activity in the educational field"Physical development".

Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education have identified targets for physical development at the completion stage BEFORE : the child has developed fine and general motor skills, he is mobile, resilient, masters basic movements, can control and manage his movements. COs are guidelines For : - construction of educational work in preschool educational institutions. Consequently, the task of preschool teachers is to create all the necessary conditions for the child to achieve dosha. age of targets.

The motor mode model includes:

  • physical education classes,
  • morning exercises,
  • gymnastics after a nap,
  • physical education minutes,
  • games and exercises between classes (dynamic pause),
  • outdoor games and exercises while walking,
  • hardening activities

Motor mode model for children 3-7 years old

Forms of physical activity

Features of the organization


Physical education classes

2-3 per week


“Morning of joyful meetings” - communication games

Daily 3-5 min

Morning exercises

Every day for 5-10 minutes.


Morning exercises using the SA-FIDANCE technology

Motor warm-up during a long break between classes (with a predominance of static poses)

Daily for 7-10 minutes.

Physical education minute (dynamic pause)

Daily as needed, depending on the type and content of the activity for 3-5 minutes.

Relaxation (during educational and artistic-aesthetic classes)

2-3 min.

Non-traditional types of exercises:


Finger gymnastics,

Musical outdoor games.

Travel games

In the 2nd half of the day 10-15 min.

Creative gymnastics

As needed during classes, 2-3 minutes.

Entertaining physical activity while walking (physical and sports exercises, outdoor and folk games)

Every day during a walk in subgroups, selected taking into account the children’s fitness and physical fitness, for 20-25 minutes.

Health running

At the end of the morning walk

Individual work on developing movements while walking

Every day during an evening walk for 10-12 minutes.

1,6 -7

Walks, hikes (hiking, skiing) in the forest or the nearest park

2 times a month, reserved for physical education classes and games and exercises organized by the teacher, for 6-90 minutes.

Game self-massage

Every day after a walk or after sleep

Invigorating gymnastics after a nap combined with contrast and air baths

Daily for 10 minutes.


Physical education lesson:

Control and verification




Using rhythmic plasticity, rhythmic gymnastics

3 times a week in subgroups selected taking into account the children’s DA, in the first half of the day (one lesson is conducted outdoors) for 20-25 minutes.

Early age 15 min

Independent motor activity

Daily under the guidance of a teacher indoors and outdoors. Duration depends on the level of YES


Health Week

2 times a year (November, April)

Physical education

Once a month, together with peers or children of another group (middle) for 30-50 minutes.

Outdoor sports festival

2 times a year together with peers or children of another group (middle) 60 min.

Individual work in rhythmic gymnastics, rhythmoplasty

2 times a week for 25-30 minutes.


Determined by the teacher

Physical education classes together with parents in kindergarten

At the request of parents and teachers


Participation of parents in physical education and recreational activities in kindergarten

During preparation and conduct of physical education, holidays, health weeks, hiking trips, attending open classes

ABOUT total durationmotor activityshould occupy at least 50% of the waking period, with 90% of medium and low intensity, 10-15% of high intensity. Fulfilling these requirements will prevent the child from becoming tired throughout the day and will create conditions for proper physical development.

When organizing different forms of physical activity, the teacher is obliged:

Monitor the condition of children

Adjust the load

Choose the right venue

Select equipment

  • Individual approach

An individual approach is carried out based on the pupils’ health status and level of physical development. For this purpose, according to the implemented program, “forecast cards” have been created in the groups, which record the health status, physical and motor development of each student. Analysis of the results helps to identify three groups of children’s health and implement a differentiated approach in the process of developing motor skills.

Taking into account the individual characteristics of preschoolers, teachers should pay attention to physical activity, which should be adequate to the age, gender of the child, the level of his physical development, biological maturity and health, and also fulfill a number of requirements:

  1. Physical activity must be combined with generally available hardening procedures.
  2. Mandatory inclusion of elements of breathing exercises in the complex of physical education.
  3. Medical control over physical education and prompt medical correction of identified health problems.
  4. Conducting physical education activities taking into account medical restrictions and medical withdrawal deadlines.
  5. Inclusion of elements of corrective gymnastics into gymnastics and classes to prevent flat feet and curvature of posture.

A necessary condition for organizing a differentiated approach to the physical development of a preschooler is:

1. Correspondence of physical activity to the child’s age, gender, level of physical development, biological portrait and health group.

2. Combination of physical activity with hardening procedures.

H. Mandatory inclusion in the complex of physical education of classical health-improving techniques in a playful form (relaxation, breathing and finger exercises, health-improving rhythmic gymnastics, play massage, eye gymnastics)

4. Carrying out cyclic movements to increase endurance (slow running, long walking).

Particular attention in the process of physical culture and health work is given to the use of health-saving technologies, which are aimed at solving the problem of preserving, maintaining and enrichinghealth in kindergarten.

Target health saving technologiesin kindergarten - this is a high levelchild's health, gaining knowledge abouthealth and skills to protect, support and preserve it.

Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education

· medical and preventive;

· physical education and recreation;

· technologies for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child;

· health preservation and health enrichment for preschool teachers;

valeological education of parents; health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten.

Physical education and health technologies - aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the child’s health, the development of physical qualities, motor activity and the formation of physical culture of preschool children:

  • hardening of KGN;
  • conversations on vyleology;
  • sports holidays;
  • sports entertainment and leisure;
  • health weeks;
  • competitions;
  • walks and hikes.

Modern pedagogical technologies:

  • rhythmoplasty
  • dynamic pauses
  • outdoor and sports games
  • relaxation
  • different types of gymnastics
  • health running
  • healthy lifestyle training technology
  • problem-based games (game training and game therapy)
  • communication games
  • classes from the “Health” series
  • self-massage
  • correctional technologies (impact with color, fairy tale therapy, music therapy,
  • finger gymnastics
  • physical education minutes.

Positive result of wellness

work is possible only with the support of parents.

Thus, physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions is aimed at and contributes to maintaining physical and mental health and strengthening the child’s body. The choice of specific means and methods depends on the population of children and the tasks of the preschool institution.


Akhutina T.V. Health-saving teaching technologies: an individual-oriented approach, 2000.

Kovalko V.I. Health-saving technologies. – M.: VAKO, 2007.

Sukharev A.G. “The concept of strengthening the health of children and adolescents in Russia”

Sivtsova A.M. “The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions” Methodist. – 2007.

Smirnov N.K. “Health-saving educational technologies in the work of a teacher”