Business greetings for the new year. Congratulations to business partners. Happy New Year greetings to partners in prose

Happy New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas to colleagues, partners, organizations, and clients are best prepared in advance. To decorate them beautifully and send them by Russian Post or electronically. In the last article we looked at how to congratulate colleagues at work, today we will get acquainted with beautiful wishes in prose.

The New Year is associated with hopes for the best, so in our congratulations we say words about faith in a happy future, good luck, joy and happiness. We wish health, success and prosperity to all our loved ones and acquaintances. On this long-awaited holiday, it is very important not to forget to congratulate not only family and friends, but colleagues and business partners.

Let's consider congratulations on the New Year 2019 to colleagues, partners, organizations and clients in prose. Wishes can be both official and funny.

Official congratulations on the New Year 2019 to colleagues in prose

Official congratulations in prose are very easy and simple to prepare. After all, they can practically be told in your own words. Let's take a look at some of them.

Dear colleagues, I wish you a Happy New Year. I wish you new aspirations and discoveries, successful starts and big victories, successful results in business and prospects for personal interests. May this year be good and happy for all of us.

Dear Colleagues! Congratulations on a wonderful holiday - New Year! May this year bring you only happy moments, positive mood and success! I wish that our joint work will be productive, effective and prosperous, and that our business will develop in the right direction, bringing profit to us and our clients!

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year and want to wish you all the best and prosperity, confidence and determination, creativity and optimism, health and strength, determination and good luck. Have a happy and extremely successful new year.

Happy New Year, colleagues. I wish you great awards and merits, confident aspirations and victories, promising ideas and deeds, bold decisions and actions, successful starts and successful days. May this year be fruitful for all of you in terms of work and happy in terms of life.

Colleagues, Happy New Year. I would like to wish you to always find a way out of any situation, to achieve success and recognition of your talent with every task. May the coming year bring a lot of opportunities, ideas and success, may every day be a day of professionalism and significant achievement.

Happy New Year, my dear and respected colleagues. I wish you to find new sources of promising ideas and find new opportunities to implement all your plans. I also wish you absolute confidence, worthy victories, true respect and high prosperity in the new year.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues. I wish you always the opportunity to improve and achieve great success in the new year. I also wish you health, prosperity, happiness in your families, and the fire of enthusiasm in your activities.

My dear colleagues and respected colleagues! I wish you speedy fulfillment of your desires, prosperity and joyful events. May love and mutual understanding always be present in your homes and families, may order, comfort and peace prevail. I wish you success in your work, stable payments and great prosperity. Happy New Year!

May the coming year bring us all success and prosperity, give us new great ideas and give us the strength to bring them to life. I wish your families peace and mutual understanding, love and family happiness (married people!). I would like to wish everyone professional growth, self-confidence and optimism!

Dear Colleagues! Happy New Year to everyone. I wish you success in your work, prosperity in your family, and in raising your children in the New Year. So that all your wishes come true, only kind and sympathetic people meet along the way, so that tears in your eyes are only from happiness, and every new day brings a smile, and it never leaves your face!

Dear Colleagues! Another year has come to an end! It’s a bit of a pity, because those wonderful events that brought our team together are becoming a thing of the past. But don’t be discouraged, because there is still a lot of new things ahead that we have to experience together! Let everything that comes in the New Year bring only changes for the better, prosperity and income growth to our team! Happy new year dear friends!

Beautiful Happy New Year greetings to work colleagues

With these beautiful words you can congratulate your colleagues on their holiday at a corporate party or just at work.

Happy New Year, my dear colleagues. I would like to wish you vigor and strength, confidence and enthusiasm. May the new year be full of prospects, may every day be eventful and fruitful, may great achievements and victories await you in life, may there be comfort and grace in your families.

Dear, beloved, family and friends, my colleagues! You and I spend so much time at work that sometimes we are closer to each other than family! I wish you such great success and such big money in the new year that you have enough for everything you dream of! Let, in addition to material well-being, your inner world be filled with joy, peace, bliss and happiness! Love to you - strong, faithful and very tender, and friendship - strong and reliable. Have inspired everyday life and happy holidays! Peace to your families, good health to your loved ones!

May the next year bring prosperity and success to each of us, give us new brilliant ideas and help us bring them to life. Let peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and let the love of loved ones warm us with an unchanging hot flame at any moment. Let's wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!

Dear colleagues, I wish you all a Happy New Year! I wish you all to enjoy what you do, because it’s not for nothing that they say that someone who loves their job will never work again in their life. Because your favorite job is not work at all, but pleasure :)). Let happiness and luck follow you, and the road to success be smooth and even. I wish you love and understanding in your personal life. Have a nice everyday life and happy holidays!

Dear and dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year. I would like to wish you a smooth and prosperous road to success, clear goals and long-term plans, unquenchable strength and friendship of the team, family happiness and sure prosperity, high prosperity and constant good luck. May New Year's Eve fulfill the wishes of each of you and give everyone a wonderful mood.

Dear colleagues, Happy New Year! We wish you a lot of joy and laughter, smiles, sincerity and kindness! Let your homes be filled with happiness and prosperity. Be healthy, always in a great mood, and may all your deepest dreams come true in the New Year! Happy holiday, friends!

Dear Colleagues! Happy New Year. May this new year be fruitful and successful for you. I wish everyone new steps up the career ladder. Easy working days and hot, pleasant holidays. May all failures and adversity remain beyond the threshold of the old year, and may there be only ups and achievements in the new year!

Dear colleagues, I cordially congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! I wish you to feel confident, calm and stable! May your loved ones and family be healthy. Happiness, positivity, kindness and success!

My dear and respected colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year. I wish that in the new year everything will begin in a new way: that there will be new successes in activity, new high results in work, new beginnings and new victories, new bright emotions and new happy events. All the best and good luck!

May the old year be remembered with a smile, and may the new year bring many pleasant moments! Let difficulties be rare, and life be successful and easy. Let work be a joy in the new year and unite our team even more! Happy New Year!

Colleagues, on this wonderful holiday I wish everyone only good things: success and good luck, peace and love, happiness and prosperity, prosperity and health. Let every deed be crowned with victory, and every day a joyful event. Happy New Year, comrades!

My dear colleagues! May this New Year knock on your door with a fairy tale, and may your life be filled with miracles! May fate present you with more and more new gifts every day and spoil you with unexpected, and most importantly, pleasant surprises! I wish good luck to accompany you in everything - both in your personal life and, of course, in your professional endeavors. Feel free to step towards something new, make incredible discoveries, and fate will certainly thank you for your courage!

Dear Colleagues! The New Year has arrived! We all did a great job, and now it's time to celebrate a magical New Year's holiday. I wish each of you simple human happiness, because without it the world becomes gray. Health to you and your loved ones! New original ideas and grandiose career advancements. Let our wonderful team become even more friendly, and together we are not afraid of any heights. Happy New Year!

My dear and respected colleagues, I wish everyone a Happy New Year. May good luck and happiness knock on everyone's door this New Year. May each of you realize your cherished dream and achieve your goals. Let your soul be joyful and cheerful. Let your family and friends always be nearby. Hooray!

Dear Colleagues! Great luck to be in the same friendly team with you and, every day, together and amicably solve new, even complex, tasks! In the New Year, I want to wish you and those who are dear to you health, success in everything planned, and your most secret dreams come true in an incredibly magical, unimaginable way!

Happy New Year, dear colleagues! May this year, like a breath of fresh inspiration, bring you many ideas and suggestions, may all your steps and undertakings be crowned with success! We wish you healthy stubbornness, inexhaustible energy, endless enthusiasm and, of course, as an assessment of your worthy work, financial well-being!

Happy New Year, colleagues. Let this year start successfully and beautifully. May everyone be very lucky from the first days. May hard work and zeal for work always be appreciated and have its reward. May each of us have our own victories and further advancement in our activities, and may life give everyone happiness and love. I wish everyone bright holidays and a wonderful mood.

Dear and dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year! May the new year fill you with new strength and new ideas, new plans and new luck! I wish you good health, significant achievements and career advancements, high goals and undoubted success, deep respect and a happy life!

Happy New Year, colleagues. I wish that everyone has their own Santa Claus, who will fulfill your wishes, I wish that the new year brings happiness and joy to everyone in huge quantities. Be successful in the new year, be loved and inspired by a wonderful dream. Good luck to everyone and, most importantly, health!

Dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate everyone on the New Year. I want to wish you a happy and kind, successful and bright year. May everyone in it be healthy and loved, may great victories and achievements await us.

I would like to congratulate our magnificent and friendly team on the New Year with great joy! We are a small family, with our own traditions and relationships, and I wish you all mutual understanding with your work colleagues, more interesting ideas, far-reaching plans and continued good luck in conquering new heights!

Happy New Year, dear and dear colleagues. I wish each of you great success and income, great happiness and kindness, sincere love and joy, bright luck and hope, cheerful mood and well-being.

New Year greetings to business partners

Happy New Year 2019 to our business partners. You can sign a postcard with these wishes, or you can congratulate him personally.

Dear partners, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year. May he bring prosperity to your homes and happiness to your families. May things progress successfully and may luck never turn away from you. Peace to you, prosperity, prosperity and luck

Official New Year's greetings in prose to organizations

Happy New Year to the organizations we work with side by side. In our wishes, we be sure to mention further cooperation, success, financial and creative growth, and wish health and happiness to their families.

Happy New Year! We wish you great achievements and great ideas. May this year bring good luck and profit to your organization, may your team friendships and your connections with partners become stronger, may New Year’s Eve fulfill the wishes of all employees and inspire everyone to great success.

Happy New Year to your wonderful organization! We wish you productive workdays, promising projects, solid partners, stable development, cash growth, and mutual understanding within the company! May this New Year bring prosperity and happiness to all employees!

Happy New Year, we hasten to congratulate you and wish you successful activities! May new prospects open up in the coming year, and may all started projects be sure to meet expectations! We wish you profit growth, strengthening partnerships and customer trust!

May success and well-deserved recognition be your faithful companions in 2019. We wish you creative and financial growth, stability and responsible partners, useful acquaintances and pleasant discoveries, implementation of new projects and conquering new heights.

Happy New Year. We wish you a successful present and promising future. May the new year be successful and profitable for your organization. May your work proceed smoothly and confidently throughout the year, may each new day be marked by high results and achievements.

Happy New Year. We wish you a confident start to a big victory, an important goal, and great success from the first days of the new year. And let your companions in the new year be perspective, benefit, luck, profit, confidence, activity, professionalism and skill.

On behalf of the entire team, allow me to wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! We would like to thank you for the successful cooperation in 2018 and believe that the coming year will be even more fruitful and successful for you! We wish that 2019 brings you the opportunity to look confidently into the future and good luck in all your affairs and endeavors. Happy holiday!

Dear customers, we congratulate you on the New Year and hasten to wish you only profitable agreements and contracts, only promising and successful ideas, only successful and fruitful days. Happiness to you and your loved ones, great victories and significant events.

Happy New Year! Let your product quickly find a market, enjoy supply and demand. And it will be able to compete sensibly with similar enterprises. I wish to become the first in my business.

Comic congratulations to colleagues on the New Year of the Pig in prose

Congratulating your colleagues with humor is a great idea to create a relaxed, fun holiday atmosphere.

Forget about titles, positions and regalia this evening. Today you are boys and girls, bunnies and squirrels. I wish everyone who worked well for a year, did not shirk or be lazy, have a lot of fun, eat delicious food and drink champagne. Let the cheerful spirit of the corporate party unite the people and add positivity. I wish you the same joyful, friendly crowd, led by a leader, to burst into the New Year and make it successful, joyful and prosperous.

Our people are having fun, today we celebrate the New Year as a friendly team. Congratulations to everyone, my dear colleagues. I would like to wish that after the corporate party there is no headache, that after the New Year everyone returns to work with vigorous strength, that the coming year will save us from boredom and fatigue, and give us good luck and the key to great success. Well, for now, let’s put aside all thoughts about work and turn on the New Year’s lights on our tree!

Happy New Year, dear colleagues! I wish you to have great fun on New Year's Eve, dance and eat delicious food, as long as you don't wake up with your face in a salad. To ensure that everything went well at work, the boss did not shout, but only handed out bonuses.

My dear comrades, colleagues and friends, today is our New Year’s corporate party, today we are celebrating the New Year with our friendly team. I wish everyone to work hard and not have unnecessary worries, I wish them to strive for the heights of success, to meet this year with great hopes and grandiose plans.

In this year of the pig, I wish you to swim in a lot of goodness and money. Let the pig bring you success, joy and prosperity with its little patch. Let this congratulation be the start for a string of fulfillment of the most long-awaited desires, and let this year become profitable and filled with only joyful events. Happy New Year!

The New Year is grunting outside the window, and the old one is leaving with a sad bark. Happy New Year 2019 of the Pig! Let everyone have: 2 - multiple salary each month, 0 problems and concerns, 1 the only and true love, 9 good trusted friends and 2019 smiles every day!

Happy New Year. May you always be able to look at life soberly, but at the same time be intoxicated with happiness. I wish that the champagne will wash away past grievances and sorrows, that the new year will bring as much luck and fun as there are peas in the largest Olivier bowl.

Happy New Year. I wish you not to fall face-first into Olivier, I wish you not to get drunk on champagne, I wish you a cool New Year, so that the rest of your life will be cool. Don’t expect miracles, create miracles yourself and be that gift!

Well, Happy New Year to you. I wish you a villa near the ocean and a yacht for a happy voyage, I also wish you money in a bag, more than Santa Claus and other funds and benefits, more than the coolest bigwigs on Earth. A beautiful love story and great luck to you in the new year.

The New Year is knocking on the door, which means it’s time to kick all your problems away, stock up on armfuls of groceries, and gain positivity with a wide, contented smile. Smile and have fun, drive away all bad thoughts! Like champagne, bubble with joy and dream of great prospects!

Happy New Year and from the bottom of my heart I wish you if it’s crap, then only to cold, if it’s a fall, then only into the arms of a loved one, if it’s fear, then only from enemies, if it’s garbage, then only in the form of bottles of expensive alcohol and containers of amazing caviar .

Happy New Year, with new joy and good luck. I wish you the sweet-tangerine taste of happiness, a cheerful and magical mood, like colorful New Year's tinsel, a bright star on the top of an elegant Christmas tree, under which you will find a bag of dust and a box of health, stronger than mead.

Cool Happy New Year 2019 greetings to partners

Cool New Year's wishes are a great idea to congratulate partners with whom you have been working for many years and have eaten more than a pound of salt with them. :))

Congratulations on the upcoming holidays. We would like to wish you prosperity, family happiness, excellent health and faith in your own strength. May your work always bring you pleasure and high income. Have a good mood and happy New Year holidays.

Happy New Year, dear partners! I wish that this year brings new great opportunities and prospects for prosperity and success. Let there be happiness in your homes, love in your hearts, and stability, trust, honesty, mutual understanding and good luck in our partnerships!

Dear partners, I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday. I would like to thank you for your trust. I wish that our fruitful work in the coming year will bring even more results, that the year will bring new prospects and opportunities. May all your dreams come true as the chimes strike, and may you always have an atmosphere of understanding and love in your home.

Happy New Year! Please accept our most sincere wishes! May only success and prosperity await you in business this year! We wish you the implementation of your projects, strong and fruitful cooperation. Happy New Year!

Dear partners! May this New Year be generous with successful deals, promising proposals and new projects. Let work become an inexhaustible source of inspiration, wealth and self-realization. Good luck and prosperity in business and in your personal life!

Dear partners! I would like to sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! I wish that this year brings us new opportunities, fresh ideas and opens up new perspectives. May the coming year bring good health, prosperity in work and happiness in your personal life! Happy holiday to you!

Our dear partners, faithful and good friends! On the New Year, let me wish your business growth and prosperity, successful deals and the most profitable contracts! Let you have a sea of ​​customers - business, stable and reliable, and let your work bring you not only a huge fortune, but even greater satisfaction and joy! We wish you not to know crises and failures, to always be on the wave and grow rich by leaps and bounds! Let your families be strong, filled with love, understanding and mutual respect!

Dear partners, may the coming year be a year of success, prosperity and bright achievements for you! We really appreciate what has developed between us during our cooperation and believe that in the new year it will help us achieve new professional victories!

A reliable and respected partner is a great success. We are lucky to have you, we are proud of our cooperation. We wish you the most ambitious plans, good luck and prosperity. Health to your team, success in your professional field, and happiness in your personal life. Happy new fruitful year!

Dear partners, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year. May he bring prosperity to your homes and happiness to your families. May things progress successfully and may luck never turn away from you. Peace, prosperity, prosperity and luck to you.

Happy New Year, dear partners! I wish you creative ideas and ingenious solutions to the most important problems, fruitful transactions and profitable investments, success in your work and always successful cooperation. May the year be favorable and promising for you in all directions, with simple little joys and financial ups!

Dear and reliable partners, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year. I would like to wish you incredible luck, brilliant prospects, profitable offers, useful ideas, successful activities, high incomes, good health, optimistic mood, great happiness and family well-being.

Happy New Year, my dear and respected partners! May this year bring many lucrative contracts, brilliant prospects and interesting offers! May all your wishes come true as the chimes strike! Let every day of your activity be fruitful and successful! Let every moment of your life be happy and unforgettable!

Official New Year's greetings to business partners

You can congratulate Happy New Year 2019 officially; this is usually done if you have a lot of business partners and you are not on friendly terms with everyone. :))

Dear partners, I congratulate you on the New Year. Let me wish you strength and confidence, great opportunities and successful days. May the coming year be a year of victories, achievements, prospects, benefits and income, may our partnership become even stronger. New ideas to all and good luck for their implementation.

Happy New Year, dear partners. I would like to wish you firm and confident positions, bold and correct decisions, promising and profitable offers, large and stable incomes. May we achieve significant success and great results in the new year.

Dear and invaluable our partners! Our friendly team wishes you a Happy New Year! We sincerely wish you more successful projects, hardworking employees, profits, inspiration, enthusiasm for work, creative ideas and prosperity!

Happy New Year, dear partners. I would like to wish you great prospects and good luck, worthy victories and significant breakthroughs in your activities. May you have enough strength, ideas and inspiration for new starts and important things. Good health to you in the new year and all the best.

Happy New Year, dear partners. I wish you enthusiasm in your work, desire for success, and prosperity in life. May the new year be the year of our joint victories and achievements, may it bring you luck, prospects and great potential.

Happy New Year. I wish you successful development of our partnerships, I wish you many promising offers and lucrative contracts, joint victories and high incomes in the new year.

Happy New Year, dear partners. I wish you to strive and win, to invest your work and talent in any business, and to certainly receive high results and success. May our cooperation in the new year be built on mutual understanding, trust and honesty, may each of you have a lot of opportunities and prospects.

Happy New Year! May all your affairs be successful and may the negotiations be resolved in your favor. Happiness, health and success.

Happy New Year, dear partners! I wish that this year brings new great opportunities and prospects for prosperity and success. Let there be happiness in your homes, love in your hearts, and stability, trust, honesty, mutual understanding and good luck in our partnerships!

Dear partners, I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday. I would like to thank you for your trust. I wish that our fruitful work in the coming year will bring even more results, that the year will bring new prospects and opportunities. May all your dreams come true as the chimes strike, and may you always have an atmosphere of understanding and love in your home.

Happy New Year! Please accept our most sincere wishes! May only success and prosperity await you in business this year! We wish you the implementation of your projects, strong and fruitful cooperation. Happy New Year!

Dear partners! May this New Year be generous with successful deals, promising proposals and new projects. Let work become an inexhaustible source of inspiration, wealth and self-realization. Good luck and prosperity in business and in your personal life!

May the upcoming holiday bring you many exciting and pleasant surprises, and may you be surrounded by only pleasant, kind, smart and honest people. I wish you that your environment fills your life and work with pleasant emotions and positivity.

New Year's holidays are approaching - it's time for changes, happy smiles and plans for the future. May this year bring you success in business, happiness in your family and good mood. I wish you faith in yourself and your team, successful development of your company and great achievements.

Universal wishes for business official congratulations

To wish Happy New Year, you can use universal wishes.

Such phrases are perfect for congratulations in an official business style:

  • implementation of creative ideas;
  • interesting fruitful ideas and opportunities for their implementation;
  • continued good luck and fair winds in all endeavors;
  • stable financial position;
  • success in business and achieving your goals;
  • thoughtful decisions and implementation of all projects;
  • wisdom, vigilance, patience and consistency;
  • well-being (to you and your company) and prosperity;
  • confidence in the future and inexhaustible optimism;
  • good spirits and good mood;
  • remain full of energy and love of life;
  • life luck and good fortune;
  • positive attitude and great creative heights;
  • fulfillment of all your most cherished desires;
  • do not lose enthusiasm and enthusiasm;
  • mental comfort;
  • a sea of ​​joyful impressions;
  • Let Luck, Recognition and Success be your constant companions.

Short original New Year's greetings to colleagues and friends

It is very convenient to send short Happy New Year greetings in the form of SMS, wishes on social networks - Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, etc.

Colleagues, Happy New Year! I wish you less numbers and letters running before your eyes; let it be better for you to see the sea, the forest and the long-awaited vacation. We wish you all career growth and a positive mood at work!

Friends, the New Year is just around the corner, and with it the long-awaited weekend. I wish you to spend them unforgettably, with new impressions and positive emotions overflowing. May the New Year bring good luck, profit and success to each of us.

Dear colleagues, Happy New Year! Let there be more business trips to warm countries this year; let the team become your support and support. So that you open your eyes with joy in the morning and go do what you love and interesting.

In the New Year, I wish everyone a strong liver and an internal navigator so that you know exactly how you got to where you woke up.

May the New Year soon take away all the sorrows, take with it the anxieties, and open the roads to joy. Let him bring you luck, so that you can buy a dacha, a car, and a trip, so that everything in life can be decided cleverly!

Happy New Year! Let the table break, but the stomach does not suffer, let rivers of champagne flow, but the liver remains healthy, let the fun not stop, but the face does not bruise. In the New Year, I wish you to be a nimble, jumping bunny in an expensive fur coat and with cabbage in your pocket.

Happy New Year. I wish you not only a red star on the Christmas tree, but also a fish with caviar on the table, I wish you not only bright garlands on the walls, but also impressions for the whole year. Let the new year be lucky, rich, super-cool.

Happy New Year! Let the table break, but the stomach does not suffer, let rivers of champagne flow, but the liver remains healthy, let the fun not stop, but the face does not bruise. In the New Year, I wish you to be a nimble, jumping bunny in an expensive fur coat and with cabbage in your pocket.

Happy New Year! May this year give you a lot of opportunities and beautiful ideas, happy occasions and good moments.

Happy New Year! I wish you to be in a cycle of happiness, love, success and joy for the whole year. May miracles happen and dreams always come true!

Happy New Year! May he bring only goodness and happiness, good luck and health to your home. May your life improve 2019 times over in the new year.

Happy New Year. I wish you miracles and magic, love and bright impressions, great adventures and joy, happy moments and good luck for the whole year.

On the New Year, I wish you kindness, warmth, income and profit, health, creativity and knowledge, realization and ascents, conquering peaks, smiles, joy, wonderful and life-changing achievements!

May all, even the most fabulous, dreams come true. In the coming year, I wish you new prospects, increased well-being, and many more reasons for happiness and smiles.

Happy New Year and wish you with all my heart a great miracle and a magical mood, incredible happiness and great luck for the whole year.

Happy New Year greetings to the management (director)

We take note of the wonderful congratulations to the boss (director) on the New Year and congratulate him personally or with the help of a postcard. :))

Our dear, dear, best boss! Our friendly, cheerful, hardworking team with all our hearts and with all sincerity hastens to congratulate you on the New Year, new changes, new emotions and happiness! We wish you that every new day will be better, brighter, more entertaining and productive than the previous one, that you will be surrounded by conscientious, efficient and good people, that all your ideas and plans will come true!

Dear leader!

At this magical time, on the eve of bright changes, we want to sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. And, of course, I sincerely wish that you always remain the same ideal boss - wise, fair, talented and simply unsurpassed in all respects.

So that in the New Year, 2019, work, as before, will be a special spiritual joy for you, and your family will be a reliable and strong rear.

Let your bright home always be comfortable and cozy, warming your heart with the warmth of its hearth. Good health to you and fulfillment of all your desires and plans!

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! New Year is a special holiday: it gives hope for happiness and good luck, and brings the joy of new beginnings. The past year has been full of important events and achievements. In the coming year we wish you good health, happiness, mental fortitude, self-confidence and optimism. May your family and friends always be with you, and may prosperity, love and prosperity reign in your homes.

The New Year is usually associated with hopes for the best, so let all the good things that made you happy in the past year certainly find their continuation in the coming year. May the New Year give you prosperity, the fulfillment of your cherished dreams, strengthen your faith in the future, and may success accompany all your endeavors always and in everything. I wish you peace, harmony, patience, kindness, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to my wonderful and respected boss. May this holiday give good miracles and strong strength, may New Year's wishes come true soon, may the new year be marked by great successes and great prospects in work, happy moments and joyful news in life.

Happy New Year, boss. I wish that in the new year all wishes come true, all dreams come true, all plans come true, all hopes come true, all goals are achieved, and all successes are multiplied tens or even hundreds of times.

On the New Year, let me wish you further prosperity of our organization, its expansion and global changes for the better, and you personally - a lot of health to achieve the planned heights, financial well-being and happiness in your personal life!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May it be even more fruitful for you than the outgoing one. Let him bring new contracts, ideas, and give him competent partners. We wish happiness and prosperity to your beautiful family. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, a new beginning on the path to success, happiness and prosperity. You are a wonderful boss and a good person, and I wish you not to lose these qualities in the new year. May you be lucky all year, may you succeed in achieving any goals, may this year be good and successful for you.

We wish you, dear boss, that the holidays in your soul never pass. May your heart always rejoice, may justice and at the same time severity always be with you. Walk confidently on your life path, where luck will certainly be your faithful companion.

Happy holiday to our dear leader! We wish you success in life, the fulfillment of your plans and plans. So that your employees make you happy and your business prospers. We wish you good holidays and pleasant guests! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, dear boss. I wish you to believe in a miracle and feel the good magic on New Year’s Eve, put aside old worries and problems, and start the new year with new strength and inspiration. May good luck and happiness be with you, may love warm your heart, and may success in your work please your soul.

Happy New Year! I wish you family happiness, peace of mind and comfort. So that everything goes well and you become more successful. I wish you financial security, support, lucrative contracts and the love of your subordinates, easy flights and long vacations.

Dear director!

New Year is one of the most long-awaited and favorite holidays for each of us. It doesn’t matter at all how old we are and what our position in society is, this magical time of waiting for miracles lives and will live in our souls.

After all, this particular holiday is filled with some kind of inexplicable magic, the expectation of something bright and amazing, wonderful and mysterious. On behalf of the entire team, I would like to wish the coming year to be even better than the outgoing one.

Let faith in the best never leave you, and let goodness become a reliable companion for all 365 days!

Our dear leader, wise mentor and simply an ideal boss!

Please accept the most sincere congratulations from our team on the upcoming New Year. Let every day that looms with bright changes on the new calendar be marked by some special achievement, a good deed, the gratitude of colleagues and the respect of subordinates.

Let all tasks be easily solved, and desires and plans clearly and beautifully come true. We have always admired your endless energy and optimistic enthusiasm, experienced wisdom and sound judgment.

We hope that in the New Year, under your strict leadership, we will be able to achieve phenomenal success.

New Year's greetings to clients on the Year of the Pig

We congratulate our clients on the New Year and wish them all the best, warmth and comfort, and inexhaustible vitality.

Our dear clients! Let me congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. Cooperation with you gives us sincere pleasure. Over the past year, you have become not just clients for us, but also good friends. We hope that next year our relations will be able to reach an even higher level. Please accept our sincere congratulations. Sincerely…

Dear clients, our dear friends! On this New Year, I would like to sincerely thank you for your attention to us, interest in what we do and, of course, for your endless trust! I congratulate you on this magical holiday and wish you prosperity in business, well-being in your personal life, more joint projects and successful completion of all the projects you have started!

We are pleased to wish Happy New Year to our regular customers! We thank you for choosing us and hope that next year our cooperation will become even more fruitful. We wish you prosperity and prosperity in the coming year!

Our dear clients! Let the coming New Year begin to live up to its expectations from the first week of January. I wish you to have round sums all year round!

Our dear clients, we cordially congratulate you on the New Year! We hope that the same fruitful cooperation awaits us in the new year. We believe that the openness and trust that has developed between us will help us all achieve success and prosperity!

Our dear and wonderful clients, we wish you a Happy New Year. Let a good holiday knock on your doors with gifts and a wonderful mood. May all your family and loved ones be healthy in the new year. May every day be filled with happiness and love. May the choices you make and decisions you make never upset you. Peace to you, dear ones, prosperity and prosperity.

Dear friends, we are glad to enter the new year with you! Let me congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and wish you and your families health, success and prosperity. So that the new year brings new victories and achievements, so that your most cherished wishes come true. And we will continue to help you achieve your goals, giving the best we have.

Dear friends, Happy New Year! In the coming year, we wish you peace, goodness, health, as much warmth and comfort as possible, inexhaustible vitality, and achievement of your goals. May the new year be accompanied only by positive emotions and significant events.

Happy New Year, dear clients. May your wishes come true, may your ideas be successfully translated into reality, may your aspirations and dreams lead you to new heights of happiness. Be loved and healthy in the new year, live prosperously and remember: we value each of you.

Dear friends, Happy New Year! Thank you for your choice and trust. We are glad to see you in the new year. Loving and respecting you, we wish you a wonderful mood, family comfort, friendly meetings, love adventures, kindness, beauty, smiles, understanding, a cheerful atmosphere, pleasant companies, an inner feeling of celebration.

Dear Clients! Happy New Year! May the coming year give you all joy, good news, fruitful ideas, joyful moments. We want to wish you all the best. We hope that the New Year will bring you and me even stronger business relationships, and we will try to continue to delight you with our work. During our cooperation with you, you have become more than clients for us. You have become true friends to us. Happy holiday to you!

Next year we wish you good luck, prosperity, prosperity, comfort and warmth in your families. So that what you think and dream about comes true. And we, in turn, will try to work for you even better and faster, so that you are always satisfied with our services. Happy New Year!

Cool holiday greetings to colleagues at a corporate party

Let's look at some cool New Year greetings to colleagues in prose.

Happy New Year, my dear colleagues. I wish everyone to be in a wonderful mood today, I wish us to have a lot of fun, and may the whole coming year be as easy and successful as this holiday for us. Let us leave all the mistakes and failures in the past and, with new strength, absolute confidence and grandiose plans, set out on a new path. I wish you all love, inspiration and good luck.

Dear Colleagues! I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and sincerely wish you great professional and personal success in life. You are the best, punctual, obliging employees, it is easy and pleasant to cooperate with them. May your secret dreams and aspirations always come true, and may your life’s journey become a fascinating journey through the nooks and crannies of the multifaceted secrets of the world. This New Year will definitely become a launching pad for you for new achievements!

The funniest, most successful, most wonderful colleagues, I congratulate everyone on the New Year, let's hold a corporate event today that we will all remember with bright moments and positive emotions. May everyone have great joy in the new year, may everyone’s work allow them to realize all their interesting ideas and achieve new successes, may everyone’s life be happy and amazing. Happy New Year, comrades! Believe in your dream and it will certainly come true.

I would like to wish everyone gathered here today a bag. In the bag may there be success in business, ups in your career, prosperity in life and love in your homes. Another box containing happiness and love. A scattering of joy and laughter. And lots and lots of light! All the best to you in the new year, dear colleagues!

Happy New Year, my dear friends, my wonderful and kind team. Today we say goodbye to the old year, letting go of all grievances and failures. I wish that in the new year everyone will be very lucky, that everything will certainly work out and that happiness will smile on everyone in life.

Dear colleagues, we warmly and wholeheartedly hasten to express our congratulations on the occasion of the New Year to you at this corporate evening! Be successful, in demand, creative, healthy and loved. May hope and faith in a bright and positive beginning of a new day always live in your hearts.

Dear colleagues, Happy New Year! I wish you creative success in all your endeavors, creative thinking in solving difficult tasks, career growth, prosperity and a favorable environment in your families.

My dear colleagues, our long-awaited New Year's corporate party has arrived, which promises to be fun, unpredictable, eventful and extravagant. Today I want to wish everyone prosperity, grace, prospects for the coming year, peaceful and responsive clients and harmony in your homes! May everything come true and work out for us in the new year. Let all your dreams come true, and let past grievances fade into oblivion. Happy new year friends. Peace, goodness and happiness!

My favorite team! We have been together in both the brightest and darkest times for this company, so after everything we have lived together, I can call you my little family! Today we have a New Year's corporate party, and I wish you to have fun today from the heart, and in the New Year not to be upset about trifles, work conscientiously and follow your dreams!

My wonderful colleagues, today we celebrate the New Year with our entire team. And I, friends, would like to wish you all to work and relax actively and begin your new path to success and glory in the new year. And today may Santa Claus give us a reason for fun and joy, a ticket for everyone to career growth and happiness in life.

Congratulations to the team from the manager in his own words

The head of any organization can congratulate his team in his own words. Let's look at interesting ideas for New Year's wishes.

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on the New Year holidays and wish you new achievements, success in all your endeavors, financial stability and excellent health. Let your workdays always be fun and interesting, and let your weekends be spent with family and close friends.

New Year brings hope for good luck, success and happiness. I would like to wish my colleagues a year filled with happy and joyful events. Let there be room in your life not only for an interesting and highly paid job, but also for relaxation with the whole family.

Happy New Year! Last year was not easy, but fruitful. Thank you, dear colleagues, for all our victories and ups. Creative success and fresh ideas this year.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year - the most magical and joyful holiday. May this holiday bring goodness, prosperity, happiness and the fulfillment of everything you have long dreamed of into your life. I wish you that your work brings not only moral, but also material satisfaction.

Happy New Year, my dear colleagues. And as a leader, I give the order to be happy in the new year, to achieve great success, not to give up on your desires and hopes, to believe in yourself and enjoy all the benefits of life.

Dear colleague! I wish that in the coming year you will be surrounded only by honest and responsible people, and that your home will be a cozy and happy place. Patience, good luck in all your endeavors, success in business and, of course, the best health.

The New Year ignites new hopes, new happiness and achievement of goals in people's hearts. Colleagues, may the coming year greet you with happy smiles, children's laughter and pleasant surprises.

New Year's holidays are approaching - it's time for changes, happy smiles and plans for the future. May this year bring you success in business, happiness in your family and good mood. I wish you faith in yourself and your team, successful development of our organization and great achievements.

May all, even the most fabulous, dreams come true. I wish you in the coming year that you will have new prospects, your well-being will increase, and there will be many more reasons for happiness and smiles.

Dear friends, I wish you to take the best from this year and successfully multiply it in the next one. And let all the minor and major troubles that befall you in your work become only a useful experience.

Congratulations on the upcoming holidays, colleagues. I would like to wish you prosperity, family happiness, excellent health and faith in your own strength. May your work always bring you pleasure and high income. Have a good mood and happy New Year holidays!

Happy New Year of the Pig cards to colleagues and partners

Happy New Year cards for colleagues and partners can be downloaded and printed on a color printer. You can send them by email. To do this, we will use ready-made pictures or correct them in Photoshop, adding the name of our organization or our wishes.

The New Year holidays are approaching - a time of miracles and magic. We send sincere and kind congratulations to our family and friends, colleagues and partners with wishes of happiness, success and joy in prose or congratulate them personally.

Happy New Year!

Happiness, love and joy!

Have a productive new year
Will give wisdom for decisions,
Will bring success and joy,
Planned - execution,
May things go well,
The partnership continues
We wish you happiness and goodness,
And let everything work out.

Happy New Year! We wish you stable income growth so that there is no room for failures and conflicts in business! Let our partnerships prosper, strengthen and bring success, and let nothing undermine trust!

Dear and dear our partners! This year we wish you more interesting and productive projects, ineffective competitors, honest and trusted employees and prosperity in all your endeavors! Don’t be afraid to take risks, boldly face difficulties, believe in luck and a lucky star!

Happy New Year, partners. I would like to sincerely wish you health, health and once again health. If we have health, we will be able to achieve everything else. May this year be successful and successful for you, may it bring prosperity to your families and joy to your hearts. I wish you more new prospects and income, new ideas and opportunities.

Happy New Year, my dear partners. May the coming year help us with good luck for the prosperity of our joint business, may the New Year's fairy tale settle in your homes, may Santa Claus bring peace and blessings to your families. I wish you new strength and good health, great prospects and inevitable success.

Congratulations to all my business partners!
May the New Year bring us success.
Of course, let your income grow,
And let life, of course, bloom.

Let your plans and dreams come true,
Let all the interference break down into trash.
Health, love, warmth, understanding
I wish you all from the heart!

I wish you success in the New Year,
Many new victories, achievements,
A sea of ​​joy, jokes and laughter,
Positive, wonderful moments!

May your wishes come true
The business will only grow upward,
All expectations will be met,
May your life be happy!

Dear partners! I am pleased to sum up the results of our joint cooperation in the past year. I wish that the productivity from this cooperation will only reach peak values. I wish stable growth for our enterprises, increased income, new contracts and the same effective partnership. Many new clients, well-being and health. Happy New Year!

Have a great New Year,
Stepping lightly on the threshold,
will bring prospects
In a businesslike, respectable race.

Let your income increase
The status is getting stronger every day,
The year will begin with new things,
And success will crown them!

In business we are together
We've been through a lot,
They flew up together
It threw us to the side.

But, beloved partners,
We went through the rough seas together,
On New Year's Day we wish
Keep it up guys, keep going.

Let our business prosper,
Let the families be happy
And capricious fortune
Let him not forget about us.

Happy New Year, dear partners! I wish that this year brings new great opportunities and prospects for prosperity and success. Let there be happiness in your homes, love in your hearts, and stability, trust, honesty, mutual understanding and good luck in our partnerships!

Happy New Year! Please accept our most sincere wishes! May only success and prosperity await you in business this year! We wish you the implementation of your projects, strong and fruitful cooperation. Happy New Year!

Dear partners! I would like to sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! I wish that this year brings us new opportunities, fresh ideas and opens up new perspectives. May the coming year bring good health, prosperity in work and happiness in your personal life! Happy holiday to you!

Dear partners, I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday! I would like to thank you for your trust. I wish that our fruitful work in the coming year will bring even more results, that the year will bring new prospects and opportunities. May all your dreams come true when the chimes strike, and may you always have an atmosphere of understanding and love in your home!

Dear partners! May this new year be generous with successful deals, promising proposals and new projects. Let work become an inexhaustible source of inspiration, wealth and self-realization. Good luck and prosperity in business and in your personal life!

Happy New Year, my dear partners. I wish you a productive, promising, successful, successful, diverse, fun, happy coming year. May things go well, may everything be well in your families, may every day of the new year give you a great mood, excellent well-being and large-scale opportunities to realize all your ideas.

Dear partners, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year. May he bring prosperity to your homes and happiness to your families. May things progress successfully and may luck never turn away from you. Peace, prosperity, prosperity and luck to you.

Dear partners, may the coming year be a year of success, prosperity and bright achievements for you! We really appreciate the mutual understanding that has developed between us during our cooperation and believe that in the new year it will help us achieve new professional victories!

Happy New Year, dear partners! I wish you to go into the new year with new strength and new ideas that will certainly lead us all to success. With all my heart I wish you good health, prosperity in your family, good luck in business, sincerity in love, prestige both in work and in life!

Happy New Year, dear partners! I wish you creative ideas and ingenious solutions to the most important problems, fruitful transactions and profitable investments, success in your work and always successful cooperation. May the year be favorable and promising for you in all directions, with simple little joys and financial ups!

One of the most difficult tasks for organizations before the New Year is to beautifully congratulate business partners or other companies with whom they have to contact on work issues throughout the year.

New Year's greetings to partners and clients should be correct, appropriate, extremely polite, without subtle hints and jokes that could be misunderstood. And simply beautiful and sincere.

We offer a small selection of congratulation texts that will undoubtedly be useful to you before this holiday.

By the way, you need to send them by email on the eve of the last working day, so that your partners will read them this year, and not next year, after the New Year holidays, when the congratulations will no longer be relevant.

Congratulations to partners in prose

On behalf of the team... we wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Please accept our most sincere and warm New Year wishes. May the 20th year bring you a lot of happiness, health, joy and good luck, may it be the year of fulfillment of your cherished desires and achievement of new creative successes!

Happy holiday, friends! We hope that our business relationship will only strengthen in the new year, bringing fabulously high profits to both parties. May success accompany all endeavors, and may satisfaction from work know no bounds! May you continue to develop and achieve a high level of excellence!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the New Year, ____ and the bright holiday of Christmas. With hope for further fruitful cooperation and best wishes,...

Dear partners, friends! Thank you for your effective and comfortable cooperation! And on the glorious New Year holiday, we sincerely wish you further joint prosperity, individual success and radiant smiles, symbolizing prosperity and self-realization in all your plans!

There is no more desirable holiday in the year than the New Year. I congratulate you, my partners, on its advent and wish in the new year the continuation of our fruitful cooperation and good luck to our common cause, to each of us and all the people in this world... and even to our competitors. Happy New Year!

Please accept my kindest congratulations and sincere wishes for happiness, health and prosperity in the New _____ Year! We wish you and the entire team professional success. May luck and favor of fortune never leave you.

Dear partners! We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and Merry Christmas! May the New Year enter your homes as a generous and cheerful guest, sow harmony in your families, and give many new successes on the paths of life! We wish that for each of us this year becomes the best of the best, bringing good health, prosperity, and many joyful days. And for our common family - (name of companies) - let this be a year of real economic takeoff, the results of which will be felt by every family!

We sincerely congratulate you on the bright and joyful holidays of the New Year and the Nativity of Christ! These holidays are special! Every time the New Year is the starting point from which we begin our new, better life! We are all creating new hopes and hopes for a happy future! We sincerely wish that the New Year will give you happiness and joy, increase life inspiration, spiritual renewal, wisdom, endurance and optimism.

Dear partners! Having worked productively this year, we would like to prolong our successful cooperation for future periods and therefore, with the advent of the New Year, we wish you to embark on the path of confident development, increase what you have already achieved, staff the staff with the most qualified and responsible employees and not forget about those , with whom the right course was once so successfully taken.

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and Merry Christmas! We wish you fresh strength for new achievements, creative success in your professional activities, family harmony, prosperity, loyal friends and reliable partners in good deeds!

Dear partners, we cordially congratulate you on the holidays! We hope that the same fruitful cooperation awaits us in the new year. We believe that the openness and trust that has developed between us will help us all achieve success and prosperity!

I would like to wish only the best for the New Year. May the coming year bring you new discoveries, even greater self-confidence, strength of spirit and body, honest victories and universal love!

Dear...! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas! On the eve of the New Year holidays, we would like to wish that Santa Claus will come to your home and fulfill your most cherished wishes. May the wonderful winter holidays bring peace, tranquility, harmony and confidence in the future. We wish you good health, success, family happiness, prosperity and prosperity! We wish you good mood and love, may harmony and good luck reign in your life!

The company... wishes you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! A difficult but exciting year is coming to an end, which has brought us together and made us stronger. It's time to turn this page of the calendar and look into the new ____ year with a smile and faith in the best. May the next year be successful and happy for you, may all your dreams come true and your goals be achieved!

Congratulations to partners in verse

New Year will come soon,
Bringing a lot of ideas.
Congratulations, partners,
And we wish you better days!

May our ties be stronger
Will be next year
And any of the fantasies
They will set the tone of their life!

Let your business grow successfully
And in frosts, and in blizzards,
Despite the whims,
Multiplying your portfolio!

Partner is a proud word for me!
We can especially say a lot
Thanks to your ability to solve everything quickly!
Even if you have to do everything strictly.
You can solve any issues,
And the main thing is to do it all beautifully,
You are the most reliable partner in business!
We usually resolve the entire dispute quickly.
We are so glad to wish you a Happy New Year,
To bring you more joy in life,
Good luck - always, and dreams come true without difficulty.

Dear partners
Happy New Year!
All our grievances, failures, quarrels,
We will leave him at his doorstep.

Let's take good luck with us into the New Year,
Happiness, joy, loyalty and love.
Well, to become a little richer,
We will work together again.

There's not much left until the New Year.
Living in anticipation of the holidays,
We hasten to congratulate you, reliable partners,
And just good friends.

May you be blessed with happiness in the new year
And your wishes will come true.
For business - profit, love and luck.
Health, love and prosperity are in the family.

May the year give us new deals,
Let profits grow like snowdrifts in winter,
Let joy and happiness lead the round dance,
And Santa Claus sometimes comes to us!

Let us raise our glasses some time later,
And let's drink to the bottom for the second beginning!
Let's shake hands, seal the deal,
Let's give our competitors a serious rebuff!

Gentlemen, please accept congratulations:
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas from us!
Our sincere assurances
The fact is that there are no partners better than you.

We carry out general tasks
And there are no barriers for us in our work,
That's why we wish for the New Year
For you, friends, money is snowing.

In our business together
We wish you to prosper for a long time,
Let it be in creative work
The star of success shines on you!

We wish you a lot of new ideas,
So that the client goes crazy,
And a positive balance
For many, many long years!

For the New Year we want to tell you
(you realized this yourself):
We don’t want or wish for any other partners,
Thank you for being with us,
For the right hand, for the right approach,
For profit, for accuracy in business!
We will enter more than one new year,
We hope it’s with you!

In the coming year, I wish that you always
All problems and concerns were resolved without difficulty.

Profit, business flourished, developed, did not limp.
So that support from family and stable weekends.

Happy New Year, partners, I shake your hand.
Be healthy, good luck and love in the New Year!

In the New Year I would like to wish my partners good luck,
Prosperity of ideas and in addition:
Sparkling luck, profit growth,
So that any misfortune can be resolved simply.
So that the table, like a self-assembled house, sparkles with dishes.
So that the glass of success can be drunk to the bottom in an instant.

The fires on the spruce are burning again,
We spend the year again.
How much we have accomplished with you!
How persistently they moved forward!

Discussed: to be or not to be?
Everything was decided by contracts.
We can defeat everyone
With you, faithful partners!

We wish you big deals:
There will be a lot this year
With blue border of plates.
And the sea awaits success!

Congratulations, partners, on the coming year!
Let everything go as planned:
Your deposits and “net” income grow,
Let your business grow without knowing adversity!

And personal life becomes brighter,
And, new plans, let them be different
Influence further work success,
Carrying with you your cheerful laughter!

Dear partners! Just friends!
Our company, including me,
We would like to wish you a merry new year
And leave a few words of gratitude:

We've worked hard together all year
And it was easy and interesting for you and me!
We wish you success and continue to achieve
And remain friends with us forever!

Let me congratulate you on the New Year,
A wonderful holiday - no matter how you look at it,
With its swift and inevitable arrival,
We will remove the calendars from the walls again,
We will put toys, Christmas trees,
Affairs, worries, disputes - all for next year,
Notebooks, folders and notepads are all on the shelves -
So as not to interfere with us celebrating the arrival of the Year.
Thank you all for your partnership and support,
May our path in life be successful
And, without fear of associated costs,
It would not be a sin, so to speak, to rest!

I wish you a great New Year,
And take the Old One away.
I wish you joyful earthly worries,
And kind words without any falsehood,

May all our projects and deeds
The New Year always goes as it should.
There will be less harm from competitors,
And may luck be somewhere nearby.

Only prosperity for your business,
Less taxes and more profits!
Make the weekend days last longer,
To build a new building!

We wish your boss good luck,
Huge accounts in several banks,
They drove in Hummers so that, like tanks,
We, like no one else, understand you about this!

To our partners we are in the New Year
We wish you happiness, health, success,
Black caviar, chocolate, nuts,
Be in the forefront of your business!

And for our part we promise
To be friends with you not in words, but in deeds!
Money like snow, sticky and white,
We wish you good luck in the New Year!

Well, he left, disappeared into the snowstorm,
Our partnership has had a successful year.
I wish that everything we had
In the coming year, the following is growing tirelessly:

Useful connections, income and profit,
Trust, sincerity and creativity,
With whom we could continue to be successful
Run your business with your eyes on the skies!

Don’t you dare, friends, give in to depression,
Having seen annoying failures at times,
Do you remember: there is someone to rely on,
And together we can even cope with a mountain,

We’ll turn it around, if anything happens, if only we’re healthy!
May everyone enjoy the New Year,
It will fill you with bright happiness, shower you with love,
And it brings nothing but good things to families!

Let him secure miracles,
The coming New Year for you:
Let the successful contract last,
The parish will handle the expenses.

Papers, telephones, faxes,
They will now obey you,
The secretaries will begin to try,
The door will open without knocking.

Negotiations, business plans,
And parties - all for five!
Your pockets are full of happiness,
It's time to fill your glasses!

More contracts and profitable deals,
Advances and bonuses in a thicker pocket,
Fewer tricks, pitfalls,
More profitable new ideas for you!

Let our alliance bring only success,
Without unnecessary stress and unnecessary interference,
Luck will certainly find you soon,
We heartily congratulate you, partners!

Please accept my congratulations, partners,
You worked hard as volunteers.
You and I have eaten a pound of salt more than once,
But the results are pleasing to the eye.

I wish you continued victories and good luck,
Partners, do not be afraid of difficult tasks.
They are achievable, our business is an example,
I wish you ups and upwards.

Thank you for your support and help.
We worked well together in business.
I nod politely to my partners,
We carry everything on our shoulders.

So I wish us strength and perseverance.
And more luck in everything.
So that there is dexterity and agility
Insist on your own, if necessary.

We congratulate you!
In business together
We wish you good luck.

Let your grip be strong
And his temper does not weaken.
And with any riddle
The statute will handle it.

May loyal employees
They will do anything for you.
Accounting calculations
They will never let you down.

To our dear partners
We wish you to prosper
Stable with us
Develop business!

High results,
original ideas,
HR talents,
Long-awaited income!

So that plans come true,
The eagle's eye was burning,
The staff tried their best
And they made you happy!

It's very difficult nowadays
Find a companion.
We are all lucky with our partner,
It's true what to say.

I wish you success
Let the money flow like a river.
Our transactions are only joy
And they brought prosperity.

Partners, I want to congratulate you,
I wish you more inspiration,
Of course, let your finances multiply,
Everything is going well in business and it’s working out,
So that there is no shortage of resources,
So that everything goes well at work, too,
And I wish you much prosperity,
It’s easy to complete tasks throughout life,
Let him have time to rest too,
You don’t have to be bored or sad,
After all, life will fill your days with bright colors,
It will make them cheerful and beautiful!

Skills are important in our business,
Thoughtful, correct decisions,
Passion, energy and interest,
So that there is constructive progress.

Partners, we wish you strength and knowledge,
Aspirations and fulfillment of desires,
Personal happiness, kind, bright people,
Happy, bright, happy days!

We love working with you,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
So that issues can be resolved at once,
The salary was pleasing to the eye.

Let the mood be in the team
Always cheerful, positive,
We value and respect you,
And happy holiday once again!

We wish you stability, we wish you prosperity.
We are extremely happy to cooperate with you.
Don't let the crisis at work scare you,
May your investments always be successful.

We look forward to a long cooperation with you,
And that our companies will prosper.
We wish you a united team of employees,
And so that you won’t be able to count the money!