How to know if a girl has cheated on you. How to know if a girl is cheating on you? Why girls cheat

Sometimes a girl begins to behave strangely, and this is easy to notice if you do not “close” your eyes. Many smart guys immediately wonder if a girl is cheating? However not any unusual behavior of a girlfriend can be regarded as a sign of infidelity. In this article, I will tell you how to find out if a girl is cheating. But first, a little psychology again.

What is the reason for the betrayal of the guy? In most cases, this is a desire to diversify their sexual life, because all men are already polygamous by nature. And therefore, when a guy meets his girlfriend for a long time, sooner or later he will want novelty, but this does not mean that he has stopped loving his girlfriend. Moreover, after the betrayal, he will treat his regular partner more carefully and affectionately. And this, of course, often leads to suspicion.

If we talk about girls, then the reasons for cheating are completely different. This may be a one-time weakness or accumulated dissatisfaction with a permanent partner, leading to a complete break. There are other reasons, but this is not the topic of this article. All I wanted to say with this is that in most cases the signs of infidelity in a woman are different from those in men. And this is worth paying attention to. There can be many reasons, but it is also possible that emotions and feelings for a loved one have disappeared ...

How to understand that a girl is cheating? Main features

  • Before that, you did not pay attention to it, but recently you began to notice that your girlfriend began to look better. She spins more in front of the mirror, new things have appeared in her wardrobe. It is possible that the reason that she wants to look better is you. But think what did you do for this? If nothing suitable comes to mind, then it’s worth considering for whom she began to wear beautiful sexy lingerie and devote more time to makeup?
  • In general, a phone and a computer are a personal thing for everyone, and everyone should have their own personal space where we store some intimate things - it doesn’t have to be correspondence with a lover. However, if you began to notice that she often received messages on her phone that she prefers to view away from you, someone calls her, but she does not answer or calls back later so that you do not hear, then there is a reason to think about how to find out does the girl cheat? How to behave in such cases, I will tell at the end of the article.
  • In principle, the sign is similar to the previous one, since it is also associated with the phone. It’s just that in this case, when communicating with you, she turns off her mobile device, supposedly so as not to interfere - such an excuse happens. To check this, you can ask to dial your number, for example, under such a good reason that you cannot find your mobile phone. If something is wrong, she will start to fuss, look for the phone. Here it is better to ask directly why she turned it off.
  • I already said at the beginning of the article that after cheating, a man becomes more "loyal" to his woman in terms of sex. With women, everything can happen exactly the opposite. How to know if a girl is cheating on you? Just think about whether your sex life has changed lately. If she has become cold to you, and you have sex much less often than before, then everything is possible.

  • The opposite situation can be if a girl cheated on you by accident - it happens to them, and she is tormented by guilt. A rarity, of course, but it's worth mentioning. In this situation, how do you know that the girl cheated on you? You will surely notice that she suddenly put on beautiful new lingerie, agreed to do something special for you in terms of intimacy, or simply started complimenting you, although you had not noticed this before. It is very similar, isn't it, to how, after treason, a man buys flowers for his girlfriend? Only for a guy this is the norm, and girls rarely change by mistake.
  • Everything happens in life, but rarely, something appears out of the blue. So, if your girlfriend has never been late at work, and now some urgent business has begun to delay her regularly, then this is at least suspicious. The same applies to school delays. One way or another, everything leads to the fact that she returns home later, and you see her less often. Is this a sign of infidelity? Sometimes yes. It's just that if she has other relationships, then they take time. And from a streamlined daily routine, it is very difficult to pull out two or three hours for a lover without you noticing it. How to understand that a girl is cheating on you? Take a closer look at whether her daily routine has changed recently, whether it has become chaotic, for example, she suddenly began to disappear from sight. By the way, at the same time, she may begin to take a keen interest in your plans for the day, for example, which institution with friends are you going to in the evening. She needs to somehow adjust her plans so as not to get into an awkward situation.

How to Tell if a Girl Cheated on You: Less Obvious Signs

  • You heard from her the name of a man unfamiliar to you - a new acquaintance or work colleague. And she mentioned him casually or completely by accident. Should you be worried? If she called you by his name in a fit of passion in bed, definitely worth it. But sometimes, when a person constantly thinks about someone, he can accidentally also name the object of his passion or fantasies. Therefore, although this sign is not obvious, it is a sign. It is worth asking about the new sign in more detail to see her reaction. If she gets confused, starts talking nonsense, or vice versa gets angry, then something is clearly wrong. Maybe she has not changed yet, but she thinks about this man.
  • If earlier she often talked with your family, or even she and your mother often called back and went shopping, but then it cut off, or this communication was noticeably reduced, then this also leads to bad thoughts. How do you know if a girl has cheated? Unexpectedly invite her to spend the weekend with your family. If she starts to “break down”, look for excuses, although she hasn’t said anything about her employment before, then she may be tormented by guilt before your parents for cheating. Moreover, she may deliberately reduce all such contacts before parting with you - in order to avoid unpleasant sensations. By the way, almost the same can be said if she has recently begun to avoid communicating with your friends. How to find out if a girl cheated or not? Ask her directly why she does not want to communicate with your friends? It is possible that there is another good reason for this.


But if the problem is in you, then you will have to change, otherwise, if the girl has changed once, then this can easily be repeated. And most often this happens because you, as a man, have ceased to attract her. Read this article "How to become desirable for her?", here you will definitely find something for yourself.

Now you know how to understand if a girl is cheating on you. However guesses guesses, signs are signs, but you have to talk to her. So, if you have suspicions, then you should calmly and confidently tell her about it. Moreover, your words must be justified, that is, explain where your suspicions come from. Ask her to explain. Let her know that if she is deceiving you, but you don’t find out from her, then you will part forever. After all, the most important thing in a relationship is trust.

If you want to know even more secrets to seduce girls

You have a long relationship or not, but you suddenly thought about the question: how to understand that a girl is cheating.

If such an assumption arose, it is no longer accidental.

This means that your subconscious has caught some signs that allow you to doubt the honesty of your partner.

How to find out if the passion has changed or not? Signs and how to check:

How can you check?

How do you know if a loved one is cheating? For some people, the fact of deception is easily verified - they just can't lie well. Therefore, the first way is to ask the girl about a possible betrayal.

She may initially deny, but the words, the expression of her eyes will tell how much she is telling the truth.

Eliminate pressure, aggression, physical impact. After all, if you are wrong, the girl will be offended.

The conversation should be calm, the tone is confident. The girl should not have a desire to lie, distort the facts. Aggression evokes fear, which means lack of honesty with you.

Another way that will take time is follow, observe.

It is not entirely ethical in terms of morality, because it speaks of distrust in advance, but sometimes it makes it possible to find out exactly what the girl is doing, who she is dating and how honest she is with her partner.

You can check the presence of treason by observing the behavior during telephone conversations, receiving messages. Interesting Facts friends and acquaintances of the girl can tell.

However, rivals should be trusted with caution, as sometimes girlfriends exaggerate facts. It is not always worth talking about your suspicions among friends, as gossip spreads quickly.

As a result, there are speculations of strangers that your girlfriend is cheating on you, a distortion of facts and a loss of respect from your friends, because you become a person who forgives betrayal.

Signs of betrayal

How to convict a girl of treason? People are quite predictable, so the signs of female infidelity have been studied quite well:

  1. Change in behavior. If a girl suddenly abruptly decided to change her appearance, lost weight, got prettier, began to use a different make-up, comb her hair more carefully, it can be assumed that she is doing this for someone. It should be alert if the partner suddenly began to get ready for work longer or preen too much before meeting with her friends.

    The change in behavior is especially noticeable after several years of living together - the usual type of behavior changes, the style of clothing becomes more attractive, bright. You see clear signs of transformation, even in your eyes.

  2. Dates become rarer. She says that she is busy, at work, studying, tired. You call a girl, but you hear "sorry, not today." This is a phrase, refusal is repeated more and more often. Such behavior is a reason to think about what is wrong in your relationship and whether someone else has appeared.
  3. She does not immediately answer calls, making excuses that she did not hear or was busy. If someone else is next to the girl, then the desire not to conduct personal telephone conversations, not to explain herself is quite understandable.

    She may pick up the phone, but answer with monosyllabic phrases or too abruptly, trying to end the conversation faster.

  4. I started seeing my friends more often. A girl can hide her betrayals under the pretext that today they have a women's party, shopping, urgent business. Meetings are repeated more and more often, sometimes until late or overnight.
  5. Creates situations that provoke conflict. It is very difficult for a woman to love and be devoted to more than one man. Conflicts are often provoked unconsciously. The girl internally feels guilty, tries to avoid frank questions from the man, and the best way to do this is a quarrel.

  6. Became irritable, avoids intimacy, refuses intimate contact. When a lover appears, then there is a rejection of a permanent partner. He no longer delivers so much joy and even becomes unpleasant. The psychology of a girl is arranged in such a way that her attention, desire for intimacy can be directed to one partner. A man, as a rule, cheats without including emotions, it's just physiology. A woman needs to feel attraction, trust, fall in love.
  7. There was a new lacy lingerie that she had not worn before. It should be especially alert if a girl puts it on before leaving home, meeting with friends, parents, going to the store.
  8. Sleepovers with a friend, which began to be repeated too often. Very rarely can there be reasons why you need to stay with a friend.

    If you live with a girl together, then spending the night is already a signal that not everything is going smoothly in your union, that the girl avoids intimacy, she is burdened by relationships.

  9. The calls she says were wrong numbers. Strange messages that the girl immediately erases.
  10. Setting a password on the phone. Of course, one should not rule out the fact that this is done for the sake of security if the smartphone has banking applications. But if the girl does not use them, the password has never been set before, then his appearance is a signal that she wants to hide something.
  11. She stopped leaving her phone in a conspicuous place, she takes it with her everywhere. This may only speak of a habit, dependence on the gadget, but it may be a signal that the girl does not want anyone to look at her phone except her.
  12. A work colleague picks her up- it may not mean anything, but it is worth asking about the reasons why this happens.
  13. Loss of respect for you. The girl increasingly pays attention to shortcomings, criticizes, accuses.

It is necessary to evaluate whether there is a betrayal or not, not on one basis, but on a complex of signals seen.

Girls change too. Do not be shocked or confused about this. Since women have become equal in rights to men, they try not to yield to them in all plans. And if guys cheat on girls, then girls will soon start cheating on guys. How do you know if your girlfriend is cheating on you?

The male site site will begin consideration of this issue with a counter question, to which each reader must answer for himself personally: does he want to know the truth? After you know what, what will you do?

Everyone wants to be sure that his significant other does not cheat on him. This is a good intention. However, it should be understood that you can find out the unpleasant truth. What if the girl is really cheating? What will you do with this information? You should understand the consequences that will come if something unpleasant suddenly turns out.

Why do girls cheat?

Guys are not always interested in the question of why girls cheat on them. But in vain! If one girl cheated on you, then it is possible that the second one will change, if the reason is you. If you were cheated on the first time, then you will definitely be cheated on the second, if the situation does not change.

So why do girls cheat? Why each particular girl goes to a treacherous act, only she can tell. Here we consider the common causes of this phenomenon:

  1. She initially did not like the guy. For what reasons she decided to meet with him, one can guess, based on the circumstances. However, the girl initially did not love the guy, which is why she allows herself to cheat on him. Of course, she does this in secret, because he might leave her otherwise. And it's not good for her.
  2. She doesn't get what she wants in sex. Well, since the guys go to the left when they are unhappy with the sexual pleasures with their soul mates, then the girls started. If the guys do not satisfy them in bed, then the girls will look for pleasure on the side.
  3. She takes revenge for the betrayal of a guy. If you yourself are “with a sin”, then it is clear why the girl decided to cheat on you. She takes revenge on you or competes with you, who will hurt whom with her betrayals. This option is unambiguous if the partners know about each other's betrayals and continue the relationship, despite this.
  4. She is unhappy with the guy and the relationship with him. For some reason, she does not part with the guy (maybe even out of pity), so she goes to the side. She has certain complaints about the guy, but she generally does not want to break off relations with him. If a girl lacks something very much in a relationship with a guy, then she will definitely get it on the side.
  5. She was looking for understanding, but found a lover. It is clear that no guy will pay attention to a girl if he does not want to sleep with her. But since girls are basically naive creatures, they do not find friends,.
  6. She was looking for emotion. Today the guys went unemotional. And girls always need emotions. If a girl does not feel love, care or tenderness for herself, then she will look for it with another guy.
  7. She compares. If a girl slept with the guy she is dating for the first time, then she may be wondering what kind of sex she will have with other gentlemen. And then she can change for the sake of interest or comparison of her betrothed with other guys.
  8. She is looking for variety. A girl can also get bored with relationships and sex with a guy. So she is looking for a variety that will saturate her life.
  9. She has already decided to break up with her current boyfriend. She simply cannot leave or feels sorry for the guy, but she no longer wants to be with him, so she walks to the side.

By and large, the reasons for the betrayal of a beloved girl are the same as if the guy himself were cheating. In this, people do not differ, as well as in those manifestations by which you can find out that a girl is cheating on you.

How do you know if a girl is cheating?

There are clear signs by which you can understand that the girl is cheating. However, it should be warned in advance: a girl can behave in a similar way, but not change. If you notice a girl's corresponding behavior, which supposedly indicates that she is cheating, it is better to first check your guesses, and then make any decisions.

How do you know if your loved one is cheating?

  • Haven't had sex with her in a long time. If you used to have sex, for example, twice a week, and now it doesn’t happen even once a week, this may indicate something. Invite the girl to your home, persuade her to intimacy, look at her reaction. If a girl does not cheat on you, then she will be as "hungry" as you are. It is necessary to exclude those circumstances when she has a blockage at work or at school, or some tragic events have occurred in her life, so she does not want sex.
  • The girl is trying too hard. Just as men begin to give flowers to their women who have been cheated on, so girls can try too hard for the sake of their boyfriends' happiness. If a girl suddenly, for no reason at all, began to do something for you that she previously refused, then you should be interested in why she got so good.
  • The girl got better. It’s no accident that girls get prettier if they haven’t done this before. Usually a young lady takes care of herself all the time, so her sudden transformation is not news to a guy. Or they start getting prettier when they fall in love with someone. It happens at the beginning of a relationship. If a loved one fell in love with someone, then she will be prettier than before.
  • Girl on. This is the easiest way to understand that someone you love has appeared. If you are near her when her lover calls, then the girl tries to quickly end the conversation, does not pick up the phone, or wants to leave the room so that you do not hear what she is saying. If someone writes an SMS to her, then she quickly erases it so that you do not accidentally read it. You can also understand that a girl is cheating on you in the following way: just sometimes check her phone in her presence. Look at her reaction: usually a girl who has nothing to hide from a guy will not take the phone away, scream and get nervous because he suddenly wants to look at it.
  • The girl turns off her mobile phone. It can be quite normal to turn off the phone if the girl is on exams, in class or at work. However, if you are sure that the girl is at home, then turning off the phone should raise questions. The same behavior becomes strange if the girl turns off the phone when she sees you. Is she afraid that someone will call her while you are around her? Who should this person be?
  • The girl is late after school or work. Delays are quite normal if they are one-time. You, for example, offer to meet her after school or work, if she is late, and her beloved agrees - there is no need to worry. However, doubts about the fidelity of the girl should arise if she is constantly delayed. Suspicions should increase if you offer to meet her, but she refuses. Is she afraid that you will see her with someone or her lover will see you with her?

Any changes in the girl's behavior are the result of some kind of change. In connection with what they are connected, it is necessary to find out. However, we warn you against rash acts. A girl can behave strangely, but not change. Here, you first need to find out exactly the reasons for her strange behavior, and then draw conclusions.

The girl cheated - how to react?

So, you found out that the girl cheated on you. The natural reaction of a guy is aggression, anger, resentment, a desire to tear and throw. However, experts suggest a different tactic of behavior. The wrong behavior of a guy after the news that a girl is cheating will be:

  1. Aggression, when he goes to beat his lover's face, and also breaks up with a girl with a scream, scandals, accusations against her, what a bitch, a prostitute and a whore she is.
  2. Self-pity, resentment, tears, isolation. If this is accompanied by a lack of desire to part with the girl, that is, the relationship is maintained, because the guy forgives the betrayal, then this is also considered wrong and humiliating behavior.

How to react to the betrayal of a girl? Firmly and resolutely, indifferently and uncompromisingly.

The girl cheated on you. So she made a decision to betray you. She didn't take care of your relationship because she doesn't appreciate it. She didn't break up with you before cheating on you. In other words, the girl decided to offend you with her act. If you forgive her for such an act, then confirm the idea that you need to be humiliated. It will not be surprising if a girl cheats on you again over time.

Why shouldn't you punch your lover in the face and yell at the girl? Because you thereby show how much offended. And it will amuse the lovers. Do not give them a reason to discuss your actions.

How to act in such a situation? Just gather the girls and leave the suitcases at the door if the girl lives with you. Pack up your things and silently leave her house if you live with her. Stop any communication, contacts and other connections. Silently and uncompromisingly break off relations with the girl. Any of her attempts to establish relations with you should be unambiguously suppressed by you.

The result of the betrayal of a girl

If a girl cheated on you, then calmly break up with her. No need to shout, show aggression. Understand that the girl had the right to do such an act. And since you do not agree with him, then you just leave her and leave her alone, as she wanted.

In the end, you must make a decision for yourself that will meet your desires. However, be prepared for the consequences of any decision you make.

April 2, 2015, at 19:08

Very often in the life of young people there is such a situation when a guy begins to notice changes in the behavior of his girlfriend. And these changes are not for the better. If she began to pay less attention to him than before, began to be late more often or not come at all and avoid meetings, then you should think about whether she has an affair on the side. We will help you sort out this issue.

Perhaps at least once you have had doubts about whether your girlfriend has someone else besides you. Are you alerted by inexplicable behavior, indifference on the part of your soulmate? Then you should read our article. From it you will learn how you can check your girlfriend for loyalty and how to find out if she is cheating.

As you know, if a guy cheats on a girl, it means that she does not suit him in bed. But if a girl decides to cheat on a guy, this is a clear sign that she is not satisfied with the relationship. Moreover, she can cheat on a guy without reporting to him at all. No wonder. Why admit to cheating on him if he doesn't suit her?

To make sure that the girl walks to the left, we suggest checking her behavior according to the criteria indicated by us below:

* She doesn't want to have sex with you. In case you have not done it before, this may not mean anything. But if you had sex with her once a week or twice, and lately not even once, this is already an alarming bell. It is worth considering that the girl has already managed to relax with someone else.

* She tries too hard for you. If she managed to cheat on you, then she will try to make amends. Affectionate words, a special attitude towards you, including in bed, should alert you. If before she did not show such attention, and now she suddenly burst through - you should not delude yourself much. The harder she tries, the more intimate sins she has.

* She began to devote more time to herself. The explanation for this behavior is quite simple. If she began to spend more time at the mirror and bring beauty, then these efforts are intended for someone else.

* She often receives messages and often calls someone, leaving for another room. A girl's phone can tell about her most secret hobbies. You can easily recognize them, you just have to read incoming and outgoing messages, as well as punch calls.

* She often turns off the phone. It's one thing if she earns money or studies at the institute. Another - if she turns off the phone or in a conversation with you says that the phone is sitting down, or she is sitting with her younger brother. This is also easy to check. All you have to do is ask to pass the phone to your brother. If she doesn't, then she's hiding something from you.

* She often stays late after school or work. If you know that studies end at the same time, and she comes to you a few hours later, and does so regularly, you should think hard. Ask her where she has been. If she says that she was with a friend, for the first time you can forgive. But if such trips to a friend are regular - why does she go to her so often? Maybe she's lying to you? Or is her friend more important than you? Such behavior can hardly be called adequate. It is worth considering a serious conversation with her.

Do not forget the main thing: if a girl is cheating on you - most likely, she does not receive something from you, and compensates for the lack on the side. Therefore, you also need to think about your behavior. If everything is in order with you, you are a normal guy who does everything for her - you should seriously talk to her. As a last resort - disperse and try to forget it.

We wish you good luck!

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You can understand that a girl is cheating on her boyfriend by several clear signs: a young lady has dramatically changed her behavior with her lover for no apparent reason, she began to stay late at work and leaves when she is called. In addition, she does not pay attention to the guy and refuses him intimacy, referring to excessive employment or fatigue. If a girl suddenly has new girlfriends or old friends show up with whom she does not consider it necessary to introduce her chosen one, or postpones acquaintance all the time, this means that the young lady is clearly hiding something from the guy and there is reason to doubt her fidelity.

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The main signs of infidelity

From the point of view of female psychology, treason is an unacceptable phenomenon in relation to two loving people. If a woman cheated on her lover, being in a state of passion or under the influence of a large amount of drunk alcoholic beverages, she will regret her deed for a long time, fearing that her beloved will find out about her betrayal and will never forgive. The young lady will avoid her chosen one and hide her gaze from him.

The main signs of betrayal can be seen by analyzing the behavior of your beloved:

  • The girl does not give her personal things that the guy could use freely before: phone, laptop or computer, limited access to social networks and suddenly changed her password. The young lady reacts very violently if she sees her mobile phone in the hands of a guy, and makes a huge scandal about this. If someone calls her or receives a message, she abruptly leaves for another room and does not want to say who the call was from.
  • The young lady spends all her free time away from home, referring to shopping trips with her friends, meeting classmates, a monthly report at work, or finds hundreds of other reasons not to stay with a man. She makes dubious friends whom she stubbornly refuses to introduce to her young man.
  • The young lady never devoted much time to her appearance and suddenly began to intensively look after herself, enrolled in a fitness club, dyed her hair and made a new fashionable haircut, went to the beautician, stood for hours preening near the mirror.
  • The girl avoids kisses, hugs, behaves coldly and aloofly with a guy, and before that she always liked to hug and bask for a long time.
  • A woman notices the shortcomings of a man that she had not paid attention to before, and is looking for a reason for another quarrel. A girl can afford harsh statements about her young man and offends him in front of strangers.
  • The young lady does not pick up the phone for a long time or ignores her boyfriend’s calls altogether, she stopped calling first, but she used to love to have heart-to-heart conversations on love topics and always sent a lot of romantic SMS messages.
  • A woman constantly compares a young man with other men.
  • The young lady does not react in any way to her lover's flirting with other women, does not arrange jealousy scenes when he comes home late.

You can check the fidelity of your chosen one at a distance with the help of a friend or a good acquaintance who will offer the girl to meet and meet in a cozy place. If a woman agrees, then it is not the first time for her to meet strangers behind her lover's back.

How to understand that a guy is cheating