Print applications for girls. We make funny paper applications with our kids. Just a field bouquet

Many parents know perfectly well how useful it is to engage in creativity with their children from early childhood. The easiest activities, like finger painting or paper applications, can develop both children's imagination and fine motor skills of the hands, and it is known to contribute to the development of a child's speech. Those children with whom parents managed to work out at home before kindergarten feel more confident. They know how to handle scissors or how to glue paper parts.

Even the smallest children can do paper applications. Applications for kids must have the following qualities:

    for the smallest children, the details should be large and understandable;

    the colors of all details should be very bright and saturated;

    the process itself should bring joy to your baby.

With all this, you should never leave your child alone with scissors as well as glue.

What are the benefits of applique lessons for a child?

On the palms of any person there are a lot of nerve endings, and they have a direct connection with the brain. Forcing a child to work with his hands, you massage his palms, and all the nerve endings that are located there are irritated.

Irritated nerve endings send peculiar signals to the baby's brain, not allowing him to rest. The brain is at work, and irritation of the nerve endings leads to its development and improvement.

Moreover, how many joyful emotions a baby can get by gluing colored details on a paper base. For such activities, children can spend a lot of time.

The main task of such lessons is to draw up drawings from separate paper parts.

Being engaged with the baby application, you influence the development of compositional skills of your baby. These lessons teach you how to lay out the same shapes in one row or arrange parts of different sizes in a different order. The child tries to creatively process the impressions received; during work, he is persistent and extremely concentrated.

Working with applications teaches children endurance, perseverance, independence and accuracy. Children begin to understand what symmetry and harmony are. They improve visual functions, acquire the skills of evaluating and correcting the mistakes made, which are revealed in the course of the analysis.

But before you do the application with your child, you should dwell on the types of this work, the materials and tools that you may need.

What will be needed from the materials

To engage in the application, prepare materials and tools:

    for the background, you need a sheet of thick paper or cardboard;

    colored paper is also required, separate parts of the application will be made from it. Prepare scissors, it is desirable to have a tool with blunt ends;

    PVA together with a brush, but all this can be replaced with a glue stick. To remove excess glue, prepare a napkin in advance.

In introductory classes, it is better to use the simplest variations of applications, they can be performed even without certain skills. Shops for creativity are ready to offer their customers many different templates. In such sets there are outlines of drawings, as well as colored details, which are printed separately. You can make these templates yourself.

Colored paper is an excellent material for creative activities with children. It is easy to cut and glue, and bright colors will always interest the child. The kid will be delighted to cut out all kinds of circles, squares and triangles. The workflow becomes exciting, even when your little one sticks all sorts of colored details on a sheet of paper in a chaotic manner.

Creation of complex applications

If your baby is a little older, then you can find more difficult types of work for them. Useful, as well as interesting, will be work with corrugated and velvety paper. This will develop various tactile sensations.

You must understand that an application can be called a picture drawn with paper on a paper basis. Therefore, do not get hung up on the simplest geometric shapes. From colored sheets of paper, you can cut a wide variety of patterns of any size and shape. The more complex the shape, the faster the child will learn to handle scissors and develop manual dexterity.

Application types

There are several types of applications:

Breakaway application

There are such types of applications when the sheets of paper are not cut into separate parts, they are simply torn off by hand. And from small multi-colored pieces all kinds of drawings are made.

This method can perfectly convey the texture of the image, for example, if you need to draw a fluffy little animal.

Children very often like to tear paper, but even this desire can be put to good use - get creative with your child.

Let your little one tear paper into different shapes and sizes. And you will need to stick them together on a pre-selected background. Thus, the child not only creates, but is also freed from accumulated stress.

overhead application

The most unimaginable picture can be made with your own hands, using a wide variety of templates and colored paper. Using this method, small parts are glued to larger parts.

How to make a hedgehog applique template

The template of this picture will help you make a colorful application. In addition to the template, prepare colored paper, paint, scissors and glue. First, cut out all the details according to the prepared patterns, after which all the details will need to be glued onto the base, for which it is best to choose thick paper or cardboard. First of all, glue the muzzle of the hedgehog, then its torso and at the end - the nose. Use a black marker to draw the spines, eyes, legs, and mouth on the hedgehog. To make the composition complete, cut an additional apple and a leaf from colored paper.

Modular application

This type of work involves the creation of many figures of the same shape, and only after that one complete picture is created from such details. As an example, the process of making a ladybug is presented to your attention.

Applications of this kind are similar to the constructor. The child not only learns to cut and connect parts, but also to assemble images from identical modules. But in order to successfully do this, the child must show imagination and present the final result.

To make ladybugs with your child, prepare two red circles with a diameter of 8 cm, as well as two black circles, but one should be 5 cm in diameter and the other 7 cm.

For the base, prepare the paper and stick a black circle on it, the diameter of which is 7 cm. It will serve as the body of the insect. The second black circle will become the head. To do this, bend the circle in half and glue it to the body as illustrated below.

The wings will be made from two red circles. Also bend them in half and glue them to the body, but only for those halves that are lower. You can see the result in the photo.

It remains to make eyes or glue ready-made ones from plastic. Draw paws, antennae, and dots on the back with a marker.

Now the ladybugs made with the modular appliqué are ready.

Symmetrical appliqué

Such applications are great for creating any images or whole compositions. Symmetrical applique is used for those figures that have a symmetrical structure, or if you want to create perfectly even outlines. Draw a figure on paper, fold it in half and, holding the fold, cut out half of the detail along the contour.

Tape applique

The tape type of application is slightly similar to the previous one. However, in this case, using the application, you can get not two identical figures, but a set. They can be interconnected or vice versa - disparate. Ribbon appliqué is good for making various patterns on napkins, bookmarks, etc.

Silhouette view of the application

Use this type of application with children who have a well-developed imagination. Draw a variety of images that just need to be cut along the contour.

Volumetric applications

Volumetric paper applications are a unique type of children's creativity, which you definitely need to dwell on in more detail. Using it, you can create a wide variety of volumetric figures. It can be cartoon characters, letters of the alphabet, flowers and much more. But in order for them to turn out, it is necessary to use various templates in the work.

Although the voluminous application sounds unusual, it is not very difficult to do. You need to print the templates (you can redraw them), bend along the lines and glue.

Many of the templates can be found immediately multi-colored. But there are also black and white schemes, so you can invite your child to initially color the craft.


To get started, try to make the simplest of voluminous applications in the form of a pyramid:

How to make a three-dimensional colored toy

You just need to print the diagram on a color printer:

Sky-high voluminous application

Well, who in childhood does not want to fly into the sky? Help your kid to tell about his cherished dream, and colored paper will help to do it. The templates below will help you do just that. The picture can be glued on the wall in the nursery or presented to grandparents as a keepsake.

Print or redraw the cloud and balloon templates, fold them into an accordion pattern, and cut them out.

Now glue all the bulk blanks on a pre-prepared blue background. You should come out as in the photo, only the balls will be the same color.

Application for first grade children

This application is not easy, so offer it to children who are already going to school. The main difficulty in this work will be the accurate cutting of the side parts of the flowers (here it is very important not to touch the middle of the flower).

Of course, you can make the work easier for the kids by making not 5 colors, but 3. However, they need to be done more so that it is more convenient for the kids to work.

First of all, cut the blue paper of two shades into separate squares: there will be two of them. The sides of a large square will be 6 cm, and a small one - 5 cm. For each cornflower, you need two such squares.

Fold the square diagonally in half, then again and again in half.

Take your scissors and start cutting. First of all, round off the wide part of the triangle, then cut out the teeth on the edge of the flower. As a result, you need to cut out the side parts, just look carefully at how this is done in the picture.

Unfold the paper and the cornflower is ready. Such flowers need to be cut out of all the prepared squares and glued in pairs.

Take yellow cardboard - it will serve as the basis. Cut out the background from orange colored paper and glue it on top. Place all the flowers on top of the background and mark their place with a pencil.

Cut stalks about 0.5 cm wide from green paper. They need to be glued to the application, but only in two places: where there are pencil markings and at the bottom where the flower will begin. Glue cornflowers on top of the stems.

Now make the leaves using the symmetrical appliqué method. For this purpose, cut out a rectangle of size 12x4 cm green paper, bend it in half and draw on it the contours of the future leaflet.

Cut along the contours, and the leaf is ready. These need to be made 4-5 pieces.

Glue the leaves on the base, and the application "Cornflower" is ready.

You must understand that not only cardboard and colored paper are used to create applications. Give your child freedom, let him dream up. It is not forbidden to experiment with different textures and colors. You can use a variety of fabrics, beads, buttons, sequins, and whatever else you have on hand.

If you do not have colored paper on hand, and the child needs something to do, then you can use a gift wrap. She is always very bright, and has many colorful drawings. If this is not in your home, then any glossy magazines will do. They are also convenient because images of people, cars, etc. can be cut out of them.

Using colored napkins, you can create many broken applications. Napkins are best used to display fluffy surfaces, it can be cat hair, dandelion, etc. Applications are very beautiful if you additionally use buckwheat, rice, semolina, etc. Cereals give relief to individual items of the composition.

Let your child personally figure out exactly how to create such applications. But always stay close to support your child in time and help him. Open for the child various ways of applications gradually. Finished works can be used to create all kinds of paintings, as well as gifts for loved ones. The usefulness of applications simply cannot be overestimated.

For the successful versatile development of the child, activities for the development of fine motor skills of the hands are of great importance. One of the types of such activities are colored paper applications, the templates for which were developed by methodologists, taking into account the characteristics of the age groups of preschoolers.

It is important that the complexity of the task corresponds to the age of the child, that the classes are carried out systematically, gradually becoming more difficult, and take place under the supervision and with the help of adults.

What is the use of template applications for development

Paper applications- a creative process through which children learn about the world around them and acquire many skills. In addition to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, this is coordination of movements, the study of colors and their combinations, the concept of composition, acquaintance with various materials and textures, the development of observation, imagination and fantasy.

Working on the application in a team contributes to organization, endurance, accuracy. It is also necessary to note the development of spatial imagination: while doing applique, children create a whole from several components and, conversely, learn to divide the whole into parts.

Scientists have proven that in the cerebral cortex, the center responsible for fine motor skills is located next to the speech center and contributes to the development of speech skills.

Types of applications according to the template

There are three main types of applications:

  • subject - the cut parts have a simple, clear shape and proportions, an image is created that is not associated with any plot;
  • plot-thematic - correspondence to a certain plot (taken from a fairy tale or invented independently);
  • decorative - decoration of postcards, photo frames with patterns of geometric shapes.

Simple applications for children 2-3 years old

Simple appliques from colored paper using templates can be practiced from 2 years old. However, some experts believe that children from 1 year old can also perform feasible tasks.

The initial lessons are gluing pieces of paper on a sheet in any form. At this stage, the child must understand and remember the basic actions: spread, turn over, attach, smooth. The process itself attracts kids so far, they will strive for the result later.

At the second level of complexity, templates are used. The child must also place the elements randomly, but within the contour, and a certain image appears.

Application template from colored paper "Hedgehog"

A template is a schematic image of a future picture, drawn or printed on a printer. Simple patterns for colored paper applications can be, for example, a Christmas tree with balls, a tree with apples and others.

For such work, you need to prepare elements: balls, apples, etc. The child must determine for himself how to place them on the templates.

Application template "Palm tree"
Application template "Flower"

For young children, it will be interesting to perform a simple breakaway application. The kid watches how the adult tears the paper into long strips, then he tears them into pieces. These pieces need to fill the contour.

If the child wants to tear the paper himself, then these uneven, awkward strips can also be used to make an application, for example, grass. Ants are drawn with finger paints.

Further, the task becomes more complicated: you need to get the element to a specific place in the template or the drawn contour. So, with the help of cut out circles, an image of a caterpillar is made. At this stage, children are interested not only in the process, but also in the result.

When making applications from colored paper using patterns and contours with children under 3 years old, prepared cut-out elements are used.

A three-year-old child can already be taught how to work with scissors with rounded ends.

At the same time, it is necessary to explain how to properly hold scissors and paper so as not to get hurt. You need to start with straight cuts, then work out the bends and roundings.

At this age, children are already able to create simple plot pictures. The elements glued onto the template allow you to create a specific image.

The background for the application can be a drawn contour with partially drawn elements. For example, children can populate a template aquarium with algae and stones at the bottom with inhabitants: fish, jellyfish, etc.

An interesting activity can be the connection and gluing of the cut picture. If the child copes with such a task easily, it is recommended to complicate it: add raindrops to the umbrella, glue windows to the house with an attached roof. Such activities develop fantasy, observation, a sense of proportion.

Applications for children 4-5 years old

At this age, colored paper applications and patterns for them become more difficult. Preparing, together with an adult, elements for a future picture, the child shows more independence: he cuts out, selects colors and, thus, gets an idea about the composition.

Such activity develops logical thinking, allows you to show creative inclinations.

For children 4-5 years old, making postcards is an exciting activity, which they then give to their parents and friends.

The base is folded in half and elements are glued inside the card, forming a plot picture.

The templates developed by experts are only examples to indicate the direction of work.

Parents and educators can contribute their ideas. For example, the use of a cut-out contour of a baby’s palm in an application - such pictures cause amazement and delight in children.

Applications with a palm

The application technique from one circles reveals for the child the relationship of parts and the whole.

Developing the creative imagination of the child, you should show him various methods of working with paper: for example, fold it in the form of an accordion. For such a picture, you need to prepare the base, apply the contours. The gluing process is also complicated.

Complex applications for children 6-7 years old

Children of senior preschool and primary school age already have certain skills.

Applications from colored paper using templates during this period help to further develop fine motor skills, thinking, memory and concentration, and the ability to plan one's activities is developed.

An important circumstance is that the child foresees the final result of his work.

At this age, children consolidate the skill of cutting out individual details and solid silhouettes, symmetrical elements from paper folded in half, as well as the ability to create compositions and correctly arrange their individual parts on the basis.

At this stage, children learn color combinations, analyze and compare details. The texture of the material also becomes diverse: in addition to ordinary colored paper, crepe (“crumpled”), highlighted (glossy), textured (embossed or imitating velvet), and foil are used.

During this period, you can move on to voluminous symmetrical compositions.

To perform such a task, templates (clouds, balloons) are cut out in the usual way. Next, two identical templates are folded in the center and fastened together (can be sewn). Prepared elements are glued to the base.

To make a three-dimensional bird, the template is folded in half and glued together, except for the wings, which are folded along the dotted line.

The result obtained can be glued with one side and a wing on the base (in the form of an appliqué) or turned into a craft by tying it to a thread and hanging it on a twig.

Having learned the basics of composition at the previous stages, children of 6-7 years old are able to create whole pictures - landscapes, still lifes, using ready-made templates for applications from colored paper or making them with the help of a teacher or parents.

Applications using a disposable plate

Disposable plates are a convenient material with which you can create original and beautiful compositions. Made of polystyrene or cardboard, in different colors, with different embossed patterns, they can be both the basis for the application and the elements for it.

Children can be involved in making applications from colored paper on a disposable plate using templates from a young age. On a prepared colored background, children arrange simple elements in the form of a pattern.

A more complicated option is to use two or more colors for the background and more complex elements. Children 6-7 years old already make thematic compositions on plates or use them as material for individual elements.

Examples of gradually becoming more complex applications on plates:

Combined applications

When making applications from colored paper, patterns can be diversified by combining different materials.

Grain applications

This type of application can be done even with small children. The algorithm of work is as follows: an adult applies glue to the prepared drawing, the child pours grits on it and presses it lightly with his finger.

The remaining non-glued grains must be shaken off. Such an activity brings up attentiveness and accuracy in a child.

Older children can use different types of cereals. In this case, the glue is applied alternately to individual sections. For the colorfulness of the picture, it is recommended to pre-tint the grits with gouache in different colors. As a template, you can take your own drawing of the child, this stimulates him, inspires him.

Button applications

To perform such an application, preliminary preparation is necessary. Having studied the drawing and choosing colors, the child, with the help of adults, selects buttons that are suitable in color and size. Then you should lay them out in a drawing to represent the desired result, and proceed with gluing.

For younger children who do not yet possess the necessary skills, you can apply a pattern according to the template on a layer of plasticine - the child will attach the buttons by pressing. This technique is applicable when working with cereals.

For combined applications, cotton wool, napkins, eggshells, natural materials - leaves, petals, seeds and much more are also used.

Multi-layer applications

Multi-layer (overhead) applications of colored paper or other materials are made using templates designed or made independently.

Such work develops spatial imagination, brings up aesthetic taste. They are made of paper, fabric, leather, felt - the main thing is that the edges of the material do not crumble.

Multilayer applications, like other varieties, come in varying degrees of complexity. For little ones, this is a simple gluing of parts on top of each other. By pinning elements from only one edge, you can create a three-dimensional effect.

More complex appliqués are characterized by more detail and require good scissor skills, a sense of proportion and color.

Older children, with well-developed fine motor skills of their hands, who have the skills to make complex details, create real works of art - unusual compositions and even portraits. Light and shade effects give them a special brilliance.

Multilayer application is already a truly creative process in which the imagination and artistic abilities of the child are manifested. It is necessary to think over the image, color scheme, sequence of actions, so such work implies a certain level of intelligence.

Applications from pieces

Applications from cut or torn pieces of colored paper using templates are a fairly simple look, even small children can do them. A drawing must be applied to the base sheet. In addition to ready-made templates, you can use children's coloring pages or come up with a sketch yourself.

The production of appliqué elements is carried out together with the child - small children are happy to tear the paper into pieces. If you already have scissor skills, you can allow these elements to be cut out.

An important detail: the younger the child, the larger the fragments should be.

After choosing the right colors, you can start gluing. Glue is applied not to small parts, but to the template, in sections.

When working with kids, this process is carried out by an adult, older children themselves apply glue with a brush. When gluing pieces of paper, the child must exactly fall into the contour.

A kind of appliqué from pieces is trimming. This technique is quite complicated, but for children of 6-7 years old it is quite within their power, especially when working together.

To master the technique of facing, teachers and parents are offered master classes on this topic.

Autumn themed applications

The bright colors of autumn make it possible to create colorful pictures of autumn nature. For applications on this topic, both colored paper and natural materials are used: multi-colored leaves, petals of late flowers, seeds, spikelets, twigs and other objects.

When making applications on the autumn theme from colored paper according to templates and in a free composition, the main attributes are preserved - flowers, mushrooms, fruits, acorns, tree silhouettes are cut and painted. An obligatory component is autumn leaves.

When working with natural material, you need to prepare it. The collected leaves must first be leveled and dried under pressure. If the leaf needs to be given any shape, then a fresh leaf is used for this, which is then dried.

For collages and mosaic paintings, you can prepare cardboard templates on which elements are glued.

Autumn nature is fertile ground for the flight of children's imagination. Leaves appliqués, placed in a photo frame, will decorate any interior.

Autumn lanterns will also be a spectacular decoration. To do this, a glass vessel is glued on the outside with multi-colored leaves (paper or natural), a small candle is placed inside.

Winter themed applications

To create winter and, in particular, New Year's applications, any of the described techniques is used, depending on the age of the children.

The most common type of winter applications are snowflakes - this is a subspecies of silhouette-type applications. It is recommended to fold the sheet correctly, cut off the edge and sharp corner, it is recommended to make cuts first on plain paper - this is how the skill is developed.

In addition, pendants made of such snowflakes decorate the room. Thin, airy snowflakes can be stuck on windows and other surfaces.

For young children, it is better to prepare templates (circles with an outline) and make a broken snowflake from pieces. For flat, voluminous, multi-layered snowflakes, it is required to prepare patterns for cutting.

To make a traditional Christmas tree, kids use green paper triangles, a snowman is made from white circles, a teacher or parent helps to complete the application with details.

Older children can be invited to make a Christmas tree from strips of paper or create a picture of a winter forest using templates using small pieces of paper or cotton wool.

A Christmas tree made of paper balls looks bright and voluminous. For this, a template and elements are made of crepe paper. The main color is dark green, multi-colored balls are made for the garland.

An interesting application with the image of winter accessories allows children to show their creative imagination.

Hats and mittens can be decorated with any ornament, animal figurines, winter pictures, beads or rhinestones.

Cotton wool is used to imitate fur.

Using a disposable plate, you can make a polar bear mask craft. Holes are cut out in the plate - eyes, the surface is pasted over with pieces of paper, a disposable cup is used for the nose.

Senior preschoolers and elementary school students are able, under the guidance of adults, to create complex winter landscapes using mixed media.

Spring themed applications

Snowdrops and lilies of the valley, starlings and flowering trees - these signs of spring are traditionally used in children's colored paper applications using templates. The smallest perform simple tasks, placing prepared elements on the contours. The same images can be complicated by adding pictures of spring nature.

More complex compositions - voluminous, multi-layered, with a large number of elements - are created by children who have the skills to work with glue, scissors, a brush and use different techniques.

Lilacs in a vase of cereals, a spring picture in the technique of drawing and application - these and many other ideas are offered by specialists to parents and educators for developing activities with children.

Application is a visual activity. Having achieved the desired result, the child experiences aesthetic pleasure, thereby joining the world of beauty, the world of art. A simple and accessible way for children to create artwork makes applique one of the favorite types of educational activities with children.

Summer is not only a time for beautiful and bright flowers, but also a time for the ripening of various useful fruits (fruits, vegetables, seeds, mushrooms). What a delicious flavor...

We suggest you make a summer application "Gifts of Summer". You can give this application to your mother, you can decorate the interior.

To complete the application, you need to prepare:

colored paper;

The basis for the application;


Black marker.

Step by step application process

1. We prepare templates for making applications

2. We prepare the basis for the application. You can take and print out such a basis. You can take a sheet of cardboard, or draw a base on watercolor paper.

3. Cut out the details (elements) of the application.

To cut out the appliqué elements, we use the symmetrical cutting method. To do this, fold the paper along the dotted lines and cut out the shares of the pear, leaves, berries, cuttings.

The photo shows the process of cutting out a share of the fruit of a pear, strawberry, leaves.

Fold along the dotted lines and cut out.

4. We take all the shares of the pear.

The figure shows the process of gluing a share of pear fruit.

Our pear is ready.

Glue it to the branch.

5. Glue the leaves. We coat with glue only the tips of the leaves.

Here the volume is visible due to the fact that only the tips of the leaves were glued.

6. Glue pink “sides” on strawberries.

7. Glue the green tails.

8. Glue strawberries to the base of the application.

9. Draw black dots with a black felt-tip pen.

10. Our application is ready.

This is how we got the application.

Do-it-yourself summer applications for a kindergarten Summer is not only a time for beautiful and bright colors, but it is also a time for the ripening of various fruits (fruits, vegetables, seeds). We invite you to make a summer application "Cherry Branches" from the "Gifts of Summer" series. You can give such an application to your mother, you can decorate the interior. To perform the application, you need to prepare: - colored paper; ...

Do-it-yourself summer applications for a kindergarten Summer is not only a time for beautiful and bright colors, but it is also a time for the ripening of various fruits (fruits, vegetables, seeds). We invite you to make a summer application "Corn" from the "Gifts of Summer" series. You can give such an application to your mother, you can decorate the interior. To complete the application, you need to prepare: ...

The most common material for creating simple crafts is colored paper. Indeed, working with paper is not only easy, but also fun. Paperwork is also a great exercise for kids' fingers. Considering all these advantages of paper, we decided to offer you colored paper crafts for kids. Here you can see the brightest ideas and try to have fun with your child.

Paper craft ideas


Today there are a huge number of paper crafts for children. But we hasten to offer you only the best ideas. For example, all children love a chamomile flower. So they are happy to do it. To create a flower you will need:

  • multi-colored paper and a sheet of cardboard,
  • PVA glue and scissors.

Working process:

  1. Long strips are cut from sheets of white paper. In order for the strips to be even, lines are first drawn on a sheet of paper with a pencil and a ruler.
  2. After that, circles are cut out of yellow paper, which will be the middle of the chamomile.
  3. It is also worth cutting out 3 long strips of green paper and a few leaves.
  4. From white stripes you need to make petals. White strips are glued together on both sides to make loops.
  5. Then all the elements are glued to the cardboard. (Pay attention to the photo).

Paper goldfish.

All colored paper crafts that we list in this article are suitable for children 4-5 years old. To make a fish you should take:

  • a sheet of thick cardboard and a round plate,
  • ruler and scissors
  • colored paper and PVA glue,
  • a simple pencil and elements for decorating a fish.

Working process:

  1. First, cut out the figure of the fish. To do this, a plastic plate is taken, placed on cardboard and the child traces its contours. After that, a circle is cut out, which turned out.
  2. Using a pencil, draw straight lines to the edges of the plate. In this case, the ruler must be used so that a triangle is formed. Now the kid should cut out this triangle.
  3. The piece that was cut recently will be the tail of the fish. It is glued to the back of the cardboard mug.
  4. Now you need to draw an eye or cut it out of colored paper.
  5. That's all the simple craft is ready. You can just admire it or use it in children's games.

Original butterfly from children's hands.

Very entertaining applications can be obtained from the contours of the palms of children. In addition, such an activity will be able to please your child and give him a sea of ​​​​positive.

On a note! Save a similar craft in order to remember the size of your child's palms in the future.

To make a craft, take:

  • Colored paper and scissors
  • White sheets and glue stick,
  • Elements for decoration.

Working process:

  1. The kid must first attach his left palm, and then his right to the sheets of paper. Using a pencil, an adult outlines the contours of the palm. As a result, it is worth making 4 palms of different colors. They will be the wings of a butterfly.
  2. Palms are now glued onto a sheet of white cardboard. (Pay attention to the photo).
  3. After that, an oval is drawn on a colored sheet. It should become the body of a butterfly. His child should glue between the wings and palms.
  4. Now with felt-tip pens you need to draw eyes and a smile.
  5. To decorate the wings, you can use completely different elements. It can be: sequins or sequins. You can also stick ready-made stickers.

Nice paper applique.

In this article you can find simple paper crafts for kids. Such products will be fun and easy to make. Invite the child to make an application from colored paper. Surely he will enjoy this activity. To create an application, you will need to prepare:

  • a sheet of thick cardboard and a simple pencil,
  • scissors and glue, colored paper.

Working process:

Heart with love.

Colored paper crafts for kids must be bright. In this case, their creation process will definitely interest the child. To make the following craft you need to take:

  • A thick sheet of cardboard and PVA glue,
  • Corrugated paper of different colors and scissors.

Working process:

  1. Draw an even heart on a sheet of cardboard. It should have a size of 20x20 cm. Cut out this heart.
  2. Colored corrugated paper is cut into squares 2 by 2 cm.
  3. These squares are glued as follows. A small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart is smeared with glue, a square is glued to it. With the help of a toothpick, the edges of this square are raised.
  4. Thus, you need to fill the entire space of the heart.

Sweet caterpillar.

To make it fun and interesting for the kids to make crafts of various kinds, be sure to offer them only bright colored paper for work.

In order to make a caterpillar, take: colored paper and glue.

Making a caterpillar is incredibly easy. The cardboard base is being prepared. Circles are cut from sheets of colored paper. At what circles should be different sizes. The largest circle is the head. A circle of smaller diameter is a ponytail. Glue all the details on cardboard.

On a large circle with a black felt-tip pen, draw facial features and make hairs with horns out of black paper.


Here we offer you simple crafts made of colored paper. Making a ladybug is very easy. Take cardboard and glue for this.

Working process:

  1. A circle is cut out of red cardboard. Circles and stripes are glued on it.
  2. Separately, paws and a head are cut out of black cardboard. All these elements are glued to the red circle from the inside.
  3. Now it remains to glue only the eyes and antennae, which can also be made from colored cardboard.

Bulky cat.

A volumetric cat is easy and very fast to make. In order to make a cat, take:

Working process:

  1. In order to make a cat, a template is useful. It is downloaded and cut.
  2. 4 cuts are made in the template. They are made along marked, solid lines.
  3. The neck bends like an accordion, and the tail twists.
  4. The paws along the line must also be bent and glued to a piece of cardboard.


Now you know what crafts to make with preschoolers from colored paper. We hope that the above ideas are wonderful for you and you will be able to do creativity with your child in the very near future.

Applications for children are one of the most favorite games and fun. But it is precisely by playing that the little ones learn! They are gradually mastered in the world of colors and shapes. And yet, they get satisfaction from the fact that they themselves, with their own hands, can create beauty. And if parents want to help their child, we will suggest ideas for colored paper applications.

What we can offer:

  • Schemes and stencils for applications of different figures: flowers, animals, insects and fairy-tale characters.
  • Let's show what entertaining non-traditional application techniques are.
  • And, of course, we will give you a lot of positive! We are sure you will have fun with us!
And most importantly, all these children's applications for toddlers of different ages. And in a year the child will be interested in playing, and the more adult will enjoy this activity. Why? Because we have prepared a collection that includes applications for children with different abilities.

For the little ones

Who said that the plot application is difficult? Even the younger group can handle some types of applications. We will now create a beautiful basket, and there are flowers in it.

What we may need for the application:

  • Colored thin paper;
  • Cardboard;
  • Pencil;
  • Stencils;
  • Glue.


Applications for the smallest are creativity, where the abilities of even the tiniest fidget are taken into account. And this example with a “hedgehog” is just right for little ones, which by the age of three they still cannot cut and glue, but they will do a great job of participating in the work. How?

Ladybug voluminous

This application is perfect for children 3-4 years old. It is very easy to make.

Application execution sequence:

Flower meadow

This glade is an application in the younger group for children 4 years old. It can be any size and color. And several kids can work together on it at the same time. It is important only for each of them to indicate his scope of work.

Lesson in 3 stages:

Little funny chicken

You can make holiday cards in a very original way. This will help the application in the preparatory group.

You need to cut out the following details:


Toddlers think abstractly, for them such a trifle as the color or shape of a character does not matter, if at the same time his image conveys emotions similar to children's. But how to make the application just such that the baby feels a kindred spirit? Here's a great example!

Meet Chypa! Him:

  • The body is a square;
  • Eye - 2 circles (black and white, and white with a little more);
  • The beak is a triangle;
  • The paws are also triangular;
  • Wing - a semicircle;
  • The crest is a crescent.

And now, trust the little one, let him choose what will be what color! Explain that each figure indicates why the bird is doing this. Is it really interesting? So, finding the right stencils for applications is already a game. It remains only to glue everything!


We complicate the task. We have to help the kids learn how to make a panel application. There are many details that are both a background and an independent part of the picture. The central part is the mischievous muzzle of the smiling Sun.

Leave the smile to your kitten. Or you can print ready-made muzzles:

And do yourself the preparation of yellow, golden and orange circles of different sizes.

We collect a picture on a blue background.

You can stick circles in the form of rays, or in a circle, the main thing is to alternate their colors. The Sun itself will be placed in the middle of the panel.


Probably, a broken appliqué is the sweetest and most gentle thing you can imagine. She just looks so fluffy that I can't believe it's all made. A torn appliqué acquires such an effect due to small uneven parts assembled into one composition.


These are not just flowers, but a structure that will stand. In this case, we will make all parts of the plant. Flowers, leaves and stems. This simple application in the middle group will be mastered by children very quickly.


We made greeting cards, invitations to a celebration, paintings and even a memory of your little one's childhood. But now we will try to make a Christmas tree toy.

And since it consists of two bases and 16 circles, we print out templates for applications, this will allow you to quickly, and not linger on the preparatory work, proceed to the design of the toy.

More about preparations. The base is 2 circles of the same size, drawn with a figure eight. Additional circles are equal in diameter to those in the base.
We also need a rope 4 times the length of the base. and decorative beads.


Glade is a multi-composition application in kindergarten for children 5-6 years old. Here we will get acquainted with the models that must first be made, and only then fixed on the basis. Volumetric types of applications are made in such an original pattern.

Our base is blue cardboard. This is the sky. The sun is shining. Grass grows in which flowers bloom. And above them flutter butterflies and dragonflies. All parts are made of paper folded into an accordion.

Piggy bank of master classes on applications + interesting ideas

It is nice to know that the different types of appliqués made by children, such as appliqués made from torn paper, or from corrugated material, are a good memory. Yes, and irrefutable evidence that our little ones have talent. The child is developing. And in this we help him.