trance techniques. Immerse yourself in a trance. Execution technique. The benefits of trance states

Trance entry technique at home

The basis of high-quality interaction with the Spirits in ritual practice is the ability to enter a trance state and work in it. In all magical traditions, this is given special attention, since only in a trance can one directly communicate with Spirits and Deities.

If you include in your rituals the technique of entering a trance, described below, then the quality of your rituals will increase many times over.

It is worth noting that in this article we will not consider the techniques of entering a deep trance (for more details, see the article "Trance Techniques") and evocation (possession by spirits), because. in solitary practice it is very difficult and dangerous.

A lone magician living in an urban environment should start with auto-hypnotic meditation combined with magical ritual. This will not only give a good mystical experience, but also improve your mental state.

Such ecstatic experiences can also be called a journey into the "spirit world". Continuous practice will allow you to experience even an out-of-body experience.

It will take time and a fair amount of patience to master self-hypnosis, although the technique is simple. To enter a hypnotic state, you can use special audio recordings or the help of a hypnotist. But it’s better to learn how to put yourself into the right state with the help of your own voice so as not to depend on external factors, besides, if you learn to enter a trance on your own, then with assistants you will do it many times faster.

Although, for a better entry into the state, you can turn on the recording of the chants of Tibetan monks, a shaman tambourine or a jew's harp, or any calm music without words that will help you enter the desired state.

A simple technique for entering a trance

For this practice, you will need to sit on a chair with a flat back. You can also sit on the floor in the lotus position, but this is only worth doing if you can sit like this for more than one hour without experiencing severe discomfort.

Carry out a ritual of cleansing the space in which you will conduct the main ritual. Position yourself in front of the altar so that all the objects on it are clearly visible to you. Place the necessary attributes of the Spirit with whom you plan to communicate, it can be its image, sigil, seal or other attributes symbolizing it.

In the center, it is worth placing a crystal so that burning candles on the altar are reflected in it. A rock crystal in the form of a ball, or just a large crystal, is well suited for this. You can use another mineral, the main thing is that it be of natural origin, and this is easy to understand by its heterogeneity.

Set up a magic circle. Looking at the crystal and not taking your eyes off it, begin to whisper the following words:

I can't take my eyes off him. With every word, with every breath, I go deeper and deeper into a trance. My body becomes rigid, unable to move, but at the same time it becomes as relaxed as possible. My muscles relax, my muscles relax, my muscles relax, my muscles are completely relaxed.

Visually walk all over your body from head to toe, imagining how your muscles relax.

As you practice, your breathing may change. It should be specially slowed down only at the beginning of practice. At the same time, it is better to breathe with a diaphragm, i.e. belly, not chest. Further, in the course of practice, your breathing may change, be more rapid, shallow, or vice versa - become deeper. It is not worth resisting, just watch, because. Excessive control will knock you out of the required state.

As you continue to look at the crystal, say to yourself:

My consciousness rises from the body to the Highest plane of being, to the causal level.

It is important to feel the upward movement at the level of your body, you can remember the feeling of going up in an elevator.

I will count to ten and on the count of ten all my psychic and energy centers will open.

Count slowly one count per inhalation-exhalation cycle, visualizing this process to the best of your ability.

Let the state deepen. Do nothing for a while. This stage can take from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

When you feel that the state of trance has deepened, then count again from one to ten. Imagine that the crystal in front of you is the gate to the world of Spirits, and on the count of ten you pass through this gate.

Call on the Spirit you want to communicate with. See its image, if there is one in the mythology and description of this Spirit, but do not try to control it strongly. Let him do it on his own.

Checking who is in front of you: the Spirit or the raft of your imagination? Pay attention to the actions of the Spirit, they cannot be predicted and controlled, but the imaginary image can be transformed and changed at will.

Further, if necessary, you can take a pendulum, a frame, an oracle or a magic book, if the ritual so requires, and use them in the ritual. The main thing is to do all movements very slowly and calmly so as not to leave the trance state.

When you get the necessary information, finish the ritual, thank the Spirit for contacting you, asking how you can thank him in the open world. Then say:

I will count from 10 to 1 and return to my normal state at the count of 1, while remembering the experience and the information received from the Spirit.

After that, it would be nice to once again clear the space by performing the appropriate ritual.

Practice is over.

At first, you may not succeed and this is completely normal, but if you practice at least 1-2 times a week for several months, then the result will surely please you.

The key to doing the trance technique is patience and practice.

Don't put off doing this practice for more than 72 hours after reading this article. after that time, you will most likely forget about it. Share your experience, even if unsuccessful, in the comments to this article.

For any magic, it is important to be able to enter a trance or alpha state (there are many names, the essence is the same: relax, tune in to work). Otherwise, all further steps will be useless. Know that any magical activity begins with this step. This is the first key for beginners. The most important.

The goal is this: turn off the mess in the head, relax the body and calm the emotions. The main thing is not to rush. Do not immediately start visualizing or doing rituals. Until you master the preparatory exercises, do not proceed to the next steps.

A few words about trans

So, in order to materialize a desire or conduct the right ritual, you need to learn how to enter a trance. In this special state of mind, we are, as it were, between the worlds, forming a connection between the mind and the divine. Trance can be active or passive. It can be light, medium and deep. In addition, you can use the sleep state.

Active trance is achieved through rhythmic dancing, singing, holotropic breathing, shamanic practices. Passive through deep relaxation. In this article, we will consider only passive methods. Since active ones are not suitable for everyone, there are more contraindications.

So, it is very important to learn how to completely relax the body, calm thoughts and emotions. Let's learn it right now.


You can not engage in meditation practices if you have mental problems or increased heart rate.

So let's get started...


Any magical practice begins with relaxation of the body. To get started, do the following:

  • Ventilate the room.
  • Dim the light.
  • Turn off your phone
  • Make sure you won't be disturbed
  • Stay alone in the room. Remove pets.

Now get comfortable. Can be lying or sitting. How convenient. The back is straight.

Take a few deep breaths in and out and start to relax. Imagine relaxing:

  • right leg,
  • left leg,
  • abdominal muscles,
  • back muscles
  • chest muscles.
  • right hand,
  • left hand,
  • right shoulder,
  • left shoulder
  • neck muscles
  • head

Your whole body relaxes. Feel it, stay in this state for 10-15 minutes. Your goal is to learn how to relax the body. Do this exercise for 2 weeks 1-2 times a day. Then move on.

Release from emotions and thoughts

You need to start mental magic or spells in a good mood, if you have it bad, you should get rid of the negative.

Why? The thing is that if the mood is bad or if there is anger and other destructive thoughts and emotions in the soul, the human subconscious cannot clearly generate positive images, the pictures will either be blurred or there will be a negative component in them. And instead of attracting the desired desire, you will attract a negative scenario.

Also, negative emotions will interfere with your focus. And in order to get through to space, a high concentration on what is desired is important. Therefore, first get rid of negative experiences, calm your emotions and thoughts, and then move on to visualization.

Here is one easy way:

Take paper with a pen, write down all your negativity, everything that bothers you. And then burn the leaf. Fire is a wonderful purifier of negativity. After this exercise, it will become easier for you, and you can proceed to the next steps, which will be described below.

Powerful Ways to Calm the Mind and Emotions:

  • Before meditation, take a 30-minute walk in the fresh air.
  • Use the technique of stopping negative emotions and thoughts. For 10-15 minutes (it will take less time after training) do mantra meditation.
  • As you inhale, say to yourself “Co-o-o-o-o”, as you exhale “Ha-a-a-a-m”. This practice helps a lot.
  • Or, while inhaling, stretch the word vdooooh to yourself, while exhaling, exhale.
  • Give yourself 1-2 weeks to master this step.

Disabling internal dialogue

VD is a constant activity of the mind, constant thoughts that swirl in the mind of a person. On the one hand, VD is a useful protective function. But when the VD is constant, and even if the focus is on the negative, then it takes a lot of energy, attracts even more negativity.

VD does not allow you to relax and concentrate on what you want. With magical practices, it is important to turn off the VD, or at least slow it down.) Here are the methods:

Consciousness blockage

Get comfortable. Have a picture or a flower in front of you to focus your eyes on it. Speak or chant aloud a mantra or any neutral word that has no associations. (short, e.g. free-den)

Look at a flower or a picture and let the mantra sound as it pleases. Let it fill your mind. Then gradually move to a whisper. And after a while, say the mantra to yourself. During the exercise, you can swing or sit still. Runs from 10 to 30 minutes.

White screen technique

To calm the mess in your head, imagine a white screen in front of you, and as soon as a thought appears, erase it on this screen. Also, the duration of the exercise is from 10 to 30 minutes. At the initial stage, it is better to devote more time to these practices. Give yourself 2-3 weeks to master this step.

candle meditation

The easiest way to calm the mind is to light a candle before trance and look at its flame. You can take deep breaths while doing this.

Focus on sensations

Extend your right hand in front of you. Concentrate on sensations, on feeling her energy, on tingling, warmth, etc. Then extend your left arm and focus on the sensations of both hands.

Looking beyond the clouds

After relaxing, visualize the sky. Synchronize your thoughts with the clouds and imagine how they float away across the expanse of heaven far into the distance.

You have learned to relax the body and slow down the internal dialogue. Now you can proceed to more serious matters. Now we will learn to enter into a trance.

K. Penzak's method

I like his methods of getting into alpha. After preparatory exercises (for example, contemplation of a candle and relaxation), you can imagine how you go down the stairs. At the same time, draw a number on each step, from 12 to 1.

(You can get creative and pick up images that will be closer to you, for example, go up into the sky, go down in an elevator, dive into a cave ...)

Or you can visualize a screen where you see the numbers from 12 to 1 in turn, and then you still need to report from 13 to 1. But without drawing the numbers on the screen.

"Black Dot"

Now place the sheet with the black dot in front of you, at the level of your eyes. The distance from you to the black dot is 2-3 meters.

Sit comfortably in a chair. Don't cross your legs. Place your hands on your knees, palms up.

You can sit on the floor. For example, in the lotus position.

Look at the black dot. And don't do anything else. Just watch. Try not to blink. Don't look away. Contemplate the dot for 10 minutes (it is better to look at the dot for up to an hour, but you should start from 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time) when thoughts appear, imagine how the black dot draws them into itself. Reach a state of silence in your mind. And then count to 7 and at the count of 1 close your eyes. Imagine that you are immersed in darkness. Feel yourself floating in it. Everyone, you are in a trance state. You can start visualization or other technique.

Alpha state

For some, getting into the ISS is more helped by a regular account. For example, you can try this method.

Sit comfortably, look at one point and start counting from 100 to 1. When you get to 1, close your eyes and start visualizing what you want.

Gradually reduce the bill spent on entering the altered consciousness of consciousness.

And when you reach 10 in the account, say the installation for yourself: “when I say the number one, I will go into a trance. Then say the same on the number 5.

And when you say 1, close your eyes and start visualizing.

Take a comfortable position. Sitting, standing or lying down. Count to 7 while looking at one point and close your eyes. The immersion into the inner world begins. Relax your body.

Now take a deep breath and as you exhale let go of all your thoughts. Take another breath and release all your fears and doubts as you exhale. Okay. Now take another breath and exhale all the negativity.

You become well. External sounds stop distracting you, you sink inside yourself.

Now imagine how you close the blue curtain in front of you and leave all thoughts behind it. Visualize your connection to the divine source. Talk to him. Read the prayer. Insist on the divine. And then start visualizing.

For novice practitioners, this method will not be enough, I recommend doing either the "Blocking Consciousness" exercise or "mantra meditation" before it.

Realize that all people are different. And everyone has a different approach. Look for your method. which is closer to you. Try. And everything will work out.

The easy way

There is a simple pre-visualization exercise that helps to calm thoughts and emotions, for which you just need to sit up straight and breathe deeply, observing the rhythm of breathing. Inhalation and exhalation should be deep, holding the breath during the break. To begin with, breathe in this way: 5-5-5-5, then increase.

When you inhale, imagine how you are filled with love, as you exhale, you are cleared of negativity.

How to get out of a trance

It's very simple actually. After the end of the practice, mentally tell yourself: "Now I will count to 3 and come out of the trance state"

Now start counting 1...2...3... And open your eyes at number 3. If you did the exercise according to the Penzak method, then make a report from 1 to 12. and from 1 to 13.

It is possible, after opening the eyes, to squeeze and unclench the fists several times, rub the palms of the hands against each other.

  1. If you find it difficult to enter an altered state of consciousness, use special music. For example, for relaxation.
  2. Before practicing, make sure that no one will distract you from the desired action. Ventilate the room. Make the lights dim. Close the door. Turn off your phone. Wear loose clothing.
  3. Use magical attributes to make it easier to enter a trance. For example, look at the flame of a candle. instead of a black dot.

After reaching a trance, you can start practicing the fulfillment of desires. More on that in the next lesson.

Sleepy state

The easiest way to tap into the subconscious and superconscious is to use the sleep state, which is characterized by light drowsiness that occurs immediately after waking up or just before falling asleep. It is important to maintain this state and use the power of your imagination in it. The main thing is not to fall asleep.

During the sleep state, an invisible channel opens that connects you to the subtle plane and your subconscious mind. And you can recode your beliefs in these moments, replacing them with the necessary, positive attitudes. Or attract what you want, thanks to visualization.

At the initial stage, it is recommended to practice immediately after waking up. Since the process of awakening lasts longer, it is more extended, and in the moments of falling asleep it is more difficult to maintain a state of light drowsiness, and at the same time not fall asleep.

You simply imagine your intention in the form of a picture, concentrate on it for 10-15 minutes, or draw in your imagination a whole plot, as if from a movie.

Read about how to visualize correctly in the corresponding section.

Note: You can also say affirmations.

Attunement to magical power

1. Before visualization or spells, if you are a believer, read "Our Father". Several times is better. For pagans, read a prayer to God or Goddess.

2. Imagine that a creative force awakens inside you, it fills you, radiates from you. Overflows in your blood, drips from your hair and fingers.

When you feel the strength in yourself, start practicing.

3. After visualization, thank the Universe (God, Gods).


  1. Relax (2 weeks)
  2. Disable HP (2 weeks)
  3. Get into a trance. (2 weeks)


For spells and other practices to work, it is important to have a strong Will. Train her regularly. Be sure to be your word. If you made a promise to yourself or others, do it at any cost. We wrote down some step in the action plan, do it! Set a goal, reach it.

Also, for the fulfillment of thoughts, the enormous power of the word is important, since in addition to imagination, you will work with convictions, some will go further and begin to practice conspiracies and spells.

To make it big, watch your speech, do not use negative phrases, do not lie. Again, live by the principle said, done.

Try to eat right.

There are many different techniques and ways to plunge into a meditative trance, including with the help of another person or through psychostimulants. However, it is best to learn how to enter the ASC (altered state of consciousness) on your own. At the same time, you not only do not risk getting various negative side effects as a result, dependence on stimulants that are harmful to health and mental state, but you can also get great benefits for yourself.

Trance states are useful for overcoming stress, self-healing, connecting with your subconscious, self-hypnosis (for example, in order to get rid of addictions and habits).

So, try to apply any of the simplest methods below.

1. With the help of meditative-trance music

Initially, you need to prepare so that nothing bothers you at the wrong time: complete your current affairs, turn off your phone, etc. It is easiest to enter a trance right after waking up or before going to bed, but this is not a necessary condition. The main thing is that you can relax as much as possible, but at the same time you do not have severe fatigue. To achieve complete relaxation, you must feel comfortable. Make sure there are no distractions or irritants in the room: noise from electrical appliances, cold or heat in the room, irritating smells, etc. Turn on dimmed lights, play suitable music at a low volume.

Then you need to relax the body as much as possible to the state of sleep, while your mind should remain active and awake. If you can't relax completely, try to relax as much as you can. You can think of something pleasant and gradually relax. Close your eyes, focus on the music, and slowly begin to go into a trance. 2. Shaman way

As the name suggests, this technique was used by shamans in their rituals. For this exotic method, you will need rhythmic music (shaman tambourine, African tom-toms). Further, the technique is the same as in the first method: you lie down and listen to music. The only difference is that you focus on the rhythm. That is, there is only rhythm and you, and then you merge with this rhythm. There are other options - using a tambourine, shamanic dance or Sufi whirling (when you dissolve your consciousness in the dance), but these methods are quite exotic.

3. Entering the alpha state

Close your eyes and raise them at an angle of 20-50°. Relax completely and concentrate on the ajna chakra (the area in the middle of the forehead). You have entered the alpha state. At first, to hold the state, you can mentally count from 20 to 1. As soon as you reach 1 when counting, your brain will be tuned to the alpha wave. Then you can work with desire, for this visualize a bright and clear image of what you want to receive. Enjoy this image and exit the alpha state by counting from 1 to 20. Then open your eyes.

4. With stimming

This way of entering a trance is based on stereotypically repetitive body movements - stimming. To do this, you need to stimulate some part of the body with your fingertips with light and monotonous movements - for example, any part of the arm or shoulder. At first you relax and calm down, then completely immerse yourself in a feeling of complete relaxation. This method is most suitable for people with high sensory sensitivity. Motion sickness is another variation of this kind of trance entry. You can monotonously swing while sitting on a chair or on the floor, whichever is more comfortable for you.

5. Without any help

If you already know how to enter a trance with the help of music or any special actions, then you have already understood the principle of entering this state. Therefore, you can move on to the next step. Try to complicate the task and try to enter an altered state of consciousness without any preparation - for example, in a noisy place or room. To do this, relax, defocus your eyes and look, as it were, into space (not at the object). You can focus on the point in the middle of the forehead, where the ajna chakra is located. Breathing should also be relaxed, you can even stop it for a while. Completely immerse yourself in the state already familiar to you from the previous techniques. Thus, you can go into trance anytime, anywhere. You should not come out of a meditative trance abruptly, but gradually, as if you open your eyes after waking up. You will be full of energy and feel a great surge of strength.

He enters a trance in order to plunge into his subconscious, solve life problems, deal with problems or correct his own. This is a natural state of the body, into which a person often enters unconsciously for a short time. The trance state is the key to self-development, self-knowledge, self-improvement and self-healing. Often in this state, a person discovers previously unknown abilities in himself, makes high-profile discoveries, writes world-famous works.

Why are trance states useful?

What is the benefit of entering into a change in the state of consciousness (ASC) and for what purpose can it be applied in practice?

  1. Increase in internal energy is a guarantee of good health, great working capacity, reducing the likelihood of diseases and attracting success in life. People are drawn to a cheerful, full of energy person much more than to someone who does not succeed. People with a strong biofield are not hurt on the streets, they are not subjected to hypnosis, "evil eyes" or attacks by "energy vampires". Trance heals human bioenergetics.
  2. Self-diagnosis of diseases- check the state of the biofield and, if necessary, correct possible gaps or spots. You can easily determine the cause of the disease, which in a conscious state is difficult to guess, remove and ailments.
  3. Self-healing through visualization- at the subconscious level, you can form an image for the healing of diseases, using the visualization of the necessary medicine.
  4. Annealing disease during trance- a fairly effective method of cleansing the body with an imaginary fire in the form of a candle or a fire. To do this, in the state of ASC, it is necessary to imagine the process of burning clots of the disease by any kind of fire.
  5. Adjustment of relationships with people when in real life it is difficult to find a common language or understand the motives of their actions. Often trance is used as a manipulation of a person.
  6. Correction of the figure and appearance, giving instructions to the subconscious about certain changes in oneself.
  7. Solving life's failures associated with events from the distant past. The trance state helps to identify and eliminate the causes of problems.
  8. Self-hypnosis. Affirmations in trance are positive, clearly formulated phrases that act directly on the subconscious, have great power to suggest positive thoughts to a person.
  9. Creativity under the influence of trance- has tremendous success with many of the greatest composers, poets, writers, artists, etc. The list of great people who worked in a state of trance includes Goethe, Voltaire, Mozart, Dante, Wagner, Einstein, Pushkin, Edgar Allan Poe and many others .

Did you know? In Lelystad, Holland, secondary school students go into a state of meditative trance twice a day. This practice leads to excellent academic performance of children, their calmness and perseverance.

How to prepare?

How to enter a trance state for a beginner on their own, the first time, and whether any preparation is needed is an important issue for people who have decided to use entering the ASC to solve certain life issues.

First of all, you need to create a calm atmosphere, complete all current affairs, turn off the telephone, make sure that there are no irritation and distraction factors in the room where the process will take place - extraneous odors or noises, excessive heat or bright light, etc. .

Important! It is important to create an atmosphere of calm and be able to relax as much as possible. The best option for entering a trance state is the time immediately after or immediately before it.

Entry Techniques

There are a huge number of ways and techniques on how to enter a meditative trance at home. The most optimal way is an independent change in state, without the use of psychostimulants.

meditation music

After preparing to enter a trance, making sure that there are no irritating factors in the room, you need to turn on the subdued light and put the meditative-trance music on a low volume.
Then, having taken the most comfortable position, you need to relax as if it is preparing for ko. However, the mind must be awake.

You need to close your eyes and fully focus on, relaxing the body as much as possible. Pleasant ones will gradually contribute to entry into the ASC.

Did you know? According to research by the Tom Baker Cancer Center in Calgary, Canada, cancer patients who practice entering a meditative trance are more stress resistant than other patients.

This technique was used in rituals by shamans. For it, you will need either a shaman tambourine or African tom-toms. The rest of the technique is similar to the previous one.
You need to lie down, relax and listen to the rhythm of the instruments. and the sounds of a tambourine will contribute to a change in the state of consciousness.


Stimming - repetitive body movements aimed at getting sensory feelings and diverting attention from stress and emotional tension.

To use this technique, it is necessary to stimulate a certain part of the body with light movements of the fingertips, for example.
First, there is relaxation and inner calm, and then a complete immersion in a trance follows. Another type of such entry into an altered consciousness is swaying. You can monotonously swing on the floor or on a chair until the desired state is reached.

With no extra help

After obtaining certain skills on how to enter a trance on your own with the help of any special actions, when the principle of this action becomes clear and accessible, you can proceed to the stage of achieving a state without preparation.

To do this, you need to defocus your eyes as much as possible, relax and concentrate on the ajna chakra - a point in the center of the forehead. Breathing should be slow and calm.

Important! With practice and understanding of the principle of how to put yourself in a trance, this process can be done almost anywhere and at any time..

How to get out?

You need to come out of the trance gradually, as if rising from a great depth. Coming out of the ASC into the state of awakening, a person needs time to realize his real location, to adapt the body and mind to the natural daily functioning.
You can slowly count from 10 to 1, you can concentrate on your breath, or just smoothly exit “from the inside”. Once opened, you can stretch and stand up. After a few minutes, you can start your daily activities.

If the process of entering a trance occurs immediately before going to bed, it will simply be followed by a calm and deep immersion in. This method is great for getting rid of.

Is there any harm?

Despite the fact that people who practice meditation trance do not find negative aspects in this process, and there are much more sources about the benefits of such practices than about their harm, nevertheless, the opinion of skeptics must be taken into account.
It would be correct to say that such states are the path to enlightenment, but there are some limitations and side effects if the technique is used incorrectly.

  • Intolerance towards people, possible misunderstanding. Discovering new knowledge and skills, a person may simply not find understanding and support in his environment. This can lead to isolation and alienation. It is necessary to realize this and accept people as they are, to look for commonalities, and not to focus on differences.
  • As for the physiological nuances associated with entering a trance, the possible negative effect may be oxygen starvation. The release of endorphin into the blood, which causes enlightenment, must alternate with its replenishment and, accordingly, with the ability of the body to rest from a sudden reduction in blood circulation, since, having exhausted, endorphin can stop being produced, which will lead to mental disorders and shutdown of the cerebral cortex.

  • Arbitrary immersion in a trance and control of one's own consciousness is a useful working tool for human life to achieve enlightenment and the ability to deal with many, at first glance, insurmountable difficulties.

    Self-hypnosis can change a lot in your life, from career to personal relationships.

    To practice self-hypnosis, you must enter a trance state. You can use any method to enter a trance if it works.

    Sometimes old methods stop working and you have to look for new ones. What worked for you once may be less effective another time. As our state of consciousness changes, we may also need to change the way we achieve our goals.

    Either way, it's always fun and rewarding to add a new medium to your self-hypnosis toolbox.

    Therefore, if you want to kick-start your self-hypnosis practice, we suggest you try the following trance induction techniques.

    1. Magnetic palms

    Rub your palms together until warm.

    Spread your palms about 10 cm apart.

    Slightly bring and spread your palms. Feel an energy similar to a magnetic field between your palms. Focus on this feeling until it intensifies.

    Play with energy until your palms are pulled together. At this point, close your eyes, deepening the trance state.

    It doesn't matter if your hands touch each other or if a distance of 10 cm is maintained between them. You only need to feel a strong magnetic attraction. If your hands aren't touching, focus on the space between them to increase the feeling of attraction.

    2. Hand levitation technique

    Raise and lower your right hand. Get used to the physical sensations of these movements.

    Keep a close eye on every minute contraction of your muscles as your arm goes up and down.

    After doing this for a few minutes, repeat the following self-suggestion:

    “My subconscious mind, I want you to raise my right hand. Raise this hand. Raise this hand. I feel that my hand becomes light. She's going up, going up, going up."

    You might be surprised how quickly self-hypnosis worked! It doesn't matter if your arm rises smoothly or twitches while lifting.

    Continue the process and let your hand rise just enough to touch your face. Pay close attention to every minute contraction of your muscles.

    You can also focus on your fingers, wrists, wrist muscles, and even your wrist joints.

    3. The Betty Erickson Technique

    Betty Erickson, wife of the pioneering twentieth-century psychotherapist Milton Erickson, practiced hypnosis in her own way.

    In self-hypnosis, she used the 3-2-1 technique, which involves cyclic concentration on things you see, hear, and feel.

    You can start with three things that you see. For example, it could be the wall of a room, a picture on the wall, and a ray of sunlight entering your room through a window.

    Then focus on 3 things you hear. For example, it can be your breathing, a bird singing outside the window, and the sound of a working TV.

    Repeat the cycle, but this time focus only on the 2 things you see, hear and feel. It could be the same things you've been focusing on before, or new things.

    Now close your eyes and focus on the 3 things you see, hear and feel.

    After that, focus with your eyes closed on 1 thing that you see, hear and feel.

    When you complete the last cycle, you will enter a trance state and be able to continue your self-hypnosis practice.

    4. Pendulum technique

    The pendulum is a powerful way to communicate with the subconscious mind and enter a trance.

    If you can't find a pendulum in the store, you can make it yourself, for example, from a pendant. Any chain with a suspended stone can also be used as a pendulum. Or you can even tie a weight in the form of a bolt or nut to a thread.

    Start by finding a comfortable position. Hold the string (or chain) of the pendulum between your thumb and forefinger. Don't squeeze your fingers too hard, but don't let the thread slip out of your fingers either.

    Make sure your elbow is hanging freely, not leaning on a table or anything. Standing relaxed, focus your attention on the pendulum.

    Give a command or wish for the pendulum to start moving, focusing on its movement back and forth. You can simply give a command to your pendulum to start moving, and it will begin.

    Don't stress too hard. Your subconscious mind will do everything by itself. Keep a relaxed state of mind.

    When the pendulum begins to move, close your eyes and let the pendulum fall to the floor, then begin your practice of self-hypnosis; for example, start visualization or self-hypnosis.

    There are many ways to open the way to your subconscious mind. It doesn't matter how you do it; the main thing is that you succeed.