Classes for a child in 1. We develop a child in a year. Cubes, pyramids, sorters

The first year of a baby's life goes by very quickly. During this time, he goes a long way from a helpless newborn, unable to control his own muscles, to an independent person with his own interests and desires. A one-year-old child is very active and restless. He longs to explore the world, but cannot concentrate on anything for more than 10-15 minutes.

He walks confidently and is able to perform many simple actions, but is not able to entertain himself. Therefore, mothers of one-year-old peanuts often face the question: what to do with a child in order to direct his energy in the right direction? There are a lot of different activities and games to choose from. The main thing to remember is that all of them should be focused on the active development of the baby and take place with the direct participation of an adult.

The shelves of children's stores are literally littered with goods for every taste and budget. However, parents should protect themselves from the temptation to buy them all, especially with caution should be approached when buying so-called “educational” toys with many functions. It is better to look at simple, but very useful toys, such as:

  • pyramids and sorters;
  • simple puzzles of 2-3 parts;
  • tumblers;
  • cubes;
  • balls of different sizes;
  • nesting dolls;
  • musical instruments (drum, tambourine, pipe);
  • mitten toys or puppet theater;
  • dolls and cars.

All these items not only entertain the baby, but also develop coordination, spatial thinking, enrich tactile and sound sensations, teach to distinguish colors, sizes and shapes.

From about the age of one, children become able to take part in the simplest role-playing games. Try, together with your baby, to put a soft hare on a pot, feed a doll from a spoon or transport parts from a designer in a truck. All actions must be accompanied by detailed comments. During the game, it is necessary to help the baby develop a sense of empathy and kindness, for example, you can take pity on a sick baby doll together or explain that you can’t beat a bear because it hurts.

Creative parents can make educational toys on their own:

  1. Tactile bags. Sew small bags of bright fabric, fill them with objects that differ in size and shape, and sew them up or tie them tightly. Coins, small balls, various cereals (buckwheat, rice, beans) can be used as filling. The kid can pick up a pair for each bag, guess its contents, or just rattle it and sort it out with his fingers.
  2. "Development board". Drill or glue various objects onto a smooth piece of plywood: a latch, a lock with a key, a faucet with a valve, unnecessary abacus, pieces of fabric with zippers and buttons, in a word, everything that can be moved, opened and closed. Such a useful and easy-to-make toy can keep a little researcher busy for a long time.
  3. "Textile Book" Make a book from unnecessary shreds, on each page of which sew pockets, details with Velcro or buttons, buckles and zippers. Classes with this toy will help you learn how to cope with various types of fasteners and more.

Introducing your child to various creative activities should begin as early as possible. To do this, you need to purchase the following consumables:

  • Finger paint;
  • wax crayons or pencils;
  • plain and colored paper;
  • brushes;
  • modeling dough or plasticine.

All materials must be made from safe, non-toxic materials and must be age appropriate for the little artist.

One of the most beneficial activities for an early age is drawing. No need to demand accuracy and clear lines from him, let him first get acquainted with paints and pencils. Gradually, you can teach the baby to draw long lines, zigzags, dots and spots.

In the process of modeling, it is necessary to show the crumbs how to knead plasticine with your fingers and make the simplest figures: balls, sausages, pancakes. Do not be upset if at first he will simply smear the mass for modeling and will not be able to portray anything worthwhile, because fine motor skills develop with absolutely any actions with plasticine or dough.

Encyclopedia of psychology for parents:

From about a year you can try to do the application. To do this, it is not necessary to buy expensive materials for creativity, it is enough to draw or print a simple picture and stick elements of plasticine, paper or cotton wool on it together.

Reading and music

Acquaintance with books must begin long before the child reaches the age of one. To begin with, preference should be given to short poems and stories of children's classics and Russian folk tales. Do not overload a small listener with a large amount of information and read long works that are not age-appropriate. It is better to do several approaches for 5-10 minutes a day.

To instill a love of reading, you need to do everything possible to keep the crumbs interested. Comment on the pictures, count the objects depicted on them, ask leading questions. Books with windows, flaps, moving elements and inserts made of fabric and faux fur are very interesting.

Be sure to turn on the baby music for at least a few minutes a day. It can be classics, children's songs or even short tales in audio format. Dance or spin around the room, do gymnastics together to the music.


Some children like to play with household items much more than they do with toys. Everything is new to them, and even the simplest thing, such as a pot or a brush, can arouse genuine interest. In addition, after a year, most babies begin to repeat various actions for adults.

Do not forbid the little one to help you, even if after such "help" a general cleaning is required. It is best to give him a rag, a small basin and a brush, let him wipe the table, wash his socks and sweep the floor. Gradually, the little helper can begin to give small orders, for example, to bring an object, spread spoons on the table, or mix your porridge.

Of course, do not forget about the safety rules: do not allow the little one to the fire, do not give sharp and small objects, do not leave unattended.

If mom is busy

Very often there are situations when parents cannot pay due attention to their child, because no one has canceled work and household chores. What to do with him while mom is at the stove? Lots of options:

  1. All children love to play with magnets. You can buy toys and puzzles with magnets and show how to attach them to the surface of the refrigerator.
  2. Very entertaining and useful games with cereals and pasta. It is interesting to sort them out, pour them from one container to another, or “feed the animals”: ​​put grits into the hole of a cardboard box, on which an image of an animal's muzzle with an open mouth is pasted.
  3. You can give the baby old magazines, rustling bags, or let him climb in one of the cabinets, as long as there are no dangerous objects there.

On a walk, the physical activity of the baby should be encouraged, allowing plenty to run around the playground and ride the slides. The most useful activity for the development of a child in the yard is playing in the sandbox. Let him sculpt Easter cakes, pour sand into a bucket, sift it through a strainer, or simply pass it through his fingers. Any of these activities develops fine motor skills and coordination of movements, and the use of a scoop and molds helps to quickly learn how to use a spoon.

You can also enjoy your time in the park. Show the baby different types of plants, trees and birds, feed the ducks in the pond, collect leaves, acorns and cones together and make a craft out of them.

  • do not force the child to do what he does not like. It is better to take a break and after a while offer to resume the lesson;
  • every person, even the smallest, should have free time. No need to try to take every minute of the baby with developmental activities, sometimes he needs to be alone with his toys or just run around the apartment;
  • allow the little one to sometimes misbehave, for example, “clean up” in one of the lockers with clothes or tear up unnecessary magazines;
  • it is necessary to maintain a constant dialogue with the child: comment on their actions, ask questions, explain the purpose of certain objects.

Found the right activity for your child?


Where do smart kids come from? Why does one child do better in school than another? Psychologist Anna Bykova, author of the book "Developing Activities of a Lazy Mom" ​​knows the exact answer to this question. The thing is how often the simplest games were played with a child at 1-2 years old, which made him hold his attention. Try it - and in 5-6 years we will evaluate the result! In addition, these games for attention will help you keep your child busy on the road and during unplanned waiting.

What determines a child's ability to learn? It is clear that heredity plays a role - and this is the factor that parents can no longer influence, what has come has come. But there are other factors that directly depend on the efforts of parents and grandparents. What is there to offer so that later he will be successful in his studies? Can it be influenced?

These questions concern not only parents, but also scientists. As usual, studies were conducted in which a direct relationship was established between the intelligence of children at 5 years old and at 10 years old. That is, children who scored high on intelligence tests at the age of five showed the same high results at the age of ten.

But with the indicators of intelligence at the age of 1–2 years, such a relationship was not found: the assessments of the intelligence of the baby did not correlate in any way with the assessments at other ages. Why? Maybe something was not measured?

After lengthy research, scientists have come to the conclusion that the development of intelligence is mainly influenced by the ability to hold attention. And endogenous attention. That is, that which arises from within, through one's own activity and will, and not only as a response to external stimuli.

Extremely focused attention appears in the presence of emotions. It follows that game of "Ku-ku!" very developing. Mom says "coo-coo", and then hides behind a towel or behind a corner of the closet. The child stares for a while at the unremarkable towel, which in itself would not arouse his attention. Nothing happens. Just a towel (or just a closet).

But the child holds attention because it expects the mother to reappear. And when mom appears, it causes a bright emotion of joy. Baby and mom laugh together. And this is repeated several times in a row. There is no novelty. And there is attention to activity.

The game "Where are the pens?". The child hides his hands behind his back. The adult says in puzzlement: "Where are the pens? No pens!" At some point, the child stretches out his hands in front of him, and the adult gives out the emotion of surprise and joy: "Here they are!" The child initiates the game, the child manages the process himself, the child keeps his attention on the process.

Game "Guess which hand". An adult takes a small object and shifts it several times from one hand to another. Then he puts his hands behind his back and repeats the action there. And then he shows the child two hands with clenched fists. An object is hidden in one fist.

The child looks, the child keeps his attention on motionless hands, the child makes a choice. He does not take his eyes off the motionless hands of an adult, waiting for the next action. In which hand will it be toy after the fists are unclenched? Guessed or not guessed?

Hide and Seek. The child stood behind the curtain. Mom sees his legs peeking out from under the curtain fabric. But mom prolongs the game. "Where is Dima? Maybe he's under the bed? Maybe he's in the closet? And he's not here... Ah! He's probably under the table! No, and it's empty... Where is Dima?" The game lasts, and with it Dimino's attention lasts.

These are just a few examples of simple attention games. There are hundreds of such games. But all of them are impossible without the participation of an adult who is emotionally involved in the game process: you can’t play hide and seek with yourself. And if an adult plays without emotionally colored comments, then the child will quickly get bored with the game. Emotions help keep attention.

How many different games can you come up with using a handkerchief? A few dozens! Here is some of them. There are collective games here, but they are easy to adapt for the smallest team: mother and child.

Dancing to music with a handkerchief. The child repeats the movements of the adult.

Round dance with handkerchiefs. Children, moving in a circle, hold each other not by the hands, but by the corners of the handkerchiefs. There is a certain difficulty in this - not to let go of the corner of the handkerchief.

Passing the handkerchief around. This is a game for the development of coordination of movements. You can turn the game into a speech exercise by complicating its conditions.

We take a handkerchief from the one on the left, say "thank you", turn to the one on the right, give the handkerchief, say "please".

Another level of difficulty. To the music, we pass the handkerchief in a circle, but everyone has their hands behind their backs. When the music stops, the person in the center has to guess who is wearing the handkerchief.

Take a handkerchief. Handkerchiefs lie on the floor, children randomly move around the hall to the music. When the music stops playing, you need to quickly take a handkerchief.

Get a handkerchief. Handkerchiefs hang on the crossbars of the Swedish wall. You need to get up and throw the handkerchief down.

Another variant. Handkerchiefs hang on a clothesline. To reach and remove, you need to climb onto a small bench. You can complicate the task by securing handkerchiefs with clothespins.

Hide the handkerchief in your fist. An adult can easily do this, but a child will have to work hard, pushing a handkerchief into a small fist with his finger. You can hide the handkerchief not in a fist, but in a yogurt bottle or in a chocolate egg container.

Games for folding handkerchiefs according to the model. In half, diagonally, square, envelope, candy, roll, bow.

Hide and seek with a handkerchief. You will need three small items, for example, a car, a nesting doll and a cube.

Ask the child to close their eyes. We hide one of the items under a handkerchief. The child opens his eyes, looks at what is left, and says what object is hidden under the handkerchief. The number of items can be gradually increased.

Another variant. We hide the scarf. An adult can put a handkerchief in his pocket, or in his sleeve, or behind the neckline of the dress, but so that the corner sticks out. The task of the child, carefully looking around the adult, is to find a handkerchief.

The scarf can be hidden in the room. The child closes his eyes, the adult places the handkerchief in a conspicuous place (this is important, in the room the eyes run wide anyway) and asks the baby to find the handkerchief.

"Guess what I wrapped in a handkerchief." The task of the child is to identify the object familiar to him by touch.

Option for non-speaking children over two years of age. Put on the table three simple objects of different sizes, for example, a dryer, a sugar cube and a cherry. Wrap one of the same item in a handkerchief. "What is in our handkerchief? Drying? Sugar? Show with your finger what is hidden there? Let's unfold it and see if you guessed right or not."

For one-year-old babies, the process of unfolding the handkerchief is already developing (fine motor skills), you can not guess.

"Breeze". Blow on the handkerchief to make it fly off the table.

nodules. Tie a knot on the scarf, and then untie it. (The adult ties a tight knot, and the child unties it.)

Washing. Wet, lather, rinse the handkerchief and hang to dry. (Both a game and a useful activity.)

chrysalis. Put a piece of cotton wool or a crumpled paper napkin in the center of the handkerchief, tie it with a thread. Got a head. From two opposite ends, roll up the handles and tie with a thread. Get a doll.

Another variant. Draw a face on the palm, tie a handkerchief around the fingers. You will also get a chrysalis. You can cradle this doll, talk to her, sing songs to her.

birdie. Fold the handkerchief diagonally - you get an isosceles triangle. Tie a knot at its top - you get the head and beak of a bird. Form a body, tail and two wings, secure with a thread. The bird is ready!

Butterfly. Fold the scarf like an accordion, tie a knot in the center, straighten the ends. Doesn't it look like a butterfly?

little man. Place two fingers, index and middle (these will be the legs), on one of the corners of the handkerchief. Wrap the handkerchief between your fingers as if you were bandaging. It is not difficult for a child to imagine that this is a little man in pants. The little man knows how to walk funny, waddling from side to side, run and even dance to the music.

We somehow got stuck with a baby in an elevator. Half an hour before our release flew by unnoticed - we had fun playing with a handkerchief.

Comment on the article "20 most useful educational games for a child 1-2 years old"

Urgently!. Poll for Men 25-55 l At least 2 times in the last year they had ARVI or a cold. When sick, drugs are used. Have digestive problems (we DO NOT NEED people with a serious diagnosis and taking drugs prescribed by a doctor), a mix of the frequency of feeling heaviness / bloating after eating: every day, several times a week, once a week, 1-2 times a month Have problems with digestion for at least six months and no more than 5 years Did not go to the doctor or did, but ...

I finally found the first ever early childhood development programs! They were created and implemented in 1988. This is surprising, but the child began to read on them - before walking, and did it "to himself", pointing correctly to the required word in a long list of words. In addition, the child under these programs at the age of 1 year and 2 months began to type on an electric typewriter "Robotron". This happened in February 1989 and this day is celebrated all over the world as a holiday "Print - before ...

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Games for children are a certain method of learning about the world around them, adapting to it and gaining various skills. That is why educational games for children are so important. With their help, you can teach children to read, write, count, draw and so on. Moreover, educational games for children can develop such skills as the development of quick reactions, the ability to concentrate, differentiate pictures and objects, and so on. All developing and training programs are essentially the same ...

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COOL SUMMER with "AZBUKA" for children from 1 to 6 years old We COMMUNICATE, DEVELOP and HAVE FUN all summer long! The network of children's developing centers "Azbuka" invites kids to summer classes. You will be able to supplement the baby's summer routine with exciting, unusual and at the same time useful games. From May 1 to October 15 you can attend a trial lesson - FREE OF CHARGE! All summer discounts on classes up to 30%. You can purchase a subscription for the number of classes you need with a validity period for the entire summer ...

Needless to say, childhood for any person will forever remain in the memory as the most joyful, carefree and bright period of life. During this period, parents are given the opportunity to maximize their endless care and love for their baby. And no matter how interesting toys, you can show this love even more. After all, games for children are probably the most valuable thing in their life period. But today, many are interested in the question of where to buy quality toys. And it's perfectly logical and...

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When the baby turns 1 year old, the very time comes when the child needs to be taught something, only one thing is asked: “How?”. In fact, everything is simple, you need to learn it - by playing! It is unlikely that the baby will refuse to play with you.

But at the same time, one cannot scold a child, much less punish or beat; pronounce the words correctly, do not distort them, because the child remembers exactly your pronunciation of words, and then you definitely will not need a speech therapist. And most importantly, do not try to force the child to play the game that he does not like at the moment, but on the contrary, adjust to his mood and wedge into his game, but play for good. Even if you offer the kid to play the game that he always loves to play, but this time he categorically refuses to do it, it may be that he is tired of it and is no longer interested. Considering all the listed nuances, you will definitely achieve the desired result.

Developing creative skills games for children from 1 year old

  1. If you are somewhere in nature or in the country, you can put a large cardboard, approximately A1 size, on the ground or on the grass, and next to it put a bowl or any other vessel suitable for this and dilute paints in this bowl, then invite the child to stand with their feet in basin. Accordingly, the paints will be on their feet and resemble this cardboard, that is, draw with their feet. If it's summer, you can go barefoot, if it's cold outside, you'll need rubber boots. This game will be exciting not only for the child, but also for you.

  2. Sculpt with a child from plasticine, of course, at this age the baby will not be able to mold something sensible, but this is normal. Sculpt and you, show what you can mold, give the finished figures to the child, let him look at them, play with them or take them apart. Help the child to mold, preferably with his hands, something elementary, for example: a ball, a cube or something like that. This procedure also helps to develop motor skills, which are very necessary for the child. Do not be afraid to get dirty, because plasticine stains can be removed even from clothes if you follow.

  3. Draw with your baby with pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, or all of these in turn, as you see fit. As in the previous game, do not expect your child to draw a masterpiece, at first it will be just "cartoons", the main thing is that the child has an interest in drawing and try to express something of his own in "drawings". Take yourself a separate sheet for drawing and give a separate one to the baby. First, draw on your sheet, tell and show the baby everything that you draw, and at this time, numerous multi-colored lines will appear on the baby's sheet. After that, try to draw something elementary with the child’s hand in his leaflet, he will quickly get tired of it. Ask him to help you, because you cannot cope with this on your own. As a rule, the child really wants to supplement your drawing with something of his own, so to speak, to put his final touch. If you draw with felt-tip pens, then this will contribute to the development of not only the creative abilities of the baby, but also the motor skills of the baby's pens, because each felt-tip pen must be closed after drawing, that is, with a thin object to get into a fairly thin hole.

  4. Color with your baby coloring pages, the rules are almost the same as with drawing, the only thing is that this is a more delicate work, where you can not go beyond the edges. After making the final touch to your kid, he will look at this colorful masterpiece with great pleasure, tell him everything that you painted, tell him what color you did it, ask the kid to show the colors that he already knows, maybe it will be just 1 or 2 colors. Ask the child to show the objects that the child already knows in the picture. Such a game, plus everything, will develop the memory of the baby, which is also not unimportant.

  5. Make an applique with your baby, take a white landscape sheet, cut out simple shapes, for example: the sun, a tree, a flower, something that can be quickly cut out and not abuse your baby's patience. Spread these figures with glue stick and stick, you need to involve the baby in all these actions, but be very careful with scissors and make sure that the glue does not end up in the baby's mouth, otherwise your own inattention will lead to unpleasant consequences.

  6. Build a Lego castle with your child. Despite the fact that it is believed that this constructor is intended for children from three years old, in this case this warning can be neglected, the only thing is that every detail of this constructor must be of a large size. Most likely, the baby will want to help you in this lesson, but even if in your understanding this is not help, still do not neglect it and be sure to praise the baby for helping to create the castle, which will also serve as an exercise in fine motor skills.

Fine motor skills games for children from 1 year old

  1. When you go for a walk outside, take one empty 0.5-liter water bottle without a cap with you, and invite your child to collect small pebbles and try to put them in this bottle.

  2. Give your baby unnecessary printed publications: newspapers, magazines or something else - and let the baby tear the leaves, the smaller the pieces he tears off, the more fine motor skills of the hands will develop.

  3. For the next game, you will need an empty water bottle of any volume with a lid, screw the lid on, and offer the child to unscrew it, then, on the contrary, unscrew the lid, and offer the child to screw it on.

  4. Scatter some small objects and ask the baby to collect them, he is unlikely to collect them, but while he is trying to pick up a small thing, fine motor skills will again develop.

  5. Ask the kid to assemble the pyramid, at first you will do it yourself, and the child will be an outside observer, and later the roles will change, and you will become an outside observer, and already your baby will independently collect this pyramid. When collecting a pyramid, name the colors, ask the baby to show one or another color, which will also help develop the child's memory.

  6. Take a landscape sheet, you will also need buttons, they can be anything, but there should be a lot of them. Invite the baby to lay out some picture with the help of these buttons, for example: an apple, but when practicing with buttons, do not step away from the baby and do not turn away for a second so that he does not pull it into his mouth. You can also give the child toy dishes and ask him to cook dinner from these buttons, in this case you can use pasta, but only large ones.

Games designed to develop attention and memory in a child from a year old

  1. Ask the baby: “Where is the nose?”, Answer: “Here it is”, while gently touching the tip of the baby’s nose, at first all these actions will only cause your little one to smile, and then in response to this question, he will show you the nose, the same can be done with any other part of the body.

  2. Show your child how you cook, take a pot, cover it with a lid, then open it, take a spoon and stir the contents of the pot, invite the kid to repeat all this and you will make sure that your child will do it all with pleasure.

  3. Show your baby pictures of various animals, and then ask them to show these animals, pronouncing their names.

  4. Show the baby a toy, then ask him to close his eyes, put this toy in a prominent place, then ask the baby to open his eyes and find the toy.

  5. Take three glasses, turn them upside down, hide a candy under one of them and swap the glasses, do all this with the baby, and then ask the baby to guess where the candy is.

Thus, it will turn out that a contented and joyful baby who will delight calm and happy parents with his successes.

After the first birthday, a new, more conscious stage begins in the life of the baby. We tell you what areas in the development of the crumbs should be given the main attention at this time.

Physical development

motor function

A baby at the age of one year already confidently stands on his feet, and many children walk. From this moment begins the active development of motor function. In order for the child to quickly adapt to new conditions and improve their skills, adults need to help the baby, but in moderation. Do not do for the crumbs what he can do on his own. Otherwise, excessive activity of parents will slow down this process. When walking steps are still uncertain - put your index fingers in the child's palm, and do not hold the wrists with your whole hand. Carefully study the possible “home” routes of the child and remove all unnecessary objects from his path that may interfere with the free passage or injure the baby.

psychomotor development

When the child is already actively walking, sitting down and getting up without help, it is worth teaching him more complex movements: jumping, squatting, climbing. The development of these skills will be facilitated by regular and tireless task games. For example, you can start the morning with a light exercise-warm-up, during the day - dance to your favorite children's tunes, stomp your feet and clap your hands after mom. After all, kids during this period actively imitate adults and copy all their actions after them. Hide-and-seek, tag or ball games will also be an excellent option for games that develop large motor skills. Mobile sports corners for the little ones are very popular with parents: with crossbars, wall bars, ladders and mats. But remember, any new activity should be clear and simple, not cause severe difficulties for the child. Adults should always first explain and show the baby the main points of the game, and then involve him in this activity.


  • Play football with your child. Teach him to hit the ball with his right, then his left foot;
  • Do a joint workout. Make tilts to the right and left, pull the handles up and to the sides, sit down and hug your knees and so on.

Particular attention should be paid to fine motor skills. For its development, include in daily games various sorters, large puzzles, development boards: business boards, geodesks. Make things harder as your child grows. Craft and invent your own educational entertainment with the crumbs: sort cereals, collect beads and bracelets, play finger games. But be careful. At this age, babies continue to taste everything, make sure that the child does not swallow a small detail.


  • The child with two fingers should transfer each bean from the plate to the mug;
  • Together with his mother, the baby rolls plasticine balls, sculpts them on paper in random order, and then decorates each plasticine cake with a colored button;
  • The baby draws flowers with finger paints: with horizontal movements draws stems and leaves, and with fingertips - petals and the center of the flower.


Closer to one and a half years, the child can already cope with simple tasks for the coordination of movements. For such games, you can use any means at hand: toys, dishes, clothes, books or sports equipment: balls, skittles, rope, hoop, gradually complicating and adding new elements.


  • Ask your child to collect balls (or other objects) and put them in the center of the hoop (or pan);
  • Invite the little one to shift the books from the pile one by one to another place.
  • Gradually complicate the tasks: ask the child to step over without touching the stick (rope), jump into the hoop, throw the ball into the basket and other games.

What about talking?

At the age of one year, in addition to the simple and most significant “mom, dad, woman”, there are other words in the baby’s vocabulary that can consist of an arbitrary set of sounds, letters or individual syllables. But in order for the child's speech and cognitive skills to develop at a good pace, parents should help him enrich his active and passive vocabulary.
Every day, read poems and fairy tales with the baby, look at the pictures and explain their meanings, show the little one new objects, talk about their properties and qualities. Often children get used to the fact that they are understood from a half-word or even from one letter and do not try to pronounce the words in full. Therefore, in order to motivate the baby to develop speech skills, moms and dads should stop talking in their “baby language” in time. Remember that up to a year and a half, children develop the function of understanding speech, and after that they replenish their vocabulary. Moreover, if at the age of one year the baby is wielding only a dozen words, by the age of two, there are already several hundred of them in his arsenal.


  • Talk to your child more describing current events and surrounding objects;
  • Name things for your child so that he shows them in the pictures;
  • Ask the baby to choose from a pile of toys, exactly the one you named;
  • Add more fine motor activities: sorting small objects, finger games, modeling from plasticine, dough and kinetic sand, finger painting;
  • Remember about games with development boards, touch pictures with different surfaces.

Development of logical thinking and memory

In the second year of life, the baby begins to distinguish objects, highlight their properties and qualities. The child can already independently sort toys according to certain criteria: animals, plants, shapes, colors, the baby acquires the skill of matching. Simple task games will help to consolidate and improve new skills.
To do this, you can use colorful manuals with ready-made exercises in the form of cards, boards with slots in the form of geometric shapes, insert frames, pyramids, colored cubes, a designer with large details. To begin with, the child needs to be explained the meaning of the task and given the opportunity to do everything himself. Remember that the pace of learning new material for a baby may differ from your ideas, and it may take more than one week to consolidate a particular skill. Be patient, but be moderately persistent and disciplined - practice regularly.


  • Build a tower of 4-6 cubes independently and ask your child to repeat after you;
  • Make a pyramid from colored rings of different diameters;
  • The game "Find a mother for a baby"

Here you will need cards with animals: on one - an adult, on the other - cubs;

  • "Warm-cold"

Boil two eggs: cool one quickly, put the second on a plate. As soon as the hot egg becomes moderately warm, remove the cooled one from the water and let the baby touch it, explaining where it is warm and where it is cold (only always check hot objects yourself first so that the child does not get burned).

Development of household skills

At the age of 1-2 years, the baby begins to actively copy adults. He tries to imitate mom and dad in everything, so parents should carefully monitor their speech and actions. After all, even if the child does not speak yet, he hears everything and remembers even better. At the same time, the baby is trying to show his character and show independence. Do not stop his initiative, let him learn to eat with a spoon, comb his hair or knead the dough, if he so desires. The help of the little one should be appreciated by you, even if after it you will have twice as much cleaning - but the child will remember your gratitude and feel his need for a long time with a smile on his face.


  • "Panicle". Give the baby a broom and let him exercise;
  • "Little Chef" Cut large potatoes and carrots, pour water into the pan. Let the baby cook soup for dolls (it is better to “play cook” in the bathroom);
  • "Mini cleaning" Ask your child to wipe the dust - give him a damp cloth (just do not wet it with cleaning agent in any case - the child may want to taste the cloth).

Role-playing games

An important aspect of the development of a baby from one to two years old is the skill of role-playing relationships. The easiest way to form it is with the help of story and dramatic games. They not only develop creative thinking and artistry, but also accustom the child to the conditions of an adult independent life. Among the role-playing games, the most popular are "daughters-mothers", "hospital", "chauffeur".
Even at the age of one and a half to two years, the baby can already feed the doll, treat the teddy bear or take the cubes in a truck. As for dramatic games, here the baby acts within the framework of a given plot, without the possibility of changing it. These are various home performances or matinees in early development schools, where even kids learn their simple, but main “roles”. Such theatrical practice trains memory and develops the skill of public speaking.

In ancient times, children grew up without toys, developing books, cartoons and activities. The lifestyle of the ancient man was such that absolutely everything was done by hand, and the child was included in the daily affairs of the tribe from birth. Modern life is arranged differently: there is no need to hunt mammoths, weave baskets, make tools, sew clothes. The washing machine washes, lunch is cooked in a slow cooker, we buy clothes and food in the store. That is why modern parents cannot avoid inventing activities and games for their little ones. In some classes, the presence of an adult is mandatory, and which ones are needed just so that an adult can find time for their own affairs.

How to entertain a baby

While the baby is small, games and activities with them are very simple. A baby up to a year old can be easily captivated by a bright rattle. This age is most associated with the development of different sensations. The baby is interested in everything: touch, hear, see, lick. It is on acquaintance with different sensations that it is best to direct your efforts.

Together with the baby, you can sort through rags of different textures, press the buttons of a musical toy, and look at large pictures in books. Sometimes a mother may leave the child, leaving him with a spinning or developing rug, where you can touch and look at a lot of things. However, by the end of the first year of life, the child masters movement in space: either he crawls confidently and very quickly and stands at the support, or he tries to take his first steps. From that moment on, his interest is increasingly directed to the study of the world around him, and the mother needs to be puzzled by new ideas for activities for the crumbs.

Spending time with a 1-2 year old baby

At the age of 1-2 years, the best play partner is the mother. Of course, the company of peers will also be interesting for a child, but children develop precisely in the process of joint activities with an adult. What can you do with a child?

  • Let's blow bubbles. Usually all the kids are very fond of watching how multi-colored soap bubbles fly and watching the “magic” of turning water into multi-colored iridescent bubbles. They will be interested in where so many bursting balloons come from, and the child will definitely want to try blowing a soap bubble himself. This activity can stretch until the solution in the bottle runs out.
  • Artistic creativity. A one-year-old kid will paint with finger paints with pleasure, at 2 years old a child will already be able to cope with liquid gouache, watercolors, pencils and felt-tip pens. It makes no sense for mom to actively participate in the drawing process: let the child study the properties of paints, mix colors and make his own discoveries. From an adult in this process, it is only required to properly organize the “workplace” of the artist and guide his actions a little.

Creative activities with kids from 1 year old - drawing with finger paints

  • Modeling. Offer the baby modeling dough or regular soft plasticine. You can show the baby how to roll a ball, a sausage, how to make a cake. You should not demand specific results or teach a child to sculpt specific forms: kids are always interested in studying the properties of the material themselves. The advantage of this activity is the development of motor skills.

Sculpting from dough for modeling

  • Reading books. Children 1-2 years old are not yet able to perceive long prose and catch the plot thread. No matter how much we love fairy tales, 1-2 years is the age of poems and rhymes. Small poems on topics understandable and known to the child will be just right. At the same time, parents can not “reinvent the wheel”, and give preference to the classics of children's literature. Also, children are very fond of special musical children's books.
  • Role-playing games. At about 1.5 years old, kids wake up with an interest in role-playing games. In such a game, the child imitates an adult, performing those actions that he himself observes daily. The most popular stories for kids are to feed the doll, swaddle it, ride it in a stroller, put it to bed. True, many manipulations are still inaccessible to the baby, so you can’t do without the help of your mother. The older the child, the more "advanced" the plots of his games become.

Moms take note!

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  • Active games. Not a single day with a child should be without them. Do not sit constantly at the table with brushes, plasticine and books?! Be sure to run and jump, stretch. For example, you can entertain your baby with a game of catch-up. If the child still does not know how not only to run, but also to walk confidently, you can roll a ball on the floor, jump on a fitball.

  • We play with toys. It is not enough to force the entire nursery with different toys. A child can master them only with an adult, so moms and dads definitely need to be included in such games. For kids 1-2 years old, cubes, pyramids, musical instruments, frames with inserts, designers with large details are ideal.

Toys for a child 1-2 years old

  • Air balloons. Kids love to play with balloons. You can draw on the balloon, you can inflate it and, without tying it, let it go - it will be very fun and whistle quickly in the process of deflating. The child will be surprised and interested in how a light and large ball can be made from such a small piece of rubber. (From personal experience: a small inflated ball was shoved under the boy's T-shirt (like a big belly). His joyful surprise knew no bounds. For about 10 minutes he ran with a happy face of the owner of a miracle under the T-shirt! -zanyat-rebyenka-v-1-2-goda.html)

What to do with a child

"Distracting" activities for the baby (1-2 years old)

Sometimes mom needs to keep the baby busy to do planned household chores or just take a break. It is not safe to leave a child idle and unsupervised, so it is better to offer him some interesting activity.

  • Paper space. Both at 1 year old and at 2 years old, babies show great interest in rustling paper, tearing or wrinkling it. The safest option is to give the little one a roll of toilet paper. Perforated paper comes off in an interesting way on the leaves, besides, what a pleasure it is to unwind the roll and see what is in the middle. Newspapers and magazines rustle great, but it is not advisable to give them to a baby: newspapers get very dirty with paint, and sheets of glossy magazines have sharp edges that can easily get hurt.
  • Bag of surprises. We put various items in a textile bag or gift bag and hand it to the baby. Children are interested in taking out objects one by one, examining them, putting them back. By the way, many kids love to rustle with bags from the supermarket. This is not the best activity for a child: the baby can put a bag on his head, bite off and inhale a piece of cellophane. Such games are possible only under the strict supervision of an adult.
  • Kitchenware. If mom needs to cook dinner, you can take the baby with you to the kitchen. Plastic containers, silicone spatulas, pots, spoons and ladles are liked by all children.
  • We spill, pour. For a long time, such a meditative activity as pouring water from container to container or pouring cereals can captivate the baby for a long time. To play, you need a large basin, which we fill with either water or something loose (large pasta, beans) and various jars, boxes, bottles. If a child plays with pasta or cereals, choose an option so that the particles are large.

KRUPA games for the little ones

  • We include in household chores. In some situations, you can not try to occupy the child for a while, but do household chores together. For example, give him a damp cloth and show him how to wipe the dust. At 2 years old, the baby will be able to wield a children's floor brush and even wash the dishes. You can put the baby on a stable supply near the sink, open the tap with water, lather the sponge and let it wash the plastic dishes.
  • Interactive toys and cartoons. Of course, it’s even better for a child to watch cartoons with adults, but sometimes a mother needs to concentrate well and not be distracted at all by a child for 15-20 minutes. You should not abuse this method and “turn off” the baby from the daily life of the family, because watching the actions of adults gives much more for development than the most “developing” cartoon.

It is better to alternate joint and separate classes, while it is imperative to give the child the opportunity to get bored, sit back and invent a game for himself. The constant slipping of ready-made games and activities inhibits the creative development of the baby and dulls his cognitive activity.

Let's sum up a little.

  • Entertainment with an adult:
    • Bubble;
    • Air balloons;
    • Drawing with paints (finger, watercolor, gouache);
    • Modeling with dough or soft plasticine;
    • Books (can be musical);
    • Role-playing and active games;
    • Games with toys;
  • Independent pastime of the child:
    • Toilet paper / newspapers / magazines;
    • Rustling packages;
    • transfusion of water;
    • Sprinkling of cereals;
    • Duma help: washing dishes / cleaning;
    • Cartoons.
    Moms take note!

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