Butterfly paper crafts for kids. How to make a butterfly: a master class on making from various materials (110 photos)

What to do if the design of the room is tired, and there is no money or effort for repairs? The fastest and not very expensive way is to change textiles and decor elements. And not all decor needs to be bought. For example, butterflies for decoration will help to bring an element of lightness. They make panels, wall compositions. Larger and brighter "live" on curtains or flowers.

What are they made of

Butterflies on the walls are made from different materials, sometimes even exotic ones. The appearance of the resulting decor depends on this choice. While there is no experience and you do not really imagine the end result, you can make several different decorative butterflies for testing. They can be attached to the location of the planned decor. So it will be easier to evaluate the effect and choose the most suitable option.


Butterflies for paper decor are the easiest and cheapest to make. There are several different techniques. If the product is flat and it is glued entirely to the wall / panel, only the front surface is important. If a three-dimensional composition is supposed, the paper should be double-sided - both sides should be painted, because the white often “wrong side” spoils the impression.

Instead of ordinary colored paper, you can take corrugated paper. The effect will be different - it is lighter, airy, translucent, with its help it is easy to make the decor with butterflies voluminous.

Butterflies for decoration made of corrugated paper are airy and light

You can make butterflies from an old magazine, newspaper, postcards, colored napkins, wallpaper of suitable colors, any other printed matter.

As you can see, there are a lot of options only from paper. Considering that they can still be slightly tinted, combined, made multi-layered, it is clear that there is a huge scope for imagination ...


Cardboard is not very dense. It's more of a thick paper. It is also available in color and double sided. With its help, they often make voluminous decor - you can easily bend the wings relative to the body. This material holds its shape even better. It is only worth remembering that you can no longer make corrugated wings - the material is too hard to make a small fold.

It is also easier to make openwork butterflies from cardboard. Having a sharp enough knife, they cut out the “extra” leaving only the partitions. Such decorations require perseverance, great patience and accuracy.

Cardboard is also used to make templates for the "mass" production of identical butterflies. With the help of such stencils, you can make insects of the same type and size and spend a minimum of time on it.


Having a template, you can make butterflies for decoration on a wall or a fabric chandelier lampshade. The fabric will need to be given additional rigidity, but otherwise the process is not much different: a contour is applied, cut out, decorated if necessary and mounted on the wall.

It is more difficult to work with fabric, although very interesting decorative crafts are obtained. This is an option for more advanced decorators and needle or sewing machine skills. With their help, you can recreate the veins on the wings.

Exotic materials

Old vinyl records will also be an excellent raw material for making butterfly decor. Since the vinyl is hard, to cut a butterfly out of it, you have to heat it up in the oven. And in order not to spoil the baking sheet, it must be covered with foil.

A contour is applied to the vinyl using chalk, the plate is placed in a preheated oven, as soon as it begins to soften, it is removed, and quickly cut out along the contour with scissors. Often it is necessary to heat the "workpiece" several times. After cutting out, heat for the last time and give the desired shape.

From beer cans or any other relatively soft tin, excellent flying beauties are also obtained. First you need to cut off the bottom and cover and align the piece of tin. Then, using an awl, transfer the contours from the template to the sheet, connect them with a marker and cut along the resulting contour.

Even beer cans can be used for "butterfly" wall decor.

You can decorate the back - the shiny part. This will require markers or felt-tip pens, you can try decorating with nail polish. Painted beauties are given the desired shape. One caveat: the edges are very sharp, you need to work carefully, otherwise cuts cannot be avoided.

How to make contour paper butterflies

We start with the simplest, but spectacular - contour butterflies. You will need colored paper or magazine pages, contour maps, etc. You can use old postcards or colored cardboard. You will also need ordinary cardboard - to cut out the template.

These are contour butterflies for decor - they are easy to make, but they look great.

Preparing a template

We take a piece of cardboard - any, you can even some kind of packaging (tea, breakfast cereals, cereals, etc.), the main thing is that the cardboard is dense and not cellular. We find the silhouette of a butterfly that you like, transfer it to cardboard and cut it out. There are several silhouettes in the photo gallery. They can be printed, then cut out and transferred to cardboard.

Moth on the wall - it will be good in color Swallowtail is attractive with its “tail”, but the paper consumption is greater and the work requires more accuracy Paper butterfly patterns for interior decoration are made by half. The second is obtained “automatically” after turning a piece of paper folded in half

Some tips for working with templates. Many butterfly contours are given with two wings, but it is better to cut off one wing - it will definitely turn out symmetrically.

Decorations from winged insects of different sizes look good. Therefore, the same contour can be enlarged, reduced using the simplest functions of graphic editors - the same Paint that is on any computer. Since only the contour is important in this case, the quality of the drawing is not so important, so feel free to experiment with sizes. We cut out the printed template, apply it to the cardboard and circle it. We cut out a hard working template with which you can make dozens of identical elements.

Cut and fasten

We take a sheet of paper, fold it in half, apply a template, circle it. Cut along the drawn line. Next, we bend the wings from the "body", we get a workpiece. Having cut out a certain number of butterflies, we attach them to the chosen place - on the wall, a piece of cardboard, etc.

You can mount it on ordinary glue (PVA is usually the best option), small strips of double-sided glue. Wallpaper paste, etc. can be used. If in doubt about the result, stock up on sewing pins. They can be mounted on the wall several times without much risk of damaging the surface. When you place all the butterflies and the result suits you, you can glue or use adhesive tape.


The situation is a little more complicated with openwork butterflies. They are made from paper or cardboard. It is important to have a good sharp knife and a template with lines printed on it, along which you will need to cut out excess paper. Needless to say, this is hard work.

Patterns of butterflies with openwork wings - a variant of medium complexity The second half is symmetrical

The process is the same as described above: a template is prepared, then the required number of elements is cut out from it. The peculiarity is that small fragments are first cut out and removed, and then a contour is already cut out of a piece of paper. With such a sequence of actions, there is less chance of breaking thin jumpers, and it’s easier to work this way.

How to make an openwork butterfly out of paper - the process in pictures

You need to work with a knife with a thin and sharp blade. It’s better not on the table, but by placing something solid enough - you can use a piece of plastic, etc. But you need to understand that grooves and cuts will remain on the surface, so it will be problematic to use this piece for some other purpose.

Multilayer bulk

In the manufacture of multilayer volumetric butterflies, several pieces of the same shape are cut out (size and color may vary). They are stacked one on top of the other, the “bodies” are glued together, and the wings are bent at different angles. So these butterflies are more voluminous.

You can make a combination of openwork and contour butterflies. Take paper in contrasting colors or find the same color, but different shades. Make butterflies of the same shape out of them. Only some will be with openwork, others - without. Arrange them by placing a fragment without a pattern down. It turns out an interesting effect.

There is a technique that allows you to immediately cut out voluminous butterflies from paper. You will need two rectangles of paper - a larger one (for large wings) and a smaller one. We fold them diagonally once, then the second. There are two triangles of different sizes. Now, from two opposite sides, we bend the paper inward so that we get such a triangle as in the third photo (with a newspaper).

On the resulting triangles draw the wings. In large openworks, it can be located only along the edge, in smaller ones - over the entire area. We cut out the blanks and put one into the other, glue it. From above we glue the “body” cut out separately with antennae. Due to the fact that the paper is folded and the wings are double, the products have a larger volume.

Corrugated paper

It is easier to work with corrugated paper and butterflies for decor are more airy and light, since the paper is translucent. We select suitable colors, take threads, scissors, glue. Nothing else is required. We cut out rectangles from paper about 7 * 10 cm.

We sew the resulting rectangles in the middle with a needle and thread, tighten, make a couple of turns with a thread. It turns out something resembling a bow. We fold it in half, straighten the paper with our fingers, trying to leave as few folds as possible - we form wings.

When the result satisfies you, we take scissors, cut off a strip of a few millimeters from this edge - into the antennae. On the rest, we form a patterned edge resembling a butterfly wing.

We twist the strips of antennae with our fingers into thin tubes. Now they definitely resemble antennae. We unfold the wings and finally straighten them. We got light butterflies.

From folded paper

From double-sided colored paper or old magazines, you can make paper butterflies for decoration by folding them into a small accordion. We cut out two squares or rhombuses from paper (one a little more, the second a little less), fold them into a small "accordion", starting from one of the corners. The smaller the fold, the more interesting the product will turn out.

Two folded rhombuses are folded one with the other, tied in the middle with a thread or flexible wire in a shell of a suitable color. From the remnants of the wire we make antennae, straighten the wings, if desired, correct the shape.

Photo for inspiration

To begin with, a little about how and on what you can attach already made paper butterflies. The easiest way is on walls or panels with glue. The second no less simple way is with double-sided tape. But to make the decoration more voluminous, it is best to glue it not directly to the wall, but on a small piece of foam rubber. You will get a more airy composition, with clear shadows.

Paper butterflies are used to create voluminous decorative compositions on small hoops with a fishing line tied to them. Cut out paper insects are fixed on the fishing line. You can’t hang them on the wall, but they look very original, although creating such a composition is more difficult than on the wall.

Hoops and fishing line - all you need to create this beauty

And several wall compositions that use butterflies for decor, made from different types of paper.

Another option with a big butterfly…

Colored tornado….

The main thing is to find a bright picture and even a simple silhouette will look great.

If you don’t have money for new wallpapers or the purchase of interesting interior items, but you really want to diversify your room, paper butterflies on the wall will be an alternative solution. It is quite simple and quick to make them with your own hands, but the main thing is that this accessory can be used almost everywhere and in the way you need.

Butterflies in the interior: a variety of options

What needs to be done before proceeding with interior design? That's right, find and print templates for cutting paper butterflies. And there are a lot of options here:

  • The easiest option is to cut butterflies with even wings without bends and fuzzy lines. They can decorate the wall in front of the fireplace, behind the sofa or a picture frame.
  • When there is a color printer in the house, why not print ready-made multi-colored butterflies? Immediately there will be no need to select suitable colored paper or mess with coloring.

  • Do you want to decorate your interior in an unusual way? Then you have to work a little. Print out this template and use a sharp utility knife to cut out openwork winged insects.

  • The next option will also require some skill and patience. No, you do not need to make large gaps in the wings, but you will have to work hard on small details.

If you have drawing skills, then in addition to the proposed ready-made templates, you can come up with and put your own ideas on paper. Such soaring butterflies will certainly be unique.

fluttering whirlwind

Paper butterflies can decorate any part of a cozy apartment. And a lot here depends on your imagination. For example, a lone butterfly is unlikely to be noticeable against the general background, but when there are a lot of winged moths, this is an element of decor. In this way, you can separate the area on the wall under the clock, decorate the picture frame or place above the fireplace.

DIY paper butterflies in this master class can be glued to the wall in the form of a crazy whirlwind. And if you want the picture to be visible even at night, grease their wings with fluorescent glue or paint.

Necessary materials:

  • thick cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • double sided tape;
  • saucer.

Process description:

Useful advice: if you do not yet have a clear picture of the decor, then it is better to attach butterflies to the wall not with adhesive tape, but with pins. This will allow you to make rough sketches without damaging your wallpaper. Subsequently, when the finished sketch suits you completely, put the moths on the glue - this way they will hold on more reliably and definitely will not fall off the wall at the first breath of wind.

In the technique of origami

Volumetric compositions look very beautiful and original on the wall. For example, you can cut out large and small moths, and then glue them together at the core. Paper butterflies made using the origami technique look especially unusual. With their help, you can create a real effect of the presence of live insects on the wall. Even if you don’t really know how to fold paper figures, don’t worry - this master class will teach you everything.

Necessary materials:

  • multi-colored leaves for notes;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • threads.

Process description:

A fascinating paper craft activity will help you transform a hand-made postcard, decorate the interior of your house, make a colorful holiday, or simply turn everyday life into a fairy tale. It is quite simple to make a butterfly out of improvised or prepared materials, but we will consider how in this article.

There are many variations to create a variety of paper crafts. You can also make a butterfly out of paper using different methods.

For example, for crafts you will need to have at home:

  • Old unnecessary magazine with bright pages
  • Scissors

To make the butterfly colorful, place the brightest parts of the pages of the magazine on the wings of the moth.

This technique for making paper decorations is the simplest and easiest. All you need to do to get the base of the product is:

  • Fold the magazine sheet in half twice and cut out a triangle of the desired size.
  • As a result, when you unfold the sheet, you get a rhombus
  • Now make another one of the same base, only slightly larger.
  • Ready-made rhombuses must be rolled up with an accordion, starting from the middle
  • And fix them with glue
  • The last stage of work will be fixing two rhombuses together, also with glue
  • Gently spread the wings of the butterfly, slightly stretching the accordion.

The product is ready.

Such wonderful moths can be present on a holiday card, you can make a children's toy out of them, and also create a garland by hanging several butterflies on a thread or elastic band. This is the easiest way how to make a wall paper butterfly.

How to make an origami paper butterfly?

The origami technique has long won the love of those who wish to present gifts made with their own hands. Decorating bouquets, gift boxes, postcards and much more is not complete without such an element as a butterfly.

Let's look at the way how to make a paper butterfly easy and fast. To do this, we need to stock up on a sheet of colored paper, it is better to take a double-sided one, 8.5 × 8.5 cm in size and a little patience.

  • The first thing to do is to bend the sheet in half lengthwise and across. Bend well so that the fold lines are clear, and then unfold the sheet.
  • Now bend the diagonal lines. Connect the upper right and lower left corners, bend the first diagonal, and then the upper left and lower right. Expand the sheet.
  • Next, you need to bend the paper so that you end up with a triangle. To do this, the left and right edges need to be bent into the middle.
  • Now bend the lower corners of the resulting triangle up, making even diagonal folds.
  • Expand the craft and wrap the top of the triangle so that its tip extends beyond the top edge of the product, and fix it.
  • Don't press too hard on the folds, this will make the bow look unsightly flat.
  • Fold the resulting craft in half across and you're done.

How to make a crepe paper butterfly

Corrugated paper is very convenient and quite practical to use. Wonderful crafts and decorations for a holiday or celebration come out of it. Therefore, it is wildly popular with needlewomen. How to make a paper butterfly step by step let's consider. In general, it will take you no more than 10 minutes, because working with corrugated paper is easy and uncomplicated. So what you need:

  • Corrugated paper in different colors
  • Ruler
  • Needle
  • Threads
  • Scissors

The work steps are as follows:

  1. Cut out rectangles of paper about 7 cm × 10 cm.
  2. We bend the rectangle across and sew along the resulting fold line with a thread. Make a few turns to fix.
  3. The result will be a bow.
  4. We bend the resulting bow in half, holding the seam with our fingers, we begin to spread the wings of the butterfly. Try to leave as few wrinkles as possible.
  5. Now that the wings are smoothed, we cut off a couple of millimeter strips on one side with scissors, from which we will further form the antennae of the butterfly.
  6. Cut out fancy butterfly wings from the rest of the paper with scissors.

  1. We twist the strips cut off for the antennae with our fingers into thin tubes.
  2. Now unfold the butterfly. The product is ready.

Corrugated paper butterflies are weightless and light. With their very appearance, they make you enter into a light trance of your dreams and desires. These decorations are the perfect addition to any celebration.

How to make a butterfly out of colored paper?

Making a butterfly out of ordinary colored paper is generally the easiest and most affordable task. A butterfly from ordinary colored paper can be made from one color using several tones of paper, as well as openwork.

Making such butterflies, it all depends on the imagination. They will perfectly decorate a wall, window or curtain. With such butterflies, you can create paintings, recreate whirlwinds on the wall, make decorations for a chandelier or mirrors. It is very beautiful, and most importantly, every time you change the color scheme, you will create a new mood in your home.

Handmade, and especially the presentation of gifts made by one's own hands, always captivates with its originality and love invested in them. And the question of how to decorate a holiday or gift wrapping, now will not take you by surprise, because how to make a beautiful butterfly out of paper, You know. Fill your life with colors, turn the ordinary design of your home into something interesting and complement it with bright, unique details.

Video: How to make a butterfly out of paper. DIY paper butterflies on the wall

If you want to arrange a spring mood at home, then butterflies, as the most elegant spring insects, will help you do this. In this article, we will look at various techniques for making butterflies. To do this, you can use a variety of materials to get the maximum colorful effect. Look at the photo of butterfly-themed crafts to see the truly creative execution of such products.


Any child can handle children's paper butterfly crafts. As a base, you can take a sleeve from under the toilet paper. For decoration, it is enough to print an already prepared image of a butterfly on a printer, cut it out and glue it. If it is not possible to print the sheet, then you can take pencils or felt-tip pens and paint the butterfly in the way you like best.

If you go the other way, you can also cut the toilet paper roll into equal parts, and then stick them in this way on a sheet of paper or cardboard to make an applique.

To do this, it is enough to glue parts of the sleeve in the form of a butterfly, fill the space with any material that will look festive.

wire butterfly

Another approach is to use fluffy wire, paper towels, and food coloring. To do this, fold a sheet of towel in the form of an accordion several times, and then paint over it with dye, you can mix colors or apply different colors to different parts of the butterfly.

When the product dries, it is necessary to tie a butterfly in the middle with wire to get the desired shape. The resulting crafts can be attached to the ceiling, where a draft often blows so that the butterflies move in the air.

Corrugated Paper Butterfly

Another option is to use multi-colored crepe paper and clothespins, which can also be dyed or bought already colored.

Fold the sheet of paper as needed, and simply secure with a clothespin in the middle. On the clothespin, you can draw a butterfly face to make the product look more elegant. You can not only come up with more detailed ideas and instructions for manufacturing yourself, but also borrow them on the Internet.

butterflies from pasta

In addition, there are various pasta that differ both in shape and color, but resemble the silhouette of a butterfly.

If you glue them to a cardboard sheet and finish drawing some elements of the body, you can get quite a fancy applique.

Butterfly from plates

You can also use disposable plates, which must be cut in half, shaped into wings and fastened together. In this case, the child can be trusted to decorate the butterfly the way he likes best.

Paper butterfly master class

Try making a paper butterfly. To do this, take thin paper of various colors, as well as fluffy wire. Cut the shapes into squares so that one edge is rounded in the form of a wing, and then fold the resulting shapes into an accordion. The more folds the wings have, the better the craft will look.

Next, twist the body of the butterfly from the wire so that its size fully matches the size of the wings. After that, fold the wings together and secure with wire over the top so that the wings remain between the two coils of wire. Add the antennae, spread the wings and the butterfly is ready.

Such work can be entrusted even to children, it will not only show imagination, but also allow you to develop finger motor skills. In case there was no fluffy wire at hand, you can put beads of the same or different colors and sizes on a regular wire, which will add originality.

Butterfly origami

You can take the same paper, but make an origami butterfly. To do this, you need to find detailed instructions to understand each step of the process.

This lesson will be much more useful for children, as it makes them think and think, and the bizarre steps of assembling such a butterfly will give dexterity and new skills.


Today you learned how to make a butterfly with your own hands, but do not rush to stop there. Try to make a whole wall of such butterflies, so that later you can completely decorate it with colorful insects of different sizes. The child will not only appreciate this approach, but he himself will want to do something similar.

Photo crafts butterfly



There are many ways to make a butterfly out of paper. Their diversity allows you to create a unique and stylish home interior with your own hands. For example, you can decorate a wall in a bedroom or living room in this way. The execution technique involves not only the use of paper, but also felt, vinyl records, cardboard, silk, organza, papier-mâché and other materials.

The advantages of working with paper are simplicity and speed of execution. It is much easier to work with such material than with vinyl, felt and other materials. Origami also has techniques for making butterflies that can be hung on the wall. If you have long dreamed of enlivening the interior, bringing notes of romance, spring and sunny mood into it, then make wonderful butterflies from plain paper with your own hands.

This lesson will not take you much time, but it will bring a lot of positive emotions. And the result will please not only you, but also the guests of your house.

Purpose and color

Before you start making butterflies, you need to decide what these handicrafts will be used for. You can attach them to the wall in a certain order to create a beautiful composition. But there are other options. For example, you can decorate flowerpots with indoor plants in this way, stick butterflies on furniture, for example, on a closet. An interesting look will be given to the room if you attach a voluminous butterfly to a curtain or curtain, giving the interior the colors of nature.

After you have come up with a concept, you should decide what color your products will be. We recommend using delicate, pastel or bright shades. There are ways that will allow you to make a butterfly from colored plain or multi-colored paper. To perform crafts using the origami technique, it is necessary to use special types of paper that make it easy to make paper figures.


To make a beautiful decoration, you need not only to choose the right color of paper, but also think about how you decorate the product.

It is best to do this with beads or sequins, which are extremely easy to work with. They can be attached to the craft using ordinary glue or sewn with threads. Beads and sequins look very gentle. In addition, it is possible to choose their different colors. On sale you can find mother-of-pearl beads, shiny sequins and many different decorations.

If you are going to decorate flowerpots with paper butterflies, then you need to provide a mount. It is convenient to stick the product on a stick, which can be easily inserted into a pot with soil.

Tools for the job

Depending on what technique you use, you need to purchase tools and materials. The origami technique requires only the presence of special colored or white paper. The rest is done by hand. Before you start making beautiful butterflies, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • different types of paper;
  • transparent glue;
  • scissors;
  • beads, sequins for decoration;
  • markers or paints;
  • wire for fixation;
  • threads.

After all the elements are prepared, you can start making butterflies. Any needlework requires inspiration and good mood. Everyone can create beautiful crafts with their own hands. The main desire. But without the knowledge of technology, too, can not do.

Origami technique

Origami is always made from square paper.

It is necessary to fold the square diagonally twice. After that, it needs to be deployed. You will see clear fold lines. Then you need to fold the paper in half vertically and horizontally. Anyone familiar with the origami technique knows that this is how the production of all figures begins. After that, the figure folds into a triangle, the sides of which can be easily bent. To do this, connect opposite sides of a sheet of paper. A similar double triangle is often used in the origami technique.

Let's start with the triangle. It is necessary to alternately bend the corners to the top on one of the sides of the triangle. After that, you should bend the side that is next to the folded corners. It remains to complete one step - straighten the wings. As you can see, it is quite simple to make a figure with your own hands using the origami technique. We recommend that you watch the detailed video instruction if you do not quite understand any of the points.

These butterflies will look wonderful if you hang them on the wall. You can arrange them in a wedge, cascade or in a chaotic manner. They bring a sense of lightness and romanticism to the interior of the house. True, there are not many options for their decor. In addition to decorating with beads and sequins, it is difficult to come up with other options. Such butterflies will perfectly decorate the wall in a room where the renovation is done in a minimalist style.

Easy way to make paper butterflies

The next method is more labor intensive. But you will have the opportunity to show your artistic abilities. You need to find images of butterflies that you like on the Internet. After that, you need to print pictures on the simplest printer. After that, you should attach the printed image to the cardboard and circle its outline. So a butterfly template is cut out of cardboard. You can make different patterns with your own hands, which will differ in shapes and sizes. The only rule is that the stencil must be symmetrical.

After that, you can start making paper butterflies with your own hands. It is necessary to cut out the figures using a stencil. If you want to attach them to the wall, then be sure to make figures of different sizes. Then the composition will come out more realistic and beautiful.

After that, the most interesting process begins - the decoration of butterflies. Unlike the origami technique, in this case there are more opportunities to make the figurine beautiful. You can decorate it to your liking using paints or markers. Try to create a realistic color. You can even try to recreate the colors that nature has awarded to various types of live butterflies.

After you decorate the figures, you need to glue their eyes. Beads or beads of dark color are suitable for this. If the paper butterfly is large enough, it is better to take plain black beads. As you can see, this process is very easy to do with your own hands. Then carefully bend the wings to give a realistic look. If you want to decorate a flowerpot with flowers, then glue the finished figure onto a thin stick or wire. To attach it to the wall, just grease the center of the figure with glue.

There are many options for making butterflies. Interesting products come out of plastic bottles, nylon, organza, felt and even the pages of color magazines. A little imagination, and you will create a wonderful decoration that will become not just an attribute of your home, but also a manifestation of individuality and a creative approach to interior design.