Application made of colored paper "little mermaid". Making an applique of a sea mermaid How to make a mermaid out of paper

If you want to briefly turn your doll into a little mermaid and try on a mermaid tail on it, then this master class will definitely come in handy. At the beginning there is a video with instructions. Below we have added frames from the video with a detailed description in Russian, since the explanations in the video are given in English.
Video master class: how to make a mermaid tail for a doll

To create a mermaid tail for your doll you will need:
- Sheets of white paper;
- Simple pencil;
- Decorative porous rubber (if you can’t get it anywhere, use cardboard, just remember not to wet your doll’s tail with water);
- Very stretchy fabric in mermaid colors;
- A piece of chalk or a dried piece of soap;
- Thread and needle;
- Thin elastic band;
- Sewing machine (optional and depending on availability, if you don’t have one, you can sew everything by hand.
1. Place the doll on a sheet of white paper, as shown in the example.

2. Trace the outside of the doll's legs.

3. Make a mark where the waistband is and add a few millimeters.

4. Add a few more millimeters to the seam allowance.

5. Take a sheet of paper, fold it in half and sketch out the outline of the tail fin.

6. Cut out the fin and attach it to the pattern for the top of the tail, trace and complete the pattern.

7. Around the tail, also add a few millimeters at the edges.

8. Cut out the mermaid tail pattern.

9. Take the fabric and determine in which direction it stretches better. Place the fabric so that it stretches better in the horizontal direction.

10. Attach the pattern to the fabric and trace with chalk or a dried bar of soap.

11. Cut along the marked contours. You can add a few millimeters at the top, which can later be used for a beautifully gathered fabric at the top of the mermaid tail.

12. Cut out another one exactly the same.

13. Place the two pieces together with the good side facing in.

14. Start sewing the pieces together using a sewing machine or thread and needle.
15. Stop at the point where the tip of the tail fin ends.

15. Place the doll on the workpiece. Turn the fabric over so that the tail starts at the doll's waist.

16. Now sew the pieces together on the other side and also stop at the other end of the top of the ponytail.
17. Try the tail on the doll (without turning it inside out). Mark where to sew the tail in additional places to make it fit better.

18. Sew in the right places, cut off excess fabric everywhere except the end of the tail, where we have not sewn it yet.
19. Turn the tail inside out.
20. At the top of the tail, you can make a few stitches and tighten the thread, you will get a beautifully pulled fabric.

21. Take your mermaid tail fin pattern, take decorative foam rubber (or a piece of thick cardboard if you don’t plan to play with the doll in the water), trace the pattern on a piece of decorative foam rubber.

22. Cut out this fin blank too, leaving a few millimeters around the edges at the top.

23. If you wish, you can cut out three small pieces of elastic. Glue a semicircle from one at the top of the fin, the other two on top diagonally. This design will help keep the fin on the doll.

24. Place the fin on the doll's legs. Place the remaining fabric over the fin. This will give you a mermaid tail with a replaceable fin.
If you plan to sew up the bottom of the fin, it is better not to use elastic bands at all.

25. You can also make a beautiful top for your doll from the same fabric. Take a small rectangle of fabric and fold it in half.

Let's make another interesting applique using threads and colored paper. And we will make a wonderful mermaid. A mermaid is a fairy-tale woman with a fish tail who lives in the water. In different peoples' mythologies, these sea maidens were called differently: mermaids, sirens, Mavkas, undines, pitchforks, etc. Among our Slavic ancestors, the word mermaid comes from the concept “blond,” which meant light and pure. Mermaids live not only in, but also in forest lakes and rivers. In the evenings, mermaids swam to the surface of the reservoir and lured travelers into their watery possessions with sweet songs. You all probably like the cartoon “The Little Mermaid” and you sincerely fell in love with its characters. Let's make our own too.

Making a mermaid applique

  1. To do this, prepare colored cardboard, scissors and glue at your workplace.
  2. Draw the details of the mermaid on green paper: torso, head and arms.
  3. Glue all these parts onto the sheet. Using felt-tip pens, or colored gel pens, or colored pencils, draw eyes, a nose and a mouth on the mermaid’s face. Now take the threads and glue them to the mermaid’s head. This will be wonderful mermaid hair. Glue them in different positions, as if the hair is developing in the water of a dark lake.
  4. Draw on colored paper and cut it out, cut the fish's tail into strips and glue it next to the mermaid.
  5. You can design your product in different ways. You can cut out a bunch more fish of different sizes, and appoint a mermaid as the eldest of this school of fish. You can glue seaweed from green threads. You can cut out on colored paper and paste various seashells, or some other inhabitants of the underwater kingdom onto the applique.

See what a beautiful mermaid you got on your wonderful . You can give it to your best friend or girlfriend. They will be very happy with such attention from you. Or you can make several and arrange a whole art gallery in your room. And then invite your friends and show off your wonderful works to them.

There are no limits to the imagination of a person, and especially children. They love to draw, cut, play, and come up with all sorts of ways to achieve anything. This can happen especially with a mermaid tail, which you can make with your own hands.

If you don’t have the necessary fabric for the craft at home or you don’t know how to sew, then don’t despair - now we’ll learn how to make a mermaid tail from paper.

We will need:

  1. Paper

Based on your parameters, as well as the fin, look for a suitable size of any paper that is strong enough.

Alternatively, you can use unnecessary wallpaper.

  1. Pencil
  2. Scissors
  3. Paints
  4. Brush
  5. Decor (beads, sequins, braid, fabric, paper, etc.)

Creating blanks

Probably the most difficult thing in this matter is to guess the size of the future mermaid. You can get them:

  • Wrapping the future mermaid in paper from waist to feet;
  • Get measurements of the waist, hips, knees, calves, ankles and transfer them to paper;
  • Create measurements “by eye”.

N don't forget! Leave a piece of scent paper on which glue will be applied before cutting out the workpiece.

Draw absolutely any fin at your discretion, but do not forget that it should hide your feet, so calculate the size.

We cut out our blanks, not forgetting to leave some paper at the edges for gluing together.

Making a mermaid tail

Understanding that paper is a rather fragile material, and a paper mermaid tail is practically disposable, the most convenient way to create it would be gluing.

Making the main leg section wider will make it easier to put on, perhaps even several times.

Glue the fin together and then glue it to the main part, leaving an opening for your feet. Allow the glue to dry for the required time.

Paper Mermaid Tail Decoration

Use everything that sticks to paper, show your imagination and originality. For example, you can strew the tail with stones or sparkles, glue braid, sequins, interesting fabric to it, outlining a belt or fin.

You can also paint the mermaid’s tail, both with scales and patterns, for example, like Barbie-mermaids or H2O mermaids in the store.

Now you know how to make a mermaid tail out of paper in a simple and uncomplicated way, using available materials and your imagination. It’s a pity that you can’t swim in such a ponytail, because it will immediately deteriorate. But the tails from the website store will allow you to swim like real fairy-tale inhabitants of the seas and oceans - mermaids.

There are no limits to the imagination of a person, and especially children. They love to draw, cut, play, and come up with all sorts of ways to achieve anything. This can happen especially with a mermaid tail, which you can make with your own hands. If you don’t have the necessary fabric for the craft at home or you don’t know how to sew, then don’t despair - now we’ll learn how to make a mermaid tail from paper. We will need: Paper Based on your parameters, as well as the fin, look for a suitable size of any paper that is strong enough. Alternatively, you can use unnecessary wallpaper. Pencil Scissors Glue Paints Brush Decor (beads, sequins, braid, fabric, paper, etc.) Creation…

Little mermaids are very cute fairy-tale creatures. They attract fishermen with their beautiful singing and unusual appearance: instead of legs they have a scaly tail. Therefore, you can make such a craft from colored paper, showing a little imagination.

Necessary materials:

  • colored semi-cardboard in blue, red, light yellow and green;
  • stapler with staples;
  • office glue;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • marker;
  • pencil.

How to make a paper mermaid step by step:

  1. Draw a rectangle with parameters 11 x 7 cm on a light yellow sheet of paper. Cut it out.

  2. In the center of the sheet we draw the face of a girl with beautiful eyes, a cute nose and lips. Instead of painted eyes, you can use ready-made plastic ones, which will fit perfectly into this craft.

  3. We cut out a strip of 11 x 1.5 cm, as well as a small part of the little mermaid's tail.

  4. Over the entire surface of the strip and details of the tail, draw scales in the form of a semicircle.

  5. Glue a green strip with a scale texture to the lower part of the body. Next, we twist it into a tube and fix it with a stapler or glue.

  6. We also use a stapler to attach the tail part to the body from the back side.

  7. From blue paper we cut out a thin strip of 10 x 0.5 cm, as well as two shells. Which should be painted with a marker.

  8. Glue a thin strip in the middle of the mermaid's body. We attach two shells to the strip.

  9. Now let's create the sea girl's hair. To do this, take red paper and cut out a thin strip of 10 x 2.5 and a rectangle of 7 x 5 cm.

  10. Cut a triangle in the center of the strip.

  11. Glue it and get the top part of the hair.

  12. Next, create a fringe on the rectangle.

  13. Curl your hair.

  14. Glue the finished red part to the top of the tube to create beautiful hair. Let's decorate the little mermaid's hair with a cute starfish, which should be cut out of blue paper.

  15. A sea mermaid made of colored paper with red hair and a green tail is ready.
  16. Girls will be delighted with such a craft, which they can decorate and paint, and then play simple games with their friends.

At the initial stage, polyurethane foam was in great demand in construction, and now crafts made from polyurethane foam are gaining more and more popularity. Polyurethane foam makes our work easier and helps us install doors and windows. The foam from the can expands as it exits and fills all the voids. It is not a problem to fill even hard-to-reach places with polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam is also used as thermal insulation and sound insulation. Thanks to the volume of foam, you can make many interesting crafts for the garden and playground.
A section has been created on the website, where you can find many interesting crafts made from polyurethane foam. And today we will look at two master classes on making a MERMAID FROM MOUNTED FOAM and a CAT FROM MOUNTED FOAM, the author of these master classes is Nadezhda Gulak.

To make a mermaid we will need:
* Polyurethane foam.
* Filter.
* Old unnecessary things.
* Film.
* Old covering material.
* Iron rod.
* Scotch.
* Serpyanka.
* Dye.
* Papier mache.

Method of making a mermaid:
Let's start production. The process of creating a mermaid itself is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, but it is labor-intensive and requires skills when working with polyurethane foam. To make your little mermaid beautiful, you need to follow Nadezhda’s complete instructions.
First we need to make a frame for the future body of the little mermaid, but since the image of the heroine is difficult to keep in mind, you can find suitable pictures that depict the hero of your craft. To do this, we will need old unnecessary things, a filter, film, covering material old from the garden, an iron rod, and tape. The frame needs to be made so that it is not too light, and some kind of weighting material must be used. Because in a strong wind, your craft will fall and break. Most often, various plastic canisters, bottles, buckets, etc. are used when working. They are filled with stones or sand so that the structure of the finished crafts can hold up well. But it happens that this option is not suitable, especially when the crafts are large and standing. In such cases, a frame is made of thick wire, which makes the craft more stable and the load is evenly distributed across all parts of the craft.

An iron rod was shaped into a sitting mermaid and welded to the filter; I collected all the old unnecessary things into women's warm tights and wrapped them with tape.

We give the body of our little mermaid a shape, take an old film of newspaper with tape and wrap it around it.

On the tail where there are voids, fill these places with polyurethane foam.

An iron rod was welded onto what the mermaid would sit on, so that it could then be screwed to a tree so that it would not fall from the wind.

Let's make the head. We take foam plastic and glue it to the thickness we need. We draw a head and facial features on the foam and cut it out.

Side view. Let's also draw the ears.

We apply polyurethane foam to the cut-out workpiece, and after a couple of minutes with wet hands we give it the desired shape.

When the foam dries well, apply a mass of papier-mâché.

The mermaid’s body has been shaped, and now foam can be applied to the frame. Before use, the contents of the can should be shaken well. Apply polyurethane foam evenly over the entire workpiece. We apply the foam in several layers, each layer needs to dry before applying, and only then we apply the next layer.

We applied polyurethane foam to the mermaid’s body, after a minute, knead the foam with your hands to give it a shape, and wrap it on top with construction serpyanka... If there are any minor flaws, everything can be cut off with a stationery knife. That's it, the body was given shape. To protect the mounting foam from sunlight, and also to make our craft even, we apply a mass of papier-mâché on top. We apply papier-mâché when the foam dries well. See how to properly make papier-mâché for crafts from polyurethane foam. It is best not to use putty when working; crafts using it will last you much less than those made from papier-mâché. Therefore, do not take risks, but do it in proven ways. When making figures from foam, you do not need to putty them; practice has shown that over time the figures begin to crack. We also need to secure and foam the mirror and massager into our mermaid’s hands.

When the hair frame is ready, we apply mounting foam on it, this will be the hair.

Front view.

When the hair making process is finished you should end up with something like this.

Having shaped the hair using polyurethane foam, we also apply a lot of papier-mâché on top of it.

Let's start drawing the eyes.

We draw the eyes, mouth, teeth and eyebrows of our little mermaid. We make rings from wire and insert them into the ears. You can either make earrings yourself or take ready-made, old, unnecessary ones.

When the papier-mâché has dried well, which may take several days, we begin painting. We begin to completely color the little mermaid.

Look how beautiful the little mermaid turned out from polyurethane foam. You can make a beautiful wreath on her head, add a chain and that’s it.

We sit the little mermaid in the right place and admire the beauty. Let's create a fairy tale further, the mermaid needs a scientist cat. Next we will look at a master class on making a cat from polyurethane foam, which will also live next to the little mermaid.

Foam cat | Crafts for the garden

We have looked at the master class on making a little mermaid, now we will make a cat from polyurethane foam. Crafts made from polyurethane foam are good because they are not afraid of weather conditions, they will serve us well for many years. In addition, they are not difficult to make and production costs do not cost much. And the most important thing is that the polyurethane foam is non-toxic, which means the crafts are also suitable for the playground.

To make a cat you will need:
* Polyurethane foam.
* Plastic bottle 2.5 l.
* Metal-plastic tubes.
* Film.
* Scotch.
* Wire.
* Serpyanka.
* Papier mache.
* Putty.

Method for making a foam cat:
Making the frame of a scientist cat. The cat's body is made of 2.5 l. plastic bottle, and the spine, tail and legs are made of a metal-plastic tube.

We also make the volume of the body from old garden film and wrap it with tape.

We begin to apply the mounting foam, after another minute, sprinkle the foam and knead it with your hands, giving it the shape of a cat, this is necessary so as not to cut off the excess foam.

This is the cat we make from polyurethane foam. We make him glasses from wire.

We also give it shape by wrapping it with construction serpyanka.

We dry it and coat the polyurethane foam with papier-mâché; when it was all dry, Nadezhda applied the finished putty.

Let's start painting the cat. We draw eyes, nose, eyebrows and mouth.

We color the whole cat completely.

We make the book from foam plastic, cut it out to the desired shape. We apply polyurethane foam, level it with wet hands, and when dry, apply papier-mâché. Then we dry it well again and paint it at our discretion.

We all sit the cat closer to the little mermaid and admire the beauty.

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