Poems for the day of the traffic police, traffic police, congratulations on the day of the traffic police, traffic police. Congratulations on the day of the traffic police official in verse and prose Congratulations on the day of propaganda of the traffic police

On July 3, the whole country annually celebrates Day of traffic police (Day of GAI)- a professional holiday at the state traffic inspectors of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. People call them "GAI officers". It was on July 3, 1936, that the first state automobile inspection of the Russian Federation was approved. Naturally, for more than seventy years, the situation on the roads of our country has changed a lot, the work of "traffic officers" has become more dangerous and more difficult. Therefore, every year the profession of a traffic inspector is becoming increasingly important.

There is such a service in the country - it is called GAI.
Or the traffic police of Russia, if you want, name it.
For order day and night, she watches vigilantly,
To drive normally on the roads of the whole country.
We congratulate you today, and wish you these days -
Peace of mind to all and good luck. Happy traffic police day!

On the Day of the traffic police, it is customary to congratulate those who have dedicated their lives to the profession of a traffic inspector. it is necessary to address all traffic police officers who successfully fulfill their official duties, who show courage and bravery every day, sometimes risking their lives.

Congratulations on the Day of the traffic police (on the Day of the traffic police)

So that the road winds like an even ribbon,
For her to be obedient
Striped wand affably
They will stop us from around the corner ...

So what? After all, here are the rules
It's up to you to keep a close eye on
So that we do not violate anything,
Who is not right - and to shame.

Be a professional:
Let, pressing two hundred and thirty all
(Though not a word about it in the Rules),
Your happiness rushes along the right lane!

Congratulations on the traffic police day in verse

On Traffic Police Day, congratulations are needed -
To you, men so real,
On the roads of a huge country
Every moment following the order?
You don't listen to what they say
Smile at unrighteous judges!
We criticize you all in a row,
And it will probably stay that way for a long time.
Only this is an incentive for you -
Feelings will be intense...
Happy GAI Day, Happy Traffic Police Day!
And please be kind!

You are on duty in any bad weather!
You stand guard over all highways!
Help the driver and pedestrian
Your daily, urgent duty!

So let them congratulate you on the day of the traffic police
Family, colleagues and your friends!
And they will leave you a sea of ​​warm words!
I will also join them!

Happy traffic police day, I'll send you today
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
May you be lucky on the roads
Even in the gloomy wilderness!
You are not afraid of snow and thunderstorms,
You are no longer used to
In summer - in the heat, in winter - in frosts
Direct your radar into the distance!
You are not afraid of work
Even if it's not easy at times:
"Violators, hold on!
Here is a traffic cop behind the mountain!”
But I'll tell you guys
Happy holiday to you today!
Be vigilant and honest
Don't disappoint us!

Each road user (pedestrian, motorist or professional driver) knows that not a single accident can happen without traffic police officers. And, although far from all car owners who spend several hours a day behind the wheel favor representatives of the state traffic inspectorate, it is impossible not to admit the obvious: without them, traffic jams would become longer, and the number of accidents would increase several times.

You give us hope along the way,
What will be good all ahead,
And sometimes you are too strict
But help me find the right way.

Traffic police, we congratulate you today,
Let all old dreams come true
We wish you more love in life
With luck, let you be on "you"!

Car inspectors are watching in any bad weather,
To keep everyone safe, including pedestrians,
And if suddenly there are drivers in trouble,
The traffic police will definitely come to the rescue.
We, road inspectors, congratulate you today.
We sincerely wish you health, happiness and love,
So that you always trust your partner as a friend,
And so that an honest service is valued according to merit.

You, for the safety of people,
Work without sparing life
In the service of a difficult traffic police,
For the benefit of all drivers of the Fatherland.
And that there is order on the roads,
And safe movement on the way
The merit is yours, because strictly
You got used to your service.
Sometimes your service is restless,
But we believe, because no matter what happens,
You will cope with the task with dignity,
And do everything in your power.
Health to you, and may luck help
Carry out your duty in the ranks of the traffic police.
We wish you success and good luck
In difficult and responsible work.

Congratulations on the traffic police day in prose

Dear employees and veterans of the State Traffic Inspectorate of Russia! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - Traffic Police Day! You have earned recognition and respect for your high professionalism, hard work and perseverance. I would like to express individual words of gratitude to the veterans of the State traffic inspectorate, who have given a lot of strength and health to hard work to ensure road safety on the country's highways. On the occasion of the professional holiday, I wish you success in hard work, inspiration, respect from drivers and new professional successes, health and prosperity to you and your families.

It is difficult today to overestimate the role of the State traffic inspectorate. You have a big responsibility. You ensure peace and safety on the roads. You control and supervise compliance with the standards, norms and rules in force in the field of road safety. Your work requires perseverance, endurance, special care, full dedication.
Highly qualified specialists work in the traffic police, ready to stop violators of traffic rules in any conditions in time, to come to the aid of the victims. No less significant is the work of the inspectorate employees who register vehicles, check their technical condition, take exams and control the state of the road and street network.
We sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the traffic police! We wish you peaceful roads, wage increases, new stars and badges, health and happiness!

Dear employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate of Russia! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Traffic Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia! Your profession is a guarantee of order and tranquility on the roads, so with all my heart I want to wish you to work hard and conscientiously. Good health to you, prosperity, inspiration, professional success and respect from drivers. May good luck, success and good mood always be with you!

SMS congratulations on traffic police day

Short congratulations on the traffic police day

Who is on the road of all order
Supported within the necessary
Who controls traffic
The flow of cars stood before the rod!
After all, the traffic police is a holiday today,
We hurry and we congratulate you,
So that there is happiness and health,
Good and joy stock!

You are a traffic police officer!
Your service has a birthday.
Well then let's stop
Ruin each other's mood.

Please accept our congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of the traffic police of Russia! May your work be safe and peaceful, and your life happy and joyful. May warmth and comfort reign in the family. Good luck and promotion!

On the Day of the traffic police, I wish you
Honest service without worries.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
May good luck await in life
Friendship will only be true
Yes, harmony in the family.
There will be only joy in the service,
Be doubly happy!

The traffic police know their job
And the service is clearly, competently carried out,
I congratulate you, inspector, on the traffic police day,
"Thanks!" I speak for your hard work.

Voice congratulations on traffic police day

You can listen to congratulations on the Traffic Police Day on your phone and send the recipient you like as a musical or voice greeting to your mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on the Day of the traffic police to your phone either immediately or by specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. Sound congratulations on the Day of the traffic police on the phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving the congratulations by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Cool congratulations on the Day of traffic police

Smile on your faces
Hide your taunts -
It's just impossible to get angry
On the Day of the traffic police officer!
How nicely we breathed
To traffic police posts
Today, the third of July!
Too bad it's not written anywhere.
“Drink yourself, no matter how much you fit,
And quickly sing others!
Until then, drive slowly
Assessing the events soberly,
Smile wand
And congratulate them on the Day of traffic police!

Road Keepers Day
Stepped on our doorstep again!
We congratulate the fighters
GAI glorious daredevils!
With your fate, let
Sadness will be unknown.
Let the celebration succeed
I drink to your skill!

Yes, I'm a blonde at the wheel
And I can't park
So one day
We can meet with you.
Imagine this picture
A car flying like a hurricane.
You are on the ring road
You wave your rod and hand to me.
The whistle whistles, the radar crackles,
And my heart is pounding.
What excuse can I add
I'm just in a hurry to congratulate you,
On your professional holiday
Say how brilliant you are
How lucky our country
What do you serve in the traffic police.
You serve faithfully
Punish me at night.
I want to have fun with you
On the Day of the Glorious Transport Police.

If among your acquaintances there is a traffic inspector or you yourself are one, do not be shy in expressing feelings. Many traffic police officers have a great sense of humor, so they will be happy with a cool congratulation or a congratulatory prank.

Not only congratulations on traffic police day, but also songs, jokes, toasts, funny short stories - all this you will find on the pages of our Holiday Portal. Send a solemn or funny sound card? Congratulate on your own behalf or on behalf of the President? You decide, and we will offer the best options on how to bring any idea to life!


In the article you will find congratulations on the traffic police Day, both in prose and in verse. There will be variations of official and comic, eloquent and concise wishes.

After reading the article, you can congratulate women and men, friends and just acquaintances, pensioners and novice traffic cops, in general, ideas for every taste. Can't wait to see what I got? Then let's get started!

Funny congratulations in verses for Traffic Police Day

There are not so many comic congratulations in verse on the Internet. Therefore, I want to give a few examples of ridiculous wishes. The text of wishes is quite short, which allows you to quickly learn them or just send them by SMS. So here's my list:

Happy traffic police day, I want to congratulate!

May this day be bright.

Let the wand become a miracle stick

And everyone will be too lazy to break.

I want to celebrate with glory

And toast to colleagues all over the country!

Let all alcohol be "for free"

And the mood is on top!

We are a summer and hot day

We all drink together for the Day of the traffic cop.

Let you, inspector, be lucky

And even the most difficult task is done with ease!

So that the family is waiting for you at home,

And at work, an understanding leader.

So that the heart never stops

And so that you are a winner in life!

Who is waving a rod on the road

And he keeps a watchful eye on everyone?

Oh, it's, (name), senior inspector

Severely and strictly in the service he watches.

Today is your professional holiday

And you can get some rest.

Put aside the uniform, cap and baton

And sip vodka with friends.

On traffic police day I want to congratulate you

And wish you success in your hard work.

So that your radar never breaks,

And the body never gets tired!

Let there be fewer penalties

And more time for coffee and bread.

Let you be the best among the inspectors

And buy yourself a golden rod!

Traffic cop, today is your lucky day,

You can safely drink vodka and dance with your friends.

Today you are not just (name),

A real Superman!

I want to wish you success

And only bright bright days.

May everything you dream of

And every day you will be wiser.

Give yourself an evening of bliss

Today you can finally rest.

We will enjoy this day

So don't hesitate to shirk!

If you send a message with a wish to the mail or in the social. networks, then do not forget to supplement it with a thematic picture or a suitable photo.

It is worth considering that wishes from the above list are suitable only for close people (husband, friend, brother, son-in-law, etc.), for a boss or just a colleague, you should find a more formal option.

Official congratulations in prose on Traffic Police Day

In this list you will find beautiful and at the same time strict wishes that you can say in your own words. They are ideal for congratulating colleagues or unfamiliar people:

Happy Traffic Police Officer Day, dear colleagues! On this solemn day, I wish you good spirits, indestructible health, patience and endurance. May you, regardless of any obstacles, move up the career ladder and always be in a good mood. Happy holiday to you!


The above option is ideal as a wish from the head of the district or the head of the department.

There are no former traffic police officers, there are veterans who gave the best years of their lives for the benefit of our country! On this festive day, I want to wish each of them good health, well-being in the family and financial stability. May you never need anything. Happiness to you, good luck and long life!

I want to congratulate all traffic cops on their professional holiday! You make the world a better place, so let it come to you. Let only conscientious drivers meet on the roads. Strong nerves and iron health to you!

On this holiday, I would like to say thank you to all the traffic cops for their hard work, because they keep law and order at any time and in any weather, for which we bow to them. Without you, dear "guardians of the roads", modern life would be simply impossible. May you all be happy. God bless you!

On the Day of the traffic police, I want to congratulate all the employees of the road inspection! You are brave and courageous people who conscientiously do their job. On this solemn day, I want to wish you adequate drivers, good colleagues and less misfortune on the roads.

The work of a traffic cop is difficult, and sometimes dangerous. Therefore, I would like to wish every employee of the road inspectorate good luck and patience, may you have enough willpower, courage and health to do your job. Let not a single violator go unpunished, and let your career fly up at an incredible speed. Happy traffic police day!

Dear road guards! I want to congratulate each of you on the Day of the traffic police and wish you easy work, reasonable drivers and understanding bosses. May you always have a moment to rest. Good luck and career prospects!

Today, employees of the road inspectorate celebrate their professional holiday. Thanks to their work, order is maintained on the roads of Russia. They stand guard day and night to protect drivers from accidents. Their work certainly deserves respect and all praise. We wish you well-being, decent earnings and good mood!

Happy Traffic Police Day, dear colleagues! Let violators never escape your keen eye, and work will be a pleasure. Financial well-being, health and success in all endeavors!

Traffic Police Day is a holiday of a brave road guard! I wish everyone who has chosen this difficult profession to have mutual understanding in the family, good health, decent wages and brilliant prospects!

Dear road inspectors! On your professional holiday, first of all, I want to say thank you for watching traffic every minute. For the fact that thanks to you there are fewer accidents in the world. May you have good health and excellent mood. Happy holiday!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate the traffic police officers! I wish that in your life there is no place for sadness and suffering. Let everything be calm on the road, and comfort and love reign at home. May your wishes come true, and your career goes up! Happy GAI Day!

The text of congratulations, especially the official one, is very important, so take the maximum time to select, an inappropriate wish can worsen your relationship with the hero of the occasion, or maybe completely destroy your career.

Beautiful wishes in verse to all traffic cops

For those who do not need jokes, and formality seems superfluous, the following wishes will do:

I hasten to congratulate you on the Day of traffic police

And wish you career success.

May all days be bright

And there will always be a reason to laugh.

Never give up and don't be discouraged

And don't forget that you are important to us.

You can do anything, you're the best, come on

Go ahead and be brave!

I hasten to congratulate you on the Day of the traffic police,

Brave, strong and responsive guys.

Those who honestly fulfill their duty,

Keeping peace and tranquility on the roads!

I want to live long

And never know about the pain.

Always go ahead

And proudly sit on your road throne.

Dear beloved husband,

I want to congratulate you on a solemn day.

You are the best traffic cop and the best man

And being with you is the best thing I could imagine!

I wish health stronger than steel

And strength, and wisdom, and an armful of happiness.

So that the children are proud of who you have become

And life was quiet and smooth.

On traffic police day, I hasten to congratulate my father

And wish him good luck in all his endeavors.

May the strength of a fighter never leave him

And let there be understanding with colleagues.

I wish that close people always understand you,

And strangers were accepted and respected.

So that everyone pleases you in every possible way,

With joy they waited and adored.

In this beautiful summer time

I hasten to congratulate my half.

May everything be fine with you, my love

And the sun in your soul shines brightly.

Let you become the chief traffic cop

And you will be a great leader.

May God help you in everything

And the light in the heart never goes out!

The service of a traffic cop is very difficult,

The service of a traffic cop is sometimes dangerous.

Let all problems go without a trace

And life will become bright and clear.

I wish you well and family happiness,

Let them bypass any bad weather.

May you be warm in winter like in May,

And life on earth will become a real paradise!

Can't live a day

Without the brave traffic police inspectors.

Therefore, I want to congratulate

To each of them, Happy Traffic Police Day, heroes!

May your service be easy

Let no misfortune happen.

So that lady luck walks stealthily near,

And sadness did not even fit on the threshold.

Congratulations on the Day of the GAI officer,

We appreciate you, dear head of the family, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Let only the green color flash in life,

Happy years, good luck and only warm winters.

May there always be order in the house and in the head,

Let work bring only positive.

We wish that every moment seemed sweet to you,

May you always be young, happy and beautiful!

You, road inspector,

Congratulations to all of us today!

And a solemn day

We celebrate with a big bang!

We want to wish you safe work,

Reasonable drivers and wise pedestrians.

Let there be a lot of care around.

Good luck and good income!

Variations of gifts for traffic police day

  • alcoholic drink. If we talk about gifts for representatives of the strong half of humanity, then alcohol is the first thing that comes to mind. After all, almost no man will refuse good alcohol, for example, rum or brandy. Another win-win option is cognac.

The choice of an alcoholic drink is not difficult, especially if you know the preferences of the donee. Even if the tastes of the hero of the occasion are unknown to you, there are a couple of universal options, for example, the previously mentioned cognac or give preference to whiskey, many men also love it.

  • Case for alcohol "Traffic light". This present is a chic addition to the previous one, although it can be a good gift itself. I advise you to buy a case in the form of a traffic light, as it is the most themed container of all that I had to find on the Runet.
  • An alternative to a case can be gift flask with a congratulatory inscription, a thematic picture or a photo of the hero of the occasion, the design, of course, is at your discretion. The cost of both the first and second presentation is not high, so you can safely choose one of them.
  • Traffic Laws. Of course, the traffic police officer must know all the rules of the road “by heart”. But in our life, not everything is as it should be, so the book with the rules will be a good gift for the inspector. Suddenly, in the life of a traffic cop there will be a situation when you urgently need to “peek” something, and the little book is at hand, isn’t it, convenient? I advise you to buy a deluxe edition, it looks much more spectacular than usual and is available in almost every bookstore.
  • Car vacuum cleaner. The traffic cop's car is his face, so it should look perfect, just like the uniform of the employee. Various gadgets and tools can help in cleaning the car, among them I would like to highlight a car vacuum cleaner, and I advise you to hand it over on a solemn day.

Since this is not a thing for one day, the choice should be given due attention, do not save and do not order Chinese vacuum cleaners, it is better to overpay, but get a thing that can be used for many years. This prize is ideal for giving to a brother or friend.

  • EBook. If during working hours there is a chance to take a break and drink some tea, then you immediately want to read your favorite book. But the work of a traffic cop involves night shifts, and reading a book at night in a car is not very comfortable. Another thing is an e-book, it will allow you to enjoy any novel or detective story anytime and anywhere. In addition to this gadget, you can buy a power bank, it will allow you to recharge the device in case of battery discharge. Such a prize can be given to the father.
  • Socks in a jar. Do you want to surprise a friend or colleague with a playful present? Then why not present him with socks rolled up in a tin can? These socks are sold in online stores and are very cheap, but they look cool. By the way, you can make any drawing / inscription on the bank or choose a design from the variations presented on the seller's website.

An alternative to this surprise is a whole case of socks. Such a prize costs an order of magnitude higher, but in addition to originality, it can boast of usefulness. In general, men will appreciate it, I can guarantee it!

  • Car thermo mug. A car thermo mug is a 100% useful gift. The prize will be appreciated by any man, but especially by a traffic cop, because who, if not the servants of the roads, knows about the cold and the healing hot drink called coffee. Yes, a cup of hot drink can really save the inspector, but there is no place to heat coffee, except that there is a special thermal cup at hand, which is heated from the cigarette lighter.

The average cost of a cup is about 700 rubles, which, you see, is quite inexpensive for such a good thing. Definitely recommend!

  • Ballpoint pen "Grenade". A pen is one of the important attributes of a traffic cop. It is with her that he writes out fines and fills out various documentation. But after all, everyone has an ordinary pen, but a creative grenade ballpoint pen is already something interesting. The price of the gift is the most budgetary - about 50 rubles, so it is suitable as a symbolic present for colleagues. Can be completed with a diary with a similar design.

Unfortunately, the article has come to an end. I can only hope that you can easily find the right prize and congratulations among the many variations that I have shared with you. Recommend the blog to your family and friends. Have a nice day. See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

B it's hard for us to live without the traffic police,
And sometimes, painfully, vaguely,
In other words, it's simply impossible.
Restless and anxious...

So let's go now
Let's drink a glass for you
Let's say a solemn speech
How to appreciate you, we will show everyone!

Let's raise a toast to you again
So that your "title" does not fade away,
To work properly
Honestly, friendly, rightfully so!

AT our whole life is a movement
And on the day of traffic policemen,
We congratulate the generation
Regulators of fate.

Good luck to you in not an easy service,
Which is both dangerous and difficult.
Health and reliable friendship,
For you guys, we drink to the bottom!


R Traffic Inspection Workers!
All of you, without exception, are worthy of respect.
Fewer violators, let everyone remember the rules.
I wish that luck does not leave you in life.
Good health to you, in the service of promotion,
Happy and joyful days, forget about grief.


With Today is traffic police day!
We congratulate you on this
Success in responsible work
Huge wish.
Catch all violators
And earn a reward
Fatigue does not know at all
To be happy with the service
So that the cold does not force you
Out of service and rainy
The day never came
So that you live beautifully!


P congratulations on traffic police day!
You deserve this holiday.
To make dreams come true, that's right!
To rise to the rank of general.

So that there is no problem with the authorities,
To be healthy in spirit and body.
And so that after each shift
It was crisp and green in the pockets.

So that everything is stable on the roads,
To not want to leave work.
To violate, but not much,
After all, you have to live with something.


With Happy traffic police congratulations!
We really need your work
So that on long-distance roads
There was order here and there.

Strong nerves, strength, health,
Fortitude, patience,
And in the family - love, kindness,
Warm communication.


AT any bad weather
You are honest on the post
And even on your holiday -
You can be seen from a mile away.

Respect to the traffic police!
And our congratulations
To keep everyone
Traffic rules!


With Happy traffic police, guys!
May he be the best!
May luck and good luck
Will ensure your success!

Let the rod become for a day
Similar to a miracle wand
May all desires be fulfilled
To tremble with happiness!


D my dear friend, the bastard! I congratulate you on the holiday - Traffic Police Day! I wish you strong and unbending health, great working capacity, firmness and cheerfulness of spirit and body! I wish you to climb the career ladder to the very top and look at this world from there and be happy and always in a good mood! Let women love you and look at you with admiration!


With Happy traffic police
I send congratulations
Security guards
Road traffic.

Wish the speed
Nobody exceeded
Any driver rules
To not violate.

I wish the roads
Were safe
good luck and success
I wish you a holiday.


With bright smile on your lips
With all your heartfelt passion
I congratulate you, who is in the bushes
And on his holiday he sits with a radar,

On duty on weekends
Under wives sawing and at night
Hurry to post. Well, Happy GAI Day!
The country is very proud of you.

Let the road of fate be
All the time smooth, no bumps,
Sadness does not corrode the heart,
And enemies will be strangled by a toad

Let on how lucky you are
In amorous business and in a career,
As your bank account grows,
What joyful enthusiasm is immeasurable!

Let happiness frolic in the soul,
Good will return like a boomerang
And on a dangerous turn
Always fastening an angel!


Congratulations on the traffic police day

AT this third day of July
We want to wish you
So that everyone travels without traffic jams
And, of course, without holes.

Let at the post and on the road
Everything will be quiet, as in a dream.
Let all worries go away
Let there be no accident.

If you waved the wand, -
Just a polite answer
And, in general, let it go through life
You have a green light!


P there will be a lot of patience.
Don't sit idle.
Let it not be on the roads
Chase, accidents, lawlessness.

Let no one break
Knows well the traffic rules.
We wish you much happiness
On this day, the traffic police.


C of course, we love you,
Though we scold sometimes
But without you life is on the roads
Stopped forever.

Congratulations, those who are with the rod,
And in the heat and in the ice,
Saves the lives of others
And who does not expect rewards.

We wish you good luck
Both in work and in love,
And of course only happiness
All the way through life!


To then in the cold, and in the heat,
In heavy rain and wind
Despite the fatigue
Is he at his post?

All drivers know
And visible from afar
Protected three letters
In flashing beacons.

Today we have traffic police day,
Congratulations to the whole country!
The entire driving community
We appreciate your hard work.

You - good luck on the road,
You - calm patrols,
In families - affection and care,
And wiser bosses!


X traffic guards
We congratulate you on the traffic police day.
Wish you on promotion service
And so that luck finds you everywhere.

Let the sun shine bright above you
And happiness never leaves.
Let your family be a reliable anchor
And the years will be filled with joy!


With today is a very important holiday,
After all, the day of the traffic police officer
We hasten to congratulate you guys
You have served valiantly.

We wish you success on this day
Health, joy and laughter,
Good luck, courage, victories,
And stay neutral!


AT July - hot summer day -
We drink to all inspectors.
After all, the traffic police is in a hurry there,
Where disaster strikes.

Auto register,
The inspector will come quickly.
In the heat and cold in the rain
With radar, he will wait for us.

Health to you, simple tasks,
Good drivers, good luck!
Let the paths be wide
And accidents are only easy!


With Day of traffic police officer
We congratulate you.
Happiness, joy, love
We wish you a lot.

Let it be on the roads
Quiet and peaceful.
We wish you a raise
And decent salaries.


P We congratulate you on your professional holiday, traffic police day, may the fulfillment of your duty be calm and safe, we wish you strength of mind, health, stability and all the best.


With today is the traffic police day holiday,
A day of gallant service, very important.
May life always keep from troubles,
Will save you from all misfortunes.

So that the violator is not insolent
And respected your dangerous work.
So that your wallet does not grow thin,
And life to please with happiness.

May this holiday bring
You fulfill all desires.
Live long without worries.
We congratulate you on the Day of the traffic police.


P congratulations on traffic police day!
From the bottom of my heart I want to say
Let the path lead you
In those places where everything is on the "five".

Where are the drivers
Riding sober with a seatbelt
They know the rules very well
Don't talk while driving.

Where traffic cops are held in high esteem
Where are they an example for everyone.
All in all, fabulous work!
May success find you!


P We know 100 jokes about you.
What they say - you do not listen. Lie!
Why do you need your wand? For the driver to see
The road is dangerous. You people appreciate
Workers of all who stand in the cold,
Sees the accident, removes the threat
To fly into a completely different lane.
They are like insurance, like a roof in a thunderstorm.
Sharp turns you all avoid!
Meet family and loved ones more often!
Good luck and stars to you!


P congratulations on the Day of traffic police!
Very cool you live
Let's get moving
Carefully observe,
Adjust, don't screw up
And those who break it are fined.
In any situation,
You are definitely a hero!
Kilometers of all roads
Regulation is your duty.
You won't have worries.


P hurry up on the road there will be order,
After all, you are always working towards this goal!
May peace and prosperity reign in your house,
Let the star shine on you!

I wish you health, success in your career,
Be respected and loved by all!
And let not a single hindrance in life
Will not become an obstacle to your goals!


T howling work is dangerous and unsweetened,
But there is order on the roads
When you are at your post.
I consider it an honor to congratulate
Gibedadeshnik such:
Handsome, smart guy.
It's no wonder it's so fitting
The shape of such a young man.
I wish this form
Brought you good luck.
Luck in life was the norm,
And your fame only grew.


H and there are many professions in the world,
And each is important in its own way.
But there is one that gives everyone hope
Full of reliability and durability.

We congratulate the valiant and brave,
All who are on guard will not be left in trouble.
We turn to reliable servants -
Employees of the traffic police, traffic police!

Good luck in your service and citizenship.
May wishes and dreams come true.
May the holiday be bright, kind, glorious.
Good luck will be with you, let it be on you!


And Jul. Heat. It's stuffy in the car.
And I overslept, as always.
I sit and paint my eye with mascara.
While one. But you need two!

I lined him up with an eyeliner.
I admire my work in the mirror.
And I see how to me through the traffic jam
The traffic cop is marching briskly.

Introduced himself. So all important.
"Rights, citizen, present ..."
I'm looking for a paper document
In which the stamp that I am a driver.

Well, it's necessary! Here is the infection!
I changed my bag for shoes ...
I blink my painted eye.
And smiling sweetly,

Let your traffic police on holiday
Ladies give their hearts to you!
And fill up successfully
Gifts generous pockets!

Solid white stripe
Let life fall before you!
And a woman in black, with a scythe,
Forever red lights up!

Let the blush be healthy!
And the liver so that it does not fail!
Let passion dance with you dance!
Ugh! It seems to have spoken...


P congratulations on the Day of traffic police!
May the days be beautiful
Work becomes easy
And medium-sized - worries!

Let the family love you
Respect all friends
There will be no violators
And fate will love you!


R work calm, pleasant and quiet.
Drivers - polite, driving famously.
The bosses are good, and without jokes,
And whole bumpers, wheels without punctures.
Decrees - understandable, salaries - decent,
And life - pleasant, beautiful, decent.
And fewer fines (or maybe more?).
To have housing, but separately from the mother-in-law.
And that the weather - without snow and dust.
Well, in general, to be happy, joyful!


At Dear guards of the traffic order! I sincerely congratulate you on the traffic police day! May there always be order on the road, peace in the soul, and comfort and love reign in the family. Honesty and valor are your strength. Take care of your strength, and let the Law help you in this.


With today, on traffic police day,
I hasten to congratulate you.
Let lightness be in your soul
Let the family be calm.

Let work always please
And let your sleep be peaceful
To work was to hunt.
And more stars on the shoulder!


With Day of traffic police officer
Accept congratulations.
You are in the service day and night -
In the summer heat, and in the snow, and in the rain.

You serve valiantly
And keep order.
You clearly know traffic rules
You will catch the intruder.

May there be no difficult days
Blinding lights.
For hard honest work
May you be rewarded.

On July 3, the whole country annually celebrates the Traffic Police Day (GAI Day) - a professional holiday for state traffic inspectors of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. People call them "GAI officers".

It was on July 3, 1936, that the first state automobile inspection of the Russian Federation was approved. Naturally, for more than seventy years, the situation on the roads of our country has changed a lot, the work of "traffic officers" has become more dangerous and more difficult. Therefore, every year the profession of a traffic inspector is becoming increasingly important.

There is such a service in the country - it is called GAI.
Or the traffic police of Russia, if you want, name it.
For order day and night, she watches vigilantly,
To drive normally on the roads of the whole country.
We congratulate you today, and wish you these days -
Peace of mind to all and good luck. Happy traffic police day!

On the Day of the traffic police, it is customary to congratulate those who have dedicated their lives to the profession of a traffic inspector. it is necessary to address all traffic police officers who successfully fulfill their official duties, who show courage and bravery every day, sometimes risking their lives.

So that the road winds like an even ribbon,
For her to be obedient
Striped wand affably
They will stop us from around the corner ...

So what? After all, here are the rules
It's up to you to keep a close eye on
So that we do not violate anything,
Who is not right - and to shame.

Be a professional:
Let, pressing two hundred and thirty all
(Though not a word about it in the Rules),
Your happiness rushes along the right lane!

Congratulations on the traffic police day in verse

On Traffic Police Day, congratulations are needed -
To you, men so real,
On the roads of a huge country
Every moment following the order?
You don't listen to what they say
Smile at unrighteous judges!
We criticize you all in a row,
And it will probably stay that way for a long time.
Only this is an incentive for you -
Feelings will be intense...
Happy GAI Day, Happy Traffic Police Day!
And please be kind!

You are on duty in any bad weather!
You stand guard over all highways!
Help the driver and pedestrian
Your daily, urgent duty!

So let them congratulate you on the day of the traffic police
Family, colleagues and your friends!
And they will leave you a sea of ​​warm words!
I will also join them!

Happy traffic police day, I'll send you today
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
May you be lucky on the roads
Even in the gloomy wilderness!
You are not afraid of snow and thunderstorms,
You are no longer used to
In summer - in the heat, in winter - in frosts
Direct your radar into the distance!
You are not afraid of work
Even if it's not easy at times:
"Violators, hold on!
Here is a traffic cop behind the mountain!”
But I'll tell you guys
Happy holiday to you today!
Be vigilant and honest
Don't disappoint us!

Each road user (pedestrian, motorist or professional driver) knows that not a single accident can happen without traffic police officers. And, although far from all car owners who spend several hours a day behind the wheel favor representatives of the state traffic inspectorate, it is impossible not to admit the obvious: without them, traffic jams would become longer, and the number of accidents would increase several times.

You give us hope along the way,
What will be good all ahead,
And sometimes you are too strict
But help me find the right way.

Traffic police, we congratulate you today,
Let all old dreams come true
We wish you more love in life
With luck, let you be on "you"!

Car inspectors are watching in any bad weather,
To keep everyone safe, including pedestrians,
And if suddenly there are drivers in trouble,
The traffic police will definitely come to the rescue.
We, road inspectors, congratulate you today.
We sincerely wish you health, happiness and love,
So that you always trust your partner as a friend,
And so that an honest service is valued according to merit.

You, for the safety of people,
Work without sparing life
In the service of a difficult traffic police,
For the benefit of all drivers of the Fatherland.
And that there is order on the roads,
And safe movement on the way
The merit is yours, because strictly
You got used to your service.
Sometimes your service is restless,
But we believe, because no matter what happens,
You will cope with the task with dignity,
And do everything in your power.
Health to you, and may luck help
Carry out your duty in the ranks of the traffic police.
We wish you success and good luck
In difficult and responsible work.

Congratulations on the traffic police day in prose

Dear employees and veterans of the State Traffic Inspectorate of Russia! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - Traffic Police Day! You have earned recognition and respect for your high professionalism, hard work and perseverance. I would like to express individual words of gratitude to the veterans of the State traffic inspectorate, who have given a lot of strength and health to hard work to ensure road safety on the country's highways. On the occasion of the professional holiday, I wish you success in hard work, inspiration, respect from drivers and new professional successes, health and prosperity to you and your families.

It is difficult today to overestimate the role of the State traffic inspectorate. You have a big responsibility. You ensure peace and safety on the roads. You control and supervise compliance with the standards, norms and rules in force in the field of road safety. Your work requires perseverance, endurance, special care, full dedication.
Highly qualified specialists work in the traffic police, ready to stop violators of traffic rules in any conditions in time, to come to the aid of the victims. No less significant is the work of the inspectorate employees who register vehicles, check their technical condition, take exams and control the state of the road and street network.
We sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the traffic police! We wish you peaceful roads, wage increases, new stars and badges, health and happiness!

Dear employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate of Russia! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Traffic Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia! Your profession is a guarantee of order and tranquility on the roads, so with all my heart I want to wish you to work hard and conscientiously. Good health to you, prosperity, inspiration, professional success and respect from drivers. May good luck, success and good mood always be with you!

Short congratulations on the traffic police day

Who is on the road of all order
Supported within the necessary
Who controls traffic
The flow of cars stood before the rod!
After all, the traffic police is a holiday today,
We hurry and we congratulate you,
So that there is happiness and health,
Good and joy stock!

You are a traffic police officer!
Your service has a birthday.
Well then let's stop
Ruin each other's mood.

Please accept our congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of the traffic police of Russia! May your work be safe and peaceful, and your life happy and joyful. May warmth and comfort reign in the family. Good luck and promotion!

On the Day of the traffic police, I wish you
Honest service without worries.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
May good luck await in life
Friendship will only be true
Yes, harmony in the family.
There will be only joy in the service,
Be doubly happy!

The traffic police know their job
And the service is clearly, competently carried out,
I congratulate you, inspector, on the traffic police day,
"Thanks!" I speak for your hard work.

Voice congratulations on traffic police day

You can listen to congratulations on the Traffic Police Day on your phone and send the recipient you like as a musical or voice greeting to your mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on the Day of the traffic police to your phone either immediately or by specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. Sound congratulations on the Day of the traffic police on the phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving the congratulations by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Cool congratulations on the Day of traffic police

Smile on your faces
Hide your taunts -
It's just impossible to get angry
On the Day of the traffic police officer!
How nicely we breathed
To traffic police posts
Today, the third of July!
Too bad it's not written anywhere.
“Drink yourself, no matter how much you fit,
And quickly sing others!
Until then, drive slowly
Assessing the events soberly,
Smile wand
And congratulate them on the Day of traffic police!

Road Keepers Day
Stepped on our doorstep again!
We congratulate the fighters
GAI glorious daredevils!
With your fate, let
Sadness will be unknown.
Let the celebration succeed
I drink to your skill!

Yes, I'm a blonde at the wheel
And I can't park
So one day
We can meet with you.
Imagine this picture
A car flying like a hurricane.
You are on the ring road
You wave your rod and hand to me.
The whistle whistles, the radar crackles,
And my heart is pounding.
What excuse can I add
I'm just in a hurry to congratulate you,
On your professional holiday
Say how brilliant you are
How lucky our country
What do you serve in the traffic police.
You serve faithfully
Punish me at night.
I want to have fun with you

Traffic police day official congratulations: congratulations in prose

Today, on this bright summer day, all of Russia is proud of this holiday that has come! Traffic Police Day! So let luck smile on you on this day, our dear guardians. After all, you have a very responsible, difficult job. And in rain and snow and in any weather, you stand and make sure that there are no accidents on the roads of Russia, so that traffic is safe. We wish you to relax on this day. Know that the country is proud of you, the people are proud of you! Let there be a lot of bright and interesting things in your work! After all, you are responsible for peace on the roads day and night. And thank you for that!

The whole country is proud of you, because you keep peace on the road! Dear traffic police officers! Congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish you and your families health, prosperity, inspiration, respect from drivers and professional success. May your work be safe and peaceful, and your life happy and joyful. May warmth and comfort reign in your families. Good luck and promotion to you! May your professional skills grow stronger and stronger every day! Thank you for your discipline on the roads! Happy holiday!

Dear traffic police officers! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! High professionalism, efficiency and perseverance. You deserve recognition and respect. You give a lot of strength and health to the hard work of ensuring road safety on our roads. On the occasion of the professional holiday, I wish all employees and their families success in hard work, health, well-being, inspiration, respect from drivers and new professional success. After all, your work brings a lot of benefits to Russia and all its inhabitants, peace to both pedestrians and drivers.

Today, on the Day of the Traffic Police, I congratulate those who keep peace and order on Russian roads, and perform their duties very conscientiously and clearly! Everyone who passes thousands of cars through him at night and early in the morning, and from them with a trained eye he instantly determines a driver who is not sober, or who violates the traffic regulations! You want to wish patience, because your second home is the road. And you are responsible for peace on the roads, which means that you bear a huge burden, for the good of Russia and all its citizens! Thank you for giving us confidence on our roads!

Drivers have a lot of jokes and statements about the traffic police. But few of them thought about whether he could drive even a kilometer if there were no your close control on the roads!? After all, all the drivers would then drive in a state of intoxication, cut and overtake on a continuous one! In short, complete freedom! But what will it lead to? And it will lead to your own death! Mass accidents and deaths, these are the consequences of complete freedom on the roads. So today, on the day of the traffic police, I must say thank you for saving the lives of everyone who is on the road! You deserve respect! With your professional holiday, our dear ones!

Driver dissatisfaction, insecure driving, drunk driving, ignorance of the rules, all this leads to one total and sad outcome! To an accident where, unfortunately, there is no happy ending! And only true professionals, our traffic police service, are able to stop all these driver's things and affect traffic! Thank you, our road safety keepers, for sacrificing everything to make traffic as smooth as possible! Happy traffic police day to you, our dears. Thank you for your hard work! And for the fact that you can safely go, and know that you are nearby!

Every weekday you regularly, strictly serve at the traffic police post. Whatever the weather, whatever the weather, whatever the circumstances, you make driving safe and enjoyable. Today, on the day of the traffic police, we would like to congratulate you on your professional holiday, and thank you for being always there. For saving our lives on the roads. So let the whole of Russia, all the citizens of our country, be proud of you today. After all, it doesn’t matter if you are a pedestrian or a driver, when you are on duty, everyone is calmer! Happy professional holiday to you. You are like guardian angels for us. Thank you for that!

Traffic police day official congratulations: congratulations in verse

Everyone should know the driver -
Guilty - immediately a fine,
Well, a malicious intruder
In general, he will lose his rights.

Happy traffic police day, relatives,
Along the roads of Russian you -
At the post, like sentries,
From Kamchatka to Moscow!

We want traffic police officers
Wish good luck
To make all dreams come true
Don't get discouraged at all

So that your house is a full bowl,
Do not know longings forever
So that joy settles in him,
And do not suffer in life!

Today is traffic police day
And we are in a hurry to congratulate you.
Success in hard work
We wish from the bottom of our hearts.

So that every day is successful
Native houses were waiting
And there was no reason in life
For sadness and sadness.

You follow the order strictly,
And always stand by
The road has become safer
As a result of your work.

Like a beacon you are in the traffic stream -
In Omsk, Kursk and Ulan-Ude,
Both in Moscow and Vladivostok.
Congratulations on traffic police day!

Oh, how fabulous praise!
The whole world is in store for this day.
Today we all froze
After all, today is Traffic Police Day!

For from priceless, military work,
Let's have a feast, fireworks!
And to them, no fluff, no feather,
In all their righteous ways.

Traffic Police Day is a wonderful holiday,
To deserve to celebrate
Many wishes -
The main thing we want to say is

Don't forget about yourself
May you be lucky in life
Celebrate this holiday
Let the sadness go.

Poems as congratulations on Traffic Police Day

Congratulations on the Day of the traffic police!

We appreciate you, thank you.

Let the green flash for you

Happy years and winters to you.

Fewer violations

So that there is order in everything.

Light blessings! And, undoubtedly,

With you, we will not be lost!

Dashing drove you do not mind

You will not be bribed!

Inspector with a striped stick,

You are on duty in the snow and in the rain!

And though sirens and chases

Already written in fate

May this day "steel horses"

Don't spoil your holiday!

Happy traffic police day

I send congratulations

Security guards

Road traffic.

Wish the speed

Nobody exceeded

Any driver rules

To not violate.

I wish the roads

Were safe

good luck and success

I wish you a holiday.

The traffic police day has come,

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts

All those road workers

Who is in a hurry to help.

Under their supervision

Large flow of cars

In their power the speed limit,

The law is the same for all.

Let there be order on the road

After all, you are always working towards this goal!

May peace and prosperity reign in your house,

Let the star shine on you!

I wish you health, success in your career,

Be respected and loved by all!

And let not a single hindrance in life

Will not become an obstacle to your goals!

SMS congratulations on traffic police day to relatives

It is not easy to be a traffic police officer -

You know it like no one else

I wish you happiness and love!

Let difficulties happen sometimes.

On the day of the traffic police, I wish you

Honest service without worries.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,

May luck take over.

From a pure heart we wish

Successes and victories everywhere.

We sincerely congratulate you

Today, on the day of the traffic police!

Happy traffic police day today

Congratulations friend

Your plans will come true

And dreams, I know.

Congratulations in prose for relatives on traffic police day

I congratulate you on the occasion! Today is traffic police day, a celebration that you must celebrate! What do you wish? Firstly, always keep the situation under control on the road, because you are the king of the road and often the order on the roads depends on you, informs the Therussiantimes.com portal. I want to wish you that life is full of pleasant moments and bright unforgettable events.

Let a lot of rumors hover around your profession, but I know for sure that you are a good, brave, honest person. And on this day I want to wish you to receive only respect from others. After all, you are a worthy person, you are the keeper of peace on our roads. And while you work in the traffic police, I know for sure that not a single violator will go unpunished! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the Day of the traffic police!

A traffic police officer is a responsible and difficult job. But you can handle it on the "five"! I wish you happiness, prosperity, vigilance on your professional holiday, so that not a single violator of the rules of conduct on the roads escapes your vigilant gaze! And also health to you, a good salary, successful work, mutual understanding in the family!

Happy professional holiday, dear traffic police officers! Your work is responsible and difficult, and sometimes even dangerous. Therefore, first of all, I would like to wish you good luck and good health! Let your life be filled with many bright moments, and the atmosphere of comfort and mutual understanding always reign in families!

If among your acquaintances there is a traffic inspector or you yourself are one, do not be shy in expressing feelings. Many traffic police officers have a great sense of humor, so they will be happy with a cool congratulation or a congratulatory prank.

Not only congratulations on traffic police day, but also songs, jokes, toasts, funny short stories - all this you will find on the pages of our Holiday Portal. Send a solemn or funny sound card? Congratulate on your own behalf or on behalf of the President? You decide, and we will offer the best options on how to bring any idea to life!

On the day of the traffic police, I congratulate everyone in the traffic police,
I wish you success in your work,
And let life, like that strip,
It will be light, but not black.
Walk less on the side of the road
Don't sunbathe on the hood
So that the authorities are satisfied,
Don't be frivolous.
The intruder cannot escape
You just need to shoot at the wheels.

The traffic cop is expensive and the most honest in the world,
Our guy is daring, may the Lord give you strength.
On the day of the traffic police, I wish you to strain less,
And on the road going out with anger do not meet.
And let the violator sing that he is not to blame,
The traffic cop, like a father, will press, he will not fine.
And he will wave his wand to the side, smile like a brother,
He will continue to serve and fight the "fool".

Smile on your faces
Hide your taunts -
It's just impossible to get angry
On the Day of the traffic police officer!
How nicely we breathed
To traffic police posts
Today, the third of July!
Too bad it's not written anywhere.
“Drink yourself, no matter how much you fit,
And quickly sing others!
Until then, drive slowly
Assessing the events soberly,
Smile wand
And congratulate them on the Day of traffic police!

The traffic police is safety!
And our faithful road guard,
Today is a holiday - a beautiful day,
We heartily congratulate you!

Health, happiness, strong friendship
We wish all inspectors!
Who knows all the laws of service,
Good and new titles to you!

The traffic police have a holiday today.
We wish our friends
To have enough patience -
Their path is not easy.
And we also want to say
To all traffic cops brave,
What would be on the roads without you
It would be very scary to drive.

I congratulate you on the day of the traffic police,
Subordinate, comrade and friend,
Don't look at the road now
And don't listen to drivers swearing.
Drop the radar and let go of the rod,
Do not miss our dear traffic cop,
Have a rest dear on the day of the traffic police,
I am morally with you today.

Happy traffic police day to everyone on the roads,
All moderates in riding,
All loyal, honest, strict,
All observing traffic rules,
Wise and generous
Knowing their rights...
In general, everyone needs to be congratulated!
Hey guys, happy traffic police day!

How many roads and paths
You are like lost children
Saved from violators
Your following orders!
Always, everywhere
traffic police, live, serve,
And don't worry! Learn, driver
SDA - Today is traffic police day!

An unpredictable road
She can get in trouble
traffic police inspector strict
Everything will explain and help you.
Always at work, always on the move,
Always responsible and brave
They're all jams and zooms
Deregulate skillfully.
Today is a holiday in the traffic police,
And I congratulate them from the bottom of my heart!
And let the track be calm
Let everyone follow the rules.

A fly won't fly past you,
Not that the car...
Let on your earthly path
There will be a lot of kindness and love!

Guardians of our great roads,
Hours of wide runs
May God help in everything
Saves you from bad weather!

Happy traffic police day
Hurry up to accept congratulations.
Let all the rules of traffic rules
No one dares to disturb!

Traffic police officer - it sounds proud,
And your service speaks for itself
I want to wish you good luck
And to glorify the husband's profession again.

Let you, dear, be lucky in life -
Not only at work, everywhere, all year round.
Let luck come to you, dear,
And happiness is always found.

GAI Day is a special holiday,
Now he pleases many
And we want to congratulate you right away
All road workers!
We wish you good luck
Joy in service
To be honest and nothing else
And with the drivers of friendship!
Ensigns and sergeants,
officers, commanders,
We wish you very much -
Take care of the honor of the uniform!

Congratulations on the day of the gai to all the guys,
We have two problems in the country,
There are fools on the roads
Your goal is to eat them with giblets.
Do not let the scorcher on the road
To catch a drunken face by the hand,
Even if you are very strict
Justice cannot be taken away from you.

There is such a service in the country - it is called GAI.
Or the traffic police of Russia, if you want, name it.
For order day and night, she watches vigilantly,
To drive normally on the roads of the whole country.
We congratulate you today, and wish you these days -
Peace of mind to all and good luck. Happy traffic police day!

Armed with a rod according to the law
On all roads in cities, in the village,
Order is guarded by battalions
Traffic inspectors (traffic police).
They make sure that reckless drivers
Didn't break traffic rules
So that your children and parents
Never been in an accident.

In order to be sure
Do not get into the traffic police,
It is necessary to observe approximately
Code of honor - traffic rules!

Incorruptible, fair lieutenants from the traffic police,
They do not give concessions to negligent riders!
And while the traffic police reliably guard their posts,
Road safety is guaranteed to us!

Poems for the day of the traffic police, traffic police, congratulations on the day of the traffic police, traffic police

"COP" - they call you ridiculously,
But still afraid, and trembling.
At the sight of you, all heads bow,
And they don't want to give you money.

But no matter how much the jokes are joking,
You couldn't just take the money!
You would love to run.
And you saved the honor of the traffic police inspector.

Congratulations on your anniversary today.
We want you to always be dreams.
You are our boss, our best boss,
Let trouble always bypass you!

Every day the traffic police are on guard,
Keeping order!
Morning, noon and night even,
Controls, does not sleep!
Congratulations on the Day of the traffic police!
May today at this hour
There will be fewer violations!
We hope for you!

On a long journey along Russian avenues,
Go traffic cop there
Where the risk zone has already come,
Where trouble is about to happen.
Happy Guy's Day, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Happy Guy's Day, I congratulate you all,
And I wish that everyone was a specialist,
Showed a master class for others.

Your job is to regulate traffic
And keep order on the roads.
On the day of the traffic police, accept congratulations
And let me wish you today:
Less stress, more understanding
And good luck, and happiness, and love!
And bear with honor your title,
The title of traffic police inspector!

Your service is difficult
Your service is dangerous!
Let the problems go away and trouble
Know that you are not working in vain.
Grateful. From other citizens
You have protected the violators!
May you on the roads of the earth
Good luck lights are on!

All traffic police officers
We congratulate together!
You have a lot to do -
The roads are chaos.
Who "cut", who "flies"
Higher than the law says.
You all need to hold
Punish immediately.
Everyone needs your service -
She saves life!
To be on top -
Obey the traffic rules!

All traffic police officers are very kind inside.
Well, our boss is the most kind person.
If I didn't work here, I wouldn't know him forever.
With this kind man he worked all his life.
And I want to tell you, he is not just a man.
The kindest, most courageous, most intelligent and skillful.
The most honest, the sweetest, the most modest and beautiful.
How lucky we are, all the workers are evil!
Our boss is the best!
May he be successful in life!

May the barriers be nothing to you,
Day and night and rainy morning
Keep order day by day
Let the road spread like mother of pearl!

I congratulate you on the Day of the traffic police now,
Keepers of order on the roads!
You protect us from accidents,
We say thank you in these lines!

Poems for the day of the traffic police, traffic police, congratulations on the day of the traffic police, traffic police

Let's raise a glass today
For our road inspectors,
For each of you to understand
That it is impossible to do without them.
After all, the road is always dangerous,
And it changes both faces and destinies.
But the traffic police inspector never,
Don't forget about your work.
The intruder is afraid of him,
And always get what he deserves
Safety above all
You people remember this!

To avoid an accident
You need to be very careful.
Don't count the crows on the road
And turn the wheel according to the rules!

All traffic police officers
I want to congratulate you on this day.
Let everyone honor traffic rules on the way
And they will be sure to ride.

So that the service always carries
Only confidence and honor.
Trouble passed a mile away,
And prosperity will not bypass!

On the day of the traffic police, I wish you
Honest service without worries.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Let luck take over

Only true friendship will be
And harmony in the family.
There will be only joy in the service,
Be doubly happy!

Traffic police, traffic police are not all the same?
The name will not change the essence of the matter.
If it were not for her, they would suffer innocently
Drivers, conquering their way.
You are on the road day and night.
Always in service, even on your holiday.
You are servants of security and gods.
Rus' handed you a rod and its peace.
Not driving, but at the table on a chair,
Today, the entire driver's army.
Whether in Moscow, in Biysk, in Tula, in Barnaul
A fine toast will be dedicated to you.