Do-it-yourself champagne candy tree. Sweet Christmas tree from a bottle of champagne. Master class with video. Glitter champagne bottle decoration

Beautiful crafts can become not only an interior decoration, but also an original decor for a festive table or a creative gift. Recently, the practicality of gifts has been appreciated, so even for a wedding, newlyweds are given not flowers, but champagne and sweets. If you are going to visit or to a wedding in the winter, then try to arrange a bottle of champagne in the form of a Christmas tree. To make such a craft is very simple, the main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize.

How to make a champagne and candy tree

To make this craft you will need:

- glue gun;

- a bottle of champagne;

- wire;

- teip tape;

- beads;

- candy;

- stapler;

- organza;

- corrugated paper.

Cut out a circle with a diameter of 24-25 cm from thick cardboard. It will serve as a Christmas tree stand. After that, take corrugated paper and cut off such a piece so that you can decorate the circle on both sides. Glue it to the cardboard with a glue gun. After that, cut in a circle, but so that 1-2 cm is left for wrapping on the other side.

Then take the rest of the paper, glue it to the circle, and cut off the excess. To make the tree stable, make a wire holder. Wind the wire around the base to determine the size of the retainer. The wire must be decorated with teip tape or any other material.

Now start making needles for the Christmas tree. You will need floral felt and an organizer. Cut the materials into squares with a side of 10 cm. After that, take two green squares from floral felt and fold them obliquely. Bend the sides to make an envelope. Fix the workpiece with a stapler. Combine squares of felt and organza to create an original craft.

When you have a lot of blanks, start decorating the bottle. Start gluing the envelopes from the bottom with hot glue. You should have 8 blanks on the first row, and then see for yourself. The main thing is that the tree turned out to be magnificent. You can additionally tape a number of envelopes for strength.

Christmas tree on the table with your own hands

After that, you can start gluing blanks. Attach the largest ones to the bottom and the smallest ones to the top.

As you can see make a Christmas tree from a bottle of champagne and sweets possible for one hour. Today there are so many craft ideas that will help you get creative.

For the New Year the pre-holiday fuss is growing, you need to congratulate everyone and prepare present. A handmade gift for the New Year cheers up the recipient and the giver. A universal gift for the New Year will be Christmas tree made do-it-yourself from champagne, sweets and tinsel, it will serve as both a decoration and a treat on the New Year's table.

To turn a bottle of champagne into a Christmas tree you will need: green tinsel 1 meter long, sweets (about 800g), 8-10 sheets of A4 paper, adhesive tape and scissors.

We will fasten all the details of the Christmas tree with tape. You can use glue, but if you don’t have time to look for and buy special glue and wait for it to dry, then tape will do, I think everyone can find it. To glue the parts, a wide adhesive tape must be cut into small ribbons. This can be done simply, just glue the edge of a wide tape to the edge of the table, cut the free part with scissors into small strips. In the process, tear off the strips from the table one at a time and glue the parts.

First, we will form the basis of the Christmas tree - a paper skirt. It is best to use thick paper, but you can use regular printer paper and fold 4-5 sheets together. Wrap the paper around the neck of the bottle and seal the edges with tape.

On the other hand, also wrap the bottle with paper and glue the edges with tape. The paper Christmas tree skirt does not need to be glued to the bottle so that it can be removed without tearing.

Now stick the candies to the paper base with strips of adhesive tape, like Christmas decorations. Arrange candies in circular rows, like a garland. It is better to cut lush candy wrappers to make bright balls.

At the end, we decorate the Christmas tree with tinsel. Fasten the beginning at the neck, make a turn along the top, then wrap the tinsel in a spiral between the rows of candies to the bottom. Glue the tip of the tinsel with adhesive tape to the base below.

You can take a Christmas tree made with your own hands from champagne, sweets and tinsel with you on your way to visit, it will take only half an hour of time and the most affordable materials to make it.

Happy New Year! Please accept my most sincere congratulations! May your most secret dreams come true this year, may your goals come true. May you be surrounded by sincere, kind, beloved family and friends. Worries to you, warmth and comfort in the New 2017!

And of course, I have prepared New Year's gifts for you!

My first gift for you is a master class

And my second gift is a master class

Both courses are available in video format.
Learn, create, delight with original delicious
gifts for relatives and friends, friends and customers :)

Happy new year friends!

With best wishes, Anna Tyumerova, Suite Design Studio website

Champagne Christmas tree is a bestseller in many cities of Russia and other countries. On the eve of the New Year 2017, craftswomen prepare sweet gifts.

How to make a champagne Christmas tree - this question is asked by many lovers of suite design and creativity in general.

I share this secret with you. To make it more clear how to make a champagne Christmas tree, I offer master classes in two versions: a photo master class and a video master class.

Fruitful viewing and productive creativity!

Photo master class "Champagne Tree"

We take corrugated paper in the color of the future Christmas tree. Cut out a piece of corrugation 20 X 20 cm.

We connect the edges of the corrugated paper with hot glue.

It turns out a kind of cylinder.

We put corrugation on champagne.

In order for our sweet beauty to be lush, we prepare mica pounds.

To do this, we fold a square of mica as in the photo. See how to do this for more details.

Glue the champagne flasks as shown in the photo.

We glue a row of pounds.

Let's start making candy. We glue the candy by the tail, also on warm glue.

We glue a whole row of candies in a circle. Candies can be alternated with Christmas toys, cones, bows, plastic tangerines ...

We begin to glue the next row of pounds.

Now, again, sweets and a number of pounds.

A row of sweets and a row of pounds.

Using tinsel, we wind the "scarf" of the Christmas tree. We fix its ends with glue.

We attach the Christmas decoration to the tinsel.

Here it is a champagne Christmas tree!

As I wrote at the beginning of this article, I post the master class not only in the form of photographs, but also in video format.

Video master class "Champagne Tree"

If you liked my master class, I ask you to click on the "Like" button at the bottom of this page.

Thank you so much!


With a beautifully decorated bottle of champagne, it’s not a shame to go to the New Year’s Eve, and you can put the New Year’s on the table, and it’s suitable as an apartment decor. We offer to stock up on ribbons, beads, spruce twigs, small cones, Christmas tree decorations, glue and let's try to create an original craft. We have collected some interesting options. In the article you will even find the option of decorating champagne for a wedding (well, what if it comes in handy) and a video master class.

Preparing ribbons for champagne

For a bottle of ribbons for the New Year, in addition to the ribbons themselves, you will also need glue (you can use a glue gun) and scissors.

First you need to measure the length of the first ribbon, which will go as the initial one and will be located in the place where the foil ends.

Cut off the necessary part and glue. Further, all other parts must be attached to the bottle in the same way as a herringbone. To make a kind of scarf or tie, you need to use a ribbon of a different color. Each subsequent row should slightly cover the previous one.

And at the very end, put the material not on top of each other, but around the bottle.

Such a bottle of champagne with ribbons for the New Year can be decorated with lace inserts, bows, feathers and beads.

Something like the female version can be done like this:

Use fabric for bows to decorate the bottom. The skirt must first be gathered with a thread and a needle and glued. By designing champagne in this way, you save yourself the trouble of removing the label.

Champagne "Father Frost" and "Snow Maiden"

This decoration option is a little more complicated than the previous one. You just need additional materials - red and white felt, pearls, some kind of shiny ribbon or jewelry in the form of shiny stars.

First you need to cut off the red felt so that it can cover the bottle of champagne, and the seam needs to be decorated with red tape and glue.

It is on this basis that we will stick the tapes, as in the previous master class.

So until the very end you need to stick all the tapes. Now it remains to decorate the bottle under Santa Claus - stick white parts of felt to create a sheepskin coat finish, and you need to hang a hat on the neck of the bottle, or rather, on the cork. Also use lace fabric to make Frost's fur coat elegant.

In exactly the same way, only using a blue braid, you can arrange champagne under the Snow Maiden.

We offer a look at a few more options - a bottle decorated with ribbons for the New Year as Santa Claus and his granddaughter.

The face for Santa Claus can be made from felt. And note that a beautiful bottle of champagne and matching glasses can be an excellent gift set.

Using the same simple design technique, you can come up with a different design, choosing ribbons to match the decor of the interior or the New Year's table. Decorating a bottle of champagne for the New Year with ribbons is quite an exciting event, and when you fill your hand, then involve others in this creativity. You can even arrange a whole pre-New Year's master class, but our articles will help you with this.

Please note that the braid can be laid not only in a herringbone pattern, but also simply gently wrap the bottle using glue droplets. The next option is more suitable for a wedding, but you will pay attention to the technique. In addition, in this case, a wider ribbon was used.

Champagne with ribbons and tie

In this case, the decoration of bottles for the New Year with ribbons is complemented by a tie. By the way, this option is suitable as a gift for a pilot, military, policeman, in general, you will understand everything yourself:

The easiest option is to make a small roller out of the tape and attach it with a pin to the bottle. More difficult is to show the skill of knitting a tie and make a real tie only in a smaller version.

Full decoration of the bottle with ribbons

Before this option, we left the neck of the bottle undecorated, because it is already beautifully decorated with foil. But in fact, you can completely decorate the entire bottle with ribbons.

These are wedding options too! Well, what if you are invited to a wedding in the New Year - that's the reason to bring beauty.

Creative bottles for the New Year

And when you have already learned how to decorate champagne with ribbons, you can try and get creative. Use all the materials at hand, natural materials, your imagination, the imagination of children, friends and go on creating! We'll help you a little!

Please note that you can buy ready-made flowers, or you can make them yourself in the same way. We have a lot of articles on the topic of creating flowers, be sure to read!

Take a look at the first option. It uses lace and gathered wide ribbon.

The combination of gold and red always looks luxurious. By the way, use yellow - this is the color of the coming year and it should bring good luck.

Christmas tree champagne

For this craft we need:

  • green tape;
  • green felt;
  • beads;
  • gold ribbon;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors.

From felt, you need to make a removable base, in which you can later put champagne.

Now a lot of these blanks need to be attached to the felt base. You should end up with a Christmas tree like this:

We have prepared TOP tips for decorating champagne, well, or any other drink with ribbons that will be useful to you in your work:

Tip 1. Typically, this work requires about 5 meters of satin ribbon, keep this in mind when you buy material.

Tip 2. It is better to use a glue gun, but only in small quantities. Literally a pea for every few centimeters.

Tip 3. It is better not to cut the entire inlay into pieces at once, but to measure it during operation. Because the further you go down to the base of the bottle, the longer the tape will be required.

Tip 4. Stretch guipure can be used as decoration, it is easier to work with.

Tip 5. It is not necessary to wrap the bottle tightly.

Tip 6. The bottle can only be partially decorated with ribbons. For example, completely champagne can be decoupage (we talked about this technique), you can apply a drawing with a contour, acrylic paints. Well, on top, attach several ribbons of different widths and colors.

Well, our favorite tradition. We offer you to see how bottles are made for the New Year with ribbons - a master class on the video:

By the way, in these cases, not felt, but ordinary cardboard is used as the basis. But actually, it's not necessary. In general, everything will come with experience! Try different options, twist, play with the materials, maybe you will get some interesting and original design for champagne and not only it. In the same technique, you can decorate glasses or a vase. And we only wish you inspiration and creative success!

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Magic holiday coming soon? Looking for new ways to decorate your New Year's table? and champagne - a great idea that everyone can implement. Having mastered the principle of creating such a souvenir, you will make any option from the simplest to the most complex, exquisite with additional decor.

What to cook

To make a beautiful Christmas tree made of sweets and champagne, you will need the following:

  • sweets in green or multi-colored wrappers are better than elongated, but round shapes are also possible;
  • glue or thermal gun;
  • green corrugated paper, mesh, organza, satin ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • decorative elements (beads, tinsel, stars, snowflakes).

How your candy and champagne Christmas tree will look depends on the method of manufacture and the amount of time you are willing to spend on creating it. The minimum set of parts is the first three points, the rest is optional.

Christmas tree made of sweets and champagne with your own hands (quick way)

If you have absolutely no time to be creative, but you still want to make a table decoration, use the following technology.

  1. Take corrugated paper, glue it into a tube.
  2. Put on a bottle. The corrugation will take the appropriate shape. The same can be done with green nylon or other elastic fabric (cut knee socks or socks).
  3. Glue candies on top in tiers by the free ends of the wrappers. Try to do it in such a way that the bottom of the tree looks more voluminous, that is, keep the likeness of the conical shape of the tree.
  4. Near the cork, you can glue the decor in the form of a star, wrap the structure with beads or tinsel.

Everything is ready. This will take about half an hour. Perhaps the tree will turn out not so lush and natural, but it will definitely be beautiful.

Christmas tree made of sweets and champagne with your own hands: a master class

To get a more voluminous and decorative version, follow the following technology:

  1. You can, as in a simple way, first make a "case" for a bottle of green corrugated paper.
  2. Cut organza or any other material into strips or take green.
  3. Another way is to make funiki from squares of the same fabric, from ribbons, mesh.
    You just need to drop glue into the center of the square and insert a toothpick or match. You will get a magnificent cone on a stick.
  4. When the blanks are completed, first glue the fabric strips in tiers, making folds with glue, and then candy. So continue to the neck of the bottle. The Christmas tree turns out to be lush, openwork and decorative.
  5. Hang beads or tinsel on top in a spiral. You can decorate the surface with snowflakes, balls, stars.

Here everything is limited by your imagination and the desire to create an original and unique thing. If you like the idea, but such a gift turns out to be too expensive (the price of champagne, sweets, decor and work is quite high), the number of sweets can be reduced by increasing the gaps between tiers. They are easy to fill with voluminous tinsel.

nice sweet gift

In any of the above ways, you can create an original souvenir. It is used not only as a champagne decor for a festive table. As an option, you can try to make, so to speak, a non-alcoholic gift. The bottle is used empty (as a base), covering it completely with sweets and other decorations, along with the neck. Moreover, if you get an exquisite beautiful accessory, and it would be a pity to use it for its intended purpose (eat sweets), you can carefully pull them out so that the candy wrappers remain in their places. After that, it is enough to fill the void with material, for example, for soft toys. However, it is convenient to do this only with round-shaped sweets.

So, you saw how easy it is to make a Christmas tree from sweets and champagne. Half an hour of time can definitely be found to make such an original decor for the New Year's table or a gift.