What is the protein in the urine with gestosis. What is preeclampsia in pregnancy. Symptoms, signs, consequences. How to avoid this disease

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Analysis frequency

The first time a urine test is given at registration. This must be done no later than the 12th week of pregnancy. In the future, a general urine test is given immediately before each visit to the antenatal clinic. This allows you to control the condition of the woman's kidneys. The analysis itself is very simple. It does not require large financial costs and at the same time is quite informative. In addition, the material sampling is absolutely painless.

Urine collection rules

Compliance with the rules increases the reliability of the results, so it is recommended:

  1. collect urine in the morning;
  2. use a sterile container;
  3. adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

The rate of protein in the urine

Normally, it is not found in the urine. The kidneys simply do not pass large blood proteins through their filter, and those that, due to their small size, pass through, undergo decay and reabsorption.

Increased protein in the urine in pregnant women up to 0.015-0.020 g / l is also considered a normal variant. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy the kidneys are under tremendous stress, and small changes in the analysis of urine in such conditions are acceptable.

False positive results

An increase in the amount of protein in the urine during pregnancy does not always mean the presence of pathology. Therefore, in order to find out what the protein in the urine means, a second analysis is always done during pregnancy. Changes may be related to dietary habits. If you eat a lot of protein, some of it will be excreted with the kidneys. Pregnant women often eat cottage cheese, meat, eggs. This is correct, because the child needs protein, however, before passing the urine test, it is advisable not to consume too much of it.

Violation of intimate hygiene also leads to distorted results. Before taking urine, a thorough toilet of the genitals should be carried out. If this is not done, vaginal secretions, which are rich in protein, can enter the urine. Naturally, in such cases there will be only a slight deviation from the norm. Serious changes cannot be ignored and explained only by nutrition or hygiene errors.

Boost levels

The appearance of protein in the urine is called proteinuria. For convenience, high protein is divided into several levels:

  • traces of protein - up to 0.033 g / l;
  • microalbuminuria - up to 0.3 g / day;
  • mild proteinuria - up to 1.0 g / day;
  • moderate proteinuria - up to 3.0 g / day;
  • severe proteinuria - over 3.0 g / day.

These levels are distinguished for a reason. In each case, the doctor's further tactics are different.

Protein traces

During pregnancy, trace proteinuria alone, without other changes, can be considered a normal variant. However, if protein and white blood cells are found in the urine, pyelonephritis can be suspected.

Pyelonephritis occurs in pregnant women quite often. The reasons for this are varied:

  • exacerbation of a chronic process against the background of a decrease in immunity;
  • compression of the ureters by the growing uterus, which disrupts the outflow of urine from the kidneys;
  • a decrease in the tone of the bladder under the influence of hormones, which leads to the reflux of urine and the development of inflammation.

Treatment of pyelonephritis includes antibiotic therapy and removal of intoxication. When choosing antibiotics, two rules are used: drugs should have the maximum effect on the kidneys and not affect the fetus. In addition, diet plays an important role: it is necessary to limit the consumption of spicy, salty, smoked foods and drink more fluids.

Late gestosis in pregnant women

Preeclampsia is a rather severe pathological condition that can occur in pregnant women. Late preeclampsia develops in the second half of pregnancy, that is, for a period of more than 20 weeks. A severe form of gestosis threatens with serious consequences for both the mother's body and the fetus. And to identify this condition in the early stages is very simple - you need to check the protein in the urine.

Causes of the appearance of protein in the urine with gestosis

Changes in the body of a pregnant woman with late gestosis occur due to a violation of the permeability of small vessels. Because of this, the vessels of the kidneys and their glomerular apparatus are primarily affected. At this stage, they begin to skip the protein, which is displayed in the urine test.

In the initial stages of gestosis, due to a small loss of protein by the body, there are no external manifestations, but this may be a matter of time. Therefore, the appearance of protein in the urine in the second half of pregnancy means that urgent action must be taken.

External manifestations of late gestosis

Since the protein is excreted from the body in the urine, the total protein in the blood falls. This can be easily determined using a biochemical blood test. In the blood, proteins, like salts, retain water, so when there are fewer of them, the plasma leaves the vessels and enters the tissues. This is how edema appears. At first they are small and inconspicuous.

A woman may complain of slight swelling in her legs in the evening after a hard day. Also, many wake up with bags under their eyes, which is usually associated with fatigue or lack of sleep, and try to remove them with various face masks. However, this is already a bad sign, with the appearance of which you need to contact the doctor.

If fluid is retained in the body, pressure begins to rise. At the reception in the antenatal clinic, it is not in vain that they measure blood pressure, because they know that its increase is a sign of preeclampsia.

Severe preeclampsia passes into preeclampsia and eclampsia. Eclampsia are convulsions that occur in a pregnant woman against the background of high blood pressure and impaired blood flow in the organs.

The amount of protein in the urine with gestosis

If we are talking about late gestosis of pregnant women, and not about pyelonephritis or urinary tract infection, then the amount of protein in the urine ranges from microalbuminuria to severe proteinuria, up to a daily protein loss of more than 5 g / day.

The doctor always looks at the general analysis of urine first. If proteinuria is determined in it, then it is necessary to pass daily urine. Thus, the loss of protein per day is determined, which is a key indicator for the diagnosis of preeclampsia.

Consequences of preeclampsia

Since preeclampsia occurs as a result of a violation of vascular permeability, not only the kidneys, but also other organs suffer. In particular, uteroplacental blood flow suffers. Its violation leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus and premature detachment of the placenta.

If eclampsia develops (convulsions begin), a woman may have a hemorrhage in the brain, liver, kidneys, cerebral edema, and even respiratory arrest.

Treatment of late gestosis of pregnant women

How to treat preeclampsia, which is more than dangerous, many books and manuals have been written. Now doctors agree that if it is not possible to conservatively remove the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to remove the child from an uncomfortable environment for him.

With small terms of pregnancy, they try to maintain the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus with the help of drugs. If the term allows, or preeclampsia is very difficult, early delivery is carried out by caesarean section.

All tests that are done during pregnancy are aimed at early detection of pathologies in order to reduce the likelihood of severe complications for the body of the mother and child. Therefore, they should not be ignored.

Source: infmedserv.ru

Every woman in an interesting position already in the very early stages of pregnancy wants to know what awaits her and what to prepare for. Increased pressure, appeared - maybe it's preeclampsia? The word itself is associated with a hospital and evokes a sense of danger. What does "high protein in urine" mean? Is preeclampsia really so terrible during pregnancy, what are its causes and symptoms - we will analyze in this article.

What is gestosis during pregnancy?

Preeclampsia is one of the most unpleasant "phenomena" when expecting a baby. It usually occurs in the second half of pregnancy.

Symptoms of gestosis:

  • high blood pressure;
  • increased protein in the urine.

Preeclampsia during pregnancy: causes

Previously, there were many theories about the causes of preeclampsia. Some scientists “blamed” the immune system for everything, unable to “reconcile” with the baby throughout the entire pregnancy. Others shifted all the responsibility to genetics and cited many examples to prove that the tendency to preeclampsia is inherited from mother to daughter. Still others believed that everything was caused by hormonal changes in the body and the resulting “disagreements” between the endocrine and nervous systems.

Currently, doctors believe that the cause of preeclampsia in pregnant women is a combination of factors (listed above) that lead to disorders in the body.

The development of preeclampsia in pregnant women - what happens in the body?

Preeclampsia during pregnancy is a "vicious circle" that is difficult to "break". Any failure in the "mother-fetus" system causes a cascade of reactions in the body of a pregnant woman (vasospasm, edema, increased pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine), which leads to disturbances in the functioning of many organs, which in turn further aggravates the situation. The first symptom is, as a rule, edema, but preeclampsia can occur without edema and increased pressure visible to the eye.

The development of gestosis in pregnant women:

  1. The trigger mechanism of gestosis during pregnancy is vasospasm, which, as a rule, occurs in response to insufficient "nutrition" of the placenta and the baby.
  2. Vasospasm causes an increase in blood pressure.
  3. There is a change in the properties of the walls of blood vessels, which begin to intensively pass protein and water into the tissue.
  4. The fluidity of the blood worsens, it becomes thicker, and the formation of blood clots increases.
  5. Spasm of blood vessels, especially small ones, is aggravated, because. in a stressful situation, the body tries first of all to supply blood to vital organs (brain, heart, lungs).
  6. Blood pressure rises even more.
  7. Edema, damage to the walls of blood vessels, changes in the properties of blood lead to malnutrition and the functioning of all organs and tissues of a pregnant woman.
  8. The main symptoms of gestosis during pregnancy

Edema in pregnant women

As a rule, not only pregnant women suffer from it, but also those whose working day is spent on their feet. In addition, slight swelling (pastiness) of the legs in pregnant women is the norm, given the double burden on the body. This is provided that the amount of fluid released during urination corresponds to the volume drunk. Also keep in mind that swelling can be hidden, that is, invisible. The internal organs swell and the only evidence of hidden edema is a significant weight gain.

When should you see a doctor?

  • weight gain of more than 18 kg (for the entire pregnancy) or more than 600 grams per week
  • a hole remains on the lower leg if you press it in front with your finger;
  • there is a trace of trouser gum on the stomach;
  • the amount of fluid released during urination is noticeably less than drunk.

All these are clear signs that edema has moved from the “norm” category to the “pathology” category.

High blood pressure during pregnancy (hypertension)

The numbers of blood pressure at which a person feels good are different for everyone. Someone is cheerful and cheerful at 120/80, but for someone this “bar” is a bit high and 100/70 would be just right. The initial stage in the development of gestosis is an increase in the first indicator ("upper" pressure) by 30, and the second ("lower" pressure) - by 15 from the original.

The rate of protein in the urine during pregnancy

Normally, there is no protein in the urine during pregnancy (proteinuria). With kidney disease, the rate of protein in the urine may fluctuate, on average - 0.033 g / l. What do higher numbers mean? They indicate a serious violation of the function of not only the kidneys, but also the work of the whole organism. The higher the protein in the urine during pregnancy, the more severe the preeclampsia.

What is gestosis?

"Pure" and "Combined"

"Clean" arises against the background of complete health and its main reason is pregnancy and the changes that occur in the body during this wonderful period.

"Combined" preeclampsia occurs against the background of chronic diseases of the expectant mother and can aggravate them. If you have hypertension, kidney and liver diseases, take your health especially carefully. It is the cardiovascular and urinary-genital systems that take on the main burden during pregnancy.

early and late

Symptoms late preeclampsia appear after 30-32 weeks of pregnancy and their occurrence is directly related to pregnancy.

Early preeclampsia develops before 30 weeks of pregnancy, as a rule, against the background of concomitant diseases (pathology of the kidneys or the cardiovascular system) and is more difficult to tolerate.

Mild, moderate and severe

The severity of preeclampsia is assessed by the presence or absence of characteristic symptoms and the degree of their manifestation: the duration of preeclampsia, the amount of protein in the urine, blood pressure indicators, the prevalence of edema, etc. The severity of preeclampsia is determined to select the correct tactics for managing pregnancy and prescribing adequate treatment.

Preeclampsia and eclampsia in pregnancy

Preeclampsia and eclampsia of pregnant women are extreme manifestations of preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia is a short-term condition just before eclampsia. Symptoms: headache, flashing "flies" before the eyes. All this against the background of already existing symptoms of preeclampsia. A typical manifestation of eclampsia is convulsions that develop in parallel with dysfunction of vital organs.

Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia of pregnant women are almost never found, thanks to timely diagnosis and the availability of treatment.

Preeclampsia is a disease that, without treatment, has very serious consequences. Pregnant women often surf the Internet in search of solutions to health problems. Going to the doctor is either scary, or expensive, or. Remember that if you self-medicate and stay at home until the last, then preeclampsia can result in premature detachment of the placenta, bleeding, and even death of the fetus. Do not be afraid to go to the doctor once again, even if it seems that the problem can be solved on your own. We remind you once again: the correct diagnosis will be made by the doctor. He will prescribe treatment. Take care of yourself and your future baby - do not put off a visit to the doctor!

Preeclampsia is a serious complication of late pregnancy, which is why it is also called late "toxicosis". With gestosis, the work of the kidneys, blood vessels and brain of the expectant mother worsens. Its most characteristic signs are an increase in blood pressure and the appearance of protein in urine tests.

An increase in pressure may be imperceptible, but is more often manifested by headache, nausea, blurred vision. Protein in the urine indicates a violation of the kidneys and is often accompanied by edema.

In severe cases, preeclampsia can lead to seizures, placental abruption, developmental delay and death of the baby.

In 90% of cases, preeclampsia begins after 34 weeks, most often in pregnant women with their first baby. An earlier start (from 20 weeks) is a sign of a severe course. The closer to the expected date of birth, gestosis began, the better its prognosis.

Unlike early toxicosis, which is considered “normal” by many doctors, preeclampsia disrupts the course of pregnancy and must be treated. In severe preeclampsia that threaten the development of the baby, it is often necessary to resort to stimulation of preterm labor or caesarean section.

Tendency to gestosis

Preeclampsia of varying degrees occurs on average in 10-15% of expectant mothers, much more often it appears in the first pregnancy. The timing of its onset is from 20 weeks and up to several days after childbirth. With multiple pregnancies, preeclampsia can begin earlier (from 16 weeks) and is more severe.

In the second pregnancy, the likelihood of meeting with late toxicosis falls. The easier the first preeclampsia proceeded, and the closer its beginning was to the term of delivery, the less likely it is to repeat. Those mothers who started earlier and had a difficult course, especially if they had to do a caesarean section because of this, are more likely to meet with preeclampsia again.

When the likelihood of gestosis is greater:

  • In the first pregnancy;
  • If you already had chronic diseases before pregnancy: kidney problems, high blood pressure or overweight. In this case, preeclampsia is called “combined”, in contrast to “pure” preeclampsia, which develops against the background of complete health;
  • Pregnancy with twins and triplets;
  • Heredity, that is, parents or sisters suffered from preeclampsia;
  • Age less than 20 and over 35 years.

If preeclampsia was not in the first pregnancy, it is very unlikely that it will be in the second.

Causes of gestosis during pregnancy

Although scientists have not fully established the causes of preeclampsia, it is known that the placenta plays a major role in its development. When there is insufficient blood supply to the uterus (for example, when the uterine arteries are narrowed) or the placenta itself is pathological, it triggers a mechanism for raising pressure to increase blood flow.

The rise in pressure is achieved due to the narrowing of the vessels of the mother's body, but this leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to her vital organs - the kidneys and brain. They receive less blood, and their performance deteriorates.

With edema, water exits the bloodstream into the tissues, which makes the blood thicker and increases the formation of blood clots. Blood clots can clog small vessels and worsen blood flow even more, and thick blood increases pressure. There is a vicious circle.

Signs of preeclampsia

There are three main signs of gestosis that usually appear together or in pairs: edema, protein in the urine and increased blood pressure.

The appearance of protein in the urine(proteinuria).
The first and main criterion that indicates kidney damage. Almost never preeclampsia happens without proteinuria, and the stronger it is, the worse. Although the identification of this sign alone does not yet speak of gestosis.

Normally, protein in the urine should be absent.
Small amounts, in the region of 0.033 g / l, in combination with leukocytes, may be a sign of inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis).
0.8 g / l and more rather speak of preeclampsia.
Proteinuria in combination with an increase in pressure over 140/90 always speaks of preeclampsia.

Urine analysis should be taken before each visit to the doctor in the antenatal clinic. If it seems to you that the urine has become cloudy, dark in color or covered with foam, take the test without waiting for the appointed day.

Increase in blood pressure more than 140/90 mm Hg. Art.
This is the second main sign of preeclampsia, which may go unnoticed, or may be manifested by headache, nausea, flies before the eyes, dizziness.

The combination of high blood pressure with protein in the urine is called preeclampsia, and speaks of the initial stage of brain damage to the expectant mother. This is why blood pressure must be measured at every visit to the doctor.

In severe cases, untreated high blood pressure can lead to severe damage to the nervous system: loss of consciousness, seizures (eclampsia), and bleeding in the brain (stroke). Such a danger arises when the upper numbers of blood pressure exceed 160, and the lower 110 millimeters of mercury.

Often found during normal pregnancy, and in themselves are not a sign of preeclampsia, but only in combination with proteinuria or high blood pressure. Moreover, preeclampsia without edema (“dry”) is more difficult.

If you have swelling, it is easy to determine if you do a simple test. With your thumb, press on the inner surface of the lower leg in the region of the bone and hold for a few seconds. If a hole remains at the site of pressure, then there is swelling. Similarly, you can conduct this test on any other part of the body.

Another sure sign of edema is that slippers or shoes have become small, the wedding ring cannot be removed from the finger. In some cases, there are hidden edema. They can be identified by too much weight gain compared to the norm.

Examination for suspected preeclampsia

  • Analysis of urine . Allows you to identify protein, ketone bodies, leukocytes, bacteria and other elements. This makes it possible to distinguish kidney damage in preeclampsia from pyelonephritis or other diseases.
  • Blood analysis . Such indicators as hemoglobin play a role (a slight decrease at the end of pregnancy is the norm), hematocrit (blood thickening), platelets, the level of liver enzymes (indicates liver damage in severe preeclampsia).
  • With . Allows you to assess the development of the baby and recognize his delay in time. Evaluation of blood flow in the uterine arteries using Doppler allows you to give an approximate prognosis for the development of the disease: the worse the blood flow, the greater the likelihood of preeclampsia.
  • . It is done after the 28th week of pregnancy, at an earlier date it is not significant. Shows the mobility of the baby, the work of his heart and, therefore, the presence or absence of hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

Accurate Diagnosis

All of these symptoms are characteristic not only for preeclampsia, and they must be distinguished from signs of other diseases, especially if the expectant mother had them before pregnancy. Therefore, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis of gestosis.

Video footage

Late toxicosis (preeclampsia), edema during pregnancy.

Preeclampsia during late pregnancy: signs and consequences

Preeclampsia during pregnancy is a complication of gestation that occurs in the later stages. The condition significantly disrupts the functions of the mother's body and brings suffering to the child.

Therefore, at the first manifestations of the pathology, it is necessary to make an examination, and if the problem is confirmed, take measures to eliminate it.

Let us consider in more detail: toxicosis during pregnancy - what it is, why it occurs in the later stages, its signs and consequences (for the pregnant woman herself and for the baby).

Gestosis during pregnancy - what is it

Preeclampsia during late pregnancy is a pathological condition that some pregnant women experience, its outdated name is late toxicosis. It is accompanied by a distortion of the work of organs and systems that are interconnected.

Treatment of preeclampsia in the second half of pregnancy

With the first degree of toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy, the patient is prescribed outpatient treatment. It is recommended to lie more on the left side so that the uterus is better supplied with blood and oxygen. To normalize brain function, herbal sedatives are prescribed. In certain cases, weak tranquilizers, such as Phenazepam, may be needed.

Inpatient treatment: indications and methods

Hospitalization is indicated for a woman with any degree of preeclampsia, which is higher than the first. Also, inpatient treatment is expected when outpatient treatment does not bring positive dynamics.

The method of hospital therapy involves the introduction into the vein of drugs (magnesium sulphate, pentoxifylline, eufillin), which relieve spasm, lower blood pressure and prevent the occurrence of convulsive syndrome. As complementary drugs, drugs are prescribed to reduce pressure, as well as drugs that thin the blood. The period of treatment for mild and moderate preeclampsia is variable and ranges from 2 to 4 weeks. In serious condition, the patient is in the hospital until delivery.

Consequences for mom

The main danger of preeclampsia for a woman is the disruption of the functioning of vital organs. Hepatic, renal and cardiac dysfunction threaten subsequent distortion of the work of other systems. The most serious consequence of preeclampsia during pregnancy is death or eclamptic coma. There is a risk of pulmonary edema, hemorrhages in the organs. The prognosis depends on the degree of the disease, the clinical picture and the initial state of health of the patient.

The consequences of preeclampsia during pregnancy for a child

Medical practice shows that the closer to childbirth gestosis began, the more favorable its prognosis will be. Women who have a problem at 35 weeks are more likely to have a successful resolution than pregnant women with preeclampsia that began at 20 weeks. The main danger for the baby is oxygen starvation. Hypoxia can lead to irreversible consequences:

  • circulatory disorders of the brain;
  • fetal hypotrophy;
  • intrauterine death.

The likelihood of recurrence of gestosis in the later stages in subsequent pregnancies

Preeclampsia may recur during the next pregnancy. The likelihood of recurrence is directly proportional to the time of onset of symptoms. If a woman's preeclampsia began at 20 weeks, then a second one is almost guaranteed. When the expectant mother is faced with signs of late toxicosis just before the birth, the likelihood of her relapse is reduced significantly.

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Preeclampsia during pregnancy - what is it, symptoms

During pregnancy, it would seem that a woman should be happy and peaceful. But in fact, this is a very important period, nine months long before the baby is born. The body of a pregnant woman does a great job, in which almost all organs and systems are involved. Even the slightest failure in this process can provoke serious complications, and therefore the expectant mother needs to be very attentive to her health. After all, during pregnancy, many diseases that a woman might not even know about before can become aggravated, complications can appear and ailments develop. But the most serious complication of pregnancy is gestosis. They always scare pregnant women, justifying the need to take endless tests throughout pregnancy and not miss consultations with obstetrician-gynecologists and monitor weight.

Preeclampsia of pregnant women is a late toxicosis. Normally, preeclampsia appears in the third trimester of pregnancy after 35 weeks and proceeds in a mild form for 1-3 weeks (the so-called "pure preeclampsia"). In more severe cases, preeclampsia of the second trimester may also develop, appear at 20-24 weeks and last 4-6 weeks ("combined preeclampsia"). And even after childbirth, late preeclampsia can be observed within 2-3 weeks.

The main symptoms of preeclampsia during pregnancy are:

  • the occurrence of edema (the so-called dropsy of pregnant women);
  • protein is detected in the urine test;
  • there is an increase in blood pressure.

Gestosis creeps up imperceptibly. Against the background of general well-being, edema occurs, to which a woman may not immediately pay close attention, attributing them to the heat or to the herring eaten the day before with pickles. And then, for some reason, an analysis came from the laboratory with the conclusion that protein was found in the urine. But she feels good until the pressure starts to rise. And the following signs of preeclampsia during pregnancy join - sleep disturbance and headaches, convulsions and nausea. This condition requires medical attention.

Oddly enough, despite the many different theories and judgments, medicine still does not know the true cause of preeclampsia, which is why it is also called the "disease of theories." It is believed that the manifestation of this disease contributes to a combination of various factors, chronic diseases and genetic characteristics of the body.

There is a risk group for pregnant women who may develop preeclampsia more likely than others:

  • the age of the pregnant woman is up to 18 and from 35 years;
  • complications in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • burdened somatic, gynecological and obstetric anamnesis;
  • neuroendocrine pathologies, diabetes mellitus, problems with the kidneys, liver, etc.;
  • preeclampsia is more common during the first pregnancy, preeclampsia of the second pregnancy is much less common;
  • there is also a high probability of manifestation of gestosis in multiple pregnancies.

And many other factors. However, even a pregnant woman who does not belong to any of the risk groups may develop preeclampsia as a result of past infections or immunocomplex pathology.

The fact is that official medicine is inclined to the theory of the vascular cause of preeclampsia. That is, a malfunction of the vessels, or rather in their inner shell - the endothelium leads to microthrombosis in the woman's organs - the kidneys, brain, etc., as well as the placenta.

What is dangerous gestosis during pregnancy

Do not panic, be afraid, diagnose yourself with "preeclampsia" on your own and start self-treatment. Entrust the diagnosis of your condition to the doctor. At the initial stage, the disease is quite easily coordinated with medications under the supervision of a doctor. If it is started, more severe degrees of preeclampsia of pregnancy may develop. Their severe course is fraught with danger to the life of both the mother and the child, therefore, in some cases, if the duration of pregnancy allows, a decision is made on emergency delivery. Edema of the visible parts of the body is not such a problem compared to the fact that the placenta swells along with all the organs. This causes oxygen starvation of the fetus, up to its death in especially severe cases. The pregnant woman herself may develop cerebral edema. That is why, at the slightest suspicion of the occurrence of preeclampsia, you should immediately inform the doctor about it.

Stages of preeclampsia during pregnancy

There are four stages or degrees of preeclampsia during pregnancy:

  1. The so-called dropsy of pregnancy. It flows quite easily. Of the visible symptoms - only swelling of the hands or swelling of the legs. But by this sign alone, one should not judge preeclampsia, it just needs to be announced to the doctor at the next scheduled visit.
  2. Nephropathy, which can affect the kidneys. A sharp jump in pressure is added to the swelling. Nephropathy can quickly turn into eclampsia - the most severe degree of preeclampsia. This stage requires immediate treatment and medical supervision.
  3. Preeclampsia, which disrupts the blood supply to the central nervous system. Accompanied by symptoms such as protein in the urine and high blood pressure. Nausea and vomiting, severe headaches, visual disturbances are possible. Against the background of preeclampsia, even varying degrees of mental disorders occur.
  4. Eclampsia is the most severe condition in which convulsions occur, even a stroke, cerebral edema can occur, and the work of many organs is disrupted. Rapid aging is observed, placental abruption, fetal hypoxia and even fading are possible.

For the fetus, preeclampsia is dangerous due to oxygen starvation, as blood circulation in the placenta is disturbed. All three last stages are very dangerous and flow from one to another very quickly.

In fact, no one is immune from the manifestation of gestosis. To one degree or another, its course is noticed in almost 30% of pregnant women, but, thanks to modern drugs and the supervision of doctors, serious consequences can be avoided and most often it goes almost unnoticed.

Prevention of gestosis during pregnancy

Unfortunately, there is no recipe with which to prevent the appearance of preeclampsia in the second half of pregnancy. However, general guidelines must be followed. And this: do not overwork, do not be nervous, observe the daily routine, sleep enough, walk more in the fresh air, eat right. It is necessary to limit salty, smoked and sweets, monitor weight gain. Don't eat for two, but don't starve either. There must be moderation in everything. Physical activities are good, but only in the form of hiking, swimming in the pool and exercises only under the supervision of an instructor for pregnant women. And in the event that there are no contraindications from the doctor who leads the pregnancy.

For a pregnant woman, an elementary seasonal infection or flu can turn into big trouble. Every effort must be made not to get sick. To do this, avoid crowded rooms, especially during the epidemic.

If the expectant mother works, there is no need to risk her health and work after the onset of 30 weeks of pregnancy. Before this period, it is also desirable to work in a more gentle mode.

Treatment of preeclampsia during pregnancy

Most importantly, at the first suspicion of a manifestation of preeclampsia, immediately consult a doctor! At the initial stage of late gestosis during pregnancy, it is quite possible to get by with treatment at home, provided that all the doctor's recommendations are followed. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the doctor will insist on hospitalization. There is no need to be stubborn and question the expediency of this appointment.

Most likely, you will first have to pass a large number of tests and be examined by several specialists to assess the condition of the body. After that, treatment will be more accurately prescribed.

However, in advanced cases, the appearance of preeclampsia can be put in a hospital immediately and closer to resuscitation. Therefore, there is no need to delay treatment in the early stages.

When diagnosed with preeclampsia, a woman should drink no more than one liter per day and follow a diet. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of proteins and vitamins, salty and smoked meats are prohibited. All this is aimed at controlling the accumulation of fluid in the body.

The practice of treating gestosis during pregnancy most often consists in prescribing sedatives, depending on the condition of the patient, it is possible to prescribe diuretics and reduce blood pressure. Prevention of placental insufficiency is also carried out, as well as drugs that improve blood flow in the vessels and, directly, in the placenta.

The main task of every pregnant woman is to follow the general recommendations of doctors, not to miss consultations and to take the prescribed tests on time. And also lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right in accordance with their position. But, most importantly, he is attentive to his well-being and report all ailments to the doctor. And then, even if preeclampsia of pregnant women does not bypass, its serious consequences can be avoided. And along with the end of pregnancy, preeclampsia will definitely pass.