Beautiful decor for the New Year's table. New Year's glasses, glasses and glasses. Paper snowflakes and candles in the snow

Text: Tarazevich Maria 183010

There should be many original dishes on the New Year's table that will win the Pig's heart. However, the decor should not lag behind the menu: it’s not for nothing that they say that “as you celebrate the New Year, so it will pass.” Please note that aesthetics should be in everything this year. Get inspired and pay attention to details!

Table setting for the New Year: what to do to please the Pig?

When decorating the New Year's table, it is best to focus on simple materials, natural tones and the most natural elements. Use more natural materials: decorate large dishes with spruce legs, place cones near candles.

New Year's table setting can be in the rustic style that is popular today. To do this, it is worth purchasing linen tablecloths and napkins. Dry bouquets, which can be purchased or prepared in advance, would also be appropriate in this style. If you have imagination, you can complement the table with fruit and vegetable compositions. Pay attention to such details as, for example, a samovar with a bunch of bagels or delicious buns braided into braids. You can also safely use bunches of red pepper and a few bunches of straw (it’s easy to make them yourself). The rustic style in decorating the New Year's table will be especially relevant if you are celebrating the holiday at the dacha or in a colorful rented estate.

How to set the New Year's table: what kind of dishes should be?

Remember the main rule: all the dishes on your holiday table should be exclusively real. Forget about plastic salad bowls and plastic glasses and plates. Ideal if you have Gzhel porcelain. But if not, then it doesn’t matter: just buy bright, stylish dishes. Among the variety of colors, choose green and blue shades. As for cutlery, you can use hand-painted utensils, such as spoons or bowls. Clay dishes will also fit harmoniously.

Pay special attention to glasses. The easiest way to make them stylish is to tie a small, neat bow made of satin ribbon on each champagne or wine glass. In the same way, you can decorate the bottle with the drink itself.

How to set the New Year's table: more red

Focus on red. This is the most New Year's color you can think of. The red tone creates a special festive coziness. We offer the simplest, classic serving option. We take several spruce branches and tie them at the bottom with a red satin ribbon. Make a stylish bow. Such branches can be placed on the table around the main dishes, in your opinion. By the way, the red ribbon can be diluted with a golden one. Also scatter some cones on the table, put some candles (it is better to use a beautiful candlestick). As for the tablecloth, it is better that it be snow-white, but the napkins, on the contrary, are red. In each plate you can put a homemade Christmas tree made of red paper in the format of a postcard. Guests will be pleased to read a personal New Year's wish in it.

New Year's table setting: choosing an eco-style for the New Year's table

It is this style that is becoming the trend of the coming year, along with the rest of the desire to dress succinctly, eat healthy food, use natural cosmetics... It is worth immediately noting that this style is very closely intertwined with well-known Scandinavian motifs in design. We focus on brown, green and beige shades. Eco-style practically excludes the use of red (except in some point accents). It is recommended to place a composition of pine branches and pine cones in the center of the table. It won’t be difficult to make one, using even a minimum of imagination.

Candles are also worth decorating. Do not choose colored options, but simply use thick white candles, which can be “wrapped” at the bottom with a spruce foot or wrapped with a ribbon, for example, brown or green.

The main rules for impeccable serving

Please note that the tablecloth is not the main attribute of the holiday this season. Under no circumstances should she draw attention to herself. But at the same time, of course, the tablecloth must be perfectly ironed and clean. Do not forget that the tablecloth should not hang down too much at the edges - a maximum of forty centimeters.

You need to start serving with plates. Only after this we lay out a row of cutlery, and then glass or crystal.

The napkins you choose should be in clear contrast with the tablecloth. If you use cloth napkins, you can place them exclusively on appetizer plates. If you use paper napkins, be sure to hide the corners under part of the plate. Or you can just use a napkin holder.

Place spoons and knives on the right side, forks on the left. Do not forget that each cutlery should lie on the table exclusively with its convex sides down.

Shot glasses and glasses are located on the right side of the plates. And don’t forget about the main rule: the guest must see a complete, beautiful picture. This means that the New Year’s table setting should be consistent in the same style.

And the New Year is approaching again. Any housewife has a question: how to beautifully decorate the New Year's table in order to surprise your family, loved ones and friends, and to enjoy the beauty yourself.

2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster. The bird is cocky, capricious, selfish, and at the same time homely and colorful. She needs to try to please in everything. We will begin to prepare for the New Year 2017 in advance, thinking through all the details of the holiday down to the smallest detail.

The New Year's table should be bright and colorful, because we all look forward to this holiday and believe in fairy tales. Therefore, it is worth working hard to create an unforgettable and festive atmosphere on this magical night.

Recently, it has become fashionable to decorate the home, interior and table with a symbol of the coming New Year. If you celebrate the holiday at home, the center of New Year's Eve will be the festive table.

Let's try to flatter the Rooster and decorate the table with his images. We’ll put one figurine of a cockerel on the table, decorate the salad with the image of a cockerel, but also come up with a festive New Year’s or winter theme for the rest of the dishes.

Table setting begins with a tablecloth. Of course, there are no strict rules here. Each housewife will choose it according to her taste. Lovers of the classics will love a tablecloth with calm, pastel tones, while those who like experimenting can improvise with bright, rich colors.

One immutable rule when choosing the color of the tablecloth must be observed - the color of the tablecloth must be in harmony with the color of the napkins, dishes and table decorations. Do not overdo it, use no more than 2-3 colors when serving, otherwise a table that is too colorful will hint at bad taste.

But since the year of the Fire Rooster is coming, you should decorate the table with bright red. To do this, you can choose one of several options:

  1. You can lay a linen tablecloth and give the table a festive look with bright red napkins, dishes or other decorative elements.

2. A snow-white tablecloth with red dishes, candles and napkins will look great.

3. Another option that is no worse is a red tablecloth with light-colored dishes, cutlery and napkins.

4. Playing on a combination of colors, you can lay out two contrasting tablecloths of different sizes, and then select the necessary accessories for them.

5. You can make a tablecloth of any color (plain color) to your liking - blue, green, silver. The main thing is that the style of the winter holiday is respected.

6. A tablecloth made by yourself will look creative. To do this, you can sew shiny tinsel on a regular white tablecloth, glue paper snowflakes, or embroider it with rhinestones.

Choosing napkins

Of course, it’s a good idea to buy paper napkins with a New Year’s theme, but fabric napkins will still look much more festive. We select fabric napkins to match the color of the tablecloth or dishes, fold the napkins beautifully or insert them into a special ring.

According to the rules of etiquette, cloth napkins are used only to blot lips a little or to protect a festive outfit. In case of heavy contamination, use paper napkins.

And if you want to fold a napkin in the shape of a Christmas tree, then watch this video -

Napkins decorated with a fir branch or other New Year's decorative element will look beautiful.

Setting the New Year's table

The next step for a beautiful New Year's table decor is the choice of dishes, because this is one of the main elements of the festive table. The color and design of the dishes should be combined with the color of the tablecloth: a chocolate-colored tablecloth - beige dishes, a snow-white tablecloth - red or blue dishes, a red tablecloth - white dishes, etc.

The main thing is that the play of color creates a festive atmosphere. If you have a tablecloth and dishes in calm tones, you can decorate them with a New Year's theme. For example, put a small spruce branch, a miniature Christmas tree toy, or cut out a paper snowflake on a plate for each guest.

Cutlery (knives and forks) can be placed in a pre-made bag with New Year's symbols and tied with a beautiful ribbon or tinsel.

Glass glasses and wine glasses will also help create a feeling of celebration; if you turn them over, dip the edges first in water, and then dip them in sugar, you will get an imitation of frost.

The final accent in the table setting should be candles; they will not only add coziness to the holiday, but will also remove all the negativity from the house, if it accidentally came to you. Red candles in beautiful apples will look very beautiful.

The table will shine like a New Year's Eve if you decorate it with candles in oranges or tangerines. Or you can place candles in (on) glass glasses and decorate with tinsel. Here your imagination can run wild.

How to decorate New Year's dishes

When decorating the festive table, do not forget the folk wisdom - how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. And for this, the treats on the table should not only be tasty, but also beautifully decorated, in a New Year’s style.

You can prepare traditional salads and decorate them in the shape of a Rooster. The only thing you need to give up this year is the use of chicken, turkey or duck meat - the Rooster may be offended. It is advisable to do without eggs, but, I admit, I did not succeed, since eggs are an ideal product for decorating many dishes, especially salads.

The choice for preparing holiday salads is great, because there are a great many other products left that the Rooster will not be offended by - vegetables, canned fish, crab sticks, mushrooms, boiled beef or pork.

For a festive atmosphere, we will decorate several salads in the shape of a Rooster. It is not at all necessary to invent new and exotic salads. The rooster is a domestic country bird and loves everything traditional. Therefore, you can prepare the familiar salads that we are accustomed to and which will take a little time. But I in no way discourage people from using the new menu; experiments are welcome.

Simple and tasty (can be replaced with other canned fish) is easy and simple to prepare, and looks beautiful and festive.

For dishes with the image of the Fire Rooster, any traditional salads are quite suitable:

  1. How can you do without Olivier salad on New Year's Day? The traditional recipe is known to everyone, but those who have forgotten can remember it.
  2. It is very tasty, however, it is advisable to use beef liver instead of chicken liver.

We prepare the ingredients for New Year's salads in advance, boil the meat and vegetables, cut, grate, mix or lay out in layers.

All that remains is to decorate our salads with the figure or head of the Rooster. To make the image of the Rooster in the salad look like him, we prepare stencils in advance - the Internet will help you. You can print out the stencils and lay out the ingredients needed for the salad along the contours of the bird.

Ideas for decorating the Fire Cockerel salad:

For other salads and dishes, we’ll come up with a New Year’s or winter theme.

And how many ideas for beautifully decorating vegetables, fruits or snacks using a winter theme. The most common decoration is in the form of a Christmas tree; laying out such a Christmas tree is not difficult.

It’s not at all difficult to “make” snowmen from eggs, decorating with carrots and black pepper.

Desserts can also be decorated in the form of Christmas tree decorations and Santa Claus hats, especially if you have small children. Here your imagination can run wild.

I hope that this collection of tips will help you quickly and beautifully decorate a festive New Year’s table with your own hands, which will give your loved ones an unforgettable holiday mood and a small miracle.

Now there is the final touch - don’t forget to put a plate of grain on the table, coax the cockerel and welcome the guests.

The New Year's table is always the center of attention of guests. How to decorate it beautifully and originally, using improvised means, read the article.

The table for the New Year's celebration requires much more attention than on other holidays. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, there is such freedom for imagination!

Of course, every year dictates its own rules and sets restrictions. But without giving up the traditional Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat, you can come up with many non-standard dishes. And the table setting is varied: from formal for a corporate meeting to cheerful for a children's party.

Options for decorating the New Year's holiday table

Classic style: red and white with gold

Setting a festive table in red and white was and remains timeless. Majestic and elegant. By adding gold in the form of decor for glasses and cutlery, the decoration takes on an even more solemn sound.

These colors can be combined in completely different ways. White tablecloth, red napkins, checkered coasters and so on.

Each personal place is decorated with additional New Year or Christmas elements. These are embroidered napkins, Christmas tree branches, tinsel and serpentine. Cutlery is packed in bags specially made for the New Year. There is a sense of solemnity, anticipation of joy and happiness in everything.

Icy reflections of the snowy kingdom

Much less often, among the options for decorating the New Year's holiday table, blue and other cold shades are used, unless, of course, there is a special theme for such a decision or the personal preferences of the owners. The change of color will reduce the solemnity a little, but along with it some stiffness will go away, and lightness and fun will appear. Serving in cold colors most often serves as an addition to the overall decoration of the home.

Minimalism, ecology and other styles

Adherents of a particular style will make the table setting elegant without much difficulty. A wooden table without a tablecloth, complemented by pine cones and twigs laid out on it, will look environmentally friendly. Linen napkins, jute twine for attaching toys - everything natural is welcome.

Minimalism in blue tones will delight high-tech lovers. No frills in the form of tinsel, no glamorous glitter. It is laconic, however, but looks stylish.

Delicious New Year's table decorations

Dishes prepared for a New Year's party serve as decorative elements in themselves. Hot dishes, salads, fruit plates - every housewife strives to come up with something unusual, to diversify the delicious decorations of the New Year's table.

New Year's decorations on the table from food, products and dishes

The highlight of the main dish, which sets the mood for the entire feast, can be its design taking into account the Chinese horoscope. For example, 2017 was the year of the Rooster. Therefore, a roasted rooster or chicken on a beautiful platter will come in handy. Bright slices of oranges and apples, parsley, onions, cucumbers and tomatoes will help to present them beautifully.

Stuffed peppers are loved by many gourmets. Simple manipulations will help you turn an ordinary dish into something unusual - plant a Christmas tree in each pepper, using a carrot, a cucumber, or the same pepper, only in a different shape and color. But the stuffing recipe itself doesn’t need to be changed!

Cheese, meat and seafood plates will also decorate the table if they are formed, combining not only products, but colors and shapes. Supplemented with shaggy sprigs of spices reminiscent of Christmas trees, the dishes will look great.

New Year's decorations from food, products and dishes include sweets. And the cake requires New Year's decoration, which, by the way, can even be made from ordinary cheese. Cut out the Christmas trees with a sharp knife and place them in the chocolate meadow.

New Year's table decoration from fruits and vegetables

Tangerines, oranges, pineapple and apples are the most New Year's fruits. Make and place an unusual Christmas tree in the center of the New Year's table using fruit slices. This is not difficult: slices of citrus fruits, pears, apples, and grapes are placed on a pineapple base using skewers so that the resulting shape is a cone.

Tangerines are also shaped like a beautiful Christmas tree if there are a lot of them. Mixed with fir branches they will decorate the living room.

The Christmas tree theme can be used for all types of vegetables and fruits.

Decorate the New Year's table with fruits and vegetables in the Year of the Rat in the shape of these animals. Pineapple, watermelon and a little imagination.

Decorating salads on the New Year's table

The traditional Olivier salad is never alone at a holiday. There will definitely be bright colorful culinary masterpieces nearby. Prepare the salad according to the usual recipe, but decorate it with shaggy dill, parsley, thin carrot shavings and olive and pomegranate beads. As a result, you will put a colorful New Year's wreath on the table.

Using finely chopped egg whites, carrot sticks, and red bell peppers, you can easily and simply decorate a thick salad. Decorating salads for the New Year's table is not a problem, the main thing is that the salads themselves are tasty and appetizing.

Decorating the New Year's table with napkins

An ordinary fabric napkin, beautifully folded and decorated with New Year's paraphernalia, looks very festive on a white plate.

To give the napkin an even more New Year's look, it is folded in the shape of a Christmas tree and complemented with thin tinsel, ribbons and artificial small fruits. Or place it on a plate in a cone.

Decorating the New Year's table with napkins may require preliminary preparation. For example, double-sided fabric napkins may well complement the New Year's print of paper ones. But you will have to sew them in advance.

Decorating the New Year's table with candles

The New Year's table setting will remain incomplete if there are no candles. It doesn’t matter whether they are large or small, colored or plain, handmade or bought at a nearby store! The main thing is that they exist. The light of a candle will turn an ordinary evening into fabulous magic.

Depending on the overall design and the availability of free space on the dining table, the design for the candle is selected. There can be a lot of them on the table if space allows. Or one or two, surrounded by a wreath of fir branches and Christmas tree decorations. Decorating the New Year's table with candles is not limited to one style.

Handmade candles are decorative, it’s a shame to burn them, you just want to admire them. In this case, make sure that there are simpler candles for evening gatherings.

If you decorate the candles with cinnamon sticks and orange slices, they will look like an exotic dish.

Christmas trees for decorating the New Year's table

A live Christmas tree branch lying next to a serving plate or decorating a napkin is an affordable solution. Applicable for any decoration style, since a Christmas tree is a mandatory attribute of this holiday.

And if there is no big main beauty decorated with toys, then Christmas trees on the table will be just right.

Individual small branches are placed in small containers with water and placed throughout the table. The decor is complemented with candles and pine cones. The result is a composition worthy of decorating a family holiday.

Spruce wreaths are not considered a traditional Russian decoration, but are increasingly found on holiday tables in the area with candles.

Original New Year's table decoration

It can be difficult to specifically come up with an original decoration for the New Year's table, but ideas can be found on the Internet. For example, why not use the technique of decorating with candles not in classic candlesticks, but using the bottoms of glasses, as in the photo.

Turn the stemmed wine glasses upside down and place candles on their bases. Illumination is much better with a high fire position. And unusual, interesting.

Use brightly colored wrapping paper to wrap small gifts. This is very simple and quick to do: roll up the bag in the usual way and you're done. Place some sweets inside and on a plate for each guest. The recipe is quite suitable for serving the dessert part of dinner.

Bottles can be used for more than just drinks. An unusual lamp will look great on the table. Place a New Year's garland in a champagne bottle, decorate it with sparkles, rhinestones and tinsel - a flickering light will decorate evening gatherings, creating a festive atmosphere.

Or dress the bottles in winter clothes!

An unusual table decoration can be made from orange peels. Use cookie cutters to cut stars, slices baked in the oven, and decorate candles.

When setting up a table, don't forget about the chairs. Decorate the backrests with the same decor that was used for table setting.

Simple New Year's table decorations: photos

Decorating the New Year's table with your own hands does not require much time and effort. Several sheets of white writing paper, scissors - snow-white snowflakes look great on a colored tablecloth or napkins.

Fasten regular napkins with New Year’s “rain” and tinsel - simple, affordable and, most importantly, elegant!

If there are no exotic vegetables and fruits, make a mound out of a regular salad and decorate it with the same vegetables that you have on hand.

Decorating a children's New Year's table: photo

The children's table should not be overloaded with cutlery and complex decorations, so as not to worry about broken cups. Children will be delighted by dishes made in the shape of snowmen, Santa Clauses and other winter fairy tale heroes.

As for the actual serving, show your imagination here too, or even better, involve the kids themselves in the process. Put funny hats on drink bottles and tie beautiful bows on spoons. Buy napkins with a bright pattern that your child can understand.

In any business, it is important to stop in time. Do not overload the holiday table with details; after all, it is intended for food, not for decoration. Products also do not tolerate crowding.

Be careful when using candles, especially thin ones: use special candlesticks to hold them without falling until they burn out completely. And do not decorate a composition with candles with flammable decor: dry spruce branches, nylon bows, etc.

Do not use candles on the children's table; toothpicks used to hold together the parts of the fruit tree, as described above, are also not the best option for children's dishes. It’s better to decorate the fruit plate a little more prosaically, but safely.

Use disposable decorations, so you can part with your used decor the day after the holiday without much regret.

Decorate the house and set the table with the whole family. It's fun and will help you become friends.

Video: New Year's table setting

As you know, the symbol of next year is the Red Rooster. This bird is distinguished not only by its luxurious plumage, but also by its high temperament. She is characterized by pride and cockiness, so she should not provoke the owner of the year. It is better to meet him with bright decorations and generous treats.

How to set the New Year's table 2017 in the year of the Rooster

Let's take a closer look at what to pay special attention to when decorating the New Year's table in the Year of the Rooster.

The important role of serving

It should be noted that the patron of the coming year prefers shades of red, yellow, orange, and in some cases blue and purple. Any of them can serve as an excellent solution when choosing a festive tablecloth, as well as tableware and even napkins. But to prevent everything from looking too monotonous, you can dilute the main color with neutral shades, for example, white.

The next thing to take into account is that the Rooster likes natural things. Accordingly, it is recommended to lay a linen tablecloth, and replace any synthetic materials, in particular napkins, with paper ones. For greater effect, it is better to purchase napkins with festive motifs. You can tie them up with small scraps of rain or add a few small Christmas tree decorations and balls to the table.

Aspects of the New Year's menu 2017

It is customary to start a festive feast with light snacks. Among them, the simplest and most practical are canapés. The peculiarity of this snack is that absolutely any product is suitable for it, as well as leftovers from other dishes.

To please the host of the year, it is worth making several vegetarian canapé options, for example, putting a piece of cheese of your choice on a skewer, a pitted olive and a couple of crunchy vegetables: cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.

The rooster will especially like greens. It is appropriate to serve both canapés and other dishes on wide plates on top of lettuce leaves. An additional decoration will be several sprigs of fragrant basil. Parsley and cilantro will find their place in the salad. Various herbs in fish or meat are no less in demand, as they add piquancy to them.

Since the symbol of the coming year is a bird, out of respect for it, it is recommended to refuse to purchase and prepare chicken as the main dish of the holiday table. However, this does not mean eliminating meat completely. Alternatively, you can use pork or fish baked in foil with spices.

Assortment of drinks

Continuing the theme of red tones, you can opt for a bottle of good wine, because there is nothing better to warm up on a cold New Year's Eve than a mug of hot mulled wine. For non-drinkers, a bottle of pomegranate juice is an excellent solution.

The rooster will appreciate the presence of vegetarian drinks rich in greens. For example, you can prepare a cocktail from European cuisine.

It will require:

  • one ripe kiwi;
  • a couple of lemon rings, maybe some lime;
  • a few sprigs of parsley and mint;
  • some sparkling water.

For more flavor, you can grate lemon zest there. The drink is very similar to a mojito, only non-alcoholic.

The vast majority of children prefer milkshakes. These are the ones that can be served at the New Year’s table. Its main component will be tangerines, beloved by every child. You can also add some bananas or yogurt to the drink for taste.

Sweet New Year's table 2017

No holiday would be complete without sweet treats, which children look forward to all year long. Chocolate sets for every color and taste are colorful under the Christmas tree. The symbol of 2017 also loves delicious treats.

The 2017 New Year's table cannot be complete without fresh fruit. It is recommended to serve them mainly in vases, and for convenience, cut them into small pieces: oranges - into circles, apples - into slices, grapes divided into several brushes. As for tangerines, you can leave them in the peel, but it is better to break the pomegranate into pieces.

At this time, making ginger cookies is especially important. It can be of any shape, be it stars or other funny figures. You can cut out small cockerels and decorate them with multi-colored glaze. This delicacy is much healthier than sweets, but the main thing is that it is prepared with soul.

You should purchase molds in the form of Christmas trees, New Year's boots, wreaths and other holiday attributes in advance. Thanks to them, the treat will become even more appetizing. Cupcakes, pastries and cakes are always in demand for the New Year, and you can choose their filling at your discretion.

In general, you shouldn’t skimp on decorations, because on this magical night of the year everything should sparkle as brightly as ever. In gratitude for the warm welcome, the Red Rooster bestows his protection and good luck on everyone.

Have you ever had to run to the store an hour before the chimes to buy green peas, cheese or a loaf of bread? Chaotic New Year's shopping always leads to wasted time and money: you either forget something or buy too much.

To avoid this, make three detailed lists:

  1. How many guests will there be (including children).
  2. What will be on the menu (specific recipes).
  3. What you need to buy (from red caviar to skewers for canapés).

Based on the number of people, you will understand how much food you will need. And recipes will help you buy exactly as much food as you need.

Lists are convenient to create and edit in applications. For example, in or.

2. Stick to Simple Snacks

Holiday salads are usually very labor-intensive. For one you need to boil eggs, for the other you need to fry onions and carrots. And also sandwiches and slices. But is it worth the trouble? When served correctly (in a beautiful salad bowl or in portions using serving rings), even the simplest salad will become festive.


The fastest way is to prepare a salad in which the ingredients do not require (or almost do not require) cutting or other processing. Here are some examples.

Salad with grapes and chicken

Take 200 g of chicken, cut into cubes, add 50 g of grapes, 100 g of feta cheese, cut into cubes, a handful of pistachios and a bunch of arugula (tear it into large pieces). Season everything with a sauce of 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon grainy mustard, 2 tablespoons olive oil and 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar.

Salad with mushrooms and beans

Take 200 g of small pickled champignons and mix them with three chopped boiled eggs and 100 g of canned white beans (don't forget to drain the liquid). Add chopped herbs, salt and mayonnaise to taste.

Salad with fish and apple

Mash a can of canned mackerel with a fork, add a can of green peas, a diced sour apple and two boiled eggs (also cut into cubes). Season with salt and sour cream.

3. Start preparing the day before

If you can’t imagine a New Year’s table without the traditional Olivier salad, herring under a fur coat and aspic, then start cooking on December 30th.

1. Boil carrots, potatoes, beets, eggs and chicken breast. Overnight in the refrigerator they will not deteriorate and will not lose their taste.

2. Cut herring and other fish for filleting. This can be done quickly if you use one of the . But it’s still better to finish the fish in advance so as not to smell it before the holiday. To prevent the fish from drying out in the refrigerator, cover it with cling film.

3. Marinate the meat. If there is no vinegar in the composition, then you can safely put the meat in it the night before. If there is, then it is better to start preparing the main dish in the morning.

4. Use kitchen hacks

They really make life easier and speed up the process.

1. Grate all the cheese and distribute it among containers (salad, chops, etc.). This way you won’t have to wash the grater a hundred times when starting a new dish.

2. Chop and peel the onion at the same time.

3. Cut the potatoes in a circle and after boiling, dip them in cold water to easily peel them, the wife makes salads, and the children serve and decorate the table.

If you are entertaining guests, assign each person a dish to bring. This way you will evenly distribute the pre-New Year's chores and spend a minimum of time in the kitchen.

How do you prepare for the New Year's feast? Write your tips in the comments.