Shave the bikini area without irritation. How to shave intimate areas for women. What will you need


Skin care in the bikini area is an exciting issue for many women, and this is not surprising: the skin here is especially delicate, but you want it to look well-groomed and neat! No less important is the duration of the effect: for example, before a trip to the sea, you want to make sure that body care does not take up free time.

There are various ways to clear the skin of hair, but problems are also likely: ingrown hairs, irritation, peeling of the skin and itching. There are some of the most common ways to get rid of hair in this delicate area.


This is a relatively young way to remove hair. It is based on the interaction of the hair with the heat of the light flux. As a result, the hair bulb ceases to receive nutrition and falls out. The effect persists for several years if three to six procedures are done. The main disadvantage of photoepilation is its cost - about 2,500 rubles per procedure - and a whole list of contraindications.

Among them are such common problems as varicose veins, wounds, scars, skin diseases, hypertension and tumors of various kinds. Photoepilation is contraindicated for minors and pregnant women. This procedure is also not recommended for blonds and gray-haired people: due to the specifics of its effect (interaction with the hair pigment), photoepilation will not give them the desired result.

Only a dermatologist has the right to do photoepilation, and therefore you should contact a specialized clinic, and not a beauty salon.

Laser hair removal

The principle of its operation is similar to the previous one: the laser beam “burns” the hair, using the same hair pigment for this. The sensitivity of the device is set in such a way that unpigmented skin will not be damaged. Contraindications for use almost completely repeat the list of photoepilation, but there is one more significant “but”: laser hair removal is very painful.

The degree of inconvenience depends on the pain threshold and individual sensitivity of the patient, but the average data shows that it is not easy to transfer the procedure. Anesthetic ointments and gels are used to relieve pain.

But the result is pleasing: the laser beam penetrates deeper, processes the hairs more efficiently, and after a few procedures they become thin, brittle and fall out. But it is physically impossible to get rid of hair with a 100% guarantee in one procedure. The laser affects only those hairs that have already grown, and their number is only 40% of the total number of hairs. For a guarantee, procedures are needed for two years, it is during this period that, on average, all hair grows in a person.

Photo and laser hair removal can cause irritation and slight swelling on the skin, which lasts for about a day.


A much more affordable way to remove hair. A special adhesive mass is applied to the selected area of ​​the body (today, in cosmetology, the choice of such substances is very wide and pleasant). After the applied mass hardens, it is removed with a sharp movement using special strips, “stuck” hairs are removed along with the strips. For the procedure, the hairs must grow back a little and reach at least 0.5 cm, which causes some inconvenience.

The effect of the procedure will last for two to three weeks, but the interval between sessions can be increased. To do this, use creams that slow down the rate of hair growth. Over time, the hairs become thinner, and it becomes much easier to remove them.

The main disadvantage of waxing is its soreness, after the procedure, irritation may remain on the skin for a period of one hour to a day.

Depilatory cream

The cream is applied in an even layer on the selected area of ​​the skin and after a while it is removed with the help of special devices.

Although the effect of the procedure is short-lived - only three or four days - the depilatory cream has many supporters: the procedure is absolutely painless, it can be used even with a low threshold of pain sensitivity.

The result of depilation directly depends on the uniformity of the application of the cream; after treatment, “bushes” of hair may remain on the skin. Therefore, you will have to choose between pain and purity of skin treatment.


Shaving, despite the large number of alternative methods, remains the most popular way to remove hair. But often it is accompanied by unpleasant consequences, such as itching, irritation, ingrown hairs. And if irritation, for example, after photoepilation disappears in about a day, then shaving can leave a “memory” of itself for several days, and sometimes weeks. For safety and comfort, follow the rules:

  1. 1. Choosing the right shaving machine is the key to a successful procedure. Men's reusable machines are recognized as the best, designed for shaving coarse hair growing in hard-to-reach places (in hollows and bends). Women's machines dull much faster. They are designed for shaving legs, it is inconvenient to use them in the bikini area: special limiters, created in order not to injure the skin, make it difficult to see, and the blades - even new ones - are not sharp enough. An alternative option for combining form and content is a replacement cassette for a men's razor inserted into a women's Venus.
  2. 2. It is not necessary to choose a special product for shaving in the intimate area, any one will do, even a moisturizing gel or soap (note that men's products may have a pronounced “male” aroma). If the skin is very sensitive, pre-soften it with a bath with the addition of essential oils or foam with oils. It is recommended to apply shaving products a few minutes before the procedure, they soften the hairs, making them more supple. So it will be much easier to shave them.
  3. 3. Shaving position is an individual choice, the main thing is to maintain a complete overview of the intimate area and be comfortable. Most often, the bikini area is shaved while sitting, legs apart, or standing, moving one leg to the side and lifting it up (a stool, stand or side of the bath can be used for this). When shaving the intimate area, a properly set regular mirror can be invaluable.
  4. 4. Shave hair should be in the direction of hair growth, stretching the skin. When shaving against growth, there is a high risk of getting cuts and wounds, and with systematic improper shaving and ingrown hairs.
  5. 5. After shaving, treat the shaved area with a moisturizing and softening aftershave lotion. Please note that only the pubis can be treated with such means, avoiding contact with the inner surface of the genital organs. You can apply a product that slows down hair growth. If wounds appear during the procedure, rinse them with peroxide before applying cosmetics.

Intimate haircut

Let your hair grow a little, at least up to 2 millimeters.

  • Choose a pattern that will become the basis for the haircut, it should not contain small details: when cutting, they will become invisible, and the pattern will lose its meaning.
  • Apply the selected pattern to the hairy area with a pencil or pen and carefully shave everything around, leaving only an island of hair in the form of a pattern.
  • The resulting haircut can be dyed in an unusual color, such as red or white. To do this, use the usual paint for eyebrows and eyelashes. To avoid irritation, treat the skin around with a greasy cream.

Hair in the intimate area must be looked after no less carefully than on the head. They need nutrition and hydration: soaps and shower gels can cause irritation, itching and dryness on the skin.

A well-groomed woman always looks more attractive and feels confident. Even if we are talking about those parts of the body that are not visible to the majority. Care for the intimate area in women is just one of those.

Shaving is the most popular way to get rid of unwanted hair in the groin area. However, for the procedure to be successful, it is important to do everything right.

What will be required?

In order for shaving intimate areas to be successful, a woman needs to prepare everything you need in advance:

  • Shaver;
  • shaving foam or gel;
  • After Shave Cream;
  • skin care products (cream, powder, etc.);
Bikini area razor should be separate
  • tweezers;
  • mirror;
  • scissors.

Particular attention should be paid to the most important tool - a razor. For shaving in the bikini area, everyone, without exception, recommends having a separate tool..

Most girls and women prefer advertised machines. However, they are mainly designed to remove unwanted hair from the legs.

For intimate care, it is better to choose a men's razor.

And of course, the blade must be sharp, ideally new.

Separately, I want to say about the choice of products for the care of the delicate area. To avoid irritation, you need to choose them especially carefully. If possible, you should prefer those that do not contain fragrances and flavors.

Besides, you need to give up your favorite soap. It dries the skin and can disrupt the PH level in the bikini area. All of these recommendations also apply to aftershave skin care products.

Preparing to shave

In addition to the choice of products, it is very important to properly prepare the groin area for the upcoming shave. You can, of course, do everything without preparation, so to speak, in haste. But then there is a risk of getting irritation and redness in the bikini area as an unpleasant gift. This is hardly the result that most women and girls are counting on.

First of all, you should remove too long hairs.. This can be done with sharp scissors. You need to work carefully so as not to harm yourself.

For the bikini area, it is convenient to use safe nail scissors

Of course, the razor can handle dense vegetation as well. But then you have to do more movements, which contributes to the appearance of irritation on the skin. In addition, in this case, the razor becomes dull faster, and the blade will have to be changed often.

Further, before shaving intimate areas, women should take a shower to remove impurities and steam out sensitive skin. This will make it easier to shave. “Dry” hair removal is very painful and traumatic. Here it is worth taking an example from men who will remove vegetation from the face, only by steaming it well.

The most efficient shave

When the skin is prepared and everything you need is in store, you can start shaving the intimate areas. In order for a woman not to get irritation on the skin as a supplement, you need to follow a few simple rules.

So, what is the correct procedure for removing unwanted hair?

  1. The most common mistake is shaving against the direction of the hair growth. In such a delicate place, it should be done in the exact opposite direction. In this case, the less movement, the better.
  2. While shaving, experts recommend using a mirror to avoid injury. It does not have to be large, the entire wall. You can take a small one that will be easy to hold in your hand. Over time, you can learn to carry out a delicate procedure by touch.
  3. Those who plan to make a “deep bikini” should remember that there are unwanted hairs not only in front, but also in the back, in the gluteal hollow.

It is not necessary to remove all hairs

You can leave some hair. The main thing is that it looks appropriate.

Then you need to properly finish the procedure and take care of the skin.

  • After shaving, gently dry the bikini area with a terry towel. Just don't rub. It is better to gently blot, lightly touching the skin so that there is no irritation.

Wrapped up in a soft terry towel, you can walk around for a while to let your skin breathe.
  • Apply a balm or aftershave cream to dry skin, avoiding the labia area. It is important not to upset the PH balance. This can lead to the appearance of an unloved thrush, itching in this area and other minor troubles.
  • Do not, if possible, immediately put on underwear. Let the irritated skin breathe, and the cream will be absorbed. It is best to leave it like this overnight. If this is not possible, then at least 15-20 minutes should be like without panties.

Prevention of redness and skin irritation

The best prevention, of course, is the proper preparation of the skin for shaving and subsequent care. However, even with all the recommendations, the skin can still be irritated. What else could be the reason?

Firstly, for shaving intimate areas, a woman should only take a sharp razor. A dull blade will cause more than just skin irritation.. This can cause cuts, which are highly undesirable in such a delicate area.

Secondly, you need to be very careful about the choice of shaving and care products. Before using them for their intended purpose, you should try on other parts of the body. New products can cause allergies, which can be even more pronounced on delicate skin.

Smooth and healthy skin of the bikini area is an indicator of a well-executed shaving procedure.

Thirdly, do not use talcum powder for skin care in the bikini area. It clogs pores, which can lead to redness and breakouts. It is not easy to bring delicate skin in order after it.

Note! Even the most thorough shave can leave fine hairs. They are easier to remove with tweezers.. It's not as painful as it seems. But the skin will not be overly irritated.

On the one hand, shaving intimate areas is necessary for a woman from a hygienic point of view. On the other hand, this procedure is quite traumatic.

To avoid cuts, you should work with the razor very carefully. Therefore, the best time to remove unwanted hair in the bikini area is in the evening, when there is nowhere to rush. If, nevertheless, a nuisance occurs, then the cut should be immediately treated with hydrogen peroxide..

At first, even with the most careful approach to the procedure, skin irritation may occur. The thing is, she's not used to it yet.

To relieve irritation and reduce itching, you should use a special balm or cream after shaving.. You can also use baby diaper rash cream with salicylic acid. It will have a soothing and healing effect on the skin.

The skin has time to recover during this period, and irritation from the procedure will be minimal.

I would like to note that the razor should be stored dry and separate from other care items. And, of course, you should not use someone else's. After all, we are talking about intimate hygiene. When using the same care items, you can accidentally become infected with various infectious diseases.

Home scrub for bikini area

If ingrown hairs appear after shaving, they can be removed with a scrub.. There are special ones for the care of delicate skin in the bikini area. If this is not the case, then you can replace it with homemade. For him, mix ground coffee, honey and olive oil so that the mass resembles gruel. Gently apply to skin and rinse with warm water.

How else can you remove hair in the bikini area, except for shaving

Of course, shaving is the most popular method of getting rid of unwanted hair. However, in recent years, many other methods have appeared. Each of them has its pros and cons. About everything in order.

All methods of removing hair from the body are divided into 2 broad categories: epilation and depilation. In the first case, we are talking about the complete disposal of the hairline along with the bulb. In the second - only from its visible part.

The most well-known hair removal methods include:

  • photoepilation,
  • laser hair removal,
  • sugaring,
  • wax epilation,
  • hair removal with an epilator.

And also some others. In most cases, epilation is performed in beauty salons.

One of the most expensive procedures are laser and photoepilation. The principle of their action is similar. In one case, the hair is removed under the influence of a laser, in the other - light.

Laser hair removal

The advertisement promises that after these procedures, the vegetation from the body will disappear forever. In fact, everything is individual. In addition, if the exposure is incorrect or too long, irritation and burns can occur at the site of exposure.

More affordable waxing and sugaring.

In the first case, warm wax is applied to the desired area, and then, using strips of a special fabric, it is removed along with unwanted vegetation. It is worth noting that the procedure is quite painful. After it, irritation often occurs, especially after the first procedures. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on a soothing cream.

Sugaring is a more delicate procedure where sugar paste is used instead of wax.. Recently, it has been used no less often than shaving intimate areas.

A woman, in addition to a razor, can recommend an epilator at home. It removes hair gently, without the risk of cutting itself. In this case, the procedure is required less frequently than shaving. Over time, no more than once every 3-4 weeks.

For home hair removal to be successful, it is better to use a special nozzle. After the procedure, be sure to treat the groin area with a softening cream..

Sugaring bikini area

In addition to shaving, depilation methods include removal with a special cream. Under the influence of chemicals, the hair is easily removed with a scraper.

True, their impact is very individual. Some women claim that this method of depilation is not effective for them. In addition, no one can predict how the cream will affect the intimate area. From irritation and the occurrence of allergies, no one is immune.

Whether or not to remove hair in the bikini area is a personal matter for every woman. However, do not forget that both extremes are equally bad - both dense vegetation and its complete absence.

That's why Recently, intimate haircuts have become popular. and even dyeing hair in the groin area, which undoubtedly adds spice and extraordinary sexuality to any girl.

How to shave the bikini area without irritation? Watch video tips:

Learn how to properly depilate the intimate area from the following video:

A few simple rules for a perfect shave. Check out this helpful video:

As you know, every woman always tries to look beautiful. Every part of the body must be perfect and meet modern standards of beauty. Therefore, it is important to pay attention not only to open places of the body, which are always in sight, but also to intimate parts for beauty and cleanliness, hygiene.

What you need for a comfortable shave

Many people decide for themselves remove body hair, including in the bikini area. Such procedure solves many problems.

The absence of hairs in the bikini area is aesthetically pleasing

Firstly, excess hair will not interfere during sports or other activities. In the summer, you can wear the most revealing swimwear and stroll along the beach without complexes.

Besides, lack of hair in the inguinal zone - the most hygienic and aesthetically attractive. That is why shaving intimate areas is a must for every woman.

For a comfortable shave, we need:

  • scissors;
  • razor;
  • liquid soap or gel;
  • peeling cream;
  • tweezers;
  • mirror;
  • aftershave gel, or other skin-soothing product.

Be careful when choosing what you need. Scissors should be as safe as possible. pay attention to composition of liquid soap which you will be using. It is best if there is no alkali in its composition, in other words, the soap will have a PH neutral composition.

Such a tool has a gentle effect on the skin and does not irritate it, which is especially important when shaving intimate areas.

For a comfortable shave, a woman can use the gel, designed specifically for intimate areas. To be sure, you can test for an allergic reaction.

In no case do not use men's shaving products, they contain a lot of fragrances that irritate the mucous membranes

A mirror will be needed in order to remove unwanted hairs even from the most secluded places, while not injuring the skin.

Preparation for the procedure

To make shaving intimate areas as comfortable and painless as possible, a woman needs to carefully prepare. Before starting the procedure, you need to take a bath or shower. Thus, the skin in the intimate area will steam out, it will be more ready for the procedure.

Taking a bath beforehand will make shaving easier

Many women neglect this stage, and immediately proceed to the procedure itself. But it is steamed and moist skin that is more free to shave, and retains its smoothness longer.

It is important to know! Immediately before shaving, wash the surface of the skin with soap or gel. It is best to exfoliate using a gentle cleanser. This will remove dead skin scales from the surface of the skin. Peeling reduces the chance of ingrown hairs.

How to effectively conduct

Incorrectly performed shaving procedure leads to negative consequences. Even if a high-quality shower gel, a good razor and aftershave cream were used for this, the result can be upsetting. Therefore, it is very important to follow the procedure step by step..

The most effective shave involves the following steps:

Note! Shaving intimate areas is better to start from the navel.

For a comfortable shaving of hairs, it is better for a woman to move the razor slowly and gently, pulling the skin

If a cut suddenly occurs, it must be treated with hydrogen peroxide. To avoid ingrown hairs, it is recommended to shave along the hairline. If you shave your hair against its growth, the skin will be smoother. Women with sensitive skin should choose the first option.

How to protect yourself from cuts and skin irritation

Despite the simplicity and relative speed of the procedure, shaving intimate areas can cause a lot of trouble for a woman. Usually, visible redness, irritation and itching can occur for several reasons:

  1. Frequent shaving.
  2. Depilation without the use of water and soap.
  3. Not using special aftershave products.
  4. Hypersensitivity.

In order to avoid such problems, learn how to choose the right personal care products and aftershave lotions. Pay attention to their composition, which should not contain cosmetic fragrances, alcohol and menthol. They provoke irritation.

Starting the procedure in no case do not run the razor over dry skin, constantly check whether it is sufficiently moisturized. For dry skin, it is better not to use soap, which will make it even dryer. It is better to apply a moisturizing gel.

Do not drive the razor over dry skin, constantly moisturize it

It is very important to choose the right razor, which will gently glide over the skin without leaving any cuts behind. The tool must be regularly looked after, blades changed, disinfected. A blunt machine does not shave hair properly, it breaks it off and even pulls it out.

In addition, bacteria are more likely to breed on a blunt blade. It is preferable to replace the blade after every sixth use. You can use a special shaving cream. It will reduce blade friction.

To prevent irritation, you can use sitz baths with chamomile infusion.. This plant has soothing and regenerating properties. To do this, in a two-liter jar, throw 3 tbsp. tablespoons of pharmaceutical chamomile and pour boiling water over it, let it brew for about an hour, strain, and then add to a warm bath.

Remember! The cause of irritation often lies in the frequent shaving of intimate areas. A woman is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than 1 time in 4 days.

Using tweezers

If after shaving the intimate area, there are still a few hairs left, a woman can use tweezers to remove them. Of course, almost no one uses this method for depilation, however, why take up the razor again and start all over again.

Tweezers to help you to bring the bikini area to perfect condition

You need to act very carefully so as not to cause irritation and inflammation. It is recommended to do this after the aftershave gel has already been applied to the skin, and the skin has calmed down. To pluck the hair correctly, you need to grab it with tweezers as close to the root as possible, and pull it out sharply. It is advisable to blot the area where the hair was located with a disinfectant.

To protect yourself from cuts, it is recommended to use a men's razor. for shaving, because it is with the help of it that you can shave hairs even in the most inaccessible places, in addition, its design is safer, which means that the likelihood of injury is minimal.

It's better not to use disposable razors, they are too sharp., and more suitable for depilation of the legs. In addition, it is important to remember that you can get a cut during excessive skin tension during shaving.

Stretch the skin only slightly and glide over it smoothly. For the first time, it is best to shave the hairs along the hairline. If during the day there is no irritation on the skin, then later, you can remove the hairs against growth, in which case the result will be much better, and the skin will be smoother.

For girls with sensitive skin, you can use an alternative option for bikini depilation - drive the razor from left to right

You can reduce skin irritation with a special ointment based on hormones.. It quickly relieves itching, redness and irritation, but has some contraindications. Before using the ointment, it is better to consult a doctor.

Well relieves irritation cream based on vitamins A and F.

It is preferable to choose an aftershave gel based on chamomile, calendula or aloe. They are the best at soothing the skin. An ointment based on benzene peroxide will also help in this situation.

You can use some folk recipes. They will soothe the skin and relieve irritation of the lotion using infusion of chamomile, mint or birch buds.

It is important to choose the right machine. Preference should be given to a razor, which consists of several blades. Be sure to have gel pads, which must be on both sides. This ensures a smooth glide over the skin. It doesn’t matter what the machine looks like, how it is designed and what color it is. Pay no attention to his appearance.

The most important thing is that the razor is sharp and has 3-4 blades. For comparison, let's consider the question of how else can you remove hair in the bikini area, in addition to shaving?

Other hair removal methods

A fairly effective means for depilation is wax. It is also used for shaving intimate areas. A woman can forget about unwanted hairs for a long time. The effect lasts up to 2 weeks, hair grows much more slowly.

Waxing the bikini area is suitable for less sensitive skin

This procedure has its drawbacks, it is quite painful. Often there is an ingrown hair, irritation. Suitable for those who are not afraid of pain, and whose skin is not prone to hypersensitivity.

One of the relatives of wax is shugaring. It has a more harmonious composition. During this procedure, the bulb is much less injured, inflammation is not observed. A gentler, but no less effective way to remove unwanted hairs.

Some women remove hair from intimate places using a special chemical composition. Cream removes both long and short hairs. The result is stored for a long time, gradually the hairs become thinner and lighter. The procedure is easy and painless, so many women choose the cream.

Hair is easily removed with a household epilator. The procedure is quick, the hairs do not appear in intimate places for a long time and become noticeably thinner. Despite the visible advantages, the procedure brings severe pain and causes ingrown hairs. Suitable only for those who normally tolerate pain and do not have hypersensitivity of the skin.

Shaving the intimate area is a necessary procedure for any woman. Everyone chooses the method of depilation that suits her the most. The main thing is that the result is beneficial and joyful, only then the woman will feel confident and attractive.

From this video you will learn how to properly shave your bikini area with a razor without irritation:

In this video you will see how to shave without irritation and stress for the skin and yourself:

Do you want to know how to get rid of unwanted hair in the bikini area? Watch this video:

Modern girls, as a rule, try to get rid of unwanted body hair. Excessive vegetation not only does not look aesthetically pleasing, but also delivers unnecessary discomfort and discomfort. Especially when it comes to the intimate area. Today, there are many ways to get rid of unwanted vegetation. But not every woman can afford hardware methods, and waxing and sugaring are rather painful procedures. Therefore, the most popular way remains shaving with a machine. However, this method requires proper execution to avoid cuts, irritations and ingrown hairs.

Should I shave my intimate area?

Natural beauty in the form of hair in the bikini area has long been a thing of the past. In the modern world, getting rid of unwanted vegetation is one of the prerequisites for self-care. In addition, this fact implies compliance with the rules of hygiene, which is the basis of a woman's health. In addition, a clean-shaven pubis looks attractive in the eyes of males. Therefore, most women prefer to remove excess hair on the skin below the abdomen completely or leave a small area unshaven, but with trimmed hairs, creating a so-called intimate haircut.

What age to start

Puberty in girls occurs at about 8-10 years old, at the same age, pubic hair begins to grow. But at this stage, they, as a rule, still do not cause serious inconvenience. First, the hairs grow soft, thin and in small numbers. Secondly, they are not noticeable to anyone, since a partner in his personal life is still out of the question. And thirdly, the skin in this area is still very thin and soft, more prone to irritation and cuts. Therefore, it is still worth moving the shaving of the intimate area to adolescence.

With the onset of menstrual days, the skin on the pubis becomes denser and rougher, using the blade is no longer so dangerous. That is why gynecologists recommend starting shaving the intimate area at the age of 13-17, during the formation of the menstrual cycle.

Nevertheless, such a decision is made by each girl individually, based on personal moral considerations. Sometimes circumstances force you to use a razor earlier, for example, when a gymnast girl is about to compete in a swimsuit, and excess vegetation does not look aesthetically pleasing. In general, there are no strict rules regarding the appropriate age for shaving.

Important: it is worth considering the fact that, having done this once, you need to be ready for subsequent regular shaving, because after the blade, the hair begins to grow faster, becomes thicker and coarser, and already causes more discomfort.

How to shave intimate places with a machine

The easiest, most painless and affordable way to shave is to use a razor. This type has its drawbacks, like any cosmetic procedure, for example, the frequent change of cassettes for the machine, which are not cheap, as well as a short-lived effect - the hairs begin to grow back after 3-4 days. However, it is still better to start with him.

First you need to prepare everything you need for this procedure:

  • Shaver. It must be new and personally yours. For sensitive skin below the navel, it is better to choose a razor with multiple blades, a gel strip and a floating head. These details make the process much easier;
  • special shaving gel or foam. These products soften the hairs, and also ensure that the blade glides smoothly over the skin, thereby protecting it from cuts and irritations;
  • mirror. Necessary for viewing hard-to-reach places;
  • manicure scissors. Needed for cutting too long hairs;
  • a glass of boiling water. Useful for rinsing your razor.

Important: in the absence of a special shaving agent, you can use liquid baby soap - it does not dry the skin and does not contain toxic substances.

So, if everything you need is prepared, go to the shower or take a bath. Hot water will soften too coarse hairs, and a hard washcloth or scrub will help remove the top layer of the epidermis with dead cells so that the hair is shaved as close to the root as possible.

To avoid cuts and irritations, as well as subsequent ingrown hairs, you should follow some recommendations:

  • hair is removed in two directions: first in growth (to avoid ingrown), then against growth (to make the skin smoother);
  • while shaving, the skin should be taut, so help yourself with your free hand;
  • movements should be soft and smooth, without strong pressure, in order to avoid cuts (and they heal for a long time and painfully). If a wound forms, immediately rinse it with hydrogen peroxide;
  • periodically rinse the machine in boiling water so that hairs do not get stuck between the blades;
  • at the end of the procedure, rinse the perineum with warm water and lubricate the treated skin with a soothing cream.

The movements of the barre should be soft, consistent, first along the growth of the hair, then against it, and not “back and forth”

Video: how to shave the intimate area

Features of the first use of the machine

Shaving the intimate area for the first time can be a real important event in the life of a young girl. New sensations due to lack of hair can give some discomfort. To avoid this, try cutting your hair short with small scissors a few days beforehand, so you will gradually get used to the new sensations.

Important: the scissors must be sharp so that the hairs are easily cut, and also with rounded ends to avoid injury to the skin as a result of careless movement.

Due to lack of experience, a razor can seem like an inconvenient device, so you should not choose a disposable tool that has a fixed head for the first time. A razor specially designed for the intimate area will make the process as comfortable and safe as possible..

The floating head of the razor will make the process comfortable and safe.

Before the first use, be sure to test the shaving agent for possible allergic reactions, because the skin in the lower abdomen is especially sensitive. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the inner bend of the elbow and wait half an hour. If there is no redness, itching, irritation, then it suits you.

How often to carry out the procedure

How often can you shave your intimate area? There is no single answer to this question. For each woman, the frequency of shaving is purely individual. Everyone's hair grows at a different rate, the skin can also differ in the level of sensitivity to the use of the machine and shaving products. Therefore, over time, you yourself will be able to determine the number of days between procedures.

However, do not torment the bikini area with daily shaving, because the skin will respond with irritation, red dots and itching. It would be more correct to choose the moment when the regrown hairs begin to prick, creating discomfort.

Beautiful design of the bikini area

Not always women prefer a completely shaved pubis. Today, intimate haircuts are very popular. To do this, the hair is not completely removed from the intimate area, but is carefully cut with scissors to the desired length. It may also be the preference of a partner or husband, whose opinion is worth listening to in this matter.

A complex form of an intimate hairstyle can be made using a stencil

Making a beautiful "hairstyle" in a delicate place is not so difficult, especially if the choice fell on a simple shape - a rectangle or a triangle. To do this, simply shave the hair around the intended shape. If the desired shape has a more complex shape, a stencil can be used. You can buy ready-made stencils, or you can make them yourself using thick cardboard. After attaching the stencil to the skin, circle it with a cosmetic pencil and get to work.

Important: a complex shape is difficult to remove with a conventional razor, so correct it with tweezers, pulling out excess hairs.

An ordinary haircut can be transformed with decor. For this, rhinestones, beads, sequins are used. Jewelry is applied with a special glue that does not cause irritation.

Jewelry is applied to the skin with a special glue that does not cause irritation.

Skin care after the procedure

Immediately after the procedure, you can take a warm shower and gently pat your skin dry with a towel. Then apply a special aftershave that will soothe and nourish the treated skin. Do not dress for the first 10-15 minutes - let the dermis rest and be saturated with oxygen.

To avoid unpleasant consequences after shaving, try to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not wet the treated areas for several hours after the procedure;
  • do not use alcohol-based aftershave lotions;
  • wear loose cotton underwear;
  • avoid rough sex with oral caresses right after shaving.

Shaving before childbirth and during pregnancy

Shaving the groin of a pregnant woman is a little more difficult, and sometimes it becomes completely impossible to do it yourself due to a protruding tummy. In this case, you can seek help from a specialist. But you can do it yourself using a mirror.

Particular attention should be paid to sterility during the procedure, because in such a crucial period you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the health of the baby you are carrying. Thoroughly treat all tools with an antiseptic before use, as well as the skin before and after shaving.

To make it easier to shave your intimate area during pregnancy, use a mirror.

To date, not all clinics require, but it is still recommended to carry out this procedure. Clean skin is needed by the doctor to control changes in the color of the perineum during childbirth. It is also a mandatory step before performing a caesarean section.

Overview of Tools and Tools

Nowadays, store shelves are filled with an abundance of shaving products. Therefore, choosing the right machine or skin care product is not difficult. The main thing is to take into account the individual characteristics and thickness of the wallet. Below are some of the most popular razors and shaving products.

Table: shaving accessories

NameDescriptionPrice, rub
Women's Machine Gillette Venus EmbraceReusable razor with rubber handle and floating head with five blades glides effortlessly over the skin, following every line of the body350
Women's Machine Gillette Venus Spa Breeze RasiererIt has built-in shaving gel pads, which allows you to use it without additional products, just by moistening it with water. Has a rubber handle and floating head with three blades700
Balea Mystique 3 Women's Shaving Machine - KlingenUltra comfortable 3-blade ceramic coated blade system for a comfortable shave. Sliding strips with aloe vera and vitamin E. Ergonomic non-slip handle fits comfortably in your hand. Suitable for all skin types. Replaceable blades from Balea Mystique 3 are suitable for the machine300
Gillette Venus Simply Disposable RazorDisposable machine with fixed head and plastic handle. Has two blades and a moisturizing strip30
Shaving Gel Satin CareGreat shaving product for sensitive skin. It cools and softens the skin, saturates it with life-giving oils and nourishing vitamins.150

We all strive for excellence. Social networks, gloss and TV literally shout that every woman should have a round butt, high breasts, thick hair and smooth skin. But is it really so? Is it really possible to be a living Barbie? Anything is possible if you take care of yourself. In the summer, several important questions arise: how to lose weight in 3 days, how to get a chocolate skin color, and how to shave your bikini area without irritation.

Excess hair on the female body is always ugly and repulsive. But it is not necessary to go every time for special procedures for hair removal, this can be done at home. There are several ways to epilate, but shaving is still the safest, fastest, and most painless. True, there are some points that girls who shave their bikini area do not always observe, which results in irritation that causes discomfort and creates an unflattering look.

What is needed for a proper shave?

It is about the things that will help make your bikini area perfect after shaving that we will talk about.

In order to shave at home, you will need:

  • a razor (if you use a disposable razor, then take a new one, and if a razor with removable nozzles, then put on the one that you have not used yet);
  • special softening shaving cream;
  • aftershave.

How to prepare your skin for shaving?

The procedure for getting rid of hair in the bikini area should be carried out in several stages, since the skin in this part of the body is very delicate, it must first be prepared.

  • If you shave steamed and moisturized skin, then in this case you can forget about irritation. To do this, you need to lie in a hot bath for about ten minutes. Then you need to apply shaving cream and also leave for a few minutes. By the way, if you don’t have shaving cream on hand, then hair balm will do just fine with this role. It should be applied to the skin for five minutes and then proceed to shave.
  • You need to shave against hair growth, so there are no spots left after shaving.
  • After washing off the excess, blot the bikini area with a towel, but you do not need to wipe it, this can provoke irritation.
  • Treat with aftershave cream. If this is not at hand, then you can use baby cream.

Remember that it is simply necessary to treat the skin after shaving! Otherwise, the likelihood of ingrown hairs increases.

You can shave completely at your own discretion - you can remove all the hair completely, or you can draw a small and simple drawing, here your imagination and skill will help you. Now there are many stencils on sale that will help you make your favorite silhouette in the bikini area.

Tricks to help avoid irritation

Still, there are a few tricks to keep in mind before you shave in your bikini area:

  • if the hairs are longer than 5 mm, then they need to be cut with scissors before shaving;
  • to avoid cuts and damage to the skin, do not press hard with a razor;
  • it is recommended to use machines in which the blade has recently changed, if this is a disposable machine, then let it remain so;
  • proper care of the razor will help keep it in working condition for a long time, so do not forget to thoroughly rinse the razor after shaving and dry it thoroughly;
  • after epilation of the intimate area, it is best not to wear underwear, but to allow the skin to breathe;
  • do not use a razor with rotating blades - this increases the likelihood of cutting yourself;

How to get rid of irritation?

And yet it also happens that it is not enough to follow the rules, the skin is so delicate that any intervention with a razor still ends with irritation in the bikini area. How to be in this case?

For sensitive skin, it is best to use olive oil for shaving, and instead of aftershave cream, herbal infusions (they will not cause an allergic reaction and will quickly soothe the skin). To make herbal infusion, you need dry herbs: mint, sage, celandine and a glass of water. Mix herbs and cook for 7 minutes. After filtering the broth, it can be used - after moistening a cotton swab, apply it on a freshly shaved bikini area and leave for ten minutes. Then pat dry with a towel. Also, the almighty aloe, or rather its juice, will help to cope well with the irritation that has appeared.

The bikini area is a rather demanding area of ​​​​the skin, and it needs special care and reverent attitude.

Take care of your health - do not use other people's razors and untested cosmetics, and do not epilate in a hurry - the damage done can be quite serious. Use only the most proven and best, this is the most important step towards beauty and health.

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