Retirement of servicemen based on years of service. The procedure for assigning and paying a pension for length of service to military personnel 20 years of service how much pension

The material well-being of the military depends entirely on the amount of allowance established by the state. Even minor legislative amendments regarding the scope and size of benefits provided to military personnel can cause significant fluctuations in the entire military system. For this reason, it is quite natural that the military closely monitors changes in the jurisprudence that regulates the issues of privileges granted by the state.

Norms on the benefits of the military and their families must be updated at least 2 times a year. At the beginning of 2017, the social security of military personnel underwent an adjustment in the direction of expanding the types of benefits. The innovations concern persons undergoing military service under a contract, conscription, as well as retired military personnel transferred to the reserve, and military family members.

Military personnel perform especially important duties, in particular, they carry out armed defense of the country's territory. Often they serve in conditions that pose a great risk to health and life, which do not depend on external circumstances: climate, ecology, time of day. Often, negative consequences are manifested in those who served on conscription after the army.

In this regard, the state has established certain privileges and social guarantees for military personnel. Government support for the Russian military in the form of benefits and benefits is implemented by the relevant executive authorities, local governments and army departments.

The preferential list includes the receipt by the military of labor advantages, communal privileges and social guarantees. The provision of military personnel with some preferences is carried out automatically, and in order to receive other benefits, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence. Before applying for benefits, a soldier should understand what privileges he is entitled to depending on his status, for example, conscripts are entitled to some preferences, and contract soldiers are different.

Who is eligible to apply for benefits

The Russian military are under the protection of the state, and are entitled to a number of benefits and benefits, which, together with the vocation, are an incentive to fulfill the serious tasks assigned to them to protect the peace of the country's citizens.

For each category of military personnel, a specific list of benefits has been established. The benefits depend on the status of the military, his form of service. The following persons are entitled to the benefits established for the military:

The preferential list includes not only citizens undergoing active military service, but also other persons. Benefits are provided for those who have served in the army for the required number of years. These include:

In addition to the listed types of military personnel who are entitled to various benefits, some privileges are provided for military relatives, these include family members and persons living together.

A separate preferential category of persons are members of the family of a military man who died while performing his duties in a combat zone, "hot spots", during armed conflicts or other emergency situations. The benefits received by the relatives of the deceased, including children with disabilities, are a kind of compensation and are assigned to these persons for life.

Types and amount of benefits provided

Today, social guarantees and compensations to military personnel provided by the state are a significant addition to military allowances. The privileged list includes the following privileges:

  1. Funds for payment of housing and communal services for military personnel are not allowed discounts, however, it is possible to pay for overhaul services and for the maintenance of housing not in full or not at all.
  2. The right to travel free of charge, including during business trips.
  3. The opportunity to receive free medical care and the necessary medicines according to the approved list.
  4. Military personnel with more than 20 years of service are exempt from land and property tax. In addition, tax deductions are not levied on any amount received by a member of the armed forces while on duty. Read more about tax benefits in the article.
  5. The military is entitled to free treatment and rehabilitation, which can also be carried out in a sanatorium, according to the recommendation of a commission of doctors.
  6. Both a contract soldier and a conscript can take advantage of benefits when entering a university. Subject to a recommendation from a higher management and a positive passing of exams, they are enrolled out of turn.
  7. Provision of service housing throughout the entire service life.
  8. The right to receive their own housing as a matter of priority.
  9. State subsidies for individual housing construction.
  10. Early dismissal from service due to the birth of a 2nd child in the family.

In addition to the listed benefits, subject to the prescribed conditions, the military may qualify for significant payments:

  • for military experience worked out - paid every month, the amount depends on the length of service, reaching the salary value;
  • a one-time amount as assistance upon dismissal after 20 years of service - 7 salaries, in the absence of the necessary length of service - 2 salaries;
  • qualification allowance - every month, up to 30%;
  • monthly additional payment for work in special conditions - in the amount of salary;
  • annual payment as a reward for honest and conscientious performance of official duties - 3 salaries;
  • lifting - in the amount of 1 salary to pay for a preschool institution;
  • paid sick leave - in the amount of 4 times the minimum wage.

Relatives are paid a one-time compensation payment if the military:

  1. Died while on duty - in the amount of 3,000,000 rubles. If there are several heirs, the amount is divided equally between them.
  2. Received an injury, illness, injury or other illness during the period of service - the amount of payment will be 2,000,000 rubles.

Important: close relatives belonging to the family members of a serviceman have the right to live together in a service apartment.

Benefits for conscripts

Despite the short duration of military service, conscripts are also guaranteed social support from the state. The following benefits have been established for conscripts:

  1. Provision of necessary medicines, therapy and rehabilitation on the basis of the conclusion of the medical commission at the expense of the state.
  2. In case of illness - a compensation payment in the amount of 400 rubles.
  3. Reinstatement at an educational institution, provision of a queue for advanced training courses or additional education programs (for more details, follow this link).
  4. Return home on any transport is free.
  5. Receiving, sending parcels with conscript's things at the expense of the state.

Benefits for contract soldiers

The state guarantees social protection of servicemen on the basis of a contract and members of their families. Compared to conscripts, benefits for contract servicemen have a much wider list:

  • if desired, the replacement of additional days of rest for the performance of work during off-duty hours with a cash payment;
  • providing own housing or issuing a subsidy for its acquisition;
  • preservation of the right to receive living space in case of dismissal for reduction or health problems with consent and 10 years of experience;
  • additional days for the next vacation - 1 day for 5 years of service after 10 years of service, for the "northerners" - 15 days, regardless of the length of service.

In addition to the listed items, the list of benefits for contract soldiers includes all the privileges granted to enlisted military personnel.

Procedure and rules for obtaining benefits

In order to obtain the required social benefits, the military should visit an authorized body by the state and submit the necessary package of documents. The list of papers may vary depending on the region, and it is better to clarify it locally. Based on the results of verification of the information provided, contained in the documentation, a decision will be made on the allocation of benefits.

In general, to receive most benefits, you must prepare the following documents:

  1. Soldier's certificate.
  2. Certificate of allowance and service life.
  3. Certificate of medical examination or recommendation of the medical commission.
  4. Certificate of absence of own apartment.

Depending on the type of benefits that the serviceman is applying for, other additional paperwork may be needed. If all the necessary documents are submitted, officials cannot refuse privileges to a serviceman.

Benefits for military personnel

On the basis of the Laws “On the status of military personnel”, as well as “On the material allowance of military personnel”, citizens who are passing and graduating from military service are entitled to certain benefits and compensations. Among them are benefits for medical, transport, public services, as well as tax, housing and educational privileges. In what cases and on what grounds does a serviceman have the right to preferential terms?

What are the benefits for different categories of military personnel

By call

Based on the Law on the “Status of the Military Personnel”, conscripts are entitled to the following benefits:

  • Free medical care at the place of military duties, provision of pharmaceutical products and means, sanatorium treatment.
  • Free delivery by official transport.
  • Reinstatement in educational institutions in which the employee studied before the call.
  • Extraordinary enrollment in advanced training courses and additional education programs for recruits with higher education.
  • Distribution and sending of parcels and personal correspondence of the conscript at the expense of the state budget.

Recruits are entitled to a salary in accordance with their position.(Clause 3, Article 2 of the Law “On material allowance”), as well as monthly allowances, provided for in Clause 10, Art. 2 of the Law and additional payments provided for in Art. 3 Laws.

Under the contract

In accordance with the paragraphs of the law “On the status of military personnel”, the following benefits and privileges are provided for citizens undergoing military service on a contract basis:

  1. Provision of housing during the period of service, housing subsidies, certificates and improvement of living conditions.
  2. Extension of annual leave upon reaching 10 years of service.
  3. Receiving free medical care and sanatorium treatment, providing medicines and medical products.
  4. Providing tax incentives.
  5. Free and non-competitive admission to educational institutions.
  6. Free delivery to the place of treatment, vacation, as well as monetary compensation.

In accordance with the provisions of the law on “Material allowance of military personnel” on the basis of parts 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 contractors are entitled to cash payments in conjunction with the norm of the monthly salary by position and rank, as well as some additional payments provided for in Art. 3 Laws.

Reserved and retired

Servicemen transferred to the reserve for reduction or in connection with reaching retirement age are entitled to:

  • Provision of housing and housing subsidies with at least 10 years of service.
  • The right to receive medical care and sanatorium treatment after dismissal with at least 20 years of experience.
  • Travel to the place of residence and transportation of personal cargo at the expense of the state budget.
  • Annual free delivery to the place of treatment.
  • Benefits in the field of taxation with an experience of at least 20 years.
  • Increase in pension contributions, cash bonuses, one-time and monthly cash payments.
  • Obtaining a second higher education at the expense of the state.

In accordance with Art. 13.1 of the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”, citizens arriving in the military reserve, as well as those called up for military training, are entitled to monetary compensation and allowances, as well as a salary of at least 10% of the salary by rank or position during the period of service (clause 3) .

Categories of Benefits

Right to housing

Based on Art. 15 and Art. 15.1 of the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”, the provision of housing during the period of military service, as well as upon dismissal upon reaching the established length of service, is carried out taking into account the following features:

  1. During the period of military service, citizens, as well as members of their families, within three months after their arrival at the place of service on a contract basis, are located on the territory of a military camp or in nearby areas and are provided with housing on the basis of an employment / sub-hiring agreement (clause 1).
  2. The categories of employees who have the privilege of providing housing for the full term of military duties are established in paragraph 1 of this article.
  3. If they have 10 years of service at the time of dismissal, employees of their choice acquire the right to free transfer of residential premises to personal ownership, under a social tenancy agreement, or by providing a targeted subsidy for the purchase and construction of housing.
  4. The size of the area provided, as well as the procedure and conditions for determining it, are regulated by Art. 15.1 of this Law, but cannot be less than 18 sq/m per resident.

The right to receive housing and be registered as needy is valid 1 time. On the basis of paragraph 18 of Article 15, an employee has the right to independently choose the place where he will live.

Housing subsidy

In accordance with Art. 15 targeted subsidy for the purchase/construction of own housing is provided subject to the following features:

  • The amount of monetary allowance is calculated on the basis of the current coefficients in relation to the length of service, the standard of living space and the cost of 1 sq.m. for the current period (clause 16).
  • The rules for calculating the subsidy are regulated by Government Decree No. 76, and the procedure for granting - by order of the Minister of Defense No. 510.
  • Military personnel with three or more children are granted a subsidy on an extraordinary basis (paragraph 17).

A housing subsidy is provided as one of the options for exercising the right to housing, as well as in case of refusal to provide housing for ownership or if you wish to change your chosen place of residence (paragraph 19).

The right to education and health care

The rights to education and medical care are regulated by Art. 16 and Art. 19 of the Law “On the status of servicemen”. The existence of a right implies:

  1. Provision of medicines and medicines, as well as the provision of medical care during the period of service, as well as referral to sanatorium-and-spa treatment.
  2. Retention of the right to medical benefits upon retirement or upon reaching retirement age with more than 20 years of service.
  3. Free education in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions with more than 3 years of experience.
  4. The opportunity to undergo specialized retraining upon dismissal with more than 5 years of service.

An employee retains the right to paid study leave and sick leave.

Entitlement to severance pay

According to the Law “On the material allowance of military personnel”, the right to severance pay arises at the time of the end of military service under a contract or conscription and is calculated taking into account the following features:

  • In the amount of 2 monthly salaries with less than 20 years of service.
  • In the amount of 7 monthly salaries with more than 20 years of service.
  • Severance pay is not paid in the cases provided for in paragraph 4 of Article 3 of the Law.
  • In the amount of 2 monthly salaries for conscripts, as well as 5 salaries for conscripts recognized as orphans or in care.

In case of death or death due to service injuries within 1 year after dismissal, monetary compensation in the amount of 3 million rubles is paid (paragraph 8 of article 3). Upon dismissal on the basis of a military injury, compensation is provided in the amount of 2 million rubles under the contract, 1 million rubles - on conscription, as well as monthly monetary compensation due to disability (paragraphs 12 and 13 of article 3).

Right of way

Transport benefits in connection with military service are regulated by Art. 20 of the Law “On the status of servicemen”. Delivery by any type of transport is provided free of charge:

  1. To the place of conducting the service and back.
  2. To the place of vacation and treatment once a year.
  3. When transporting personal cargo.
  4. To the place of business trip.

When using personal transport for official purposes, the employee is entitled to monetary compensation.

tax incentives

Tax incentives for military personnel are provided in accordance with Art. 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account the following features:

  • The soldier has 20 years of service.
  • In the amount of the amount of tax applicable to the object of taxation.
  • In relation to residential and utility premises: apartments, houses, garages, extensions.

To receive a tax payment, you must submit an application to the Federal Tax Service before November 1 of the year following the tax period.

Registration procedure

Where to go

The choice of agency will depend on the category of benefits that need to be issued. These can be organs:

  1. FTS for tax benefits.
  2. PFR to receive pension supplements, cash compensation and payments.
  3. A military unit for obtaining a military certificate confirming the right to social and medical benefits.
  4. To the bank for registration of a mortgage agreement on a housing subsidy.

Mortgage is provided on the basis of a certificate from the place of service, indicating the transfer of a housing subsidy.

List of documents

  • military ID/military ID;
  • identification;
  • certificate of the amount of monetary allowance;
  • certificate of military experience;

In each case, the list will be expanded depending on the body of appeal and the nature of the benefits. For example, you will need a certificate of absence of your own housing (for housing benefits), an agreement on entry into the right of ownership for the subject of taxation (for tax benefits), etc.

What families need

Military family members are entitled to:

  1. Spouses are granted leave at will at the same time as the leave of a serviceman of the total duration.
  2. Family members of military invalids are entitled to monthly monetary compensation.
  3. The right to live together with an employee during his military service, as well as the allocation of square meters for each family member upon dismissal of an employee or his death (death).
  4. Tax credits for loss of a breadwinner or death due to war injury.
  5. The right to reduced travel with an employee.
  6. The right to free and extraordinary admission to school, preschool and nursery institutions, as well as free meals.
  7. Benefits for utility bills (50%).
  8. Benefits for visiting cultural sites.

By law, benefits are provided not only to military personnel, but also to their family members. The amount and basis for preferential privileges is determined by the length of service, rank, position or other circumstances. For registration, you must contact the place of service, and then to the executive authorities, providing the declared package of documents.

Of course, all former servicemen who served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation should be classified as military pensioners. The main thing that distinguishes them from ordinary pensioners is that no one makes insurance payments for the period of service for the military. Their eligibility for retirement determines the achievement of the minimum length of service required to qualify for retirement benefits.

What are the benefits for military pensioners, sergeants (20 years of service)

If you have 20 years of service, which gives you the right to a minimum military pension, you can be retired at the end of the contract. To do this, 6 months before the expiration of the contract, submit a team report in which you indicate your desire to retire from military service to the reserve at the end of the service under the contract. In your report, you indicate:

Benefits for military personnel with 20 years of service

Hello! I am a serviceman, at the moment I have 18.5 years of service in calendar terms and 27 years in preferential terms, I want to quit for health reasons. All acquaintances say that it is better to wait until 20 calendar years. Question: what gives 20 years of calendar service?

What are the benefits for 20 years of military service calendar years

Hello, I am a lieutenant colonel, I am 42 years old, I have almost 25 calendar years of service, 20 of them served in remote regions for at least 1 year for 1.5, I am resigning from the RF Armed Forces at the end of the contract. Please tell me what Benefits are due to me and my family upon my dismissal in case of 25 calendars, 24 calendars. Can I be refused retraining for one of the civilian specialties if the report for retraining is written 2 months before the end of the contract? Am I entitled to an additional 30 days of vacation?

Benefits for servicemen by length of service: full list and news of 2017

The onset of age does not depend on the desire of a person, therefore, inevitably, upon reaching the retirement threshold, citizens go on a well-deserved rest, having received pension allowance - well-deserved material assistance for many years of work or service in favor of the state. On what the minimum pension of military personnel depends, we will burn now.

The minimum pension for military personnel in Russia

Currently, the profession of a military man is gaining more and more demand among young people. This is probably due to a more stable financial situation after graduation and distribution to the workplace. In the article we will talk about payments to military personnel upon dismissal due to length of service in 2020, consider an example of calculation.

Calculation of payments to military personnel upon dismissal due to length of service in 2020

  • To a pensioner who lives in an area where DDs are set odds, for the period of his residence there, they are applied in the calculation of pensions, allowances and increases.
  • For pensioners who have served in the Far North and equivalent areas for at least 15 and 20 years, when they move to a place of residence outside these areas, a pension (including allowances and increases) which was assigned using northern coefficients, preserved. And for those who live in areas where the coefficient is not established or is applied in a smaller amount than at the last place of service, the pension is calculated (including allowances and increases) using the coefficient at the last place of service(limit size 1.5). At the same time, the time of application for the appointment of a pension does not depend.

Servicemen's pension for years of service

An extract from a citizen dismissed from military service in the personal file, an order for dismissal from military service, a copy of the service record, and for a citizen dismissed due to illness or limited health, and a copy of the certificate of illness issued by the VVK;

Calculation of length of service for a pension on a preferential basis

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that at the legislative level it is established minimum pension threshold, which is 100% of the base part of the directly labor pension, which is assigned to every citizen of our country upon retirement.

Service retirement rules for military personnel

Federal Penitentiary Service; in the bodies controlling the turnover no length of service Length of service periods of indexation pension It is from this that they can qualify for the second determined based on the service to the Motherland on the date of dismissal is

About pension

List of benefits for military personnel under contract and their families in 2020

In addition, the legislation provides that a citizen can study free of charge in higher and secondary vocational civil educational institutions by correspondence or part-time (evening) form if his term of service under the contract exceeds 3 years.

Benefits for military personnel in 2020

In addition, military pensioners, in addition to allowances from the Ministry of Defense or the Interior, can receive an additional insurance pension. To do this, they need to have the required minimum length of service and the appropriate individual pension coefficient. In addition to this, you need to prepare the necessary documents by submitting them to the PFR authority in your region.

What benefits does the "Veteran of the Armed Forces of Russia" give in 2018

Important: widows can receive the described types of state support only before remarriage.

Benefits and privileges for military pensioners in 2018

  1. Public service.
  2. Individual entrepreneurship. But it is worth noting that the entrepreneur does not need to make contributions to the FSS. He can transfer funds voluntarily.
  3. Work as a deputy.
  4. Military service.
  5. Serving in law enforcement.

What benefits are provided if the work experience is more than 40 years

Standing up as a wall to protect the Fatherland from external threats and internal strife, the military daily risk their lives. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the large number of benefits that are due to them upon retirement. They deserve it. Military pensioners include not only persons who served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

What are the benefits for military pensioners

The legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013, provides for the priority development of the pension insurance system. The amount of pension payments, in accordance with the terms of this system, depends primarily on the amount of wages received earlier, however, in order to balance the interests of various categories of citizens, it was decided to take into account the length of service.

Features of calculating a pension for seniority and what allowances a person can count on

At the legislative level, it is established that citizens who have the right to receive a pension from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who have a length of service of 20 years, receive a pension in the amount of 50% of the amount of monetary allowance. When an employee has more than 20 years of service, the pension payment will be calculated at the rate of 3% of the amount of allowance for each year of service.

Calculation of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - benefits for police pensioners

Annual monetary compensation for rest in the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Benefits are due to officers dismissed from service with a “military” experience of 20 or more years on a preferential basis (with a service record of 25 calendar years or more, medical benefits are given regardless of the grounds for dismissal), as well as warrant officers and midshipmen dismissed with a service record of 20 or more calendar years.

Benefits for military pensioners and their families

The "northerners" also have the right to housing subsidies. Citizens in need of better housing conditions who arrived in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them before January 1, 1992, have this right, subject to the accumulation of 15 years of northern experience.

What is the northern seniority for retirement in 2020-2018

It turns out that the size of the pension payment is affected not only by the size of the average monthly wage, but also by the duration of labor activity - pension supplements will be assigned to men who have worked for more than 35 years, and women who have been working for 30 years or more.

Supplement to pension for 35 years of service in 2018

Benefits for military personnel after 25 years of service

I am a police officer. I am currently about to retire on a seniority basis. When calculating the length of service for calculating the payment and pension severance pay, problems arose. I entered the Ministry of Internal Affairs in October 1995. In the work book it is indicated "Temporarily accepted for the position Position." interrogating interrogator certified, officer. I was on an employee's maternity leave period. They didn't give me a special rank, they didn't conclude a contract with me until November 1997, referring to the fact that there was no vacant position of an interrogator in the staff list.

Seniority (length of service) for the calculation of the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the payment of a lump sum

Hold on! Upon dismissal from military service, upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons, or in connection with organizational and staff activities, military personnel are paid a lump-sum allowance, the amount of which depends on the duration of military service (clause 3, article 23 of Federal Law N 76-FZ ) :

20 years of service in the army what benefits are due

Unfortunately, until now, many servicemen with 10 calendar years of service think that, when they leave, for example, at the end of the contract, they receive the right to housing from the state or at least do not have to return the money taken to buy an apartment on a military mortgage, but must close only the mortgage loan.

Military mortgage upon dismissal after 10 years of service

The benefits provided to military personnel may also relate to the conditions of rest. The terms of the main vacation of contract soldiers and officers depend, first of all, on the length of service. If a person has served in the army for no more than ten years, his leave lasts 30 calendar days. If the military experience is twenty years or more, the vacation lasts one and a half months.


Service retirement rules for military personnel

Servicemen citizens of our country are constantly raising the issue of the procedure for retirement based on years of service.

This is due to the fact that few of them understand what and how to do. What documents need to be provided? What is the allowance? How to apply for seniority?

Let's consider in more detail all these nuances.

Legislative regulation of the issue

All questions regarding military pensions citizens of our country are governed by such legislation as:

  • the law “On pension payments to citizens who served in the Armed Forces, law enforcement agencies, drug control agencies, the criminal system, and so on.” This Federal Law No. 4468 was adopted back in 1993;
  • the law “On the allocation of monetary allowances for citizens of military personnel and various additional payments”, which was adopted in 2011;
  • Federal Law No. 992, which regulates the issue of official salaries of military personnel who serve under a contract.

Conditions and procedure for retirement

Citizens who serve in the armed forces of the Russian Federation or are somehow involved in it, have the right to accrue pension payments based on their years of service. This right is enshrined in Federal Law No. 4468-1.

For the calculation of pension payments to a soldier must serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation a certain period of time.

Pension payments are assigned in accordance with what job title during the service was occupied by a soldier:

  • the officer;
  • ensign;
  • midshipman.
  • the length of service before dismissal must be at least 20 years. At the same time, attention should be paid to the fact that the age of the former serviceman must be at least 45 years;
  • also, a serviceman may be dismissed from the place of service according to the wording “reaching a term that allows him to be in the service”;
  • for medical reasons;
  • when carrying out various regular activities (we are talking about possible checks for compliance with the position held), which led to the dismissal.

It should be noted that military personnel general work experience:

  • not less than 25 years with a total work experience;
  • at least 12.5 years of direct experience in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces.

Seniority pension payments are due to citizens who have served in the military contracted and held such positions as: soldier, sailor, sergeant, foreman, as well as persons who:

  • served in any military units (railway, internal, and so on);
  • were in the united combat or administrative and economic units of the Armed Forces of the CIS countries;
  • belong to the category of “border guards” or served in units whose task was to protect the integrity of the borders of the state;
  • were servicemen of the communications and information units.

Registration procedure

Citizens of the military who apply for a seniority pension must, without fail, collect the main list of documents and become registered with the military commissariat at the place of their territorial location.

According to the current legislation, the main list of documents considered to be:

  • military passport, which confirms the identity and citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • a document that confirms the status of a soldier, and his position during service.
  • two types of certificate: cash and clothing;
  • a photograph printed on special matte paper, which has dimensions of 3x4;
  • a certificate containing information about the insurance code and personal account. It is this document that confirms the fact that the serviceman is included in the PFR personification accounting system;
  • a work book, which will be able to confirm the experience in the military units of the Russian Federation.

The list of documents presented above is mandatory. But that's not all. In some cases, some equally important papers should be provided.

It could be:

  • certificate from the pension fund;
  • or a document that confirms the fact of the change of surname.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that if you wish, you can also apply for a pension for seniority at the Pension Fund at your place of residence. But there is a small nuance here: you must additionally provide a certificate of average wages for the last 5 years.

Rules for calculating payments

Members of the armed forces are eligible for pensions. in the amount of 50% from his salary. When excess work experience at age 20, 3% will be charged for each additional year.

Maximum Threshold allowance is 85%.

Calculation of pensions for military personnel with general work experience next:

  • in the presence of 25 years of experience - the amount does not exceed 50% of the salary;
  • in the presence of more than 25 years - for each year there is a surcharge of 1%.

At the same time, the pension itself can be calculated if the military experience is at least 12.6 years.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that at the legislative level it is established minimum pension threshold, which is 100% of the base part of the directly labor pension, which is assigned to every citizen of our country upon retirement.

Calculation example

Suppose that a soldier with the rank of lieutenant colonel is about to retire on a seniority basis. Throughout his service, he served as deputy commander of the regiment.

The total experience is about 37 years. In the process of determining length of service, studies at a military school were also taken into account.

To determine the amount of the pension payment, we will calculate:

50% + (36 - 20) = 98%

  • 50% - base salary;
  • 36 years - total experience;
  • 20 years is the required minimum period of service;
  • 3% - surcharge for each year after 20 years.

The identified 98% allowances cannot be applied, since there is a limit of 85% - they will be used in the calculation.

Let's determine the amount of his monetary allowance:

(7800 + 8500) * 70% = 30,155 rubles


  • 7800 - the size of the salary itself;
  • 8500 rubles - the amount of salary for the performance of the duties of a deputy;
  • 70% - the allowance established for him for the position he is hired (this allowance for each serviceman can be established individually).

Based on the amount of salary received, we calculate the pension provision:

30,155 * 85% = 25,600 rubles

This is the amount a soldier is entitled to count on.

Problems in the appointment of pensions

The main problem with the appointment of pensions based on years of service is that payments are suspended if the applicant:

  • begins work on filling positions in self-government bodies;
  • holds any position in a municipal body on a permanent basis;
  • carries out its labor activity in the intergovernmental body.

In the event that a former serviceman is relieved of his post, the assigned seniority payment is renewed in full.

Frankly, there are no significant problems in this matter, and everyone, if they have the necessary length of service, has the right to receive pension payments based on years of service.

Latest news and changes in legislation

To date, discussions about possible increase in the required experience for seniority continue. Recall that the Ministry of Finance demands to increase the required minimum length of service from 20 to 25 years, but the Government of the Russian Federation stands on its own in this matter - there can be no question of any increase.

We can immediately say that the issue of abolishing seniority payments has not yet been raised and everything remains in force.

The only thing that can alert is that the issue of finding monetary compensation from military personnel of citizens who, upon reaching the minimum length of service, refuse to retire and work to get seniority, is being considered. But so far it remains only talk, and no concrete action has been taken.

The rules for seniority retirement for military personnel are described in the following video:

In our country, the duty of the state to provide for the needs of citizens who, for a number of reasons, cannot work is determined by law. We are talking about pensioners, since in some countries this category simply does not exist. In our country, a pensioner is a person who receives a monthly allowance from a fund, which is partly formed by him.

However, this status is not always associated with a respectable age. Thus, certain categories (health workers, teachers, military personnel) may begin to receive a pension somewhat earlier than the generally accepted retirement age.

Such a pension is called preferential and has certain distinctive features, compared with labor.

In order to have information on the issue of calculating payments to military personnel, it is necessary to have an idea about the procedure for granting benefits, financing, and methods for calculating length of service.

The very term "length of service" is so firmly ingrained in colloquial speech that it is often used not always appropriately. Meanwhile, he determines the privileged experience that is provided to military personnel or persons equated to them, these are employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Federal Security Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Who is entitled to a preferential military pension?

Informing citizens about the main provisions of the law that regulates the situation of interest is the main goal of many resources.

Despite the availability of information, sharp questions regarding military service do not lose their relevance on the Internet.

An effective way out of this situation is a more detailed interpretation of significant articles, presented in an accessible form for the average, legally unprepared citizen.

The first emphasis will have to be placed on who is entitled to preferential pension provision. The key points are discussed in Law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993, but let us single out the categories of citizens who can count on a service pension.

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Among the first identified directly military personnel, except for those who are included in the ranks of the Armed Forces by conscription, these are privates, sailors, ensigns, midshipmen and officers who signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense.

Since the Russian Federation is the legal successor of the USSR, this article also applies to the military who were in the ranks of the SA.

The law determines that persons who are equated to military personnel can receive preferential military experience. Some power structures have already been listed above.

It remains to add employees of the fire service, which was integrated into the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It is worth noting separately that intelligence officers have similar rights.

In the future, for simplicity, all categories will be referred to as military personnel.

Formation of seniority

Each serviceman, first of all, must independently navigate the issue of the formation of experience.

In extreme cases, on a personal application, you can get information at the office or in the department of the pension fund, but this approach is time-consuming.

Length of service can be summed up from all terms of service, even if it took place in different units. A complete list of structures is presented in the Federal Law and unites various departments.

  • Intelligence and counterintelligence service.
  • Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service.
  • Drug control authorities.
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • Government communications service.
  • FSO divisions.
  • Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the CIS and the USSR.

In the above legislative act, two annexes have been developed, which define the benefit for the military serving in a certain geographical area.

The zones listed in the first appendix are considered the most unfavorable, which is the reason for counting one month of service as two months of service.

A similar definition is allocated for the content of the second application, with the difference that a month is counted as 1.5 months of service.

Training in a military or civilian specialty had and still has a number of nuances related to the experience.

The problem is that the legislation has changed since 2001, and for civilians, studying at a university no longer gives an additional period of service.

Many tend to transfer this provision to calculate the length of service of the military. However, several situations must be considered here.

  • Persons enrolled in military educational institutions, after the first course, can sign a contract. Consequently, they are considered full-fledged military personnel and make contributions to the fund, from which payments will then be made. All years of service under the contract are included in the preferential service with a 1 to 1 condition. This means that one year of study will be counted as one year of service.
  • If a young man studied at a civilian university with a military department, and at the end of it he decided to make a military career, then the period of study will be included in the mixed experience in its pure form or in the preferential experience, but divided in half. In simple words, 5 years of institute will be counted as 2.5 years of service.

Additional periods to military experience

Mistakes are often made when trying to determine the duration of a service. This is due to the fact that many military personnel are not informed about various nuances, as a result of which certain periods of their estimated length of service are excluded, often unreasonably. To fully cover the list of additional periods, we will present them in accordance with Article 13 of the Federal Law No. 4468.

  • Service in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB. This provision is valid if the service was completed during the existence of the USSR.
  • Direct stay in the service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation or the USSR.
  • Detention provided that the citizen was prosecuted erroneously.
  • The period of absence from service, provided that the dismissal was illegal.

The procedure for calculating the total length of service must necessarily take into account the conditions of service, since quite often a pensioner has more experience than the actual period of service. This is explained by the presence of benefits that provide for a certain ratio of service life and length of service.

The special conditions of service include the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the service of pilots during missions, parachuting, and service at installations with nuclear weapons.

A separate position is occupied by the calculation of length of service when women retire, because maternity leave is provided for this category of military personnel.

A period of 70 days before the birth of a child and 3 years after his birth will be included in the length of service, provided that the total period of stay on maternity leave for a lifetime does not exceed 9 years.

Calculation of military pension

Monthly payment will be guaranteed only in a number of cases when a minimum length of service for a pension is formed. It cannot be determined unambiguously and depends on the accompanying conditions.

For example, the minimum length of permanent military service should be equal to 20 years, while there are good reasons to leave the service ahead of schedule.

Compensation will be paid to a serviceman who has retired for health reasons if he has served for at least 10 years.

Organizational and staff measures can lead to the disbandment of a part or an entire unit. Then the retirement of military personnel is also considered early, but not at the will of citizens. Therefore, a rather small lower threshold of length of service is determined - 10 years.

If the military decided to unreasonably leave the service and engage in civilian activities, then they can leave part of the military pension under certain conditions: the total length of service reaches 25 years, of which half of the term is given to military service. Such a mixed pension will be available when the age of the citizen makes it possible to receive a regular civil pension.

The issue of the minimum length of service at which you can count on receiving benefits is currently one of the most relevant. The fact is that some parliamentarians have repeatedly spoken out in favor of raising the retirement age. Basically, these proposals are made through the Ministry of Finance.

In attempts to normalize the budget after the crisis, a number of extraordinary decisions are being made that affect the interests of those who rely on state support.

Measures such as increasing the length of service can be taken not only in law enforcement agencies, that is, for receiving pensions by military personnel, teachers, doctors, the lower limit may increase.

The reaction to such steps will follow immediately, because many hold on to their jobs solely because of the small balance to length of service. Realizing this, the government is in no hurry to move forward with the implementation of this idea.

Servicemen's pension for years of service

The legislation on pensions for military personnel for this category of citizens establishes three types of pensions:

  • by seniority;
  • due to disability;
  • due to the loss of a breadwinner.

At the same time, the law stipulates some nuances when obtaining the right to pension provision:

  • Seniority pension is assigned and paid to its recipient after his retirement.
  • Assignment of a disability or survivor's pension does not depend on the length of service of a soldier.
  • A disability pension is established if it occurred during the service or within three months after the dismissal, or even later, but arose due to illness or as a result of an injury received during the service.

It is allowed for a military pensioner to re-enter military service or service in internal affairs bodies, or in other services provided for by law. True, in this case, the payment of pension benefits assigned to him terminated during service and will be able to resume at his next dismissal, when he declares the restoration of the provision to the pension authority.

In accordance with Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 12.02.

1993 N 4468-1 the right to establish a pension for the length of service has categories of military personnel who, on the day of dismissal from service, have a length of service in the amount of at least 20 years old or dismissed from service due to reaching the maximum age limit for staying in the service, for health reasons, or as a result of organizational and staff changes.

Pension maintenance for length of service for the second category of military personnel is assigned on the condition that on the day of dismissal they:

  • reached the age 45 years;
  • have a common work experience 25 years and over, of them not less 12 years and six months length of service was military service and (or) service in the bodies and institutions provided for by law.

The procedure for calculating seniority

When calculating the length of service for the appointment of a military pension, the periods of service are taken into account:

  • military, in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service (including previous assignments in this system on civil defense and emergency situations and disaster relief);
  • in the bodies controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
  • in the bodies and institutions of the penitentiary system.

For officers and persons from the commanding staff, seniority may be credited their study period before entering the service (but no more than 5 years) - one year of study goes for six months of service. Service in special conditions is counted in the length of service at a preferential rate.

The military experience also includes the time of service:

  • in the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation;
  • in Soviet partisan detachments and formations;
  • time of work in state bodies. authorities and administrations, civil ministries, departments and organizations with the condition of remaining in military service or as part of the above bodies and institutions;
  • the time spent in captivity (if the serviceman was not voluntarily captured and, being there, did not commit a crime against his state);
  • the period of serving a sentence and detention in case of unreasonable prosecution or repressed and then rehabilitated.

How is a serviceman's survivor's pension calculated?

Amount of pension provision

What will be the size of the pension benefit for a serviceman for length of service depends on several factors: military experience (length of service), position and rank, the amount of monetary allowance (DD), the availability of conditions for increase and allowances. The pension content of a serviceman is established in accordance with Art. 14 of the law of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1:

  • For seniors 20 years pension is assigned in the amount 50% of the sum DD.
  • Additionally, for each year exceeding 20 years of service, 3%, but no more than 85%.

For persons with 12 years and 6 months of military service and (or) service in other bodies provided for by law, with a total length of service of 25 years or more, a pension benefit is assigned in the amount of 50% of the DD for a total length of service of 25 years plus 1% from the amount of DD for each year over.

In addition, the law defines the following points:

  • To a pensioner who lives in an area where DDs are set odds, for the period of his residence there, they are applied in the calculation of pensions, allowances and increases.
  • For pensioners who have served in the Far North and equivalent areas for at least 15 and 20 years, when they move to a place of residence outside these areas, a pension (including allowances and increases) which was assigned using northern coefficients, preserved. And for those who live in areas where the coefficient is not established or is applied in a smaller amount than at the last place of service, the pension is calculated (including allowances and increases) using the coefficient at the last place of service(limit size 1.5). At the same time, the time of application for the appointment of a pension does not depend.

Cash allowance of the military when calculating pensions

The basic monetary allowance of a serviceman (DD), used to calculate his pension in accordance with the law, consists of the following components:

  • military official salary;
  • salary depending on military or special rank (with the exception of promotion for service in special areas or conditions);
  • monthly or percentage bonus for length of service (length of service), including payments for indexing DD.

From January 1, 2018, the allowance was increased by 4%, as a result of which military pensions also increased.

In 2018, when calculating a military pension, DD in the amount of 72,23% from the amount of the base DD. The law planned an annual increase of 2% to reach 100% of the size, but this provision has been suspended.

Conditions for increasing the amount of payments

For some categories of pensioners, the amounts of payments for length of service are subject to an increase, provided that they belong to one or another group of recipients. As a percentage of Estimated Pension Amount (RRP) installed in the amount of social pension(5240.65 rubles from April 1, 2018) the increase is made:

  • disabled as a result of military trauma from 175 to 300% of RRP;
  • disabled people who participated in the Great Patriotic War and persons with the award "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad" who became disabled - from 100 to 250%;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War (WWII), war veterans; former prisoners (underage) of fascist concentration camps, etc.; persons who received the award "Inhabitants of besieged Leningrad" (if they do not receive an allowance for disability); invalids from childhood who were injured or maimed as a result of military operations during the Second World War or their consequences - for 32% of RRS;
  • those who were in military service for at least six months or worked during the Second World War, not including work in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR, or who have orders and medals of the USSR for selfless work and impeccable military service during the Second World War, as well as those who were unreasonably politically repressed, then rehabilitated - by 16 percent RRP.

In counting from the size of the pension by 15-100% pensions go up:

  • Heroes of the Soviet Union, Russian Federation and awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees;
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor, Labor of the Russian Federation;
  • champions of the Olympic, Paralympic, Deaflympics;
  • persons who received the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees or the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" of three degrees.

For persons who have repeatedly been awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation, Socialist Labor or the Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation, the pension content is increased accordingly each rank received.

Seniority allowance for military personnel

In certain cases, accrual is provided for the pension benefit for long service allowances. They are determined as a percentage of the estimated pension (RRP). The law establishes allowances for the following recipients:

  • pensioners (to care for them) who have a disability of group 1, or when they reach the age of 80 years - 100% RRP;
  • pensioners who do not work and have dependent family members (incapacitated), provided that the latter are not paid an insurance or social pension:
    • 32% - with one disabled person;
    • 64% - with two disabled;
    • 100% - with three or more.
  • pensioners who participated in the Great Patriotic War, who are not disabled: 32% , and when they reach the age of 80 years - 64% . The supplement is not calculated if the pension has already been calculated using the increase.

Right to a share of the insurance pension

If a military pensioner, dismissed from service, continues to work in civilian positions, and the employer pays insurance contributions to the pension fund for him, or the pensioner operates as an individual entrepreneur with the payment of appropriate contributions to the Pension Fund, he may be entitled to receive a second pension - insurance old age pension(except for a fixed payment to it) upon reaching the conditions required by law:

  • Age 60 for men, 55 for women. It is possible to assign an old-age insurance pension ahead of schedule for work in special difficult conditions and areas.
  • The minimum insurance period is not less than 9 years (if it was not taken into account when assigning a military pension). The seniority requirement increases every year by 1 year to 15 years.

When calculating the length of service, it excludes the periods of service that existed before the appointment of a disability pension, or the time of service and other activities that have already been taken into account when calculating the amount of a pension for years of service.

Additional requirements provided for the appointment of an insurance pension:

Procedure and terms for applying for an appointment

For the assignment of a military retirement pension, it is necessary to apply to the authorities of those services in which the recipient of the pension served before retirement: pension authorities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. When applying, a soldier must submit:

  • application for a pension;
  • documents (if necessary) confirming the existence of conditions for increasing payments or establishing allowances.

You can apply to the pension authority in person or send the application and documents by mail. After checking the submitted documents, if everything is in order with them, within ten days after submitting the application (if the required documents are submitted no later than 3 months from the day they were requested) the assignment of a pension benefit is carried out.

If an application for the appointment of pension maintenance was received late, the pension for the previous period is established from the day when the person became entitled to it, but not more than for 12 months until the day of application.

General procedure for the payment of pensions

The legislation defines the procedure for paying pensions and stipulates some other conditions for receiving it:

  • The payment of military pension maintenance is made through the Savings Bank of Russia by crediting to the recipient's account, or by transfer through postal communication services at the place of residence or stay of the pensioner. In agreement with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation by decision of the federal executive body, the procedure for paying pension benefits can be changed.
  • A pensioner can receive pension benefits personally, or with the help of a trustee, drawn up in accordance with the law.
  • The payment of a military pension does not depend on whether or not its recipient has earnings under an employment contract or other income. In this case, dependency and disability allowances are not paid.
  • A pension accrued and not received by a pensioner in a timely manner due to his fault is subject to payment for the time that has passed, but not more than 3 years before applying for it. In case of non-receipt of a pension due to the fault of the body paying it, the payment is made for the entire past time.

The procedure for assigning and paying a pension for length of service to military personnel

Military personnel, due to their professional activities, often become pensioners much earlier than ordinary citizens.

A completely young man or woman, having served a certain number of years, which is called length of service, is entitled to a pension under special conditions. And the calculation of their pensions is different from the civil one. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Who is eligible?

According to the legislation (Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1), military personnel are entitled to receive a pension for long service in the following cases:

  1. If by the time of dismissal from service the length of service is 20 years or more. This rule also applies to citizens who are in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the bodies of the penitentiary system, in the fire service.
  2. If the total length of service is 25 years (and twelve and a half years of them are given to military service), the age of the serviceman is 45 years old, and he is dismissed due to the age limit of the awarded rank, with ongoing organizational measures or for health reasons. This paragraph also affects the persons mentioned in the first paragraph.

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If at least one of the conditions is met, then the serviceman can count on a seniority pension. And when the opposite happens, then his length of service is counted in the total length of service, and he retires on the general basis, which are provided for by pension legislation.

The maximum retirement age for military personnel varies significantly. It depends on the title awarded. So,

  • enlisted personnel retire at the age of 50;
  • average generals - at 60 years old;
  • captains - at 55;
  • marshals, colonel-generals and other senior staff - at 65;
  • women - at 45 years old.

Conditions for awarding a retirement pension

For military personnel

  • service in the army of the Russian Federation or CIS countries;
  • serving in the army of the countries of the former USSR”;
  • they have served more than 20 years or have reached retirement age;
  • in other cases, which are provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families ".

For cosmonauts, pilots and testers are citizens of the Russian Federation

  • have work experience (for men - at least 25 years, for women - at least 20 years);
  • if they leave the service for health reasons or other valid reasons;
  • terminate their activities for reasons that require receiving a pension of this type.

Minimum and maximum pension

The calculation of the seniority pension for a serviceman is carried out in accordance with the laws 173 FZ and 4468-1 FZ. Accrual mechanisms depend on the reason for retirement:

  • When leaving for length of service - 55% of the average salary, with the addition of 3% for each irregular year, but not more than 85%.
  • When leaving for length of service, but in the presence of mixed (for example, with civil) seniority - 55% plus 1% for each irregular year (over the service life).

Financing is made from the funds of a special fund of the relevant state structures. Moreover, co-financing from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is also possible.

The calculation procedure is established by Article 14 of Law No. 4468-1.

The retirement pension for servicemen is set at 55% of the monetary allowance for 20 years plus 3% of the monetary allowance for each year over 20 years. Its size cannot exceed 85% of the monetary allowance.

Monetary allowance is salaries according to military rank, according to position (excluding increasing coefficients) and an allowance for length of service in percentage terms. Salaries are set by the Ministry of Defense and are fixed. The most common salaries for some titles are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Pension supplements are shown in Table 2.

table 2

It should also be noted that this type of pension increases:

  1. Disabled persons who became disabled as a result of a military injury:
    • Group 1 - by 300% of the basic part of the old-age labor pension;
    • group 2 - by 250%;
    • Group 3 - by 175%.
  2. Disabled people who became disabled due to a general illness and participants in the Second World War:
    • group 1 - by 250%;
    • group 2 - by 200%;
    • Group 3 - by 150%.
  3. Disabled people who became disabled as a result of a general injury and who have the award "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad": group 1 - by 200%;
    • group 2 - by 150%;
    • Group 3 - 100%).

The following supplements are added to the superannuation:

  1. Military pensioners who are disabled of the 1st group or disabled of the third degree, as well as those who have reached the age of 80 - 100% of the basic part of the labor pension.
  2. If a military pensioner is dependent on disabled family members (if one is disabled - 32%; if two - 64%; if three or more - 100% of the basic part of the labor pension). It should be noted here that these allowances are charged only for those disabled family members who do not receive a social or labor pension.
  3. Participants in the Second World War, but who are not disabled - 32%, when they reached the age of 80 - 64% of the basic part of the old-age pension.

What is preferential and minimum length of service?

Length of service is not always counted according to the calendar.

For example, for participation in hostilities, the experience goes: 1 to 3 (that is, three are counted in one year). It should be noted that the maximum coefficient that is applied when calculating a military pension is 1.5.

According to the general rules, the grounds for preferential calculation of military service are:

  • participation in hostilities, performance of tasks in a state of emergency and in armed conflicts, counter-terrorist operations;
  • military service in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in areas with adverse climatic and environmental conditions;
  • military service outside the Russian Federation;
  • military service in military units and on ships involved in the performance of special tasks;
  • being in military positions, the performance of duties for which is associated with an increased risk and danger to life and health.

With a length of service of 20 years in a preferential calculation, the minimum pension comes.

The procedure for calculating the length of service for military personnel

(ATD + HVD + NVL) x 55% + 3% for each year of service,

  • HVZ - salary by rank;
  • NVL - seniority bonus.

As you can see, when calculating the amount, the following are taken into account:

  • Position salary.
  • Work experience.
  • Rank.
  • Excellent qualification.
  • Seniority allowance.

Salary and bonuses are cumulative. After that, the amount is multiplied by a percentage of the allowance. If necessary, the district coefficient is added to the result.

Example 1

  1. We consider the length of service and whether he is entitled to a military pension:
  • Years of training in a military school are included here. It turns out 5 years.

Conditions for awarding a military pension for years of service

The peculiarities of military service, its sometimes difficult nature and the increased risk of loss of health provide for the military personnel the right to receive pensions before they reach the general civilian age of retirement.

Military personnel who, in accordance with applicable law, have entitlement to seniority pay, it is necessary to pay attention to the conditions for the provision of pensions regarding:

  • availability and length of service;
  • periods included in the total experience;
  • retirement age.

Payment of military pension begins after applying for it and providing all the necessary documents from the day of dismissal from military service. One of the main conditions for receiving cash benefits is the termination of service. In the case of re-enrollment in the military ranks, the payment will be terminated until the day of the subsequent dismissal.

The amount of benefits assigned to the military, depends on the following parameters:

  • the amount of monetary allowance received;
  • duration of service life;
  • length of work experience.

Which military personnel can be assigned a retirement pension?

  • military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the United Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States, in the bodies of the border service of the Russian Federation (troops of the national guard, civil defense, security services, military prosecutor's office, investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation) and the Federal Border Service;
  • military service in the military formations of the former USSR;
  • service in the internal affairs bodies, drug control bodies, institutions of the penitentiary system:
    • the Russian Federation and the former USSR;
    • in other states, if the relevant agreements provide for pension provision by the legislation of those countries in whose territory they live.

They can exercise this right if the legislation of such states does not provide for pension payments for such service.

When can a soldier retire?

A soldier acquires the right to a pension upon the occurrence of one of the:

The fundamental difference between these cases is the presence of a certain duration of service:

  • in the first case, it is necessary not only earn a certain amount of military experience and retire from service
  • in the second case, length of service does not matter, since the main condition here will be the acquisition of disability:
    • during the period of service;
    • within three months after dismissal from military bodies;
    • due to injury, concussion, illness received during the service, even if the disability occurred later than three months from the date of dismissal.

It is also worth noting that the death or death of a serviceman gives the right to members of his family, under certain conditions, to receive a survivor's pension.

Requirements for military service for the appointment of a pension for service

When assigning a retirement pension, one of the requirements must be met requirements for military experience, namely:

  • having at least 20 years of military service at the time of dismissal;
  • the presence of a total work experience of at least 25 years, of which 12 years 6 months or more falls on the service in military bodies and departments.

In the second case, we are talking about the so-called mixed experience when military personnel who have reached 45 years of age are dismissed from service for one of the following reasons:

  • reaching the age limit for service;
  • a state of health that does not allow to remain in the ranks of the military;
  • calculated calendar for all such periods by summing up the number of years, months and days.

    According to Art. 18 of law No. 4468-1 to periods included in the service, include the following:

    • military service;
    • service in the internal affairs bodies and the State Fire Service;
    • in the bodies controlling the circulation of narcotic and psychotropic substances;
    • in institutions of the penitentiary system;
    • in the National Guard of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation;
    • in departments and organizations that remain in military service or are members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
    • time spent in Soviet partisan detachments;
    • service in emergency rescue teams, fire protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
    • period of forced captivity;
    • time of unreasonable punishment.

    It is important that persons from the commanding staff and officers of military departments, provided for by the current legislation, study time may also be included in the length of service in the following order - no more than five years of study with a credit of one academic year for six months of service.

    Minimum length of service in 2018 for the purpose of pension provision

    The requirements for the minimum length of service included in the length of service remained unchanged and are in the current year 12 years 6 months subject to the availability condition total work experience 25 years.

    It should also be remembered that when assigning disability pensions to military personnel, there is no concept of minimum length of service, since the main condition here will be the period of acquisition of disability, and not the number of years of military experience.

    Determination of the group of disability, its cause and time of onset is carried out by institutions of medical and social expertise of federal affiliation.

    At what age do soldiers retire?

    Military retirement age not strictly defined current legislation, since it directly depends on the number of years of service (it is necessary to serve at least 20 years).

    Special conditions of service and the offset of periods of service in connection with this circumstance in a preferential calculation makes it possible to further reduce the age of military retirement, since the use of a special calculation of length of service accelerates the process of accumulating years counted in military experience.

    The procedure for assigning pensions to military personnel

    It is necessary for citizens who have the right to apply for a military pension in accordance with the departmental affiliation of the institution in which he serves. Work on the organization of pensions for military personnel carried out by authorized departments the following departments:

    • Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
    • Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
    • Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments;
    • Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation;
    • General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;
    • Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

    Deadlines for assigning military payments are set within 10 days from the date of receipt of all missing documents. The date of assignment of this type of pension provision is the day following the dismissal from the service.

    To establish a pension payment, you must submit a number of documents, namely:

  1. identity document and registration at the place of residence;
  2. certificate of periods of service included in length of service;
  3. military ID;
  4. employment history;
  5. a document confirming the presence of dependents;
  6. awards.

The obligation to submit the listed, and, if necessary, clarification of certain circumstances and additional documents, may be assigned to the applicant himself.

If these documents are included in a special list, according to which such information is requested as part of the provision of public services, then the information is received through the channels of interdepartmental interaction without the participation of the applicant.

The amount of seniority payments and the appointment of allowances

The payment of pensions to military personnel is carried out monthly for the current thirty-day calendar period from the federal budget.

The basis for calculating the assigned allowance for military service is the amount of monetary allowance, the value of which depends on:

  • official salary (military or civil);
  • salary for a military or special (excluding promotion) rank;
  • seniority allowances;
  • the amount of indexation determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Amount of pension payment defined as follows:

  • 50% of the amount of monetary allowance - if there is at least 20 years of service;
  • 50% of the corresponding monetary allowance - if there is a total length of service of at least 25 years, of which 12.5 years is military service;

And here the amount of allowances due is significantly different in both cases:

  • for each year of service exceeding 20 years - 3% of the monetary allowance, but not more than 85%;
  • for each year of service exceeding 25 years - 1% of the established monetary allowance.
  • the presence of a disability of group I or 80 years of age;
  • the number of disabled dependent family members;
  • participation in the Great Patriotic War.

Online consultant answers to user questions

The retirement age of the military in Russia in 2018: what time do they retire

The retirement age of a serviceman, unlike "civilian" pensioners, is not explicitly established by law. The fact is that for the military, retirement primarily depends not on age, but on other factors, the main of which is length of service, i.e. service duration. Consider the age at which the military retires in Russia in various situations.

Legal Basis for Military Retirement

All the main issues related to military pensions are reflected in the law of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 "On pension provision ...". Including we are talking about the conditions for the appointment of a pension. The military can receive two types of pension - according to the length of service and according to disability. The order of appointment and the age for exit in these cases differ. Let's look at them in detail in the following sections.

What time do soldiers retire?

A retirement pension can be granted in two cases:

  1. If the length of service is more than 20 years.
  2. If the total experience is more than 25 years. At the same time, the experience of military and equivalent service should be more than 12.5 years. In addition, in this case, the serviceman at the date of dismissal must be over 45 years old, and the reason for dismissal must be the achievement of the age limit, health status, or downsizing.

The "military" experience includes not only service in the Armed Forces, but also in other formations in accordance with Art. 18 of law No. 4468-1 (special services, internal affairs bodies, the National Guard, fire service, drug control).

The length of service also includes service in partisan detachments during the Great Patriotic War, the time of serving an unreasonable sentence and the time spent in captivity (if the surrender was not voluntary).

In addition, officers may be credited with study time up to five years, with one year of study counting as six months of service.

The “civilian” component of the length of service in the second option for assigning a pension is determined on a general basis, i.e. in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor pensions.

Thus, the age (45 years) is used only in the second option for assigning a service pension - with a "mixed" length of service. But even in this case it cannot be said that this is the retirement age of a serviceman, because. without fulfilling the conditions for seniority and length of service, the right to receive a pension at this age does not appear.

Therefore, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question: from what age is a military pension assigned? Its purpose depends on many factors, and age is not decisive among them.

The seniority for retirement for military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies may change. This was stated by First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov.
“We talked about the fact that today there is a length of service for obtaining the right to retire military personnel. We believe that this experience should also be adjusted. We also have such studies with the Ministry of Defense, this will be one of the elements of our proposals,” he said.

As Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova pointed out, the current amendments to raise the retirement age do not yet take into account changes for the military and security forces.

“Now this is not taken into account in the package that is being introduced. Everything remains as it is for now,” she said.

Earlier in the afternoon on June 14, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced an increase in the retirement age in Russia. For women, it will be 63 years instead of the current 55 years, for men - 65 instead of 60 years. There is a transitional period from 2019 to raise the retirement age.

According to the law on pensions, military servicemen, as well as employees of the internal affairs bodies, the National Guard and the Federal Penitentiary Service, can retire on a seniority basis if their length of service is at least 20 years.

The length of service for the retirement of military personnel should be adjusted, this issue is being discussed with the Ministry of Defense, said First Deputy Prime Minister, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.
“We talked about the fact that today there is a length of service for obtaining the right to retire military personnel. We believe that this experience should also be adjusted. We have such studies with the Ministry of Defense, this will be one of the elements of our proposals,” Siluanov said at a press conference.

For her part, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said that at the moment this topic is not taken into account in the package of proposals for raising the retirement age, which is prepared by the government. “Everything remains as it is – for now,” Golikova said.

The government has proposed a transitional period of raising the retirement age, expected to begin in 2019, to, in the words of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, “step by step to achieve retirement at 65 for men in 2028 and 63 for women in 2034.”

As a compensatory measure, it is proposed to provide for the possibility for all persons who have a long record of service - 40 years for women and 45 years for men - to retire two years earlier.

The prime minister set the task of submitting a bill on pension reform to the State Duma as soon as possible, so that it would be considered in the current session in the first reading. According to Medvedev, the government is counting on the support of the bill by parliamentarians.

Extending the length of service for the possibility of accruing military pensions
A draft law has been prepared that increases the term of military service for acquiring the right to a seniority pension to 25 years. What to do?
The very idea of ​​extending the term of service for military personnel to acquire the right to a seniority pension is far from new. Apparently, many are haunted by the fact that the military acquire the right to a pension 20 years after the start of military service. Recall that according to the federal law "On the Status of Servicemen", a serviceman receives the right to pensions based on length of service after 20 years have passed since the start of military service.

So it turns out that if service under a contract begins, for example, at the age of 20, then at the age of 40 a military man can already retire. So the beginning of many "strangle the toad." Allegedly, so young, and already retired. Moreover, this “toad” sits inside those who have not served in the army for a single day. Those who have encountered military service are well aware that the acquisition of the right to retire after 20 years of service is well deserved, pardon the tautology and pun. After all, firstly, for 20 years to be in the forefront in all military conflicts, risking life and health, for 20 years to have irregular working hours and irregular working nights, to make many moves with the family, not to have your own corner ... You can add to this phrase there are many more moments that do not make a person's life comfortable and attractive. And secondly, the size of this very pension after 20 years of service, for example, for a major is 16,000-17,000 rubles, and for a contract serviceman from private to sergeant (who, by the way, are the absolute majority in the army), the pension for service after 20 years service is 10,000-11,000 rubles. You can check this statement on the pension calculator for military personnel. Just imagine - after 20 years of service in the army, and a pension of 10,000 rubles. Worthy! That is, the state will not particularly go bankrupt by paying such a beggarly pension to servicemen.

But officials in the government want to go a little further and increase the term of this very acquisition of the right to a pension up to 25 years. The development of the draft law is currently underway in the depths of the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Armed Forces, better known to the military by its all-powerful abbreviation - GUK. But the meaning of the developed law is already clear without studying its subtleties.

In order to acquire the right to pensions, a serviceman under the contract will have to serve not 20, but 25 years. That is, if you have served for 24 years, then you have not yet received the right to a pension. The same period can be the period for obtaining the right to permanent housing, that is, not after 20, but only after 25 years of service.

Managers are now afraid to promote and adopt the law - after all, the presidential election. And the law, BETWEEN US, will not become especially popular and approved.

Because the military man, after 20 years of service, became much calmer and the understanding warmed his soul that he would no longer die of hunger and he already deserved his pension, albeit a meager one. Now there will be no such peace and the military will be able to be fired without a pension even after 24 years of service.

The law is likely to be adopted after the presidential elections in March 2018. But, it is still a little unclear what will happen to the servicemen who have served for 20 years and have acquired the right to a pension. Will they be deprived of this right? This is the main question that worries all servicemen with a length of service of 20 to 24 years. Should they sign another contract or not? And if you sign, will you lose your right to a pension?

These questions do not yet have answers, but we know one thing for sure - the state apparatus can do anything and how it is beneficial to it, and not to those for whom the law is being passed. This, BETWEEN US, we have already passed more than once ...

The bill stating that in order to retire the military will have to serve not 20, but 25 years, has been approved and may enter into force as early as January 1, 2019
Work on the bill, according to which servicemen will have to serve before acquiring the right to pensions, not 20, but 25 years, has been developed and has already passed all the necessary interdepartmental approvals.

In addition to the fact that a serviceman now, even with a length of service of 24 years, will not yet acquire the right to a pension, there are some interesting points in the bill. For example, now, after serving 25 years, a soldier can count on a pension in the amount of 65% of his salary. (However, a soldier who has now served 25 years will receive a pension in the amount of 65% of the amount of monetary allowance). Further, the new law states that every year 3% will be added to the pension (as under the current legislation). There are still differences. If now a retiree can count on a pension of no more than 85% of the monetary allowance, then according to the new bill, the upper limit is shifted to 95%.

The bill provides for a transitional period that will last until January 1, 2023. What is the essence of this five-year transitional period? Its essence is that until January 1, 2023, military personnel who were subject to the old legislation will retain this right. That is, military personnel until January 1, 2023 will have the right to retire and receive pensions, having 20 years of service. Such a clause is in the latest version of the document and it is quite good for those who are going to sign a new contract, but are afraid of losing their right to a pension if the law is passed. Such fears, BETWEEN US, are not without foundation. It may happen that he served in the military for 20 years, acquired the right to a pension, but having signed a new contract for a year, in connection with the adoption of a new law, he lost this right. Many are now afraid to conclude a new contract because of such legal conflicts. But, it seems, in the latest version of the bill, a transition period clause for 5 years until 2023 removes these concerns. But, it's quite possible. that in some next version of the document this paragraph will somehow fall out. So, fears remain until such time as you and I will not be able to read the adopted law and study it in all its details.

The law enforcement agencies have prepared a bill that proposes to increase the minimum length of service, which gives military personnel the right to receive a military pension, by five years - from 20 to 25.

The departments that provide for military service have developed a bill to increase the minimum limit of years of service that gives the right to receive a military pension from 20 to 25 years. This is reported by Kommersant, citing a source close to the leadership of one of the Russian law enforcement agencies. This information was also confirmed to the publication by a source in the Ministry of Defense.

The document proposes to amend the Russian law “On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the criminal correctional system, the Federal Service of the National Troops guards, and their families" dated February 12, 1993.

Work on the preparation of the draft law has been carried out since March of this year by the relevant decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin. On May 22, the head of the main personnel department of the Ministry of Defense, General Viktor Goremykin, reported on the preparation of documents by the deputy head of the department to General Dmitry Bulgakov, the ministry said.

As a high-ranking employee of the presidential administration explained to the newspaper, representatives of all departments related to military service participated in the drafting of the bill. "The topic is very delicate, there is still a series of consultations at the level of the financial, economic and social blocs of the government, as well as all interested parties," he added.

The interlocutors of the publication did not specify the expected timing of the adoption of the amendments, however, in their opinion, it would be logical to adopt the document after the presidential elections, which will be held in March 2018.

The authors of the bill also do not disclose the mechanism for increasing the lower threshold of seniority: whether a transition period will be introduced for this is still unknown. It is also unclear how the adoption of the amendments will affect the budget.

The publication clarifies that the adoption of the bill will require amendments to the 13th article of this law (the conditions determining the right to a pension for long service) and the 14th (the size of the pension).

At the moment, it is already known that the amendments, if adopted, will not affect those military personnel whose contract ends on the 20th anniversary of service. All the rest, in order to be eligible for a military pension, will have to serve five years longer.

The idea to increase the lower threshold of seniority has been discussed for a long time. In 2013, the military proposed dividing this process into two stages: until 2019, to pay all military personnel who have served over 20 years, but have not retired, an allowance of 25% of the pension that they could receive, and from January 1, 2019 year to finally establish a 25-year lower limit of service. However, after the calculations carried out at that time, it turned out that the federal budget did not have enough funds for the additional payments necessary for the transition period.

In 2015, the discussion of this issue was resumed by the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov. The government admitted that the period of service required for a military pension could be raised immediately to 30 years, but this option was rejected.

The unstable economic situation that was observed in Russia three years ago also forced the Ministry of Finance to think about refusing to increase payments to military pensioners.

Siluanov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu were able to resolve all issues and find additional funding only after Putin intervened in the situation.

Last month, the head of state signed a law to increase the retirement age for civil servants. According to the document, the retirement age of officials has increased to 65 for men and 63 for women. The law also provides for a gradual increase in the minimum civil service period required for a superannuation pension from 15 to 20 years.

Now "military pensioners" who, after leaving the reserve (retirement), continue to work in positions not related to military service, are entitled to a second, "civilian" pension through the Pension Fund of Russia upon reaching the retirement age established by the state (for women - 55 years, for men - 60 years) and the minimum required work experience (in 2017 it is eight years and will increase by one year to 15 years by 2024).

Increasing the retirement age for military personnel: an overview of the bill
It is proposed to retain the right to assign a military pension for 20 years of service to those servicemen who will be dismissed on one of the preferential grounds: upon reaching the age limit for service, health, due to illness - on the basis of the conclusion of the military medical commission on unfitness (IMPORTANT A serviceman must be recognized by the conclusion of the VVK as unfit for military service, and not partially fit) for service and in connection with organizational and staff measures.
In addition, it is proposed to increase the size of the percentage bonus for years of service paid to military personnel. Since the specified payment according to Art. 43 of the Law on Pensions for Persons Who Have Served in the Military... is taken into account when calculating the military pension, the military pension, if the bill is adopted, will have to increase.
It is also planned to pay military personnel with a length of service of 25 years or more (as it was previously provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation of 1993 “On the Status of Military Personnel”) a monthly allowance of 25 percent of the pension that could be assigned to them in the event of their dismissal from military service .
Our survey showed that about 80% of respondents do not support an increase from 20 to 25 years of service, which is necessary for the appointment of a military pension.

In March, the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, the former commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov, said in an interview with Gazeta.Ru that the average pension in 2016 was: for military service pensioners - about 23 thousand rubles, for law enforcement service pensioners - 17 thousand rubles, for security agencies - 30 thousand rubles.

According to him, to calculate the “military” pension, the salary for a military position or official salary, salary for a military rank or salary for a special rank and

Salaries of military judges, prosecutors and investigators are established in relation to the salary of the first person of the corresponding department. Salaries in other departments are established by a decree of the government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, salaries by rank are the same for everyone, and salaries for standard positions in the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Security Service and the Presidential Special Objects Service are approximately 20% higher than in the Armed Forces and other troops and military formations. This is due to the specifics of the tasks performed by these bodies and more stringent selection.

In Russia, for more than five years, there has been no indexation of the monetary allowance of military personnel.

“The guarantee of protecting the monetary allowance of military personnel from depreciation has not been fulfilled for the past five years, that is, in fact, for the entire period of the federal law “On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them,” Shamanov explained.

The provisions of this law, which stipulate that salaries for military posts and salaries for military ranks are annually indexed to inflation starting from 2013, are suspended annually by a separate federal law.

However, according to Shamanov, the indexation of the “military” pension took place by increasing the so-called reduction coefficient, which, in accordance with Art. 43 of the law "On pensions for persons who have completed military service ..." in 2012 was 54%, and from February 1, 2017 it was 72.23%. Its real increase was: in 2013 - by 8.2%, in 2014 - by 6.2%, in 2015 - by 7.5%, in 2016 - by 4%, and from February 1 2017 - by 4%. Thus, over the past five years - from 2013 to 2017 - the "military" pension has increased by 30%. And from 2011 to 2017, the "military" pension increased by 90%.

The increase in the seniority limit will not affect those who have a contract of only 20 years. “Everyone else will have to serve five more years to receive a military pension,” the newspaper notes.

Other details of the document are not yet known. According to the newspaper, "it is not yet clear whether a transitional period will be introduced and, if so, how much it will cost the budget."

Proposals to increase the lower limit of seniority have been heard since at least 2013, the newspaper recalls. In 2015, the government considered raising the minimum service life from 20 to 30 years, but "the option was rejected." After that, “Vladimir Putin intervened in the situation,” and officials prepared a draft amendment. Its development was carried out on the basis of the decision of the President No. Pr-497, dated March 17, this decision was previously "not advertised," the newspaper writes.

The development of a document on military pension "is not connected with the discussion about raising the general retirement age in Russia," Kommersant notes. But, according to the newspaper, some members of the government's social bloc believe that by reforming the system of early pensions, it will be possible to cancel or postpone the increase in the retirement age in the country, or make its schedule "smoother." In particular, the Ministry of Finance advocated for reducing the cost of pensions to the military.

“The price of the issue in the case of early pensions is about 350-400 billion rubles. per year and is comparable in order of magnitude with the upcoming savings on payments to military pensioners - these payments are made from the federal budget, as is the transfer to the Pension Fund to cover the deficit, ”Kommersant writes.

If adopted, the amendments will be introduced into the law dated February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 “On pension provision for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the criminal correctional system, the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops, and their families.

The newspaper failed to get comments from law enforcement agencies, press secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov and press secretary of Prime Minister Medvedev Natalia Timakova.

A serviceman has the right to receive a pension after years of service. An amendment enters into the bill, which stipulates a length of service of 25 for acquiring the right to claim a pension. What is the reason for such an amendment and what entails.

Features of the bill

From 2020 in Russia, the length of service of the labor type increases to 25. This was accepted by the Department of Defense. Amendments of this type will also be introduced into the legislative framework. The state decided that it could save several billion rubles on this action.

An exception to the rule will be the military, who managed to conclude a current contract for 20 services. This is far from a new project. It was already put forward in 2013, but then it was not accepted. In 2015, a proposal was put forward to increase the seniority from 20 to 30, but even then the idea was rejected. We have now decided to make some adjustments.

The pension provision of the military is a significant state support for a specific category of people, especially after they are fired from their place of employment. The advantage here is not only that the pension is higher, but also that they have the right to leave for a well-deserved rest much earlier.

A military man has the right to take a well-deserved rest if he has 20 years of service. Now the government has increased the term by 5, which has raised the age limit to 25.

The president's intervention allowed all the officials to change the draft somewhat and offer the final version, which took into account the interests of each pensioner.

The military has the right to quit for several reasons:

  1. upon reaching the maximum age bar;
  2. the presence of medical contraindications;
  3. regular events organized.

Such situations make it possible to assign pensions with the installation of 50% of financial resources, if there is 20 years of experience. An additional 3% is paid for each exceeding the term, but in total no more than 95%.

The current federal legislation does not stipulate indexation, which is expected on the annual increase in salaries. Since 2013, the provision of the military has been carried out at the expense of a reduction factor.

In the law, the annual increase is stipulated at 72.23 for 2017. In accordance with this, the pension-type benefit increased by 30% over the five-year period.

There are still disagreements, and the adoption of the law is being postponed. The government has not yet finally decided when it is beneficial for it to do this - in 2020 or 2020. The transition phase will not be immediate. It will be extended for five years until 2023.

This situation is necessary in order to adapt all those obliged to the new system. All friction and amendments are now over. And in the near future they may adopt a bill at the state level.

The legislative act will gain full influence only from the beginning of 2023, thereby introducing several bewilderments in the entire structure of the military forces. The transitional age will allow you to somewhat refine the variation, but most likely the transition will be difficult.

Now all the military will go on a well-deserved rest on a common basis, which are stipulated in the pension legislation.

If a person falls under the above requirements, then he has the right to enter the retirement pension. How much money should he receive? If there is an experience of 20 years, then the security is ½ of the monetary allowance that was received during the course of employment.

Similar indicators apply to citizens whose experience is 25 years, of which 12.5 years is considered service in the army or other military structures.

Service for the military gives the right not only to acquire additional financial security, but also allowances, special conditions for the provision.

Many media outlets have already published this information, and some of the military have been misled by it. The change in the age bar has already been mentioned more than once. The bill is ready already completely, but cannot find approval from the head of the state.

Options are already being considered for how this document will be put into action. The reasons for the prolongation of the work activity of this category of citizens are more than serious.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs constantly attracts citizens for military service under the contract. Almost 15 million people are now employed. And people are finding jobs, and the basis for this is a preferential program, financial assistance and long-term pension provision.

There are many bonuses for employment in the military service, and this attracts the majority.

It is worth remembering that this is the growing prestige of employment. Regardless of this, the Ministry of the Interior has certain limits on the financial plan, which are spent not only on working class employees, but also on retired pensioners.

The state could go for an increase in funding, but the crisis did not allow it. If action was not taken, it would not be possible to buy machinery and train new workers. Accordingly, there would be no full-fledged protection of the civilian population.

That is why, they began to consider the possibility of increasing the term for retirement for long service.

The issue of a large amount of paperwork for employees of the authorized structure, which should be automated, has already been raised more than once. In fact, this would make it possible to somewhat reduce the current number of employees who do not earn wages, but simply sit behind the papers.

This would reduce the cost of the authorized structure and increase the provision of pensioners.

Lack of indexation of monetary allowance

Pension provision is calculated according to a specific algorithm of actions. To begin with, official salaries, payments for combining and military awards, a monetary allowance for seniority and, in fact, for length of service are taken. Based on these factors, pensions are formed for all retired citizens.

The average indicators for the country in terms of the amount of pension provision are:

  1. for a military contingent of 23,000;
  2. for the security structure - 30,000;
  3. for a law enforcement structure - 17,000 rubles.

Additionally, it is worth noting here that they are entitled to one more social payment. This is a civil pension. For the period of receipt, the employee must be in the reserve, have a specific length of service and acquire a salary in civilian employment upon reaching the age limit. At the moment it is 55 for women and 60 for men.

To acquire a second pension, you must not only reach the age above, but also have a civilian employment of at least 8. It is worth remembering that the minimum threshold for seniority is constantly increasing, which will allow it to increase to 15 by 2024.

Under the bill, seniority for length of service should exceed 25. And such a pension will actually lose its relevance. Many before reaching retirement age will not have the necessary indicators for sufficient provision.

Indexing is currently not provided for in the current legal documents. This suggests that a person of seniority will not receive any additional increases, but will be content only with the provision indicated earlier. The government is in no hurry to support citizens for permanence in employment and for the defense of the motherland.

Of course, this will have a negative impact on further actions to attract citizens to military service. After all, almost everyone goes to this employment, focusing on low indicators for the age bar and high pensions in the future.

Annual inflation will "eat up" a few percent in the absence of indexation. But the state reassured, saying that the provision will be increased by payments, regardless of inflation for previous annual periods. How it will be in practice - time will tell.

Video: Expert Comments

Enactment of the draft law on seniority of servicemen for pensions

The length of service for military personnel for a pension of 25 years came into force in 2023. It is this date that is planned for the implementation of the program to increase the length of service. It is worth remembering that the five-year plan was created to introduce innovation and to clarify some of the nuances that a person may encounter when applying for additional pension provision.

The first years it is planned to support the military and gradually introduce an increase in seniority. That is, each year the experience will increase by exactly one year. This will allow you to painlessly go through the implementation procedure and determine how effective this measure is for the country's economy.

So far, the government is only amending the current legislation. The plan has not yet been signed, and even more so, specific dates have not been specified when the countdown of this time will begin. So far, the old rules apply for the calculation - 20 years for receiving pensions based on the length of service.

Retirement provision of the military always occurs properly. But in connection with the crisis, the government decided to save payments by increasing the length of service to enter a well-deserved rest. By this action, they provoked resentment on the part of those future pensioners who were supposed to leave in the near future. It has not yet been adopted for implementation, but many are already afraid to fall under this bill.

It should be emphasized that since the beginning of the current 2020, social guarantees have been expanded in relation to a number of categories of contract servicemen. Thanks to legislative changes, a number of privileges have been fixed for the families of military personnel in terms of health protection and medical care.

According to the first part of Article 46 of the Law, the estimated amount of the pension is established in the amount of the social pension provided for by subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 18 of the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation", and are reviewed simultaneously with the change (indexation) of the amount of the said social pension. For 2020, the amount of the social pension is 4959 rubles 85 kopecks, thus military pension to veterans of military operations is paid with an increase (increases) by 1587 rubles. 15 kop.

What are the benefits for military pensioners?

For example, in the application you can indicate: I will forgive to consider the issue of conferring the title of "Veteran of military service" on the basis of the submitted documents. If, however, a report is drawn up, which is submitted to the personnel service of the military unit, the meaning will be as follows: I will forgive you to file a petition with the higher command for the award of an honorary title.

Benefits for military pensioners and their families

Military pensioners are reimbursed for the cost of travel by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) transport to inpatient treatment in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission or to sanatorium and health resorts and back (once a year).

Benefits for military personnel with 20 years of service 2020

Preservation for three months after dismissal from military service for citizens who worked before conscription (entry) for military service in state organizations, the right to enter work in the same organizations, and for those who served in military service on conscription - also the right to a position not lower than occupied before conscription for military service;

Benefits for military personnel by length of service: full list and news of 2020

The military can receive a housing subsidy, which is calculated as O x C x K = subsidy. Where "O" is the size of the total area, which is 33 m2 per person, 42 sq. m for two family members and 18 sq m each if the family includes 3 or more people. The value "C" shows the cost of one residential square meter, which is 37208 rubles. The coefficient "K" is obtained from the calculation of the length of service. It can have the following values: in the range from ten to sixteen years, the coefficient is 1.85. From sixteen to twenty years, the coefficient is 2.25. And from twenty years to twenty-one years, its value is 2.37. It should be taken into account that if the military experience is twenty years, then for each subsequent year the increase occurs by 0.075.

Benefits for military pensioners - payment of housing and communal services, sanatorium treatment and others

  1. Get a housing subsidy, if you don't have one.
  2. Become a member of the military mortgage program. This is possible regardless of the ownership of a house or apartment. Mandatory conditions are at least 20 years of service and participation in the program for at least 3 years prior to retirement.
  3. Benefits for military pensioners in Russia provide for the allocation of land for the construction of an individual house.
  4. These citizens are entitled to a lump sum payment for the purpose of such construction. If there are 3 or more children in the family of a military pensioner, then the funds are sent on an extraordinary basis.
  5. They may be provided with premises from a fund owned by the federal or regional authorities.
  6. They have the right to join the housing cooperative without waiting in line.

Get compensation and benefits

The seniority allowance is just one of the additional payments. Its size solely depends on the number of years that the military has served in excess of the length of service established by the legislation of our state. Its size is set as a percentage of the employee's salary.

Military retirement pension

Until 2020, the required minimum experience was only 5 years. However, with a change in legislation, from 2020, the requirements are increased annually by one year and for 2020 at least 9 years are needed. Thus, by 2025 there will be must be 15 years old civil experience.

Servicemen's pension for years of service

You can apply to the pension authority in person or send the application and documents by mail. After checking the submitted documents, if everything is in order with them, within ten days after submitting the application (if the required documents are submitted no later than 3 months from the day they were requested) the assignment of a pension benefit is carried out.

Will the length of service for military personnel be increased to 25 years

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Military pension calculator for years of service for 2020

According to the first part of Article 46 of the Law, the estimated amount of the pension is established in the amount of the social pension provided for by subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 18 of the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation", and are reviewed simultaneously with the change (indexation) of the amount of the said social pension. For 2020 social pension is equal to 4959 rubles 85 kopecks, thus, military pensions for combat veterans were paid in 2020 with an increase of 1587 rubles. 15 kop. From January 1, 2020 in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 18, 2020 No. 162-FZ social pension disabled citizens is set at the rate of 5034 rubles. 25 kopecks, therefore, to military pensioners from among the persons specified in subparagraphs "a" - "g" and "i" of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Veterans", as well as veterans of military operations from among the persons indicated in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law "On Veterans", from January 1, 2020, the military pension is paid with an increase of 1610 rubles. 96 kop.

Benefits and privileges for military pensioners in 2020

Important: The 25-year term of service removes restrictions related to the reason for dismissal. Such retirees are subject to all the preferences laid down in the law, under any circumstances. In addition, all social guarantees also affect the families of such pensioners.

Increase in seniority allowance from 2020

  • with a length of service of 2-5 years - the prescribed allowance is 10%
  • with a length of service of 5-10 years - the prescribed allowance is 15%
  • with a length of service of 10-15 years - the prescribed allowance is 20%
  • with a length of service of 15-20 years - the prescribed allowance is 25%
  • with a length of service of 20-55 years - the prescribed allowance is 30%
  • with a length of service of 25 years or more - the prescribed allowance is 40%

NPF rating

According to Article 45 of the Federal Law No. 4468-I, an allowance in the amount of 32% of the estimated amount of the pension is established for combat veterans in addition to pensions. The amount of such an additional payment to a pension is increased simultaneously with the indexation of social benefits, that is, on April 1.