Valentine's Day. Presentation section on the topic of Valentine's Day Presentation of Valentine's Day

The holiday that The 14th of February celebrated by many people around the world. Presumably named after one of the two early Christian martyrs named Valentine - Valentin Interamnsky and Valentin of Rome

In the late Middle Ages in France and England, the life of St. Valentine gradually began to acquire legends associated with secret wedding of couples in love.

According to golden legend, in those distant and dark times, the imperious and cruel Roman emperor Claudius II came to the conclusion that a single man, not burdened with a wife and family, would be better off fighting on the battlefield for the glory of the king, and forbade men to marry, and women and girls to marry their beloved men.

AND Saint Valentine was common field doctor and a priest who sympathized with the unfortunate lovers and secretly from everyone, under the cover of night, consecrated the marriage of loving men and women. Soon the activities of St. Valentine became known to the authorities, and he was put in prison, sentenced to death. In conclusion, Saint Valentine met the warder's beautiful daughter, Julia.

A priest in love before his death wrote a declaration of love to his beloved girl - valentine , where he spoke about his love, and signed it "Your Valentine". It was read after he was executed, and the execution itself took place February 14, 269.

So, according to the Golden Legend, and currently Valentine's Day is celebrated The 14th of February.

  • French On Valentine's Day, it is customary to give jewelry.
  • And here are the British Happy Valentine's Day, not only people, but also beloved animals.
  • And the Japanese turned Valentine's Day into "March 8th for men". On this day, gifts in Japan are given mainly to men.

  • In romantic Denmark people send dried white flowers to each other.
  • Girls Europe write their names on pieces of paper, put them in a box, and then the young men take out a piece of paper from there, thereby choosing a mate for themselves.

  • In Spain On February 14, men present only flowers to their loved ones, and they, in turn, give gifts.
  • in Taiwan On Valentine's Day, it is customary to give roses to women. The quantity matters. If a man sends one flower, then he confesses his love, and if a luxurious bouquet of 100 roses, he proposes to marry.


postcards -


Traditions of all peoples are somewhat different, but, in general, they are similar: sweets, flowers, heart-shaped cards ...

The peculiarity is that this is a holiday not only for two loving people, but also for everyone who is loved: grandmothers, grandfathers, friends, acquaintances.

I am the hearts in the picture I will give mom and dad. Let them tell... How much I love them!


Valentine this holiday I gladly donate because I don't hide that you alone...

I love

Why was Saint Valentine put in jail?

For the fact that he married lovers, despite the prohibition of the emperor

Who was Valentine in love with?

To the jailer's daughter

What was the signature in the farewell note from Valentine to his beloved?

Your Valentine

Bright heart in the picture It burns with a red light. AT … Tells you about my love!

On valentine's day

There once lived a man Just lived well Became a saint now forever The patron saint of love!

Saint Valentine

Claudius once decided To go into battle boldly - There must be one soldier And he banned weddings. But secretly in a quiet place Priest Valentine Married husbands to brides, What was he punished for? Us this brave guy Awarded with love Here we give valentines Thank you Valentin!

Congratulations on February 14! And let this day shine in the rays, Will make your dreams come true I sincerely wish you Flowers, love and beauty!

Don't live sadly Don't regret what happened Don't guess what will happen Take care of what you have! And let happiness be a companion Stay for a century And there will always be Beloved person!

From the history of the holiday

  • Valentine's Day - the holiday of lovers - has been celebrated on February 14 in Europe since the 13th century, in the USA since 1777, in Russia since the early 1990s. But why is it still a holiday for lovers? There are many beautiful legends about this. The British, for example, believe that from February 14, nature turns to spring, and the mating season begins for birds, even an old English proverb says: "On Valentine's Day, all the birds in the air pair up." There is another confirmation that February 14 is Valentine's Day. The Holy Great Martyr Valentine lived in the 3rd century in the city of Ternii (Roman Empire). He was a clergyman, engaged in scientific research and private medical practice. During the campaign of Emperor Claudius II of Gotha against the Christians, Bishop Valentine was repressed and beheaded on February 14, 269. Sources say that the arrest of Bishop Valentine was due to the fact that the Roman emperor did not allow the soldiers of his legions to marry, and Valentine secretly married legionnaires and their lovers. While awaiting execution in one of the Roman prisons, Valentine wrote a letter to the daughter of his jailer and signed: "Your Valentine." Then he healed her miraculously from blindness, but was still executed. The date of the execution coincided with a Roman celebration in honor of Juno, the goddess of love. Since then, every year on February 14, people remembered Valentine and arranged a holiday for all lovers.
Did you know?
  • Cooing doves and hearts pierced by Cupid's arrow became symbols of Valentine's Day.
  • On this day, girls and boys gathered together, wrote names on pieces of paper and threw these leaves into a jug, then each pulled out one piece of paper and recognized the name of their loved one. In some countries, there is still a custom to choose Valentines (of both sexes) on February 14 for the whole next year.
  • By February 14, a lot of valentine greeting cards are being released, from simple ones with touching images to folding ones. And in the old days there were even postcards decorated with gold and lace.
Do you know that?
  • Italians consider it their duty to give sweets to their loved ones on this day. This day is called in Italy - sweet.
  • The gallant French were the first to introduce love messages - quatrains.
  • Finns celebrate Love Day on February 14 by giving each other gifts in the shape of a heart. And also on this day, gifts are made to mothers, since there is no women's day like March 8 in Finland.
  • In Japan, they hold a competition for the loudest love message. Boys and girls rise to the platform and take turns shouting with all their might - whatever they want - to their beloved. The winner receives a prize.
Do you know that?
  • The English also send love messages to their animals, especially dogs and horses.
  • In America, 108 million roses are sold these days, mostly red ones, and 692 million dollars are spent on candy these days!
  • Hearts for the holiday can be sewn, sculpted, painted, knitted and even baked.
  • The material for making hearts is diverse: beads, shells, feathers, dry flowers, pieces of fabric, fur ...
  • A significant part of the "valentines" are anonymous and without a return address, written with the left hand or from right to left, which makes the message mysterious. But after the holiday...
  • Let's get to work. We will need: colored paper (preferably double-sided), scissors, glue, thread, a straw or other hard material (wire, a straw for a cocktail or juice). 1. From red paper, cut out two strips 29 cm long and 1 cm wide. From yellow paper, cut out two strips 26 cm long and 1 cm wide. From green paper, cut out two strips 23 cm long and 1 cm wide. From blue paper colors, cut out two strips 20 cm long and 1 cm wide. 2. Now strips of different lengths and different colors are connected by edges and glued. You get two rainbows. 3. Next, we connect the ends of the "rainbows", laying a thread and a straw between them. 4. Now, having pulled the thread well, we connect the other ends of the "rainbows", also laying a thread and a straw between them. Got a heart. The straw will hold the shape of the heart, the excess length of the straw must be cut off. But the extra length of the thread will still come in handy for us - we will make a loop so that the craft can be hung. 5. It's time for a twist. In the middle of the heart, on a thread and a straw, we glue a photograph of a loved one so that the object of adoration is clear. You can post your photo to remind you of yourself. And you can stick a photo of yourself on one side, and a photo of your loved one on the other. We wish you all good luck and love!
  • There are two holidays in February. For one of them, for Valentine's Day, we want to offer this homemade product. After all, a heart made with your own hands and presented to a loved one will be even more expensive, and the gift itself will be more pleasant.
  • Prepare two “heart” blanks from paper of different colors.
  • 2. Cut off the top of the blanks, as shown in the figure (for one blank, on the right side, for the second, on the left side).
  • 3. Cut the blanks into strips of equal width (not completely!). Cut one piece lengthwise.
  • 4. Cut the second workpiece across.
  • 5. Weave the cut halves in a checkerboard pattern. You will get a heart of two closely related parts.
HEART AS A GIFT Wall newspapers Wall newspapers Paper hearts February 14 - Valentine's Day
  • I congratulate you on the occasion!

Inspired by a high feeling sometime in the old years, Someone came up with the day of lovers, not knowing at all then, That this day would become a favorite, desired holiday of the year. That Valentine's Day will be called with reverence. Smiles and flowers are everywhere, confessions of love again and again ... So let a miracle happen for everyone - let only love rule the world! VALENTINE'S DAY

Valentine's Day has been celebrated on February 14 in Europe since the 13th century In the USA - since 1777 In Russia - since the early 1990s

The English consider February 14 nature turns to spring, and the mating season begins for birds, even the old English saying goes: "On Valentine's Day, all the birds in the air pair up."

In the III century AD. Roman emperor Claudius II issued a decree forbidding people to marry. He believed that marriage kept men at home, and their destiny was to be good soldiers and fight for Rome. But there was a man who, despite the cruel ban, secretly consecrated the unions of lovers. The young Christian priest was named Valentine.

Having discovered these "anti-state" marriages, the emperor ordered that the violator be imprisoned and then executed. While in prison, Valentine saw the jailer's daughter. Young people fell in love with each other. Before his execution, on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a short farewell note signed: "From Valentine", which later came to mean eternal affection and fidelity. And the date of death, the priest, who betrothed lovers, despite severe obstacles, and who did not see his happiness, remained forever in the memory of people. His ashes were buried in the Church of Saint Praxidis in Rome.

The date of the execution coincided with a Roman celebration in honor of Juno, the goddess of love. Since then, every year on February 14, people remembered Valentine and arranged a holiday for all lovers.

competitive program

COMPETITION No. 1 "NAME A PAIR" For each correct answer 1 point. Cat Basilio Prince Kai Ivan Tsarevich Maxim Shatalin Pierrot Leonid Agutin Fox Alice Cinderella Gerda Tsarevna Frog Victoria Prutkovskaya Malvina Anzhelika Varum

Did you know that... Cooing doves and hearts pierced by Cupid's arrow became the symbols of Valentine's Day. On this day, girls and boys gathered together, wrote names on pieces of paper and threw these leaves into a jug, then each pulled out one piece of paper and recognized the name of their loved one. In some countries, there is still a custom to choose Valentines (of both sexes) on February 14 for the whole next year.

Did you know that ... By February 14, a lot of valentine greeting cards are being released, from simple ones with touching images to folding ones. And in the old days there were even postcards decorated with gold and lace. Italians consider it their duty to give sweets to their loved ones on this day. This day is called in Italy - sweet.

COMPETITION №2 "EMPTY THE GLASS" The boy with his eyes closed should approach the girls and give them a glass of drink through a straw. The first couple to complete this task wins. (5 points)

Did you know that ... The gallant French were the first to introduce love messages - quatrains. Finns celebrate Love Day on February 14 by giving each other gifts in the shape of a heart. And also on this day, gifts are made to mothers, since there is no women's day like March 8 in Finland.

COMPETITION No. 3 "SWEET TANDARIN" The couple stands opposite each other. A tangerine is placed in the right hand of the girl and the boy. With his free hand, the participant covers the partner's hand. The task of the contestants is to peel the tangerine without changing the position of the hands, and eat it. The first couple to complete this task wins. (5 points)

Did you know that... In Japan, they hold a competition for the loudest love message. Boys and girls rise to the platform and take turns shouting with all their might - whatever they want - to their beloved. The winner receives a prize. The English also send love messages to their animals, especially dogs and horses.

COMPETITION No. 4 "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER" questions for girls (For each correct answer 1 point) what is the carburetor an integral part of? Is the hood on the car front or rear? In what direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards itself or from itself? Did the Bure brothers play football or hockey? Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? products of which company has a check mark emblem? motor in front of you in hockey in Japan Nike

COMPETITION No. 4 "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER" questions for boys (For each correct answer 1 point) when threading a needle, what should be motionless: a needle or a thread? what is highlighting? Do you put yeast in shortcrust pastry? why would a woman need acetone? Do I need to wash off hair dye after dyeing it? what is the name of a small purse that holds items needed for makeup? Needle for coloring individual strands of hair No for removing nail polish Yes Cosmetic bag

Did you know that... In America these days 108 million roses are sold, mostly red ones, and 692 million dollars are spent on candy these days! Hearts for the holiday can be sewn, sculpted, painted, knitted and even baked. The material for making hearts is diverse: beads, shells, feathers, dried flowers, pieces of fabric, fur ...

COMPETITION No. 5 "MUMMY" The task of the girls is to make a "mummy" out of their boy within 3 minutes by wrapping him with a roll of toilet paper. The first couple to complete this task wins. (5 points)

Did you know that ... A significant part of the "valentines" are anonymous and without a return address, written left hand or right to left, which gives the message a mystery. But after the holiday, work is added to private detectives: they receive a lot of orders to identify the senders of "valentines".

COMPETITION No. 6 "CULINARY" For each correct answer 1 point artichoke carp pistachio lingonberry persimmon gobies cherry Watermelon Coconut Kiwi kvass blueberry Parsnip Melon Mullet Parsley Cheddar Kohlrabi Rice Koumiss Hazel grouse varenets kebab lard vegetable fish nuts berry fruit fish berry berry nut fruit drink berry vegetable vegetable fish vegetable cheese vegetable cereal drink poultry drink meat lard

Did you know that ... On the holiday, the lovers once explained themselves in private. Now times are different. In Argentina, for example, declarations of love written on banners stretched across the street have become fashionable. Some Fernando declares to all passers-by that he cannot live without his Mercedes. To do this, it is enough to call the office of the A Ero company, dictate the text of a love explanation and attach a check for $ 50. After that, a poster appears on the chosen street, which hangs from 5 to 7 days. But the Indian Deepak Sayal managed to write “I love you” a hundred times and once “I like you” on a grain of rice, which he gave to his beloved. His work was not lost: he won the hand and heart of his beloved.

How many dances there are in the world! Just make sure you choose them! There are also new items on the horizon. So let's dance!

COMPETITION №7 "DANCE" You must perform a slow dance with an apple, holding it with your foreheads. The hands should be clasped behind the back. Whoever does not drop an apple during the dance for a minute will earn 3 points.

Did you know that ... Another sign is to give each other chocolate. This custom has its own history, though not supported by reliable sources, but passed from mouth to mouth. It is only known for sure that they began to eat chocolate relatively recently, about a hundred years ago, and before that they only drank it. Since time immemorial, the Indians of Central and South America have been preparing "bitter", i.e. without added sugar, a drink made from chocolate, believing that it has magical powers. But then a brilliant inventor named Valentine appeared and made small souvenir chocolates that can be made in any shape. Such chocolates immediately became the most popular gift on Valentine's Day, especially since, by a lucky chance, the name of the patron saint of all lovers and the inventor of the best gift for them coincided.

COMPETITION No. 8 "GUESS THE OBJECT" For a guessed object, the couple receives 1 point. The first couple to answer earns a point. aircraft talisman from the evil eye woodworking machine tool for saving rubles calcium cubes without "Orbit" table lamp "Retro" package "Black gold" remedy for "sugrevu" balloon pin sharpener penny chalk Candle pepper mustard plaster

Did you know that… Every time you kiss a person, you give him 9 ml of water; 0.189 mg organic particles; 0.7mg of fat and 250 kinds of different bacteria. Women in their married life eat 8 - 12 kg of lipstick

COMPETITION No. 9 "STAR FACTORY" Couples pull out tokens with the names of songs and perform karaoke 1. What they teach at school 2. Mammoth song 3. Clouds 4. Smile 5. Cheburashka song 6. The dog is gone

Did you know that ... in different countries they kiss differently In China they touch their cheeks The Eskimos of Alaska rub their noses In equatorial Africa, men shake the thumb of a woman three times And in the Gambia they press a woman's hand to their nose In Polynesia, partners pull each other's hair out of their teeth with their teeth eyebrows

I want to proclaim love as a country, so that everyone lives there in peace and warmth, so that its hymn begins with the line: “Love is above everything on earth!” May love be your great sky, living water, daily bread, spring call, warm wind, all the best, the brightest!

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Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day, is a holiday celebrated on February 14 by many people around the world. Presumably named after one of the two early Christian martyrs named Valentine - Valentin Interamnsky and Valentin of Rome.

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Those who celebrate this holiday give flowers, sweets, toys, balloons and special cards (often in the shape of a heart) with poems, love confessions or wishes of love - valentines to loved ones and dear people.

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The history of St. Valentine's Day, as suggested in the 17th century in France by the historian Tillemont, and later in the 18th century in England by Butler and Douce, originates from the Lupercalia of Ancient Rome. Lupercalia is a fertility festival in honor of the goddess of “feverish” love, Juno Februata, and the god Faun (Luperk is one of his nicknames), the patron saint of herds, which was celebrated annually on February 15.

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In the ancient world, infant mortality was very high. In 276 BC. e. Rome almost died out as a result of an "epidemic" of stillbirths and miscarriages. The oracle informed that in order to increase the birth rate, a rite of corporal punishment (flogging) of women with the help of sacrificial skin is necessary. People who, for whatever reason, had few or no children were regarded as cursed and resorted to mystical rites in order to gain the ability to bear children saints. Every year, on February 15, a festival called "Lupercalia" (lat. lupa - "she-wolf") was held here, during which animals were sacrificed. Whips were made from their skins. After the feast, the young people took these whips and ran naked through the city, hitting the women they met on the way with the whip. Women willingly set themselves up, believing that these blows would give them fertility and easy childbirth. This became a very common ritual in Rome, in which even members of noble families participated. There is evidence that even Mark Antony was a Luperk.

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Saint Valentine and the history of the holiday

In 494, Pope Gelasius I attempted to ban the Lupercalia. The Orthodox Encyclopedia notes that “it seems more likely that the celebration of this day replaced the Lupercalia, the ancient Roman feast of female fertility, which fell in mid-February”

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At the same time, historians William Friend and Jack Oruch (which was published in 1967-1981) argue that the idea that there was an ordinary replacement of a pagan cult by a Christian celebration, as was the case earlier with Christmas, is nothing more than conjecture, which arose in the 18th century from the antiquarians Alban Butler, who compiled the so-called. The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and Other Principal Saints, and Francis de Sales on the basis of the complete absence of reliable data on Valentine, therefore an attempt was made to artificially link the writings of the XIV century with the events that took place in the III century. Scientists Michael Keillor and Henry Kelly also believe that there is no evidence to point to a connection between modern romantic narratives and the Roman festival.

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Legends of Saint Valentine

In the late Middle Ages in France and England, the life of St. Valentina gradually began to acquire legends associated with the secret wedding of couples in love. According to the Golden Legend, in those distant and dark times, the imperious and cruel Roman emperor Claudius II came to the conclusion that a single man, not burdened with a wife and family, would be better off fighting on the battlefield for the glory of Caesar, and forbade men to marry, and women and girls - marry the men you love. And St. Valentine was an ordinary field doctor and priest who sympathized with the unfortunate lovers and secretly from everyone, under the cover of night consecrated the marriage of loving men and women. Soon the activities of St. Valentine became known to the authorities, and he was put in prison, sentenced to death. In conclusion, Saint Valentine met the warden's beautiful daughter, Julia. Before his death, the priest in love wrote a declaration of love to his beloved girl - a valentine, where he spoke about his love, and signed it "Your Valentine". It was read after he was executed, and the execution itself took place on February 14, 269.

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According to another legend, the Roman patrician Valentine, who was a secret Christian who also converted his servants to the new faith, once performed a wedding ceremony for two of them. By denunciation or by coincidence, all three were detained by the guards. Valentine, as a member of the upper class, could escape death, but not his servant. Then, wanting to encourage the doomed fellow believers, Valentine writes them letters in the form of red hearts, meaning Christian love. A blind girl was supposed to send messages to the newlyweds, but unexpectedly Valentine himself came to the dungeons, who persuaded the guards to let his servants go in exchange for his life. Before entering the arena of death, Valentine handed over the last letter, consecrated by faith and kindness, to a blind girl, who after that received her sight and became a beauty.

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modern celebration

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, on the pages of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, a description was given to Valentine's Day, according to which February 14 was rather not a holiday, but the day of a kind of ritual, the participants of which throughout the year felt its consequences. In 1969, the celebration of the day of memory of St. Valentine, as a general church saint, was discontinued, and his name was removed by the Roman Catholic Church during the transformation of the calendar of saints, due to the fact that there is no exact information about this martyr, except for his personal name and the tradition of beheading with a sword .. Currently, Roman On this day, the Catholic Church celebrates the memory of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, the Enlighteners of the Slavs, and this holiday has become optional.

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In the Orthodox Church, the memory of Valentine, the presbyter of Rome, whose name is usually associated with the celebration of St. Valentine's Day, is celebrated on July 19 (old style - in old calendar churches, new style - in new calendar). The patrons of well-being in marital relations in Rus' were considered Peter and Fevronia of Murom. In 2008, the Federation Council of Russia approved the initiative to establish on the day of their memory (July 8, new style, which corresponds to June 25, old style) "Day of Marital Love and Family Happiness."

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